Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0981
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0981  095th General Assembly



SR0981 LRB095 23288 KXB 53995 r


2     WHEREAS, The State of Israel has suffered through years of
3 rocket and missile fire from Hamas-controlled areas, even after
4 Israel fully withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005; and
5     WHEREAS, Hamas is designated by the United States
6 government as a terrorist entity and is largely supported and
7 armed by Iran, which our government characterizes as the
8 world's main state sponsor of terrorism; and
9     WHEREAS, Over 10,000 Hamas rockets have intentionally
10 targeted schools, medical centers, homes, and playgrounds from
11 Sderot to Beer Sheva in Israel and have killed or wounded many
12 Israelis; and
13     WHEREAS, Israel has demonstrated extraordinary restraint
14 in the face of such aggression; and
15     WHEREAS, The fundamental obligation of the government of
16 Israel is, like any other government, to protect its citizens;
17 and
18     WHEREAS, Israel has now acted in a way that reflects its
19 stated goal of providing security to its people, rather than
20 impose suffering on the Palestinian people; and



SR0981 - 2 - LRB095 23288 KXB 53995 r

1     WHEREAS, Israel continues to provide humanitarian
2 assistance to the Palestinians and provide early warning of
3 pending attacks to Palestinian civilians via text messages,
4 phone calls, and leaflet drops; and
5     WHEREAS, Israel continues to pursue peace with all of its
6 Arab neighbors; and
7     WHEREAS, The loss of innocent lives, both Israeli and
8 Palestinian, is tragic; and
9     WHEREAS, The United States, in addition to Egypt, Jordan,
10 and other Arab countries, have attributed blame to Hamas for
11 initiating the latest round of increased violence; and
12     WHEREAS, The Hamas charter calls for the destruction of
13 Israel, ruling out the possibility of compromise and peaceful
14 negotiations; and
15     WHEREAS, The Hamas government denies freedom of religion,
16 press, assembly, and equal rights to all of Gaza's residents
17 and considers the United States its bitter enemy; therefore, be
18 it



SR0981 - 3 - LRB095 23288 KXB 53995 r

1 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we support Israel and
2 its understandable efforts to protect its own citizens in the
3 face of Hamas hostility and rockets; and be it further
4     RESOLVED, That we believe that both Israel and the
5 Palestinian residents of Gaza are entitled to enjoy peace and
6 security; and be it further
7     RESOLVED, That we further believe that only a ceasefire
8 that ensures no future rocket attacks on Israeli citizens
9 should be viewed as a meaningful ceasefire; and be it further
10     RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
11 presented to the Office of the Israeli Consul General for the
12 Midwest, the Office of the United States Secretary of State,
13 and the Office of the Secretary General of the United Nations.