Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0932
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0932  096th General Assembly




SR0932LRB096 23240 GRL 42590 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Kathleen Kulp, who passed away on July 8,
42010; and
5    WHEREAS, Kathleen Kulp was born in 1937 in Hermann,
6Missouri; her parents were Clarence and Christina Birk; and
7    WHEREAS, After completing high school in St. Louis,
8Kathleen Kulp entered the convent and was chosen to be a nun;
9during her religious service, Kathleen taught elementary
10school in locations as far away as San Diego and Colorado; she
11was well known as an exceptional teacher who particularly
12enjoyed the subjects of English and grammar; she had an immense
13affection for the "little bitty kids" in her class and spoke of
14them with great fondness; and
15    WHEREAS, Like many women who entered the convent, Kathleen
16Kulp eventually decided that she wanted a family; she met her
17husband, Jim Kulp, in St. Louis, and after dating for several
18months, the couple was married; when he accepted a position as
19a newspaper reporter for The Telegraph, Kathleen and Jim moved
20to Alton, where they made their home and raised their son,
21Martin; and



SR0932- 2 -LRB096 23240 GRL 42590 r

1    WHEREAS, Kathleen Kulp is survived by her husband, James
2Kulp; her son, Martin; and her younger siblings, Rose, Glenda,
3Rita, Bill, and Joe; and
4    WHEREAS, Kathleen Kulp will be remembered fondly by her
5family and friends for her fair and nurturing demeanor and her
6great passion for teaching and Christmas; therefore, be it
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
9her family and friends, the passing of Kathleen Kulp; and be it
11    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to the family of Kathleen Kulp as an expression of
13our sympathy.