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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(75 ILCS 10/) Illinois Library System Act.

75 ILCS 10/1

    (75 ILCS 10/1) (from Ch. 81, par. 111)
    Sec. 1. Because the State has a financial responsibility in promoting public education, and because the public library is a vital agency serving all levels of the educational process, it is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to encourage the improvement of free public libraries and to encourage cooperation among all types of libraries in promoting the sharing of library resources, including digital resources. In keeping with this policy, provision is hereby made for a program of State grants designed to establish, develop and operate a network of library systems covering the entire State.
    It is further declared to be the policy of the State to encourage and protect the freedom of libraries and library systems to acquire materials without external limitation and to be protected against attempts to ban, remove, or otherwise restrict access to books or other materials.
(Source: P.A. 103-100, eff. 1-1-24.)

75 ILCS 10/1.1

    (75 ILCS 10/1.1) (from Ch. 81, par. 111.1)
    Sec. 1.1. This Act may be cited as the Illinois Library System Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1475.)

75 ILCS 10/2

    (75 ILCS 10/2) (from Ch. 81, par. 112)
    Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Act:
    "Library system" means any one of the following:
        (1) A multitype library system serving (i) a minimum
of 150,000 inhabitants or (ii) an area of not less than 4,000 square miles and serving a minimum 10 or more public libraries, elementary and secondary school libraries, institutions of higher education libraries, and special libraries.
        (2) A public library system consisting of a single
public library serving a city of over 500,000 population.
        (3) A multitype library system that serves the same
territory as a library system under subparagraph (2) of this definition that provides service to elementary and secondary school libraries, institutions of higher education libraries, and special libraries.
    "Special library" includes, but is not limited to, libraries with unique collections or specialized services recognized by the State Library.
(Source: P.A. 93-527, eff. 8-14-03.)

75 ILCS 10/3

    (75 ILCS 10/3) (from Ch. 81, par. 113)
    Sec. 3. The State Librarian and the Illinois State Library staff shall administer the provisions of this Act and shall prescribe such rules and regulations as are necessary to carry the provisions of this Act into effect.
    The rules and regulations established by the State Librarian for the administration of this Act shall be designed to achieve the following standards and objectives:
        (A) Provide library service for every citizen in the
State by extending library facilities to areas not now served.
        (B) Provide library materials for student needs at
every educational level.
        (C) Provide adequate library materials to satisfy the
reference and research needs of the people of this State.
        (D) Provide an adequate staff of professionally
trained librarians for the State.
        (E) Adopt the American Library Association's Library
Bill of Rights that indicates materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval or, in the alternative, develop a written statement declaring the inherent authority of the library or library system to provide an adequate collection of books and other materials sufficient in size and varied in kind and subject matter to satisfy the library needs of the people of this State and prohibit the practice of banning specific books or resources.
        (F) Provide adequate library outlets and facilities
convenient in time and place to serve the people of this State.
        (G) Encourage existing and new libraries to develop
library systems serving a sufficiently large population to support adequate library service at reasonable cost.
        (H) Foster the economic and efficient utilization of
public funds.
        (I) Promote the full utilization of local pride,
responsibility, initiative, and support of library service and, at the same time, employ State aid as a supplement to local support.
    The Advisory Committee of the Illinois State Library shall confer with, advise, and make recommendations to the State Librarian regarding any matter under this Act and particularly with reference to the formation of library systems.
(Source: P.A. 103-100, eff. 1-1-24; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)

75 ILCS 10/4

    (75 ILCS 10/4) (from Ch. 81, par. 114)
    Sec. 4. (a) A library system shall be established in the following manner: The formation of a library system of 10 or more public libraries or of a public library serving a city of over 500,000 population shall first be approved by the boards of directors of the participating public library or libraries, followed by the election or selection of a board of directors for the library system as provided in Sections 5 and 6 of this Act. Subject to rules adopted by the State Librarian, an application for the formation of a library system shall be submitted by the board of directors of the system to the State Librarian, together with a plan of service describing the specific purposes for which the system is formed and the means by which such purposes are to be accomplished. If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the State Librarian that the establishment of a library system will result in improved library service, he shall approve the application.
    The State Librarian shall provide that all areas of the State fall within the boundaries of a library system. The State Librarian shall have the right to grant provisional status for a period of not more than 3 years from the date of submission of the application for creation of a library system if, in his judgment, provisions in the bylaws or plan of service of the proposed library system fail to meet the criteria established in this Act or in the rules and regulations authorized by this Act. If the deficiencies noted by the State Librarian in granting provisional status are not corrected within the 3 year period, the provisional status of the system shall be rescinded and the assets of the provisional system shall be liquidated as provided for in Section 13 or the provisional system shall submit a plan for consolidation with an adjoining existing system. In such case the State Librarian shall assume fiscal and administrative responsibility for maintenance of services until a library system status is reestablished or a determination is made by the State Librarian as to the most efficient means of delivering service to the libraries of the system.
    Upon the finding of the State Librarian that an existing library system has failed to meet the criteria established by this Act or the rules authorized by this Act, the State Librarian shall give due notice to the library system board to respond to and address the finding. Upon the failure of the library system board to adequately respond to the finding, the State Librarian may assume fiscal and administrative responsibility for the library system. Upon taking such action, the State Librarian may hold a public hearing on the action. The process for these actions shall be prescribed by administrative rule.
    (b) A multitype library system as defined in subparagraph (3) of the definition of "library system" in Section 2 that, prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, was organized and provided service as a multitype library system that served a public library in a city with a population of 500,000 or more need not reorganize for formation as a new library system but may, at the discretion of the State Librarian, continue as a library system subject to conditions and restrictions of this Act and any stipulations of the State Librarian.
(Source: P.A. 93-527, eff. 8-14-03.)

75 ILCS 10/5

    (75 ILCS 10/5) (from Ch. 81, par. 115)
    Sec. 5. Each library system created as provided in Section 4 of this Act shall be governed by a board of directors numbering at least 5 and no more than 15 persons, except as required by Section 6 for library systems in cities with a population of 500,000 or more. The board shall be representative of the variety of library interests in the system, and at least a majority shall be elected or selected from the governing boards of the member public libraries, with not more than one director representing a single member library. For library systems as defined in subparagraph (3) of the definition of "library system" in Section 2, the board members shall be representative of the types of libraries that library system serves. The number of directors, the manner of election or selection, the term of office and the provision for filling vacancies shall be determined by the system governing board except that all board members must be eligible electors in the geographical area of the system. No director of any library system, however, shall be permitted to serve for more than a total of 6 years unless 2 years have elapsed since his sixth year of service.
    The board of directors shall elect a president, secretary and treasurer. Before entering upon his duties, the treasurer shall be required to give a bond in an amount to be approved by the board, but in no case shall such amount be less than 10% of the system's area and per capita grant for the previous year, conditioned that he will safely keep and pay over upon the order of such board all funds received and held by him for the library system. As an alternative to a personal bond on the treasurer, the board of trustees may require the treasurer to secure for the system an insurance policy or other insurance instrument that provides the library with coverage for negligent or intentional acts by system officials and employees that could result in the loss of system funds. The coverage shall be in an amount at least equal to 10% of the average amount of the system's operating fund from the prior 3 fiscal years. The coverage shall be placed with an insurer approved by the board. The cost of any such coverage shall be borne by the system. The system shall provide the Illinois State Library a copy of the system's certificate of insurance at the time the system's annual report is filed. The funds of the library system shall be deposited in a bank or savings and loan association designated by the board of directors and shall be expended only under the direction of such board upon properly authenticated vouchers.
    No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds as permitted by this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements established pursuant to Section 6 of the Public Funds Investment Act.
    The members of the board of directors of the library system shall serve without compensation but their actual and necessary expenses shall be a proper charge against the library fund.
(Source: P.A. 103-592, eff. 6-7-24.)

75 ILCS 10/6

    (75 ILCS 10/6) (from Ch. 81, par. 116)
    Sec. 6. The board and officers of the public library served by the library system defined in subparagraph (2) of the definition of "library system" in Section 2 shall administer that library system. That public library system shall annually submit a plan of service to be approved by the State Librarian. The plan of service shall include the provision of specified services for all types of libraries operating within the municipal territory of the system subject to approval or revision by the State Librarian. The multitype services shall be provided in consultation with the multitype library system defined in subparagraph (3) of the definition of "library system" in Section 2 serving the same municipal territory.
(Source: P.A. 93-527, eff. 8-14-03.)

75 ILCS 10/7

    (75 ILCS 10/7) (from Ch. 81, par. 117)
    Sec. 7. Each board of library directors of a system shall carry out the spirit and intent of this Act and, in addition to the other powers conferred by this Act, shall have the following powers:
    1. To develop and to amend the bylaws and the plan of service for the system subject to the approval of the State Librarian.
    2. To have the exclusive control of the expenditure of all moneys and funds held in the name of the library system.
    3. To make and adopt such policies, rules and regulations for the government and operation of the library system as necessary.
    4. To purchase or lease ground and to construct, purchase or lease, and occupy an appropriate building or buildings for the use of the library system including but not limited to the power to purchase or lease either real or personal property for system purposes through contracts which provide for the consideration for such purchase or lease to be paid through installments at stated intervals during a certain period not to exceed 20 years together with interest at a rate not to exceed the interest rate specified in Section 2 of the Bond Authorization Act on the unpaid balance owing and to purchase real estate for system purposes upon a mortgage basis for up to 75% of the total consideration therefor, the remaining balance to be paid through installments at stated intervals for a period not to exceed 20 years together with interest at a rate not to exceed the interest rate specified in Section 2 of the Bond Authorization Act on the unpaid balance owing, except that in the case of a library system consisting of a single public library or multitype library system serving a city of over 500,000 population, this power shall be governed by the provisions of Division 10 of Article 8 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
    5. To appoint and to fix the compensation of a competent librarian, who shall have the authority to hire such other employees as may be necessary, to fix their compensation, and to remove such appointees, subject to the approval of the board. The board may also retain counsel and professional consultants, as needed.
    6. To contract with any public or private corporation or entity for the purpose of providing or receiving library service or of performing any and all other acts necessary and proper to carry out the responsibilities and the provisions of this Act. This power includes, but is not limited to participation in interstate library compacts and library systems, and the expenditure of any federal or State funds made available to any county, municipality, township or to the State of Illinois for library purposes.
    7. To accrue and accumulate funds in special reserve funds pursuant to the provisions of a plan to acquire realty, improved or unimproved, for library system purposes.
    8. To be a body politic and corporate, to contract and to hold title to property by the name of the "Board of Directors of the .... Library System, ...., Illinois", and in that name to sue and be sued and to take any action authorized by law.
    9. To undertake programs for the purpose of encouraging the addition to the district of adjacent areas without local tax-supported library service, and to expend funds for this purpose.
    10. To join the library system as a member in the Illinois Library Association and the American Library Association, non-profit, non-political, 501(c)(3) associations, as designated by the federal Internal Revenue Service, having the purpose of library development and librarianship; to provide for the payment of annual membership dues, fees and assessments and act by, through and in the name of such instrumentality by providing and disseminating information and research services, employing personnel and doing any and all other acts for the purpose of improving library development.
    11. To take and to have title to any personal or real property acquired by it for library system purposes.
    12. To borrow funds for the purpose of expanding or improving the system's facilities through the mortgaging of system owned property or of borrowing against other system owned assets. The mortgaging of system owned property or the borrowing against other system owned assets shall not exceed 75% of the value thereof.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

75 ILCS 10/7.5

    (75 ILCS 10/7.5)
    Sec. 7.5. Regional library service planning panels.
    (a) Each regional multitype library system shall establish one or more regional library service planning panels in such a manner that all territory within the system boundaries is assigned to a planning panel. A library system having fewer than 10% of the people within its jurisdiction unserved by a public library may establish one planning panel that coincides with the system boundaries. A library system having more than 10% of the people within its jurisdiction unserved by a public library may establish more than one planning panel based on county boundary lines within the library system area and incorporating all or part of one or more counties. A regional library service planning panel shall consist of 7 or more members, broadly representative of the designated area, appointed by the Secretary of State in his or her capacity as State Librarian upon recommendations submitted by the multitype library system serving that region. Membership shall include representation from existing public libraries, local, county, or regional government entities, persons residing in areas served by a public library, and persons residing in areas unserved by a public library within the region's boundaries. Members of a panel may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred.
    (b) Each regional planning panel shall work in conjunction with the library system to develop, approve, and submit to the Secretary of State, no later than January 1, 1997, a plan detailing how existing library service providers may extend public library services to those people unserved by a public library at that time. Approved plans shall (i) include, but not be limited to, a program for implementation and a schedule for achieving regional goals no later than January 1, 2000 and (ii) describe on a county by county basis how universal public library service can be delivered within the designated region.
    (c) Reports submitted by each regional library service planning panel to the Secretary of State shall describe and explain suggested boundaries for public library service areas within the region, the process by which each described service area will receive public library service from an existing library service provider, funding recommendations appropriate to each circumstance, suggested timetable for implementation for each portion of the regional plan, and other information as requested by the Secretary of State.
(Source: P.A. 89-188, eff. 7-19-95.)

75 ILCS 10/8

    (75 ILCS 10/8) (from Ch. 81, par. 118)
    Sec. 8. State grants.
    (a) There shall be a program of State grants within the limitations of funds appropriated by the Illinois General Assembly together with other funds made available by the federal government or other sources for this purpose. This program of State grants shall be administered by the State Librarian in accordance with rules and regulations as provided in Section 3 of this Act and shall include the following: (i) annual equalization grants; (ii) Library System grants; (iii) per capita grants to public libraries; and (iv) planning and construction grants to public libraries and library systems. Libraries, in order to be eligible for grants under this Section, must be members of a library system.
    (b) An annual equalization grant shall be made to all public libraries for which the corporate authorities levy a tax for library purposes at a rate not less than .13% of the value of all the taxable property as equalized and assessed by the Department of Revenue if the amount of tax revenue obtained from a rate of .13% produces less than $17.50 per capita in property tax revenue from property taxes for Fiscal Year 2025 and thereafter. In that case, the State Librarian is authorized to make an equalization grant equivalent to the difference between the amount obtained from a rate of .13% and an annual income of $17.50 per capita for grants made in Fiscal Year 2025 and thereafter. If moneys appropriated for grants under this Section are not sufficient, then the State Librarian shall reduce the per capita amount of the grants so that the qualifying public libraries receive the same amount per capita, but in no event shall the grant be less than equivalent to the difference between the amount of the tax revenue obtained from the current levy and an annual income of $4.25 per capita. If a library receiving an equalization grant reduces its tax levy below the amount levied at the time the original application is approved, it shall be ineligible to receive further equalization grants.
    If a library is subject to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law in the Property Tax Code and its tax levy for library purposes has been lowered to a rate of less than .13%, the library will qualify for this grant if the library levied a tax for library purposes that met the requirements for this grant in the previous year and if the tax levied for library purposes in the current year produces tax revenue for the library that is an increase over the previous year's extension of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index, whichever is less, and the tax revenue produced by this levy is less than $17.50 per capita in property tax revenue from property taxes for the Fiscal Year 2025 and thereafter. In this case, the State Librarian is authorized to make an equalization grant equivalent to the difference between the amount of tax revenue obtained from the current levy and an annual income of $17.50 per capita for grants made in Fiscal Year 2025 and thereafter. If moneys appropriated for grants under this Section are not sufficient, then the State Librarian shall reduce the per capita amount of the grants so that the qualifying public libraries receive the same amount per capita, but in no event shall the grant be less than equivalent to the difference between the amount of the tax revenue obtained from the current levy and an annual income of $4.25 per capita. If a library receiving an equalization grant reduces its tax levy below the amount levied at the time the original application is approved, it shall be ineligible to receive further equalization grants.
    (c) Annual Library System grants shall be made, upon application, to each library system approved by the State Librarian on the following basis:
        (1) For library systems, the sum of $1.46 per capita
of the population of the area served plus the sum of $50.75 per square mile or fraction thereof of the area served except as provided in paragraph (4) of this subsection.
        (2) If the amounts appropriated for grants are
different from the amount provided for in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the area and per capita funding shall be proportionately reduced or increased accordingly.
        (3) For library systems, additional funds may be
appropriated. The appropriation shall be distributed on the same proportional per capita and per square mile basis as provided in paragraphs (1) and (4) of this subsection.
        (4) Per capita and area funding for a multitype
library system as defined in subparagraph (3) of the definition of "library system" in Section 2 and a public library system in cities with a population of 500,000 or more as defined in subparagraph (2) of the definition of "library system" in Section 2 shall be apportioned with 25% of the funding granted to the multitype library system and 75% of the funding granted to the public library system.
    (d) The "area served" for the purposes of making and expending annual Library System grants means the area that lies within the geographic boundaries of the library system as approved by the State Librarian, except that grant funding awarded to a library system may also be expended for the provision of services to members of other library systems if such an expenditure is included in a library system's plan of service and is approved by the State Librarian. In determining the population of the area served by the library system, the Illinois State Library shall use the latest federal census for the political subdivisions in the area served.
    (e) In order to be eligible for a grant under this Section, the corporate authorities, instead of a tax levy at a particular rate, may provide an amount equivalent to the amount produced by that levy.
(Source: P.A. 103-588, eff. 7-1-24.)

75 ILCS 10/8.1

    (75 ILCS 10/8.1) (from Ch. 81, par. 118.1)
    Sec. 8.1. The State Librarian shall make grants annually under this Section to all qualified public libraries in the State from funds appropriated by the General Assembly. Such grants shall be in the amount of up to $1.475 per capita for the population of the area served by the respective public library and, in addition, the amount of up to $0.19 per capita to libraries serving populations over 500,000 under the Illinois Major Urban Library Program. If the moneys appropriated for grants under this Section fail to meet the $1.475 and the $0.19 per capita amounts above, the funding shall be decreased pro rata so that qualifying public libraries receive the same amount per capita. If the moneys appropriated for grants under this Section exceed the $1.475 and the $0.19 per capita amounts above, the funding shall be increased pro rata so that qualifying public libraries receive the same amount per capita.
    To be eligible for grants under this Section, a public library must:
        (1) Provide, as determined by the State Librarian,
library services which either meet or show progress toward meeting the Illinois library standards, as most recently adopted by the Illinois Library Association.
        (2) Be a public library for which is levied a tax for
library purposes at a rate not less than .13% or a county library for which is levied a tax for library purposes at a rate not less than .07%. If a library is subject to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law in the Property Tax Code and its tax levy for library purposes has been lowered to a rate of less than .13%, this requirement will be waived if the library qualified for this grant in the previous year and if the tax levied for library purposes in the current year produces tax revenue for library purposes that is an increase over the previous year's extension of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index, whichever is less. Beginning in State Fiscal Year 2012, the eligibility requirement in this subsection shall be waived if a library's tax levy for library purposes has been lowered to a rate of less than 0.13%, and the State Librarian determines that the library (i) continues to meet the requirements of item (1) of this Section and (ii) received a grant under this Section in the previous fiscal year.
    Any other language in this Section to the contrary notwithstanding, grants under this Section 8.1 shall be made only upon application of the public library concerned, which applications shall be entirely voluntary and within the sole discretion of the public library concerned.
    In order to be eligible for a grant under this Section, the corporate authorities, in lieu of a tax levy at a particular rate, may provide funds from other sources, an amount equivalent to the amount to be produced by that levy.
(Source: P.A. 102-39, eff. 6-25-21.)

75 ILCS 10/8.2

    (75 ILCS 10/8.2) (from Ch. 81, par. 118.2)
    Sec. 8.2. (a) After the General Assembly has appropriated funds to the State Librarian for grants to a library system and the Governor has signed the appropriation bill into law and the State Librarian has certified that the library system is eligible for such grants, a library system may issue Grant Anticipation Notes in anticipation of the receipt of such grants. Such Grant Anticipation Notes shall show upon their face that they are payable solely from such grants when received.
    (b) The Grant Anticipation Notes shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed the rate specified in "An Act to authorize public corporations to issue bonds, other evidences of indebtedness and tax anticipation warrants subject to interest rate limitations set forth therein", approved May 26, 1970, as amended, from the date of their issuance until paid, or until notice is given that money for their payment is available and that such will be paid on presentation.
    (c) The Grant Anticipation Notes shall be sold in such manner and in such denominations as is determined by the board of directors of the system, and shall mature within one year of the date of issuance.
    (d) At no time may the principal and interest payable on outstanding Grant Anticipation Notes exceed 75% of the amount of funds which have been appropriated for grants to the system.
    (e) In order to authorize and issue Grant Anticipation Notes, the board of directors of the system shall adopt a resolution fixing the amount of the Grant Anticipation Notes, the date thereof, the maturity thereof, rate of interest thereof unless the Grant Anticipation Notes are to be sold by public bid, place of payment and denomination, which shall be in equal multiples of $1000.
    (f) The Grant Anticipation Notes shall be executed in the name of the system by manual or facsimile signatures of such officials of the system as the board of directors may by resolution designate. At least one signature on each note shall be a manual signature.
    (g) This Section, without reference to any other law, shall be deemed full and complete authority for the issuance of the Grant Anticipation Notes as herein provided.
(Source: P.A. 83-130.)

75 ILCS 10/8.3

    (75 ILCS 10/8.3) (from Ch. 81, par. 118.3)
    Sec. 8.3. The State Librarian shall make grants annually to all cooperative public library systems, public library systems, and multitype library systems. Such grants shall be in the amounts specified in Section 8.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)

75 ILCS 10/8.4

    (75 ILCS 10/8.4) (from Ch. 81, par. 118.4)
    Sec. 8.4. School library grants. Beginning July 1, 1989, the State Librarian shall make grants annually under this Section to all school districts in the State for the establishment and operation of qualified school libraries, or the additional support of existing qualified school libraries, from funds appropriated by the General Assembly. Such grants shall be in the amount of $0.885 per student as determined by the official enrollment as of the previous September 30 of the respective school having a qualified school library. If the moneys appropriated for grants under this Section are not sufficient, the State Librarian shall reduce the amount of the grants as necessary; in making these reductions, the State Librarian shall endeavor to provide each school district that has a qualifying school library (i) at least the same amount per student as the district received under this Section in the preceding fiscal year, and (ii) a total grant of at least $850, which, in the event of an insufficient appropriation, shall not be reduced to a total grant of less than $100.
    To qualify for grants under this Section, a school library must:
        (1) Be an entity which serves the basic information
and library needs of the school's employees and students through a bibliographically organized collection of library materials, has at least one employee whose primary duty is to serve as a librarian, and has a collection permanently supported financially, accessible centrally, and occupying identifiable quarters in one principal location.
        (2) Meet the requirements for membership in a library
system under the provisions of this Act.
        (3) Have applied for membership in the library system
of jurisdiction if the system is a multitype library system under this Act.
        (4) Provide, as mutually determined by the Illinois
State Librarian and the Illinois State Board of Education, library services which either meet or show progress toward meeting the Illinois school library standards as most recently adopted by the Illinois School Library Media Association.
        (5) Submit a statement certifying that the financial
support for the school library or libraries of the applying school district has been maintained undiminished, or if diminished, the percentage of diminution of financial support is no more than the percentage of diminution of the applying school's total financial support for educational and operations purposes since the submission of the last previous application of the school district for the school library per student grant that was funded.
    Grants under this Section shall be made only upon application of the school district for its qualified school library or school libraries.
(Source: P.A. 102-39, eff. 6-25-21.)

75 ILCS 10/8.5

    (75 ILCS 10/8.5)
    Sec. 8.5. Annual library technology grants. The State Librarian shall distribute annual library technology grants, upon the approval by the State Librarian of application from libraries, for initiatives of library development and technological innovations. The State Librarian shall establish the criteria for awarding the grants by rule. The State Librarian may expend appropriations on behalf of libraries statewide for direct purchases of equipment and services that support library development and technological advancement in libraries.
(Source: P.A. 89-697, eff. 1-6-97.)

75 ILCS 10/8.6

    (75 ILCS 10/8.6)
    Sec. 8.6. Illinois Veterans Home Libraries. The State Librarian shall distribute annual grants for initiatives of library development and services within Illinois Veterans Home libraries located in Quincy, Manteno, LaSalle, Chicago, and Anna upon the approval by the State Librarian of application from libraries. Grants made under this Section shall be made only from the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. The State Librarian shall establish the criteria for awarding the grants by rule.
(Source: P.A. 100-392, eff. 8-25-17.)

75 ILCS 10/8.7

    (75 ILCS 10/8.7)
    Sec. 8.7. State grants; book banning. In order to be eligible for State grants, a library or library system shall adopt the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights that indicates materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval or, in the alternative, develop a written statement prohibiting the practice of banning books or other materials within the library or library system.
(Source: P.A. 103-100, eff. 1-1-24.)

75 ILCS 10/9

    (75 ILCS 10/9) (from Ch. 81, par. 119)
    Sec. 9. The board of directors of any tax-supported public library, or the contracting authority of other types of libraries which are eligible for membership in a library system and according to the rules and regulations of the State Librarian and such regulations established by that library system, may, with the approval of the State Librarian, join the library system in which the contracting authority is located or where the facility desiring to participate is located. All member libraries shall assume and maintain the rights, privileges and duties of system membership established by the board of directors of the system. The right to suspend a library from membership for failure to fulfill its obligations under law or by agreement is vested in the system board with the concurrence of the State Librarian. However, the board of library directors or trustees of any public library, or the contracting authority of any other type of library that is a member of any library system, will retain all powers specified by law or in articles of incorporation, except as otherwise provided in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 83-411.)

75 ILCS 10/10

    (75 ILCS 10/10) (from Ch. 81, par. 120)
    Sec. 10. Each library system receiving state aid shall furnish an annual report and such information regarding its library service as the State Librarian may from time to time require. The State Librarian may revoke his approval of a library system if he finds that it does not conform to the plan of service or the regulations promulgated by the State Librarian; or in case of a provisional approval, if such library system does not fulfill the terms upon which provisional approval was based. In such a case a library system shall not thereafter be entitled to state aid until its bylaws or plan of service is again approved by the State Librarian.
(Source: P.A. 83-411.)

75 ILCS 10/12

    (75 ILCS 10/12)
    Sec. 12. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 85-1238. Repealed by P.A. 99-619, eff. 7-22-16.)

75 ILCS 10/13

    (75 ILCS 10/13) (from Ch. 81, par. 123)
    Sec. 13. In the event that the board of directors of a library system determines to terminate the system and to cause liquidation thereof, the board of directors of the library system shall submit an application to the State Librarian together with a plan of liquidation describing the proposed liquidation and setting forth the plan of liquidating obligations of the system including but not limited to the obligations for pensions that may have been provided for employees of the system.
    The State Librarian, upon receipt of the application, shall first determine if the area of service can be allocated to other adjoining systems, and whether the assets and liabilities of the system proposed to be liquidated can be assumed and absorbed by such adjoining systems.
    If adjoining systems absorb the assets and assume the obligations of the liquidating system, the State Librarian shall approve of the amendments to the plans of service and amendments to the state grants to the systems succeeding to the liquidating system.
    In the event, however, that a system must be liquidated, the plan of liquidation shall provide for the payment of all outstanding debts and may provide, in addition, that assets of intrinsic value only to libraries or of such historic value that such should remain in a library, then the plan of liquidation may provide for transfer of such items to the State Library of the State of Illinois. The State Library may itself transfer such items to other library systems or retain the items in its own collection.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 2428.)

75 ILCS 10/14

    (75 ILCS 10/14) (from Ch. 81, par. 124)
    Sec. 14. In the event that the board of library directors or trustees of any public library or the governing authority of any other type of library determines to withdraw from a library system, the board of library directors or trustees or the governing authority shall submit notice to the library system of the intent to withdraw and serve a copy thereof upon the State Librarian. Any such notice shall be filed on or before April 1st of any year, and shall be effective on or before June 30th of the next ensuing year.
(Source: P.A. 89-188, eff. 7-19-95.)

75 ILCS 10/14.5

    (75 ILCS 10/14.5)
    Sec. 14.5. Adjustment of the geographic boundaries of library systems. The State Librarian, in consultation with the Illinois State Library Advisory Committee, shall review the geographic boundaries of the library systems a minimum of once every 10 years and make adjustments to the boundaries as deemed appropriate. The State Librarian shall promulgate rules setting forth the process for initiating review and the criteria for evaluating proposed adjustments to geographic boundaries.
(Source: P.A. 89-188, eff. 7-19-95.)

75 ILCS 10/15

    (75 ILCS 10/15) (from Ch. 81, par. 125)
    Sec. 15. Any person wishing to make donations of money, personal property or real estate for the benefit of any library system may vest title to such property in the board of directors of such library system to be held and controlled by such board, when accepted, according to the terms of the deed, gift or legacy of such property. The board shall be held and considered to be a special trustee of such donated property in accordance with the wishes of the donor, grantor or testator, and shall be accountable therefor.
    The board may invest funds until utilized and interest earned shall be subject to the same limitations as the principal.
(Source: P.A. 83-388.)

75 ILCS 10/16

    (75 ILCS 10/16) (from Ch. 81, par. 126)
    Sec. 16. When the board has determined to sell or otherwise dispose of real or personal property that it deems no longer necessary or useful for library purposes, such property may be disposed of as follows:
    (1) Personal property having a unit value of $250 or less may be disposed of as the board may determine.
    (2) Personal property having a unit value of more than $250 but less than $1,000 may be displayed at the library, and a public notice of its availability, the date and the terms of the proposed sale shall be posted.
    (3) Personal property of any value may be donated or sold to any tax-supported library or to any other library system operating under the provisions of this Act under such terms or conditions, if any, as the board may determine.
    (4) In all other cases, the board shall publish notice of the availability and location of the real or personal property, the date and terms of the proposed sale, giving such notice once each week for 2 successive weeks.
    On the day of the sale, the board shall proceed with the sale and may sell such property for a price determined by the board, or, to the highest bidder. Where the board deems the bids inadequate, it may reject such bids and re-advertise the sale.
    However, the various boards of public library directors and contracting authorities of other types of libraries, including boards of public libraries that are members of a system, and the Illinois State Library shall have the first right to purchase such property for library purposes by meeting terms or bids acceptable to the board.
(Source: P.A. 83-411.)