(20 ILCS 3405/4.7)
    Sec. 4.7. State Historic Preservation Board.
    (a) The State Historic Preservation Board is hereby created within the Department.
    (b) The Board shall consist of 9 voting members appointed by the Governor and the Director of the Department, or the Director's designee, who shall serve as an ex-officio nonvoting member of the Board. Of the members appointed by the Governor:
        (1) 2 members shall have a relevant background in
public history or a background in teaching or researching either the history of Illinois or the history of historically marginalized communities;
        (2) one member shall have experience in library
studies or archival work in Illinois;
        (3) 3 members shall be representatives of a
community-based organization working on historic preservation in Illinois;
        (4) one member shall have experience with the federal
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990;
        (5) one member shall have experience working on
federal historic designations; and
        (6) one member shall be a museum professional.
    The chairperson of the Board shall be named by the Governor from among the voting members of the Board. Each member of the Board shall serve a 3-year term and until a successor is appointed by the Governor. The Governor may remove a Board member for incompetence, dereliction of duty, or malfeasance. Of those members appointed by the Governor, at least 5 of the members shall represent historically excluded and marginalized people. The Governor's Office, with the assistance of the Department, shall be responsible for ensuring that 5 of the appointed members of the Board consist of people who represent historically excluded and marginalized people. Knowledge in the following areas shall be prioritized in making appointments to the Board: the culture, traditions, and history of American Indians and Native Americans, Black Americans, Latinos, Latinas, and Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the LGBTQIA+ community, immigrants and refugees, people with disabilities, and veterans' organizations; women's history; the history of Illinois' agriculture, architecture, armed forces, arts, civics, cultural geography, ecology, education, faith-based communities, folklore, government, industry, labor, law, medicine, and transportation; anthropology; archaeology; cultural exhibits and museums; heritage tourism; historic preservation; and social justice.
    (c) Board meetings shall be called at regular intervals set by the Board, on the request of the Department, or upon written notice signed by at least 5 members of the Board, but in no event less than once quarterly.
    (d) A majority of the members of the Board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of the Board. If a quorum is met, a majority of the members present and serving is required for official action of the Board.
    (e) All business that the Board is authorized to perform shall be conducted at a public meeting of the Board, held in compliance with the Open Meetings Act.
    (f) Public records of the Board are subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
    (g) The members of the Board shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for all necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties as members of the Board from funds appropriated for that purpose. Reimbursement for travel, meals, and lodging shall be in accordance with the rules of the Governor's Travel Control Board.
    (h) The Board has the following powers and duties:
        (1) The Board shall adopt rules in accordance with
the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, for the administration and execution of the powers granted under this Act. All rules that are authorized to be adopted under this Act shall be adopted after consultation with and written approval by the Department.
        (2) The Board shall list, delist, create specific
list designations, create designation definitions, create property assessment criteria, or change the listing designation of State Historic Sites. Such actions shall be undertaken by administrative rule. The listing, delisting, creation of specific list designations or designation definitions, or change of listing designation by the Board shall only be done with the written approval of the Director of Natural Resources. When listing, delisting, or making a change of listing designation, the Board shall consider, but is not limited to, the following:
            (A) the budgetary impact on the full historic
sites portfolio when taking such action;
            (B) if the action includes the stories of
historically excluded and marginalized people;
            (C) the geographic balance of the portfolio;
            (D) disability access;
            (E) opportunities to coordinate with federal
historic designations or federal funding opportunities; and
            (F) any other criteria that have been set out in
administrative rule.
        (3) The Board shall advise the Department on methods
of assistance, protection, conservation, and management of State Historic Sites, which are all subject to Department approval and available appropriations to implement those recommendations.
    (i) The Department shall provide administrative support to the Board.
(Source: P.A. 103-768, eff. 8-2-24.)