Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB0089
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB0089  097th General Assembly




State of Illinois
2011 and 2012


Introduced 1/12/2011, by Rep. Chapin Rose - Chad Hays - Roger L. Eddy - Robert W. Pritchard - Raymond Poe, et al.


See Index

    Creates the Public University Procurement Act. Creates the State University Procurement System, governed by a board consisting of one member appointed by each public university's board of trustees. Requires the System to (1) develop a proposed Procurement Code for Public Universities; (2) implement the Code, in conjunction with each university, after approval by the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules; (3) hire and oversee a full-time Chief Procurement Officer for Public Universities; (4) develop university procurement policies on an ongoing basis; (5) evaluate a university's procurement performance on an ongoing basis; (6) develop an electronic procurement bulletin for the public advertising of all university purchasing opportunities above bid limits; (7) provide sole source hearings for those items in which vendor questions or issues have been raised, with final determinations made by the Chief Procurement Officer; (8) under the Code, require certification to conduct business in this State at the time of an award; and (9) develop diversity goals and a certification process that recognizes higher education's commitment to diversity and to annually publish the results. Provides for an Auditor General audit and report. Repeals the Act on July 1, 2016. Amends the Illinois Procurement Code to provide that from the effective date of the amendatory Act until July 1, 2016, the Code does not apply to public universities in this State. Amends various Acts relating to the governance of public universities in Illinois to provide that no university shall be obligated to comply with (i) any mandate in the Act enacted after the effective date of the amendatory Act or (2) any regulatory mandate promulgated by the Board of Higher Education and adopted by rule. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Public
5University Procurement Act.
6    Section 5. Definitions. In this Act:
7    "Code" means the Procurement Code for Public Universities.
8    "System" means the State University Procurement System.
9    "University" means a public university in this State.
10    Section 10. System created.
11    (a) There is created the State University Procurement
12System, governed by a board consisting of one member appointed
13by each university's board of trustees.
14    (b) The System shall have all of the following
16        (1) To develop a proposed Procurement Code for Public
17    Universities.
18        (2) To implement the Code, in conjunction with each
19    university, after approval under Section 20 of this Act.
20        (3) To hire, for a term to expire on July 1, 2016, and
21    oversee a full-time Chief Procurement Officer for Public
22    Universities, who must be professionally credentialed.



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1        (4) To develop university procurement policies on an
2    ongoing basis.
3        (5) To evaluate a university's procurement performance
4    on an ongoing basis.
5        (6) To develop an electronic procurement bulletin for
6    the public advertising of all university purchasing
7    opportunities above bid limits.
8        (7) To provide sole source hearings for those items in
9    which vendor questions or issues have been raised, with
10    final determinations made by the Chief Procurement
11    Officer.
12        (8) Under the Code, to require certification to conduct
13    business in this State at the time of an award, including
14    subcontractors above prescribed levels through a
15    prequalification process whose results can be accessed by
16    universities.
17        (9) To develop diversity goals and a certification
18    process that recognizes higher education's commitment to
19    diversity, with goals that are at least as rigorous as the
20    Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons
21    with Disabilities Act, and to annually publish the results.
22    Section 15. Chief Procurement Officer duties. The Chief
23Procurement Officer for Public Universities shall have both of
24the following duties:
25        (1) To develop and implement the Code in conjunction



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1    with the System and universities.
2        (2) To appoint a State procurement officer for each
3    university, who must, at a minimum, hold a bachelor's
4    degree and be professionally credentialed within 3 years
5    after appointment.
6    Section 20. Approval of Code. The System shall recommend a
7proposed Code to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules
8(JCAR). JCAR shall review and approve the Code prior to
9implementation. The System must submit to JCAR and JCAR must
10approve any changes to the Code, including without limitation
11bid thresholds, prior to implementation of those changes.
12    Section 25. Audit. The Auditor General shall audit each
13university's compliance with the Code on or before December 1,
142015 and report its findings and recommendations on cost
15avoidance and savings to the General Assembly by filing copies
16of its report on or before December 31, 2015 as provided in
17Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization Act.
18    Section 85. Expiration. This Act is repealed on July 1,
20    Section 90. The Illinois Procurement Code is amended by
21changing Section 1-10 as follows:



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1    (30 ILCS 500/1-10)
2    Sec. 1-10. Application.
3    (a) This Code applies only to procurements for which
4contractors were first solicited on or after July 1, 1998. This
5Code shall not be construed to affect or impair any contract,
6or any provision of a contract, entered into based on a
7solicitation prior to the implementation date of this Code as
8described in Article 99, including but not limited to any
9covenant entered into with respect to any revenue bonds or
10similar instruments. All procurements for which contracts are
11solicited between the effective date of Articles 50 and 99 and
12July 1, 1998 shall be substantially in accordance with this
13Code and its intent.
14    (b) This Code shall apply regardless of the source of the
15funds with which the contracts are paid, including federal
16assistance moneys. This Code shall not apply to:
17        (1) Contracts between the State and its political
18    subdivisions or other governments, or between State
19    governmental bodies except as specifically provided in
20    this Code.
21        (2) Grants, except for the filing requirements of
22    Section 20-80.
23        (3) Purchase of care.
24        (4) Hiring of an individual as employee and not as an
25    independent contractor, whether pursuant to an employment
26    code or policy or by contract directly with that



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1    individual.
2        (5) Collective bargaining contracts.
3        (6) Purchase of real estate, except that notice of this
4    type of contract with a value of more than $25,000 must be
5    published in the Procurement Bulletin within 7 days after
6    the deed is recorded in the county of jurisdiction. The
7    notice shall identify the real estate purchased, the names
8    of all parties to the contract, the value of the contract,
9    and the effective date of the contract.
10        (7) Contracts necessary to prepare for anticipated
11    litigation, enforcement actions, or investigations,
12    provided that the chief legal counsel to the Governor shall
13    give his or her prior approval when the procuring agency is
14    one subject to the jurisdiction of the Governor, and
15    provided that the chief legal counsel of any other
16    procuring entity subject to this Code shall give his or her
17    prior approval when the procuring entity is not one subject
18    to the jurisdiction of the Governor.
19        (8) Contracts for services to Northern Illinois
20    University by a person, acting as an independent
21    contractor, who is qualified by education, experience, and
22    technical ability and is selected by negotiation for the
23    purpose of providing non-credit educational service
24    activities or products by means of specialized programs
25    offered by the university.
26        (9) Procurement expenditures by the Illinois



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1    Conservation Foundation when only private funds are used.
2        (10) Procurement expenditures by the Illinois Health
3    Information Exchange Authority involving private funds
4    from the Health Information Exchange Fund. "Private funds"
5    means gifts, donations, and private grants.
6    (c) This Code does not apply to the electric power
7procurement process provided for under Section 1-75 of the
8Illinois Power Agency Act and Section 16-111.5 of the Public
9Utilities Act.
10    (d) Except for Section 20-160 and Article 50 of this Code,
11and as expressly required by Section 9.1 of the Illinois
12Lottery Law, the provisions of this Code do not apply to the
13procurement process provided for under Section 9.1 of the
14Illinois Lottery Law.
15    (e) From the effective date of this amendatory Act of the
1697th General Assembly until July 1, 2016, this Code does not
17apply to the University of Illinois, Southern Illinois
18University, Illinois State University, Eastern Illinois
19University, Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois
20University, Chicago State University, Governor State
21University, and Northeastern Illinois University.
22(Source: P.A. 95-481, eff. 8-28-07; 95-615, eff. 9-11-07;
2395-876, eff. 8-21-08; 96-840, eff. 12-23-09; 96-1331, eff.
25    Section 100. The University of Illinois Act is amended by



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1adding Section 80 as follows:
2    (110 ILCS 305/80 new)
3    Sec. 80. Unfunded mandates prohibited.
4    (a) The University shall not be obligated to comply with
5the following types of mandates unless a separate appropriation
6has been enacted into law providing full funding for the
7mandate for the academic year during which the mandate is
9        (1) Any mandate in this Act enacted after the effective
10    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
11        (2) Any regulatory mandate promulgated by the Board of
12    Higher Education and adopted by rule after the effective
13    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly
14    other than those promulgated with respect to this Section
15    or statutes already enacted on or before the effective date
16    of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
17    (b) If the amount appropriated to fund a mandate described
18in subsection (a) of this Section does not fully fund the
19mandated activity, then the University may choose to
20discontinue or modify the mandated activity to ensure that the
21costs of compliance do not exceed the funding received.
22    (c) If the University discontinues or modifies a mandated
23activity due to lack of full funding from this State, then the
24University shall annually maintain and update a list of
25discontinued or modified mandated activities. The list shall be



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1provided to the Board of Higher Education upon request.
2    Section 105. The Southern Illinois University Management
3Act is amended by adding Section 65 as follows:
4    (110 ILCS 520/65 new)
5    Sec. 65. Unfunded mandates prohibited.
6    (a) The University shall not be obligated to comply with
7the following types of mandates unless a separate appropriation
8has been enacted into law providing full funding for the
9mandate for the academic year during which the mandate is
11        (1) Any mandate in this Act enacted after the effective
12    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
13        (2) Any regulatory mandate promulgated by the Board of
14    Higher Education and adopted by rule after the effective
15    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly
16    other than those promulgated with respect to this Section
17    or statutes already enacted on or before the effective date
18    of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
19    (b) If the amount appropriated to fund a mandate described
20in subsection (a) of this Section does not fully fund the
21mandated activity, then the University may choose to
22discontinue or modify the mandated activity to ensure that the
23costs of compliance do not exceed the funding received.
24    (c) If the University discontinues or modifies a mandated



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1activity due to lack of full funding from this State, then the
2University shall annually maintain and update a list of
3discontinued or modified mandated activities. The list shall be
4provided to the Board of Higher Education upon request.
5    Section 110. The Chicago State University Law is amended by
6adding Section 5-175 as follows:
7    (110 ILCS 660/5-175 new)
8    Sec. 5-175. Unfunded mandates prohibited.
9    (a) The University shall not be obligated to comply with
10the following types of mandates unless a separate appropriation
11has been enacted into law providing full funding for the
12mandate for the academic year during which the mandate is
14        (1) Any mandate in this Act enacted after the effective
15    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
16        (2) Any regulatory mandate promulgated by the Board of
17    Higher Education and adopted by rule after the effective
18    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly
19    other than those promulgated with respect to this Section
20    or statutes already enacted on or before the effective date
21    of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
22    (b) If the amount appropriated to fund a mandate described
23in subsection (a) of this Section does not fully fund the
24mandated activity, then the University may choose to



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1discontinue or modify the mandated activity to ensure that the
2costs of compliance do not exceed the funding received.
3    (c) If the University discontinues or modifies a mandated
4activity due to lack of full funding from this State, then the
5University shall annually maintain and update a list of
6discontinued or modified mandated activities. The list shall be
7provided to the Board of Higher Education upon request.
8    Section 115. The Eastern Illinois University Law is amended
9by adding Section 10-175 as follows:
10    (110 ILCS 665/10-175 new)
11    Sec. 10-175. Unfunded mandates prohibited.
12    (a) The University shall not be obligated to comply with
13the following types of mandates unless a separate appropriation
14has been enacted into law providing full funding for the
15mandate for the academic year during which the mandate is
17        (1) Any mandate in this Act enacted after the effective
18    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
19        (2) Any regulatory mandate promulgated by the Board of
20    Higher Education and adopted by rule after the effective
21    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly
22    other than those promulgated with respect to this Section
23    or statutes already enacted on or before the effective date
24    of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.



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1    (b) If the amount appropriated to fund a mandate described
2in subsection (a) of this Section does not fully fund the
3mandated activity, then the University may choose to
4discontinue or modify the mandated activity to ensure that the
5costs of compliance do not exceed the funding received.
6    (c) If the University discontinues or modifies a mandated
7activity due to lack of full funding from this State, then the
8University shall annually maintain and update a list of
9discontinued or modified mandated activities. The list shall be
10provided to the Board of Higher Education upon request.
11    Section 120. The Governors State University Law is amended
12by adding Section 15-175 as follows:
13    (110 ILCS 670/15-175 new)
14    Sec. 15-175. Unfunded mandates prohibited.
15    (a) The University shall not be obligated to comply with
16the following types of mandates unless a separate appropriation
17has been enacted into law providing full funding for the
18mandate for the academic year during which the mandate is
20        (1) Any mandate in this Act enacted after the effective
21    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
22        (2) Any regulatory mandate promulgated by the Board of
23    Higher Education and adopted by rule after the effective
24    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly



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1    other than those promulgated with respect to this Section
2    or statutes already enacted on or before the effective date
3    of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
4    (b) If the amount appropriated to fund a mandate described
5in subsection (a) of this Section does not fully fund the
6mandated activity, then the University may choose to
7discontinue or modify the mandated activity to ensure that the
8costs of compliance do not exceed the funding received.
9    (c) If the University discontinues or modifies a mandated
10activity due to lack of full funding from this State, then the
11University shall annually maintain and update a list of
12discontinued or modified mandated activities. The list shall be
13provided to the Board of Higher Education upon request.
14    Section 125. The Illinois State University Law is amended
15by adding Section 20-180 as follows:
16    (110 ILCS 675/20-180 new)
17    Sec. 20-180. Unfunded mandates prohibited.
18    (a) The University shall not be obligated to comply with
19the following types of mandates unless a separate appropriation
20has been enacted into law providing full funding for the
21mandate for the academic year during which the mandate is
23        (1) Any mandate in this Act enacted after the effective
24    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.



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1        (2) Any regulatory mandate promulgated by the Board of
2    Higher Education and adopted by rule after the effective
3    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly
4    other than those promulgated with respect to this Section
5    or statutes already enacted on or before the effective date
6    of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
7    (b) If the amount appropriated to fund a mandate described
8in subsection (a) of this Section does not fully fund the
9mandated activity, then the University may choose to
10discontinue or modify the mandated activity to ensure that the
11costs of compliance do not exceed the funding received.
12    (c) If the University discontinues or modifies a mandated
13activity due to lack of full funding from this State, then the
14University shall annually maintain and update a list of
15discontinued or modified mandated activities. The list shall be
16provided to the Board of Higher Education upon request.
17    Section 130. The Northeastern Illinois University Law is
18amended by adding Section 25-175 as follows:
19    (110 ILCS 680/25-175 new)
20    Sec. 25-175. Unfunded mandates prohibited.
21    (a) The University shall not be obligated to comply with
22the following types of mandates unless a separate appropriation
23has been enacted into law providing full funding for the
24mandate for the academic year during which the mandate is



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2        (1) Any mandate in this Act enacted after the effective
3    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
4        (2) Any regulatory mandate promulgated by the Board of
5    Higher Education and adopted by rule after the effective
6    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly
7    other than those promulgated with respect to this Section
8    or statutes already enacted on or before the effective date
9    of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
10    (b) If the amount appropriated to fund a mandate described
11in subsection (a) of this Section does not fully fund the
12mandated activity, then the University may choose to
13discontinue or modify the mandated activity to ensure that the
14costs of compliance do not exceed the funding received.
15    (c) If the University discontinues or modifies a mandated
16activity due to lack of full funding from this State, then the
17University shall annually maintain and update a list of
18discontinued or modified mandated activities. The list shall be
19provided to the Board of Higher Education upon request.
20    Section 135. The Northern Illinois University Law is
21amended by adding Section 30-185 as follows:
22    (110 ILCS 685/30-185 new)
23    Sec. 30-185. Unfunded mandates prohibited.
24    (a) The University shall not be obligated to comply with



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1the following types of mandates unless a separate appropriation
2has been enacted into law providing full funding for the
3mandate for the academic year during which the mandate is
5        (1) Any mandate in this Act enacted after the effective
6    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
7        (2) Any regulatory mandate promulgated by the Board of
8    Higher Education and adopted by rule after the effective
9    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly
10    other than those promulgated with respect to this Section
11    or statutes already enacted on or before the effective date
12    of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
13    (b) If the amount appropriated to fund a mandate described
14in subsection (a) of this Section does not fully fund the
15mandated activity, then the University may choose to
16discontinue or modify the mandated activity to ensure that the
17costs of compliance do not exceed the funding received.
18    (c) If the University discontinues or modifies a mandated
19activity due to lack of full funding from this State, then the
20University shall annually maintain and update a list of
21discontinued or modified mandated activities. The list shall be
22provided to the Board of Higher Education upon request.
23    Section 140. The Western Illinois University Law is amended
24by adding Section 35-180 as follows:



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1    (110 ILCS 690/35-180 new)
2    Sec. 35-180. Unfunded mandates prohibited.
3    (a) The University shall not be obligated to comply with
4the following types of mandates unless a separate appropriation
5has been enacted into law providing full funding for the
6mandate for the academic year during which the mandate is
8        (1) Any mandate in this Act enacted after the effective
9    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
10        (2) Any regulatory mandate promulgated by the Board of
11    Higher Education and adopted by rule after the effective
12    date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly
13    other than those promulgated with respect to this Section
14    or statutes already enacted on or before the effective date
15    of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly.
16    (b) If the amount appropriated to fund a mandate described
17in subsection (a) of this Section does not fully fund the
18mandated activity, then the University may choose to
19discontinue or modify the mandated activity to ensure that the
20costs of compliance do not exceed the funding received.
21    (c) If the University discontinues or modifies a mandated
22activity due to lack of full funding from this State, then the
23University shall annually maintain and update a list of
24discontinued or modified mandated activities. The list shall be
25provided to the Board of Higher Education upon request.
26    Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon



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1becoming law.



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2 Statutes amended in order of appearance
3    New Act
4    30 ILCS 500/1-10
5    110 ILCS 305/80 new
6    110 ILCS 520/65 new
7    110 ILCS 660/5-175 new
8    110 ILCS 665/10-175 new
9    110 ILCS 670/15-175 new
10    110 ILCS 675/20-180 new
11    110 ILCS 680/25-175 new
12    110 ILCS 685/30-185 new
13    110 ILCS 690/35-180 new