Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.


705 ILCS 405/Art. VII

    (705 ILCS 405/Art. VII heading)

705 ILCS 405/7-1

    (705 ILCS 405/7-1) (from Ch. 37, par. 807-1)
    Sec. 7-1. Savings. Notwithstanding the repeal provided for in Section 7-2:
    (1) Any offense under the provisions of the Act thereby repealed which has been committed before the effective date of this Act may be prosecuted and punished after the effective date hereof in accordance with the provisions of that Act.
    (2) All civil proceedings instituted under the former Act and pending on the effective date hereof shall be considered and treated as pending under this Act and shall be conducted insofar as possible under the provisions of this Act, without the necessity of amending petitions or other papers filed therein, but to the extent considered appropriate by the court may be conducted under the provisions of the former Act.
    (3) Every order of court made by authority of the former Act and in force immediately prior to the effective date hereof remains in force in accordance with its terms until modified or terminated by further order of the court.
    (4) Probation districts made up of counties in more than one circuit, created under the former Act, may continue in existence for the remainder of the terms for which they were created, in accordance with the provisions of that Act.
    (5) A child welfare tax authorized to be levied in any county under authority of the former Act, and not abandoned as provided in that Act, shall continue to be levied until abandoned in the manner provided in this Act.
    (6) References to the former Act contained in other Acts in force on the effective date hereof shall whenever appropriate be considered to be references to this Act.
(Source: P.A. 85-601.)