(415 ILCS 5/59.9)
    Sec. 59.9. Closure. The owner or operator of a carbon sequestration activity permitted in accordance with this Act shall monitor the site during the post-injection site care period, which shall be no less than 30 years after the last date of injection, as well as following certification of closure by United States Environmental Protection Act to show the position of the carbon dioxide and pressure front to ensure it does not pose an endangerment to groundwater, as specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620, or to human health or the environment, unless and until the Agency certifies that a carbon sequestration facility is closed. Air and soil gas monitoring required by a carbon sequestration activity permit issued by the Agency must continue until the Agency certifies the carbon sequestration facility as closed. The Agency shall certify a carbon sequestration facility as closed if:
        (1) the owner or operator submits to the Agency a
copy of a closure certification issued for the carbon sequestration facility in accordance with 40 CFR 146.93; and
        (2) the owner or operator demonstrates to the Agency
that no additional air or soil gas monitoring is needed to ensure the carbon sequestration facility does not pose an endangerment to groundwater, as specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620, or to human health or the environment.
    This demonstration must include location-specific monitoring data. The certification of closure does not relieve an operator of any liabilities from the carbon sequestration activity or carbon sequestration facility.
(Source: P.A. 103-651, eff. 7-18-24.)