Illinois Compiled Statutes
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65 ILCS 5/11-13-7
(65 ILCS 5/11-13-7) (from Ch. 24, par. 11-13-7)
Sec. 11-13-7.
In addition to the notice requirements otherwise provided for
in this Division 13, in municipalities of 500,000 or more population, an
applicant for variation or special use shall, not more than 30 days before
filing an application for variation or special use with the board of
appeals, serve written notice, either in person or by registered mail,
return receipt requested, on the owners, as recorded in the office of the
recorder of deeds or the registrar of titles of the county in which the
property is located and as appears from the authentic tax records of such
county, of all property within 250 feet in each direction of the location
for which the variation or special use is requested; provided, the number
of feet occupied by all public roads, streets, alleys and other public ways
shall be excluded in computing the 250 feet requirement. The notice herein
required shall contain the address of the location for which the variation
or special use is requested, a brief statement of the nature of the
requested variation or special use, the name and address of the legal and
beneficial owner of the property for which the variation or special use is
requested, a statement that the applicant intends to file an application
for variation or special use and the approximate date on which the
application will be filed. If, after a bona fide effort to determine such
address by the applicant for variation or special use, the owner of the
property on which the notice is served cannot be found at his or her last known
address, or the mailed notice is returned because the owner cannot be found
at the last known address, the notice requirements of this sub-section
shall be deemed satisfied. In addition to serving the notice herein
required, at the time of filing application for variation or special use,
the applicant shall furnish to the board of appeals a complete list
containing the names and last known addresses of the owners of the property
required to be served, the method of service and the names and last known
addresses of the owners of the service and the names and addresses of the
persons so served. The applicant shall also furnish a written statement
certifying that he or she has complied with the requirements of this subsection.
The board of appeals shall hear no application for variation or special use
unless the applicant for variation or special use furnishes the list and
certificate herein required. The board of appeals shall, not more than 30
days nor less than 15 days before the hearing at which the application for
variation or special use is to be considered, send written notice to the
persons appearing on the list furnished by the applicant, which notice
shall contain the time and place of the hearing, the address of the
location for which the variation or special use is requested and the name
and address of the applicant for variation or special use and a brief
statement of the nature of the variation or special use requested. Any notice required herein need not include a metes and bounds legal description of the property for which the variation or special use is requested, provided that the notice includes: (i) the common street address or addresses and (ii) the property index number ("PIN") or numbers of all the parcels of real property contained in the area for which the variation or special use is requested.
Any property owner within the above stated 250 feet notice
requirement, who
entered his or her appearance and objected at the board of appeals hearing, and
who shows that his or her property will be substantially affected by the outcome
of the decision of the board may, without proof of any specific, special,
or unique damages to himself or herself or his or her property or
any adverse effect upon his
property from the proposed variation or special use, seek judicial relief
from any order or
decision of the board of appeals under the Administrative
Review Law, and all amendments and modifications
thereof, and the rules adopted pursuant thereto.
If the board of appeals
determines that the property of any such owner will not be substantially
affected by the outcome of the decision of the board, such owner may
initiate or join in judicial review under the Administrative
Review Law, as provided
in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 97-336, eff. 8-12-11.)