Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HJR0090
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HJR0090  097th General Assembly




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2    WHEREAS, It has been many years since there has been a
3systematic study of Illinois' correctional and criminal
4justice system and there exists a need for that study; and
5    WHEREAS, A study of Illinois' criminal justice and
6correctional system is necessary to enhance public safety,
7reduce victimization, reduce recidivism, hold offenders more
8accountable, enhance probation, mandatory supervised release,
9and parole supervision, and better manage a growing prison
10population through increasing public safety, improving
11rehabilitation, and lowering State expense; and
12    WHEREAS, A study and formulation of recommendations for
13criminal justice structural changes can be best carried out
14through an established Task Force; and
15    WHEREAS, Enactment of Task Force recommendations, if
16deemed appropriate at the 2013 session of the General Assembly,
17is best carried out through a deliberative and specific
18legislative process; therefore, be it
21SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that there is created a Task Force on



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1Criminal Justice Reform (hereinafter referred to as the Task
2Force); and be it further
3    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall be composed as follows:
4        (1) the Governor or his or her designee;
5        (2) two members appointed by the Speaker of the House
6    of Representatives;
7        (3) two members appointed by the President of the
8    Senate;
9        (4) one member of the House of Representatives
10    appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of
11    Representatives;
12        (5) one member of the Senate appointed by the Minority
13    Leader of the Senate;
14        (6) a representative from the Illinois Supreme Court
15    appointed by the Chief Justice;
16        (7) a representative from a statewide association
17    representing sheriffs appointed by the Governor;
18        (8) a representative of the Department of State Police
19    appointed by the Director of State Police;
20        (9) a representative from a State's Attorney's Office,
21    other than Cook County, appointed by the Director of the
22    Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor;
23        (10) a representative from the Cook County State's
24    Attorney's Office appointed by the Cook County State's
25    Attorney;



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1        (11) a representative from a Public Defender's Office
2    in a county other than Cook County appointed by the State
3    Appellate Defender;
4        (12) a representative from the Cook County Public
5    Defender's Office appointed by the Cook County Public
6    Defender;
7        (13) a representative of the State Appellate Defender
8    appointed by the State Appellate Defender;
9        (14) a representative from the Cook County Circuit
10    Court Clerk's Office appointed by the Cook County Circuit
11    Court Clerk;
12        (15) a representative of the Administrative Office of
13    the Illinois Courts appointed by the Director of that
14    Office;
15        (16) a representative of the Cook County Chief Judge's
16    Office appointed by the Chief Judge of the Cook County
17    Circuit;
18        (17) a member of the Illinois Sentencing Policy
19    Advisory Council appointed by the Governor;
20        (18) a representative from each department and agency
21    of the State having involvement with the State criminal
22    justice system appointed by the Governor; and be it further
23    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall:
24        (1) choose its chair and other officers as it deems
25    appropriate;



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1        (2) hold hearings from persons involved or impacted by
2    the criminal justice system; and
3        (3) study the Illinois criminal justice and
4    correctional system and make recommendations to the
5    General Assembly for structural changes in the Illinois
6    criminal justice and correctional system with the goals of
7    enhancing public safety, reducing victimization and
8    recidivism, holding offenders more accountable, enhancing
9    probation, mandatory supervised release, and parole
10    supervision, and better managing a growing prison
11    population through increasing public safety, improving
12    rehabilitation, and lowering State expense; and be it
13    further
14    RESOLVED, That the Department of Corrections shall provide
15administrative support as needed to fulfill the duties of the
16Task Force; and be it further
17    RESOLVED, That members of the Task Force shall receive no
18additional compensation for their services on the Task Force
19but may be reimbursed by appropriations made by the General
20Assembly for their ordinary and necessary expenses; and be it
22    RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall complete its work and
23report its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly



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1no later than November 1, 2012.