(65 ILCS 125/80)
    Sec. 80. Manner of notice. In addition to any notice of a public hearing issued by a governing body, the property owner or owners who submit the written petition to the clerk under Section 30 or, after a business improvement district is established, the board of directors of a business improvement district shall also provide notice of a public hearing required under this Act. The notice of the public hearing shall be given by publication and mailing. When notice by publication is required, it shall be provided in both physical and online form in a newspaper of general circulation within the business improvement district at least once not less than 15 days prior to the public hearing. The notice must, in addition, be published on the website of the business improvement district or its district management association, if the district or association has a website. Notice by mailing shall be given by depositing the notice in the United States mail addressed to each property owner subject to a district charge, as well as all members of the board of directors. The notice must, in addition, be electronically mailed if an electronic mailing address is known for each owner subject to a district charge as well as all members of the board of directors. Notice shall be mailed and electronically mailed not less than 14 days prior to the time set for the public hearing. The mailed and electronically mailed notice shall enclose or include information allowing a property owner to obtain a copy of any proposed district plan or proposed amended district plan.
(Source: P.A. 103-646, eff. 7-1-24.)