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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(65 ILCS 115/) River Edge Redevelopment Zone Act.

65 ILCS 115/Art. 10

    (65 ILCS 115/Art. 10 heading)
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-1

    (65 ILCS 115/10-1)
    Sec. 10-1. This Article may be cited as the River Edge Redevelopment Zone Act, and references in this Article to "this Act" mean this Article.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-2

    (65 ILCS 115/10-2)
    Sec. 10-2. Findings. The General Assembly finds and declares that those municipalities adjacent to or surrounding river areas often lack critical tools to safely revive and redevelop environmentally-challenged properties that will stimulate economic revitalization and create jobs in Illinois. Environmentally-challenged properties adjacent to or surrounding Illinois rivers are a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the people of this State. Many of these environmentally-challenged properties adjacent to or surrounding rivers were former industrial areas that now, subject to appropriate environmental clean-up and remediation, would be ideal for office, residential, retail, hospitality, commercial, recreational, warehouse and distribution, and other economically productive uses. The cost of the cleaning and remediation of these environmentally-challenged properties is often the primary obstacle to returning these properties to a safe and economically productive use.
    Cooperative and continuous partnership among the State, through the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and the Environmental Protection Agency, municipalities adjacent to or surrounding rivers, and the private sector is necessary to appropriately encourage the cost-effective cleaning and remediation of these environmentally-challenged properties in order to bring about a safe and economically productive use of the properties.
     Therefore, it is declared to be the purpose of this Act to identify and initiate 3 pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zones to stimulate the safe and cost-effective re-use of environmentally-challenged properties adjacent to or surrounding rivers by means of tax incentives or grants. On or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, the Department may certify an additional pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zone in the City of Peoria.
(Source: P.A. 97-203, eff. 7-28-11.)

65 ILCS 115/10-3

    (65 ILCS 115/10-3)
    Sec. 10-3. Definitions. As used in this Act:
    "Department" means the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
    "River Edge Redevelopment Zone" means an area of the State certified by the Department as a River Edge Redevelopment Zone pursuant to this Act.
    "Designated zone organization" means an association or entity: (1) the members of which are substantially all residents of the River Edge Redevelopment Zone or of the municipality in which the River Edge Redevelopment Zone is located; (2) the board of directors of which is elected by the members of the organization; (3) that satisfies the criteria set forth in Section 501(c) (3) or 501(c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code; and (4) that exists primarily for the purpose of performing within the zone, for the benefit of the residents and businesses thereof, any of the functions set forth in Section 8 of this Act.
    "Incremental income tax" means the total amount withheld during the taxable year from the compensation of River Edge Construction Jobs Employees.
    "Agency" means: each officer, board, commission, and agency created by the Constitution, in the executive branch of State government, other than the State Board of Elections; each officer, department, board, commission, agency, institution, authority, university, and body politic and corporate of the State; each administrative unit or corporate outgrowth of the State government that is created by or pursuant to statute, other than units of local government and their officers, school districts, and boards of election commissioners; and each administrative unit or corporate outgrowth of the above and as may be created by executive order of the Governor. No entity is an "agency" for the purposes of this Act unless the entity is authorized by law to make rules or regulations.
    "River Edge construction jobs credit" means an amount equal to 50% of the incremental income tax attributable to River Edge construction employees employed on a River Edge construction jobs project. However, the amount may equal 75% of the incremental income tax attributable to River Edge construction employees employed on a River Edge construction jobs project located in an underserved area. The total aggregate amount of credits awarded under the Blue Collar Jobs Act (Article 20 of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly) shall not exceed $20,000,000 in any State fiscal year.
    "River Edge construction jobs employee" means a laborer or worker who is employed by an Illinois contractor or subcontractor in the actual construction work on the site of a River Edge construction jobs project.
    "River Edge construction jobs project" means building a structure or building, or making improvements of any kind to real property, in a River Edge Redevelopment Zone that is built or improved in the course of completing a qualified rehabilitation plan. "River Edge construction jobs project" does not include the routine operation, routine repair, or routine maintenance of existing structures, buildings, or real property.
    "Rule" means each agency statement of general applicability that implements, applies, interprets, or prescribes law or policy, but does not include (i) statements concerning only the internal management of an agency and not affecting private rights or procedures available to persons or entities outside the agency, (ii) intra-agency memoranda, or (iii) the prescription of standardized forms.
    Until July 1, 2022, "underserved area" means a geographic area that meets one or more of the following conditions:
        (1) the area has a poverty rate of at least 20%
according to the latest federal decennial census;
        (2) 75% or more of the children in the area
participate in the federal free lunch program according to reported statistics from the State Board of Education;
        (3) at least 20% of the households in the area
receive assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); or
        (4) the area has an average unemployment rate, as
determined by the Illinois Department of Employment Security, that is more than 120% of the national unemployment average, as determined by the U.S. Department of Labor, for a period of at least 2 consecutive calendar years preceding the date of the application.
    Beginning July 1, 2022, "Underserved area" means a geographic area that meets one or more of the following conditions:
        (1) the area has a poverty rate of at least 20%
according to the latest American Community Survey;
        (2) 35% or more of the families with children in the
area are living below 130% of the poverty line, according to the latest American Community Survey;
        (3) at least 20% of the households in the area
receive assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); or
        (4) the area has an average unemployment rate, as
determined by the Illinois Department of Employment Security, that is more than 120% of the national unemployment average, as determined by the U.S. Department of Labor, for a period of at least 2 consecutive calendar years preceding the date of the application.
(Source: P.A. 101-9, eff. 6-5-19; 102-700, eff. 4-19-22.)

65 ILCS 115/10-4

    (65 ILCS 115/10-4)
    Sec. 10-4. Qualifications for River Edge Redevelopment Zones. An area is qualified to become a zone if it:
        (1) is a contiguous area adjacent to or surrounding a
        (2) comprises a minimum of one half square mile and
not more than 12 square miles, exclusive of lakes and waterways;
        (3) satisfies any additional criteria established by
the Department consistent with the purposes of this Act;
        (4) is entirely within a single municipality; and
        (5) has at least 100 acres of environmentally
challenged land within 1500 yards of the riverfront.
    Any River Edge Redevelopment Zone may have an overlapping geographic area with an Enterprise Zone. If a taxpayer is located in an area with an overlapping Enterprise Zone and River Edge Redevelopment Zone, the taxpayer must elect, in the form and manner required by the Department, from which program it would like to request benefits.
(Source: P.A. 103-595, eff. 6-26-24.)

65 ILCS 115/10-5

    (65 ILCS 115/10-5)
    Sec. 10-5. Initiation of River Edge Redevelopment Zones by Municipality.
    (a) No area may be designated as a river edge redevelopment zone except pursuant to an initiating ordinance adopted in accordance with this Section.
    (b) A municipality may by ordinance designate an area within its jurisdiction as a river edge redevelopment zone, subject to the certification of the Department in accordance with this Act, if:
        (i) the area is qualified in accordance with Section
10-4; and
        (ii) the municipality has conducted at least one
public hearing within the proposed zone area on the question of whether to create the zone, what local plans, tax incentives and other programs should be established in connection with the zone, and what the boundaries of the zone should be; public notice of such hearing shall be published in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the zone area, not more than 20 days nor less than 5 days before the hearing.
    (c) An ordinance designating an area as a river edge redevelopment zone shall set forth:
        (i) a precise description of the area comprising the
zone, either in the form of a legal description or by reference to roadways, lakes and waterways, and municipality boundaries;
        (ii) a finding that the zone area meets the
qualifications of Section 10-4;
        (iii) provisions for any tax incentives or
reimbursement for taxes, which pursuant to State and federal law apply to business enterprises within the zone at the election of the designating municipality, and which are not applicable throughout the municipality;
        (iv) a designation of the area as a river edge
redevelopment zone, subject to the approval of the Department in accordance with this Act; and
        (v) the duration or term of the river edge
redevelopment zone.
    (d) This Section does not prohibit a municipality from extending additional tax incentives or reimbursement for business enterprises in river edge redevelopment zones or throughout their territory by separate ordinance.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-5.1

    (65 ILCS 115/10-5.1)
    Sec. 10-5.1. Application to Department. A municipality that has adopted an ordinance designating an area as a river edge redevelopment zone shall make written application to the Department to have the proposed zone certified. The application shall include:
        (1) a certified copy of the ordinance designating the
proposed zone;
        (2) a map of the proposed zone;
        (3) an analysis, and any appropriate supporting
documents, demonstrating that the proposed zone area is qualified in accordance with Section 10-4;
        (4) a statement detailing any tax, grant, and other
financial incentives or benefits, and any programs, to be provided by the municipality to business enterprises or organizations within the zone, other than those provided in the designating ordinance, which are not to be provided throughout the municipality;
        (5) a statement setting forth the economic
development and planning objectives for the zone;
        (6) an estimate of the economic impact of the zone,
considering all of the tax incentives, financial benefits and programs contemplated, upon the revenues of the municipality;
        (7) a transcript of all public hearings on the zone;
        (8) a statement describing the functions, programs,
and services to be performed by designated zone organizations within the zone; and
        (9) such additional information as the Department by
rule may require.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-5.2

    (65 ILCS 115/10-5.2)
    Sec. 10-5.2. Department Review of River Edge Redevelopment Zone Applications.
    (a) All applications must be considered and acted upon by the Department no later than 180 days after being received by the Department.
    (b) Upon receipt of an application from a municipality the Department shall review the application to determine whether the designated area qualifies as a River Edge Redevelopment Zone under Section 10-4 of this Act.
    (c) If any such designated area is found to be qualified to be a River Edge Redevelopment Zone, the Department shall publish a notice in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the municipality in which the proposed zone is located to notify the general public of the application and their opportunity to comment. Such notice shall include a description of the area and a brief summary of the application and shall indicate locations where the applicant has provided copies of the application for public inspection. The notice shall also indicate appropriate procedures for the filing of written comments from zone residents, business, civic, and other organizations and property owners to the Department.
    (d) Within 180 days after receiving an application, the Department shall either approve or deny that application. If an approval of an application is not received within 180 days after the Department's receipt of the application, then the application is considered to be denied. If an application is denied, the Department shall inform the municipality of the specific reasons for the denial.
    (e) In determining which designated areas shall be approved and certified as River Edge Redevelopment Zones, the Department shall give preference to:
        (1) areas with high levels of environmentally
challenged areas;
        (2) areas that have evidenced the widest support from
the municipality seeking to have such areas designated as River Edge Redevelopment Zones;
        (3) areas for which a specific plan has been
submitted to effect economic growth and expansion;
        (4) areas for which there is evidence of prior
consultation between the municipality seeking designation of an area as an River Edge Redevelopment Zone and business, labor, and neighborhood organizations within the proposed Zone;
        (5) areas for which a specific plan has been
submitted which will or may be expected to benefit zone residents and workers by increasing their ownership opportunities and participation in a River Edge Redevelopment Zone development.
    (f) The Department's determination of whether to certify a River Edge Redevelopment Zone shall be based on the purposes of this Act, the criteria set forth in Section 10-4 and subsection (e) of this Section, and any additional criteria adopted by regulation of the Department under paragraph (d) of Section 10-4.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-5.3

    (65 ILCS 115/10-5.3)
    Sec. 10-5.3. Certification of River Edge Redevelopment Zones.
    (a) Approval of designated River Edge Redevelopment Zones shall be made by the Department by certification of the designating ordinance. The Department shall promptly issue a certificate for each zone upon its approval. The certificate shall be signed by the Director of the Department, shall make specific reference to the designating ordinance, which shall be attached thereto, and shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. A certified copy of the River Edge Redevelopment Zone Certificate, or a duplicate original thereof, shall be recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county in which the River Edge Redevelopment Zone lies.
    (b) A River Edge Redevelopment Zone shall be effective upon its certification. The Department shall transmit a copy of the certification to the Department of Revenue, and to the designating municipality. Upon certification of a River Edge Redevelopment Zone, the terms and provisions of the designating ordinance shall be in effect, and may not be amended or repealed except in accordance with Section 10-5.4.
    (c) A River Edge Redevelopment Zone shall be in effect for the period stated in the certificate, which shall in no event exceed 30 calendar years. Zones shall terminate at midnight of December 31 of the final calendar year of the certified term, except as provided in Section 10-5.4.
    (d) In calendar years 2006 and 2007, the Department may certify one pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zone in the City of East St. Louis, one pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zone in the City of Rockford, and one pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zone in the City of Aurora.
    In calendar year 2009, the Department may certify one pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zone in the City of Elgin.
    On or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, the Department may certify one additional pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zone in the City of Peoria.
    On or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly, the Department may certify 2 additional pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zones, including one in the City of Joliet and one in the City of Kankakee.
    On or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly, the Department may certify 7 additional pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zones, including one in the City of East Moline, one in the City of Moline, one in the City of Ottawa, one in the City of LaSalle, one in the City of Peru, one in the City of Rock Island, and one in the City of Quincy.
    After certifying the additional pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zones authorized by the above paragraphs, the Department may not certify any additional River Edge Redevelopment Zones, but it may amend and rescind certifications of existing River Edge Redevelopment Zones in accordance with Section 10-5.4, except that no River Edge Redevelopment Zone may be extended on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly. Each River Edge Redevelopment Zone in existence on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly shall continue until its scheduled termination under this Act, unless the Zone is decertified sooner. At the time of its term expiration each River Edge Redevelopment Zone will become an open enterprise zone, available for the previously designated area or a different area to compete for designation as an enterprise zone. No preference for designation as a Zone will be given to the previously designated area.
    (e) A municipality in which a River Edge Redevelopment Zone has been certified must submit to the Department, within 60 days after the certification, a plan for encouraging the participation by minority persons, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans in the zone. The Department may assist the municipality in developing and implementing the plan. The terms "minority person", "woman", and "person with a disability" have the meanings set forth under Section 2 of the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act. "Veteran" means an Illinois resident who is a veteran as defined in subsection (h) of Section 1491 of Title 10 of the United States Code.
(Source: P.A. 103-9, eff. 6-7-23; 103-595, eff. 6-26-24.)

65 ILCS 115/10-5.4

    (65 ILCS 115/10-5.4)
    Sec. 10-5.4. Amendment and decertification of River Edge Redevelopment Zones.
    (a) The terms of a certified zone designating ordinance may be amended to:
        (1) alter the boundaries of the Zone;
        (2) expand, limit or repeal tax incentives or
benefits provided in the ordinance;
        (3) alter the termination date of the zone; or
        (4) make technical corrections in the river edge
redevelopment zone designating ordinance.
    An amendment shall not be effective unless the Department issues an amended certificate for the River Edge Redevelopment Zone, approving the amended designating ordinance. Upon the adoption of any ordinance amending or repealing the terms of a certified river edge redevelopment zone designating ordinance, the municipality shall promptly file with the Department an application for approval thereof, containing substantially the same information as required for an application under Section 10-5.1 insofar as material to the proposed changes. The municipality must hold a public hearing on the proposed changes as specified in Section 10-5 and, if the amendment is to effectuate the limitation of tax abatements under Section 10-5.4.1, then the public notice of the hearing shall state that property that is in both the zone and a redevelopment project area may not receive tax abatements unless within 60 days after the adoption of the amendment to the designating ordinance the municipality has determined that eligibility for tax abatements has been established.
    (b) The Department shall approve or disapprove a proposed amendment to a certified zone within 90 days after its receipt of the application from the municipality. The Department may not approve changes in a Zone that are not in conformity with this Act, as now or hereafter amended, or with other applicable laws. If the Department issues an amended certificate for a Zone, the amended certificate, together with the amended zone designating ordinance, shall be filed, recorded, and transmitted as provided in Section 10-5.3.
    (c) A River Edge Redevelopment Zone may be decertified by joint action of the Department and by the municipality in which the River Edge Development Zone is located. The designating municipality shall conduct at least one public hearing within the zone prior to its adoption of an ordinance of decertification. The mayor of the designating municipality shall execute a joint decertification agreement with the Department. A decertification of a River Edge Redevelopment Zone that was initiated by the joint action of the Department and one or more of the municipalities in which the zone is located shall not become effective until at least 6 months after the execution of the decertification agreement, which shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State.
    (d) A River Edge Redevelopment Zone may be decertified for cause by the Department in accordance with this Section. Prior to decertification:
        (1) the Department shall notify the chief elected
official of the designating municipality in writing of the specific deficiencies that provide cause for decertification;
        (2) the Department shall place the designating
municipality on probationary status for at least 6 months during which time corrective action may be achieved in the zone by the designating municipality; and
        (3) the Department shall conduct at least one public
hearing within the zone.
If such corrective action is not achieved during the probationary period, the Department shall issue an amended certificate signed by the Director of the Department decertifying the zone, which certificate shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. A certified copy of the amended certificate, or a duplicate original thereof, shall be recorded in the office of recorder of the county in which the River Edge Redevelopment Zone lies, and shall be provided to the chief elected official of the designating municipality. Decertification of a River Edge Redevelopment Zone for cause shall not become effective until 60 days after the date of filing.
    (e) In the event of a decertification, an amendment reducing the length of the term or the area of a River Edge Redevelopment Zone, or the adoption of an ordinance reducing or eliminating tax benefits in a zone, all benefits previously extended within the zone pursuant to this Act or pursuant to any other Illinois law providing benefits specifically to or within River Edge Redevelopment Zones shall remain in effect for the original stated term of the zone, with respect to business enterprises within the zone on the effective date of such decertification or amendment.
    (f) With respect to a business enterprise (or expansion thereof) that is proposed or under development within a zone at the time of a decertification or an amendment reducing the length of the term of the zone, or excluding from the zone area the site of the proposed enterprise, or an ordinance reducing or eliminating tax benefits in a zone, such business enterprise is entitled to the benefits previously applicable within the zone for the original stated term of the zone, if the business enterprise establishes:
        (i) that the proposed business enterprise or
expansion has been committed to be located within the zone;
        (ii) that substantial and binding financial
obligations have been made towards the development of such enterprise; and
        (iii) that such commitments have been made in
reasonable reliance on the benefits and programs which were to have been applicable to the enterprise by reason of the zone, including in the case of a reduction in term of a zone, the original length of the term.
    In declaratory judgment actions under this subsection, the Department and the designating municipality shall be necessary parties defendant.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-5.4.1

    (65 ILCS 115/10-5.4.1)
    Sec. 10-5.4.1. Adoption of tax increment financing.
    (a) If (i) a redevelopment project area is, will be, or has been created by a municipality under Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, (ii) the redevelopment project area contains property that is located in a River Edge Redevelopment Zone, (iii) the municipality adopts an amendment to the River Edge Redevelopment Zone designating ordinance pursuant to Section 10-4 of this Act specifically concerning the abatement of taxes on property located within a redevelopment project area created pursuant to Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, and (iv) the Department certifies the ordinance amendment, then the property that is located in both the River Edge Redevelopment Zone and the redevelopment project area shall not be eligible for the abatement of taxes under Section 18-170 of the Property Tax Code.
    No business enterprise or expansion or individual, however, that has constructed a new improvement or renovated or rehabilitated an existing improvement and has received an abatement on the improvement under Section 18-170 of the Property Tax Code shall be denied any benefit previously extended within the zone pursuant to this Act or pursuant to any other Illinois law providing benefits specifically to or within River Edge Redevelopment Zones. Moreover, if the business enterprise or individual presents evidence to the municipality within 30 days after the adoption by the municipality of an amendment to the designating ordinance the sufficiency of which shall be determined by findings of the corporate authorities made within 30 days of the receipt of such evidence by the municipality, that before the date of the notice of the public hearing provided by the municipality regarding the amendment to the designating ordinance (i) the business enterprise or expansion or individual was committed to locate within the River Edge Redevelopment Zone, (ii) substantial and binding financial obligations were made towards the development of the enterprise, and (iii) those commitments were made in reasonable reliance on the benefits and programs that were applicable to the enterprise or individual by reason of River Edge Redevelopment Zone, then the enterprise or expansion or individual shall not be denied any benefit previously extended within the zone pursuant to this Act or pursuant to any other Illinois law providing benefits specifically to or within River Edge Redevelopment Zones.
    (b) This Section applies to all property located within both a redevelopment project area adopted under Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code and a River Edge Redevelopment Zone even if the redevelopment project area was adopted before the effective date of this Act.
    (c) After the effective date of this Act, if (i) a redevelopment project area is created by a municipality under Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code and (ii) the redevelopment project area contains property that is located in a River Edge Redevelopment Zone, the municipality must adopt an amendment to the certified River Edge Redevelopment Zone designating ordinance under Section 10-5.4 specifying that property that is located in both the River Edge Redevelopment Zone and the redevelopment project area shall not be eligible for any abatement of taxes under Section 18-170 of the Property Tax Code for new improvements or the renovation or rehabilitation of existing improvements.
    (d) In declaratory judgment actions under this Section, the Department and the designating municipality shall be necessary parties defendant.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-6

    (65 ILCS 115/10-6)
    Sec. 10-6. Powers and duties of Department.
    (a) The Department shall administer this Act and shall have the following powers and duties:
        (1) To monitor the implementation of this Act and
submit reports evaluating the effectiveness of the program and setting forth any suggestions for legislation to the Governor and General Assembly by October 1 of each year preceding a regular Session of the General Assembly.
        (2) To adopt all necessary rules and regulations to
carry out the purposes of this Act in accordance with The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
    (b) The Department shall provide information and appropriate assistance to persons desiring to locate and engage in business in a River Edge Redevelopment Zone and to persons engaged in business in a zone.
    (c) The Department shall publicize existing tax incentives and economic development programs within the Zone and upon request, offer technical assistance in abatement and alternative revenue source development to local units of government which have River Edge Redevelopment Zones within their jurisdiction.
    (d) In addition to the reports authorized under subsection (a), no later than December 31, 2009, the Department must submit a report to the General Assembly evaluating the effectiveness of this Act in stimulating economic revitalization in the pilot River Edge Redevelopment Zones authorized by this Act.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-8

    (65 ILCS 115/10-8)
    Sec. 10-8. Zone Administration. The administration of a River Edge Redevelopment Zone shall be under the jurisdiction of the designating municipality. Each designating municipality shall, by ordinance, designate a Zone Administrator for the certified zones within its jurisdiction. A Zone Administrator must be an officer or employee of the municipality. The Zone Administrator shall be the liaison between the designating municipality, the Department, and any designated zone organizations within zones under his or her jurisdiction.
    A designating municipality may designate one or more organizations to be a designated zone organization, as defined under Section 10-3. The municipality, may, by ordinance, delegate functions within a River Edge Redevelopment Zone to one or more designated zone organizations in such zones.
    Subject to the necessary governmental authorizations, designated zone organizations may, in coordination with the municipality, provide or contract for provision of public services including, but not limited to:
        (1) crime-watch patrols within zone
        (2) volunteer day-care centers;
        (3) recreational activities for zone-area youth;
        (4) garbage collection;
        (5) street maintenance and improvements;
        (6) bridge maintenance and improvements;
        (7) maintenance and improvement of water and sewer
        (8) energy conservation projects;
        (9) health and clinic services;
        (10) drug abuse programs;
        (11) senior citizen assistance programs;
        (12) park maintenance;
        (13) rehabilitation, renovation, and operation and
maintenance of low and moderate income housing; and
        (14) other types of public services as provided by
law or regulation.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-9

    (65 ILCS 115/10-9)
    Sec. 10-9. Notice of cessation of business operations. Any business located within the River Edge Redevelopment Zone that has received tax credits or exemptions, regulatory relief or any other benefits under this Act shall notify the Department and the municipal officials in which the Zone is located within 60 days after the cessation of any business operations conducted within the Zone. The Department shall adopt rules to implement and administer this Section.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-10

    (65 ILCS 115/10-10)
    Sec. 10-10. Income tax deduction.
    (a) A business entity may receive a deduction against income subject to State taxes for a contribution to a designated zone organization if the project for which the contribution is made has been specifically approved by the designating municipality and by the Department.
    (b) Any designated zone organization seeking to have a project approved for contribution must submit an application to the Department describing the nature and benefit of the project and its potential contributors. The application must address how the following criteria will be met:
        (1) The project must contribute to the self-help
efforts of the residents of the area involved.
        (2) The project must involve the residents of the
area in planning and implementing the project.
        (3) The project must lack sufficient resources.
        (4) The designated zone organization must be fiscally
responsible for the project.
    (c) The project must enhance the River Edge Redevelopment Zone in one of the following ways:
        (1) by creating permanent jobs;
        (2) by physically improving the housing stock;
        (3) by stimulating neighborhood business activity; or
        (4) by preventing crime.
    (d) If the designated zone organization demonstrates its ability to meet the criteria in subsection (b), and the project will enhance the neighborhood in one of the ways listed in subsection (c), the Department shall approve the organization's proposed project and specify the amount of contributions it is eligible to receive for such project. Comments from State elected officials and municipal officials of the units of local government in which all or part of the river edge redevelopment zone is located, or in which the project is proposed to be located, shall be solicited by the Department in making such decision.
    (e) Within 45 days of the receipt of an application, the Department shall give notice to the applicant as to whether the application has been approved or disapproved. If the Department disapproves the application, it shall specify the reasons for this decision and allow 60 days for the applicant to amend and resubmit its application. The Department shall provide assistance upon request to applicants. Resubmitted applications shall receive the Department's approval or disapproval within 30 days of resubmission. Those resubmitted applications satisfying initial Department objectives shall be approved unless reasonable circumstances warrant disapproval.
    (f) On an annual basis, the designated zone organization shall furnish a statement to the Department on the programmatic and financial status of any approved project and an audited financial statement of the project.
    (g) For any project which is approved and for which there is a specified amount of contributions which the designated zone organization may receive as provided in subsection (d) of this Section, the designated zone organization shall provide to the Department any information necessary to determine the eligibility of a contribution to the project for a deduction pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(N) of Section 203 of the Illinois Income Tax Act. The Department shall certify to the Department of Revenue the taxpayers eligible for and the amounts of contributions which those taxpayers may claim as a deduction pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(N) of Section 203 of the Illinois Income Tax Act. The total of all actual contributions approved by the Department for deductions pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(N) of Section 203 of the Illinois Income Tax Act shall not exceed $15,400,000 in any one calendar year.
(Source: P.A. 94-1021, eff. 7-12-06.)

65 ILCS 115/10-10.1

    (65 ILCS 115/10-10.1)
    Sec. 10-10.1. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 99-733, eff. 1-1-17. Repealed internally, eff. 8-1-20)

65 ILCS 115/10-10.2

    (65 ILCS 115/10-10.2)
    Sec. 10-10.2. Accounting.
    (a) Any business receiving tax incentives due to its location within a River Edge Redevelopment Zone must annually report to the Department of Revenue information reasonably required by the Department to enable the Department of Revenue to verify and calculate the total tax benefits for property taxes and taxes imposed by the State that are received by the business, broken down by incentive category. To the extent that a business receiving tax incentives has obtained a River Edge Building Materials Exemption Certificate, that business is required to report those building materials exemption benefits only under subsection (a-5) of this Section. No additional reporting for those building materials exemption benefits is required under this subsection (a). Reports will be due no later than May 31 of each year and shall cover the previous calendar year. The first report will be for the 2012 calendar year and will be due no later than May 31, 2013. Failure to report data may result in ineligibility to receive incentives. The Department, in consultation with the Department of Revenue, is authorized to adopt rules governing ineligibility to receive exemptions, including the length of ineligibility. Factors to be considered in determining whether a business is ineligible shall include, but are not limited to, prior compliance with the reporting requirements, cooperation in discontinuing and correcting violations, the extent of the violation, and whether the violation was willful or inadvertent.
    (a-5) Each contractor or other entity that has been issued a River Edge Building Materials Exemption Certificate under Section 2-54 of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act shall annually report to the Department of Revenue the total tax benefits for taxes imposed by the State that are received under River Edge building materials exemption. Reports shall contain information reasonably required by the Department of Revenue to enable it to verify and calculate the total tax benefits for taxes imposed by the State, and shall be broken down by River Edge Redevelopment Zone. Reports are due no later than May 31 of each year and shall cover the previous calendar year. The first report will be for the 2013 calendar year and will be due no later than May 31, 2014. Failure to report data may result in revocation of the River Edge Building Materials Exemption Certificate issued to the contractor or other entity. The Department of Revenue is authorized to adopt rules governing revocation determinations, including the length of revocations. Factors to be considered in revocations shall include, but are not limited to, prior compliance with the reporting requirements, cooperation in discontinuing and correcting violations, and whether the certificate was used unlawfully during the preceding year.
    (b) Each person required to file a return under the Gas Revenue Tax Act, the Gas Use Tax Act, the Electricity Excise Tax Act, or the Telecommunications Excise Tax Act shall file, on or before May 31 of each year, a report with the Department of Revenue, in the manner and form required by the Department of Revenue, containing information reasonably required by the Department of Revenue to enable the Department of Revenue to verify and calculate the amount of the deduction for taxes imposed by the State that is taken under each Act, respectively, due to the location of a business in a River Edge Redevelopment Zone. The report shall be itemized by business and the business location address.
    (c) Employers shall report their job creation, retention, and capital investment numbers within the River Edge Redevelopment Zone annually to the Department of Revenue no later than May 31 of each calendar year.
    (d) The Department of Revenue will aggregate and collect the tax, job, and capital investment data by River Edge Redevelopment Zone and report this information, formatted to exclude company-specific proprietary information, to the Department by August 1, 2013, and by August 1 of every calendar year thereafter. The Department will include this information in their required reports under Section 6 of this Act.
    (e) The Department of Revenue, in its discretion, may require that the reports filed under this Section be submitted electronically.
    (f) The Department of Revenue shall have the authority to adopt rules as are reasonable and necessary to implement the provisions of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 97-905, eff. 8-7-12; 98-109, eff. 7-25-13.)

65 ILCS 115/10-10.3

    (65 ILCS 115/10-10.3)
    Sec. 10-10.3. River Edge Construction Jobs Credit.
    (a) Beginning on January 1, 2021, a business entity may receive a tax credit against the tax imposed under subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 in an amount equal to 50% (or 75% if the project is located in an underserved area) of the amount of the incremental income tax attributable to River Edge construction jobs employees employed in the course of completing a River Edge construction jobs project. The credit allowed under this Section shall apply only to taxpayers that make a capital investment of at least $1,000,000 in a qualified rehabilitation plan.
    (b) A business entity seeking a credit under this Section must submit an application to the Department describing the nature and benefit of the River Edge construction jobs project to the qualified rehabilitation project and the River Edge Redevelopment Zone. The Department may adopt any necessary rules in order to administer the provisions of this Section.
    (c) Within 45 days after the receipt of an application, the Department shall give notice to the applicant as to whether the application has been approved or disapproved. If the Department disapproves the application, it shall specify the reasons for this decision and allow 60 days for the applicant to amend and resubmit its application. The Department shall provide assistance upon request to applicants. Resubmitted applications shall receive the Department's approval or disapproval within 30 days of resubmission. Those resubmitted applications satisfying initial Department objectives shall be approved unless reasonable circumstances warrant disapproval.
    (d) On an annual basis, the designated zone organization shall furnish a statement to the Department on the programmatic and financial status of any approved project and an audited financial statement of the project.
    (e) The Department shall certify to the Department of Revenue the identity of the taxpayers who are eligible for River Edge construction jobs credits and the amounts of River Edge construction jobs credits awarded in each taxable year.
    (f) (Blank).
    (g) The total aggregate amount of credits awarded under the Blue Collar Jobs Act (Article 20 of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly) shall not exceed $20,000,000 in any State fiscal year.
(Source: P.A. 103-595, eff. 6-26-24.)

65 ILCS 115/10-10.4

    (65 ILCS 115/10-10.4)
    Sec. 10-10.4. Certified payroll. Any taxpayer seeking River Edge construction job tax credits must:
        (1) annually, until construction is completed, submit
a report that, at a minimum, describes the projected project scope, timeline, and anticipated budget; once the project has commenced, the annual report shall include actual data for the prior year as well as projections for each additional year through completion of the project; the Department shall issue detailed reporting guidelines prescribing the requirements of construction-related reports; and
        (2) provide the Department with evidence that a
certified third-party executed an Agreed-Upon Procedure (AUP) verifying the construction expenses or accept the standard construction wage expense estimated by the Department; upon review of the final project scope, timeline, budget, and AUP, the Department shall issue a tax credit certificate reflecting a percentage of the total construction job wages paid throughout the completion of the project.
    Upon 7 business days' notice, the taxpayer shall make available for inspection and copying at a location within this State during reasonable hours, the records identified in paragraph (1) of this Section to the taxpayer in charge of the project, its officers and agents, and to federal, State, or local law enforcement agencies and prosecutors.
(Source: P.A. 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 103-595, eff. 6-26-24.)

65 ILCS 115/10-15

    (65 ILCS 115/10-15)
    Sec. 10-15. Riverfront Development Fund.
    (a) Purpose. The General Assembly has determined that it is in the interest of the State of Illinois to promote development that will protect, promote, and improve the riverfront areas of a financially distressed city designated under the Financially Distressed City Law.
    (b) Definitions. As used in this Section:
        "Agreement" means the agreement between an eligible
employer and the Department under the provisions of subsection (f) of this Section.
        "Department" means the Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity.
        "Director" means the Director of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity.
        "Eligible developer" means an individual,
partnership, corporation, or other entity that develops within a river edge redevelopment zone that is located within a municipality designated as a financially distressed city.
        "Eligible employer" means an individual, partnership,
corporation, or other entity that employs full-time employees within a river edge redevelopment zone that is located within a municipality designated as a financially distressed city.
        "Full-time employee" means an individual who is
employed for consideration for at least 35 hours each week or who renders any other standard of service generally accepted by industry custom or practice as full-time employment. An individual for whom a W-2 is issued by a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) is a full-time employee if employed in the service of the eligible employer for consideration for at least 35 hours each week or who renders any other standard of service generally accepted by industry custom or practice as full-time employment.
        "Incremental income tax" means the total amount
withheld from the compensation of new employees under Article 7 of the Illinois Income Tax Act arising from employment by an eligible employer.
        "Infrastructure" means roads, access roads, streets,
bridges, sidewalks, water and sewer line extensions, water distribution and purification facilities, waste disposal systems, sewage treatment facilities, stormwater drainage and retention facilities, gas and electric utility line extensions, or other improvements that are essential to the development of the project that is the subject of an agreement.
        "New employee" means a full-time employee first
employed by an eligible employer in the project that is the subject of an agreement between the Department and an eligible developer and who is hired after the eligible developer enters into the agreement, but does not include:
            (1) an employee of the eligible employer who
performs a job that (i) existed for at least 6 months before the employee was hired and (ii) was previously performed by another employee;
            (2) an employee of the eligible employer who was
previously employed in Illinois by a related member of the eligible employer and whose employment was shifted to the eligible employer after the eligible employer entered into the agreement; or
            (3) a child, grandchild, parent, or spouse,
other than a spouse who is legally separated from the individual, of any individual who has a direct or an indirect ownership interest of at least 5% in the profits, capital, or value of the eligible employer.
        Notwithstanding item (2) of this definition, an
employee may be considered a new employee under the agreement if the employee performs a job that was previously performed by an employee who was:
            (A) treated under the agreement as a new
employee; and
            (B) promoted by the eligible employer to another
        "Professional Employer Organization" (PEO) means an
employee leasing company, as defined in Section 206.1(A)(2) of the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act.
        "Related member" means a person or entity that, with
respect to the eligible employer during any portion of the taxable year, is any one of the following:
            (1) an individual stockholder, if the stockholder
and the members of the stockholder's family (as defined in Section 318 of the Internal Revenue Code) own directly, indirectly, beneficially, or constructively, in the aggregate, at least 50% of the value of the eligible employer's outstanding stock;
            (2) a partnership, estate, or trust and any
partner or beneficiary, if the partnership, estate, or trust, and its partners or beneficiaries own directly, indirectly, or beneficially, or constructively, in the aggregate, at least 50% of the profits, capital, stock, or value of the eligible employer;
            (3) a corporation, and any party related to the
corporation in a manner that would require an attribution of stock from the corporation to the party or from the party to the corporation under the attribution rules of Section 318 of the Internal Revenue Code, if the taxpayer owns directly, indirectly, beneficially, or constructively at least 50% of the value of the corporation's outstanding stock;
            (4) a corporation and any party related to that
corporation in a manner that would require an attribution of stock from the corporation to the party or from the party to the corporation under the attribution rules of Section 318 of the Internal Revenue Code, if the corporation and all such related parties own in the aggregate at least 50% of the profits, capital, stock, or value of the eligible employer; or
            (5) a person to or from whom there is attribution
of stock ownership in accordance with Section 1563(e) of the Internal Revenue Code, except, for purposes of determining whether a person is a related member under this definition, 20% shall be substituted for 5% wherever 5% appears in Section 1563(e) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    (c) The Riverfront Development Fund. The Riverfront Development Fund is created as a special fund in the State treasury. As soon as possible after the first day of each month, upon certification of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred and the Treasurer shall transfer from the General Revenue Fund to the Riverfront Development Fund an amount equal to the incremental income tax for the previous month attributable to a project that is the subject of an agreement. The total amount transferred under this subsection may not exceed $3,000,000 in any State fiscal year.
    (d) Grants from the Riverfront Development Fund. In State fiscal years 2015 through 2021, all moneys in the Riverfront Development Fund, held solely for the benefit of eligible developers, shall be appropriated to the Department to make infrastructure grants to eligible developers pursuant to agreements.
    (e) Limitation on grant amounts. The total aggregate amount of grants awarded to all eligible developers shall not exceed $3,000,000 in each State fiscal year. The total amount of a grant awarded to an eligible developer shall not exceed the total amount of infrastructure costs incurred by that eligible developer with respect to a project that is the subject of an agreement. No eligible developer shall receive moneys that are attributable to a project that is not the subject of the developer's agreement with the Department.
    (f) Agreements with applicants. The Department shall enter into an agreement with an eligible developer who is entitled to grants under this Section. The agreement must include all of the following:
        (1) A detailed description of the project that is the
subject of the agreement, including the location of the project, the number of jobs created by the project, and project costs. For purposes of this subsection, "project costs" includes the costs of the project incurred or to be incurred by the eligible developer, including infrastructure costs, but excludes the value of State or local incentives, including tax increment financing and deductions, credits, or exemptions afforded to an employer located in an enterprise zone.
        (2) A requirement that the eligible developer shall
maintain operations at the project location, stated as a minimum number of years not to exceed 10 years.
        (3) A specific method for determining the number of
new employees attributable to the project.
        (4) A requirement that the eligible developer shall
report monthly to the Department and the Department of Revenue the number of new employees and the incremental income tax withheld in connection with the new employees.
        (5) A requirement that the Department is authorized
to verify with the Department of Revenue the amounts reported under paragraph (4).
(Source: P.A. 98-109, eff. 7-25-13.)