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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes,
statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect.
If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has
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been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes
made to the current law.
(50 ILCS 720/3) (from Ch. 85, par. 563)
Sec. 3. Powers and Duties.
(a) Powers and Duties of the Advisory Board.
(1) To incorporate as a general not-for-profit |
| corporation or other appropriate structure under Illinois law.
(2) To adopt By-Laws and Operating Procedures.
(3) To designate a Financial Officer who is an
| elected local government official.
(4) To employ a coordinator and to approve the
| employment of such other full or part-time staff as may be required.
(5) To develop and approve the total budget for the
(6) To determine equitable formulae for providing the
| local share of cost of the Mobile Team, and to assure receipt of such funds from participating units of local government.
(7) To oversee the development of training programs,
| the delivery of training, and the proper expenditure of funds.
(8) To carry out such other actions or activities
| appropriate to the operation of the Mobile Team including but not limited to contracting for services and supplies, and purchase of furniture, fixtures, equipment and supplies.
(9) To exercise all other powers and duties as are
| reasonable to fulfill its functions in furtherance of the purposes of this Act.
(b) Powers and Duties of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards
(1) To act as the State agency participant on each
| Mobile Team Advisory Board.
(2) To act as the State agency to coordinate the
| actions of Mobile Teams established in the State.
(3) To determine that the Mobile Team meets the
| criteria for the receipt of funds from the State in accordance with Section 4 of this Act.
(4) To budget for and authorize quarterly
| disbursement of State funds up to 50% of the total approved budget of the eligible Mobile Team.
(5) To establish such reasonable rules and
| regulations as the Director deems necessary to carry out the duties described in this Act, including those relating to the annual certification of retired law enforcement officers qualified under federal law to carry a concealed weapon.
(c) Powers and Duties of the Coordinator of an Advisory Board.
(1) To manage and coordinate the ongoing operations
(2) To employ and supervise additional authorized
(3) To arrange for qualified instructors from among
| the employees of State, local or federal Departments or agencies wherever practical and to obtain other instructional services as required.
(Source: P.A. 94-103, eff. 7-1-05.)