Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB0807
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB0807  093rd General Assembly

SB0807 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 10629 MKM 10925 b

 1        AN ACT concerning disabilities.

 2        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section 1. Short title. This Act  may  be  cited  as  the
 5    Illinois Disabilities Services Advisory Committee Act.

 6        Section  5.  Purpose.   There  is  created  the  Illinois
 7    Disabilities  Services Advisory Committee to provide guidance
 8    and  monitor  the  progress  of  the  Community  Living   and
 9    Disabilities Plan.

10        Section 10.  Committee.
11        (a)  The membership of the Committee shall be composed of
12    a  minimum  of  20  individuals  appointed  by  the Governor,
13    including  persons  with  disabilities,  family  members   of
14    persons   with   disabilities,   representatives  of  various
15    advisory councils, and other  non-governmental  organizations
16    and  individuals  concerned  with  services  for persons with
17    disabilities.
18        (b)  The Committee shall:
19             (1)  Meet quarterly  or  more  often  as  is  deemed
20        necessary.
21             (2)  Serve  in  an  advisory capacity to those State
22        agencies charged with implementation of the  Disabilities
23        Services   Plan,   including  but  not  limited  to:  the
24        Department of Human Services, the  Department  of  Public
25        Aid,  the  Department  on Aging, and the Illinois Housing
26        Development Authority.
27             (3)  Provide ongoing oversight of  progress  to  the
28        Governor  and  General  Assembly  and periodic reports to
29        those State agencies that are responsible for the  plan's
30        implementation,  as  well as periodic recommendations for
                            -2-      LRB093 10629 MKM 10925 b
 1        possible  revisions   to   the   Community   Living   and
 2        Disabilities Plan.
 3             (4)  Work  in  collaboration  with State agencies to
 4        develop and facilitate  a  model  of  individual  choice,
 5        using a person-centered planning approach.
 6             (5)  Identify   opportunities   for  change  through
 7        advances  in   technology,   techniques,   or   promising
 8        practices.
 9             (6)  Assist  in  analyzing  the  impact  on  service
10        delivery of private sector and market forces and changing
11        demographics.
12             (7)  Examine  ways  to  have  funding  for  services
13        follow the consumer's choice for services.

14        Section  99.  Effective  date. This Act takes effect upon
15    becoming law.