Full Text of HB1106 94th General Assembly
HB1106 Enrolled |
LRB094 05976 RXD 36032 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning criminal law.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by changing | 5 |
| Section 12-4 as follows:
| 6 |
| (720 ILCS 5/12-4) (from Ch. 38, par. 12-4)
| 7 |
| Sec. 12-4. Aggravated Battery.
| 8 |
| (a) A person who, in committing a battery, intentionally or | 9 |
| knowingly
causes great bodily harm, or permanent disability or | 10 |
| disfigurement commits
aggravated battery.
| 11 |
| (b) In committing a battery, a person commits aggravated | 12 |
| battery if he or
| 13 |
| (1) Uses a deadly weapon other than by the discharge of | 14 |
| a firearm;
| 15 |
| (2) Is hooded, robed or masked, in such manner as to | 16 |
| conceal his
| 17 |
| (3) Knows the individual harmed to be a teacher or | 18 |
| other person
employed in any school and such teacher or | 19 |
| other employee is upon the
grounds of a school or grounds | 20 |
| adjacent thereto, or is in any part of a
building used for | 21 |
| school purposes;
| 22 |
| (4) Knows the individual harmed to be a supervisor, | 23 |
| director,
instructor or other person employed in any park | 24 |
| district and such
supervisor, director, instructor or | 25 |
| other employee is upon the grounds
of the park or grounds | 26 |
| adjacent thereto, or is in any part of a building
used for | 27 |
| park purposes;
| 28 |
| (5) Knows the individual harmed to be a caseworker, | 29 |
| investigator, or
other person employed by the State | 30 |
| Department of Public Aid, a County
Department of Public | 31 |
| Aid, or the Department of Human Services (acting as
| 32 |
| successor to the Illinois Department of Public Aid under |
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| 1 |
| the Department of
Human Services Act) and such caseworker, | 2 |
| investigator, or other
person is upon the grounds of a | 3 |
| public aid office or grounds adjacent
thereto, or is in any | 4 |
| part of a building used for public aid purposes,
or upon | 5 |
| the grounds of a home of a public aid applicant, recipient, | 6 |
| or
any other person being interviewed or investigated in | 7 |
| the employee's
discharge of his duties, or on grounds | 8 |
| adjacent thereto, or is in any
part of a building in which | 9 |
| the applicant, recipient, or other such
person resides or | 10 |
| is located;
| 11 |
| (6) Knows the individual harmed to be a peace officer, | 12 |
| a community
policing volunteer, a correctional institution | 13 |
| employee, an employee
of the Department of Human Services | 14 |
| supervising or controlling sexually
dangerous persons or | 15 |
| sexually violent persons, or a fireman while
such officer, | 16 |
| volunteer, employee or fireman is engaged in the execution | 17 |
| of
any official duties including arrest or attempted | 18 |
| arrest, or to prevent the
officer, volunteer, employee or | 19 |
| fireman from performing official duties, or in
retaliation | 20 |
| for the officer, volunteer, employee or fireman performing | 21 |
| official
duties, and the battery is committed other than by | 22 |
| the discharge of a firearm;
| 23 |
| (7) Knows the individual harmed to be an emergency | 24 |
| medical technician -
ambulance, emergency medical | 25 |
| technician - intermediate, emergency medical
technician - | 26 |
| paramedic, ambulance driver, other medical assistance, | 27 |
| first
aid personnel, or hospital personnel engaged in the
| 28 |
| performance of any of his or her official duties,
or to | 29 |
| prevent the emergency medical technician - ambulance, | 30 |
| emergency medical
technician - intermediate, emergency | 31 |
| medical technician - paramedic, ambulance
driver, other | 32 |
| medical assistance, first aid personnel, or
hospital | 33 |
| personnel from performing
official duties, or in | 34 |
| retaliation for performing official duties;
| 35 |
| (8) Is, or the person battered is, on or about a public | 36 |
| way, public
property or public place of accommodation or |
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| 1 |
| amusement;
| 2 |
| (9) Knows the individual harmed to be the driver, | 3 |
| operator, employee
or passenger of any transportation | 4 |
| facility or system engaged in the
business of | 5 |
| transportation of the public for hire and the individual
| 6 |
| assaulted is then performing in such capacity or then using | 7 |
| such public
transportation as a passenger or using any area | 8 |
| of any description
designated by the transportation | 9 |
| facility or system as a vehicle
boarding, departure, or | 10 |
| transfer location;
| 11 |
| (10) Knows the individual harmed to be an individual of | 12 |
| 60 years of age or older
Knowingly and without legal | 13 |
| justification and by any means
causes bodily harm to an | 14 |
| individual of 60 years of age or older ;
| 15 |
| (11) Knows the individual harmed is pregnant;
| 16 |
| (12) Knows the individual harmed to be a judge whom the
| 17 |
| person intended to harm as a result of the judge's | 18 |
| performance of his or
her official duties as a judge;
| 19 |
| (13) Knows the individual harmed to be an employee of | 20 |
| the Illinois
Department of Children and Family Services | 21 |
| engaged in the performance of
his authorized duties as such | 22 |
| employee;
| 23 |
| (14) Knows the individual harmed to be a person who is | 24 |
| physically
| 25 |
| (15) Knowingly and without legal justification and by | 26 |
| any means causes
bodily harm to a merchant who detains the | 27 |
| person for an alleged commission of
retail theft under | 28 |
| Section 16A-5 of this Code.
In this item (15), "merchant" | 29 |
| has the meaning ascribed to it in Section
16A-2.4 of this | 30 |
| Code;
| 31 |
| (16) Is, or the person battered is, in any building or | 32 |
| other structure
used to provide shelter or other services | 33 |
| to victims or to the dependent
children of victims of | 34 |
| domestic violence pursuant to the Illinois Domestic
| 35 |
| Violence Act of 1986 or the Domestic Violence Shelters Act, | 36 |
| or the person
battered is within 500 feet of such a |
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| building or other structure while going
to or from such a | 2 |
| building or other structure. "Domestic violence" has the
| 3 |
| meaning ascribed to it in Section 103 of the Illinois | 4 |
| Domestic Violence Act of
1986. "Building or other structure | 5 |
| used to provide shelter" has the meaning
ascribed to | 6 |
| "shelter" in Section 1 of the Domestic Violence Shelters | 7 |
| Act; or
| 8 |
| (17) Knows the individual harmed to be an employee of a | 9 |
| police or
sheriff's department engaged in the performance | 10 |
| of his or her official duties
as such employee.
| 11 |
| For the purpose of paragraph (14) of subsection (b) of this | 12 |
| Section, a
physically handicapped person is a person who | 13 |
| suffers from a permanent and
disabling physical | 14 |
| characteristic, resulting from disease, injury,
functional | 15 |
| disorder or congenital condition.
| 16 |
| (c) A person who administers to an individual or causes him | 17 |
| to take,
without his consent or by threat or deception, and for | 18 |
| other than
medical purposes, any intoxicating, poisonous, | 19 |
| stupefying, narcotic,
anesthetic, or controlled substance | 20 |
| commits aggravated battery.
| 21 |
| (d) A person who knowingly gives to another person any food | 22 |
| that
contains any substance or object that is intended to cause | 23 |
| physical
injury if eaten, commits aggravated battery.
| 24 |
| (d-3) A person commits aggravated battery when he or she | 25 |
| knowingly and
without lawful justification shines or flashes a | 26 |
| laser gunsight or other laser
device that is attached or | 27 |
| affixed to a firearm, or used in concert with a
firearm, so | 28 |
| that the laser beam strikes upon or against the person of | 29 |
| another.
| 30 |
| (d-5) An inmate of a penal institution or a sexually | 31 |
| dangerous person or a
sexually violent person in the custody of | 32 |
| the Department of Human Services
who causes or attempts to | 33 |
| cause a
correctional employee of the penal institution or an | 34 |
| employee of the
Department of Human Services to come into | 35 |
| contact with blood,
seminal fluid, urine, or feces, by | 36 |
| throwing, tossing, or expelling that fluid
or material commits |
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| 1 |
| aggravated battery. For purposes of this subsection (d-5),
| 2 |
| "correctional employee" means a person who is employed by a | 3 |
| penal institution.
| 4 |
| (e) Sentence.
| 5 |
| Aggravated battery is a Class 3 felony, except a violation | 6 |
| of subsection (a)
is a Class 2 felony when the person knows the | 7 |
| individual harmed to be a peace
officer engaged in the | 8 |
| execution of any of his or her official duties, or the
battery | 9 |
| is to prevent the officer from performing his or her official | 10 |
| duties,
or in retaliation for the officer performing his or her | 11 |
| official duties.
| 12 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-516, eff. 1-1-02; 92-841, | 13 |
| eff.
8-22-02; 92-865, eff. 1-3-03; 93-83, eff. 7-2-03.)