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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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(65 ILCS 95/) Home Equity Assurance Act.

65 ILCS 95/1

    (65 ILCS 95/1) (from Ch. 24, par. 1601)
    Sec. 1. Short title. This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Home Equity Assurance Act.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/2

    (65 ILCS 95/2) (from Ch. 24, par. 1602)
    Sec. 2. Purpose. The purpose of a Home Equity Program and commission created under the provisions of this Act by the voters of a territory within a municipality with a population of more than 1,000,000 shall be to guarantee that the value of the property of each member of the program shall not fall below its fair market value established at the time the member registers in a program, provided that the member remains in the program for at least 5 years, keeps the property well maintained, continuously occupies the property as his or her principal residence, or a family member continuously occupies the property as a principal residence, and adheres to the guidelines of a program. By providing such a guarantee, a program is intended to provide relief only from specifically local adverse housing market conditions within the territory of the program as they may differ from municipal-wide, regional, or national housing conditions. A program is not intended to provide relief from physical perils such as natural disasters or acts of God or from depreciation due to failure to maintain a residence. Furthermore, a program is not intended to provide, serve as, or replace homeowner's insurance or other conventional forms of insurance.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/3

    (65 ILCS 95/3) (from Ch. 24, par. 1603)
    Sec. 3. Definitions. For the purposes of this Act:
    (a) "Bona fide offer" means an offer made in good faith and for a valuable consideration to purchase a qualified residence at a price that in the opinion of the governing commission is reasonable given current market conditions.
    (b) "Certificate of participation" means the duly notarized document of membership in a program, signed by the qualified applicant and by an authorized representative of the governing commission, which specifies the location and description of the guaranteed residence, its guaranteed value, the registration date, and which has attached a program appraisal for the guaranteed residence.
    (c) "Community organization" means a not-for-profit organization which has been registered with this State for at least 5 years as a not-for-profit organization, which qualifies for tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now or hereafter amended, which continuously maintains an office or business location within the territory of a program together with a current listed telephone number, and whose members reside within the territory of a program.
    (d) "Eligible applicant" means a natural person who is the owner of a qualified residence within the territory of a program who continuously occupies or has a family member who occupies such qualified residence as the principal place of residence.
    (e) "Family member" means a spouse, child, stepchild, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, or any such relations of the spouse of the member.
    (f) "Governing commission" means the 9 member (or 18 member in the case of a merged program) governing body which is authorized by voter approval of the creation of a home equity program (or merger of programs) as provided in this Act and which is appointed by the mayor of the municipality in which the program has been approved with the approval of the city council, 7 (or 14 in the case of a merged program) of whom shall be appointed from a list or lists of nominees submitted by a community organization or community organizations as defined in this Act.
    (g) "Gross selling value" means the total consideration to be paid for the purchase of a guaranteed residence, and shall include any amount that the buyer or prospective buyer agrees to assume on behalf of a member, including broker commissions, points, legal fees, personal financing, or other items of value involved in the sale.
    (h) "Guarantee fund" means the funds collected under the provisions of this Act for the purpose of guaranteeing the property values of members within the territory of a program.
    (i) "Guaranteed residence" means a qualified residence for which a certificate of participation has been issued, which is occupied continuously as the place of legal residence by the member or a family member, which is described in the certificate of participation, and which is entitled to coverage under this Act.
    (j) "Guaranteed value" means the appraised valuation based upon a standard of current fair market value as of the registration date on the qualified residence as determined by a program appraiser pursuant to accepted professional appraisal standards and which is authorized by the commission for the registration date. The guaranteed value shall be used solely by the commission for the purpose of administering the program and shall remain confidential.
    (k) "Member" means the owner of a guaranteed residence.
    (l) "Owner" means a natural person who is the legal titleholder or who is the beneficiary of a trust which is the legal titleholder.
    (m) "Physical perils" means physical occurrences such as, but not limited to, fire, windstorm, hail, nuclear explosion or seepage, war, insurrection, wear and tear, cracking, settling, vermin, rodents, insects, vandalism, pollution or contamination, and all such related occurrences or acts of God.
    (n) "Program" means the guaranteed home equity program governed by a specific home equity commission.
    (o) "Program appraisal" means a real estate appraisal conducted by a program appraiser for the purpose of establishing the guaranteed value of a qualified residence under a program and providing a general description of the qualified residence. The program appraisal shall be used solely by the governing commission for the purpose of administering the program and shall remain confidential.
    (p) "Program appraiser" means a real estate appraiser who meets the professional standards established by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (AIREA), the National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers (NAIFA), the National Society of Real Estate Appraisers (NSREA) or the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) and whose name is submitted to the governing commission by the appraiser to conduct program appraisals under the provisions of a program.
    (q) "Program guidelines" means those policies, rules, regulations, and bylaws established from time to time by the governing commission to explain, clarify, or modify the program in order to fulfill its goals and objectives.
    (r) "Qualified residence" means a building: (1) located in the territory of a program having at least one, but not more than 6, dwelling units; (2) classified by county ordinance as residential and assessed for property tax purposes; and (3) with at least one dwelling unit continuously occupied as the principal legal residence of a member or family member.
    (s) "Registration date" means the date of receipt by the governing commission of the registration fee and a completed application of a qualified applicant for participation in a program.
    (t) "Registration fee" means the fee which is established by the governing commission to defray the cost of a program appraisal on a qualified residence.
(Source: P.A. 95-1047, eff. 4-6-09.)

65 ILCS 95/4

    (65 ILCS 95/4) (from Ch. 24, par. 1604)
    Sec. 4. Creation of Commission.
    (a) Whenever in a municipality with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, the question of creating a home equity program within a contiguous territory included entirely within the municipality is initiated by resolution or ordinance of the corporate authorities of the municipality or by a petition signed by not less than 10% of the total number of registered voters of each precinct in the territory, the registered voters of which are eligible to sign the petition, it shall be the duty of the election authority having jurisdiction over such municipality to submit the question of creating a home equity program to the electors of each precinct within the territory at the regular election specified in the resolution, ordinance or petition initiating the question. If the question is initiated by petition and if the requisite number of signatures is not obtained in any precinct included within the territory described in the petition, then the petition shall be valid as to the territory encompassed by those precincts for which the requisite number of signatures is obtained and any such precinct for which the requisite number of signatures is not obtained shall be excluded from the territory. A petition initiating a question described in this Section shall be filed with the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality. The petition shall be filed and objections thereto shall be made in the manner provided in the general election law. A resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating a question described in this Section shall specify the election at which the question is to be submitted. The referendum on such question shall be held in accordance with general election law. Such question, and the resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating the question, shall include a description of the territory, the name of the proposed home equity program, and the maximum rate at which the home equity program shall be able to levy a property tax. All of that area within the geographic boundaries of the territory described in such question shall be included in the program, and no area outside the geographic boundaries of the territory described in such question shall be included in the program. If the election authority determines that the description cannot be included within the space limitations of the ballot, the election authority shall prepare large printed copies of a notice of the question, which shall be prominently displayed in the polling place of each precinct in which the question is to be submitted.
    (b) Whenever a majority of the voters on such public question approve the creation of a home equity program as certified by the proper election authorities, the mayor of the municipality shall appoint, with the consent of the corporate authorities, 9 individuals, to be known as commissioners, to serve as the governing body of the home equity program. The mayor shall choose 7 of the 9 individuals to be appointed to the governing commission from nominees submitted by a community organization or community organizations as defined in this Act. A community organization may recommend up to 20 individuals to serve on a governing commission. Beginning after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, a home equity commission shall consist of 7 commissioners; however, the 9 commissioners serving on a governing commission on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly shall be allowed to finish their current terms of service. Thereafter, the number of commissioners shall be reduced to 7.
    No fewer than 5 commissioners serving at any one time shall reside within the territory of the program. Beginning after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, and upon the number of commissioners being reduced to 7, no fewer than 4 commissioners serving at any one time shall reside within the territory of the program.
    Upon the initial appointment of 7 commissioners to a governing commission under the provisions of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, the terms of the initial commissioners shall be as follows: one shall serve for one year, 3 shall serve for 2 years, and 3 shall serve for 3 years and until a successor is appointed and qualified. All succeeding terms shall be for 3 years, or until a successor is appointed or qualified. Commissioners shall serve without compensation except for reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of duties as a commissioner. A vacancy in the office of a member of a commission shall be filled in like manner as an original appointment.
    All proceedings and meetings of the governing commission shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, as now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 100-107, eff. 1-1-18.)

65 ILCS 95/4.1

    (65 ILCS 95/4.1) (from Ch. 24, par. 1604.1)
    Sec. 4.1. Additional precinct.
    (a) If the creation of an existing home equity program was initiated by petition and if a precinct was excluded from the territory because the requisite number of signatures was not obtained as provided in subsection (a) of Section 4, the excluded precinct may be added to the territory of the program as provided in this Section if the excluded precinct is contiguous to the existing program.
    (a-5) Upon the filing of a petition signed by the requisite number of registered voters of a precinct that is contiguous to an existing home equity program, the precinct may be added to the territory of the program as provided in this Section.
    (b) If a petition signed by not less than 10% of the total number of registered voters of the precinct is filed with the proper election authority, and if the governing commission consents, by ordinance or resolution, to adding the excluded precinct to the territory of the program, the election authority shall submit the question of adding the excluded precinct to the territory of the program to the electors of the excluded precinct at the regular election specified in the petition. The petition shall be filed and objections made, and the referendum shall be conducted, as provided in the general election law. The petition and the question submitted to referendum shall describe the precinct, identify the program to which the precinct is proposed to be added, and state the maximum rate at which the program shall be authorized to levy a property tax, which rate shall be the same as the existing maximum rate for the program.
    (c) If a majority of the electors of the precinct voting on the question are in favor of adding the precinct to the program, the precinct shall be part of the territory of the program.
(Source: P.A. 88-658, eff. 1-1-95.)

65 ILCS 95/4.2

    (65 ILCS 95/4.2) (from Ch. 24, par. 1604.2)
    Sec. 4.2. Merger of Programs. (a) Whenever in a municipality with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, the question of merging 2 existing and contiguous home equity programs within the municipality is initiated by resolution or ordinance of the governing commissions of both programs proposed to be merged or by a petition signed by not less than 10% of the total number of registered voters of each program proposed to be merged, the registered voters of which are eligible to sign the petition, it shall be the duty of the election authority having jurisdiction over such municipality to submit the question of merging the programs to the electors of each program at the regular election specified in the resolution, ordinance or petition initiating the question. A petition initiating a question described in this Section shall be filed with the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality. The petition shall be filed and objections thereto shall be made in the manner provided in the general election law. A resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating a question described in this Section shall specify the election at which the question is to be submitted. The referendum on such question shall be held in accordance with general election law. Such question, and the resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating the question, shall include a description of the territory of the 2 programs, the name of the proposed merged home equity program, and the maximum rate at which the merged home equity program shall be able to levy a property tax. All of that area within the geographic boundaries of the territory of the 2 programs described in such question shall be included in the merged program, and no area outside the geographic boundaries of the territory of the 2 programs described in such question shall be included in the merged program. If the election authority determines that the description cannot be included within the space limitations of the ballot, the election authority shall prepare large printed copies of a notice of the question, which shall be prominently displayed in the polling place of each precinct in which the question is to be submitted.
    (b) Whenever a majority of the voters on such public question in each existing program approve the merger of home equity programs as certified by the proper election authorities, the 9 commissioners of each of the merged programs shall serve as the 18 member governing body of the merged home equity program.
    No fewer than 10 commissioners serving at any one time shall reside within the territory of the merged program.
    Upon creation of a merged program, a commissioner shall serve for the term for which he or she was appointed and until a successor is appointed and qualified. All succeeding terms shall be for 3 years, or until a successor is appointed and qualified, and no commissioner may serve more than 2 consecutive terms. Commissioners shall serve without compensation except for reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of duties as a commissioner. A vacancy in the office of a member of the commission shall be filled in like manner as an original appointment.
    All proceedings and meetings of the governing commission shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, as now or hereafter amended.
    Upon creation of a merged program, the members of each of the 2 programs merged into the merged program shall be members of the merged program, the guarantee funds of each shall be merged, and they shall be operated as a single program.
(Source: P.A. 86-684.)

65 ILCS 95/4.3

    (65 ILCS 95/4.3)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2025)
    Sec. 4.3. Tax levies for levy year 2021.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the governing commission of a home equity assurance program that levied at least $1,000,000 in property taxes in levy year 2019 or 2020 may not levy any property tax in levy year 2021.
    (b) This Section is repealed January 1, 2025.
(Source: P.A. 102-311, eff. 8-6-21; 102-519, eff. 8-20-21.)

65 ILCS 95/5

    (65 ILCS 95/5) (from Ch. 24, par. 1605)
    Sec. 5. Duties and functions of Commission. The duties and functions of the governing commission of a Home Equity Program shall include the following:
        (a) To conduct or supervise the day-to-day operation
of the program, including but not limited to the administration of homeowner applications for participation in the program and homeowner claims against the guarantee fund.
        (b) To establish policies, rules, regulations,
bylaws, and procedures for both the governing commission and the program. No policies, rules, regulations, or bylaws shall be adopted by the governing commission without prior notice to the residents of the territory of a program and an opportunity for such residents to be heard.
        (c) To provide annual status reports on the program
to the mayor and corporate authorities of the municipality.
        (d) To establish guaranteed value standards which are
directly linked to the program appraisal, to approve guarantee values, to establish requirements for program appraisers consistent with subsection (p) of Section 3. In no event shall the program guidelines adopted by the governing commission provide for selecting appraisers based on criteria other than the quality and timeliness of the appraisals provided to the governing commission.
        (e) To manage, administer, and invest the guarantee
        (f) To liquidate acquired assets to maintain the
guarantee fund.
        (g) To participate in arbitration required under the
program and to subpoena all necessary persons, parties, or documents required to proceed with such arbitration.
        (h) To employ necessary personnel, acquire necessary
office space, enter into contractual relationships and disburse funds in accordance with the provisions of this Act. A governing commission may employ full-time or part-time employees.
        (i) To perform such other functions in connection
with the program and the guarantee fund as required under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-107, eff. 1-1-18.)

65 ILCS 95/6

    (65 ILCS 95/6) (from Ch. 24, par. 1606)
    Sec. 6. Application Procedures. (a) Eligibility for membership in the program shall be limited to the owner of a qualified residence within the territory of a home equity program who continuously occupies or has a family member who occupies a qualified residence as a principal place of residence.
    (b) An eligible applicant shall apply to the program by submitting an application and a registration fee as determined by the governing commission. Prior to accepting a registration fee, the governing commission shall inform the applicant of the rights, duties, and obligations of both the member and the governing commission under the program. Upon receipt of the registration fee, the governing commission shall have the residence of the applicant appraised by a program appraiser at the expense of the program to determine the guaranteed value of the residence.
    (c) At its option, the governing commission may require a second program appraisal of the qualified residence, also at the expense of the program, if it determines that the first program appraisal is incomplete, inadequate, or inaccurate.
    (d) A certificate of participation shall then be issued to the eligible applicant certifying membership in the program and stating the guaranteed value, the registration date, the address of the guaranteed residence and description of the conditions and exclusions of the program. An authorized program appraisal shall be attached to the certificate of participation.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/7

    (65 ILCS 95/7) (from Ch. 24, par. 1607)
    Sec. 7. Guarantee. A member or the estate of a member participating in a program created under the provisions of this Act shall be paid 100% of the difference between the guaranteed value as determined by the program and the gross selling value as determined in Section 8 of this Act if the guaranteed value is greater than the gross selling value. The guarantee provided by the program shall only apply to sales made 5 years or more after the date of issuance of the certificate of participation and shall be provided subject to all of the terms, conditions, and stipulations of the program. The guarantee provided by the program shall extend only to those who qualified as members at the time of their application, or to the estates of members; provided that the estate applies within 2 years of the member's death or immediately upon completion of the fifth year after the date of issuance of the certificate of participation, whichever is later. A member shall receive the guarantee provided by the program only if the member has accepted a bona fide offer and the sale of the guaranteed residence has closed. A member of a program agrees to abide by all conditions, stipulations, and provisions of a program and shall not be eligible for protection and shall not receive the guarantee unless all such conditions, stipulations and provisions have been met. Any member failing to abide by the conditions, stipulations and provisions of a program or who engages in fraud, misrepresentation, or concealment in any process involving a program forfeits both the registration fee and any claim to the guarantee.
(Source: P.A. 95-1047, eff. 4-6-09.)

65 ILCS 95/8

    (65 ILCS 95/8) (from Ch. 24, par. 1608)
    Sec. 8. Procedures for obtaining benefits.
    (a) In order to be eligible for payment under a program created pursuant to this Act, a member must follow the program guidelines adopted by the governing commission as well as the procedures set forth in this Section.
    (b) A member must file a "Notice of Intent to Sell" with the governing commission in accordance with program guidelines if and when the member intends to place the guaranteed residence on the market for sale. Upon receipt of a "Notice of Intent to Sell", the governing commission shall provide the member with a copy of this Section and a written description of the rights and responsibilities of both the member and the governing commission and the procedures for obtaining benefits; provided, however, that such information provided by the governing commission shall not restrict or advise the member with respect to the selection of a real estate broker or agent. The information shall be delivered to the member either in person or by registered mail. A member is not eligible to file "Notice of Intent to Sell" until 5 years after the member's registration date.
    (c) A member is required to offer the guaranteed residence for sale according to the program guidelines, including the utilization of complete and proper methods for listing residential property, listing the guaranteed residence at a price which reasonably can be expected to attract buyers, and providing reasonable access for potential buyers to see the guaranteed residence.
    (d) A member shall list the guaranteed residence in accordance with program guidelines with a real estate broker of the member's choice, for up to 90 days following the date on which the member listed the residence.
    (e) Within 60 days of receipt of a "Notice of Intent to Sell", the governing commission shall have the guaranteed residence inspected by a program appraiser, at the governing commission's expense, in order to determine if the guaranteed residence is in substantially the same condition as described by the program appraisal attached to the certificate of participation. If the guaranteed residence fails to meet this standard, the following procedures shall be followed:
        (1) The program appraiser shall determine the
percentage depreciation of the guaranteed residence due to failure to maintain the premises or due to physical perils or other causes not covered by the program.
        (2) This percentage figure shall be multiplied by the
guaranteed value to determine the dollar depreciation.
        (3) This dollar depreciation shall be subtracted from
the guaranteed value to derive a lower guaranteed value to be used for the purpose of determining the amount of payment under the program.
    (f) A member shall make the guaranteed residence available to a program appraiser within a reasonable time within this 60 day period after receipt of notice from the commission that an inspection under paragraph (e) of this Section is required, or the member's coverage under the program shall be null, void and of no further effect, and the member's registration fee shall be forfeited.
    (g) Ninety days after listing the guaranteed residence, a member shall be eligible to file a "Notice of Intent to Claim" with the governing commission, in accordance with guidelines established by the governing commission, attesting to the fact that the member has followed program guidelines in offering the guaranteed residence for sale, that the member is unable to obtain an offer for purchase of the guaranteed residence for at least its guaranteed value, and that the member intends to file a claim against the program. Such notice shall include verifiable evidence of placement of the guaranteed residence on the market, the dates such placement took place, and shall list all reasonable offers to buy the property. Verifiable evidence may include a copy of advertisements for sale, a contract with a licensed real estate broker, or other evidence satisfactory to a majority of the governing commission.
    (h) Upon receipt of the "Notice of Intent to Claim", the governing commission has 60 days during which it shall require the member to list the guaranteed residence at a price that the governing commission deems reasonable with a real estate broker of the member's choosing. The real estate broker chosen by the member shall advertise the guaranteed residence throughout the municipality which encompasses the territory of the program.
    (i) During the 60 day period described in paragraph (h) of this Section, the member shall forward to the governing commission all offers of purchase by either personal delivery or registered mail. If the member receives an offer of purchase which can reasonably be expected to be consummated if accepted and whose gross selling value is greater than the guaranteed value of the guaranteed residence, then no benefits may be claimed under the program. If the member receives an offer to purchase at a gross selling value that is less than the guaranteed value, a majority of the Commission must determine if it is a bona fide offer. If the governing commission determines the offer is not bona fide, the offer shall be deemed rejected by the governing commission. The member shall have a right to request arbitration. If the offer is deemed bona fide, the governing commission shall, within 7 working days of the receipt of such offer, either:
        (1) approve the offer, in which case the governing
commission shall authorize the payment of the amount afforded under this Act upon receipt of verifiable evidence of the sale of the guaranteed residence subject to the following conditions: (i) sales involving eminent domain shall be covered as set forth in paragraph (l) of this Section; (ii) sales subsequent to an insured property and casualty loss shall be guaranteed for the guaranteed value as determined according to paragraph (e) of this Section; (iii) contract sales shall be guaranteed as determined by the guaranteed value in paragraph (e) of this Section, however proceeds payable from the program shall be disbursed in equal annual installments over the life of the contract; or
        (2) reject the offer, in which case the member shall
continue showing the guaranteed residence until the termination of the 60 day period.     Any offer that the governing commission deems not to be a bona fide offer shall be rejected by the governing commission.
    Unless the member and the governing commission otherwise agree, the governing commission's failure to act upon an offer within 7 working days shall be deemed to be a rejection of the offer.
    If the member does not receive a bona fide offer within the 60 day period described in subsection (h), the Commission may order an appraisal, at the governing commission expense, of the property to determine the current fair market value. If the current fair market value is below the guaranteed value, the Commission may require the member to list the guaranteed residence at the fair market value price with a real estate broker of the member's choosing. If the member does not receive a bona fide offer within 90 days thereafter, the member may further reduce the price with the consent of the Commission. Every 90 days thereafter, the member may request, and the Commission may consent to, a reduced listing price.
    (j) No guarantee is afforded by the program unless the member has accepted a bona fide offer and the sale of the guaranteed property has closed, and until 60 days after a member files a "Notice of Intent to Claim". The governing commission shall be required to make payments to a member only upon receipt of verifiable evidence of the actual sale of the guaranteed residence in accordance with the terms agreed upon between the member and the governing commission at the time the governing commission authorized payment. If a member rejects an offer for purchase which has been submitted to and approved by the governing commission, the governing commission or program shall not be liable for any future guarantee payment larger than that authorized for this proposed sale.
    (k) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, payments under the program as provided in Section 7 of this Act shall not be made until the sale of the guaranteed residence has closed and title has passed or the beneficial interest has been transferred.
    (l) When a guaranteed residence is to be acquired through the use of eminent domain by a condemning body, the following procedures shall apply:
        (1) If the member rejects an offer from the
condemning body equal to or greater than the guaranteed value, then no benefits may be claimed under the program.
        (2) If the condemning body offers less than the
guaranteed value, the governing commission may either: (i) pay 100% of the difference between the guaranteed value and the offered price if the member agrees to sell at the offered price; or (ii) advise the member that the offer is inadequate and should be refused. If the member refuses the offer and the final court determination of the value of the property is less than the guaranteed value, then the program shall pay 100% of the difference between the judgment and the guaranteed value.
(Source: P.A. 95-1047, eff. 4-6-09.)

65 ILCS 95/9

    (65 ILCS 95/9) (from Ch. 24, par. 1609)
    Sec. 9. Establishing a new guaranteed value and registration date.
     (a) A member has the option of applying for a new program appraisal by a program appraiser in order to establish a new certificate of participation with a new registration date. The governing commission may exercise the right to require a second program appraisal in accordance with the procedures described in Section 6 of this Act. This new guaranteed value shall be subject to the following conditions:
        (1) A new guaranteed value established solely for the
purpose of determining a property's increased value due to inflation may not be requested by the member until 5 years have elapsed from the member's initial registration date or 3 years have elapsed from the most recent new registration date under this item (1), whichever is later.
        (2) A new guaranteed value established due to home
improvements shall be granted only when the value of the home improvements exceed $5,000.
        (3) A member may not initiate a claim against the
program based upon the new guaranteed value until 8 years after the member's initial registration date or 3 years after the new registration date, whichever is later. Until that time, coverage shall be based on the most recent certificate of participation that meets the time limitations and the guaranteed value set forth in that certificate of participation.
        (4) If the governing commission, by majority vote,
determines that the application for a new appraisal is due to substantial property improvements on the guaranteed residence, then the application fee for the appraisal shall be one-half of the registration fee then being charged by the program.
        (5) If the governing commission, by a majority vote,
concludes that the application for a new appraisal is not due to substantial property improvements, the application fee for the new appraisal shall be the amount of the registration fee then being charged by the program.
        (6) A new guaranteed value shall be subject to all of
the conditions, stipulations, and provisions of this Act.
    (b) After following the above procedures, the member shall be issued a new certificate of participation which shall state the new guaranteed value and registration date.
    (c) A member may request a new guaranteed value and registration date only once per year.
(Source: P.A. 93-709, eff. 7-9-04.)

65 ILCS 95/10

    (65 ILCS 95/10) (from Ch. 24, par. 1610)
    Sec. 10. Arbitration. (a) If a member or applicant disagrees with the guaranteed value, the dollar depreciation due to failure to maintain the premises, or the dollar depreciation due to physical perils as determined by the program appraiser and approved by the governing commission, the member may appeal in writing to the governing commission within 30 days of the approval of the guaranteed value or the dollar depreciation by the governing commission. The governing commission must respond in writing to this appeal within 30 days of its receipt.
    (b) If the member still disagrees with the governing commission, the member may submit a written request for arbitration to the governing commission within 30 days of receiving the written response to the appeal.
    (c) All such requests for arbitration shall be settled in accordance with the Real Estate Valuation Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having appropriate jurisdiction.
    (d) The determination made pursuant to such arbitration procedure shall be final and binding on the member, the governing commission and all other parties.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/11

    (65 ILCS 95/11) (from Ch. 24, par. 1611)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-737)
    Sec. 11. Guarantee Fund.
    (a) Each governing commission and program created by referendum under the provisions of this Act shall maintain a guarantee fund for the purposes of paying the costs of administering the program and extending protection to members pursuant to the limitations and procedures set forth in this Act.
    (b) The guarantee fund shall be raised by means of an annual tax levied on all residential property within the territory of the program having at least one, but not more than 6 dwelling units and classified by county ordinance as residential. The rate of this tax may be changed from year to year by majority vote of the governing commission but in no case shall it exceed a rate of .12% of the equalized assessed valuation of all property in the territory of the program having at least one, but not more than 6 dwelling units and classified by county ordinance as residential, or the maximum tax rate approved by the voters of the territory at the referendum which created the program or, in the case of a merged program, the maximum tax rate approved by the voters at the referendum authorizing the merger, whichever rate is lower. The commissioners shall cause the amount to be raised by taxation in each year to be certified to the county clerk in the manner provided by law, and any tax so levied and certified shall be collected and enforced in the same manner and by the same officers as those taxes for the purposes of the county and city within which the territory of the commission is located. Any such tax, when collected, shall be paid over to the proper officer of the commission who is authorized to receive and receipt for such tax. The governing commission may issue tax anticipation warrants against the taxes to be assessed for the calendar year in which the program is created and for the first full calendar year after the creation of the program.
    (c) The moneys deposited in the guarantee fund shall, as nearly as practicable, be fully and continuously invested or reinvested by the governing commission in investment obligations which shall be in such amounts, and shall mature at such times, that the maturity or date of redemption at the option of the holder of such investment obligations shall coincide, as nearly as practicable, with the times at which monies will be required for the purposes of the program. For the purposes of this Section investment obligation shall mean direct general municipal, state, or federal obligations which at the time are legal investments under the laws of this State and the payment of principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by the governing body issuing them.
    (d) Except as permitted by this subsection and subsection (d-5), the guarantee fund shall be used solely and exclusively for the purpose of providing guarantees to members of the particular Guaranteed Home Equity Program and for reasonable salaries, expenses, bills, and fees incurred in administering the program, and shall be used for no other purpose.
    A governing commission, with no less than $4,000,000 in its guarantee fund, may, if authorized (i) by referendum duly adopted by a majority of the voters or (ii) by resolution of the governing commission upon approval by two-thirds of the commissioners, establish a Low Interest Home Improvement Loan Program in accordance with and subject to procedures established by a financial institution, as defined in the Illinois Banking Act. Whenever the question of creating a Low Interest Home Improvement Loan Program is initiated by resolution or ordinance of the corporate authorities of the municipality or by a petition signed by not less than 10% of the total number of registered voters of each precinct in the territory, the registered voters of which are eligible to sign the petition, it shall be the duty of the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality to submit the question of creating the program to the electors of each precinct within the territory at the regular election specified in the resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating the question. A petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall be filed with the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality. The petition shall be filed and objections to the petition shall be made in the manner provided in the Election Code. A resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall specify the election at which the question is to be submitted. The referendum on the question shall be held in accordance with the Election Code. The question shall be in substantially the following form:
        "Shall the (name of the home equity program)
implement a Low Interest Home Improvement Loan Program with money from the guarantee fund of the established guaranteed home equity program?"
The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    Whenever a majority of the voters on the public question approve the creation of the program as certified by the proper election authorities or a resolution of the governing commission is approved by a two-thirds majority, the commission shall establish the program and administer the program with funds collected under the Guaranteed Home Equity Program, subject to the following conditions:
        (1) At any given time, the cumulative total of all
loans and loan guarantees (if applicable) issued under this program may not reduce the balance of the guarantee fund to less than $3,000,000.
        (2) Only eligible applicants may apply for a loan.
        (3) The loan must be used for the repair,
maintenance, remodeling, alteration, or improvement of a guaranteed residence. This condition is intended to include the repair or maintenance of a guaranteed residence's water and sewer pipes and repair of a guaranteed residence, including but not limited to basement repairs, following flooding damage to the property. This condition is not intended to exclude the repair, maintenance, remodeling, alteration, or improvement of a guaranteed residence's landscape. This condition is intended to exclude the demolition of a current residence. This condition is also intended to exclude the construction of a new residence.
        (4) An eligible applicant may not borrow more than
the amount of equity value in his or her residence.
        (5) A commission must ensure that loans issued are
secured with collateral that is at least equal to the amount of the loan or loan guarantee.
        (6) A commission shall charge an interest rate which
it determines to be below the market rate of interest generally available to the applicant.
        (7) A commission may, by resolution, establish other
administrative rules and procedures as are necessary to implement this program including, but not limited to, loan dollar amounts and terms. A commission may also impose on loan applicants a one-time application fee for the purpose of defraying the costs of administering the program.
    (d-5) A governing commission, with no less than $4,000,000 in its guarantee fund, may, if authorized by referendum duly adopted by a majority of the voters, establish a Foreclosure Prevention Loan Fund to provide low interest emergency loans to eligible applicants that may be forced into foreclosure proceedings.
    Whenever the question of creating a Foreclosure Prevention Loan Fund is initiated by resolution or ordinance of the corporate authorities of the municipality or by a petition signed by not less than 10% of the total number of registered voters of each precinct in the territory, the registered voters of which are eligible to sign the petition, it shall be the duty of the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality to submit the question of creating the program to the electors of each precinct within the territory at the regular election specified in the resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating the question. A petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall be filed with the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality. The petition shall be filed and objections to the petition shall be made in the manner provided in the Election Code. A resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall specify the election at which the question is to be submitted. The referendum on the question shall be held in accordance with the Election Code. The question shall be in substantially the following form:
    "Shall the (name of the home equity program) implement a Foreclosure Prevention Loan Fund with money from the guarantee fund of the established guaranteed home equity program?"
    The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    Whenever a majority of the voters on the public question approve the creation of a Foreclosure Prevention Loan Fund as certified by the proper election authorities, the commission shall establish the program and administer the program with funds collected under the Guaranteed Home Equity Program, subject to the following conditions:
        (1) At any given time, the cumulative total of all
loans and loan guarantees (if applicable) issued under this program may not exceed $3,000,000.
        (2) Only eligible applicants may apply for a loan.
The Commission may establish, by resolution, additional criteria for eligibility.
        (3) The loan must be used to assist with preventing
foreclosure proceedings.
        (4) An eligible applicant may not borrow more than
the amount of equity value in his or her residence.
        (5) A commission must ensure that loans issued are
secured as a second lien on the property.
        (6) A commission shall charge an interest rate which
it determines to be below the market rate of interest generally available to the applicant.
        (7) A commission may, by resolution, establish other
administrative rules and procedures as are necessary to implement this program including, but not limited to, eligibility requirements for eligible applicants, loan dollar amounts, and loan terms.
        (8) A commission may also impose on loan applicants a
one-time application fee for the purpose of defraying the costs of administering the program.
    (d-10) The Northwest Home Equity Assurance Program may, if authorized (i) by referendum approved by a majority of the voters or (ii) by resolution of the governing commission upon approval by two-thirds of the commissioners, establish a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund to provide low-interest emergency loans to eligible applicants.
    If the question of creating a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund is initiated by resolution or ordinance of the corporate authorities of the municipality or by a petition signed by not less than 10% of the total number of registered voters of each precinct in the territory, the registered voters of which are eligible to sign the petition, it shall be the duty of the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality to submit the question of creating the program to the electors of each precinct within the territory at the regular election specified in the resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating the question. A resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall be filed with the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality. The resolution, ordinance, or petition shall be filed and objections to the resolution, ordinance, or petition shall be made in the manner provided in the Election Code. A resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall specify the election at which the question is to be submitted. The referendum on the question shall be held in accordance with the Election Code. The question shall be in substantially the following form:
        "Shall the (name of the home equity program)
implement a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund with money from the guarantee fund of the Northwest Home Equity Assurance Program?"
        The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    If a majority of the voters on the question approve the creation of a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund as certified by the proper election authorities or two-thirds of the commissioners, by resolution, approve the creation of a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund, the commission shall establish the program and administer the program with funds collected under the program, subject to the following conditions:
        (1) At any given time, the cumulative total of all
loans and loan guarantees (if applicable) issued under this program may not exceed $3,000,000.
        (2) Only eligible applicants may apply for a loan.
The commission may establish, by resolution, additional criteria for eligibility.
        (3) The loan must be used to assist with repayment of
delinquent property taxes and for those facing imminent delinquency.
        (4) An eligible applicant may not borrow more than
the amount due to the treasurer's office.
        (5) A commission shall charge an interest rate which
it determines to be below the market rate of interest generally available to the applicant.
        (6) A commission may, by resolution, establish other
administrative rules and procedures as are necessary to implement this program including, but not limited to, eligibility requirements for eligible applicants, loan dollar amounts, and loan terms.
        (7) Where practicable, it shall be required that a
borrower obtain free housing counseling services prior to applying to this tax program for the purpose of assisting with budgeting and providing a recommendation as to whether this client is suited for this program.
        (8) A commission may also impose on loan applicants a
one-time application fee for the purpose of defraying the costs of administering the program.
    (e) The guarantee fund shall be maintained, invested, and expended exclusively by the governing commission of the program for whose purposes it was created. Under no circumstance shall the guarantee fund be used by any person or persons, governmental body, or public or private agency or concern other than the governing commission of the program for whose purposes it was created. Under no circumstances shall the guarantee fund be commingled with other funds or investments.
    (e-1) No commissioner or family member of a commissioner, or employee or family member of an employee, may receive any financial benefit, either directly or indirectly, from the guarantee fund. Nothing in this subsection (e-1) shall be construed to prohibit payment of expenses to a commissioner in accordance with Section 4 or payment of salaries or expenses to an employee in accordance with this Section.
    As used in this subsection (e-1), "family member" means a spouse, child, stepchild, parent, brother, or sister of a commissioner or a child, stepchild, parent, brother, or sister of a commissioner's spouse.
    (f) An independent audit of the guarantee fund and the management of the program shall be conducted annually and made available to the public through any office of the governing commission or a public facility such as a local public library located within the territory of the program.
(Source: P.A. 102-599, eff. 1-1-22.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-737)
    Sec. 11. Guarantee Fund.
    (a) Each governing commission and program created by referendum under the provisions of this Act shall maintain a guarantee fund for the purposes of paying the costs of administering the program and extending protection to members pursuant to the limitations and procedures set forth in this Act.
    (b) The guarantee fund shall be raised by means of an annual tax levied on all residential property within the territory of the program having at least one, but not more than 6 dwelling units and classified by county ordinance as residential. The rate of this tax may be changed from year to year by majority vote of the governing commission but in no case shall it exceed a rate of .12% of the equalized assessed valuation of all property in the territory of the program having at least one, but not more than 6 dwelling units and classified by county ordinance as residential, or the maximum tax rate approved by the voters of the territory at the referendum which created the program or, in the case of a merged program, the maximum tax rate approved by the voters at the referendum authorizing the merger, whichever rate is lower. The commissioners shall cause the amount to be raised by taxation in each year to be certified to the county clerk in the manner provided by law, and any tax so levied and certified shall be collected and enforced in the same manner and by the same officers as those taxes for the purposes of the county and city within which the territory of the commission is located. Any such tax, when collected, shall be paid over to the proper officer of the commission who is authorized to receive and receipt for such tax. The governing commission may issue tax anticipation warrants against the taxes to be assessed for the calendar year in which the program is created and for the first full calendar year after the creation of the program.
    (c) The moneys deposited in the guarantee fund shall, as nearly as practicable, be fully and continuously invested or reinvested by the governing commission in investment obligations which shall be in such amounts, and shall mature at such times, that the maturity or date of redemption at the option of the holder of such investment obligations shall coincide, as nearly as practicable, with the times at which monies will be required for the purposes of the program. For the purposes of this Section investment obligation shall mean direct general municipal, state, or federal obligations which at the time are legal investments under the laws of this State and the payment of principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by the governing body issuing them.
    (d) Except as permitted by this subsection and subsection (d-5), the guarantee fund shall be used solely and exclusively for the purpose of providing guarantees to members of the particular Guaranteed Home Equity Program and for reasonable salaries, expenses, bills, and fees incurred in administering the program, and shall be used for no other purpose.
    A governing commission, with no less than $4,000,000 in its guarantee fund, may, if authorized (i) by referendum duly adopted by a majority of the voters or (ii) by resolution of the governing commission upon approval by two-thirds of the commissioners, establish a Low Interest Home Improvement Loan Program in accordance with and subject to procedures established by a financial institution, as defined in the Illinois Banking Act. Whenever the question of creating a Low Interest Home Improvement Loan Program is initiated by resolution or ordinance of the corporate authorities of the municipality or by a petition signed by not less than 10% of the total number of registered voters of each precinct in the territory, the registered voters of which are eligible to sign the petition, it shall be the duty of the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality to submit the question of creating the program to the electors of each precinct within the territory at the regular election specified in the resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating the question. A petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall be filed with the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality. The petition shall be filed and objections to the petition shall be made in the manner provided in the Election Code. A resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall specify the election at which the question is to be submitted. The referendum on the question shall be held in accordance with the Election Code. The question shall be in substantially the following form:
        "Shall the (name of the home equity program)
implement a Low Interest Home Improvement Loan Program with money from the guarantee fund of the established guaranteed home equity program?"
The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    Whenever a majority of the voters on the public question approve the creation of the program as certified by the proper election authorities or a resolution of the governing commission is approved by a two-thirds majority, the commission shall establish the program and administer the program with funds collected under the Guaranteed Home Equity Program, subject to the following conditions:
        (1) At any given time, the cumulative total of all
loans and loan guarantees (if applicable) issued under this program may not reduce the balance of the guarantee fund to less than $3,000,000.
        (2) Only eligible applicants may apply for a loan.
        (3) The loan must be used for the repair,
maintenance, remodeling, alteration, or improvement of a guaranteed residence. This condition is intended to include the repair or maintenance of a guaranteed residence's water and sewer pipes and repair of a guaranteed residence, including, but not limited to, basement repairs, following flooding damage or other natural disaster damage to the property. This condition is not intended to exclude the repair, maintenance, remodeling, alteration, or improvement of a guaranteed residence's landscape. This condition is intended to exclude the demolition of a current residence. This condition is also intended to exclude the construction of a new residence.
        (4) An eligible applicant may not borrow more than
the amount of equity value in his or her residence.
        (5) A commission must ensure that loans issued are
secured with collateral that is at least equal to the amount of the loan or loan guarantee.
        (6) A commission shall charge an interest rate which
it determines to be below the market rate of interest generally available to the applicant.
        (7) A commission may, by resolution, establish other
administrative rules and procedures as are necessary to implement this program including, but not limited to, loan dollar amounts and terms. A commission may also impose on loan applicants a one-time application fee for the purpose of defraying the costs of administering the program.
        (8) A commission may use loan funds to issue a grant
or rebate for repairs, maintenance, remodeling, alteration, or improvement of a guaranteed residence for purposes of preventing or repairing damage as a result of a natural disaster, including, but not limited to, flooding.
    (d-5) A governing commission, with no less than $4,000,000 in its guarantee fund, may, if authorized by referendum duly adopted by a majority of the voters, establish a Foreclosure Prevention Loan Fund to provide low interest emergency loans to eligible applicants that may be forced into foreclosure proceedings.
    Whenever the question of creating a Foreclosure Prevention Loan Fund is initiated by resolution or ordinance of the corporate authorities of the municipality or by a petition signed by not less than 10% of the total number of registered voters of each precinct in the territory, the registered voters of which are eligible to sign the petition, it shall be the duty of the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality to submit the question of creating the program to the electors of each precinct within the territory at the regular election specified in the resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating the question. A petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall be filed with the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality. The petition shall be filed and objections to the petition shall be made in the manner provided in the Election Code. A resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall specify the election at which the question is to be submitted. The referendum on the question shall be held in accordance with the Election Code. The question shall be in substantially the following form:
    "Shall the (name of the home equity program) implement a Foreclosure Prevention Loan Fund with money from the guarantee fund of the established guaranteed home equity program?"
    The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    Whenever a majority of the voters on the public question approve the creation of a Foreclosure Prevention Loan Fund as certified by the proper election authorities, the commission shall establish the program and administer the program with funds collected under the Guaranteed Home Equity Program, subject to the following conditions:
        (1) At any given time, the cumulative total of all
loans and loan guarantees (if applicable) issued under this program may not exceed $3,000,000.
        (2) Only eligible applicants may apply for a loan.
The Commission may establish, by resolution, additional criteria for eligibility.
        (3) The loan must be used to assist with preventing
foreclosure proceedings.
        (4) An eligible applicant may not borrow more than
the amount of equity value in his or her residence.
        (5) A commission must ensure that loans issued are
secured as a second lien on the property.
        (6) A commission shall charge an interest rate which
it determines to be below the market rate of interest generally available to the applicant.
        (7) A commission may, by resolution, establish other
administrative rules and procedures as are necessary to implement this program including, but not limited to, eligibility requirements for eligible applicants, loan dollar amounts, and loan terms.
        (8) A commission may also impose on loan applicants a
one-time application fee for the purpose of defraying the costs of administering the program.
    (d-10) The Northwest Home Equity Assurance Program may, if authorized (i) by referendum approved by a majority of the voters or (ii) by resolution of the governing commission upon approval by two-thirds of the commissioners, establish a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund to provide low-interest emergency loans to eligible applicants.
    If the question of creating a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund is initiated by resolution or ordinance of the corporate authorities of the municipality or by a petition signed by not less than 10% of the total number of registered voters of each precinct in the territory, the registered voters of which are eligible to sign the petition, it shall be the duty of the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality to submit the question of creating the program to the electors of each precinct within the territory at the regular election specified in the resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating the question. A resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall be filed with the election authority having jurisdiction over the municipality. The resolution, ordinance, or petition shall be filed and objections to the resolution, ordinance, or petition shall be made in the manner provided in the Election Code. A resolution, ordinance, or petition initiating a question described in this subsection shall specify the election at which the question is to be submitted. The referendum on the question shall be held in accordance with the Election Code. The question shall be in substantially the following form:
        "Shall the (name of the home equity program)
implement a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund with money from the guarantee fund of the Northwest Home Equity Assurance Program?"
        The votes must be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    If a majority of the voters on the question approve the creation of a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund as certified by the proper election authorities or two-thirds of the commissioners, by resolution, approve the creation of a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund, the commission shall establish the program and administer the program with funds collected under the program, subject to the following conditions:
        (1) At any given time, the cumulative total of all
loans and loan guarantees (if applicable) issued under this program may not exceed $3,000,000.
        (2) Only eligible applicants may apply for a loan.
The commission may establish, by resolution, additional criteria for eligibility.
        (3) The loan must be used to assist with repayment of
delinquent property taxes and for those facing imminent delinquency.
        (4) An eligible applicant may not borrow more than
the amount due to the treasurer's office.
        (5) A commission shall charge an interest rate which
it determines to be below the market rate of interest generally available to the applicant.
        (6) A commission may, by resolution, establish other
administrative rules and procedures as are necessary to implement this program including, but not limited to, eligibility requirements for eligible applicants, loan dollar amounts, and loan terms.
        (7) Where practicable, it shall be required that a
borrower obtain free housing counseling services prior to applying to this tax program for the purpose of assisting with budgeting and providing a recommendation as to whether this client is suited for this program.
        (8) A commission may also impose on loan applicants a
one-time application fee for the purpose of defraying the costs of administering the program.
    (e) The guarantee fund shall be maintained, invested, and expended exclusively by the governing commission of the program for whose purposes it was created. Under no circumstance shall the guarantee fund be used by any person or persons, governmental body, or public or private agency or concern other than the governing commission of the program for whose purposes it was created. Under no circumstances shall the guarantee fund be commingled with other funds or investments.
    (e-1) No commissioner or family member of a commissioner, or employee or family member of an employee, may receive any financial benefit, either directly or indirectly, from the guarantee fund. Nothing in this subsection (e-1) shall be construed to prohibit payment of expenses to a commissioner in accordance with Section 4 or payment of salaries or expenses to an employee in accordance with this Section.
    As used in this subsection (e-1), "family member" means a spouse, child, stepchild, parent, brother, or sister of a commissioner or a child, stepchild, parent, brother, or sister of a commissioner's spouse.
    (f) An independent audit of the guarantee fund and the management of the program shall be conducted annually and made available to the public through any office of the governing commission or a public facility such as a local public library located within the territory of the program.
(Source: P.A. 102-599, eff. 1-1-22; 103-737, eff. 1-1-25.)

65 ILCS 95/12

    (65 ILCS 95/12) (from Ch. 24, par. 1612)
    Sec. 12. Termination of a program. A Home Equity Program may be terminated only by the submission of and approval of the issue in the form of a public question before the voters of the territory of the program at a regularly scheduled election in the same manner as the question of the creation of the program, as set forth in Section 4 of this Act. If a majority of the voters voting upon the question approve the termination of the Home Equity Program, as certified by the proper election authorities, the program shall conclude its business and cease operations within one year of the date on which the election containing the public question was held.
    In terminating the program, the governing commission shall refund the remaining balance of the guarantee fund, if any, after all potential liabilities have been satisfied, to the then current property taxpayers of all residential property within the territory of the commission in an equitable manner proportionate to the manner in which the guarantee fund was raised.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/13

    (65 ILCS 95/13) (from Ch. 24, par. 1613)
    Sec. 13. Economic crisis or housing market recession. A program created under this Act provides a guarantee only against specifically local adverse housing market conditions within the territory of the program as they may differ from municipal, regional, or national housing conditions. A program shall not provide relief from adverse municipal-wide, regional, or national housing market conditions as they may affect local housing conditions. A program shall not guarantee against a decline in the value of housing due to economic forces such as a national, regional, or municipal recession or depression. In the event of a regional decline in the value of housing in the municipal, regional, or national housing markets, the governing commission may temporarily suspend coverage under the program in order to protect the fiscal integrity of the guarantee fund. For the purposes of this Section, a regional decline in the value of housing is defined as a 5% annual decline in the median value of existing houses in any 12 month period for the nation, midwest region, State of Illinois, or municipality in which the program is located, according to statistics published by the National Association of Realtors.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/14

    (65 ILCS 95/14) (from Ch. 24, par. 1614)
    Sec. 14. Insolvency of the Guarantee Fund. If the guarantee fund becomes depleted and payments of guarantees under the program cannot be made in a timely fashion as required by the program guidelines, the governing commission may temporarily suspend the registration of new members and borrow funds against future tax revenues until such time as the guarantee fund is sufficiently restored. Under no circumstances shall the indebtedness or obligations of a program or a governing commission become an indebtedness or obligation of either the municipality in which the program is located or the State of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/15

    (65 ILCS 95/15) (from Ch. 24, par. 1615)
    Sec. 15. Immunity and Indemnification. No commissioner, officer, or employee, whether on salary, wage, or voluntary basis, shall be personally liable and no cause of action may be brought for damages resulting from the exercise of judgment or discretion in connection with the performance of program duties or responsibilities, unless the act or omission involved willful or wanton conduct.
    A program shall indemnify each commissioner, officer, and employee, whether on salary, wage, or voluntary basis against any and all losses, damages, judgments, interest, settlements, fines, court costs and other reasonable costs and expenses of legal proceedings including attorney fees, and any other liabilities incurred by, imposed upon, or suffered by such individual in connection with or resulting from any claim, action, suit, or proceeding, actual or threatened, arising out of or in connection with the performance of program duties. Any settlement of any claim must be made with prior approval of the governing commission in order for indemnification, as provided in this Section, to be available.
    The immunity and indemnification provided by a program under this Section shall not cover any acts or omissions which involve willful or wanton conduct, breach of good faith, intentional misconduct, knowing violation of the law, or for any transaction from which such individual derives an improper personal benefit.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/16

    (65 ILCS 95/16) (from Ch. 24, par. 1616)
    Sec. 16. Legal Actions. No lawsuit or any other type of legal action brought under the terms of this Act shall be sustainable in a court of law or equity unless all conditions, stipulations, and provisions of the program have been complied with, and unless the suit is brought within 12 months after the event which is the subject of the legal action.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/17

    (65 ILCS 95/17) (from Ch. 24, par. 1617)
    Sec. 17. Insurance. If insurance or other form of payment is available to and carried by a member to provide protection similar to that provided by a program, the governing commission shall not be liable for a greater proportion of the loss than the amount provided by the program bears to the total amount available from all sources.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/18

    (65 ILCS 95/18) (from Ch. 24, par. 1618)
    Sec. 18. Homeowner's Rights. No provision of this Act and no procedure, regulation, or bylaw of a governing commission and program created under the provisions of this Act shall abridge a member's right to forfeit the registration fee and guarantee and withdraw from the program at any time and sell the guaranteed residence in any legal manner he or she sees fit.
    No provision of this Act or any procedure, regulation, or bylaw of a governing commission and program created under the provisions of this Act is intended as and none shall be used as a means of discriminating against any individual on the basis of ethnic background, gender, race or religion.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/19

    (65 ILCS 95/19) (from Ch. 24, par. 1619)
    Sec. 19. Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this Act or any procedure, regulation, or bylaw of a governing commission and program created under the provisions of this Act shall, in addition to all other remedies provided by law, be fined up to $1,000 for each offense.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/20

    (65 ILCS 95/20) (from Ch. 24, par. 1620)
    Sec. 20. Home Rule. In compliance with Section 7 of "An Act to revise the law in relation to the construction of the statutes", approved March 5, 1874, as amended, it is declared to be the law of this State, pursuant to paragraph (h) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution, that the authority or duty to establish or prohibit the establishment of home equity programs in any municipality with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, including home rule units, and the determination of the terms of such programs are declared to be exclusive powers and functions of the State which may not be exercised concurrently by any such municipality. No municipality with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, including home rule units, shall establish or maintain a home equity program other than as provided in this Act, and any such municipality shall affirmatively establish and maintain a home equity program when required to do so pursuant to this Act.
(Source: P.A. 85-1044.)

65 ILCS 95/21

    (65 ILCS 95/21)
    Sec. 21. Tax Reimbursement Program. A governing commission, with no less than $4,000,000 unencumbered funds in its guarantee fund, may, if authorized by resolution of the governing commission upon approval by two-thirds of the commissioners, establish a Tax Reimbursement Program to make reimbursements to each applicable taxpayer for an amount of no more than the total of their pro rata share of the annual levy imposed by the commission. Prior to authorizing a reimbursement program, an independent licensed public accountant not connected with the commission or any entity conducting business with the commission shall audit the commission and the proposal for the program. The commission may create a program if the independent licensed public accountant determines that such a program will not reduce the balance of the guarantee fund to less than $3,000,000. For the purposes of this Section, "applicable taxpayer" means the owner of record that paid the tax levied on property in accordance with Section 11 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-107, eff. 1-1-18.)