Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

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30 ILCS 605/1

    (30 ILCS 605/1) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b1)
    Sec. 1. The following words and phrases as used in this Act, unless a different meaning is required by the context, have the meanings as set forth in Sections 1.01 to 1.06, inclusive.
(Source: P.A. 77-2466.)

30 ILCS 605/1.01

    (30 ILCS 605/1.01) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b2)
    Sec. 1.01. "Responsible officer" means and includes all elective State officers; directors of the executive code departments; presidents of universities and colleges; chairmen of executive boards, bureaus, and commissions; and all other officers in charge of the property of the State of Illinois, including subordinates of responsible officers deputized by them to carry out some or all of their duties under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 82-1047.)

30 ILCS 605/1.02

    (30 ILCS 605/1.02) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b3)
    Sec. 1.02. "Property" means State owned property and includes all real estate, with the exception of rights of way for State water resource and highway improvements, traffic signs and traffic signals, and with the exception of common school property; and all tangible personal property with the exception of properties specifically exempted by the administrator, provided that any property originally classified as real property which has been detached from its structure shall be classified as personal property.
    "Property" does not include property owned by the Illinois Medical District Commission and leased or occupied by others for purposes permitted under the Illinois Medical District Act. "Property" also does not include property owned and held by the Illinois Medical District Commission for redevelopment.
    "Property" does not include property described under Section 5 of Public Act 92-371 with respect to depositing the net proceeds from the sale or exchange of the property as provided in Section 10 of that Act.
    "Property" does not include that property described under Section 5 of Public Act 94-405.
    "Property" does not include real property owned or operated by the Illinois Power Agency or any electricity generated on that real property or by the Agency. For purposes of this subsection only, "real property" includes any interest in land, all buildings and improvements located thereon, and all fixtures and equipment used or designed for the production and transmission of electricity located thereon.
(Source: P.A. 94-405, eff. 8-2-05; 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 95-481, eff. 8-28-07.)

30 ILCS 605/1.03

    (30 ILCS 605/1.03) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b4)
    Sec. 1.03. "Administrator" means the Director of the Department of Central Management Services.
(Source: P.A. 82-789.)

30 ILCS 605/1.04

    (30 ILCS 605/1.04) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b4.1)
    Sec. 1.04. "Transferable property" means and includes all tangible personal property belonging to the State of Illinois in the possession, custody or control of any responsible officer or agency, which is not needed or usable by said officer or agency, including all excess, surplus, or scrap materials; provided, however, that "textbooks" as defined in Section 18-17 of the School Code shall not constitute transferable property after those textbooks have been on loan pursuant to that Section for a period of 5 years or more.
(Source: P.A. 86-1288.)

30 ILCS 605/1.05

    (30 ILCS 605/1.05) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b4.2)
    Sec. 1.05. "Agency" means and includes any State officer, executive code department, institution, university, college, board, bureau, commission, or other administrative unit of the State government or any State Constitutional Convention.
(Source: P.A. 82-1047.)

30 ILCS 605/1.06

    (30 ILCS 605/1.06) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b4.3)
    Sec. 1.06. "Local governmental unit" means any unit of local government as defined in Section 1 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution and includes school districts.
(Source: P.A. 77-2466.)

30 ILCS 605/2

    (30 ILCS 605/2) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b5)
    Sec. 2. This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "State Property Control Act".
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 34.)

30 ILCS 605/3

    (30 ILCS 605/3) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b6)
    Sec. 3. The administrator shall have full responsibility and authority for the administration of this Act.
(Source: Laws 1949, p. 1582.)

30 ILCS 605/4

    (30 ILCS 605/4) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b7)
    Sec. 4. Every responsible officer of the State government shall be accountable to the administrator for the supervision, control and inventory of all property under his jurisdiction, provided that each responsible officer may, with the consent of the administrator, deputize one or more subordinates to carry out some or all of said responsible officer's duties under this Act.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 34.)

30 ILCS 605/5

    (30 ILCS 605/5) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b8)
    Sec. 5. The administrator may adopt and cause to be published a standard code concerning the classification, description and identification marking of all properties.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 34.)

30 ILCS 605/6

    (30 ILCS 605/6) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b9)
    Sec. 6. The administrator is authorized to make such reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary for the enforcement of this Act and the purposes sought to be obtained therein. All such rules and regulations shall be certified, published and filed with the Secretary of State as provided by the Administrative Rules Act and shall include the provisions as set forth in Sections 6.01 to 6.10 inclusive.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 34.)

30 ILCS 605/6.01

    (30 ILCS 605/6.01) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b9.1)
    Sec. 6.01. A master record of all items of real property, including a description of buildings and improvements thereon, shall be maintained by the administrator. Each responsible officer shall each month report to the administrator on forms furnished by the latter on all changes, additions, deletions and other transactions affecting the master record of real property maintained by the administrator. The reports shall include all fixtures which have become personal property because of detachment from buildings or structures during the month preceding, and any other information required by the administrator. The reports required by this Section may, in the discretion of the administrator and the responsible officer, be destroyed after the items listed therein have been recorded on the master record required in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 84-349.)

30 ILCS 605/6.02

    (30 ILCS 605/6.02) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b9.2)
    Sec. 6.02. Each responsible officer shall maintain a permanent record of all items of property under his jurisdiction and control, provided the administrator may exempt tangible personal property of nominal value or in the nature of consumable supplies, or both; and provided further that "textbooks" as defined in Section 18-17 of The School Code shall be exempted by the administrator after those textbooks have been on loan pursuant to that Section for a period of 5 years or more. The listing shall include all property being acquired under agreements which are required by the State Comptroller to be capitalized for inclusion in the statewide financial statements. Each responsible officer shall submit a listing of the permanent record at least annually to the administrator in such format as the administrator shall require. The record may be submitted in either hard copy or computer readable form. The administrator may require more frequent submissions when in the opinion of the administrator the agency records are not sufficiently reliable to justify annual submissions.
    As used in this Section, "nominal value" means the value of an item is $2,500 or less. For the purposes of this definition, the value of the item shall reflect its depreciated value, as determined by the administrator. The administrator may by rule set the threshold for "nominal value" at a higher amount. Nothing in this definition shall be construed as relieving responsible officers of the duty to reasonably ensure that State property is not subject to theft.
(Source: P.A. 102-1119, eff. 1-23-23.)

30 ILCS 605/6.03

    (30 ILCS 605/6.03) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b9.3)
    Sec. 6.03. The record for each item of property shall contain such information as will in the discretion of the administrator provide for the proper identification thereof.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 34.)

30 ILCS 605/6.04

    (30 ILCS 605/6.04) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b9.4)
    Sec. 6.04. Annually, and upon at least 30 days notice, the administrator may require each responsible officer to make, or cause to be made, an actual physical inventory check of all items of property not of nominal value, as that term is defined in Section 6.02 of this Act, under his jurisdiction and control and said inventory shall be certified to the administrator with a full accounting of all errors or exceptions reported therein.
(Source: P.A. 100-193, eff. 1-1-18.)

30 ILCS 605/7

    (30 ILCS 605/7) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b10)
    Sec. 7. Disposition of transferable property.
    (a) Except as provided in subsection (c), whenever a responsible officer considers it advantageous to the State to dispose of transferable property by trading it in for credit on a replacement of like nature, the responsible officer shall report the trade-in and replacement to the administrator on forms furnished by the latter. The exchange, trade or transfer of "textbooks" as defined in Section 18-17 of the School Code between schools or school districts pursuant to regulations adopted by the State Board of Education under that Section shall not constitute a disposition of transferable property within the meaning of this Section, even though such exchange, trade or transfer occurs within 5 years after the textbooks are first provided for loan pursuant to Section 18-17 of the School Code.
    (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), whenever it is deemed necessary to dispose of any item of transferable property, the administrator shall proceed to dispose of the property by sale or scrapping as the case may be, in whatever manner he considers most advantageous and most profitable to the State. Items of transferable property which would ordinarily be scrapped and disposed of by burning or by burial in a landfill may be examined and a determination made whether the property should be recycled. This determination and any sale of recyclable property shall be in accordance with rules promulgated by the Administrator.
    When the administrator determines that property is to be disposed of by sale, he shall offer it first to the following entities for purchase at an appraised value:
        (1) municipalities, counties, and school districts of
the State;
        (2) charitable, not-for-profit educational and public
health organizations, including but not limited to medical institutions, clinics, hospitals, health centers, schools, colleges, universities, child care centers, museums, nursing homes, programs for the elderly, food banks, State Use Sheltered Workshops and the Boy and Girl Scouts of America;
        (3) minority-owned businesses, as defined in Section
2 of the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act; and
        (4) qualified veteran-owned small businesses, as
defined in Section 45-57 of the Illinois Procurement Code.
    Notice of inspection or viewing dates and property lists shall be distributed in the manner provided in rules and regulations promulgated by the Administrator for that purpose.
    Electronic data processing equipment purchased and charged to appropriations may, at the discretion of the administrator, be sold, pursuant to contracts entered into by the Director of Central Management Services or the heads of agencies exempt from "The Illinois Purchasing Act". However such equipment shall not be sold at prices less than the purchase cost thereof or depreciated value as determined by the administrator. No sale of the electronic data processing equipment and lease to the State by the purchaser of such equipment shall be made under this Act unless the Director of Central Management Services finds that such contracts are financially advantageous to the State.
    Disposition of other transferable property by sale, except sales directly to local governmental units, school districts, and not-for-profit educational, charitable and public health organizations, shall be subject to the following minimum conditions:
        (1) The administrator shall cause the property to be
advertised for sale to the highest responsible bidder, stating time, place, and terms of such sale at least 7 days prior to the time of sale and at least once in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county where the property is to be sold.
        (2) If no acceptable bids are received, the
administrator may then sell the property in whatever manner he considers most advantageous and most profitable to the State.
    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, an agency covered by this Act may transfer books, serial publications, or other library materials that are transferable property, or that have been withdrawn from the agency's library collection through a regular collection evaluation process, to any of the following entities:
        (1) Another agency covered by this Act located in
        (2) A State supported university library located in
        (3) A tax-supported public library located in
Illinois, including a library established by a public library district.
        (4) A library system organized under the Illinois
Library System Act or any library located in Illinois that is a member of such a system.
        (5) A non-profit agency, located in or outside
    A transfer of property under this subsection is not subject to the requirements of subsection (a) or (b).
    In addition, an agency covered by this Act may sell or exchange books, serial publications, and other library materials that have been withdrawn from its library collection through a regular collection evaluation process. Those items may be sold to the public at library book sales or to book dealers or may be offered through exchange to book dealers or other organizations. Revenues generated from the sale of withdrawn items shall be retained by the agency in a separate account to be used solely for the purchase of library materials; except that in the case of the State Library, revenues from the sale of withdrawn items shall be deposited into the State Library Fund to be used for the purposes stated in Section 25 of the State Library Act.
    For purposes of this subsection (c), "library materials" means physical entities of any substance that serve as carriers of information, including, without limitation, books, serial publications, periodicals, microforms, graphics, audio or video recordings, and machine readable data files.
    (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Director of the Illinois State Police may dispose of a service firearm or police badge issued or previously issued to a retiring or separating State Police officer as provided in Section 17b of the Illinois State Police Act. The Director of Natural Resources may dispose of a service firearm or police badge issued previously to a retiring Conservation Police Officer as provided in Section 805-538 of the Department of Natural Resources (Conservation) Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. The Director of the Secretary of State Department of Police may dispose of a service firearm or police badge issued or previously issued to a retiring Secretary of State Police officer, inspector, or investigator as provided in Section 2-116 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. The Office of the State Fire Marshal may dispose of a service firearm or badge previously issued to a State Fire Marshal Arson Investigator Special Agent who is honorably retiring or separating in good standing as provided in subsection (c) of Section 1 of the Peace Officer Fire Investigation Act.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 103-244, eff. 6-30-23.)

30 ILCS 605/7.9

    (30 ILCS 605/7.9)
    Sec. 7.9. Surplus real property assessment; report.
    (a) The administrator shall assess surplus real property, as defined under Section 7.1, and determine the marketability of the property in its current condition. The administrator shall consider the following factors in making an assessment under this Section:
        (1) the length of time the property has been
designated as surplus real property;
        (2) the annual State maintenance and security costs;
        (3) any excessive liabilities or other prominent
    (b) The administrator shall prepare a report based upon the assessment that includes all surplus real properties. The report shall further include:
        (1) the number of years each property has been vacant;
        (2) the annual maintenance costs the State incurs for
each property; and
        (3) a statement describing the latest attempts made
by the administrator to sell each property, including, where available, the estimated demolition and remediation costs at the time of the last attempted sale.
    (c) By February 1, 2025 and February 1 of every odd-numbered year thereafter, the administrator shall submit the report prepared under this Section to the Governor and the General Assembly.
    (d) The administrator may adopt rules necessary to implement and perform the requirements of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 103-874, eff. 8-9-24.)

30 ILCS 605/7a

    (30 ILCS 605/7a)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-865)
    Sec. 7a. Surplus furniture. It is declared to be the public policy of this State, and the General Assembly determines, that it is in the best interest of the people of this State to expend the least amount of funds possible on the purchase of furniture.
    Agencies that desire to purchase new furniture shall first check with the administrator if any of the surplus furniture under the administrator's control can be used in place of new furniture. If an agency finds that it is unable to use the surplus property, the agency shall file an affidavit with the administrator prior to any purchase, specifying the types of new furniture to be bought, the quantities of each type of new furniture, the cost per type, and the total cost per category. The affidavit shall also clearly state why the furniture must be purchased new as opposed to obtained from the administrator's surplus. The affidavits shall be made available by the administrator for public inspection and copying.
    This Section applies only to the purchase of an item of furniture with a purchase price of $500 or more.
(Source: P.A. 88-515; 88-656, eff. 9-16-94.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-865)
    Sec. 7a. Surplus furniture. It is declared to be the public policy of this State, and the General Assembly determines, that it is in the best interest of the people of this State to expend the least amount of funds possible on the purchase of furniture.
    Agencies that desire to purchase new furniture shall first check with the administrator if any of the surplus furniture under the administrator's control can be used in place of new furniture. If an agency finds that it is unable to use the surplus property, the agency may proceed with the new furniture purchase. The agency shall file annually, not later than January 31 of the next year, a report with the administrator specifying the types of new furniture purchased, the quantities of each type of new furniture, the cost per type, and the total cost per category. The report shall also clearly state why the furniture was purchased new as opposed to obtained from the administrator's surplus. The reports shall be made available by the administrator for public inspection and copying.
    This Section applies only to the purchase of an item of furniture with a purchase price of $1,500 or more.
(Source: P.A. 103-865, eff. 1-1-25.)

30 ILCS 605/7b

    (30 ILCS 605/7b)
    Sec. 7b. Maintenance and operation of Illinois State Police vehicles. All proceeds received by the Department of Central Management Services under this Act from the sale of vehicles operated by the Illinois State Police shall be deposited into the State Police Vehicle Fund.
(Source: P.A. 101-636, eff. 6-10-20; 102-505, eff. 8-20-21; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)

30 ILCS 605/7c

    (30 ILCS 605/7c)
    Sec. 7c. Acquisition of Illinois State Police vehicles.
    (a) The State Police Vehicle Fund is created as a special fund in the State treasury. All moneys in the Fund, subject to appropriation, shall be used by the Illinois State Police:
        (1) for the acquisition of vehicles for the Illinois
State Police;
        (2) for debt service on bonds issued to finance the
acquisition of vehicles for the Illinois State Police; or
        (3) for the maintenance and operation of vehicles
for the Illinois State Police.
    (b) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 102-505, eff. 8-20-21; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 103-363, eff. 7-28-23.)

30 ILCS 605/7d

    (30 ILCS 605/7d)
    Sec. 7d. Donated property. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Department of Veterans' Affairs may transfer any property under $100 in value that was donated to the Department for the explicit benefit of the residents of facilities operated by the Department under the Nursing Home Care Act to any civic organization.
(Source: P.A. 97-398, eff. 8-16-11.)

30 ILCS 605/7.1

    (30 ILCS 605/7.1) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b10.1)
    Sec. 7.1. (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, all surplus real property held by the State of Illinois shall be disposed of by the administrator as provided in this Section. "Surplus real property," as used in this Section, means any real property to which the State holds fee simple title or lesser interest, and is vacant and determined by the head of the owning agency to no longer be required for the State agency's needs and responsibilities and has no foreseeable use by the owning agency. Title to the surplus real property may remain with the owning agency throughout the disposition process if approved by the Administrator; however, the Administrator and the Department of Central Management Services shall have sole responsibility and authority for disposing of the property as set out in this Section.
    (b) All responsible officers shall submit an Annual Real Property Utilization Report to the Administrator, or annual update of such report, on forms required by the Administrator, by July 31 of each year. The Administrator may require such documentation as he deems reasonably necessary in connection with this Report, and shall require that such Report include the following information:
        (1) A legal description of all real property owned by
the State under the control of the responsible officer.
        (2) A description of the use of the real property
listed under (1).
        (3) A list of any improvements made to such real
property during the previous year.
        (4) The dates on which the State first acquired its
interest in such real property, and the purchase price and source of the funds used to acquire the property.
        (5) Plans for the future use of currently unused real
        (6) A declaration of any surplus real property. On or
before October 31 of each year the Administrator shall furnish copies of each responsible officer's report along with a list of surplus property indexed by legislative district to the General Assembly.
    This report shall be filed with the Speaker, the Minority Leader and the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the President, the Minority Leader and the Secretary of the Senate and shall be duplicated and made available to the members of the General Assembly for evaluation by such members for possible liquidation of unused public property at public sale.
    (c) Following receipt of the Annual Real Property Utilization Report required under paragraph (b), the Administrator shall notify all State agencies by October 31 of all declared surplus real property.
    (d) Any surplus real property shall be disposed of by the Administrator. No appraisal is required if during his initial survey of surplus real property the Administrator determines such property has a fair market value of less than $5,000. If the value of such property is determined by the Administrator in his initial survey to be $5,000 or more, then the Administrator shall obtain 2 appraisals of such real property, which shall include known liabilities, including, but not limited to, environmental costs. The average of these 2 appraisals shall represent the fair market value of the surplus real property.
    No surplus real property may be conveyed by the Administrator for less than the fair market value, unless the Administrator makes a written determination that it is in the best interests of the State to establish a different value. That written determination shall be published in the Illinois Procurement Bulletin. Such written determination, along with an affidavit setting forth the conditions and circumstances that make the use of a different value in the best interests of the State, shall also be filed with the Executive Ethics Commission. The Executive Ethics Commission shall have 30 days to review the written determination. The Executive Ethics Commission may order an additional 30 days to review the written determination. The Administrator shall provide the Executive Ethics Commission with any information requested by the Executive Ethics Commission related to the Administrator's determination of the value of the surplus real property. If the Executive Ethics Commission objects in writing to the value determined by the Administrator, then the Administrator shall not convey the surplus real property for less than either the fair market value as determined by the average of appraisals or an amount agreed upon by the Executive Ethics Commission and the Administrator. Circumstances in which it is in the best interests of the State to establish a different value may include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) an auction did not yield any bids at the established fair market value; (ii) a unit of local government is interested in acquiring the surplus real property; or (iii) the costs to the State of maintaining such surplus real property are sufficiently high that it would be reasonable to a prudent person to sell such surplus real property for less than the fair market value established by the average of the appraisals. In no event shall the Administrator sell surplus real property for less than 75% of fair market value and before such property has been offered to an interested unit of local government or made available at public auction.
    Prior to offering the surplus real property for sale to the public the Administrator shall give notice in writing of the existence of the surplus real property to each State agency and to the governing bodies of the county and of all cities, villages and incorporated towns in the county in which such real property is located. Any such State agency or governing body may notify the Administrator of its interest in acquiring the surplus real property within a notice period set by the Administrator of at least 30 days. If any State agency notifies the Administrator of its interest in acquiring the surplus property, the Administrator may deny any such requests by such agency if the Administrator determines that it is more advantageous to the State to dispose of the surplus real property to a governing body or the public. If a governing body notifies the Administrator of its interest in acquiring the property, then the Administrator shall wait a minimum of 30 additional days during which the Administrator may engage in negotiations with such governing body for the sale of the surplus real property. After the notice period set by the Administrator of at least 30 days has passed, the Administrator may sell the surplus real property by public auction, which may include an electronic auction or the use of sealed bids, following notice of such sale by publication on 3 separate days not less than 15 nor more than 30 days prior to the sale in the State newspaper and in a newspaper having general circulation in the county in which the surplus real property is located. The Administrator shall post "For Sale" signs of a conspicuous nature on such surplus real property offered for sale to the public. If no acceptable offers for the surplus real property are received, the Administrator may have new appraisals of such property made. The Administrator shall have all power necessary to convey surplus real property under this Section. All moneys received for the sale of surplus real property shall be deposited in the General Revenue Fund, except that:
        (1) Where moneys expended for the acquisition of such
real property were from a special fund which is still a special fund in the State treasury, this special fund shall be reimbursed in the amount of the original expenditure and any amount in excess thereof shall be deposited in the General Revenue Fund.
        (2) Whenever a State mental health facility operated
by the Department of Human Services is closed and the real estate on which the facility is located is sold by the State, the net proceeds of the sale of the real estate shall be deposited into the Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund.
        (3) Whenever a State developmental disabilities
facility operated by the Department of Human Services is closed and the real estate on which the facility is located is sold by the State, the net proceeds of the sale of the real estate shall be deposited into the Community Developmental Disability Services Medicaid Trust Fund.
    The Administrator shall have authority to order such surveys, abstracts of title, or commitments for title insurance as may, in his reasonable discretion, be deemed necessary to demonstrate to prospective purchasers or bidders good and marketable title in any property offered for sale pursuant to this Section. Unless otherwise specifically authorized by the General Assembly, all conveyances of property made by the Administrator shall be by quit claim deed.
    (e) The Administrator shall submit an annual report on or before February 1 to the Governor and the General Assembly containing a detailed statement of surplus real property either transferred or conveyed under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-280, eff. 8-6-21.)

30 ILCS 605/7.2

    (30 ILCS 605/7.2) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b10.2)
    Sec. 7.2. The Administrator, subject to the following conditions, shall have the authority to grant easements to public utilities.
    For purposes of this Act, "public utility" means and includes every corporation, company, association, joint stock company or association, firm, partnership, individual, or other organization, their levees, trustees, or receiver appointed by any court whatsoever that owns, controls, operates, or manages, within this State, directly or indirectly, for public use, any plant, equipment, or property used or to be used for or in connection with, or owns or controls any franchise, license, permit, or right to engage in:
        a. the transportation of persons or property;
        b. the transmission of telegraph or telephone
messages between points within this State;
        c. the production, storage, transmission, role,
delivery, or furnishing of heat, cold, light, power, electricity, or water;
        d. the disposal of sewerage;
        e. the conveyance of oil or gas by pipe line; or
        f. the provision of broadband Internet service, cable
service, video service, or Voice Over Internet Protocol service.
    A. Whenever any public utility makes an application for a grant of an easement in, over, or upon real property of the State of Illinois for purposes of locating and maintaining such utility, or such utility's wire, pipe, cable, fiber conduit, or other facility or equipment, the Administrator, with the consent of the agency having jurisdiction over the real property, may grant such easement. The Administrator shall determine whether or not such is adverse to the interests of the State of Illinois and shall impose such limitations on the grant as may be deemed necessary to protect the interests of the State of Illinois. Such grant may be made with or without consideration.
    B. The instrument granting the easement shall provide for termination upon:
        1. A failure to comply with any term or condition of
the grant; or
        2. A nonuse of the easement for a consecutive 2 year
period for the purpose granted; or
        3. An abandonment of the easement.
    Written notice of such termination shall be given to the grantee effective on the date of such notice.
    C. The authority granted by this Section shall be in addition to, and shall not affect or be subject to any law regarding granting of easements on State lands.
(Source: P.A. 103-378, eff. 1-1-24.)

30 ILCS 605/7.3

    (30 ILCS 605/7.3) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b10.3)
    Sec. 7.3. The Administrator shall have charge of all transferable property and shall have authority to take possession and control of such property in order to transfer or assign any such property to any other State agency that has need or use for such property or to dispose of said property in accordance with Section 7 of this Act.
    The Administrator may not dispose of a transferable airplane by sale until he or she determines that (i) the agency no longer has a need for the airplane, (ii) the airplane will not be used as a trade-in on another aircraft, and (iii) no public university or college in Illinois that offers courses in aviation, flight training, or other subjects involving knowledge of the workings of an airplane has listed the need for an airplane as provided in this Section.
    Responsible officers shall periodically report all transferable property at locations under their jurisdictions to the Administrator. The Administrator shall review such reports and arrange for physical examination of said property if necessary to determine if said items of transferable property should be transferred to another State agency, transferred to a central warehouse, or disposed of. The Administrator shall advise responsible officers of the results of these reviews as necessary.
    The staff under the jurisdiction of the Administrator shall review as necessary State agencies' inventories for potential items of transferable property. If in the opinion of the Administrator's staff, any property appears to be transferable, the Administrator shall notify the responsible officer of his determination. The executive head of the agency holding the property in question may appeal the determination in writing to the Administrator.
    The Administrator will review the determination in accordance with rules and procedures established pursuant to Section 5 of this Act.
    The Administrator shall maintain lists of transferable property and of State agency needs for such property and will transfer where appropriate listed transferable property to agencies listing their needs for such property as detailed by their responsible officers. The Administrator must give priority for transfer of an airplane, that is not to be used as a trade-in, to a public university or college in Illinois that offers courses in aviation, flight training, or other subjects involving knowledge of the workings of an airplane and that has listed the need for an airplane.
(Source: P.A. 91-432, eff. 1-1-00.)

30 ILCS 605/7.4

    (30 ILCS 605/7.4)
    Sec. 7.4. James R. Thompson Center.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any other law to the contrary, the administrator is authorized under this Section to dispose of the James R. Thompson Center located in Chicago, Illinois. The administrator may sell the property as provided in subsection (b), and, either as a condition of the sale or thereafter enter into a leaseback or other agreement that directly or indirectly gives the State a right to use, control, and possess the property.
    (b) The administrator shall dispose of the property using a competitive sealed proposal process that includes, at a minimum, the following:
        (1) Engagement Prior to Request for Proposal. The
administrator may, prior to soliciting requests for proposals, enter into discussions with interested purchasers in order to assess existing market conditions, demands and likely development scenarios provided that no such interested purchasers shall have any role in drafting any request for proposals nor shall any request for proposal be provided to any interested purchaser prior to its general public distribution. The administrator may issue a request for qualifications that requests interested purchasers to provide such information as the administrator reasonably deems necessary in order to evaluate the qualifications of such interested purchasers including the ability of interested purchasers to acquire and develop the property, all as reasonably determined by the administrator.
        (2) Request for proposals. Proposals to acquire and
develop the property shall be solicited through a request for proposals. Such request for proposals shall include such requirements and factors as the administrator shall determine are necessary or advisable with respect to the disposition of the James R. Thompson Center, including soliciting proposals designating a portion of the property after the development or redevelopment thereof in honor of Governor James R. Thompson.
        (3) Public notice. Public notice of any request for
qualification or request for proposals shall be published in the Illinois Procurement Bulletin at least 14 calendar days before the date by which such requests are due. The administrator may advertise the request in any other manner or publication which it reasonably determines may increase the scope and nature of responses to the request. In the event the administrator shall have already identified qualified purchasers pursuant to a request for qualification process as set forth above, notice of the request for proposals may be delivered only to such qualified purchasers.
        (4) Opening of proposals. Proposals shall be opened
publicly on the date, time and location designated in the Illinois Procurement Bulletin, but proposals shall be opened in a manner to avoid disclosure of contents to competing purchasers during the process of negotiation. A record of proposals shall be prepared and shall be open for public inspection after contract award, but prior to contract execution.
        (5) Evaluation factors. Proposals shall be submitted
in 2 parts: (i) items except price, and (ii) covering price. The first part of all proposals shall be evaluated and ranked independently of the second part of all proposals.
        (6) Discussion with interested purchasers and
revisions of offers or proposals. After the opening of the proposals, and under such guidelines as the administrator may elect to establish in the request for proposals, the administrator and his or her designees may engage in discussions with interested purchasers who submitted offers or proposals that the administrator determines are reasonably susceptible of being selected for award for the purpose of clarifying and assuring full understanding of and responsiveness to the solicitation requirements. Those purchasers shall be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals. Revisions may be permitted after submission and before award for the purpose of obtaining best and final offers. In conducting discussions there shall be no disclosure of any information derived from proposals submitted by competing purchasers. If information is disclosed to any purchaser, it shall be provided to all competing purchasers.
        (7) Award. Awards shall be made to the interested
purchaser whose proposal is determined in writing to be the most advantageous to the State, taking into consideration price and the evaluation factors set forth in the request for proposals. The contract file shall contain the basis on which the award is made.
    (b-5) Any contract to dispose of the property is subject to the following conditions:
        (1) A commitment from the purchaser to make any
applicable payments to the City of Chicago with respect to additional zoning density;
        (2) A commitment from the purchaser to enter into an
agreement with the City of Chicago and the Chicago Transit Authority regarding the existing operation of the Chicago Transit Authority facility currently located on the property, substantially similar to the existing agreement between the City of Chicago, the Chicago Transit Authority, and the State of Illinois, and such agreement must be executed prior to assuming title to the property; and
        (3) A commitment from the purchaser to designate a
portion of the property after the development or redevelopment thereof in honor of Governor James R. Thompson.
    (b-10) The administrator shall have authority to order such surveys, abstracts of title, or commitments for title insurance, environmental reports, property condition reports, or any other materials as the administrator may, in his or her reasonable discretion, be deemed necessary to demonstrate to prospective purchasers or bidders good and marketable title in and the existing conditions or characteristics of the property offered for sale under this Section. All conveyances of property made by the administrator under this Section shall be by quit claim deed.
    (c) All moneys received from the sale of real property under this Section shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund, provided that any obligations of the State to the purchaser acquiring the property, a contractor involved in the sale of the property, or a unit of local government may be remitted from the proceeds during the closing process and need not be deposited in the State treasury prior to closing.
    (d) The administrator is authorized to enter into any agreements and execute any documents necessary to exercise the authority granted by this Section.
    (e) Any agreement to dispose of the James R. Thompson Center located in Chicago, Illinois pursuant to the authority granted by this Section must be entered into no later than April 5, 2022.
    (f) The provisions of this Section are subject to the Freedom of Information Act, and nothing shall be construed to waive the ability of a public body to assert any applicable exemptions.
(Source: P.A. 100-1184, eff. 4-5-19; 101-645, eff. 6-26-20.)

30 ILCS 605/7.5

    (30 ILCS 605/7.5)
    Sec. 7.5. Illinois State Toll Highway Authority headquarters.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any other law to the contrary, the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, as set forth in items (1) through (3), is authorized under this Section to dispose of or mortgage the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority headquarters building and surrounding land, located at 2700 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, Illinois in any of the following ways:
        (1) The Authority may sell the property as provided
in subsection (b).
        (2) The Authority may sell the property as provided
in subsection (b) and may immediately thereafter enter into a leaseback or other agreement that directly or indirectly gives the State or the Authority a right to use, control, and possess the property. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a lease entered into under this subdivision (a)(2) may last for any period not exceeding 99 years.
        (3) The Authority may enter into a mortgage
agreement, using the property as collateral, to receive a loan or a line of credit based on the equity available in the property. Any loan obtained or line of credit established under this subdivision (a)(3) must require repayment in full in 20 years or less.
    (b) The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority shall obtain 3 appraisals of the real property transferred under subdivision (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Section, one of which shall be performed by an appraiser residing in the county in which the real property is located. The average of these 3 appraisals, plus the costs of obtaining the appraisals, shall represent the fair market value of the real property. No property may be conveyed under subdivision (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Section by the Authority for less than the fair market value. The Authority may sell the real property by public auction following notice of the sale by publication on 3 separate days not less than 15 nor more than 30 days prior to the sale in a daily newspaper having general circulation in the county in which the real property is located. If no acceptable offers for the real property are received, the Authority may have new appraisals of the property made. The Authority shall have all power necessary to convey real property under subdivision (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Section.
    The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority shall have authority to order such surveys, abstracts of title, or commitments for title insurance as may, in his or her reasonable discretion, be deemed necessary to demonstrate to prospective purchasers, bidders, or mortgagees good and marketable title in any property offered for sale or mortgage under this Section. Unless otherwise specifically authorized by the General Assembly, all conveyances of property made by the Authority under subdivision (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this Section shall be by quit claim deed.
    (c) All moneys received from the sale or mortgage of real property under this Section shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
    (d) The Authority is authorized to enter into any agreements and execute any documents necessary to exercise the authority granted by this Section.
    (e) Any agreement to dispose of or mortgage the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority headquarters building and surrounding land located at 2700 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, Illinois pursuant to the authority granted by this Section must be entered into no later than one year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly.
    (f) The provisions of this Section apply and control notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any other law to the contrary.
(Source: P.A. 93-19, eff. 6-20-03.)

30 ILCS 605/7.6

    (30 ILCS 605/7.6)
    Sec. 7.6. Illinois Public Safety Agency Network. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any other law to the contrary, the administrator and the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority are authorized under this Section to transfer to the Illinois Public Safety Agency Network, from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, all contractual personnel, books, records, papers, documents, property, both real and personal, and pending business in any way pertaining to the operations of the ALERTS, ALECS, and PIMS systems managed by the Authority including, but not limited to, radio frequencies, licenses, software, hardware, IP addresses, proprietary information, code, and other required information and elements necessary for the successful operation, future development, and transition of the systems.
(Source: P.A. 94-896, eff. 7-1-06.)

30 ILCS 605/7.7

    (30 ILCS 605/7.7)
    Sec. 7.7. Michael A. Bilandic Building.
    (a) On or prior to the disposition of the James R. Thompson Center the existing executive offices of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller, and Treasurer shall be relocated in the Michael A. Bilandic Building located at 160 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. An officer shall occupy the designated space on the same terms and conditions applicable on April 5, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 100-1184). An executive officer may choose to locate in alternative offices within the City of Chicago.
    (b) The four caucuses of the General Assembly shall be given space within the Michael A. Bilandic Building. Any caucus located in the building on or prior to April 5, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 100-1184) shall continue to occupy their designated space on the same terms and conditions applicable on April 5, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 100-1184).
(Source: P.A. 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)

30 ILCS 605/7.8

    (30 ILCS 605/7.8)
    Sec. 7.8. Public university surplus real estate.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any other law to the contrary, the Board of Trustees of any public institution of higher education in this State, as defined in subsection (d), is authorized to dispose of surplus real estate of that public institution of higher education as provided under subsection (b).
    (b) The Board of Trustees of any public institution of higher education in this State may sell, lease, or otherwise transfer and convey all or part of real estate deemed by the Board to be surplus real estate, together with the improvements situated thereon, to a bona fide purchaser for value and on such terms as the Board shall determine are in the best interests of that public institution of higher education and consistent with that institution's objects and purposes.
    (c) A Board of Trustees disposing of surplus real estate may retain the proceeds from the sale, lease, or other transfer of all or any part of the real estate deemed surplus real estate under subsection (b), including the improvements situated thereon, in a separate account in the treasury of the public institution of higher education for the purpose of deferred maintenance and emergency repair of institution property. The Auditor General shall examine the separate account to ensure the use or deposit of the proceeds authorized under this subsection (c) in a manner consistent with the stated purpose.
    (d) For the purposes of this Section, "public institution of higher education" or "institution" means the University of Illinois; Southern Illinois University; Chicago State University; Eastern Illinois University; Governors State University; Illinois State University; Northeastern Illinois University; Northern Illinois University; Western Illinois University; and any other public universities, now or hereafter established or authorized by the General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 101-213, eff. 8-7-19; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)

30 ILCS 605/8

    (30 ILCS 605/8) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b11)
    Sec. 8. The administrator shall, upon request from a local governmental unit, make available information as provided in Section 7 of this Act. The administrator may transfer or assign transferable property as provided in Section 7.3 of this Act or make direct sales to local governmental units, but no transfer, assignment or sale may be made to a local governmental unit without giving preference to an agency. No local governmental unit receiving property under this Section may dispose of that property except (a) to another local governmental unit, (b) as a trade-in on like property or (c) with the written approval of the administrator.
(Source: P.A. 82-1047.)

30 ILCS 605/8.1

    (30 ILCS 605/8.1) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b11.1)
    Sec. 8.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Administrator shall operate a clearinghouse for the exchange of laboratory equipment. All responsible officers shall, and any other source may, contribute to the clearinghouse any laboratory equipment which is transferable within the meaning of this Act. The Administrator shall supply lists of the contributed equipment to State agencies, State-supported colleges and universities, school districts and community colleges which may, in that order, select such equipment. The Administrator may make such reasonable rules and regulations as are necessary to achieve the purpose of this Section and to coordinate the duties imposed by this Section with those imposed elsewhere in this Act upon him and the responsible officers.
(Source: P.A. 84-389.)

30 ILCS 605/8.2

    (30 ILCS 605/8.2)
    Sec. 8.2. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 93-1034, eff. 9-3-04. Repealed by P.A. 102-1071, eff. 6-10-22.)

30 ILCS 605/8.3

    (30 ILCS 605/8.3)
    Sec. 8.3. John J. Madden Mental Health Center.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any other law to the contrary, the administrator is authorized under this Section to sell all or any part, from time to time, of the property in Cook County known as the John J. Madden Mental Health Center, if ever it is declared no longer needed by the Secretary of Human Services, to Loyola University Medical Center at its fair market value as determined under subsection (b).
    (b) The administrator shall obtain 3 appraisals of property to be sold under subsection (a). Each appraiser must be licensed under the Real Estate Appraiser Licensing Act of 2002, or a successor Act. At least 2 of the appraisals must be performed by appraisers residing in Cook County. The average of these 3 appraisals, plus the cost of obtaining the appraisals, shall represent the fair market value of the property to be sold.
    (c) Neither all nor any part of the property may be sold or leased to any other party by the administrator or by any other State officer or agency, at any time, unless it has first been offered for sale to Loyola University Medical Center as provided in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 94-1107, eff. 2-16-07.)

30 ILCS 605/9

    (30 ILCS 605/9) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b12)
    Sec. 9. Any responsible officer, person or employee of the State government who violates any of the provisions, rules, regulations, directions and orders as set forth in this Act shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 77-2598.)

30 ILCS 605/12

    (30 ILCS 605/12) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b13)
    Sec. 12. The provisions of "The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act", as now or hereafter amended, are hereby expressly adopted and incorporated herein as though a part of this Act, and shall apply to all administrative rules and procedures of the administrator under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 80-1168.)

30 ILCS 605/15

    (30 ILCS 605/15)
    Sec. 15. Items sold to General Assembly members. This Act does not apply to items sold to General Assembly members under subsections (c-10) and (c-15) of Section 1 of the Legislative Materials Act.
(Source: P.A. 92-11, eff. 6-11-01.)