(30 ILCS 500/20-20)
    Sec. 20-20. Small purchases.
    (a) Amount. Any individual procurement of supplies or services not exceeding $100,000 and any procurement of construction not exceeding $100,000, or any individual procurement of professional or artistic services not exceeding $100,000 may be made without competitive source selection. Procurements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this Section. Any procurement of construction not exceeding $100,000 may be made by an alternative competitive source selection. The construction agency shall establish rules for an alternative competitive source selection process. This Section does not apply to construction-related professional services contracts awarded in accordance with the provisions of the Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Qualifications Based Selection Act.
    (b) Adjustment. Each July 1, the small purchase maximum established in subsection (a) shall be adjusted for inflation as determined by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers as determined by the United States Department of Labor and rounded to the nearest $100.
    (c) Based upon rules proposed by the Board and rules promulgated by the chief procurement officers, the small purchase maximum established in subsection (a) may be modified.
    (d) Certification. All small purchases with an annual value that exceeds $50,000 shall be accompanied by Standard Illinois Certifications in a form prescribed by each Chief Procurement Officer.
    (e) Cumulative small purchases. Cumulative small purchases under $1,000 made in a previously non-contemplated manner by the same or separate individuals or departments within an agency or university that exceed the small purchase threshold do not constitute stringing and are allowable under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 102-721, eff. 1-1-23; 102-1115, eff. 1-23-23 (See Section 99-999 of P.A. 102-1115 for effective date of P.A. 102-1115); 102-1119, eff. 1-23-23; 103-865, eff. 1-1-25.)