Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.


210 ILCS 49/Art. 3 Pt. 2

    (210 ILCS 49/Art. 3 Pt. 2 heading)
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)

210 ILCS 49/3-201

    (210 ILCS 49/3-201)
    Sec. 3-201. Screening prior to admission. Standards for screening prior to admission into a facility under this Act shall be established by rule. The rules shall recognize the different levels of care provided by these facilities, including, but not limited to, the following:
        (1) triage centers;
        (2) crisis stabilization;
        (3) recovery and rehabilitation supports; or
        (4) transitional living units.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)

210 ILCS 49/3-203

    (210 ILCS 49/3-203)
    Sec. 3-203. Consumers' advisory council. Each facility shall establish a consumers' advisory council. The executive director shall designate a member of the facility staff to coordinate the establishment of, and render assistance to, the council.
        (1) The composition of the consumers' advisory
council shall be specified by rule, but no employee or affiliate of a facility shall be a member of the council.
        (2) The council shall meet at least once each month
with the staff coordinator who shall provide assistance to the council in preparing and disseminating a report of each meeting to all consumers, the executive director, and the staff.
        (3) Records of council meetings shall be
maintained in the office of the executive director.
        (4) The consumers' advisory council may communicate
to the executive director the opinions and concerns of the consumers. The council shall review procedures for implementing consumer rights and facility responsibilities and make recommendations for changes or additions that will strengthen the facility's policies and procedures as they affect consumer rights and facility responsibilities.
        (5) The council shall be a forum for:
            (A) obtaining and disseminating information;
            (B) soliciting and adopting recommendations for
facility programming and improvements; and
            (C) early identification and for recommending
orderly resolution of problems.
        (6) The council may present complaints on behalf of
a consumer to the Department or to any other person it considers appropriate.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)

210 ILCS 49/3-205

    (210 ILCS 49/3-205)
    Sec. 3-205. Disclosure of information to public. Standards for the disclosure of information to the public shall be established by rule. These information disclosure standards shall include, but are not limited to, the following: staffing and personnel levels, licensure and inspection information, national accreditation information, consumer charges, and consumer complaint information. Rules for the public disclosure of information shall be in accordance with the provisions for inspection and copying of public records in the Freedom of Information Act. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall make facility cost reports available on its website.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 98-651, eff. 6-16-14.)

210 ILCS 49/3-206

    (210 ILCS 49/3-206)
    Sec. 3-206. Confidentiality of records.
    (a) The Department shall respect the confidentiality of a consumer's record and shall not divulge or disclose the contents of a record in a manner that identifies a consumer, except upon a consumer's death to a relative or guardian or under judicial proceedings. This Section shall not be construed to limit the right of a consumer to inspect or copy the consumer's own records.
    (b) Confidential medical, social, personal, or financial information identifying a consumer shall not be available for public inspection in a manner that identifies a consumer.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)

210 ILCS 49/3-207

    (210 ILCS 49/3-207)
    Sec. 3-207. Notice of imminent death. A facility shall immediately notify the consumer's next of kin, representative, and physician of the consumer's death or when the consumer's death appears to be imminent.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)

210 ILCS 49/3-208

    (210 ILCS 49/3-208)
    Sec. 3-208. Policies and procedures. A facility shall establish written policies and procedures to implement the responsibilities and rights provided under this Article. The policies shall include the procedure for the investigation and resolution of consumer complaints. The policies and procedures shall be clear and unambiguous and shall be available for inspection by any person. A summary of the policies and procedures, printed in not less than 12-point font, shall be distributed to each consumer and representative.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)

210 ILCS 49/3-209

    (210 ILCS 49/3-209)
    Sec. 3-209. Explanation of rights. Each consumer and consumer's guardian or other person acting on behalf of the consumer shall be given a written explanation of all of his or her rights. The explanation shall be given at the time of admission to a facility or as soon thereafter as the condition of the consumer permits, but in no event later than 48 hours after admission and again at least annually thereafter. At the time of the implementation of this Act, each consumer shall be given a written summary of all of his or her rights. If a consumer is unable to read such written explanation, it shall be read to the consumer in a language the consumer understands.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)

210 ILCS 49/3-210

    (210 ILCS 49/3-210)
    Sec. 3-210. Staff familiarity with rights and responsibilities. The facility shall ensure that its staff is familiar with and observes the rights and responsibilities enumerated in this Article.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)

210 ILCS 49/3-211

    (210 ILCS 49/3-211)
    Sec. 3-211. Vaccinations.
    (a) A facility shall annually administer or arrange for administration of a vaccination against influenza to each consumer, in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that are most recent to the time of vaccination, unless the vaccination is medically contraindicated or the consumer has refused the vaccine.
    (b) All persons seeking admission to a facility shall be verbally screened for risk factors associated with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) according to guidelines established by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Persons who are identified as being at high risk for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV shall be offered an opportunity to undergo laboratory testing in order to determine infection status if they will be admitted to the facility for at least 7 days and are not known to be infected with any of the listed viruses. All HIV testing shall be conducted in compliance with the AIDS Confidentiality Act. All persons determined to be susceptible to the hepatitis B virus shall be offered immunization within 10 days after admission to any facility. A facility shall document in the consumer's medical record that he or she was verbally screened for risk factors associated with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV, and whether or not the consumer was immunized against hepatitis B.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)

210 ILCS 49/3-212

    (210 ILCS 49/3-212)
    Sec. 3-212. Order for transportation of consumer by ambulance. If a facility orders transportation of a consumer of the facility by ambulance, then the facility must maintain a written record that shows (i) the name of the person who placed the order for that transportation and (ii) the medical reason for that transportation.
(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13.)