(820 ILCS 57/25)
    (This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date)
    Sec. 25. Powers of the Department and civil penalties.
    (a) The Department shall inquire into any alleged violations of this Act, brought to its attention by an interested party, to institute the actions for the penalties provided in this Section and to enforce the provisions of this Act. In addition to the relief set forth in Section 20, an employer shall be assessed a civil penalty of $1,000 for each violation of Section 15, payable to the Department. Each employee who is subject to a violation of Section 15 shall constitute a separate violation.
    (b) Upon a reasonable belief that an employer covered by this Act is in violation of any part of this Act, an interested party may assert that a violation of this Act has occurred and bring an action for penalties in the county where the violation is alleged to have occurred or where the principal office of the employer is located, pursuant to the following sequence of events:
        (1) The interested party submits to the Department a
complaint describing the violation and naming the employer alleged to have violated this Act.
        (2) The Department sends notice of complaint to the
named party alleged to have violated this Act and the interested party. The named party may either contest the alleged violation or cure the alleged violation.
        (3) The named party contests or cures the alleged
violation within 30 days after the receipt of the notice of complaint or, if the named party does not respond within 30 days, the Department issues a notice of right to sue to the interested party as described in paragraph (4).
        (4) The Department issues a notice of right to sue to
the interested party, if one or more of the following has occurred:
            (A) the named party has cured the alleged
violation to the satisfaction of the Director;
            (B) the Director has determined that the
allegation is unjustified or that the Department does not have jurisdiction over the matter or the parties; or
            (C) the Director has determined that the
allegation is justified or has not made a determination, and either has decided not to exercise jurisdiction over the matter or has concluded administrative enforcement of the matter.
    (c) If, within 180 days after service of the notice of complaint to the parties, the Department has not (i) resolved the contest and cure period, (ii) with the mutual agreement of the parties, extended the time for the named party to cure the violation and resolve the complaint, or (iii) issued a right to sue letter, the interested party may initiate a civil action for penalties. The parties may extend the 180-day period by mutual agreement. The limitations period for the interested party to bring an action for the alleged violation of this Act shall be tolled for the 180-day period and for the period of any mutually agreed extensions. At the end of the 180-day period, or any mutually agreed extensions, the Department shall issue a right to sue letter to the interested party.
    (d) Any claim or action filed under this Section must be made within 3 years after the alleged conduct resulting in the complaint plus any period for which the limitations period has been tolled.
    (e) In an action brought under this Section, an interested party may recover against the employer any statutory penalties set forth in subsection (a) and injunctive relief. An interested party who prevails in a civil action shall receive 10% of any statutory penalties assessed, plus any attorney's fees and expenses in bringing the action.
    (f) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent an employee from bringing a civil action for the employee's own claim for a violation of this Act as described in Section 20.
(Source: P.A. 103-722, eff. 1-1-25.)