Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0954
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0954  097th General Assembly




SR0954LRB097 23243 GRL 72069 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Edward T. Graham, who passed away on July
417, 2012; and
5    WHEREAS, Edward Graham was born in Columbus, Ohio; he moved
6to Wheaton with his family at the age of 12; and
7    WHEREAS, Edward Graham left high school early to join the
8United States Army during World War II; during the war, he was
9stationed in Texas, where he worked on airplanes; after the
10war, he worked part-time at a law firm and in the legal
11department of Standard Oil of Indiana; after earning his GED,
12he went to college during the evenings, eventually earning his
13bachelor's degree in philosophy from DePaul University and his
14law degree from John Marshall Law School; and
15    WHEREAS, Edward Graham began his legal career in Standard
16Oil's legal department, where he became well-versed in real
17estate transactions, overseeing the acquisition of right of way
18for pipelines; after his wife's father's farm was targeted and
19ultimately acquired by the federal government to make way for
20Fermilab, he was drawn into condemnation law; and
21    WHEREAS, Edward Graham practiced law for over 40 years at



SR0954- 2 -LRB097 23243 GRL 72069 r

1his law firm in Wheaton, where he specialized in representing
2landowners whose property was being condemned by government
3bodies; he also represented Standard Oil (now Amoco) as an
4outside legal counsel, overseeing zoning for the company's
5service stations; and
6    WHEREAS, Edward Graham is survived by his loving wife of 64
7years, Marjorie; his daughter, Katherine Anderson; his sons,
8Edward T. Jr., William, and J. Phillip; and his 10
9grandchildren; therefore, be it
11ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
12his family and friends, the passing of Edward T. Graham; and be
13it further
14    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15presented to the family of Edward Graham as an expression of
16our sympathy.