(210 ILCS 46/3-202.5)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-714)
    Sec. 3-202.5. Facility plan review; fees.
    (a) Before commencing construction of a new facility or specified types of alteration or additions to an existing facility involving major construction, as defined by rule by the Department, with an estimated cost greater than $100,000, architectural drawings and specifications for the facility shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval. A facility may submit architectural drawings and specifications for other construction projects for Department review according to subsection (b) that shall not be subject to fees under subsection (d). Review of drawings and specifications shall be conducted by an employee of the Department meeting the qualifications established by the Department of Central Management Services class specifications for such an individual's position or by a person contracting with the Department who meets those class specifications. Final approval of the drawings and specifications for compliance with design and construction standards shall be obtained from the Department before the alteration, addition, or new construction is begun.
    (b) The Department shall inform an applicant in writing within 10 working days after receiving drawings and specifications and the required fee, if any, from the applicant whether the applicant's submission is complete or incomplete. Failure to provide the applicant with this notice within 10 working days shall result in the submission being deemed complete for purposes of initiating the 60-day review period under this Section. If the submission is incomplete, the Department shall inform the applicant of the deficiencies with the submission in writing. If the submission is complete the required fee, if any, has been paid, the Department shall approve or disapprove drawings and specifications submitted to the Department no later than 60 days following receipt by the Department. The drawings and specifications shall be of sufficient detail, as provided by Department rule, to enable the Department to render a determination of compliance with design and construction standards under this Act. If the Department finds that the drawings are not of sufficient detail for it to render a determination of compliance, the plans shall be determined to be incomplete and shall not be considered for purposes of initiating the 60 day review period. If a submission of drawings and specifications is incomplete, the applicant may submit additional information. The 60 day review period shall not commence until the Department determines that a submission of drawings and specifications is complete or the submission is deemed complete. If the Department has not approved or disapproved the drawings and specifications within 60 days, the construction, major alteration, or addition shall be deemed approved. If the drawings and specifications are disapproved, the Department shall state in writing, with specificity, the reasons for the disapproval. The entity submitting the drawings and specifications may submit additional information in response to the written comments from the Department or request a reconsideration of the disapproval. A final decision of approval or disapproval shall be made within 45 days of the receipt of the additional information or reconsideration request. If denied, the Department shall state the specific reasons for the denial.
    (c) The Department shall provide written approval for occupancy pursuant to subsection (g) and shall not issue a violation to a facility as a result of a licensure or complaint survey based upon the facility's physical structure if:
        (1) the Department reviewed and approved or deemed
approved the drawings and specifications for compliance with design and construction standards;
        (2) the construction, major alteration, or addition
was built as submitted;
        (3) the law or rules have not been amended since the
original approval; and
        (4) the conditions at the facility indicate that
there is a reasonable degree of safety provided for the residents.
    (d) (Blank).
    (e) All fees received by the Department under this Section shall be deposited into the Health Facility Plan Review Fund, a special fund created in the State Treasury. Moneys shall be appropriated from that Fund to the Department only to pay the costs of conducting reviews under this Section, under Section 3-202.5 of the Nursing Home Care Act, or under Section 3-202.5 of the ID/DD Community Care Act. None of the moneys in the Health Facility Plan Review Fund shall be used to reduce the amount of General Revenue Fund moneys appropriated to the Department for facility plan reviews conducted pursuant to this Section.
    (f) (Blank).
    (g) The Department shall conduct an on site inspection of the completed project no later than 30 days after notification from the applicant that the project has been completed and all certifications required by the Department have been received and accepted by the Department, except that, during a statewide public health emergency, as defined in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, the Department shall conduct an on-site inspection to the extent feasible. The Department shall provide written approval for occupancy to the applicant within 5 working days of the Department's final inspection, provided the applicant has demonstrated substantial compliance as defined by Department rule. Occupancy of new major construction is prohibited until Department approval is received, unless the Department has not acted within the time frames provided in this subsection (g), in which case the construction shall be deemed approved. Occupancy shall be authorized after any required health inspection by the Department has been conducted.
    (h) The Department shall establish, by rule, a procedure to conduct interim on site review of large or complex construction projects.
    (i) The Department shall establish, by rule, an expedited process for emergency repairs or replacement of like equipment.
    (j) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to apply to maintenance, upkeep, or renovation that does not affect the structural integrity of the building, does not add beds or services over the number for which the facility is licensed, and provides a reasonable degree of safety for the residents.
(Source: P.A. 103-1, eff. 4-27-23.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-714)
    Sec. 3-202.5. Facility plan review; fees.
    (a) Before commencing construction of a new facility or specified types of alteration or additions to an existing facility involving major construction, as defined by rule by the Department, with an estimated cost greater than $100,000, architectural drawings and specifications for the facility shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval. A facility may submit architectural drawings and specifications for other construction projects for Department review according to subsection (b) that shall not be subject to fees under subsection (d). Review of drawings and specifications shall be conducted by an employee of the Department meeting the qualifications established by the Department of Central Management Services class specifications for such an individual's position or by a person contracting with the Department who meets those class specifications. Final approval of the drawings and specifications for compliance with design and construction standards shall be obtained from the Department before the alteration, addition, or new construction is begun.
    (b) The Department shall inform an applicant in writing within 10 working days after receiving drawings and specifications and the required fee, if any, from the applicant whether the applicant's submission is complete or incomplete. Failure to provide the applicant with this notice within 10 working days shall result in the submission being deemed complete for purposes of initiating the 60-day review period under this Section. If the submission is incomplete, the Department shall inform the applicant of the deficiencies with the submission in writing. If the submission is complete the required fee, if any, has been paid, the Department shall approve or disapprove drawings and specifications submitted to the Department no later than 60 days following receipt by the Department. The drawings and specifications shall be of sufficient detail, as provided by Department rule, to enable the Department to render a determination of compliance with design and construction standards under this Act. If the Department finds that the drawings are not of sufficient detail for it to render a determination of compliance, the plans shall be determined to be incomplete and shall not be considered for purposes of initiating the 60 day review period. If a submission of drawings and specifications is incomplete, the applicant may submit additional information. The 60 day review period shall not commence until the Department determines that a submission of drawings and specifications is complete or the submission is deemed complete. If the Department has not approved or disapproved the drawings and specifications within 60 days, the construction, major alteration, or addition shall be deemed approved. If the drawings and specifications are disapproved, the Department shall state in writing, with specificity, the reasons for the disapproval. The entity submitting the drawings and specifications may submit additional information in response to the written comments from the Department or request a reconsideration of the disapproval. A final decision of approval or disapproval shall be made within 45 days of the receipt of the additional information or reconsideration request. If denied, the Department shall state the specific reasons for the denial.
    (c) The Department shall provide written approval for occupancy pursuant to subsection (g) and shall not issue a violation to a facility as a result of a licensure or complaint survey based upon the facility's physical structure if:
        (1) the Department reviewed and approved or deemed
approved the drawings and specifications for compliance with design and construction standards;
        (2) the construction, major alteration, or addition
was built as submitted;
        (3) the law or rules have not been amended since the
original approval; and
        (4) the conditions at the facility indicate that
there is a reasonable degree of safety provided for the residents.
    (d) (Blank).
    (e) All fees received by the Department under this Section shall be deposited into the Health Facility Plan Review Fund, a special fund created in the State Treasury. All fees paid by facilities under this Section shall be used to cover the costs relating to the Department's review of facility projects under this Section only. Moneys shall be appropriated from that Fund to the Department only to pay the costs of conducting reviews under this Section, under Section 3-202.5 of the Nursing Home Care Act, under Section 21 of the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act, or under Section 3-202.5 of the ID/DD Community Care Act. None of the moneys in the Health Facility Plan Review Fund shall be used to reduce the amount of General Revenue Fund moneys appropriated to the Department for facility plan reviews conducted pursuant to this Section.
    (f) (Blank).
    (g) The Department shall conduct an on site inspection of the completed project no later than 30 days after notification from the applicant that the project has been completed and all certifications required by the Department have been received and accepted by the Department, except that, during a statewide public health emergency, as defined in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, the Department shall conduct an on-site inspection to the extent feasible. The Department shall provide written approval for occupancy to the applicant within 5 working days of the Department's final inspection, provided the applicant has demonstrated substantial compliance as defined by Department rule. Occupancy of new major construction is prohibited until Department approval is received, unless the Department has not acted within the time frames provided in this subsection (g), in which case the construction shall be deemed approved. Occupancy shall be authorized after any required health inspection by the Department has been conducted.
    (h) The Department shall establish, by rule, a procedure to conduct interim on site review of large or complex construction projects.
    (i) The Department shall establish, by rule, an expedited process for emergency repairs or replacement of like equipment.
    (j) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to apply to maintenance, upkeep, or renovation that does not affect the structural integrity of the building, does not add beds or services over the number for which the facility is licensed, and provides a reasonable degree of safety for the residents.
(Source: P.A. 103-1, eff. 4-27-23; 103-714, eff. 1-1-25.)