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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.


65 ILCS 5/9-5-1

    (65 ILCS 5/9-5-1) (from Ch. 24, par. 9-5-1)
    Sec. 9-5-1. Whenever a municipal ordinance or an annexation agreement authorized under Section 11-15.1-1 of this Code requires the installation of water mains, sanitary sewers, drains, or other facilities for sewers and drains, the construction of any roadways, or the installation of any traffic signals or other traffic related improvements as a condition of either the acceptance of a preliminary or final subdivision or plat described in Section 11-12-12 or a preliminary or final planned unit development plan or the issuance of a building permit and where, in the opinion of the corporate authorities, the facilities, roadways, or improvements may be used for the benefit of property not in the subdivision or planned unit development or outside the property for which a building permit has been issued, and the water mains, sanitary sewers, drains, or other facilities, roadways, or improvements are to be dedicated to the public, the corporate authorities may by contract with the subdivider or permittee agree to reimburse and may reimburse the subdivider or permittee for a portion of the cost of the facilities, roadways, and improvements from fees charged to owners of property not within the subdivision, planned unit development, or property for which a building permit has been issued when and as collected from the owners. The contract shall describe the property outside the subdivision, planned unit development, or property for which a building permit has been issued that may reasonably be expected to benefit from the facilities, roadways, or improvements that are required to be constructed under the contract and shall specify the amount or proportion of the cost of the facilities, roadways, or improvements that is to be incurred primarily for the benefit of that property. The contract shall provide that the municipality shall collect fees charged to owners of property not within the subdivision, planned unit development, or property for which a building permit has been issued at any time before the connection to and use of the facilities, roadways, or improvements by the respective properties of each owner. The contract may contain other and further provisions and agreements concerning the construction, installation, completion, and acceptance of the facilities, roadways, or improvements that the corporate authorities in their sole opinion deem proper and may also provide for the payment to the subdivider or permittee of a reasonable amount of interest on the amount expended by the subdivider or permittee in completing the facilities, roadways, and improvements, the interest to be calculated from and after the date of completion and acceptance of the facilities, roadways, and improvements.
(Source: P.A. 87-539.)

65 ILCS 5/9-5-2

    (65 ILCS 5/9-5-2) (from Ch. 24, par. 9-5-2)
    Sec. 9-5-2. Any contract entered into between the corporate authorities of a municipality and a subdivider pursuant to Section 9-5-1 shall be filed with the recorder of each county in which all or a part of the property affected thereby is located. The recording of the contract in this manner shall serve to notify persons interested in such property of the fact that there will be a charge in relation to such property for the connection to and use of the facilities constructed under the contract.
(Source: P.A. 83-358.)

65 ILCS 5/9-5-3

    (65 ILCS 5/9-5-3) (from Ch. 24, par. 9-5-3)
    Sec. 9-5-3. This Division 5 does not apply to any municipality which is a home rule unit. This Division 5 is not a prohibition upon the contractual and associational powers granted by Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution.
(Source: P.A. 77-2463.)

65 ILCS 5/Art. 10

    (65 ILCS 5/Art. 10 heading)

65 ILCS 5/Art. 10 Div. 1

    (65 ILCS 5/Art. 10 Div. 1 heading)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-1

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-1) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-1)
    Sec. 10-1-1. The mayor of each municipality which adopts this Division 1 as hereinafter provided shall, not less than 40 nor more than 90 days after the taking effect of this Division 1 in such municipality, appoint 3 persons, who shall constitute and be known as the civil service commissioners of such municipality, one for 3 years, one for 2 years and one for one year from the time of appointment and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. In every year thereafter the mayor shall, in like manner, appoint one person as the successor of the commissioner whose term shall expire in that year to serve as such commissioner for 3 years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Two commissioners shall constitute a quorum. All appointments to the commission, both original and to fill vacancies, shall be so made that not more than 2 members shall, at the time of appointment, be members of the same political party. The commissioners shall hold no other lucrative office or employment under the United States, the State of Illinois, or any municipal corporation or political division thereof. No person shall be appointed a commissioner who has been convicted of a felony under the laws of this State or comparable laws of any other state or the United States. Each commissioner, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take the oath prescribed by the constitution of this state.
    However, in any municipality having the commission form of municipal government, the appointment of civil service commissioners shall be made by the corporate authorities, and the corporate authorities may, by ordinance, provide that 5 commissioners shall be so appointed, one for one year, 2 for 2 years and 2 for 3 years. The corporate authorities shall appoint, in a like manner, the successors of the commissioners whose terms expire in that year to serve as commissioners for 3 years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Three members shall constitute a quorum, and no more than 3 of the commissioners shall be of the same political party. If such municipality has adopted this Division 1 prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1965, and subsequently provides, by ordinance, for 5 commissioners, 2 additional commissioners shall be so appointed, one for 2 years and one for 3 years, and successors shall be appointed in a like manner as commissions established after such effective date.
(Source: P.A. 87-423.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-2

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-2) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-2)
    Sec. 10-1-2. The mayor may, in his discretion, remove any commissioner for incompetence, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. The mayor shall within 10 days report in writing any such removal to the corporate authorities, with the reasons therefor. Any vacancy in the office of commissioner shall be filled by appointment by the mayor or, if the municipality is under the commission form of municipal government, then by the corporate authorities.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-3

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-3) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-3)
    Sec. 10-1-3. The commissioners shall classify all the offices and places of employment in such municipality with reference to the examinations hereinafter provided for, except those offices and places excluded by Section 10-1-17. The offices and places so classified by the commission shall constitute the classified civil service of such municipality. No appointments to any of such offices or places shall be made except under and according to the rules hereinafter mentioned.
    The commissioners shall also classify all positions of employment in respect to employees whose employment is transferred to the municipality by virtue of "An Act in relation to the exchange of certain functions, property and personnel among cities, and park districts having coextensive geographic areas and populations in excess of 500,000," approved July 5, 1957, as heretofore and hereafter amended, and such positions of employment shall be included in the classified civil service of the municipality.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-4

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-4) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-4)
    Sec. 10-1-4. Persons transferred from the employment of a park district by virtue of "An Act in relation to the exchange of certain functions, property and personnel among cities, and park districts having coextensive geographic areas and populations in excess of 500,000," approved July 5, 1957, as heretofore and hereafter amended, shall, without examination, be assigned to positions in the classified civil service of the municipality, so far as may be practicable, having duties and responsibilities equivalent to their park district employment. For the purpose of establishing the civil service status of park policemen transferred to the municipality, any rank above the rank of captain shall not be recognized.
    As provided in said Act of 1957, the eligible registers and reemployment registers of the park district civil service board as to positions and persons so transferred shall remain in force and effect as eligible and reemployment registers of the civil service commission, subject to the authority of the commission, in its discretion, to cancel such eligible registers, or portions thereof, as have been in force more than 2 years.
    Employees so transferred shall have the same standing, grade, class or rank which they held in the classified service of the park district from which they were transferred. For the purpose of determining seniority in class, grade or rank, each employee shall be credited with the time served by him in the employment held by him on the date of such transfer.
    If this Division 1 exempts from its provisions any position held by an employee transferred under said Act of 1957, to the municipality, the employee so transferred shall be given a position in the classified civil service as nearly comparable in responsibilities and duties to his former employment as it may be possible to approximate.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-5

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-5) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-5)
    Sec. 10-1-5. The commission shall make rules to carry out the purposes of this Division 1, and for examinations, appointments and removals in accordance with its provisions, and the commission may, from time to time, make changes in the original rules.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-6

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-6) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-6)
    Sec. 10-1-6. All rules made as hereinabove provided and all changes therein shall forthwith be printed for distribution by the commission. The commission shall give notice of the places where the rules may be obtained by publication in one or more newspapers published in such municipality and if no newspaper is published in such municipality, then in a newspaper of general circulation in such municipality. In each such publication shall be specified the date, not less than 10 days subsequent to the date of such publication, when the rules shall go into operation.
(Source: P.A. 77-867.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-7

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-7) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-7)
    Sec. 10-1-7. Examination of applicants; disqualifications.
    (a) All applicants for offices or places in the classified service, except those mentioned in Section 10-1-17, are subject to examination. The examination shall be public, competitive, and open to all citizens of the United States, with specified limitations as to residence, age, health, habits, and moral character. An individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law or is an individual against whom immigration action has been deferred by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process is authorized to apply for the position of police officer, subject to (i) all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject and (ii) the individual being authorized under federal law to obtain, carry, or purchase or otherwise possess a firearm.
    (b) Residency requirements in effect at the time an individual enters the fire or police service of a municipality (other than a municipality that has more than 1,000,000 inhabitants) cannot be made more restrictive for that individual during his or her period of service for that municipality, or be made a condition of promotion, except for the rank or position of Fire or Police Chief.
    (c) No person with a record of misdemeanor convictions except those under Sections 11-1.50, 11-6, 11-7, 11-9, 11-14, 11-15, 11-17, 11-18, 11-19, 11-30, 11-35, 12-2, 12-6, 12-15, 14-4, 16-1, 21.1-3, 24-3.1, 24-5, 25-1, 28-3, 31-1, 31-4, 31-6, 31-7, 32-1, 32-2, 32-3, 32-4, and 32-8, subdivisions (a)(1) and (a)(2)(C) of Section 11-14.3, and paragraphs (1), (6), and (8) of subsection (a) of Section 24-1 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 or arrested for any cause but not convicted on that cause shall be disqualified from taking the examination on grounds of habits or moral character, unless the person is attempting to qualify for a position on the police department, in which case the conviction or arrest may be considered as a factor in determining the person's habits or moral character.
    (d) Persons entitled to military preference under Section 10-1-16 shall not be subject to limitations specifying age unless they are applicants for a position as a fireman or a policeman having no previous employment status as a fireman or policeman in the regularly constituted fire or police department of the municipality, in which case they must not have attained their 35th birthday, except any person who has served as an auxiliary police officer under Section 3.1-30-20 for at least 5 years and is under 40 years of age.
    (e) All employees of a municipality of less than 500,000 population (except those who would be excluded from the classified service as provided in this Division 1) who are holding that employment as of the date a municipality adopts this Division 1, or as of July 17, 1959, whichever date is the later, and who have held that employment for at least 2 years immediately before that later date, and all firemen and policemen regardless of length of service who were either appointed to their respective positions by the board of fire and police commissioners under the provisions of Division 2 of this Article or who are serving in a position (except as a temporary employee) in the fire or police department in the municipality on the date a municipality adopts this Division 1, or as of July 17, 1959, whichever date is the later, shall become members of the classified civil service of the municipality without examination.
    (f) The examinations shall be practical in their character, and shall relate to those matters that will fairly test the relative capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the positions to which they seek to be appointed. The examinations shall include tests of physical qualifications, health, and (when appropriate) manual skill. If an applicant is unable to pass the physical examination solely as the result of an injury received by the applicant as the result of the performance of an act of duty while working as a temporary employee in the position for which he or she is being examined, however, the physical examination shall be waived and the applicant shall be considered to have passed the examination. No questions in any examination shall relate to political or religious opinions or affiliations. Results of examinations and the eligible registers prepared from the results shall be published by the commission within 60 days after any examinations are held.
    (g) The commission shall control all examinations, and may, whenever an examination is to take place, designate a suitable number of persons, either in or not in the official service of the municipality, to be examiners. The examiners shall conduct the examinations as directed by the commission and shall make a return or report of the examinations to the commission. If the appointed examiners are in the official service of the municipality, the examiners shall not receive extra compensation for conducting the examinations unless the examiners are subject to a collective bargaining agreement with the municipality. The commission may at any time substitute any other person, whether or not in the service of the municipality, in the place of any one selected as an examiner. The commission members may themselves at any time act as examiners without appointing examiners. The examiners at any examination shall not all be members of the same political party.
    (h) In municipalities of 500,000 or more population, no person who has attained his or her 35th birthday shall be eligible to take an examination for a position as a fireman or a policeman unless the person has had previous employment status as a policeman or fireman in the regularly constituted police or fire department of the municipality, except as provided in this Section.
    (i) In municipalities of more than 5,000 but not more than 200,000 inhabitants, no person who has attained his or her 35th birthday shall be eligible to take an examination for a position as a fireman or a policeman unless the person has had previous employment status as a policeman or fireman in the regularly constituted police or fire department of the municipality, except as provided in this Section.
    (j) In all municipalities, applicants who are 20 years of age and who have successfully completed 2 years of law enforcement studies at an accredited college or university may be considered for appointment to active duty with the police department. An applicant described in this subsection (j) who is appointed to active duty shall not have power of arrest, nor shall the applicant be permitted to carry firearms, until he or she reaches 21 years of age.
    (k) In municipalities of more than 500,000 population, applications for examination for and appointment to positions as firefighters or police shall be made available at various branches of the public library of the municipality.
    (l) No municipality having a population less than 1,000,000 shall require that any fireman appointed to the lowest rank serve a probationary employment period of longer than one year. The limitation on periods of probationary employment provided in Public Act 86-990 is an exclusive power and function of the State. Pursuant to subsection (h) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution, a home rule municipality having a population less than 1,000,000 must comply with this limitation on periods of probationary employment, which is a denial and limitation of home rule powers. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, the probationary employment period limitation may be extended for a firefighter who is required, as a condition of employment, to be a licensed paramedic, during which time the sole reason that a firefighter may be discharged without a hearing is for failing to meet the requirements for paramedic licensure.
    (m) To the extent that this Section or any other Section in this Division conflicts with Section 10-1-7.1 or 10-1-7.2, then Section 10-1-7.1 or 10-1-7.2 shall control.
(Source: P.A. 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 103-357, eff. 1-1-24.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-7.1

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-7.1)
    Sec. 10-1-7.1. Original appointments; full-time fire department.
    (a) Applicability. Unless a commission elects to follow the provisions of Section 10-1-7.2, this Section shall apply to all original appointments to an affected full-time fire department. Existing registers of eligibles shall continue to be valid until their expiration dates, or up to a maximum of 2 years after August 4, 2011 (the effective date of Public Act 97-251).
    Notwithstanding any statute, ordinance, rule, or other law to the contrary, all original appointments to an affected department to which this Section applies shall be administered in the manner provided for in this Section. Provisions of the Illinois Municipal Code, municipal ordinances, and rules adopted pursuant to such authority and other laws relating to initial hiring of firefighters in affected departments shall continue to apply to the extent they are compatible with this Section, but in the event of a conflict between this Section and any other law, this Section shall control.
    A home rule or non-home rule municipality may not administer its fire department process for original appointments in a manner that is less stringent than this Section. This Section is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of the powers and functions exercised by the State.
    A municipality that is operating under a court order or consent decree regarding original appointments to a full-time fire department before August 4, 2011 (the effective date of Public Act 97-251) is exempt from the requirements of this Section for the duration of the court order or consent decree.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection (a), this Section does not apply to a municipality with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants.
    (b) Original appointments. All original appointments made to an affected fire department shall be made from a register of eligibles established in accordance with the processes established by this Section. Only persons who meet or exceed the performance standards required by this Section shall be placed on a register of eligibles for original appointment to an affected fire department.
    Whenever an appointing authority authorizes action to hire a person to perform the duties of a firefighter or to hire a firefighter-paramedic to fill a position that is a new position or vacancy due to resignation, discharge, promotion, death, the granting of a disability or retirement pension, or any other cause, the appointing authority shall appoint to that position the person with the highest ranking on the final eligibility list. If the appointing authority has reason to conclude that the highest ranked person fails to meet the minimum standards for the position or if the appointing authority believes an alternate candidate would better serve the needs of the department, then the appointing authority has the right to pass over the highest ranked person and appoint either: (i) any person who has a ranking in the top 5% of the register of eligibles or (ii) any person who is among the top 5 highest ranked persons on the list of eligibles if the number of people who have a ranking in the top 5% of the register of eligibles is less than 5 people.
    Any candidate may pass on an appointment once without losing his or her position on the register of eligibles. Any candidate who passes a second time may be removed from the list by the appointing authority provided that such action shall not prejudice a person's opportunities to participate in future examinations, including an examination held during the time a candidate is already on the municipality's register of eligibles.
    The sole authority to issue certificates of appointment shall be vested in the Civil Service Commission. All certificates of appointment issued to any officer or member of an affected department shall be signed by the chairperson and secretary, respectively, of the commission upon appointment of such officer or member to the affected department by the commission. After being selected from the register of eligibles to fill a vacancy in the affected department, each appointee shall be presented with his or her certificate of appointment on the day on which he or she is sworn in as a classified member of the affected department. Firefighters who were not issued a certificate of appointment when originally appointed shall be provided with a certificate within 10 days after making a written request to the chairperson of the Civil Service Commission. Each person who accepts a certificate of appointment and successfully completes his or her probationary period shall be enrolled as a firefighter and as a regular member of the fire department.
    For the purposes of this Section, "firefighter" means any person who has been prior to, on, or after August 4, 2011 (the effective date of Public Act 97-251) appointed to a fire department or fire protection district or employed by a State university and sworn or commissioned to perform firefighter duties or paramedic duties, or both, except that the following persons are not included: part-time firefighters; auxiliary, reserve, or voluntary firefighters, including paid-on-call firefighters; clerks and dispatchers or other civilian employees of a fire department or fire protection district who are not routinely expected to perform firefighter duties; and elected officials.
    (c) Qualification for placement on register of eligibles. The purpose of establishing a register of eligibles is to identify applicants who possess and demonstrate the mental aptitude and physical ability to perform the duties required of members of the fire department in order to provide the highest quality of service to the public. To this end, all applicants for original appointment to an affected fire department shall be subject to examination and testing which shall be public, competitive, and open to all applicants unless the municipality shall by ordinance limit applicants to residents of the municipality, county or counties in which the municipality is located, State, or nation. Any examination and testing procedure utilized under subsection (e) of this Section shall be supported by appropriate validation evidence and shall comply with all applicable State and federal laws. Municipalities may establish educational, emergency medical service licensure, and other prerequisites for participation in an examination or for hire as a firefighter. Any municipality may charge a fee to cover the costs of the application process.
    Residency requirements in effect at the time an individual enters the fire service of a municipality cannot be made more restrictive for that individual during his or her period of service for that municipality, or be made a condition of promotion, except for the rank or position of fire chief and for no more than 2 positions that rank immediately below that of the chief rank which are appointed positions pursuant to the Fire Department Promotion Act.
    No person who is 35 years of age or older shall be eligible to take an examination for a position as a firefighter unless the person has had previous employment status as a firefighter in the regularly constituted fire department of the municipality, except as provided in this Section. The age limitation does not apply to:
        (1) any person previously employed as a full-time
firefighter in a regularly constituted fire department of (i) any municipality or fire protection district located in Illinois, (ii) a fire protection district whose obligations were assumed by a municipality under Section 21 of the Fire Protection District Act, or (iii) a municipality whose obligations were taken over by a fire protection district,
        (2) any person who has served a municipality as a
regularly enrolled volunteer, paid-on-call, or part-time firefighter, or
        (3) any person who turned 35 while serving as a
member of the active or reserve components of any of the branches of the Armed Forces of the United States or the National Guard of any state, whose service was characterized as honorable or under honorable, if separated from the military, and is currently under the age of 40.
    No person who is under 21 years of age shall be eligible for employment as a firefighter.
    No applicant shall be examined concerning his or her political or religious opinions or affiliations. The examinations shall be conducted by the commissioners of the municipality or their designees and agents.
    No municipality shall require that any firefighter appointed to the lowest rank serve a probationary employment period of longer than one year of actual active employment, which may exclude periods of training, or injury or illness leaves, including duty related leave, in excess of 30 calendar days. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, the probationary employment period limitation may be extended for a firefighter who is required, as a condition of employment, to be a licensed paramedic, during which time the sole reason that a firefighter may be discharged without a hearing is for failing to meet the requirements for paramedic licensure.
    In the event that any applicant who has been found eligible for appointment and whose name has been placed upon the final eligibility register provided for in this Division 1 has not been appointed to a firefighter position within one year after the date of his or her physical ability examination, the commission may cause a second examination to be made of that applicant's physical ability prior to his or her appointment. If, after the second examination, the physical ability of the applicant shall be found to be less than the minimum standard fixed by the rules of the commission, the applicant shall not be appointed. The applicant's name may be retained upon the register of candidates eligible for appointment and when next reached for certification and appointment that applicant may be again examined as provided in this Section, and if the physical ability of that applicant is found to be less than the minimum standard fixed by the rules of the commission, the applicant shall not be appointed, and the name of the applicant shall be removed from the register.
    (d) Notice, examination, and testing components. Notice of the time, place, general scope, merit criteria for any subjective component, and fee of every examination shall be given by the commission, by a publication at least 2 weeks preceding the examination: (i) in one or more newspapers published in the municipality, or if no newspaper is published therein, then in one or more newspapers with a general circulation within the municipality, or (ii) on the municipality's Internet website. Additional notice of the examination may be given as the commission shall prescribe.
    The examination and qualifying standards for employment of firefighters shall be based on: mental aptitude, physical ability, preferences, moral character, and health. The mental aptitude, physical ability, and preference components shall determine an applicant's qualification for and placement on the final register of eligibles. The examination may also include a subjective component based on merit criteria as determined by the commission. Scores from the examination must be made available to the public.
    (e) Mental aptitude. No person who does not possess at least a high school diploma or an equivalent high school education shall be placed on a register of eligibles. Examination of an applicant's mental aptitude shall be based upon a written examination. The examination shall be practical in character and relate to those matters that fairly test the capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties performed by members of a fire department. Written examinations shall be administered in a manner that ensures the security and accuracy of the scores achieved.
    (f) Physical ability. All candidates shall be required to undergo an examination of their physical ability to perform the essential functions included in the duties they may be called upon to perform as a member of a fire department. For the purposes of this Section, essential functions of the job are functions associated with duties that a firefighter may be called upon to perform in response to emergency calls. The frequency of the occurrence of those duties as part of the fire department's regular routine shall not be a controlling factor in the design of examination criteria or evolutions selected for testing. These physical examinations shall be open, competitive, and based on industry standards designed to test each applicant's physical abilities in the following dimensions:
        (1) Muscular strength to perform tasks and evolutions
that may be required in the performance of duties including grip strength, leg strength, and arm strength. Tests shall be conducted under anaerobic as well as aerobic conditions to test both the candidate's speed and endurance in performing tasks and evolutions. Tasks tested may be based on standards developed, or approved, by the local appointing authority.
        (2) The ability to climb ladders, operate from
heights, walk or crawl in the dark along narrow and uneven surfaces, and operate in proximity to hazardous environments.
        (3) The ability to carry out critical,
time-sensitive, and complex problem solving during physical exertion in stressful and hazardous environments. The testing environment may be hot and dark with tightly enclosed spaces, flashing lights, sirens, and other distractions.
    The tests utilized to measure each applicant's capabilities in each of these dimensions may be tests based on industry standards currently in use or equivalent tests approved by the Joint Labor-Management Committee of the Office of the State Fire Marshal.
    Physical ability examinations administered under this Section shall be conducted with a reasonable number of proctors and monitors, open to the public, and subject to reasonable regulations of the commission.
    (g) Scoring of examination components. Appointing authorities may create a preliminary eligibility register. A person shall be placed on the list based upon his or her passage of the written examination or the passage of the written examination and the physical ability component. Passage of the written examination means attaining the minimum score set by the commission. Minimum scores should be set by the commission so as to demonstrate a candidate's ability to perform the essential functions of the job. The minimum score set by the commission shall be supported by appropriate validation evidence and shall comply with all applicable State and federal laws. The appointing authority may conduct the physical ability component and any subjective components subsequent to the posting of the preliminary eligibility register.
    The examination components for an initial eligibility register shall be graded on a 100-point scale. A person's position on the list shall be determined by the following: (i) the person's score on the written examination, (ii) the person successfully passing the physical ability component, and (iii) the person's results on any subjective component as described in subsection (d).
    In order to qualify for placement on the final eligibility register, an applicant's score on the written examination, before any applicable preference points or subjective points are applied, shall be at or above the minimum score set by the commission. The local appointing authority may prescribe the score to qualify for placement on the final eligibility register, but the score shall not be less than the minimum score set by the commission.
    The commission shall prepare and keep a register of persons whose total score is not less than the minimum score for passage and who have passed the physical ability examination. These persons shall take rank upon the register as candidates in the order of their relative excellence based on the highest to the lowest total points scored on the mental aptitude, subjective component, and preference components of the test administered in accordance with this Section. No more than 60 days after each examination, an initial eligibility list shall be posted by the commission. The list shall include the final grades of the candidates without reference to priority of the time of examination and subject to claim for preference credit.
    Commissions may conduct additional examinations, including without limitation a polygraph test, after a final eligibility register is established and before it expires with the candidates ranked by total score without regard to date of examination. No more than 60 days after each examination, an initial eligibility list shall be posted by the commission showing the final grades of the candidates without reference to priority of time of examination and subject to claim for preference credit.
    (h) Preferences. The following are preferences:
        (1) Veteran preference. Persons who were engaged in
the military service of the United States for a period of at least one year of active duty and who were honorably discharged therefrom, or who are now or have been members on inactive or reserve duty in such military or naval service, shall be preferred for appointment to and employment with the fire department of an affected department.
        (2) Fire cadet preference. Persons who have
successfully completed 2 years of study in fire techniques or cadet training within a cadet program established under the rules of the Joint Labor and Management Committee (JLMC), as defined in Section 50 of the Fire Department Promotion Act, may be preferred for appointment to and employment with the fire department.
        (3) Educational preference. Persons who have
successfully obtained an associate's degree in the field of fire service or emergency medical services, or a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university may be preferred for appointment to and employment with the fire department.
        (4) Paramedic preference. Persons who have obtained
a license as a paramedic may be preferred for appointment to and employment with the fire department of an affected department providing emergency medical services.
        (5) Experience preference. All persons employed by a
municipality who have been paid-on-call or part-time certified Firefighter II, certified Firefighter III, State of Illinois or nationally licensed EMT, EMT-I, A-EMT, or paramedic, or any combination of those capacities may be awarded up to a maximum of 5 points. However, the applicant may not be awarded more than 0.5 points for each complete year of paid-on-call or part-time service. Applicants from outside the municipality who were employed as full-time firefighters or firefighter-paramedics by a fire protection district or another municipality may be awarded up to 5 experience preference points. However, the applicant may not be awarded more than one point for each complete year of full-time service.
        Upon request by the commission, the governing body of
the municipality or in the case of applicants from outside the municipality the governing body of any fire protection district or any other municipality shall certify to the commission, within 10 days after the request, the number of years of successful paid-on-call, part-time, or full-time service of any person. A candidate may not receive the full amount of preference points under this subsection if the amount of points awarded would place the candidate before a veteran on the eligibility list. If more than one candidate receiving experience preference points is prevented from receiving all of their points due to not being allowed to pass a veteran, the candidates shall be placed on the list below the veteran in rank order based on the totals received if all points under this subsection were to be awarded. Any remaining ties on the list shall be determined by lot.
        (6) Residency preference. Applicants whose principal
residence is located within the fire department's jurisdiction may be preferred for appointment to and employment with the fire department.
        (7) Additional preferences. Up to 5 additional
preference points may be awarded for unique categories based on an applicant's experience or background as identified by the commission.
        (7.5) Apprentice preferences. A person who has
performed fire suppression service for a department as a firefighter apprentice and otherwise meets the qualifications for original appointment as a firefighter specified in this Section may be awarded up to 20 preference points. To qualify for preference points, an applicant shall have completed a minimum of 600 hours of fire suppression work on a regular shift for the affected fire department over a 12-month period. The fire suppression work must be in accordance with Section 10-1-14 of this Division and the terms established by a Joint Apprenticeship Committee included in a collective bargaining agreement agreed between the employer and its certified bargaining agent. An eligible applicant must apply to the Joint Apprenticeship Committee for preference points under this item. The Joint Apprenticeship Committee shall evaluate the merit of the applicant's performance, determine the preference points to be awarded, and certify the amount of points awarded to the commissioners. The commissioners may add the certified preference points to the final grades achieved by the applicant on the other components of the examination.
        (8) Scoring of preferences. The commission shall give
preference for original appointment to persons designated in item (1) by adding to the final grade that they receive 5 points for the recognized preference achieved. The commission may give preference for original appointment to persons designated in item (7.5) by adding to the final grade the amount of points designated by the Joint Apprenticeship Committee as defined in item (7.5). The commission shall determine the number of preference points for each category, except items (1) and (7.5). The number of preference points for each category shall range from 0 to 5, except item (7.5). In determining the number of preference points, the commission shall prescribe that if a candidate earns the maximum number of preference points in all categories except item (7.5), that number may not be less than 10 nor more than 30. The commission shall give preference for original appointment to persons designated in items (2) through (7) by adding the requisite number of points to the final grade for each recognized preference achieved. The numerical result thus attained shall be applied by the commission in determining the final eligibility list and appointment from the eligibility list. The local appointing authority may prescribe the total number of preference points awarded under this Section, but the total number of preference points, except item (7.5), shall not be less than 10 points or more than 30 points. Apprentice preference points may be added in addition to other preference points awarded by the commission.
    No person entitled to any preference shall be required to claim the credit before any examination held under the provisions of this Section, but the preference shall be given after the posting or publication of the initial eligibility list or register at the request of a person entitled to a credit before any certification or appointments are made from the eligibility register, upon the furnishing of verifiable evidence and proof of qualifying preference credit. Candidates who are eligible for preference credit shall make a claim in writing within 10 days after the posting of the initial eligibility list, or the claim shall be deemed waived. Final eligibility registers shall be established after the awarding of verified preference points. However, apprentice preference credit earned subsequent to the establishment of the final eligibility register may be applied to the applicant's score upon certification by the Joint Apprenticeship Committee to the commission and the rank order of candidates on the final eligibility register shall be adjusted accordingly. All employment shall be subject to the commission's initial hire background review, including, but not limited to, criminal history, employment history, moral character, oral examination, and medical and psychological examinations, all on a pass-fail basis. The medical and psychological examinations must be conducted last, and may only be performed after a conditional offer of employment has been extended.
    Any person placed on an eligibility list who exceeds the age requirement before being appointed to a fire department shall remain eligible for appointment until the list is abolished, or his or her name has been on the list for a period of 2 years. No person who has attained the age of 35 years shall be inducted into a fire department, except as otherwise provided in this Section.
    The commission shall strike off the names of candidates for original appointment after the names have been on the list for more than 2 years.
    (i) Moral character. No person shall be appointed to a fire department unless he or she is a person of good character; not a habitual drunkard, a gambler, or a person who has been convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude. However, no person shall be disqualified from appointment to the fire department because of the person's record of misdemeanor convictions except those under Sections 11-6, 11-7, 11-9, 11-14, 11-15, 11-17, 11-18, 11-19, 12-2, 12-6, 12-15, 14-4, 16-1, 21.1-3, 24-3.1, 24-5, 25-1, 28-3, 31-1, 31-4, 31-6, 31-7, 32-1, 32-2, 32-3, 32-4, 32-8, and paragraphs (1), (6), and (8) of subsection (a) of Section 24-1 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or arrest for any cause without conviction thereon. Any such person who is in the department may be removed on charges brought for violating this subsection and after a trial as hereinafter provided.
    A classifiable set of the fingerprints of every person who is offered employment as a certificated member of an affected fire department whether with or without compensation, shall be furnished to the Illinois State Police and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by the commission.
    Whenever a commission is authorized or required by law to consider some aspect of criminal history record information for the purpose of carrying out its statutory powers and responsibilities, then, upon request and payment of fees in conformance with the requirements of Section 2605-400 of the Illinois State Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois, the Illinois State Police is authorized to furnish, pursuant to positive identification, the information contained in State files as is necessary to fulfill the request.
    (j) Temporary appointments. In order to prevent a stoppage of public business, to meet extraordinary exigencies, or to prevent material impairment of the fire department, the commission may make temporary appointments, to remain in force only until regular appointments are made under the provisions of this Division, but never to exceed 60 days. No temporary appointment of any one person shall be made more than twice in any calendar year.
    (k) A person who knowingly divulges or receives test questions or answers before a written examination, or otherwise knowingly violates or subverts any requirement of this Section, commits a violation of this Section and may be subject to charges for official misconduct.
    A person who is the knowing recipient of test information in advance of the examination shall be disqualified from the examination or discharged from the position to which he or she was appointed, as applicable, and otherwise subjected to disciplinary actions.
(Source: P.A. 101-489, eff. 8-23-19; 102-375, eff. 8-13-21; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-7.2

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-7.2)
    Sec. 10-1-7.2. Alternative procedure; original appointment; full-time firefighter.
    (a) Authority. The Joint Labor and Management Committee (JLMC), as defined in Section 50 of the Fire Department Promotion Act, may establish a community outreach program to market the profession of firefighter and firefighter-paramedic so as to ensure the pool of applicants recruited is of broad diversity and the highest quality. Nothing in this Section requires that the Joint Labor and Management Committee establish or operate the community outreach program or master register of eligibles, or to contract with a testing agency to establish or operate such program or register, unless the Joint Labor and Management Committee chooses to do so.
    For the purposes of this Section, "firefighter" means any person who has been prior to, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly appointed to a fire department or fire protection district or employed by a State university and sworn or commissioned to perform firefighter duties or paramedic duties, or both, except that the following persons are not included: part-time firefighters; auxiliary, reserve, or voluntary firefighters, including paid-on-call firefighters; clerks and dispatchers or other civilian employees of a fire department or fire protection district who are not routinely expected to perform firefighter duties; and elected officials.
    (b) Eligibility. Persons eligible for placement on the master register of eligibles shall consist of the following:
        Persons who have participated in and received a
passing total score on the mental aptitude, physical ability, and preference components of a regionally administered test based on the standards described in this Section. The standards for administering these tests and the minimum passing score required for placement on this list shall be as is set forth in this Section.
        Qualified candidates shall be listed on the master
register of eligibles in highest to lowest rank order based upon their test scores without regard to their date of examination. Candidates listed on the master register of eligibles shall be eligible for appointment for 2 years after the date of the certification of their final score on the register without regard to the date of their examination. After 2 years, the candidate's name shall be struck from the list.
        Any person currently employed as a full-time member
of a fire department or any person who has experienced a non-voluntary (and non-disciplinary) separation from the active workforce due to a reduction in the number of departmental officers, who was appointed pursuant to this Division, Division 2.1 of Article 10 of the Illinois Municipal Code, or the Fire Protection District Act, and who during the previous 24 months participated in and received a passing score on the physical ability and mental aptitude components of the test may request that his or her name be added to the master register. Any eligible person may be offered employment by a local commission under the same procedures as provided by this Section except that the apprenticeship period may be waived and the applicant may be immediately issued a certificate of original appointment by the local commission.
    (c) Qualifications for placement on register of eligibles. The purpose for establishing a master register of eligibles shall be to identify applicants who possess and demonstrate the mental aptitude and physical ability to perform the duties required of members of the fire department in order to provide the highest quality of service to the public. To this end, all applicants for original appointment to an affected fire department through examination conducted by the Joint Labor and Management Committee (JLMC) shall be subject to examination and testing which shall be public, competitive, and open to all applicants. Any examination and testing procedure utilized under subsection (e) of this Section shall be supported by appropriate validation evidence and shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws. Any subjective component of the testing must be administered by certified assessors. All qualifying and disqualifying factors applicable to examination processes for local commissions in this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly shall be applicable to persons participating in Joint Labor and Management Committee examinations unless specifically provided otherwise in this Section.
    Notice of the time, place, general scope, and fee of every JLMC examination shall be given by the JLMC or designated testing agency, as applicable, by publication at least 30 days preceding the examination, in one or more newspapers published in the region, or if no newspaper is published therein, then in one or more newspapers with a general circulation within the region. The JLMC may publish the notice on the JLMC's Internet website. Additional notice of the examination may be given as the JLMC shall prescribe.
    (d) Examination and testing components for placement on register of eligibles. The examination and qualifying standards for placement on the master register of eligibles and employment shall be based on the following components: mental aptitude, physical ability, preferences, moral character, and health. The mental aptitude, physical ability, and preference components shall determine an applicant's qualification for and placement on the master register of eligibles. The consideration of an applicant's general moral character and health shall be administered on a pass-fail basis after a conditional offer of employment is made by a local commission.
    (e) Mental aptitude. Examination of an applicant's mental aptitude shall be based upon written examination and an applicant's prior experience demonstrating an aptitude for and commitment to service as a member of a fire department. Written examinations shall be practical in character and relate to those matters that fairly test the capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties performed by members of a fire department. Written examinations shall be administered in a manner that ensures the security and accuracy of the scores achieved. Any subjective component of the testing must be administered by certified assessors. No person who does not possess a high school diploma or an equivalent high school education shall be placed on a register of eligibles. Local commissions may establish educational, emergency medical service licensure, and other pre-requisites for hire within their jurisdiction.
    (f) Physical ability. All candidates shall be required to undergo an examination of their physical ability to perform the essential functions included in the duties they may be called upon to perform as a member of a fire department. For the purposes of this Section, essential functions of the job are functions associated with duties that a firefighter may be called upon to perform in response to emergency calls. The frequency of the occurrence of those duties as part of the fire department's regular routine shall not be a controlling factor in the design of examination criteria or evolutions selected for testing. These physical examinations shall be open, competitive, and based on industry standards designed to test each applicant's physical abilities in each of the following dimensions:
        (1) Muscular strength to perform tasks and evolutions
that may be required in the performance of duties including grip strength, leg strength, and arm strength. Tests shall be conducted under anaerobic as well as aerobic conditions to test both the candidate's speed and endurance in performing tasks and evolutions. Tasks tested are to be based on industry standards developed by the JLMC by rule.
        (2) The ability to climb ladders, operate from
heights, walk or crawl in the dark along narrow and uneven surfaces, and operate in proximity to hazardous environments.
        (3) The ability to carry out critical,
time-sensitive, and complex problem solving during physical exertion in stressful and hazardous environments. The testing environment may be hot and dark with tightly enclosed spaces, flashing lights, sirens, and other distractions.
    The tests utilized to measure each applicant's capabilities in each of these dimensions may be tests based on industry standards currently in use or equivalent tests approved by the Joint Labor-Management Committee of the Office of the State Fire Marshal.
    (g) Scoring of examination components. The examination components shall be graded on a 100-point scale. A person's position on the master register of eligibles shall be determined by the person's score on the written examination, the person successfully passing the physical ability component, and the addition of any applicable preference points.
    Applicants who have achieved at least the minimum score on the written examination, as set by the JLMC, and who successfully pass the physical ability examination shall be placed on the initial eligibility register. Minimum scores should be set by the JLMC so as to demonstrate a candidate's ability to perform the essential functions of the job. The minimum score set by the JLMC shall be supported by appropriate validation evidence and shall comply with all applicable State and federal laws. Applicable preference points shall be added to the written examination scores for all applicants who qualify for the initial eligibility register. Applicants who score at or above the minimum passing score as set by the JLMC, including any applicable preference points, shall be placed on the master register of eligibles by the JLMC.
    These persons shall take rank upon the register as candidates in the order of their relative excellence based on the highest to the lowest total points scored on the mental aptitude and physical ability components, plus any applicable preference points requested and verified by the JLMC, or approved testing agency.
    No more than 60 days after each examination, a revised master register of eligibles shall be posted by the JLMC showing the final grades of the candidates without reference to priority of time of examination.
    (h) Preferences. The board shall give military, education, and experience preference points to those who qualify for placement on the master register of eligibles, on the same basis as provided for examinations administered by a local commission.
    No person entitled to preference or credit shall be required to claim the credit before any examination held under the provisions of this Section. The preference shall be given after the posting or publication of the applicant's initial score at the request of the person before finalizing the scores from all applicants taking part in a JLMC examination. Candidates who are eligible for preference credit shall make a claim in writing within 10 days after the posting of the initial scores from any JLMC test or the claim shall be deemed waived. Once preference points are awarded, the candidates shall be certified to the master register in accordance with their final score including preference points.
    (i) Firefighter apprentice and firefighter-paramedic apprentice. The employment of an applicant to an apprentice position (including a currently employed full-time member of a fire department whose apprenticeship may be reduced or waived) shall be subject to the applicant passing the moral character standards and health examinations of the local commission. In addition, a local commission may require as a condition of employment that the applicant demonstrate current physical ability by either passing the local commission's approved physical ability examination, or by presenting proof of participating in and receiving a passing score on the physical ability component of a JLMC test within a period of up to 12 months before the date of the conditional offer of employment. Applicants shall be subject to the local commission's initial hire background review including criminal history, employment history, moral character, oral examination, and medical examinations which may include polygraph, psychological, and drug screening components, all on a pass-fail basis. The medical examinations must be conducted last, and may only be performed after a conditional offer of employment has been extended.
    (j) Selection from list. Any municipality or fire protection district that is a party to an intergovernmental agreement under the terms of which persons have been tested for placement on the master register of eligibles shall be entitled to offer employment to any person on the list irrespective of their ranking on the list. The offer of employment shall be to the position of firefighter apprentice or firefighter-paramedic apprentice.
    Applicants passing these tests may be employed as a firefighter apprentice or a firefighter-paramedic apprentice who shall serve an apprenticeship period of 12 months or less according to the terms and conditions of employment as the employing municipality or district offers, or as provided for under the terms of any collective bargaining agreement then in effect. The apprenticeship period is separate from the probationary period.
    Service during the apprenticeship period shall be on a probationary basis. During the apprenticeship period, the apprentice's training and performance shall be monitored and evaluated by a Joint Apprenticeship Committee.
    The Joint Apprenticeship Committee shall consist of 4 members who shall be regular members of the fire department with at least 10 years of full-time work experience as a firefighter or firefighter-paramedic. The fire chief and the president of the exclusive bargaining representative recognized by the employer shall each appoint 2 members to the Joint Apprenticeship Committee. In the absence of an exclusive collective bargaining representative, the chief shall appoint the remaining 2 members who shall be from the ranks of company officer and firefighter with at least 10 years of work experience as a firefighter or firefighter-paramedic. In the absence of a sufficient number of qualified firefighters, the Joint Apprenticeship Committee members shall have the amount of experience and the type of qualifications as is reasonable given the circumstances of the fire department. In the absence of a full-time member in a rank between chief and the highest rank in a bargaining unit, the Joint Apprenticeship Committee shall be reduced to 2 members, one to be appointed by the chief and one by the union president, if any. If there is no exclusive bargaining representative, the chief shall appoint the second member of the Joint Apprenticeship Committee from among qualified members in the ranks of company officer and below. Before the conclusion of the apprenticeship period, the Joint Apprenticeship Committee shall meet to consider the apprentice's progress and performance and vote to retain the apprentice as a member of the fire department or to terminate the apprenticeship. If 3 of the 4 members of the Joint Apprenticeship Committee affirmatively vote to retain the apprentice (if a 2 member Joint Apprenticeship Committee exists, then both members must affirmatively vote to retain the apprentice), the local commission shall issue the apprentice a certificate of original appointment to the fire department.
    (k) A person who knowingly divulges or receives test questions or answers before a written examination, or otherwise knowingly violates or subverts any requirement of this Section, commits a violation of this Section and may be subject to charges for official misconduct.
    A person who is the knowing recipient of test information in advance of the examination shall be disqualified from the examination or discharged from the position to which he or she was appointed, as applicable, and otherwise subjected to disciplinary actions.
    (l) Applicability. This Section does not apply to a municipality with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants.
(Source: P.A. 102-188, eff. 1-1-22.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-7.3

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-7.3)
    Sec. 10-1-7.3. Appointment of fire chief. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Division, after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, a person shall not be appointed as the chief, the acting chief, the department head, or a position, by whatever title, that is responsible for day-to-day operations of a fire department for greater than 180 days unless he or she possesses the following qualifications and certifications:
        (1) Office of the State Fire Marshal Basic Operations
Firefighter Certification or Office of the State Fire Marshal Firefighter II Certification; Office of the State Fire Marshal Advanced Fire Officer Certification or Office of the State Fire Marshal Fire Officer II Certification; and an associate degree in fire science or a bachelor's degree from an accredited university or college;
        (2) a current certification from the International
Fire Service Accreditation Congress or Pro Board Fire Service Professional Qualifications System that meets the National Fire Protection Association standard NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, Level I job performance requirements; a current certification from the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress or Pro Board Fire Service Professional Qualifications System that meets the National Fire Protection Association standard NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications, Fire Officer II job performance requirements; and an associate degree in fire science or a bachelor's degree from an accredited university or college;
        (3) qualifications that meet the National Fire
Protection Association standard NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, Level I job performance requirements; qualifications that meet the National Fire Protection Association standard NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications, Fire Officer II job performance requirements; and an associate degree in fire science or a bachelor's degree from an accredited university or college; or
        (4) a minimum of 10 years' experience as a
firefighter at the fire department in the jurisdiction making the appointment.
    This Section applies to fire departments that employ firefighters hired under the provisions of this Division. This Section does not apply to a municipality with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants.
    On and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly, a home rule municipality may not appoint a fire chief, an acting chief, a department head, or a position, by whatever title, that is responsible for day-to-day operations of a fire department for greater than 180 days in a manner inconsistent with this Section. This Section is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions exercised by the State.
(Source: P.A. 100-425, eff. 8-25-17; 100-1126, eff. 1-1-19.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-8

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-8) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-8)
    Sec. 10-1-8. In the event that any applicant for an office or place in the civil service (who has been found eligible for appointment and whose name has been placed upon the register provided for in this Division 1) has not been appointed to such office or place within 60 days from the date of his examination as to physical qualifications and health, the commission shall cause a second examination to be made of such applicant prior to his appointment and within 60 days of such appointment, which second examination shall be practical in character and shall relate to the cardiac, pulmonary, arterial, renal and sane condition of the applicant. If, upon such second examination, the physical, or mental condition of the applicant shall be found to be less than the minimum standard fixed by the rules of such commission, the applicant shall not be appointed. The name of such applicant shall be retained upon the register of candidates eligible for appointment and when again reached for certification and appointment such applicant shall be again examined as herein provided, and if the physical or mental condition of such applicant shall again be found to be less than the minimum standard fixed by the rules of such commission, such applicant shall not be appointed and the name of such applicant shall be removed from the register.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-9

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-9) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-9)
    Sec. 10-1-9. Every applicant who desires to take any civil service examination provided by this Division 1 may be required, at the time of making application, to pay to the municipality a fee, as hereinafter provided, to defray the expenses of such examination. If fees are required by the municipality for the taking of such examinations they shall be deposited in the general fund of the municipality and shall not exceed the following:
    Minimum salary of less than
        $1,200 annually...............................50 cents
    Minimum salary of $1,200 or over and
        less than $2,000 annually...........................$1
    Minimum salary of $2,000 or over and
        less than $3,000 annually...........................$2
    Minimum salary of $3,000 or
        more annually.......................................$3
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-10

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-10) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-10)
    Sec. 10-1-10. The provisions of Sections 10-1-7 through 10-1-9 relating to examinations and payment of examination fees shall be inapplicable to employees transferred to the employment of the municipality by virtue of "An Act in relation to an exchange of certain functions, property and personnel among cities, and park districts having coextensive geographic areas and populations in excess of 500,000", approved July 5, 1957, as heretofore and hereafter amended.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-11

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-11) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-11)
    Sec. 10-1-11. Notice of the time and place and general scope and fee of every examination shall be given by the commission by publication for 2 weeks preceding such examination in a newspaper of general circulation published in such municipality, but if no newspaper is published in such municipality, then in a newspaper of general circulation in such municipality. Such notice shall also be posted by the commission in a conspicuous place in its office for 2 weeks before such examination. Such further notice of examination may be given as the commission shall prescribe.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-12

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-12) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-12)
    Sec. 10-1-12. Register; eligibility list. From the returns or reports of the examiners, or from the examinations made by the commission, the commission shall prepare a register for each grade or class of positions in the classified service of such municipality of the persons whose general average standing upon examination for such grade or class is not less than the minimum fixed by the rules of such commission, and who are otherwise eligible. Such persons shall take rank upon the register as candidates in the order of their relative excellence as determined by examination, without reference to priority of time of examination.
    Within 60 days after each examination, an eligibility list shall be posted by the Commission, which shall show the final grades of the candidates without reference to priority of time of examination and subject to claim for military credit. Candidates who are eligible for military credit shall make a claim in writing within 10 days after posting of the eligibility list or such claim shall be deemed waived. Appointment shall be subject to a final physical examination.
    If a person is placed on an eligibility list and becomes overage before he or she is appointed to a police or fire department, the person remains eligible for appointment until the list is abolished pursuant to authorized procedures. Otherwise no person who has attained the age of 36 years shall be inducted as a member of a police department and no person who has attained the age of 35 years shall be inducted as a member of a fire department, except as otherwise provided in this division. With respect to a police department, a veteran shall be allowed to exceed the maximum age provision of this Section by the number of years served on active military duty, but by no more than 10 years of active military duty.
(Source: P.A. 96-472, eff. 8-14-09.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-13

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-13) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-13)
    Sec. 10-1-13. The commission shall, by its rules, provide for promotions in such classified service, on the basis of ascertained merit and seniority in service and examination and shall provide, in all cases where it is practicable, that vacancies shall be filled by promotion. All examinations for promotion shall be competitive among such members of the next lower rank as desire to submit themselves to such examination and the results thereof and the promotional eligible registers prepared therefrom shall be published by the commission within 60 days after any examinations are held. If two or more applicants achieve the identical final grade average, they shall be placed on the promotional eligible register in their order of seniority in the position from which they seek promotion. The commission shall submit to the appointing power the names of not more than 3 applicants for each promotion having the highest rating except that a commission in any municipality with more than 130,000 but less than 2,000,000 population may submit the names of not more than 5 applicants having the highest rating for each promotion, but in making his selection the appointing authority shall not pass over the person having the highest rating on the original register more than once and shall not pass over the person having the second highest rating in the original register more than twice. The commission shall strike off all names of applicants from a promotional eligible register after they have remained thereon no less than 2 years and no more than 3 years, provided that the commission shall notify the appointing power before the names are stricken and such appointing power shall fill any existing vacancies before all names are stricken from the promotional eligible register. The method of examination and the rules governing the same, and the method of certifying, shall be the same as provided for applicants for original appointment.
    This amendatory Act of 1971 does not apply to any municipality which is a home rule unit.
(Source: P.A. 85-462.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-14

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-14) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-14)
    Sec. 10-1-14. The head of the department or office in which a position classified under this Division 1 is to be filled shall notify the commission of that fact, and the commission shall certify to the appointing officer the name and address of the candidate standing highest upon the register for the class or grade to which the position belongs. However, in cases of laborers where a choice by competition is impracticable, the commission may provide by its rules that the selections shall be made by lot from among those candidates proved fit by examination, but laborers who have previously been in the service and were removed because their services were no longer required, shall be preferred, and be reinstated before other laborers are given positions, preference being given to those who have had the longest term of service, and laborers in the employ of the municipality on July 1, 1949, who, as of such date, have been employed under temporary authority for 3 years or more or during parts of 3 or more calendar years, shall be preferred also, and shall be placed upon the register for such positions without examination and shall be certified before other laborers are given positions, preference being given to those laborers under temporary authority who have had the longest term of service in such positions. In making such certification, sex shall be disregarded. The appointing officer shall notify the commission of each position to be filled, separately, and shall fill such place by the appointment of the person certified to him or her by the commission therefor. Original appointment shall be on probation for a period not to exceed 6 months to be fixed by the rules but all time spent in attending training schools and seminars, except on-the-job training conducted by local Fire Department personnel, shall be excluded in calculating the probation period; provided that in municipalities with a population of more than 500,000 inhabitants, original appointment to the police department shall be on probation for a period not to exceed 9 months to be fixed by the rules of the department. The commission may strike off names of candidates from the register after they have remained thereon more than 2 years. At or before the expiration of the period of probation, the head of the department or office in which a candidate is employed may, by and with the consent of the commission, discharge him or her upon assigning in writing his or her reason therefor to the commission. If he or she is not then discharged, his or her appointment shall be deemed complete. To prevent the stoppage of public business, or to meet extraordinary exigencies, the head of any department or office may, with the approval of the commission, make temporary appointment to remain in force not exceeding 120 days, and only until regular appointments under the provisions of this Division 1 can be made. In any municipal fire department that employs full-time firefighters and is subject to a collective bargaining agreement, a person who has not qualified for regular appointment under the provisions of this Division 1 shall not be used as a temporary or permanent substitute for classified members of a municipality's fire department or for regular appointment as a classified member of a municipality's fire department unless mutually agreed to by the employee's certified bargaining agent. Such agreement shall be considered a permissive subject of bargaining. Municipal fire departments covered by the changes made by this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly that are using non-certificated employees as substitutes immediately prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly may, by mutual agreement with the certified bargaining agent, continue the existing practice or a modified practice and that agreement shall be considered a permissive subject of bargaining. A home rule unit may not regulate the hiring of temporary or substitute members of the municipality's fire department in a manner that is inconsistent with this Section. This Section is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions exercised by the State.
(Source: P.A. 95-490, eff. 6-1-08.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-15

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-15) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-15)
    Sec. 10-1-15. In any municipality subject to this Division 1 having a population of 500,000 or more, all sidewalk inspectors, chief street inspector, supervisors of payrolls and supervisors of pavement repairs who on July 26, 1951, have served in such capacity for 2 years or more shall have certified civil service status.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-16

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-16) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-16)
    Sec. 10-1-16. Veteran's preference. Persons who were engaged in the active military or naval service of the United States for a period of at least one year and who were honorably discharged therefrom and all persons who were engaged in such military or naval service who are now or may hereafter be on inactive or reserve duty in such military or naval service, not including, however, persons who were convicted by court-martial of disobedience of orders, where such disobedience consisted in the refusal to perform military service on the ground of alleged religious or conscientious objections against war, shall be preferred for appointments to civil offices, positions, and places of employment in the classified service of any municipality coming under the provisions of this Division 1, provided they are found to possess the business capacity necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of such office, position, or place of employment as determined by examination. For purposes of this Section, if a person has been deployed, then "active duty military or naval service of the United States" includes training and service school attendance, as defined in 10 U.S.C. 101(d), which is ordered pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 12301(d).
    The civil service commission shall give preference points for original appointment to qualified veterans whose names appear on any register of eligibles resulting from an examination for original entrance in the classified service of any municipality coming under the provisions of this Division 1 by adding to the final grade average that they receive or will receive as the result of any examination held for original entrance, 5 points. The numerical result thus attained shall be applied by the civil service commission in determining the position of those persons on any eligibility list that has been created as the result of any examination for original entrance for purposes of preference in certification and appointment from that eligibility list. Persons who were engaged in the active military or naval service of the United States for a period of at least one year and who were honorably discharged therefrom or who are now or who may hereafter be on inactive or reserve duty in such military or naval service, not including, however, persons who were convicted by court martial of disobedience of orders where such disobedience consisted in the refusal to perform military service on the ground of alleged religious or conscientious objections against war, and whose names appear on existing promotional eligible registers or any promotional eligible register that may hereafter be created, as provided for by this Division 1, shall be preferred for promotional appointment to civil offices, positions and places of employment in the classified civil service of any municipality coming under the provisions of this Division 1.
    The civil service commission shall give preference for promotional appointment to persons as hereinabove designated whose names appear on existing promotional eligible registers or promotional eligible registers that may hereafter be created by adding to the final grade average which they received or will receive as the result of any promotional examination seven-tenths of one point for each 6 months or fraction thereof of active military or naval service not exceeding 30 months. The numerical result thus attained shall be applied by the civil service commission in determining the position of such persons on any eligible list which has been created or will be created as the result of any promotional examination held hereunder for purposes of preference in certification and appointment from such eligible list.
    No person shall receive the preference for a promotional appointment granted by this Section after he or she has received one promotion from an eligible list on which he or she was allowed such preference.
    No person entitled to preference or credit for military or naval service hereunder shall be required to furnish evidence or record of honorable discharge from the armed forces before the publication or posting of any eligible register or list resulting from the examination. Such preference shall be given after the posting or publication of any eligible list or register resulting from such examination and before any certifications or appointments are made from such list or register.
(Source: P.A. 96-83, eff. 1-1-10.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-17

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-17) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-17)
    Sec. 10-1-17. Officers who are elected by the people, or who are elected by the corporate authorities pursuant to the municipal charter, or whose appointment is subject to confirmation by the corporate authorities, judges of election, members of any board of education, the superintendent and teachers of schools, the employees of any welfare department, heads of any principal department of the municipality, the chief librarian of the public library, members of the law department, police officers above the grade of captain, police cadets, a health officer appointed after July 1, 1953, seasonal employees which means those persons whose employment does not exceed 90 days in any calendar year, one deputy and one private secretary of each of the elected municipal officials and the municipal manager, and administrative assistants to the mayor or municipal manager, shall not be included in such classified service, except that the chief of the police department may be included in the classified service if the corporate authorities so provides by ordinance.
    Any position of employment in a public library that is operated under The Illinois Local Library Act and has an elected Board of Library Trustees may be excluded from the classified service by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Library Trustees.
(Source: P.A. 85-488.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-18

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-18) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-18)
    Sec. 10-1-18. (a) Except as hereinafter provided in this Section, no officer or employee in the classified civil service of any municipality who is appointed under the rules and after examination, may be removed or discharged, or suspended for a period of more than 30 days, except for cause upon written charges and after an opportunity to be heard in his own defense. The hearing shall be as hereinafter provided, unless the employer and the labor organization representing the person have negotiated an alternative or supplemental form of due process based upon impartial arbitration as a term of a collective bargaining agreement. In non-home rule units of government, such bargaining shall be permissive rather than mandatory unless such contract term was negotiated by the employer and the labor organization prior to or at the time of the effective date of this amendatory Act, in which case such bargaining shall be considered mandatory.
    Such charges shall be investigated by or before the civil service commission, or by or before some officer or board appointed by the commission to conduct that investigation. The finding and decision of that commission or investigating officer or board, when approved by the commission, shall be certified to the appointing officer, and shall forthwith be enforced by that officer. Before any officer or employee in the classified service of any municipality may be interrogated or examined by or before any disciplinary board, or departmental agent or investigator, the results of which hearing, interrogation or examination may be the basis for filing charges seeking his removal or discharge, he must be advised in writing as to what specific improper or illegal act he is alleged to have committed; he must be advised in writing that his admissions made in the course of the hearing, interrogation or examination may be used as the basis for charges seeking his removal or discharge; and he must be advised in writing that he has the right to counsel of his own choosing present to advise him at any hearing, interrogation or examination; and a complete record of any hearing, interrogation or examination shall be made and a complete transcript thereof made available to such officer or employee without charge and without delay. Nothing in this Division 1 limits the power of any officer to suspend a subordinate for a reasonable period, not exceeding 30 days except that any employee or officer suspended for more than 5 days or suspended within 6 months after a previous suspension shall be entitled, upon request, to a hearing before the civil service commission concerning the propriety of such suspension. In the course of an investigation of charges, each member of the commission, and of any board so appointed by it, and any officer so appointed, may administer oaths and may secure by its subpoena both the attendance and testimony of witnesses, and the production of books and papers relevant to the investigation. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to require such charges or investigation in cases of persons having the custody of public money for the safe keeping of which another person has given bonds.
    This subsection (a) does not apply to police or firefighters in the classified civil service of a municipality of 500,000 or fewer inhabitants.
    (b) No officer or employee of a police or fire department in the classified civil service of any municipality having 500,000 or fewer inhabitants who is appointed under the rules and after examination, may be removed or discharged, or suspended for a period of more than 5 calendar days, except for cause upon written charges and after an opportunity to be heard in his own defense. The hearing shall be as hereinafter provided, unless the employer and the labor organization representing the person have negotiated an alternative or supplemental form of due process based upon impartial arbitration as a term of a collective bargaining agreement. In non-home rule units of government, such bargaining shall be permissive rather than mandatory unless such contract term was negotiated by the employer and the labor organization prior to or at the time of the effective date of this amendatory Act, in which case such bargaining shall be considered mandatory.
    Such charges shall be investigated by or before the civil service commission, or by or before some officer or board appointed by the commission to conduct that investigation. The finding and decision of that commission or investigating officer or board, when approved by the commission, shall be certified to the appointing officer, and shall forthwith be enforced by that officer. Before any such officer or employee of a police or fire department may be interrogated or examined by or before any disciplinary board, or departmental agent or investigator, the results of which hearing, interrogation or examination may be the basis for filing charges seeking his removal or discharge, he must be advised in writing as to what specific improper or illegal act he is alleged to have committed; he must be advised in writing that his admissions made in the course of the hearing, interrogation or examination may be used as the basis for charges seeking his removal or discharge; and he must be advised in writing that he has the right to have counsel of his own choosing present to advise him at any hearing, interrogation or examination; and a complete record of any hearing, interrogation or examination shall be made and a complete transcript thereof made available to such officer or employee without charge and without delay. Nothing in this Division 1 limits the power of the chief officer of a police or fire department to suspend a subordinate for a reasonable period, not exceeding 5 calendar days, provided the civil service commission is promptly notified thereof in writing. Any employee or officer so suspended shall be entitled, upon request, to a hearing before the civil service commission concerning the propriety of such suspension. Upon such hearing, the commission may sustain the action of the chief of the department, may reverse it with instructions that the person receive his pay for the period involved, or may suspend the person for an additional period of not more than 30 days or discharge him, depending upon the facts presented. In the course of an investigation of charges, each member of the commission, and of any board so appointed by it, and any officer so appointed, may administer oaths and may secure by its subpoena both the attendance and testimony of witnesses, and the production of books and papers relevant to the investigation. If the charge is based upon an allegation of the use of unreasonable force by a police officer, the charge must be brought within 5 years after the commission of the act upon which the charge is based. The statute of limitations established in this Section 10-1-18(b) shall apply only to acts of unreasonable force occurring on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1992.
    (c) Whenever the corporate authorities of any municipality in which this Division 1 is in operation, designates by ordinance or whenever any general law of this state designates any specific age of not less than 63 years as the maximum age for legal employment of policemen or firemen in the service of any municipality which has adopted or shall adopt this Division 1 or designates any minimum age for the automatic or compulsory retirement of policemen or firemen in the service of that municipality, any such policeman or fireman to whom such ordinance or law may refer or apply upon attaining the designated age of 63 years or upwards as set out in the ordinance or law shall forthwith and immediately be retired from the service of that municipality in accordance with the terms or provisions of that ordinance or law. The civil service commission of the municipality shall discharge or retire automatically any policeman or fireman in the classified civil service of the municipality at the time and in the manner provided in that ordinance or law and certify the retirement or discharge to the proper branch or department head. In the case of any such policeman or fireman who has filed an application for appointment in the classified civil service of the municipality, the age stated in that application shall be conclusive evidence against that policeman or fireman of his age, but the civil service commission (except as respects police department officers and employees in municipalities of more than 500,000 population where the Police Board shall exercise these powers as provided in Section 10-1-18.1) may hear testimony and consider all evidence available in any case in which any charge is filed against any such policeman or fireman alleging that he understated his age in his application for appointment into the classified civil service of the municipality.
    In addition to all the other powers now granted by law, the corporate authorities of any municipality which has adopted or shall adopt this Division 1 may by ordinance provide an age limit of not less than 63 years as the maximum age for the legal employment of any person employed as a policeman or fireman under this Division 1, and may provide in that ordinance for the automatic or compulsory retirement and discharge of the policeman or fireman upon his attainment of the designated retirement age.
    This Section does not apply to the suspension, removal or discharge of officers and civilian employees of the police department in the classified civil service of a municipality of more than 500,000 but that disciplinary action may be taken by the Police Board, rather than the civil service commission, as provided in Section 10-1-18.1.
    (d) Commencing on January 1, 1993, each board or other entity responsible for determining whether or not to file a charge shall, no later than December 31 of each year, publish a status report on its investigations of allegations of unreasonable force. At a minimum, the status report shall include the following information:
        (1) the number of police officers against whom an
allegation of unreasonable force was made;
        (2) the number of allegations of unreasonable force
made against each such police officer;
        (3) the number of police officers against whom
disciplinary charges were filed on the basis of allegations of unreasonable force;
        (4) a listing of investigations of allegations of
unreasonable force pending as of the date of the report, together with the dates on which such allegations were made; and
        (5) a listing of allegations of unreasonable force
for which the board has determined not to file charges.
    These status reports shall not disclose the identity of
any witness or victim, nor shall they disclose the identity of any police officer who is the subject of an allegation of unreasonable force against whom a charge has not been filed. The information underlying these status reports shall be confidential and exempt from public inspection and copying, as provided under Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act.
(Source: P.A. 91-650, eff. 11-30-99.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-18.1

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-18.1) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-18.1)
    Sec. 10-1-18.1. In any municipality of more than 500,000 population, no officer or employee of the police department in the classified civil service of the municipality whose appointment has become complete may be removed or discharged, or suspended for more than 30 days except for cause upon written charges and after an opportunity to be heard in his own defense by the Police Board. Before any such officer or employee may be interrogated or examined by or before any disciplinary board, or departmental agent or investigator, the results of which hearing, interrogation or examination may be the basis for filing charges seeking his removal or discharge, he must be advised in writing as to what specific improper or illegal act he is alleged to have committed; he must be advised in writing that his admissions made in the course of the hearing, interrogation or examination may be used as the basis for charges seeking his removal or discharge; and he must be advised in writing that he has the right to counsel of his own choosing present to advise him at any hearing, interrogation or examination; and a complete record of any hearing, interrogation or examination shall be made and a complete transcript thereof made available to such officer or employee without charge and without delay.
    Upon the filing of charges for which removal or discharge, or suspension of more than 30 days is recommended a hearing before the Police Board shall be held. If the charge is based upon an allegation of the use of unreasonable force by a police officer, the charge must be brought within 5 years after the commission of the act upon which the charge is based. The statute of limitations established in this Section 10-1-18.1 shall apply only to acts of unreasonable force occurring on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1992.
    The Police Board shall establish rules of procedure not inconsistent with this Section respecting notice of charges and the conduct of the hearings before the Police Board, or before any member thereof appointed by the Police Board to hear the charges. The Police Board, or any member thereof, is not bound by formal or technical rules of evidence, but hearsay evidence is inadmissible. The person against whom charges have been filed may appear before the Police Board or any member thereof, as the case may be, with counsel of his own choice and defend himself; shall have the right to be confronted by his accusers; may cross-examine any witness giving evidence against him; and may by counsel present witnesses and evidence in his own behalf.
    The Police Board or any member thereof designated by it, may administer oaths and secure by its subpoena both the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers. All proceedings before the Police Board or member thereof shall be recorded. No continuance may be granted after a hearing has begun unless all parties to the hearing agree thereto. The findings and decision of the Police Board, when approved by the Board, shall be certified to the superintendent and shall forthwith be enforced by the superintendent.
    A majority of the members of the Police Board must concur in the entry of any disciplinary recommendation or action.
    Nothing in this Section limits the power of the superintendent to suspend a subordinate for a reasonable period, not exceeding 30 days.
    Commencing on January 1, 1993, each board or other entity responsible for determining whether or not to file a charge shall, no later than December 31 of each year, publish a status report on its investigations of allegations of unreasonable force. At a minimum, the status report shall include the following information:
        (1) the number of police officers against whom an
allegation of unreasonable force was made;
        (2) the number of allegations of unreasonable force
made against each such police officer;
        (3) the number of police officers against whom
disciplinary charges were filed on the basis of allegations of unreasonable force;
        (4) a listing of investigations of allegations of
unreasonable force pending as of the date of the report, together with the dates on which such allegations were made; and
        (5) a listing of allegations of unreasonable force
for which the board has determined not to file charges.
    These status reports shall not disclose the identity of
any witness or victim, nor shall they disclose the identity of any police officer who is the subject of an allegation of unreasonable force against whom a charge has not been filed. The information underlying these status reports shall be confidential and exempt from public inspection and copying, as provided under Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act.
(Source: P.A. 87-1239.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-18.2

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-18.2) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-18.2)
    Sec. 10-1-18.2. Home rule preemption. No municipality, including a municipality that is a home rule unit, may regulate the period of time or establish or enforce a statute of limitations relating to charges brought against a police officer before a Police Board, Civil Service Commission, or other board or officer empowered by law or ordinance to investigate police misconduct if the charge is based upon an allegation of the use of unreasonable force by a police officer. The statute of limitations established in Sections 10-1-18 and 10-1-18.1 for those charges are an exclusive exercise of powers and functions by the State under paragraph (h) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
(Source: P.A. 87-1239.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-19

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-19) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-19)
    Sec. 10-1-19. Immediate notice in writing shall be given by the appointing power, to the commission, of all appointments, permanent or temporary, made in such classified civil service, and of all transfers, promotions, resignations, or vacancies from any cause in such service, and of the date thereof. The commission shall keep a record of all such information. When any office or place of employment is created or abolished, or the compensation attached thereto altered, the officer or board making such change shall immediately report it in writing to the commission.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-20

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-20) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-20)
    Sec. 10-1-20. The commission shall investigate the enforcement of this Division 1 and its rules, and the action of the examiners herein provided for, and the conduct and action of the appointees in the classified service in its municipality. The commission may inquire as to the nature, tenure and compensation of all offices and places in the public service thereof. In the course of such investigations each commissioner may administer oaths. The commission may secure by its subpoena both the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books and papers relevant to such investigations.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-21

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-21) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-21)
    Sec. 10-1-21. The commission shall, on or before January 15 of each year, make to the mayor for transmission to the corporate authorities a report showing the commission's own action, the rules in force, the practical effects thereof, and any suggestions it may have for the more effectual accomplishment of the purposes of this Division 1. The mayor may require a report from the commission at any other time.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-22

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-22) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-22)
    Sec. 10-1-22. The commission shall employ a chief examiner, who shall, under the direction of the commission, superintend any examination held in such municipality under this Division 1. The chief examiner also shall perform such other duties as the commission shall prescribe. The chief examiner shall be ex-officio secretary of the commission, under the direction of such commission. The chief examiner, as such secretary, shall keep the minutes of its proceedings, preserve all reports made to it, keep a record of all examinations held under its direction, and perform such other duties as the commission shall prescribe.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-23

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-23) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-23)
    Sec. 10-1-23. All officers of any municipality which adopts this Division 1 shall aid the commission in all proper ways in carrying out the provisions of this Division 1, and at any place where examinations are to be held shall allow reasonable use of public buildings for holding such examinations. The mayor of such municipality shall cause suitable rooms to be provided for the commission at the expense of such municipality.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-24

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-24) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-24)
    Sec. 10-1-24. In any municipality having a population of 500,000 inhabitants or more, the president of the commission shall receive a salary of $7,500 a year, each of the other members of the commission shall receive a salary of $5,000 a year, and the chief examiner of the commission shall receive a salary to be fixed by the corporate authorities of such municipality. Any person not at the time in the official service of the municipality, serving as a member of the board of examiners or of a trial board, shall receive compensation for every day actually and necessarily spent in the discharge of his duty as an examiner or a member of the trial board at the rate of not exceeding $7 per day, and the commission may, in such municipality, also incur expenses not exceeding the amount appropriated therefor by the corporate authorities of the municipality wherein the commission exists. In municipalities having a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants, such commissioners and the chief examiner shall receive an annual salary, to be fixed by the corporate authorities of such municipalities. In any municipality having a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants, any person not at the time in the official service of the municipality, serving as a member of the board of examiners or of a trial board, shall receive compensation for every day actually and necessarily spent in the discharge of his duty as an examiner or member of the trial board at the rate per day to be fixed by the corporate authorities of such municipality, and the commission may, in such municipality also incur expenses not exceeding the amount appropriated therefor by the corporate authorities wherein the commission exists.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-25

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-25) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-25)
    Sec. 10-1-25. A sufficient sum of money shall be appropriated each year by each municipality which adopts this Division 1, to carry out the provisions of this Division 1 in such municipality. In such municipalities as shall have already made the annual appropriation for municipal purposes for the current fiscal year, the mayor is authorized and required to pay the salaries and expenses as herein provided for such fiscal year out of the moneys appropriated for contingent purposes by such municipality, or out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-26

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-26) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-26)
    Sec. 10-1-26. No person or officer shall wilfully or corruptly by himself or in co-operation with one or more other persons, defeat, deceive or obstruct any person in respect to his right of examination, or corruptly or falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined hereunder or aid in so doing, or wilfully or corruptly make any false representation concerning the same, or concerning the person examined, or wilfully or corruptly furnish to any person any special or secret information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any person so examined, or to be examined, being appointed, employed or promoted.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-27

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-27) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-27)
    Sec. 10-1-27. No officer or employee of any municipality which adopts this Division 1 shall solicit, orally or by letter, or receive or pay, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting, receiving or paying any assessment, subscription or contribution for any party or political purpose whatever.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-27.1

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-27.1) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-27.1)
    Sec. 10-1-27.1. No municipality covered under this Division 1 may make or enforce any rule or ordinance which will in any way inhibit or prohibit any employee from exercising his full political rights to engage in political activities, including the right to petition, make speeches, campaign door to door, and to run for public office, so long as the employee does not use his official position to coerce or influence others and does not engage in these activities while he is at work on duty.
(Source: P.A. 84-1018.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-28

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-28) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-28)
    Sec. 10-1-28. No person shall solicit, orally or by letter, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any assessment, contribution or payment for any party or any political purpose whatever, from any officer or employee in any department of the government of any municipality which adopts this Division 1.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-29

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-29) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-29)
    Sec. 10-1-29. No person shall, in any room or building occupied for the discharge of official duties by any officer or employee in any municipality which adopts this Division 1, solicit, orally or by written communication, delivered therein, or in any other manner, or receive any contribution of money or other thing of value, for any party or political purpose whatever. No officer, agent, clerk, or employee under the government of such municipality, who may have charge or control of any building, office, or room, occupied for any purpose of such government, shall permit any person to enter the same for the purpose of therein soliciting or delivering written solicitations for receiving or giving notice of any political assessments.
(Source: P.A. 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-30

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-30) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-30)
    Sec. 10-1-30. No officer or employee in the service of such municipality shall, directly or indirectly, give or hand over to any officer or employee in such service, or to any senator or representative or alderperson, councilman, trustee or commissioner, any money or other valuable thing, on account of or to be applied to the promotion of any party or political object whatever.
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-31

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-31) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-31)
    Sec. 10-1-31. No officer or employee of such municipality shall discharge or degrade or promote, or in any manner change the official rank or compensation of any other officer or employee, or promise or threaten to do so for giving or withholding or neglecting to make any contribution of any money or other valuable thing for any party or political purpose, or for refusal or neglect to render any party or political service.
(Source: P.A. 103-154, eff. 6-30-23.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-32

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-32) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-32)
    Sec. 10-1-32. No applicant for appointment in the classified civil service, either directly or indirectly, shall pay or promise to pay any money or other valuable thing to any person whatever for or on account of his appointment, or proposed appointment, and no officer or employee shall pay or promise to pay, either directly or indirectly, any person any money or other valuable thing whatever for or on account of his promotion.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-33

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-33) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-33)
    Sec. 10-1-33. No applicant for appointment or promotion in the classified civil service shall ask for or receive a recommendation or assistance from any officer or employee in the service, or of any person upon the consideration of any political service to be rendered to or for such person, or for the promotion of such person to any office or appointment.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-34

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-34) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-34)
    Sec. 10-1-34. No person while holding any office in the government of such municipality, or in nomination for, or while seeking a nomination for, or appointment to any such office, shall corruptly use or promise to use, either directly or indirectly, any official authority or influence, whether then possessed or merely anticipated, in the way of conferring upon any person, or in order to secure or aid any person in securing any office or public employment, or any nomination, confirmation, promotion or increase of salary upon the consideration or condition that the vote or political influence or action of the last named person or any other shall be given or used in behalf of any candidate, officer or party, or upon any other corrupt condition or consideration.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-35

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-35) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-35)
    Sec. 10-1-35. No accounting or auditing officer shall allow the claim of any public officer for services of any deputy or other person employed in the public service in violation of the provisions of this Division 1.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-36

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-36) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-36)
    Sec. 10-1-36. The commission shall certify to the comptroller or other auditing officers, all appointments to offices and places in the classified civil service, and all vacancies occurring therein, whether by dismissal or resignation or death, and all findings made or approved by the commission under the provisions of Section 10-1-18, that a person shall be discharged from the classified civil service.
    In no event shall any person who is classified by his local selective service draft board as a conscientious objector, or who has ever been so classified, be appointed to the police department.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3222.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-37

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-37) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-37)
    Sec. 10-1-37. No comptroller or other auditing officer of a municipality which has adopted this Division 1 shall approve the payment of, or be in any manner concerned in paying any salary or wages to any person for services as an officer or employee of such municipality, unless such person is occupying an office or place of employment according to the provisions of law and is entitled to payment therefor.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-38

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-38) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-38)
    Sec. 10-1-38. No paymaster, treasurer or other officer or agent of a municipality which has adopted this Division 1 shall wilfully pay, or be in any manner concerned in paying any person any salary or wages for services as an officer or employee of such municipality, unless such person is occupying an office or place of employment according to the provisions of law and is entitled to payment therefor.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-38.1

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-38.1) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-38.1)
    Sec. 10-1-38.1. When the force of the Fire Department or of the Police Department is reduced, and positions displaced or abolished, seniority shall prevail, and the officers and members so reduced in rank, or removed from the service of the Fire Department or of the Police Department shall be considered furloughed without pay from the positions from which they were reduced or removed.
    Such reductions and removals shall be in strict compliance with seniority and in no event shall any officer or member be reduced more than one rank in a reduction of force. Officers and members with the least seniority in the position to be reduced shall be reduced to the next lower rated position. For purposes of determining which officers and members will be reduced in rank, seniority shall be determined by adding the time spent at the rank or position from which the officer or member is to be reduced and the time spent at any higher rank or position in the Department. For purposes of determining which officers or members in the lowest rank or position shall be removed from the Department in the event of a layoff, length of service in the Department shall be the basis for determining seniority, with the least senior such officer or member being the first so removed and laid off. Such officers or members laid off shall have their names placed on an appropriate reemployment list in the reverse order of dates of layoff.
    If any positions which have been vacated because of reduction in forces or displacement and abolition of positions, are reinstated, such members and officers of the Fire Department or of the Police Department as are furloughed from the said positions shall be notified by registered mail of such reinstatement of positions and shall have prior right to such positions if otherwise qualified, and in all cases seniority shall prevail. Written application for such reinstated position must be made by the furloughed person within 30 days after notification as above provided and such person may be required to submit to examination by physicians, advanced practice registered nurses, or physician assistants of both the commission and the appropriate pension board to determine his physical fitness.
(Source: P.A. 99-581, eff. 1-1-17; 100-513, eff. 1-1-18.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-39

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-39) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-39)
    Sec. 10-1-39. Any person who shall be served with a subpoena to appear and testify, or to produce books and papers, issued by the commission or by any commissioner or by any board or person acting under the orders of the commission in the course of an investigation conducted either under the provisions of Section 10-1-18 or 10-1-20, and who shall refuse or neglect to appear or to testify, or to produce books and papers relevant to the investigation, as commanded in such subpoena, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction, be punished as provided in Section 10-1-40. The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as the fees of witnesses before the circuit courts of this state and shall be paid from the appropriation for the expenses of the commission. Any circuit court of this state upon application of any such commissioner, or officer or board, may in his discretion compel the attendance of witnesses, the production of books and papers, and giving of testimony before the commission, or before any such commissioner, investigating board or officer, by attachment for contempt or otherwise in the same manner as the production of evidence may be compelled before such court. Every person who, having taken an oath or made affirmation before a commissioner or officer appointed by the commission authorized to administer oaths shall swear or affirm wilfully, corruptly and falsely shall be guilty of perjury and upon conviction shall be punished accordingly.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3762.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-40

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-40) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-40)
    Sec. 10-1-40. Any person who wilfully, or through culpable negligence violates any of the provisions of this Division 1 or any rule promulgated in accordance with the provisions thereof, other than Section 10-1-16, is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. Any person who wilfully or through culpable negligence violates any of the provisions of Section 10-1-16 of this Code, or any rule promulgated in accordance with the provisions thereof, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 85-372.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-41

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-41) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-41)
    Sec. 10-1-41. If any person is convicted for violating any of the provisions of this Division 1, or rules adopted pursuant thereto, any public office or place of public employment, which such person may hold shall, by force of such conviction be rendered vacant, and such person shall be incapable of holding any office or place of public employment for the period of 5 years from the date of such conviction.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-42

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-42) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-42)
    Sec. 10-1-42. Prosecutions for violations of this Division 1 may be instituted either by the Attorney General, the State's Attorney for the county in which the offense is alleged to have been committed, or by the commission, acting through special counsel. Such suits shall be conducted and controlled by the prosecuting officers who institute them, unless they request the aid of other prosecuting officers.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

65 ILCS 5/10-1-43

    (65 ILCS 5/10-1-43) (from Ch. 24, par. 10-1-43)
    Sec. 10-1-43. The electors of any municipality may adopt and become entitled to the benefits of this Division 1 in the following manner: Whenever 1,000 of the legal voters of such municipality, voting at the last preceding election petition the circuit court for the county in which the municipality is located to order submitted to a vote of the electors of such municipality the proposition as to whether such municipality and the electors thereof shall adopt and become entitled to the benefits of this Division 1, the circuit court shall order such proposition certified and submitted accordingly at the next succeeding election in accordance with the general election law, and if such proposition is not adopted at such election the same shall in like manner be ordered to a vote of the electors of such municipality by the circuit court upon like application at any election thereafter, and an order shall be entered of record in the circuit court for the submission of such proposition as aforesaid. The clerk of the circuit court shall certify the proposition for submission.
    If the required number of 1,000 electors exceeds a number equal to 1/8 of the legal voters of any such municipality voting at the last preceding municipal election, then such petition or application need not be signed or made by more than 1/8 of the legal voters of such municipality voting at the last preceding municipal election.
    If this Division 1 is adopted by a municipality that before adoption was subject to the provisions of Division 2.1 of this Article 10, the provisions of this Division 1 shall apply except as to the board of fire and police commissioners and firemen and policemen. The provisions of Division 2.1 shall continue to apply to the board of fire and police commissioners and firemen and policemen.
    A municipality that has adopted this Division 1 may abolish it in the same manner prescribed for its adoption.
(Source: P.A. 88-264.)