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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

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5 ILCS 260/0.01

    (5 ILCS 260/0.01) (from Ch. 103, par. 0.01)
    Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Official Bond Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)

5 ILCS 260/1

    (5 ILCS 260/1) (from Ch. 103, par. 1)
    Sec. 1. All official bonds required by law to be given by any public officer or public employee, excluding executors, administrators and guardians, in this State shall be signed by that officer or employee, and his or her securities, and acknowledged before an officer authorized by law to take acknowledgments of instruments substantially in the following form:
State of ....
County of ....
    I, ...., certify that .... who is personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he or she signed and delivered the instrument as his or her free and voluntary act.
    Signature                  (Seal)
    The acknowledgment shall be prima facie evidence that the instrument was signed and acknowledged in the manner stated and shall have the same effect as evidence in all legal proceedings as that given to an acknowledgement of a deed of conveyance of real estate. Each public officer or employee who is required to give an official bond may be required by the court, officer, or board whose duty it is to take or approve the bond, to give additional surety or new bond whenever the security of the original bond has become insufficient by the subsequent insolvency, death or removal of any of the sureties, or when for any cause the bond is deemed insufficient. Any officer or employee who fails to give bond when required, under this Section, within 10 days after he or she is notified in writing of the request, shall be deemed to have vacated his or her office.
(Source: P.A. 89-364, eff. 8-18-95.)

5 ILCS 260/2

    (5 ILCS 260/2) (from Ch. 103, par. 2)
    Sec. 2. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 90-372, eff. 7-1-98. Repealed internally, eff. 7-1-98.)

5 ILCS 260/3

    (5 ILCS 260/3) (from Ch. 103, par. 3)
    Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the judge of the circuit court of each county, except of the County of Cook, and of the Chief Justice of said court in Cook County, during the months of January and July in each year, in open court, to examine and inquire into the sufficiency of all official bonds required by law to be filed in the office of the clerks of their respective courts.
(Source: Laws 1933, p. 721.)

5 ILCS 260/5

    (5 ILCS 260/5) (from Ch. 103, par. 5)
    Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the circuit courts to cause to be entered of record in the respective courts, at the time hereinbefore prescribed for the making of such examinations, orders stating that an examination and inquiry into the sufficiency of the official bonds within their cognizance has been made, and that they are severally deemed sufficient, or insufficient, as the facts may justify.
(Source: P.A. 83-343.)

5 ILCS 260/6

    (5 ILCS 260/6) (from Ch. 103, par. 6)
    Sec. 6. Any person having any pecuniary interest in the sufficiency of the official bond of any of the officers hereinbefore referred to may appear before the Governor or the court, as the case may be, at the time of the examination of official bonds, and make suggestions in relation to the sufficiency of any such bond, and offer any legal evidence tending to show the same to be insufficient, and any officer whose bond is being examined may also appear and introduce any legal evidence tending to show the sufficiency of his official bond.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 728.)

5 ILCS 260/7

    (5 ILCS 260/7) (from Ch. 103, par. 7)
    Sec. 7. If, upon any examination by either of said judges, he is of opinion that for any reason the bond of any officer is insufficient, he shall cause to be issued from his court a summons to such officer to appear before said court on a day fixed therein, to show cause why he should not be required to give a new bond with sufficient surety.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 728.)

5 ILCS 260/8

    (5 ILCS 260/8) (from Ch. 103, par. 8)
    Sec. 8. If such officer fails to satisfy the court that his official bond is sufficient, the court shall require him, within such time as it shall direct, not exceeding thirty days, to give a new bond, with sufficient sureties, to be approved in the same manner as the bonds of such officers are required by law to be approved.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 728.)

5 ILCS 260/9

    (5 ILCS 260/9) (from Ch. 103, par. 9)
    Sec. 9. If any such officer fails to give such new bond within the time prescribed, he shall be deemed to have vacated his office, and the vacancy shall be filled as required by law.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 728.)

5 ILCS 260/10

    (5 ILCS 260/10) (from Ch. 103, par. 10)
    Sec. 10. When a surety upon the official bond of any state officer or agent, county, town, city, village, incorporated town or other public officer, or the heir, executor or administrator of such surety, desires to be released from such bond, he may give notice in writing to the officer upon whose bond he is surety that he desires to be so released, and that such officer give a new bond with sufficient sureties within ten days after receiving such notice, and may within five days after the service of such notice deliver a copy of the same, with an affidavit showing the time and manner of service, to the court, officer, or board authorized to approve the bonds of such officers. And if such officer shall not within ten days after receiving such notice, or within such further time, not exceeding twenty days, as the court, officer or board shall allow, give a new bond with sufficient security, approved as required by law, his office shall become vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled as provided by law.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 728.)

5 ILCS 260/11

    (5 ILCS 260/11) (from Ch. 103, par. 11)
    Sec. 11. If a new bond is given by any officer, as provided in the foregoing Sections of this Act, then the former sureties shall be entirely released and discharged from all liabilities incurred by such officer in consequence of business which is discovered from and after the time of the approval of the new bond, and the sureties to the new bond are hereby declared to be liable for all the official delinquencies of the officer, whether of omission or commission, which may occur after the approval of the new bond as above stated; but the provisions of this Act shall not be so construed as to operate as a release of the sureties of any of the above stated officers, for liabilities incurred previous to the filing of a new bond, as required in the foregoing Sections of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 84-550.)

5 ILCS 260/12

    (5 ILCS 260/12) (from Ch. 103, par. 12)
    Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of such officer, if he shall fail to give bond as provided for in this act, forthwith to deliver over to his sureties all books, moneys, vouchers, papers, and every description of property whatever pertaining to his office, and the said sureties may, at any time after said failure to file said bond, maintain an action of replevin, or other appropriate action, to recover such property, money or effects from their said principal.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 728.)

5 ILCS 260/13

    (5 ILCS 260/13) (from Ch. 103, par. 13)
    Sec. 13. Whenever the condition of the bond of any public officer is violated, action may be instituted on the bond, and prosecuted to final judgment against the officer, and any or all of the sureties, or against one or more of them, jointly and severally, without first establishing the liability of the principal by obtaining judgment against him or her alone.
(Source: P.A. 89-364, eff. 8-18-95.)

5 ILCS 260/14

    (5 ILCS 260/14) (from Ch. 103, par. 14)
    Sec. 14. Enforcement may be had on any judgment so entered as in other civil cases, but the officer executing the same shall not levy upon the property of the sureties until he shall fail to find sufficient property of the principal to satisfy such judgment; however, the judgment shall be a lien upon the property of the sureties as in other civil cases.
(Source: P.A. 85-1440.)

5 ILCS 260/14.1

    (5 ILCS 260/14.1) (from Ch. 103, par. 14.1)
    Sec. 14.1. Wherever State officers, State employees or officers, trustees, members or employees of any department, board, bureau, commission, university, authority, or other unit of State government are required by law, now or hereinafter enacted, to obtain a fidelity or surety bond or bonds to qualify for office, the bonding requirement shall be satisfied by a blanket bond or bonds contracted for as provided in the Illinois Purchasing Act, by the Department of Central Management Services or by a program of self-insurance established by such Department.
(Source: P.A. 86-12.)

5 ILCS 260/14.2

    (5 ILCS 260/14.2) (from Ch. 103, par. 14.2)
    Sec. 14.2. The penal sum of the blanket bond or bonds shall be fixed by the Director of Central Management Services with the approval of the Governor and shall satisfy the bonding requirements of other laws, heretofore or hereinafter enacted, if the blanket bond amount or amounts per loss are equal to or greater than the bond amount required per person in said other laws. The blanket bond or bonds may contain a deductible or self-insurance provision in an amount determined by the Director of Central Management Services to be consistent with economic Risk Management.
(Source: P.A. 86-12.)

5 ILCS 260/14.3

    (5 ILCS 260/14.3) (from Ch. 103, par. 14.3)
    Sec. 14.3. All departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, authorities, or other units of State government except the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University, the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Governors State University, the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University that bond officers or employees who are not required by law to obtain bonds to qualify for office or employment, shall effect such bonding through the Department of Central Management Services by inclusion in the blanket bond or bonds or self-insurance program provided for in Sections 14.1 and 14.2 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 89-4, eff. 1-1-96.)

5 ILCS 260/14.4

    (5 ILCS 260/14.4) (from Ch. 103, par. 14.4)
    Sec. 14.4. The blanket bond or bonds provided for in Sections 14.1 and 14.2 of this Act shall be payable to the People of the State of Illinois for the use and benefit of the agency employing the bonded officer or employee and shall be with a surety company or companies approved by the Director of Central Management Services and authorized to do business in the State under the laws thereof. Such bond or bonds shall be subject to the approval of the Governor and of the Attorney General of the State of Illinois, and shall, when executed and so approved, be filed in the office of the Secretary of State.
(Source: P.A. 82-789.)

5 ILCS 260/14.5

    (5 ILCS 260/14.5) (from Ch. 103, par. 14.5)
    Sec. 14.5. The Department of Central Management Services shall make an equitable distribution of the cost of the blanket bond or bonds or self-insurance program provided for in Sections 14.1 and 14.2 of this Act between the agencies whose officers and employees are bonded. Such costs of a blanket bond or bonds shall be paid out of the appropriate funds of the agency to the surety or surety companies or their authorized representatives through the Department of Central Management Services.
    Claims and administrative costs of a self-insurance program shall be paid on a pro rata and per occurrence basis out of appropriate funds of the self-insured agency.
(Source: P.A. 86-12.)