(310 ILCS 10/25.01)
    Sec. 25.01. Notification. Before denying an applicant's federally assisted housing application based, in whole or in part, on a criminal history record permitted under this Act, the Authority shall provide the opportunity for an individual assessment. The applicant for federally assisted housing shall be provided with a clear, written notice that:
        (1) explains why the Authority has determined that
the criminal history report it obtained requires further review, including detailed information on whether the need for further review is based on federal law or on the Authority's determination that the criminal history record of the applicant or other household member indicates a risk to the health, safety, or peaceful enjoyment of housing for other residents;
        (2) identifies the specific conviction or convictions
upon which the Authority relied upon when making its decision to deny the applicant's federally assisted housing application;
        (3) explains that the applicant has a right to an
individualized criminal records assessment hearing regarding the Authority's decision to deny the applicant's federally assisted housing application, as set forth in Section 25.02;
        (4) provides clear instructions on what to expect
during an individualized criminal records assessment hearing, as set forth in Section 25.02;
        (5) explains that if the applicant chooses not to
participate in an individualized criminal records assessment hearing, the applicant's application will be denied; and
        (6) provides a copy of the criminal history report
the Authority used to make its determination.
(Source: P.A. 103-215, eff. 4-30-24 (See Section 900 of P.A. 103-563 for effective date of P.A. 103-215).)