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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(40 ILCS 5/) Illinois Pension Code.

40 ILCS 5/15-184

    (40 ILCS 5/15-184) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-184)
    Sec. 15-184. Undivided interest. The assets of the system shall be invested as one fund, and no particular person, group of persons or entity shall have any right in any specific security or property or in any item of cash, other than an undivided interest in the whole except as otherwise provided in this Article.
    The changes to this Section and Sections 15-155, 15-167 and 15-172 made by this amendatory Act of 1989, and Section 15-167.2, shall be applicable to all participants, annuitants and beneficiaries now or hereafter covered by this Article.
(Source: P.A. 86-1034.)

40 ILCS 5/15-185

    (40 ILCS 5/15-185) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-185)
    Sec. 15-185. Annuities, etc., exempt. The accumulated employee and employer contributions shall be held in trust for each participant and annuitant, and this trust shall be treated as a spendthrift trust. Except as provided in this Article, all cash, securities and other property of this system, all annuities and other benefits payable under this Article and all accumulated credits of participants and annuitants in this system and the right of any person to receive an annuity or other benefit under this Article, or a refund of contributions, shall not be subject to judgment, execution, garnishment, attachment, or other seizure by process, in bankruptcy or otherwise, nor to sale, pledge, mortgage or other alienation, and shall not be assignable. The board, however, may deduct from the benefits, refunds and credits payable to the participant, annuitant or beneficiary, amounts owed by the participant or annuitant to the system. No attempted sale, transfer or assignment of any benefit, refund or credit shall prevent the right of the board to make the deduction and offset authorized in this Section. Any participant or annuitant may authorize the board to deduct from disability benefits or annuities, premiums due under any group hospital-surgical insurance program which is sponsored or approved by any employer; however, the deductions from disability benefits may not begin prior to 6 months after the disability occurs.
    A person receiving an annuity or benefit under this Article may also authorize withholding from that annuity or benefit for the purposes enumerated in and in accordance with the provisions of the State Salary and Annuity Withholding Act.
    This Section is not intended to, and does not, affect the calculation of any benefit under this Article or dictate how or to what extent employee or employer contributions are to be taken into account in calculating benefits. This amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly is a clarification of existing law and applies to every participant and annuitant without regard to whether status as an employee terminates before the effective date of this amendatory Act.
    Public Act 86-273 is a clarification of existing law and shall be applicable to every participant and annuitant without regard to whether status as an employee terminates before the effective date of that Act.
(Source: P.A. 90-65, eff. 7-7-97; 90-448, eff. 8-16-97; 90-511, eff. 8-22-97; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 91-887, eff. 7-6-00.)

40 ILCS 5/15-185.5

    (40 ILCS 5/15-185.5)
    Sec. 15-185.5. Accelerated pension benefit payment in lieu of any pension benefit.
    (a) As used in this Section:
    "Eligible person" means a person who:
        (1) has terminated service;
        (2) has accrued sufficient service credit to be
eligible to receive a retirement annuity under this Article;
        (3) has not received any retirement annuity under
this Article;
        (4) has not made the election under Section 15-185.6;
        (5) is not a participant in the self-managed plan
under Section 15-158.2.
    "Implementation date" means the earliest date upon which the Board authorizes eligible persons to begin irrevocably electing the accelerated pension benefit payment option under this Section. The Board shall endeavor to make such participation available as soon as possible after June 4, 2018 (the effective date of Public Act 100-587) and shall establish an implementation date by Board resolution.
    "Pension benefit" means the benefits under this Article, or Article 1 as it relates to those benefits, including any anticipated annual increases, that an eligible person is entitled to upon attainment of the applicable retirement age. "Pension benefit" also includes applicable survivors benefits, disability benefits, or disability retirement annuity benefits.
    (b) Beginning on the implementation date, the System shall offer each eligible person the opportunity to irrevocably elect to receive an amount determined by the System to be equal to 60% of the present value of his or her pension benefits in lieu of receiving any pension benefit. The System shall calculate, using actuarial tables and other assumptions adopted by the Board, the present value of pension benefits for each eligible person upon his or her request in writing to the System. The System shall not perform more than one calculation per eligible member in a State fiscal year. The offer shall specify the dollar amount that the eligible person will receive if he or she so elects and shall expire when a subsequent offer is made to an eligible person. The System shall make a good faith effort to contact every eligible person to notify him or her of the election.
    Beginning on the implementation date and until June 30, 2026, an eligible person may irrevocably elect to receive an accelerated pension benefit payment in the amount that the System offers under this subsection in lieu of receiving any pension benefit. A person who elects to receive an accelerated pension benefit payment under this Section may not elect to proceed under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act with respect to service under this Article.
    (c) Upon payment of an accelerated pension benefit payment under this Section, the person forfeits all accrued rights and credits in the System and no other benefit shall be paid under this Article based on those forfeited rights and credits, including any retirement, survivor, or other benefit; except that to the extent that participation, benefits, or premiums under the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971 are based on the amount of service credit, the terminated service credit shall be used for that purpose.
    (d) If a person who has received an accelerated pension benefit payment under this Section returns to participation under this Article, any benefits under the System earned as a result of that return to participation shall be based solely on the person's credits and creditable service arising from the return to participation. Upon return to participation, the person shall be considered a new employee subject to all the qualifying conditions for participation and eligibility for benefits applicable to new employees.
    (d-5) The accelerated pension benefit payment may not be repaid to the System, and the forfeited rights and credits may not under any circumstances be reinstated.
    (e) As a condition of receiving an accelerated pension benefit payment, the accelerated pension benefit payment must be deposited into a tax qualified retirement plan or account identified by the eligible person at the time of the election. The accelerated pension benefit payment under this Section may be subject to withholding or payment of applicable taxes, but to the extent permitted by federal law, a person who receives an accelerated pension benefit payment under this Section must direct the System to pay all of that payment as a rollover into another retirement plan or account qualified under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
    (f) The System shall submit vouchers to the State Comptroller for the payment of accelerated pension benefit payments under this Section. The State Comptroller shall pay the amounts of the vouchers from the State Pension Obligation Acceleration Bond Fund to the System, and the System shall deposit the amounts into the applicable tax qualified plans or accounts.
    (g) The Board shall adopt any rules, including emergency rules, necessary to implement this Section.
    (h) No provision of this Section shall be interpreted in a way that would cause the System to cease to be a qualified plan under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 102-718, eff. 5-5-22.)

40 ILCS 5/15-185.6

    (40 ILCS 5/15-185.6)
    Sec. 15-185.6. Accelerated pension benefit payment for a reduction in an annual increase to a retirement annuity and an annuity benefit payable as a result of death.
    (a) As used in this Section:
    "Accelerated pension benefit payment" means a lump sum payment equal to 70% of the difference of: (i) the present value of the automatic annual increases to a Tier 1 member's retirement annuity, including any increases to any annuity benefit payable as a result of his or her death, using the formula applicable to the Tier 1 member; and (ii) the present value of the automatic annual increases to the Tier 1 member's retirement annuity, including any increases to any annuity benefit payable as a result of his or her death, using the formula provided under subsection (b-5).
    "Eligible person" means a person who:
        (1) is a Tier 1 member;
        (2) has submitted an application for a retirement
annuity under this Article;
        (3) meets the age and service requirements for
receiving a retirement annuity under this Article;
        (4) has not received any retirement annuity under
this Article;
        (5) has not made the election under Section 15-185.5;
        (6) is not a participant in the self-managed plan
under Section 15-158.2.
    "Implementation date" means the earliest date upon which the Board authorizes eligible persons to begin irrevocably electing the accelerated pension benefit payment option under this Section. The Board shall endeavor to make such participation available as soon as possible after June 4, 2018 (the effective date of Public Act 100-587) and shall establish an implementation date by Board resolution.
    (b) Beginning on the implementation date and until June 30, 2026, the System shall implement an accelerated pension benefit payment option for eligible persons. The System shall calculate, using actuarial tables and other assumptions adopted by the Board, an accelerated pension benefit payment amount for an eligible person upon his or her request in writing to the System and shall offer that eligible person the opportunity to irrevocably elect to have his or her automatic annual increases in retirement annuity and any annuity benefit payable as a result of his or her death calculated in accordance with the formula provided in subsection (b-5) in exchange for the accelerated pension benefit payment. The System shall not perform more than one calculation under this Section per eligible person in a State fiscal year. The election under this subsection must be made before any retirement annuity is paid to the eligible person, and the eligible survivor, spouse, or contingent annuitant, as applicable, must consent to the election under this subsection.
    (b-5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the retirement annuity of a person who made the election under subsection (b) shall be increased annually beginning on the January 1 occurring either on or after the attainment of age 67 or the first anniversary of the annuity start date, whichever is later, and any annuity benefit payable as a result of his or her death shall be increased annually beginning on: (1) the January 1 occurring on or after the commencement of the annuity if the deceased Tier 1 member died while receiving a retirement annuity; or (2) the January 1 occurring after the first anniversary of the commencement of the benefit. Each annual increase shall be calculated at 1.5% of the originally granted retirement annuity or annuity benefit payable as a result of the Tier 1 member's death.
    (c) If an annuitant who has received an accelerated pension benefit payment returns to participation under this Article, the calculation of any future automatic annual increase in retirement annuity under subsection (c) of Section 15-139 shall be calculated in accordance with the formula provided in subsection (b-5).
    (c-5) The accelerated pension benefit payment may not be repaid to the System.
    (d) As a condition of receiving an accelerated pension benefit payment, the accelerated pension benefit payment must be deposited into a tax qualified retirement plan or account identified by the eligible person at the time of election. The accelerated pension benefit payment under this Section may be subject to withholding or payment of applicable taxes, but to the extent permitted by federal law, a person who receives an accelerated pension benefit payment under this Section must direct the System to pay all of that payment as a rollover into another retirement plan or account qualified under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
    (d-5) The System shall submit vouchers to the State Comptroller for the payment of accelerated pension benefit payments under this Section. The State Comptroller shall pay the amounts of the vouchers from the State Pension Obligation Acceleration Bond Fund to the System, and the System shall deposit the amounts into the applicable tax qualified plans or accounts.
    (e) The Board shall adopt any rules, including emergency rules, necessary to implement this Section.
    (f) No provision of this Section shall be interpreted in a way that would cause the System to cease to be a qualified plan under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
(Source: P.A. 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 102-718, eff. 5-5-22.)

40 ILCS 5/15-186

    (40 ILCS 5/15-186) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-186)
    Sec. 15-186. Fraud. Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, or falsifies or permits to be falsified any record or records of this system, in any attempt to defraud the system or to mislead or defraud an employer with respect to employment of an annuitant under Section 15-139.5, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 97-968, eff. 8-16-12.)

40 ILCS 5/15-186.1

    (40 ILCS 5/15-186.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-186.1)
    Sec. 15-186.1. Mistake in benefit calculation and overpayment recovery.
    (a) Mistake in benefit calculation. If the System mistakenly sets any benefit at an incorrect amount, it shall recalculate the benefit as soon as may be practicable after the mistake is discovered. If the benefit was mistakenly set too low, the System shall make a lump sum payment to the recipient of an amount equal to the difference between the benefits that should have been paid and those actually paid, plus interest at the effective rate from the date the unpaid amounts accrued to the date of payment.
    If the benefit was mistakenly set too high, the System may recover the amount overpaid from the recipient thereof, plus interest at the effective rate from the date of overpayment to the date of recovery, either directly or by deducting such amount from the remaining benefits payable to the recipient. However, if (1) the amount of the benefit was mistakenly set too high, and (2) the error was undiscovered for 3 years or longer, and (3) the error was not the result of incorrect information supplied or information omitted by the affected member or beneficiary, then upon discovery of the mistake the benefit shall be adjusted to the correct level, but the recipient of the benefit need not repay to the System the excess amounts received in error.
    (b) Overpayment recovery. Regardless of the date an overpayment is discovered, if the System determines that the overpayment has occurred for any reason other than those specified in subsection (a) of this Section, the System may recover the overpayment from the recipient thereof or the recipient's estate, plus interest at the effective rate from the date of the overpayment to the date of recovery, either directly or by deducting such amount from the remaining benefits payable to the recipient or the recipient's estate, or by any other means available to the System. This subsection (b) applies to overpayments occurring before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 102-746, eff. 5-6-22.)

40 ILCS 5/15-187

    (40 ILCS 5/15-187) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-187)
    Sec. 15-187. Felony conviction. None of the benefits provided under this Article shall be paid to any person who is convicted of any felony relating to or arising out of or in connection with a person's service as an employee from which the benefit derives.
    This Section shall not operate to impair any contract or vested right heretofore acquired under any law or laws continued in this Article, nor to preclude the right to a refund. The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly shall not impair any contract or vested right acquired prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly. No refund paid to any person who is convicted of a felony relating to or arising out of or in connection with the person's service as an employee shall include employer contributions or interest or, in the case of the self-managed plan authorized under Section 15-158.2, any employer contributions or investment return on such employer contributions.
    All persons entering service subsequent to July 9, 1955 shall be deemed to have consented to the provisions of this Section as a condition of coverage, and all participants entering service on or subsequent to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly shall be deemed to have consented to the provisions of this amendatory Act as a condition of participation.
(Source: P.A. 100-334, eff. 8-25-17.)

40 ILCS 5/15-188

    (40 ILCS 5/15-188) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-188)
    Sec. 15-188. Administrative review. The Administrative Review Law, and all amendments and modifications thereof, and the rules adopted pursuant thereto, shall apply to and govern all proceedings for the judicial review of final administrative decisions of the board of trustees hereunder. The term "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The venue for actions brought under the Administrative Review Law shall be Champaign County.
(Source: P.A. 87-1265.)

40 ILCS 5/15-189

    (40 ILCS 5/15-189) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-189)
    Sec. 15-189. No monetary gain on investments. Except as otherwise herein provided, no member or employee of the board shall have any direct interest in the income, gains or profits of any investments made by the board, or receive any pay or emolument for services in connection with any investment. No member or employee of the board shall become an endorser or surety, or in any manner an obligor for money loaned or borrowed from the system. A violation of any of these restrictions shall constitute a Class 4 felony.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/15-190

    (40 ILCS 5/15-190) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-190)
    Sec. 15-190. Persons under legal disability. If a person is under legal disability when any right or privilege accrues to him or her under this Article, a guardian may be appointed pursuant to law, and may, on behalf of such person, claim and exercise any such right or privilege with the same force and effect as if the person had not been under a legal disability and had claimed or exercised such right or privilege.
    If a person's application for benefits or a physician's certificate on file with the board shows that the person is under a legal disability, the benefits payable under this Article may be paid (1) directly to the person under legal disability, (2) to any person who has legally qualified and is acting as guardian of the property of the person under legal disability, (3) to either parent of the person under legal disability or any adult person with whom the person under legal disability may at the time be living, provided only that such parent or adult person to whom any amount is to be paid shall have advised the board in writing that such amount will be held or used for the benefit of the person under legal disability, or (4) to the trustee of any trust created for the sole benefit of the person under legal disability while that person is living, provided only that the trustee of such trust to whom any amount is to be paid shall have advised the board in writing that such amount will be held or used for the benefit of the person under legal disability. The system shall not be required to determine the validity of the trust or any of the terms thereof. The representation of the trustee that the trust meets the requirements of this Section shall be conclusive as to the system. The written receipt of the person under legal disability or the other person who receives such payment shall be an absolute discharge of the system's liability in respect of the amount so paid.
(Source: P.A. 93-347, eff. 7-24-03.)

40 ILCS 5/15-191

    (40 ILCS 5/15-191) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-191)
    Sec. 15-191. Payment of benefits to minors. If any benefits under this Article become payable to a minor, the board may make payment (1) directly to the minor, (2) to any person who has legally qualified and is acting as guardian of the minor's person or property in any jurisdiction, (3) to either parent of the minor or to any adult person with whom the minor may at the time be living, provided only that the parent or other person to whom any amount is to be paid shall have advised the board in writing that such amount will be held or used for the benefit of the minor, or (4) to the trustee of any trust created for the sole benefit of the minor while that minor is living, provided only that the trustee of such trust to whom any amount is to be paid shall have advised the board in writing that such amount will be held or used for the benefit of the minor. The system shall not be required to determine the validity of the trust or any of the terms thereof. The representation of the trustee that the trust meets the requirements of this Section shall be conclusive as to the system. The written receipt of the minor, parent, trustee, or other person who receives such payment shall be an absolute discharge of the system's liability in respect of the amount so paid.
(Source: P.A. 90-65, eff. 7-7-97; 90-511, eff. 8-22-97.)

40 ILCS 5/15-192

    (40 ILCS 5/15-192) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-192)
    Sec. 15-192. Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act. The "Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act", being Article 20 of this Code as now enacted and hereafter amended, is hereby adopted and shall apply to and govern the operations of this system. "An Act to provide for reciprocal allowance of credits for retirement, death and disability benefits between the State Employees' Retirement System of Illinois, the University Retirement System of Illinois and the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois, and for the transfer of certain funds between said systems", approved August 8, 1947, and repealed in 1963, is superseded by the provisions of the "Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act", except insofar as said Act of August 8, 1947, may govern rights of persons receiving benefits or who may hereafter receive benefits by virtue of said Act.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/15-193

    (40 ILCS 5/15-193) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-193)
    Sec. 15-193. Reinsurance.
    The board may at any time that it appears desirable and advantageous, contract with any recognized and solvent legal reserve life insurance company for the payment of any benefits specified in this Article, provided such contract applies alike to all persons of the same class and does not cause any discrimination or create conditions which will substantially limit or reduce the equity or security of any other participant or annuitant in the system at the time. If any such contract is entered into, the board may certify vouchers for the payment to any such contractor out of funds belonging to this system of the amounts payable under such contracts.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

40 ILCS 5/15-196

    (40 ILCS 5/15-196) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-196)
    Sec. 15-196. General provisions and savings clause.
    The provisions of Article 1 and Article 23 of this Code apply to this Article as though such provisions were fully set forth in this Article as a part thereof.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

40 ILCS 5/15-197

    (40 ILCS 5/15-197) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 15-197)
    Sec. 15-197. Savings Clause. The repeal or amendment of any Section or provision of this Article by this amendatory Act of 1984 shall not affect or impair any pension, benefits, rights or credits accrued or in effect prior thereto.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/15-198

    (40 ILCS 5/15-198)
    Sec. 15-198. Application and expiration of new benefit increases.
    (a) As used in this Section, "new benefit increase" means an increase in the amount of any benefit provided under this Article, or an expansion of the conditions of eligibility for any benefit under this Article, that results from an amendment to this Code that takes effect after June 1, 2005 (the effective date of Public Act 94-4). "New benefit increase", however, does not include any benefit increase resulting from the changes made to Article 1 or this Article by Public Act 100-23, Public Act 100-587, Public Act 100-769, Public Act 101-10, Public Act 101-610, Public Act 102-16, Public Act 103-80, or Public Act 103-548.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or any subsequent amendment to this Code, every new benefit increase is subject to this Section and shall be deemed to be granted only in conformance with and contingent upon compliance with the provisions of this Section.
    (c) The Public Act enacting a new benefit increase must identify and provide for payment to the System of additional funding at least sufficient to fund the resulting annual increase in cost to the System as it accrues.
    Every new benefit increase is contingent upon the General Assembly providing the additional funding required under this subsection. The Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability shall analyze whether adequate additional funding has been provided for the new benefit increase and shall report its analysis to the Public Pension Division of the Department of Insurance. A new benefit increase created by a Public Act that does not include the additional funding required under this subsection is null and void. If the Public Pension Division determines that the additional funding provided for a new benefit increase under this subsection is or has become inadequate, it may so certify to the Governor and the State Comptroller and, in the absence of corrective action by the General Assembly, the new benefit increase shall expire at the end of the fiscal year in which the certification is made.
    (d) Every new benefit increase shall expire 5 years after its effective date or on such earlier date as may be specified in the language enacting the new benefit increase or provided under subsection (c). This does not prevent the General Assembly from extending or re-creating a new benefit increase by law.
    (e) Except as otherwise provided in the language creating the new benefit increase, a new benefit increase that expires under this Section continues to apply to persons who applied and qualified for the affected benefit while the new benefit increase was in effect and to the affected beneficiaries and alternate payees of such persons, but does not apply to any other person, including, without limitation, a person who continues in service after the expiration date and did not apply and qualify for the affected benefit while the new benefit increase was in effect.
(Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21; 103-80, eff. 6-9-23; 103-548, eff. 8-11-23; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)

40 ILCS 5/15-200

    (40 ILCS 5/15-200)
    Sec. 15-200. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 98-599, eff. 6-1-14. Repealed by P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17.)

40 ILCS 5/15-201

    (40 ILCS 5/15-201)
    Sec. 15-201. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 98-599, eff. 6-1-14. Repealed by P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17.)

40 ILCS 5/15-202

    (40 ILCS 5/15-202)
    Sec. 15-202. Optional deferred compensation plan.
    (a) As soon as practicable after August 10, 2018 (the effective date of Public Act 100-769), the System shall offer a deferred compensation plan that is eligible under Section 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to participating employees of the System employed by employers described in Section 15-106 of this Code that qualify as eligible employers under Section 457(e)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Such eligible employers shall adopt the plan with an effective date no later than September 1, 2021. Participating employees may voluntarily elect to make elective deferrals to the eligible deferred compensation plan. Eligible employers may make optional employer contributions to the plan on behalf of participating employees, which contributions may be maintained, increased, reduced, or eliminated at the discretion of the employer from plan year to plan year. The plan shall collect voluntary employee and optional employer contributions into an account for each participant and shall offer investment options to the participant. The plan under this Section shall be operated in full compliance with any applicable State and federal laws, and the System shall utilize generally accepted practices in creating and maintaining the plan for the best interest of the participants. In administering the deferred compensation plan, the System shall require that the deferred compensation plan recordkeeper agree that, in performing services with respect to the deferred compensation plan, the recordkeeper: (i) will not use information received as a result of providing services with respect to the deferred compensation plan or the participants in the deferred compensation plan to solicit the participants in the deferred compensation plan for the purpose of cross-selling nonplan products and services, unless in response to a request by a participant in the deferred compensation plan; and (ii) will not promote, recommend, endorse, or solicit participants in the deferred compensation plan to purchase any financial products or services outside of the deferred compensation plan, except that links to parts of the recordkeeper's website that are generally available to the public, are about commercial products, and may be encountered by a participant in the regular course of navigating the recordkeeper's website will not constitute a violation of this item (ii). The System may use funds from the employee and employer contributions to defray any and all costs of creating and maintaining the plan. The System shall produce an annual report on the participation in the plan and shall make the report public.
    (b) The System shall automatically enroll in the eligible deferred compensation plan any employee of an eligible employer who first becomes a participating employee of the System on or after July 1, 2023 under an eligible automatic contribution arrangement that is subject to Section 414(w) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the United States Department of Treasury regulations promulgated thereunder. An employee who is automatically enrolled under this subsection (b) shall have 3% of his or her compensation, as defined by the plan, for each pay period deferred on a pre-tax basis into his or her account, subject to any contribution limits applicable to the plan. The Board may increase the default percentage of compensation deferred under this subsection (b).
    An employee shall have 30 days from the date on which the System provides the notice required under Section 414(w) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to elect to not participate in the eligible deferred compensation plan or to elect to increase or reduce the initial amount of elective deferrals made to the plan. In the absence of such affirmative election, the employee shall be automatically enrolled in the plan on the first day of the calendar month, or as soon as administratively practicable thereafter, following the 30th day from the date on which the System provides the required notice. An employee who has been automatically enrolled in the plan under this subsection (b) may elect, within 90 days of enrollment, to withdraw from the plan and receive a refund of amounts deferred, adjusted by applicable earnings and fees. An employee making such an election shall forfeit all employer matching contributions, if any, made with respect to such refunded elective deferrals and such forfeited amounts shall be used to defray plan expenses. Any refunded elective deferrals shall be included in the employee's gross income for the taxable year in which the refund is issued.
    (c) The System may provide for one or more automatic contribution arrangements, which shall comply with all applicable Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations, in conjunction with or in lieu of the eligible automatic contribution arrangement under subsection (b), for participating employees of eligible employers whose annual earnings are limited by application of subsection (b) of Section 15-111 of this Code. The amount of elective deferrals made for the employee each pay period under an automatic contribution arrangement shall equal the default percentage specified by resolution of the Board multiplied by the employee's compensation as defined by the plan, subject to any contribution limits applicable to the plan, and shall be made on a pre-tax basis. An employee subject to this subsection (c) shall have 30 days from the date on which the System provides written notice to the employee to elect to not participate in the eligible deferred compensation plan or to elect to increase or reduce the amount of initial elective deferrals made to the plan. In the absence of such affirmative election, the employee shall be automatically enrolled in the plan beginning the first day of the calendar month, or as soon as administratively practicable thereafter, following the 30th day from the date on which the System provides the required notice.
    (d) The System may provide that the default percentage for any employee automatically enrolled in the eligible deferred compensation plan under subsection (b) or (c) be increased by a specified percentage each plan year after the plan year in which the employee is automatically enrolled in the plan. The amount of automatic annual increases in any plan year shall not exceed 1% of compensation as defined by the plan.
    (e) The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly are corrections of existing law and are intended to be retroactive to the effective date of Public Act 100-769, notwithstanding Section 1-103.1 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 102-540, eff. 8-20-21; 103-552, eff. 8-11-23.)

40 ILCS 5/Art. 16

    (40 ILCS 5/Art. 16 heading)

40 ILCS 5/16-101

    (40 ILCS 5/16-101) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-101)
    Sec. 16-101. Creation of system. Effective July 1, 1939, there is created the "Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois" for the purpose of providing retirement annuities and other benefits for teachers, annuitants and beneficiaries. All of its business shall be transacted, its funds invested, and its assets held in such name.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-102

    (40 ILCS 5/16-102) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-102)
    Sec. 16-102. Application of Article. This Article shall not apply to cities and school districts of more than 500,000 population as shown by the last preceding Federal census.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-103

    (40 ILCS 5/16-103) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-103)
    Sec. 16-103. Terms defined. The terms used in this Article shall have the meanings ascribed to them in Sections 16-104 through 16-122.1, except when the context otherwise requires.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-104

    (40 ILCS 5/16-104) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-104)
    Sec. 16-104. Retirement system or system.
    "Retirement system" or "system": The Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

40 ILCS 5/16-105

    (40 ILCS 5/16-105) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-105)
    Sec. 16-105. Board. "Board": The board of trustees of the retirement system created under this Article.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-106

    (40 ILCS 5/16-106) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-106)
    Sec. 16-106. Teacher. "Teacher": The following individuals, provided that, for employment prior to July 1, 1990, they are employed on a full-time basis, or if not full-time, on a permanent and continuous basis in a position in which services are expected to be rendered for at least one school term:
        (1) Any educational, administrative, professional or
other staff employed in the public common schools included within this system in a position requiring certification under the law governing the certification of teachers;
        (2) Any educational, administrative, professional or
other staff employed in any facility of the Department of Children and Family Services or the Department of Human Services, in a position requiring certification under the law governing the certification of teachers, and any person who (i) works in such a position for the Department of Corrections, (ii) was a member of this System on May 31, 1987, and (iii) did not elect to become a member of the State Employees' Retirement System pursuant to Section 14-108.2 of this Code; except that "teacher" does not include any person who (A) becomes a security employee of the Department of Human Services, as defined in Section 14-110, after June 28, 2001 (the effective date of Public Act 92-14), or (B) becomes a member of the State Employees' Retirement System pursuant to Section 14-108.2c of this Code;
        (3) Any regional superintendent of schools, assistant
regional superintendent of schools, State Superintendent of Education; any person employed by the State Board of Education as an executive; any executive of the boards engaged in the service of public common school education in school districts covered under this system of which the State Superintendent of Education is an ex-officio member;
        (4) Any employee of a school board association
operating in compliance with Article 23 of the School Code who is certificated under the law governing the certification of teachers, provided that he or she becomes such an employee before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly;
        (5) Any person employed by the retirement system who:
            (i) was an employee of and a participant in the
system on August 17, 2001 (the effective date of Public Act 92-416), or
            (ii) becomes an employee of the system on or
after August 17, 2001;
        (6) Any educational, administrative, professional or
other staff employed by and under the supervision and control of a regional superintendent of schools or the chief administrative officer of the education service centers established under Section 2-3.62 of the School Code and serving that portion of a Class II county outside a city of 500,000 or more inhabitants, provided such employment position requires the person to be certificated under the law governing the certification of teachers and is in an educational program serving 2 or more districts in accordance with a joint agreement authorized by the School Code or by federal legislation;
        (7) Any educational, administrative, professional or
other staff employed in an educational program serving 2 or more school districts in accordance with a joint agreement authorized by the School Code or by federal legislation and in a position requiring certification under the laws governing the certification of teachers;
        (8) Any officer or employee of a statewide teacher
organization or officer of a national teacher organization who is certified under the law governing certification of teachers, provided: (i) the individual had previously established creditable service under this Article, (ii) the individual files with the system an irrevocable election to become a member before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, (iii) the individual does not receive credit for such service under any other Article of this Code, and (iv) the individual first became an officer or employee of the teacher organization and becomes a member before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly;
        (9) Any educational, administrative, professional, or
other staff employed in a charter school operating in compliance with the Charter Schools Law who is certificated under the law governing the certification of teachers;
        (10) Any person employed, on the effective date of
this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly, by the Macon-Piatt Regional Office of Education in a birth-through-age-three pilot program receiving funds under Section 2-389 of the School Code who is required by the Macon-Piatt Regional Office of Education to hold a teaching certificate, provided that the Macon-Piatt Regional Office of Education makes an election, within 6 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly, to have the person participate in the system. Any service established prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly for service as an employee of the Macon-Piatt Regional Office of Education in a birth-through-age-three pilot program receiving funds under Section 2-389 of the School Code shall be considered service as a teacher if employee and employer contributions have been received by the system and the system has not refunded those contributions.
    An annuitant receiving a retirement annuity under this Article who is employed by a board of education or other employer as permitted under Section 16-118 or 16-150.1 is not a "teacher" for purposes of this Article. A person who has received a single-sum retirement benefit under Section 16-136.4 of this Article is not a "teacher" for purposes of this Article. For purposes of this Article, "teacher" does not include a person employed by an entity that provides substitute teaching services under Section 2-3.173 of the School Code and is not a school district.
(Source: P.A. 101-502, eff. 8-23-19; 102-210, eff. 1-1-22.)

40 ILCS 5/16-106.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-106.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-106.1)
    Sec. 16-106.1. Full-time teacher. "Full-time teacher": Any teacher employed 4 or more clock hours per day, 5 days per week.
(Source: P.A. 86-273.)

40 ILCS 5/16-106.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-106.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-106.2)
    Sec. 16-106.2. Part-time teacher. "Part-time teacher": Any teacher employed less than 4 clock hours per day or less than 5 days per week.
(Source: P.A. 86-273.)

40 ILCS 5/16-106.3

    (40 ILCS 5/16-106.3) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-106.3)
    Sec. 16-106.3. Substitute teacher. "Substitute teacher": Any teacher employed on a temporary basis to replace another teacher. "Substitute teacher" does not include an individual employed by an entity that provides substitute teaching services under Section 2-3.173 of the School Code and is not a school district.
(Source: P.A. 100-813, eff. 8-13-18.)

40 ILCS 5/16-106.4

    (40 ILCS 5/16-106.4)
    Sec. 16-106.4. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 98-599, eff. 6-1-14. Repealed by P.A. 100-587, eff. 6-4-18.)

40 ILCS 5/16-106.6

    (40 ILCS 5/16-106.6)
    Sec. 16-106.6. Teacher certification. For purposes of this Article, a teacher shall be deemed to be certificated if he or she is required to be licensed by the Illinois State Board of Education.
(Source: P.A. 98-92, eff. 7-16-13.)

40 ILCS 5/16-106.41

    (40 ILCS 5/16-106.41)
    Sec. 16-106.41. Tier 1 member. "Tier 1 member": A member under this Article who first became a member or participant before January 1, 2011 under any reciprocal retirement system or pension fund established under this Code other than a retirement system or pension fund established under Article 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 18 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-587, eff. 6-4-18.)

40 ILCS 5/16-107

    (40 ILCS 5/16-107) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-107)
    Sec. 16-107. Member.
    "Member": any teacher included in the membership of this system during such membership.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

40 ILCS 5/16-108

    (40 ILCS 5/16-108) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-108)
    Sec. 16-108. Prior service.
    "Prior service": Service rendered prior to July 1, 1939.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

40 ILCS 5/16-109

    (40 ILCS 5/16-109) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-109)
    Sec. 16-109. Membership service.
    "Membership service": Service rendered on and after July 1, 1939.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

40 ILCS 5/16-110

    (40 ILCS 5/16-110) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-110)
    Sec. 16-110. Creditable service.
    "Creditable service": The total of prior service and membership service for which credit is allowed under this Article.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)

40 ILCS 5/16-111

    (40 ILCS 5/16-111) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-111)
    Sec. 16-111. Beneficiary. "Beneficiary": Any person, organization or other entity designated in writing to receive or any person receiving a survivor benefit or reversionary annuity provided by this system or granted under any superseded retirement fund or system.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-111.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-111.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-111.1)
    Sec. 16-111.1. Annuitant. "Annuitant": Any person retired on a retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity under this system or any superseded retirement fund or system.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-112

    (40 ILCS 5/16-112) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-112)
    (Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-112. Regular interest. "Regular interest":
    (a) For computations based upon prior service credits, interest at the following rates compounded annually: For periods prior to July 1, 1947, 4% per year; for periods from July 1, 1947 through June 30, 1971, 3% per year; for periods from July 1, 1971 through June 30, 1977 at the rate of 4% per year; for periods from July 1, 1977 through June 30, 1981, 5% per year; for periods after June 30, 1981 through June 30, 2014, 6% per year.
    (b) For computations based upon membership service credits, interest at the following rates, compounded annually: For periods prior to July 1, 1971, 3% per year; for periods from July 1, 1971 through June 30, 1977, 4% per year; for periods from July 1, 1977 through June 30, 1981, 5% per year; for periods after June 30, 1981 through June 30, 2014, 6% per year.
    (c) For a fiscal year that begins on or after July 1, 2014, for all computations, the interest rate of 30-year United States Treasury bonds on July 1 of that given fiscal year, plus 75 basis points.
(Source: P.A. 98-599, eff. 6-1-14.)
    (Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-112. Regular interest. "Regular interest":
    (a) For computations based upon prior service credits, interest at the following rates compounded annually: For periods prior to July 1, 1947, 4% per year; for periods from July 1, 1947 through June 30, 1971, 3% per year; for periods from July 1, 1971 through June 30, 1977 at the rate of 4% per year; for periods from July 1, 1977 through June 30, 1981, 5% per year; for periods after June 30, 1981, 6% per year.
    (b) For computations based upon membership service credits, interest at the following rates, compounded annually: For periods prior to July 1, 1971, 3% per year; for periods from July 1, 1971 through June 30, 1977, 4% per year; for periods from July 1, 1977 through June 30, 1981, 5% per year; for periods after June 30, 1981, 6% per year.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-113

    (40 ILCS 5/16-113) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-113)
    Sec. 16-113. Accumulated contributions. "Accumulated contributions": The sum of all contributions to this System made by or on behalf of a member in respect to membership service and credited to his or her account in the Benefit Trust Reserve, together with regular interest thereon.
(Source: P.A. 93-469, eff. 8-8-03.)

40 ILCS 5/16-114

    (40 ILCS 5/16-114) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-114)
    Sec. 16-114. Annuity. "Annuity": A series of monthly payments.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-118

    (40 ILCS 5/16-118) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-118)
    Sec. 16-118. Retirement. "Retirement": Entry upon a retirement annuity or receipt of a single-sum retirement benefit granted under this Article after termination of active service as a teacher.
    (a) An annuitant receiving a retirement annuity other than a disability retirement annuity may accept employment as a teacher from a school board or other employer specified in Section 16-106 without impairing retirement status, if that employment:
        (1) is not within the school year during which
service was terminated; and
        (2) does not exceed the following:
            (i) before July 1, 2001, 100 paid days or 500
paid hours in any school year;
            (ii) during the period beginning July 1, 2001
through June 30, 2011, 120 paid days or 600 paid hours in each school year;
            (iii) during the period beginning July 1, 2011
through June 30, 2018, 100 paid days or 500 paid hours in each school year;
            (iv) beginning July 1, 2018 through June 30,
2026, 120 paid days or 600 paid hours in each school year, but not more than 100 paid days in the same classroom;
            (v) (blank); and
            (vi) beginning July 1, 2026, 100 paid days or 500
paid hours in each school year.
    Where such permitted employment is partly on a daily and partly on an hourly basis, a day shall be considered as 5 hours.
    (b) Subsection (a) does not apply to an annuitant who returns to teaching under the program established in Section 16-150.1, for the duration of his or her participation in that program.
(Source: P.A. 102-537, eff. 8-20-21; 102-709, eff. 4-22-22; 103-88, eff. 6-9-23; 103-525, eff. 8-11-23.)

40 ILCS 5/16-121

    (40 ILCS 5/16-121) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-121)
    (Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-121. Salary. "Salary": The actual compensation received by a teacher during any school year and recognized by the system in accordance with rules of the board. For purposes of this Section, "school year" includes the regular school term plus any additional period for which a teacher is compensated and such compensation is recognized by the rules of the board.
    In the case of a person who first becomes a member on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, "salary" shall not include any payment for unused sick or vacation time.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the annual salary of a Tier 1 member for the purposes of this Code shall not exceed, for periods of service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, the greater of (i) the annual limitation determined from time to time under subsection (b-5) of Section 1-160 of this Code, (ii) the annualized salary of the Tier 1 member on that effective date, or (iii) the annualized salary of the Tier 1 member immediately preceding the expiration, renewal, or amendment of an employment contract or collective bargaining agreement in effect on that effective date.
(Source: P.A. 98-599, eff. 6-1-14.)
    (Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-121. Salary. "Salary": The actual compensation received by a teacher during any school year and recognized by the system in accordance with rules of the board. For purposes of this Section, "school year" includes the regular school term plus any additional period for which a teacher is compensated and such compensation is recognized by the rules of the board.
(Source: P.A. 84-1028.)

40 ILCS 5/16-122

    (40 ILCS 5/16-122) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-122)
    Sec. 16-122. Actuarial equivalent. "Actuarial equivalent": A benefit or sum of equal value to another benefit or sum when computed on the basis of mortality tables and interest rates adopted by the board.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-122.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-122.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-122.1)
    Sec. 16-122.1. School term. "School term": The period specified under Section 24-1 of the School Code.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-123

    (40 ILCS 5/16-123) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-123)
    Sec. 16-123. Membership of System.
    (a) The membership of this System shall be composed of all teachers employed after June 30, 1939 who become members as a condition of employment on the date they become teachers. Membership shall continue until the date a member becomes an annuitant, dies, accepts a single-sum retirement benefit, accepts a refund, or forfeits the rights to a refund.
    (b) This Article does not apply to any person first employed after June 30, 1979 as a public service employment program participant under the Federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act and whose wages or fringe benefits are paid in whole or in part by funds provided under such Act.
(Source: P.A. 87-11.)

40 ILCS 5/16-125

    (40 ILCS 5/16-125) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-125)
    Sec. 16-125. Creditable service - statement of services. A member claiming service credit shall file a detailed statement covering the period for which credit is claimed. As soon as practicable after the filing of a statement of service credits, the system shall investigate the validity of the claims for service specified therein. Under rules of the board, and on the basis of verified service, the board shall furnish the member a statement of the accumulated service arising therefrom, the required payment to be made and other conditions to be fulfilled by the member in order to receive the creditable service. The member may, within one year from the date of issuance of such statement, request the board to modify or correct the statement.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-127

    (40 ILCS 5/16-127) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-127)
    Sec. 16-127. Computation of creditable service.
    (a) Each member shall receive regular credit for all service as a teacher from the date membership begins, for which satisfactory evidence is supplied and all contributions have been paid.
    (b) The following periods of service shall earn optional credit and each member shall receive credit for all such service for which satisfactory evidence is supplied and all contributions have been paid as of the date specified:
        (1) Prior service as a teacher.
        (2) Service in a capacity essentially similar or
equivalent to that of a teacher, in the public common schools in school districts in this State not included within the provisions of this System, or of any other State, territory, dependency or possession of the United States, or in schools operated by or under the auspices of the United States, or under the auspices of any agency or department of any other State, and service during any period of professional speech correction or special education experience for a public agency within this State or any other State, territory, dependency or possession of the United States, and service prior to February 1, 1951 as a recreation worker for the Illinois Department of Public Safety, for a period not exceeding the lesser of 2/5 of the total creditable service of the member or 10 years. The maximum service of 10 years which is allowable under this paragraph shall be reduced by the service credit which is validated by other retirement systems under paragraph (i) of Section 15-113 and paragraph 1 of Section 17-133. Credit granted under this paragraph may not be used in determination of a retirement annuity or disability benefits unless the member has at least 5 years of creditable service earned subsequent to this employment with one or more of the following systems: Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois, State Universities Retirement System, and the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago. Whenever such service credit exceeds the maximum allowed for all purposes of this Article, the first service rendered in point of time shall be considered. The changes to this paragraph(2) made by Public Act 86-272 shall apply not only to persons who on or after its effective date (August 23, 1989) are in service as a teacher under the System, but also to persons whose status as such a teacher terminated prior to such effective date, whether or not such person is an annuitant on that date.
        (3) Any periods immediately following teaching
service, under this System or under Article 17, (or immediately following service prior to February 1, 1951 as a recreation worker for the Illinois Department of Public Safety) spent in active service with the military forces of the United States; periods spent in educational programs that prepare for return to teaching sponsored by the federal government following such active military service; if a teacher returns to teaching service within one calendar year after discharge or after the completion of the educational program, a further period, not exceeding one calendar year, between time spent in military service or in such educational programs and the return to employment as a teacher under this System; and a period of up to 2 years of active military service not immediately following employment as a teacher.
        The changes to this Section and Section 16-128
relating to military service made by Public Act 87-794 shall apply not only to persons who on or after its effective date are in service as a teacher under the System, but also to persons whose status as a teacher terminated prior to that date, whether or not the person is an annuitant on that date. In the case of an annuitant who applies for credit allowable under this Section for a period of military service that did not immediately follow employment, and who has made the required contributions for such credit, the annuity shall be recalculated to include the additional service credit, with the increase taking effect on the date the System received written notification of the annuitant's intent to purchase the credit, if payment of all the required contributions is made within 60 days of such notice, or else on the first annuity payment date following the date of payment of the required contributions. In calculating the automatic annual increase for an annuity that has been recalculated under this Section, the increase attributable to the additional service allowable under Public Act 87-794 shall be included in the calculation of automatic annual increases accruing after the effective date of the recalculation.
        Credit for military service shall be determined as
follows: if entry occurs during the months of July, August, or September and the member was a teacher at the end of the immediately preceding school term, credit shall be granted from July 1 of the year in which he or she entered service; if entry occurs during the school term and the teacher was in teaching service at the beginning of the school term, credit shall be granted from July 1 of such year. In all other cases where credit for military service is allowed, credit shall be granted from the date of entry into the service.
        The total period of military service for which credit
is granted shall not exceed 5 years for any member unless the service: (A) is validated before July 1, 1964, and (B) does not extend beyond July 1, 1963. Credit for military service shall be granted under this Section only if not more than 5 years of the military service for which credit is granted under this Section is used by the member to qualify for a military retirement allotment from any branch of the armed forces of the United States. The changes to this paragraph(3) made by Public Act 86-272 shall apply not only to persons who on or after its effective date (August 23, 1989) are in service as a teacher under the System, but also to persons whose status as such a teacher terminated prior to such effective date, whether or not such person is an annuitant on that date.
        (4) Any periods served as a member of the General
        (5)(i) Any periods for which a teacher, as defined in
Section 16-106, is granted a leave of absence, provided he or she returns to teaching service creditable under this System or the State Universities Retirement System following the leave; (ii) periods during which a teacher is involuntarily laid off from teaching, provided he or she returns to teaching following the lay-off; (iii) periods prior to July 1, 1983 during which a teacher ceased covered employment due to pregnancy, provided that the teacher returned to teaching service creditable under this System or the State Universities Retirement System following the pregnancy and submits evidence satisfactory to the Board documenting that the employment ceased due to pregnancy; and (iv) periods prior to July 1, 1983 during which a teacher ceased covered employment for the purpose of adopting an infant under 3 years of age or caring for a newly adopted infant under 3 years of age, provided that the teacher returned to teaching service creditable under this System or the State Universities Retirement System following the adoption and submits evidence satisfactory to the Board documenting that the employment ceased for the purpose of adopting an infant under 3 years of age or caring for a newly adopted infant under 3 years of age. However, total credit under this paragraph (5) may not exceed 3 years.
        Any qualified member or annuitant may apply for
credit under item (iii) or (iv) of this paragraph (5) without regard to whether service was terminated before June 27, 1997 (the effective date of Public Act 90-32). In the case of an annuitant who establishes credit under item (iii) or (iv), the annuity shall be recalculated to include the additional service credit. The increase in annuity shall take effect on the date the System receives written notification of the annuitant's intent to purchase the credit, if the required evidence is submitted and the required contribution paid within 60 days of that notification, otherwise on the first annuity payment date following the System's receipt of the required evidence and contribution. The increase in an annuity recalculated under this provision shall be included in the calculation of automatic annual increases in the annuity accruing after the effective date of the recalculation.
        Optional credit may be purchased under this
paragraph(5) for periods during which a teacher has been granted a leave of absence pursuant to Section 24-13 of the School Code. A teacher whose service under this Article terminated prior to the effective date of Public Act 86-1488 shall be eligible to purchase such optional credit. If a teacher who purchases this optional credit is already receiving a retirement annuity under this Article, the annuity shall be recalculated as if the annuitant had applied for the leave of absence credit at the time of retirement. The difference between the entitled annuity and the actual annuity shall be credited to the purchase of the optional credit. The remainder of the purchase cost of the optional credit shall be paid on or before April 1, 1992.
        The change in this paragraph made by Public Act
86-273 shall be applicable to teachers who retire after June 1, 1989, as well as to teachers who are in service on that date.
        (6) Any days of unused and uncompensated accumulated
sick leave earned by a teacher. The service credit granted under this paragraph shall be the ratio of the number of unused and uncompensated accumulated sick leave days to 170 days, subject to a maximum of 2 years of service credit. Prior to the member's retirement, each former employer shall certify to the System the number of unused and uncompensated accumulated sick leave days credited to the member at the time of termination of service. The period of unused sick leave shall not be considered in determining the effective date of retirement. A member is not required to make contributions in order to obtain service credit for unused sick leave.
        Credit for sick leave shall, at retirement, be
granted by the System for any retiring regional or assistant regional superintendent of schools at the rate of 6 days per year of creditable service or portion thereof established while serving as such superintendent or assistant superintendent.
        (7) Periods prior to February 1, 1987 served as an
employee of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy for which credit has not been terminated under Section 15-113.9 of this Code.
        (8) Service as a substitute teacher for work
performed prior to July 1, 1990.
        (9) Service as a part-time teacher for work performed
prior to July 1, 1990.
        (10) Up to 2 years of employment with Southern
Illinois University - Carbondale from September 1, 1959 to August 31, 1961, or with Governors State University from September 1, 1972 to August 31, 1974, for which the teacher has no credit under Article 15. To receive credit under this item (10), a teacher must apply in writing to the Board and pay the required contributions before May 1, 1993 and have at least 12 years of service credit under this Article.
        (11) Periods of service as a student teacher as
described in Section 24-8.5 of the School Code for which the student teacher received a salary.
    (b-1) A member may establish optional credit for up to 2 years of service as a teacher or administrator employed by a private school recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education, provided that the teacher (i) was certified under the law governing the certification of teachers at the time the service was rendered, (ii) applies in writing on or before June 30, 2028, (iii) supplies satisfactory evidence of the employment, (iv) completes at least 10 years of contributing service as a teacher as defined in Section 16-106, and (v) pays the contribution required in subsection (d-5) of Section 16-128. The member may apply for credit under this subsection and pay the required contribution before completing the 10 years of contributing service required under item (iv), but the credit may not be used until the item (iv) contributing service requirement has been met.
    (c) The service credits specified in this Section shall be granted only if: (1) such service credits are not used for credit in any other statutory tax-supported public employee retirement system other than the federal Social Security program; and (2) the member makes the required contributions as specified in Section 16-128. Except as provided in subsection (b-1) of this Section, the service credit shall be effective as of the date the required contributions are completed.
    Any service credits granted under this Section shall terminate upon cessation of membership for any cause.
    Credit may not be granted under this Section covering any period for which an age retirement or disability retirement allowance has been paid.
    Credit may not be granted under this Section for service as an employee of an entity that provides substitute teaching services under Section 2-3.173 of the School Code and is not a school district.
(Source: P.A. 102-525, eff. 8-20-21; 103-17, eff. 6-9-23; 103-525, eff. 8-11-23; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)

40 ILCS 5/16-128

    (40 ILCS 5/16-128) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-128)
    Sec. 16-128. Creditable service - required contributions.
    (a) In order to receive the creditable service specified under subsection (b) of Section 16-127, a member is required to make the following contributions: (i) an amount equal to the contributions which would have been required had such service been rendered as a member under this System; (ii) for military service not immediately following employment and for service established under subdivision (b)(10) of Section 16-127, an amount determined by the Board to be equal to the employer's normal cost of the benefits accrued for such service; and (iii) interest from the date the contributions would have been due (or, in the case of a person establishing credit for military service under subdivision (b)(3) of Section 16-127, the date of first membership in the System, if that date is later) to the date of payment, at the following rate of interest, compounded annually: for periods prior to July 1, 1965, regular interest; from July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1977, 4% per year; on and after July 1, 1977, regular interest.
    (b) In order to receive creditable service under paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of Section 16-127 for those who were not members on June 30, 1963, the minimum required contribution shall be $420 per year of service together with interest at 4% per year compounded annually from July 1, preceding the date of membership until June 30, 1977 and at regular interest compounded annually thereafter to the date of payment.
    (c) In determining the contribution required in order to receive creditable service under paragraph (3) of subsection (b) of Section 16-127, the salary rate for the remainder of the school term in which a member enters military service shall be assumed to be equal to the member's salary rate at the time of entering military service. However, for military service not immediately following employment, the salary rate on the last date as a participating teacher prior to such military service, or on the first date as a participating teacher after such military service, whichever is greater, shall be assumed to be equal to the member's salary rate at the time of entering military service. For each school term thereafter, the member's salary rate shall be assumed to be 5% higher than the salary rate in the previous school term.
    (d) In determining the contribution required in order to receive creditable service under paragraph (5) of subsection (b) of Section 16-127, a member's salary rate during the period for which credit is being established shall be assumed to be equal to the member's last salary rate immediately preceding that period.
    (d-5) For each year of service credit to be established under subsection (b-1) of Section 16-127, a member is required to contribute to the System (i) the employee and employer contribution that would have been required had such service been rendered as a member based on the annual salary rate during the first year of full-time employment as a teacher under this Article following the private or parochial school service, plus (ii) interest thereon at the actuarially assumed rate from the date of first full-time employment as a teacher under this Article following the private or parochial school service to the date of payment, compounded annually, at a rate determined by the Board.
    (d-10) For service credit established under paragraph (6) of subsection (b) of Section 16-127 for days granted by an employer in excess of the member's normal annual sick leave allotment, the employer is required to pay the normal cost of benefits based upon such service credit. This subsection (d-10) does not apply to sick leave granted to teachers under contracts or collective bargaining agreements entered into, amended, or renewed before June 1, 2005 (the effective date of Public Act 94-4). The employer contributions required under this subsection (d-10) shall be paid in the form of a lump sum within 30 days after receipt of the bill after the teacher begins receiving benefits under this Article.
    (e) Except for contributions under subsection (d-10), the contributions required under this Section may be made from the date the statement for such creditable service is issued until retirement date. All such required contributions must be made before any retirement annuity is granted.
(Source: P.A. 96-546, eff. 8-17-09.)

40 ILCS 5/16-129.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-129.1)
    Sec. 16-129.1. Optional increase in retirement annuity.
    (a) A member of the System may qualify for the augmented rate under subdivision (a)(B)(1) of Section 16-133 for all years of creditable service earned before July 1, 1998 by making the optional contribution specified in subsection (b). A member may not elect to qualify for the augmented rate for only a portion of his or her creditable service earned before July 1, 1998.
    (b) The contribution shall be an amount equal to 1.0% of the member's highest salary rate in the 4 consecutive school years immediately prior to but not including the school year in which the application occurs, multiplied by the number of years of creditable service earned by the member before July 1, 1998 or 20, whichever is less. This contribution shall be reduced by 1.0% of that salary rate for every 3 full years of creditable service earned by the member after June 30, 1998. The contribution shall be further reduced at the rate of 25% of the contribution (as reduced for service after June 30, 1998) for each year of the member's total creditable service in excess of 34 years. The contribution shall not in any event exceed 20% of that salary rate.
    The member shall pay to the System the amount of the contribution as calculated at the time of application under this Section. The amount of the contribution determined under this subsection shall be recalculated at the time of retirement, and if the System determines that the amount paid by the member exceeds the recalculated amount, the System shall refund the difference to the member with regular interest from the date of payment to the date of refund.
    The contribution required by this subsection shall be paid in one of the following ways or in a combination of the following ways that does not extend over more than 5 years:
        (i) in a lump sum on or before the date of retirement;
        (ii) in substantially equal installments over a
period of time not to exceed 5 years, as a deduction from salary in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 16-154;
        (iii) in substantially equal monthly installments
over a 24-month period, by reducing the annuitant's monthly benefit over a 24-month period by the amount of the otherwise applicable contribution. For federal and Illinois tax purposes, the monthly amount by which the annuitant's benefit is reduced shall not be treated as a contribution by the annuitant, but rather as a reduction of the annuitant's monthly benefit.
    (c) If the member fails to make the full contribution under this Section in a timely fashion, the payments made under this Section shall be refunded to the member, without interest. If the member dies before making the full contribution, the payments made under this Section, together with regular interest thereon, shall be refunded to the member's designated beneficiary for benefits under Section 16-138.
    (d) For purposes of this Section and subdivision (a)(B)(1) of Section 16-133, optional creditable service established by a member shall be deemed to have been earned at the time of the employment or other qualifying event upon which the service is based, rather than at the time the credit was established in this System.
    (e) The contributions required under this Section are the responsibility of the teacher and not the teacher's employer. However, an employer of teachers may, after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1998, specifically agree, through collective bargaining or otherwise, to make the contributions required by this Section on behalf of those teachers.
    (f) A person who, on or after July 1, 1998 and before June 4, 1999, began receiving a retirement annuity calculated at the augmented rate may apply in writing to have the annuity recalculated to reflect the changes to this Section and Section 16-133 that were enacted in Public Act 91-17. The amount of any resulting decrease in the optional contribution shall be refunded to the annuitant, without interest. Any resulting increase in retirement annuity shall take effect on the next annuity payment date following the date of application under this subsection.
(Source: P.A. 92-416, eff. 8-17-01; 93-469, eff. 8-8-03.)

40 ILCS 5/16-130

    (40 ILCS 5/16-130) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-130)
    Sec. 16-130. Creditable service - whole or portion of year.
    (a) Except as provided in paragraph (6) of subsection (b) of Section 16-127, only one year of service is creditable for all service in any one school year.
    (b) For employment prior to July 1, 1990, service rendered for the regular legal school term, if creditable hereunder, is equivalent to one year of service, and time less than a legal school term shall be counted as a portion of a year in the ratio that the number of days paid bears to the number of days required at the time to constitute a legal school term; however, service of 170 or more days in any school year after June 30, 1959 shall constitute a year of service.
    (c) Creditable service for periods of employment after June 30, 1990 shall be calculated as follows:
    For full-time, part-time, and substitute teachers, creditable service in any school year shall be that fraction of a year equal to the ratio of days paid in the legal school term, or the employment agreement if longer, to 170 days.
    (d) Creditable service for optional service verified after July 1, 1990 for periods of employment prior to July 1, 1990 shall be calculated as follows:
    For full-time, part-time, and substitute teachers, creditable service in any school year shall be that fraction of a year that is equal to the ratio of days paid in the legal school term, or employment agreement if longer, to either the number of days required at the time of service to constitute a legal school term or the number of days in the employment agreement, whichever is greater. However, service of 170 or more days in any school year after June 30, 1959 shall constitute a year of service.
(Source: P.A. 86-273; 86-1028; 86-1488.)

40 ILCS 5/16-130.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-130.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-130.1)
    Sec. 16-130.1. Any active member of the Judges Retirement System may apply for transfer of his credits and creditable service accumulated under this System to the Judges Retirement System. Such creditable service shall be transferred forthwith. Payment by this System to the Judges Retirement System shall be made at the same time and shall consist of:
    (1) the amounts accumulated to the credit of the applicant, including interest, on the books of the System on the date of transfer; and
    (2) employer contributions in an amount equal to the amount of member contributions as determined under item (1).
    Participation in this System as to any credits transferred under this Section shall terminate on the date of transfer.
(Source: P.A. 85-1008.)

40 ILCS 5/16-131.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-131.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-131.1)
    Sec. 16-131.1. Transfer of creditable service to the General Assembly Retirement System.
    (a) An active member of the General Assembly Retirement System, and until May 1, 1993, any person having service credit therein, may apply to transfer all or any part of his or her creditable service accumulated under this system to the General Assembly Retirement System. The specified creditable service shall be transferred upon application. Payment by this system to the General Assembly Retirement System shall be made at the same time and shall consist of:
        (1) the amounts credited to the member through member
contributions for the service to be transferred, including interest if applicable, as of the date of transfer, but excluding any additional or optional contributions, which shall be refunded to the member; and
        (2) employer contributions equal in amount to the
accumulated member contributions as determined in subparagraph (1).
    Participation in this system with respect to the transferred credits shall terminate on the date of transfer.
    (b) An active member of the General Assembly who has creditable service under the system may establish additional creditable service for periods during which he or she was an elected official and could have elected to participate but did not so elect. Creditable service may be established by payment to the system of an amount equal to the contributions that would have been made if the person had elected to participate, plus interest at the rate specified under subsection (a) of Section 16-128 to the date of payment.
    (c) An active member of the General Assembly, and until May 1, 1993, any person having service credit in the General Assembly Retirement System, may reinstate creditable service terminated upon receipt of a refund, by payment to the system of the amount of the refund together with interest thereon at the rate specified under subsection (a) of Section 16-128 to the date of payment.
(Source: P.A. 87-1265.)

40 ILCS 5/16-131.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-131.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-131.2)
    Sec. 16-131.2. Validation of service credits. An active member of the General Assembly having no creditable service in the system, may establish creditable service for periods during which he or she was in an elective office and could have elected to participate in the system but did not so elect. Creditable service may be established by payment to the system of an amount equal to the contributions that would have been made if the person had elected to participate plus interest at the rate specified under subsection (a) of Section 16-128 to the date of payment, together with an equal amount as the applicable employer contributions, but the total period of such creditable service that may be validated shall not exceed 8 years.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-131.3

    (40 ILCS 5/16-131.3) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-131.3)
    Sec. 16-131.3. Transfer of creditable service to Article 8, 9 or 13 fund.
    (a) Any city officer as defined in Section 8-243.2 of this Code, any county officer elected by vote of the people who is a participant in the pension fund established under Article 9 of this Code, and any elected sanitary district commissioner who is a participant in a pension fund established under Article 13 of this Code, may apply for transfer of his or her contributions and creditable service accumulated under this System to such Article 8, 9 or 13 fund. Such creditable service shall be transferred forthwith. Payment by this System to the Article 8, 9 or 13 fund shall be made at the same time and shall consist of:
        (1) the amounts credited to the member through member
contributions, including interest if applicable, as of the date of transfer, but excluding any additional or optional contributions, which shall be refunded to the member; and
        (2) employer contributions equal in amount to the
accumulated member contributions as determined in item (1) above.
    Participation in this system shall terminate on the date of transfer.
    (b) Any such elected city officer, county officer or sanitary district commissioner who has creditable service under the System may establish additional creditable service for periods during which he or she could have elected to participate but did not so elect. Creditable service may be established by payment to the System of an amount equal to the contributions that would have been made if the person had elected to participate, plus interest at the rate specified under subsection (a) of Section 16-128 to the date of payment.
    (c) Any such elected city officer, county officer or sanitary district commissioner may reinstate creditable service terminated upon receipt of a refund, by payment to the System of the amount of the refund, together with interest at the rate specified under subsection (a) of Section 16-128 to the date of payment.
(Source: P.A. 85-964; 86-1488.)

40 ILCS 5/16-131.4

    (40 ILCS 5/16-131.4) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-131.4)
    Sec. 16-131.4. (a) Until July 1, 1989, any county sheriff who is a participant in the pension fund established under Article 7 of this Act may apply for transfer of up to 102 months of his or her contributions and creditable service accumulated under this System to such Article 7 fund. Such creditable service shall be transferred forthwith. Payment by this System to the Article 7 fund shall be made at the same time and shall consist of:
    (1) the amounts credited to the member through member contributions for such service, including interest if applicable, as of the date of transfer, but excluding any additional or optional contributions, which shall be refunded to the member; and
    (2) employer contributions equal in amount to the accumulated member contributions as determined in item (1) above.
    Participation in this System as to any credits transferred under this Section shall terminate on the date of transfer.
    (b) Any such county sheriff may reinstate creditable service terminated upon receipt of a refund, by payment to the System, prior to July 1, 1989, of the amount of the refund, together with interest at the rate specified under subsection (a) of Section 16-128 to the date of payment. This is not a limitation on the repayment provisions of Article 20.
(Source: P.A. 85-941.)

40 ILCS 5/16-131.5

    (40 ILCS 5/16-131.5) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-131.5)
    Sec. 16-131.5. (a) Persons otherwise required or eligible to participate in this System who elect to continue participation in the General Assembly System under Section 2-117.1 may not participate in this System for the duration of such continued participation under Section 2-117.1.
    (b) Upon terminating such continued participation, a person may transfer credits and creditable service accumulated under Section 2-117.1 to this System, upon payment to this System of the amount by which (1) the employer and employee contributions that would have been required if he had participated in this System during the period for which credit under Section 2-117.1 is being transferred, plus interest thereon from the date of such participation to the date of payment, exceeds (2) the amounts actually transferred under that Section to this System.
(Source: P.A. 86-272.)

40 ILCS 5/16-131.6

    (40 ILCS 5/16-131.6) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-131.6)
    Sec. 16-131.6. Transfer to Article 14.
    (a) Any active member of the State Employees' Retirement System of Illinois may apply for transfer to that System of credits and creditable service accumulated under this System for service as a teacher employed by the Department of Corrections. Such creditable service shall be transferred forthwith. Payment by this System to the State Employees' Retirement System shall be made at the same time and shall consist of:
        (1) the amounts accumulated to the credit of the
applicant for such service, including interest, on the books of this System on the date of transfer; and
        (2) employer contributions in an amount equal to the
amount of member contributions as determined under item (1).
Participation in this System as to any credits transferred under this subsection shall terminate on the date of transfer.
    (b) Any active member of the State Employees' Retirement System of Illinois may apply for transfer to that System of credits and creditable service accumulated under this System for service as a security employee of the Department of Human Services as defined (at the time of application) in Section 14-110. That creditable service shall be transferred forthwith. Payment by this System to the State Employees' Retirement System shall be made at the same time and shall consist of:
        (1) the amounts accumulated to the credit of the
applicant for that service, including interest, on the books of this System on the date of transfer, but excluding any contribution paid by the member under Section 16-129.1 to upgrade that credit to the augmented rate, which shall be refunded to the member; and
        (2) employer contributions in an amount equal to the
amount of member contributions as determined under item (1).
Participation in this System as to any credits transferred under this subsection shall terminate on the date of transfer.
(Source: P.A. 92-14, eff. 6-28-01.)

40 ILCS 5/16-132

    (40 ILCS 5/16-132) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-132)
    (Text of Section from P.A. 103-8)
    Sec. 16-132. Retirement annuity eligibility. A member who has at least 20 years of creditable service is entitled to a retirement annuity upon or after attainment of age 55. A member who has at least 10 but less than 20 years of creditable service is entitled to a retirement annuity upon or after attainment of age 60. A member who has at least 5 but less than 10 years of creditable service is entitled to a retirement annuity upon or after attainment of age 62. A member who (i) has earned during the period immediately preceding the last day of service at least one year of contributing creditable service as an employee of a department as defined in Section 14-103.04, (ii) has earned at least 5 years of contributing creditable service as an employee of a department as defined in Section 14-103.04, and (iii) retires on or after January 1, 2001 is entitled to a retirement annuity upon or after attainment of an age which, when added to the number of years of his or her total creditable service, equals at least 85. Portions of years shall be counted as decimal equivalents.
    A member who is eligible to receive a retirement annuity of at least 74.6% of final average salary and will attain age 55 on or before December 31 during the year which commences on July 1 shall be deemed to attain age 55 on the preceding June 1.
    A member meeting the above eligibility conditions is entitled to a retirement annuity upon written application to the board setting forth the date the member wishes the retirement annuity to commence. However, the effective date of the retirement annuity shall be no earlier than the day following the last day of creditable service, regardless of the date of official termination of employment; however, upon written application within 6 months after the effective date of the changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly by a member or annuitant, the creditable service and earnings received in the last fiscal year of employment may be disregarded when determining the retirement effective date and the retirement benefit as long as such employment is for (1) less than 10 days in length; (2) less than $2,500 in creditable earnings; and (3) the last fiscal year of employment includes only a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2016 and ending before June 30, 2023. The retirement effective date may not, as a result of the application of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly, be earlier than July 1, 2016.
    To be eligible for a retirement annuity, a member shall not be employed as a teacher in the schools included under this System or under Article 17, except (i) as provided in Section 16-118 or 16-150.1, (ii) if the member is disabled (in which event, eligibility for salary must cease), or (iii) if the System is required by federal law to commence payment due to the member's age; the changes to this sentence made by this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly apply without regard to whether the member terminated employment before or after its effective date.
(Source: P.A. 102-871, eff. 5-13-22; 103-8, eff. 6-7-23.)
    (Text of Section from P.A. 103-525)
    Sec. 16-132. Retirement annuity eligibility. A member who has at least 20 years of creditable service is entitled to a retirement annuity upon or after attainment of age 55. A member who has at least 10 but less than 20 years of creditable service is entitled to a retirement annuity upon or after attainment of age 60. A member who has at least 5 but less than 10 years of creditable service is entitled to a retirement annuity upon or after attainment of age 62. A member who (i) has earned during the period immediately preceding the last day of service at least one year of contributing creditable service as an employee of a department as defined in Section 14-103.04, (ii) has earned at least 5 years of contributing creditable service as an employee of a department as defined in Section 14-103.04, and (iii) retires on or after January 1, 2001 is entitled to a retirement annuity upon or after attainment of an age which, when added to the number of years of his or her total creditable service, equals at least 85. Portions of years shall be counted as decimal equivalents.
    A member who is eligible to receive a retirement annuity of at least 74.6% of final average salary and will attain age 55 on or before December 31 during the year which commences on July 1 shall be deemed to attain age 55 on the preceding June 1.
    A member meeting the above eligibility conditions is entitled to a retirement annuity upon written application to the board setting forth the date the member wishes the retirement annuity to commence. However, the effective date of the retirement annuity shall be no earlier than the day following the last day of creditable service, regardless of the date of official termination of employment; however, upon written application within 6 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly by a member or annuitant, the creditable service and earnings received in the last fiscal year of employment may be disregarded when determining the retirement effective date and the retirement benefit as long as such employment is for (1) less than 10 days in length; (2) less than $2,500 in creditable earnings; and (3) the last fiscal year of employment includes only a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2016 and ending before June 30, 2023. The retirement effective date may not, as a result of the application of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly, be earlier than July 1, 2016.
    To be eligible for a retirement annuity, a member shall not be employed as a teacher in the schools included under this System or under Article 17, except (i) as provided in Section 16-118 or 16-150.1, (ii) if the member is disabled (in which event, eligibility for salary must cease), or (iii) if the System is required by federal law to commence payment due to the member's age; the changes to this sentence made by this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly apply without regard to whether the member terminated employment before or after its effective date.
(Source: P.A. 102-871, eff. 5-13-22; 103-525, eff. 8-11-23.)

40 ILCS 5/16-133

    (40 ILCS 5/16-133) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-133)
    Sec. 16-133. Retirement annuity; amount.
    (a) The amount of the retirement annuity shall be (i) in the case of a person who first became a teacher under this Article before July 1, 2005, the larger of the amounts determined under paragraphs (A) and (B) below, or (ii) in the case of a person who first becomes a teacher under this Article on or after July 1, 2005, the amount determined under the applicable provisions of paragraph (B):
        (A) An amount consisting of the sum of the following:
            (1) An amount that can be provided on an
actuarially equivalent basis by the member's accumulated contributions at the time of retirement; and
            (2) The sum of (i) the amount that can be
provided on an actuarially equivalent basis by the member's accumulated contributions representing service prior to July 1, 1947, and (ii) the amount that can be provided on an actuarially equivalent basis by the amount obtained by multiplying 1.4 times the member's accumulated contributions covering service subsequent to June 30, 1947; and
            (3) If there is prior service, 2 times the amount
that would have been determined under subparagraph (2) of paragraph (A) above on account of contributions which would have been made during the period of prior service creditable to the member had the System been in operation and had the member made contributions at the contribution rate in effect prior to July 1, 1947.
        This paragraph (A) does not apply to a person who
first becomes a teacher under this Article on or after July 1, 2005.
        (B) An amount consisting of the greater of the
            (1) For creditable service earned before July 1,
1998 that has not been augmented under Section 16-129.1: 1.67% of final average salary for each of the first 10 years of creditable service, 1.90% of final average salary for each year in excess of 10 but not exceeding 20, 2.10% of final average salary for each year in excess of 20 but not exceeding 30, and 2.30% of final average salary for each year in excess of 30; and
            For creditable service earned on or after July 1,
1998 by a member who has at least 24 years of creditable service on July 1, 1998 and who does not elect to augment service under Section 16-129.1: 2.2% of final average salary for each year of creditable service earned on or after July 1, 1998 but before the member reaches a total of 30 years of creditable service and 2.3% of final average salary for each year of creditable service earned on or after July 1, 1998 and after the member reaches a total of 30 years of creditable service; and
            For all other creditable service: 2.2% of final
average salary for each year of creditable service; or
            (2) 1.5% of final average salary for each year of
creditable service plus the sum $7.50 for each of the first 20 years of creditable service.
    The amount of the retirement annuity determined under
this paragraph (B) shall be reduced by 1/2 of 1% for each month that the member is less than age 60 at the time the retirement annuity begins. However, this reduction shall not apply (i) if the member has at least 35 years of creditable service, or (ii) if the member retires on account of disability under Section 16-149.2 of this Article with at least 20 years of creditable service, or (iii) if the member (1) has earned during the period immediately preceding the last day of service at least one year of contributing creditable service as an employee of a department as defined in Section 14-103.04, (2) has earned at least 5 years of contributing creditable service as an employee of a department as defined in Section 14-103.04, (3) retires on or after January 1, 2001, and (4) retires having attained an age which, when added to the number of years of his or her total creditable service, equals at least 85. Portions of years shall be counted as decimal equivalents.
    (b) For purposes of this Section, except as provided in subsection (b-5), final average salary shall be the average salary for the highest 4 consecutive years within the last 10 years of creditable service as determined under rules of the board.
     The minimum final average salary shall be considered to be $2,400 per year.
    In the determination of final average salary for members other than elected officials and their appointees when such appointees are allowed by statute, that part of a member's salary for any year beginning after June 30, 1979 which exceeds the member's annual full-time salary rate with the same employer for the preceding year by more than 20% shall be excluded. The exclusion shall not apply in any year in which the member's creditable earnings are less than 50% of the preceding year's mean salary for downstate teachers as determined by the survey of school district salaries provided in Section 2-3.103 of the School Code.
    (b-5) A teacher who retires on or after June 1, 2021 and for whom the 2020-2021 school year is used in the calculation of the member's final average salary shall use the higher of the following for the purpose of determining the member's final average salary:
        (A) the amount otherwise calculated under subsection
(b); or
        (B) an amount calculated by the System using the
average salary for the 4 highest years within the last 10 years of creditable service as determined under the rules of the board.
    (c) In determining the amount of the retirement annuity under paragraph (B) of this Section, a fractional year shall be granted proportional credit.
    (d) The retirement annuity determined under paragraph (B) of this Section shall be available only to members who render teaching service after July 1, 1947 for which member contributions are required, and to annuitants who re-enter under the provisions of Section 16-150.
    (e) The maximum retirement annuity provided under paragraph (B) of this Section shall be 75% of final average salary.
    (f) A member retiring after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1998 shall receive a pension equal to 75% of final average salary if the member is qualified to receive a retirement annuity equal to at least 74.6% of final average salary under this Article or as proportional annuities under Article 20 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21.)

40 ILCS 5/16-133.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-133.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-133.1)
    (Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-133.1. Automatic annual increase in annuity.
    (a) This subsection (a) is subject to subsections (a-1) and (a-2). Each member with creditable service and retiring on or after August 26, 1969 is entitled to the automatic annual increases in annuity provided under this Section while receiving a retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity from the system.
    An annuitant shall first be entitled to an initial increase under this Section on the January 1 next following the first anniversary of retirement, or January 1 of the year next following attainment of age 61, whichever is later. At such time, the system shall pay an initial increase determined as follows:
        (1) 1.5% of the originally granted retirement annuity
or disability retirement annuity multiplied by the number of years elapsed, if any, from the date of retirement until January 1, 1972, plus
        (2) 2% of the originally granted annuity multiplied
by the number of years elapsed, if any, from the date of retirement or January 1, 1972, whichever is later, until January 1, 1978, plus
        (3) 3% of the originally granted annuity multiplied
by the number of years elapsed from the date of retirement or January 1, 1978, whichever is later, until the effective date of the initial increase.
However, the initial annual increase calculated under this Section for the recipient of a disability retirement annuity granted under Section 16-149.2 shall be reduced by an amount equal to the total of all increases in that annuity received under Section 16-149.5 (but not exceeding 100% of the amount of the initial increase otherwise provided under this Section).
    Following the initial increase, automatic annual increases in annuity shall be payable on each January 1 thereafter during the lifetime of the annuitant, determined as a percentage of the originally granted retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity for increases granted prior to January 1, 1990, and calculated as a percentage of the total amount of annuity, including previous increases under this Section, for increases granted on or after January 1, 1990, as follows: 1.5% for periods prior to January 1, 1972, 2% for periods after December 31, 1971 and prior to January 1, 1978, and 3% for periods after December 31, 1977.
    (a-1) Notwithstanding subsection (a), but subject to the provisions of subsection (a-2), all automatic increases payable under subsection (a) on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly shall be calculated as 3% of the lesser of (1) the total annuity payable at the time of the increase, including previous increases granted, or (2) $1,000 multiplied by the number of years of creditable service upon which the annuity is based; however, in the case of an initial increase under subsection (a) that is subject to this subsection:
        (i) if more than one year has elapsed from the date
of retirement to the effective date of the initial increase under this Section, the applicable percentage shall be the sum of the percentages for each such elapsed year; and
        (ii) in the case of a disability retirement annuity
granted under Section 16-149.2, the initial increase shall be subject to the reduction provided in subsection (a) for increases previously received under Section 16-149.5.
    Beginning January 1, 2016, the $1,000 referred to in item (2) of this subsection (a-1) shall be increased on each January 1 by the annual unadjusted percentage increase (but not less than zero) in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months ending with the preceding September; these adjustments shall be cumulative and compounded. For the purposes of this subsection (a-1), "consumer price index-u" means the index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor that measures the average change in prices of goods and services purchased by all urban consumers, United States city average, all items, 1982-84 = 100. The new dollar amount resulting from each annual adjustment shall be determined by the Public Pension Division of the Department of Insurance and made available to the System by November 1 of each year.
    This subsection (a-1) is applicable without regard to whether the person is in service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly.
    (a-2) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (a-1), for an active or inactive Tier 1 member who has not begun to receive a retirement annuity under this Article before July 1, 2014:
        (1) the second automatic annual increase payable
under subsection (a) shall be at the rate of 0% of the total annuity payable at the time of the increase if he or she is at least age 50 on the effective date of this amendatory Act;
        (2) the second, fourth, and sixth automatic annual
increases payable under subsection (a) shall be at the rate of 0% of the total annuity payable at the time of the increase if he or she is at least age 47 but less than age 50 on the effective date of this amendatory Act;
        (3) the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth automatic
annual increases payable under subsection (a) shall be at the rate of 0% of the total annuity payable at the time of the increase if he or she is at least age 44 but less than age 47 on the effective date of this amendatory Act; and
        (4) the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth
automatic annual increases payable under subsection (a) shall be at the rate of 0% of the total annuity payable at the time of the increase if he or she is less than age 44 on the effective date of this amendatory Act.
    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1, this subsection (a-2) is applicable without regard to whether the person is in service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly.
    (b) The automatic annual increases in annuity provided under this Section shall not be applicable unless a member has made contributions toward such increases for a period equivalent to one full year of creditable service. If a member contributes for service performed after August 26, 1969 but the member becomes an annuitant before such contributions amount to one full year's contributions based on the salary at the date of retirement, he or she may pay the necessary balance of the contributions to the system and be eligible for the automatic annual increases in annuity provided under this Section.
    (c) Each member shall make contributions toward the cost of the automatic annual increases in annuity as provided under Section 16-152.
    (d) An annuitant receiving a retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity on July 1, 1969, who subsequently re-enters service as a teacher is eligible for the automatic annual increases in annuity provided under this Section if he or she renders at least one year of creditable service following the latest re-entry.
    (e) In addition to the automatic annual increases in annuity provided under this Section, an annuitant who meets the service requirements of this Section and whose retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1971 shall receive, on January 1, 1981, an increase in the annuity then being paid of one dollar per month for each year of creditable service. On January 1, 1982, an annuitant whose retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1977 shall receive an increase in the annuity then being paid of one dollar per month for each year of creditable service.
    On January 1, 1987, any annuitant whose retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1977, shall receive an increase in the monthly retirement annuity equal to 8¢ per year of creditable service times the number of years that have elapsed since the annuity began.
(Source: P.A. 98-599, eff. 6-1-14.)
    (Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-133.1. Automatic annual increase in annuity.
    (a) Each member with creditable service and retiring on or after August 26, 1969 is entitled to the automatic annual increases in annuity provided under this Section while receiving a retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity from the system.
    An annuitant shall first be entitled to an initial increase under this Section on the January 1 next following the first anniversary of retirement, or January 1 of the year next following attainment of age 61, whichever is later. At such time, the system shall pay an initial increase determined as follows:
        (1) 1.5% of the originally granted retirement annuity
or disability retirement annuity multiplied by the number of years elapsed, if any, from the date of retirement until January 1, 1972, plus
        (2) 2% of the originally granted annuity multiplied
by the number of years elapsed, if any, from the date of retirement or January 1, 1972, whichever is later, until January 1, 1978, plus
        (3) 3% of the originally granted annuity multiplied
by the number of years elapsed from the date of retirement or January 1, 1978, whichever is later, until the effective date of the initial increase.
However, the initial annual increase calculated under this Section for the recipient of a disability retirement annuity granted under Section 16-149.2 shall be reduced by an amount equal to the total of all increases in that annuity received under Section 16-149.5 (but not exceeding 100% of the amount of the initial increase otherwise provided under this Section).
    Following the initial increase, automatic annual increases in annuity shall be payable on each January 1 thereafter during the lifetime of the annuitant, determined as a percentage of the originally granted retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity for increases granted prior to January 1, 1990, and calculated as a percentage of the total amount of annuity, including previous increases under this Section, for increases granted on or after January 1, 1990, as follows: 1.5% for periods prior to January 1, 1972, 2% for periods after December 31, 1971 and prior to January 1, 1978, and 3% for periods after December 31, 1977.
    (b) The automatic annual increases in annuity provided under this Section shall not be applicable unless a member has made contributions toward such increases for a period equivalent to one full year of creditable service. If a member contributes for service performed after August 26, 1969 but the member becomes an annuitant before such contributions amount to one full year's contributions based on the salary at the date of retirement, he or she may pay the necessary balance of the contributions to the system and be eligible for the automatic annual increases in annuity provided under this Section.
    (c) Each member shall make contributions toward the cost of the automatic annual increases in annuity as provided under Section 16-152.
    (d) An annuitant receiving a retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity on July 1, 1969, who subsequently re-enters service as a teacher is eligible for the automatic annual increases in annuity provided under this Section if he or she renders at least one year of creditable service following the latest re-entry.
    (e) In addition to the automatic annual increases in annuity provided under this Section, an annuitant who meets the service requirements of this Section and whose retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1971 shall receive, on January 1, 1981, an increase in the annuity then being paid of one dollar per month for each year of creditable service. On January 1, 1982, an annuitant whose retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1977 shall receive an increase in the annuity then being paid of one dollar per month for each year of creditable service.
    On January 1, 1987, any annuitant whose retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1977, shall receive an increase in the monthly retirement annuity equal to 8¢ per year of creditable service times the number of years that have elapsed since the annuity began.
(Source: P.A. 91-927, eff. 12-14-00.)

40 ILCS 5/16-133.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-133.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-133.2)
    (Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-133.2. Early retirement without discount.
    (a) A member retiring after June 1, 1980 and on or before June 30, 2005 (or as provided in subsection (b) of this Section), and applying for a retirement annuity within 6 months of the last day of teaching for which retirement contributions were required, may elect at the time of application for a retirement annuity, to make a one time member contribution to the System and thereby avoid the reduction in the retirement annuity for retirement before age 60 specified in paragraph (B) of Section 16-133. The exercise of the election shall also obligate the last employer to make a one time non-refundable contribution to the System. Substitute teachers wishing to exercise this election must teach 85 or more days in one school term with one employer, who shall be deemed the last employer for purposes of this Section. The last day of teaching with that employer must be within 6 months of the date of application for retirement. All substitute teaching credit applied toward the required 85 days must be earned after June 30, 1990.
    The one time member and employer contributions shall be a percentage of the retiring member's highest annual salary rate used in the determination of the average salary for retirement annuity purposes. However, when determining the one-time member and employer contributions, that part of a member's salary with the same employer which exceeds the annual salary rate for the preceding year by more than 20% shall be excluded. The member contribution shall be at the rate of 7% for the lesser of the following 2 periods: (1) for each year that the member is less than age 60; or (2) for each year that the member's creditable service is less than 35 years. If a member is at least age 55 and has at least 34 years of creditable service, no member or employer contribution for the early retirement option shall be required. The employer contribution shall be at the rate of 20% for each year the member is under age 60.
    Upon receipt of the application and election, the System shall determine the one time employee and employer contributions required. The member contribution shall be credited to the individual account of the member and the employer contribution shall be credited to the Benefit Trust Reserve. The provisions of this subsection (a) providing for the avoidance of the reduction in retirement annuity shall not be applicable until the member's contribution, if any, has been received by the System; however, the date such contributions are received shall not be considered in determining the effective date of retirement.
    The number of members working for a single employer who may retire under this subsection or subsection (b) in any year may be limited at the option of the employer to a specified percentage of those eligible, not less than 30%, with the right to participate to be allocated among those applying on the basis of seniority in the service of the employer.
    (b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this Section shall remain in effect for a member retiring after June 30, 2005 and on or before July 1, 2007, provided that the member satisfies both of the following requirements:
        (1) the member notified his or her employer of intent
to retire under this Article on or before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly under the terms of a contract or collective bargaining agreement entered into, amended, or renewed with the employer on or before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly; and
        (2) the effective date of the member's retirement is
on or before July 1, 2007.
    The member's employer must give evidence of the member's notification by providing to the System:
        (i) a copy of the member's notification to the
employer or the record of that notification;
        (ii) an affidavit signed by the member and the
employer, verifying the notification; and
        (iii) any additional documentation that the System
may require.
    (c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), and subject to the provisions of Section 16-176, a member retiring on or after July 1, 2005 and on or before June 30, 2013 (or January 1, 2014 in the case of a member who has filed a notice of intent to retire with his or her employer on or before June 30, 2013 and attains age 55 during the period July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013), and applying for a retirement annuity within 6 months of the last day of teaching for which retirement contributions were required, and whose last day of teaching is on or before June 30, 2013, may elect at the time of application for a retirement annuity, to make a one-time member contribution to the System and thereby avoid the reduction in the retirement annuity for retirement before age 60 specified in paragraph (B) of Section 16-133. The exercise of the election shall also obligate the last employer to make a one-time nonrefundable contribution to the System. Substitute teachers wishing to exercise this election must teach 85 or more days in one school term with one employer, who shall be deemed the last employer for purposes of this Section. The last day of teaching with that employer must be within 6 months of the date of application for retirement. All substitute teaching credit applied toward the required 85 days must be earned after June 30, 1990.
    The one-time member and employer contributions shall be a percentage of the retiring member's highest annual salary rate used in the determination of the average salary for retirement annuity purposes. However, when determining the one-time member and employer contributions, that part of a member's salary with the same employer which exceeds the annual salary rate for the preceding year by more than 20% shall be excluded. The member contribution shall be at the rate of 11.5% for the lesser of the following 2 periods: (1) for each year that the member is less than age 60; or (2) for each year that the member's creditable service is less than 35 years. The employer contribution shall be at the rate of 23.5% for each year the member is under age 60.
    Upon receipt of the application and election, the System shall determine the one-time employee and employer contributions required. The member contribution shall be credited to the individual account of the member and the employer contribution shall be credited to the Benefit Trust Reserve. The avoidance of the reduction in retirement annuity provided under this subsection (c) is not applicable until the member's contribution, if any, has been received by the System; however, the date that contribution is received shall not be considered in determining the effective date of retirement.
    The number of members working for a single employer who may retire under this subsection (c) in any year may be limited at the option of the employer to a specified percentage of those eligible, not less than 10%, with the right to participate to be allocated among those applying on the basis of seniority in the service of the employer.
    For persons not qualifying for the early retirement without discount option under this subsection (c), the option is extended for 3 years under subsection (d), but subject to the changes in eligibility, conditions, and required contributions provided in that subsection.
    (d) A member who is not eligible for the early retirement without discount option under subsection (c) may qualify for the early retirement without discount option under this subsection (d) if the member (1) retires on or after July 1, 2013 and before July 1, 2016, (2) applies for a retirement annuity within 6 months of the last day of teaching for which retirement contributions were required, and (3) receives a certification of eligibility under this subsection from the member's last employer. Substitute teachers wishing to exercise this election must teach 85 or more days in one school term with one employer, who shall be deemed the last employer for purposes of this Section. The last day of teaching with that employer must be within 6 months of the date of application for retirement. All substitute teaching credit applied toward the required 85 days must be earned after June 30, 1990.
    A qualifying member may elect at the time of application for a retirement annuity to make a one-time member contribution to the System and thereby avoid the reduction in the retirement annuity for retirement before age 60 specified in paragraph (B) of Section 16-133. The exercise of this election shall also obligate the last employer to make a one-time nonrefundable contribution to the System.
    The one-time member and employer contributions shall be a percentage of the retiring member's highest annual salary rate used in the determination of the average salary for retirement annuity purposes. However, when determining the one-time member and employer contributions, that part of a member's salary with the same employer which exceeds the annual salary rate for the preceding year by more than 20% shall be excluded. The member contribution shall be at the rate of 14.4% for the lesser of the following 2 periods: (1) for each year that the member is less than age 60; or (2) for each year that the member's creditable service is less than 35 years. The employer contribution shall be at the rate of 29.3% for each year the member is under age 60.
    Upon receipt of the application, election, and certification of eligibility, the System shall determine the one-time employee and employer contributions required. The member contribution shall be credited to the individual account of the member and the employer contribution shall be credited to the Benefit Trust Reserve. The avoidance of the reduction in retirement annuity provided under this subsection (d) is not applicable until the member's contribution has been received by the System; however, the date that contribution is received shall not be considered in determining the effective date of retirement.
    Eligibility to retire under this subsection (d) shall require the approval of the member's last employer under this Article, granted in accordance with criteria adopted by that employer with the mutual consent of the bargaining agent of a majority of the members employed by that employer. If the employer grants its approval for a member to retire under this subsection (d), the employer shall submit a certification of eligibility for the member in a manner prescribed by the System.
    The early retirement without discount option under this subsection (d) terminates on July 1, 2016.
    For participants to whom subsection (b) of Section 16-132 applies, the references to age 60 in this subsection are increased as provided in subsection (b) of Section 16-132.
(Source: P.A. 98-42, eff. 6-28-13; 98-599, eff. 6-1-14.)
    (Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-133.2. Early retirement without discount.
    (a) A member retiring after June 1, 1980 and on or before June 30, 2005 (or as provided in subsection (b) of this Section), and applying for a retirement annuity within 6 months of the last day of teaching for which retirement contributions were required, may elect at the time of application for a retirement annuity, to make a one time member contribution to the System and thereby avoid the reduction in the retirement annuity for retirement before age 60 specified in paragraph (B) of Section 16-133. The exercise of the election shall also obligate the last employer to make a one time non-refundable contribution to the System. Substitute teachers wishing to exercise this election must teach 85 or more days in one school term with one employer, who shall be deemed the last employer for purposes of this Section. The last day of teaching with that employer must be within 6 months of the date of application for retirement. All substitute teaching credit applied toward the required 85 days must be earned after June 30, 1990.
    The one time member and employer contributions shall be a percentage of the retiring member's highest annual salary rate used in the determination of the average salary for retirement annuity purposes. However, when determining the one-time member and employer contributions, that part of a member's salary with the same employer which exceeds the annual salary rate for the preceding year by more than 20% shall be excluded. The member contribution shall be at the rate of 7% for the lesser of the following 2 periods: (1) for each year that the member is less than age 60; or (2) for each year that the member's creditable service is less than 35 years. If a member is at least age 55 and has at least 34 years of creditable service, no member or employer contribution for the early retirement option shall be required. The employer contribution shall be at the rate of 20% for each year the member is under age 60.
    Upon receipt of the application and election, the System shall determine the one time employee and employer contributions required. The member contribution shall be credited to the individual account of the member and the employer contribution shall be credited to the Benefit Trust Reserve. The provisions of this subsection (a) providing for the avoidance of the reduction in retirement annuity shall not be applicable until the member's contribution, if any, has been received by the System; however, the date such contributions are received shall not be considered in determining the effective date of retirement.
    The number of members working for a single employer who may retire under this subsection or subsection (b) in any year may be limited at the option of the employer to a specified percentage of those eligible, not less than 30%, with the right to participate to be allocated among those applying on the basis of seniority in the service of the employer.
    (b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this Section shall remain in effect for a member retiring after June 30, 2005 and on or before July 1, 2007, provided that the member satisfies both of the following requirements:
        (1) the member notified his or her employer of intent
to retire under this Article on or before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly under the terms of a contract or collective bargaining agreement entered into, amended, or renewed with the employer on or before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly; and
        (2) the effective date of the member's retirement is
on or before July 1, 2007.
    The member's employer must give evidence of the member's notification by providing to the System:
        (i) a copy of the member's notification to the
employer or the record of that notification;
        (ii) an affidavit signed by the member and the
employer, verifying the notification; and
        (iii) any additional documentation that the System
may require.
    (c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), and subject to the provisions of Section 16-176, a member retiring on or after July 1, 2005 and on or before June 30, 2013 (or January 1, 2014 in the case of a member who has filed a notice of intent to retire with his or her employer on or before June 30, 2013 and attains age 55 during the period July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013), and applying for a retirement annuity within 6 months of the last day of teaching for which retirement contributions were required, and whose last day of teaching is on or before June 30, 2013, may elect at the time of application for a retirement annuity, to make a one-time member contribution to the System and thereby avoid the reduction in the retirement annuity for retirement before age 60 specified in paragraph (B) of Section 16-133. The exercise of the election shall also obligate the last employer to make a one-time nonrefundable contribution to the System. Substitute teachers wishing to exercise this election must teach 85 or more days in one school term with one employer, who shall be deemed the last employer for purposes of this Section. The last day of teaching with that employer must be within 6 months of the date of application for retirement. All substitute teaching credit applied toward the required 85 days must be earned after June 30, 1990.
    The one-time member and employer contributions shall be a percentage of the retiring member's highest annual salary rate used in the determination of the average salary for retirement annuity purposes. However, when determining the one-time member and employer contributions, that part of a member's salary with the same employer which exceeds the annual salary rate for the preceding year by more than 20% shall be excluded. The member contribution shall be at the rate of 11.5% for the lesser of the following 2 periods: (1) for each year that the member is less than age 60; or (2) for each year that the member's creditable service is less than 35 years. The employer contribution shall be at the rate of 23.5% for each year the member is under age 60.
    Upon receipt of the application and election, the System shall determine the one-time employee and employer contributions required. The member contribution shall be credited to the individual account of the member and the employer contribution shall be credited to the Benefit Trust Reserve. The avoidance of the reduction in retirement annuity provided under this subsection (c) is not applicable until the member's contribution, if any, has been received by the System; however, the date that contribution is received shall not be considered in determining the effective date of retirement.
    The number of members working for a single employer who may retire under this subsection (c) in any year may be limited at the option of the employer to a specified percentage of those eligible, not less than 10%, with the right to participate to be allocated among those applying on the basis of seniority in the service of the employer.
    For persons not qualifying for the early retirement without discount option under this subsection (c), the option is extended for 3 years under subsection (d), but subject to the changes in eligibility, conditions, and required contributions provided in that subsection.
    (d) A member who is not eligible for the early retirement without discount option under subsection (c) may qualify for the early retirement without discount option under this subsection (d) if the member (1) retires on or after July 1, 2013 and before July 1, 2016, (2) applies for a retirement annuity within 6 months of the last day of teaching for which retirement contributions were required, and (3) receives a certification of eligibility under this subsection from the member's last employer. Substitute teachers wishing to exercise this election must teach 85 or more days in one school term with one employer, who shall be deemed the last employer for purposes of this Section. The last day of teaching with that employer must be within 6 months of the date of application for retirement. All substitute teaching credit applied toward the required 85 days must be earned after June 30, 1990.
    A qualifying member may elect at the time of application for a retirement annuity to make a one-time member contribution to the System and thereby avoid the reduction in the retirement annuity for retirement before age 60 specified in paragraph (B) of Section 16-133. The exercise of this election shall also obligate the last employer to make a one-time nonrefundable contribution to the System.
    The one-time member and employer contributions shall be a percentage of the retiring member's highest annual salary rate used in the determination of the average salary for retirement annuity purposes. However, when determining the one-time member and employer contributions, that part of a member's salary with the same employer which exceeds the annual salary rate for the preceding year by more than 20% shall be excluded. The member contribution shall be at the rate of 14.4% for the lesser of the following 2 periods: (1) for each year that the member is less than age 60; or (2) for each year that the member's creditable service is less than 35 years. The employer contribution shall be at the rate of 29.3% for each year the member is under age 60.
    Upon receipt of the application, election, and certification of eligibility, the System shall determine the one-time employee and employer contributions required. The member contribution shall be credited to the individual account of the member and the employer contribution shall be credited to the Benefit Trust Reserve. The avoidance of the reduction in retirement annuity provided under this subsection (d) is not applicable until the member's contribution has been received by the System; however, the date that contribution is received shall not be considered in determining the effective date of retirement.
    Eligibility to retire under this subsection (d) shall require the approval of the member's last employer under this Article, granted in accordance with criteria adopted by that employer with the mutual consent of the bargaining agent of a majority of the members employed by that employer. If the employer grants its approval for a member to retire under this subsection (d), the employer shall submit a certification of eligibility for the member in a manner prescribed by the System.
    The early retirement without discount option under this subsection (d) terminates on July 1, 2016.
(Source: P.A. 98-42, eff. 6-28-13.)

40 ILCS 5/16-133.3

    (40 ILCS 5/16-133.3) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-133.3)
    Sec. 16-133.3. Early retirement incentives for State employees.
    (a) To be eligible for the benefits provided in this Section, a person must:
        (1) be a member of this System who, on any day during
June, 2002, is (i) in active payroll status as a full-time teacher employed by a department and an active contributor to this System with respect to that employment, or (ii) on layoff status from such a position with a right of re-employment or recall to service, or (iii) receiving a disability benefit under Section 16-149 or 16-149.1, but only if the member has not been receiving that benefit for a continuous period of more than 2 years as of the date of application;
        (2) not have received any retirement annuity under
this Article beginning earlier than August 1, 2002;
        (3) file with the Board on or before December 31,
2002 a written application requesting the benefits provided in this Section;
        (4) terminate employment under this Article no later
than December 31, 2002 (or the date established under subsection (d), if applicable);
        (5) by the date of termination of service, have at
least 8 years of creditable service under this Article, without the use of any creditable service established under this Section;
        (6) by the date of termination of service, have at
least 5 years of service credit earned while participating in the System as a teacher employed by a department; and
        (7) not receive any early retirement benefit under
Section 14-108.3 of this Code.
    For the purposes of this Section, "department" means a department as defined in Section 14-103.04 that employs a teacher as defined in this Article.
    (b) An eligible person may establish up to 5 years of creditable service under this Article by making the contributions specified in subsection (c). In addition, for each period of creditable service established under this Section, a person's age at retirement shall be deemed to be enhanced by an equivalent period.
    The creditable service established under this Section may be used for all purposes under this Article and the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act, except for the computation of final average salary, the determination of salary or compensation under this Article or any other Article of this Code, or the determination of eligibility for or the computation of benefits under Section 16-133.2.
    The age enhancement established under this Section may be used for all purposes under this Article (including calculation of a proportionate annuity payable by this System under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act), except for purposes of a retirement annuity under Section 16-133(a)(A), a reversionary annuity under Section 16-136, the required distributions under Section 16-142.3, and the determination of eligibility for or the computation of benefits under Section 16-133.2. Age enhancement established under this Section may be used in determining benefits payable under Article 14 of this Code under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act (subject to the limitations on the use of age enhancement provided in Section 14-108.3); age enhancement established under this Section shall not be used in determining benefits payable under other Articles of this Code under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act.
    (c) For all creditable service established under this Section, a person must pay to the System an employee contribution to be determined by the System, equal to 9.0% of the member's highest annual salary rate that would be used in the determination of the average salary for retirement annuity purposes if the member retired immediately after withdrawal, for each year of creditable service established under this Section.
    If the member receives a lump sum payment for accumulated vacation, sick leave, and personal leave upon withdrawal from service, and the net amount of that lump sum payment is at least as great as the amount of the contribution required under this Section, the entire contribution must be paid by the employee by payroll deduction. If there is no such lump sum payment, or if it is less than the contribution required under this Section, the member shall make an initial payment by payroll deduction, equal to the net amount of the lump sum payment for accumulated vacation, sick leave, and personal leave, and have the remaining amount due treated as a reduction from the retirement annuity in 24 equal monthly installments beginning in the month in which the retirement annuity takes effect. The required contribution may be paid as a pre-tax deduction from earnings.
    (d) In order to ensure that the efficient operation of State government is not jeopardized by the simultaneous retirement of large numbers of key personnel, the director or other head of a department may, for key employees of that department, extend the December 31, 2002 deadline for terminating employment under this Article established in subdivision (a)(4) of this Section to a date not later than April 30, 2003 by so notifying the System in writing by December 31, 2002.
    (e) A person who has received any age enhancement or creditable service under this Section and who reenters contributing service under this Article or Article 14 shall thereby forfeit that age enhancement and creditable service, and become entitled to a refund of the contributions made pursuant to this Section.
    (f) The System shall determine the amount of the increase in the present value of future benefits resulting from the granting of early retirement incentives under this Section and shall report that amount to the Governor and the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly and on or before November 15, 2004. Beginning with State fiscal year 2008, the increase in liability reported under this subsection (f) shall be included in the calculation of the required State contribution under Section 16-158.
    (g) In addition to the contributions otherwise required under this Article, the State shall appropriate and pay to the System an amount equal to $1,000,000 in State fiscal year 2004.
    (h) The Pension Laws Commission (or its successor, the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability) shall determine and report to the General Assembly, on or before January 1, 2004 and annually thereafter through the year 2013, its estimate of (1) the annual amount of payroll savings likely to be realized by the State as a result of the early retirement of persons receiving early retirement incentives under this Section and (2) the net annual savings or cost to the State from the program of early retirement incentives created under this Section.
    The System, the Department of Central Management Services, the Governor's Office of Management and Budget (formerly Bureau of the Budget), and all other departments shall provide to the Commission any assistance that the Commission may request with respect to its reports under this Section. The Commission may require departments to provide it with any information that it deems necessary or useful with respect to its reports under this Section, including without limitation information about (1) the final earnings of former department employees who elected to receive benefits under this Section, (2) the earnings of current department employees holding the positions vacated by persons who elected to receive benefits under this Section, and (3) positions vacated by persons who elected to receive benefits under this Section that have not yet been refilled.
    (i) The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly do not apply to persons who retired under this Section on or before May 1, 1992.
(Source: P.A. 93-632, eff. 2-1-04; 93-839, eff. 7-30-04; 93-1067, eff. 1-15-05; 94-4, eff. 6-1-05.)

40 ILCS 5/16-133.4

    (40 ILCS 5/16-133.4) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-133.4)
    Sec. 16-133.4. Early retirement incentives for teachers.
    (a) To be eligible for the benefits provided in this Section, a member must:
        (1) be a member of this System who, on or after May
1, 1993, is (i) in active payroll status as a full-time teacher employed by an employer under this Article, or (ii) on layoff status from such a position with a right of re-employment or recall to service, or (iii) on disability or a leave of absence from such a position, but only if the member has not been receiving benefits under Section 16-149 or 16-149.1 for a continuous period of 2 years or more as of the date of application;
        (2) have never previously received a retirement
annuity under this Article, except that receipt of a disability retirement annuity does not disqualify a member if the annuity has been terminated and the member has returned to full-time employment under this Article before the effective date of this Section;
        (3) file with the Board before March 1, 1993, an
application requesting the benefits provided in this Section;
        (4) in the case of an employee of an employer that is
not a State agency, be eligible to receive a retirement annuity under this Article (for which purpose any age enhancement or creditable service received under this Section may be used), and elect to receive the retirement annuity beginning not earlier than June 1, 1993 and not later than September 1, 1993 (September 1, 1994 if retirement is delayed under subsection (e) of this Section);
        (5) in the case of an employee of an employer that is
a State agency, be eligible to receive a retirement annuity under this Article (for which purpose any age enhancement or creditable service received under this Section may be used), and elect to receive the retirement annuity beginning not earlier than July 1, 1993 and not later than March 1, 1994 (March 1, 1995 if retirement is delayed under subsection (e) of this Section);
        (6) have attained age 50 (without the use of any age
enhancement received under this Section) by the effective date of the retirement annuity;
        (7) have at least 5 years of creditable service under
this System or any of the participating systems under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act (without the use of any creditable service received under this Section) by the effective date of the retirement annuity.
    (b) An eligible person may establish up to 5 years of creditable service under this Section. In addition, for each period of creditable service established under this Section, a person shall have his or her age at retirement deemed enhanced by an equivalent period.
    The creditable service established under this Section may be used for all purposes under this Article and the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act, except for the computation of final average salary, the determination of salary or compensation under this or any other Article of the Code, or the determination of eligibility for and the computation of benefits under Section 16-133.2 of this Article.
    The age enhancement established under this Section may be used for all purposes under this Article (including calculation of a proportionate annuity payable by this System under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act), except for purposes of a reversionary annuity under Section 16-136, the retirement annuity under Section 16-133(a)(A), the required distributions under Section 16-142.3, and the determination of eligibility for and the computation of benefits under Section 16-133.2 of this Article. However, age enhancement established under this Section shall not be used in determining benefits payable under other Articles of this Code under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act.
    (c) For all creditable service established under this Section by an employee of an employer that is not a State agency, the employer must pay to the System an employer contribution consisting of 20% of the member's highest annual salary rate used in the determination of the average salary for retirement annuity purposes for each year of creditable service granted under this Section. No employer contribution is required under this Section from any employer that is a State agency.
    The employer contribution shall be paid to the System in one of the following ways: (i) in a single sum at the time of the member's retirement, (ii) in equal quarterly installments over a period of 5 years from the date of retirement, or (iii) subject to the approval of the Board of the System, in unequal installments over a period of no more than 5 years from the date of retirement, as provided in a payment plan designed by the System to accommodate the needs of the employer. The employer's failure to make the required contributions in a timely manner shall not affect the payment of the retirement annuity.
    For all creditable service established under this Section, the employee must pay to the System an employee contribution consisting of 4% of the member's highest annual salary rate used in the determination of the retirement annuity for each year of creditable service granted under this Section. The employee may elect either to pay the employee contribution in full before the retirement annuity commences, or to have it deducted from the retirement annuity in 24 monthly installments.
    (d) An annuitant who has received any age enhancement or creditable service under this Section and who re-enters contributing service under this Article shall thereby forfeit the age enhancement and creditable service, and upon re-retirement the annuity shall be recomputed. The forfeiture of creditable service under this subsection shall not entitle the employer to a refund of the employer contribution paid under this Section, nor to forgiveness of any part of that contribution that remains unpaid. The forfeiture of creditable service under this subsection shall not entitle the employee to a refund of the employee contribution paid under this Section.
    (e) If the number of employees of an employer that actually apply for early retirement under this Section exceeds 30% of those eligible, the employer may require that, for the number of applicants in excess of that 30%, the starting date of the retirement annuity enhanced under this Section may not be earlier than June 1, 1994. The right to have the retirement annuity begin before that date shall be allocated among the applicants on the basis of seniority in the service of that employer.
    This delay applies only to persons who are applying for early retirement incentives under this Section, and does not prevent a person whose application for early retirement incentives has been withdrawn from receiving a retirement annuity on the earliest date upon which the person is otherwise eligible under this Article.
    (f) For a member who is notified after February 15, 1993, but before September 15, 1993, that he or she will be laid off in the 1993-1994 school year: (1) the March 1 application deadline in subdivision (a)(3) of this Section is extended to a date 15 days after the date of issuance of the layoff notice, and (2) the member shall not be included in the calculation of the 30% under subsection (e) and is not subject to delay in retirement under that subsection.
    (g) A member who receives any early retirement incentive under Section 16-133.5 may not receive any early retirement incentive under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 98-463, eff. 8-16-13.)

40 ILCS 5/16-133.5

    (40 ILCS 5/16-133.5) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-133.5)
    Sec. 16-133.5. Early retirement incentives for teachers.
    (a) To be eligible for the benefits provided in this Section, a member must:
        (1) be a member of this System who, on or after May
1, 1994, is (i) in active payroll status as a full-time teacher employed by an employer under this Article, or (ii) on layoff status from such a position with a right of re-employment or recall to service, or (iii) on disability or a leave of absence from such a position, but only if the member has not been receiving benefits under Section 16-149 or 16-149.1 for a continuous period of 2 years or more as of the date of application;
        (2) have never previously received a retirement
annuity under this Article, except that receipt of a disability retirement annuity does not disqualify a member if the annuity has been terminated and the member has returned to full-time employment under this Article before the effective date of this Section;
        (3) file with the Board before March 1, 1994, an
application requesting the benefits provided in this Section;
        (4) be eligible to receive a retirement annuity under
this Article (for which purpose any age enhancement or creditable service received under this Section may be used), and elect to receive the retirement annuity beginning not earlier than June 1, 1994 and not later than September 1, 1994 (September 1, 1995 if retirement is delayed under subsection (e) of this Section);
        (5) have attained age 50 (without the use of any age
enhancement received under this Section) by the effective date of the retirement annuity;
        (6) have at least 5 years of creditable service under
this System or any of the participating systems under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act (without the use of any creditable service received under this Section) by the effective date of the retirement annuity.
    (b) An eligible person may establish up to 5 years of creditable service under this Section. In addition, for each period of creditable service established under this Section, a person shall have his or her age at retirement deemed enhanced by an equivalent period.
    The creditable service established under this Section may be used for all purposes under this Article and the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act, except for the computation of final average salary, the determination of salary or compensation under this or any other Article of the Code, or the determination of eligibility for and the computation of benefits under Section 16-133.2 of this Article.
    The age enhancement established under this Section may be used for all purposes under this Article (including calculation of a proportionate annuity payable by this System under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act), except for purposes of a reversionary annuity under Section 16-136, the retirement annuity under Section 16-133(a)(A), the required distributions under Section 16-142.3, and the determination of eligibility for and the computation of benefits under Section 16-133.2 of this Article. However, age enhancement established under this Section shall not be used in determining benefits payable under other Articles of this Code under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act.
    (c) For all creditable service established under this Section, the employer must pay to the System an employer contribution consisting of 20% of the member's highest annual salary rate used in the determination of the average salary for retirement annuity purposes for each year of creditable service granted under this Section.
    The employer contribution shall be paid to the System in one of the following ways: (i) in a single sum at the time of the member's retirement, (ii) in equal quarterly installments over a period of 5 years from the date of retirement, or (iii) subject to the approval of the Board of the System, in unequal installments over a period of no more than 5 years from the date of retirement, as provided in a payment plan designed by the System to accommodate the needs of the employer. The employer's failure to make the required contributions in a timely manner shall not affect the payment of the retirement annuity.
    For all creditable service established under this Section, the employee must pay to the System an employee contribution consisting of 4% of the member's highest annual salary rate used in the determination of the retirement annuity for each year of creditable service granted under this Section. The employee may elect either to pay the employee contribution in full before the retirement annuity commences, or to have it deducted from the retirement annuity in 24 monthly installments.
    (d) An annuitant who has received any age enhancement or creditable service under this Section and who re-enters contributing service under this Article shall thereby forfeit the age enhancement and creditable service, and upon re-retirement the annuity shall be recomputed. The forfeiture of creditable service under this subsection shall not entitle the employer to a refund of the employer contribution paid under this Section, nor to forgiveness of any part of that contribution that remains unpaid. The forfeiture of creditable service under this subsection shall not entitle the employee to a refund of the employee contribution paid under this Section.
    (e) If the number of employees of an employer that actually apply for early retirement under this Section exceeds 30% of those eligible, the employer may require that, for the number of applicants in excess of that 30%, the starting date of the retirement annuity enhanced under this Section may not be earlier than June 1, 1995. The right to have the retirement annuity begin before that date shall be allocated among the applicants on the basis of seniority in the service of that employer.
    This delay applies only to persons who are applying for early retirement incentives under this Section, and does not prevent a person whose application for early retirement incentives has been withdrawn from receiving a retirement annuity on the earliest date upon which the person is otherwise eligible under this Article.
    (f) A member who receives any early retirement incentive under Section 16-133.4 may not receive any early retirement incentive under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 87-1265.)

40 ILCS 5/16-134

    (40 ILCS 5/16-134) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-134)
    Sec. 16-134. Additional retirement annuity. (a) An annuitant receiving a retirement annuity on June 30, 1947 who has at least 25 years of creditable service shall upon attaining age 60 or thereafter have his or her annual retirement annuity increased to $700 for an annuitant who is age 60 and by an additional $30 for each year of age attained above age 60, but not exceeding a total annual retirement annuity of $1,000.
    (b) In order to be entitled to such increase in retirement annuity, the annuitant is required to make an additional contribution of $300 together with interest at the rate of 3% per annum from June 30, 1947 on any part of such $300 not paid on such date.
    (c) The additional retirement annuity provided under this Section shall begin to accrue on the first of the month following receipt of the required contributions from the annuitant.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-135

    (40 ILCS 5/16-135) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-135)
    Sec. 16-135. Supplementary retirement annuity.
    (a) An annuitant who is receiving a retirement annuity on June 30, 1961 of less than $50 for each year of creditable service forming the basis of the retirement annuity shall have his or her retirement annuity increased to $50 per year for each year of such creditable service, but not exceeding a total annual retirement annuity of $2,250.
    (b) In order to be entitled to the increase in retirement annuity provided under this Section, an annuitant is required to make an additional contribution of $5 for each year of creditable service, not to exceed 45 years together with interest at the rate of 3% per annum from August 25, 1961.
    (c) The supplementary retirement annuity provided under this Section shall begin to accrue on the first of the month following receipt of the required contribution from the annuitant.
(Source: P.A. 91-887, eff. 7-6-00.)

40 ILCS 5/16-136

    (40 ILCS 5/16-136) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-136)
    Sec. 16-136. Reversionary annuity. A member entitled to a retirement annuity may elect at the time of retirement to receive a reduced retirement annuity and provide with the actuarial value of the reduction, determined on an actuarial equivalent basis, a reversionary annuity for any person who is dependent upon the member at the time of retirement, as named in a written direction filed with the system as a part of the application for the retirement annuity, provided that the reversionary annuity is not less than $10 per month, nor more than the reduced retirement annuity to which the member is entitled. The condition of dependency must be established and proved to the satisfaction of the system before the election becomes effective.
    The reversionary annuity shall begin as of the first day of the month following the month in which the death of the annuitant occurs, provided, that the designated beneficiary is then living. If the designated beneficiary predeceases the annuitant, the reversionary annuity shall not be payable, and beginning the first of the month following notification of the designated beneficiary's death, the System shall pay the annuitant the retirement annuity he or she would have received but for the reversionary annuity election.
(Source: P.A. 84-1028.)

40 ILCS 5/16-136.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-136.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-136.1)
    (Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-136.1. Annual increase for certain annuitants.
    (a) Any annuitant receiving a retirement annuity on June 30, 1969 and any member retiring after June 30, 1969 shall be eligible for the annual increases provided under this Section provided the annuitant is ineligible for the automatic annual increase in annuity provided under Section 16-133.1, and provided further that (1) retirement occurred at age 55 or over and was based on 5 or more years of creditable service or (2) if retirement occurred prior to age 55, the retirement annuity was based on 20 or more years of creditable service.
    (b) This subsection (b) is subject to subsections (b-1) and (b-2). An annuitant entitled to increases under this Section shall be entitled to the initial increase as of the later of: (1) January 1 following attainment of age 65, (2) January 1 following the first anniversary of retirement, or (3) the first day of the month following receipt of the required qualifying contribution from the annuitant. The initial monthly increase shall be computed on the basis of the period elapsed between the later of the date of last retirement or attainment of age 50 and the date of qualification for the initial increase, at the rate of 1 1/2% of the original monthly retirement annuity per year for periods prior to September 1, 1971, and at the rate of 2% per year for periods between September 1, 1971 and September 1, 1978, and at the rate of 3% per year for periods thereafter.
    An annuitant who has received an initial increase under this Section, shall be entitled, on each January 1 following the granting of the initial increase, to an increase of 3% of the original monthly retirement annuity for increases granted prior to January 1, 1990, and equal to 3% of the total annuity, including previous increases under this Section, for increases granted on or after January 1, 1990. The original monthly retirement annuity for computations under this subsection (b) shall be considered to be $83.34 for any annuitant entitled to benefits under Section 16-134. The minimum original disability retirement annuity for computations under this subsection (b) shall be considered to be $33.34 per month for any annuitant retired on account of disability.
    (b-1) Notwithstanding subsection (b), but subject to the provisions of subsection (b-2), all automatic increases payable under subsection (b) on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly shall be calculated as 3% of the lesser of (1) the total annuity payable at the time of the increase, including previous increases granted, or (2) $1,000 multiplied by the number of years of creditable service upon which the annuity is based; however, in the case of an initial increase under subsection (b) that is subject to this subsection, if more than one year has elapsed from the date of retirement to the effective date of the initial increase under this Section, the applicable percentage shall be the sum of the percentages for each such elapsed year.
    Beginning January 1, 2016, the $1,000 referred to in item (2) of this subsection (b-1) shall be increased on each January 1 by the annual unadjusted percentage increase (but not less than zero) in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months ending with the preceding September; these adjustments shall be cumulative and compounded. For the purposes of this subsection (b-1), "consumer price index-u" means the index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor that measures the average change in prices of goods and services purchased by all urban consumers, United States city average, all items, 1982-84 = 100. The new dollar amount resulting from each annual adjustment shall be determined by the Public Pension Division of the Department of Insurance and made available to the System by November 1 of each year.
    This subsection (b-1) is applicable without regard to whether the person is in service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly.
    (b-2) Notwithstanding subsections (b) and (b-1), for an active or inactive Tier 1 member who is subject to this Section and has not begun to receive a retirement annuity under this Article before July 1, 2014:
        (1) the second automatic annual increase payable
under subsection (b) shall be at the rate of 0% of the total annuity payable at the time of the increase if he or she is at least age 50 on the effective date of this amendatory Act;
        (2) the second, fourth, and sixth automatic annual
increases payable under subsection (b) shall be at the rate of 0% of the total annuity payable at the time of the increase if he or she is at least age 47 but less than age 50 on the effective date of this amendatory Act;
        (3) the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth automatic
annual increases payable under subsection (b) shall be at the rate of 0% of the total annuity payable at the time of the increase if he or she is at least age 44 but less than age 47 on the effective date of this amendatory Act; and
        (4) the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth
automatic annual increases payable under subsection (b) shall be at the rate of 0% of the total annuity payable at the time of the increase if he or she is less than age 44 on the effective date of this amendatory Act.
    For the purposes of Section 1-103.1, this subsection (b-2) is applicable without regard to whether the person is in service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly.
    (c) An annuitant who otherwise qualifies for annual increases under this Section must make a one-time payment of 1% of the monthly final average salary for each full year of the creditable service forming the basis of the retirement annuity or, if the retirement annuity was not computed using final average salary, 1% of the original monthly retirement annuity for each full year of service forming the basis of the retirement annuity.
    (d) In addition to other increases which may be provided by this Section, regardless of creditable service, annuitants not meeting the service requirements of Section 16-133.1 and whose retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1971 shall receive, on January 1, 1981, an increase in the retirement annuity then being paid of one dollar per month for each year of creditable service forming the basis of the retirement allowance. On January 1, 1982, annuitants whose retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1977, shall receive an increase in the retirement annuity then being paid of one dollar per month for each year of creditable service.
    On January 1, 1987, any annuitant whose retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1977, shall receive an increase in the monthly retirement annuity equal to 8¢ per year of creditable service times the number of years that have elapsed since the annuity began.
(Source: P.A. 98-599, eff. 6-1-14.)
    (Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-136.1. Annual increase for certain annuitants.
    (a) Any annuitant receiving a retirement annuity on June 30, 1969 and any member retiring after June 30, 1969 shall be eligible for the annual increases provided under this Section provided the annuitant is ineligible for the automatic annual increase in annuity provided under Section 16-133.1, and provided further that (1) retirement occurred at age 55 or over and was based on 5 or more years of creditable service or (2) if retirement occurred prior to age 55, the retirement annuity was based on 20 or more years of creditable service.
    (b) An annuitant entitled to increases under this Section shall be entitled to the initial increase as of the later of: (1) January 1 following attainment of age 65, (2) January 1 following the first anniversary of retirement, or (3) the first day of the month following receipt of the required qualifying contribution from the annuitant. The initial monthly increase shall be computed on the basis of the period elapsed between the later of the date of last retirement or attainment of age 50 and the date of qualification for the initial increase, at the rate of 1 1/2% of the original monthly retirement annuity per year for periods prior to September 1, 1971, and at the rate of 2% per year for periods between September 1, 1971 and September 1, 1978, and at the rate of 3% per year for periods thereafter.
    An annuitant who has received an initial increase under this Section, shall be entitled, on each January 1 following the granting of the initial increase, to an increase of 3% of the original monthly retirement annuity for increases granted prior to January 1, 1990, and equal to 3% of the total annuity, including previous increases under this Section, for increases granted on or after January 1, 1990. The original monthly retirement annuity for computations under this subsection (b) shall be considered to be $83.34 for any annuitant entitled to benefits under Section 16-134. The minimum original disability retirement annuity for computations under this subsection (b) shall be considered to be $33.34 per month for any annuitant retired on account of disability.
    (c) An annuitant who otherwise qualifies for annual increases under this Section must make a one-time payment of 1% of the monthly final average salary for each full year of the creditable service forming the basis of the retirement annuity or, if the retirement annuity was not computed using final average salary, 1% of the original monthly retirement annuity for each full year of service forming the basis of the retirement annuity.
    (d) In addition to other increases which may be provided by this Section, regardless of creditable service, annuitants not meeting the service requirements of Section 16-133.1 and whose retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1971 shall receive, on January 1, 1981, an increase in the retirement annuity then being paid of one dollar per month for each year of creditable service forming the basis of the retirement allowance. On January 1, 1982, annuitants whose retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1977, shall receive an increase in the retirement annuity then being paid of one dollar per month for each year of creditable service.
    On January 1, 1987, any annuitant whose retirement annuity began on or before January 1, 1977, shall receive an increase in the monthly retirement annuity equal to 8¢ per year of creditable service times the number of years that have elapsed since the annuity began.
(Source: P.A. 86-273.)

40 ILCS 5/16-136.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-136.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-136.2)
    Sec. 16-136.2. Minimum retirement annuity.
    (a) Any annuitant receiving a retirement annuity under this Article is entitled to such additional amount of retirement annuity under this Section, if necessary, that is sufficient to provide a minimum retirement annuity of $10 per month for each year of creditable service forming the basis of the retirement annuity, up to $300 per month for 30 or more years of creditable service. Effective January 1, 1984, the minimum retirement annuity under this Section is $15 per month per year of service up to $450 per month. Beginning January 1, 1996, the minimum retirement annuity payable under this Section shall be $25 per month for each year of creditable service, up to a maximum of $750 per month for 30 or more years of creditable service.
    An annuitant entitled to an increase in retirement annuity under this Section shall be entitled to such increase in retirement annuity effective the later of (1) September 1 following attainment of age 60; (2) September 1 following the first anniversary in retirement; or (3) the first of the month following receipt of the required qualifying contribution from the annuitant.
    (b) An annuitant who qualifies for an additional amount of retirement annuity under subsection (a) of this Section must make a one-time payment of 1% of the monthly average salary for each full year of the creditable service forming the basis of the retirement annuity or, if the retirement annuity was not computed using average salary, 1% of the original monthly retirement annuity for each full year of service forming the basis of the retirement annuity.
    (c) The minimum retirement annuity provided under this Section shall continue to be paid only to the extent that funds are available in the minimum retirement annuity reserve established under Section 16-186.3.
    (d) The annual increase provided on and after September 1, 1977 under Section 16-136.1 and on and after January 1, 1978 under Section 16-133.1 shall be paid in addition to the minimum retirement annuity. Where an initial increase is first payable on or after September 1, 1977, only that portion of the increase based on the period in retirement after August 31, 1976, under Section 16-136.1 and after December 31, 1976, under Section 16-133.1 may be added to the minimum retirement annuity.
(Source: P.A. 89-21, eff. 6-6-95; 89-25, eff. 6-21-95.)

40 ILCS 5/16-136.3

    (40 ILCS 5/16-136.3) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-136.3)
    Sec. 16-136.3. Alternate minimum retirement annuity. (a) Any member retiring with at least 10 years of creditable service on or before December 31, 1983 is entitled to such additional amount of retirement annuity under this Section, if necessary, that is sufficient to provide a minimum retirement annuity of $200 per month. Any increase in retirement annuity provided under this Section shall not begin to accrue until the latest of: (1) September 1 following attainment of age 60; (2) September 1 following the first anniversary of retirement; or (3) the first day of the month following receipt of the required qualifying contribution from the annuitant as specified in Section 16-136.2.
    (b) The minimum retirement annuity provided under this Section shall continue to be paid only to the extent that funds are available in the minimum retirement annuity reserve established under Section 16-186.3.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-136.4

    (40 ILCS 5/16-136.4) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-136.4)
    Sec. 16-136.4. Single-sum retirement benefit.
    (a) A member who has less than 5 years of creditable service shall be entitled, upon written application to the board, to receive a retirement benefit payable in a single sum upon or after the member's attainment of age 65. However, the benefit shall not be paid while the member is employed as a teacher in the schools included under this Article or Article 17, unless the System is required by federal law to make payment due to the member's age.
    (b) The retirement benefit shall consist of a single sum that is the actuarial equivalent of a life annuity consisting of 1.67% of the member's final average salary for each year of creditable service. In determining the amount of the benefit, a fractional year shall be granted proportional credit.
    For the purposes of this Section, final average salary shall be the average salary of the member's highest 4 consecutive years of service as determined under rules of the board. For a member with less than 4 consecutive years of service, final average salary shall be the average salary during the member's entire period of service. In the determination of final average salary for members other than elected officials and their appointees when such appointees are allowed by statute, that part of a member's salary which exceeds the member's annual full-time salary rate with the same employer for the preceding year by more than 20% shall be excluded. The exclusion shall not apply in any year in which the member's creditable earnings are less than 50% of the preceding year's mean salary for downstate teachers as determined by the survey of school district salaries provided in Section 2-3.103 of the School Code.
    (c) The retirement benefit determined under this Section shall be available to all members who render teaching service after July 1, 1947 for which member contributions are required.
    (d) Upon acceptance of the retirement benefit, all of the member's accrued rights and credits in the System are forfeited. Receipt of a single-sum retirement benefit under this Section does not make a person an "annuitant" for the purposes of this Article, nor a "benefit recipient" for the purposes of Sections 16-153.1 through 16-153.4.
(Source: P.A. 91-887, eff. 7-6-00.)

40 ILCS 5/16-138

    (40 ILCS 5/16-138) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-138)
    Sec. 16-138. Refund of contributions upon death of member or annuitant. Upon the death of a member or annuitant, the following amount shall be payable (i) to a beneficiary nominated by written designation of the member or annuitant filed with the system, or (ii) if no beneficiary is nominated, to the surviving spouse, or (iii) if no beneficiary is nominated and there is no surviving spouse, to the decedent's estate, upon receipt of proper proof of death:
    (1) Upon the death of a member, an amount consisting of the sum of the following: (A) the member's accumulated contributions; (B) the sum of the contributions made by the member toward the cost of the automatic increase in annuity under Section 16-152, without interest thereon; and (C) contributions made by the member toward prior service, without interest thereon.
    (2) Upon the death of an annuitant, unless a reversionary annuity is payable under Section 16-136, an amount determined by subtracting the total amount of monthly annuity payments received as a result of the deceased annuitant's retirement from the sum of: (A) the accumulated contributions at retirement; (B) the sum of the contributions made by the deceased toward the cost of the automatic increase in annuity under Section 16-152, without interest thereon; and (C) any contributions made by the deceased for prior service or other purposes, exclusive of contributions toward the cost of the automatic increase in annuity, without interest thereon.
(Source: P.A. 91-887, eff. 7-6-00; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01.)

40 ILCS 5/16-140

    (40 ILCS 5/16-140) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-140)
    Sec. 16-140. Survivors' benefits - definitions.
    (a) For the purpose of Sections 16-138 through 16-143.2, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context otherwise requires:
        (1) "Average salary": the average salary for the
highest 4 consecutive years within the last 10 years of creditable service immediately preceding date of death or retirement, whichever is applicable, or the average salary for the total creditable service if service is less than 4 years.
        (2) "Member": any teacher included in the membership
of the system. However, a teacher who becomes an annuitant of the system or a teacher whose services terminate after 20 years of service from any cause other than retirement is considered a member, subject to the conditions and limitations stated in this Article.
        (3) "Dependent beneficiary": (A) a surviving spouse
of a member or annuitant who was married to the member or annuitant for the 12 month period immediately preceding and on the date of death of such member or annuitant, except where a child is born of such marriage, in which case the qualifying period shall not be applicable; (A-1) a surviving spouse of a member or annuitant who (i) was married to the member or annuitant on the date of the member or annuitant's death, (ii) was married to the member or annuitant for a period of at least 12 months (but not necessarily the 12 months immediately preceding the member or annuitant's death), and (iii) has not received a benefit under subsection (a) of Section 16-141 or paragraph (1) of Section 16-142; (B) an eligible child of a member or annuitant; and (C) a dependent parent.
        Unless otherwise designated by the member,
eligibility for benefits shall be in the order named, except that a dependent parent shall be eligible only if there is no other dependent beneficiary. Any benefit to be received by or paid to a dependent beneficiary to be determined under this paragraph as provided in Sections 16-141 and 16-142 may be received by or paid to a trust established for such dependent beneficiary if such dependent beneficiary is living at the time such benefit would be received by or paid to such trust.
        (4) "Eligible child": an unmarried natural or adopted
child of the member or annuitant under age 18 (age 22 if a full-time student). An unmarried natural or adopted child, regardless of age, who is dependent by reason of a physical or mental disability is eligible for so long as such physical or mental disability continues. An adopted child, however, is eligible only if the proceedings for adoption were finalized while the child was a minor.
        For purposes of this subsection, "disability" means
an inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months.
        The changes made to this Section by Public Act
90-448, relating to benefits for certain unmarried children who are full-time students under age 22, apply without regard to whether the deceased member was in service on or after the effective date of that Act. These changes do not authorize the repayment of a refund or a re-election of benefits, and any benefit or increase in benefits resulting from these changes is not payable retroactively for any period before the effective date of that Act.
        (5) "Dependent parent": a parent who was receiving at
least 1/2 of his or her support from a member or annuitant for the 12-month period immediately preceding and on the date of such member's or annuitant's death, provided however, that such dependent status terminates upon a member's acceptance of a refund for survivor benefit contributions as provided under Section 16-142.
        (6) "Non-dependent beneficiary": any person,
organization or other entity designated by the member who does not qualify as a dependent beneficiary.
        (7) "In service": the condition of a member being in
receipt of salary as a teacher at any time within 12 months immediately before his or her death, being on leave of absence for which the member, upon return to teaching, would be eligible to purchase service credit under subsection (b)(5) of Section 16-127, or being in receipt of a disability or occupational disability benefit. This term does not include any annuitant or member who previously accepted a refund of survivor benefit contributions under paragraph (1) of Section 16-142 unless the conditions specified in subsection (b) of Section 16-143.2 are met.
    (b) The change to this Section made by Public Act 90-511 applies without regard to whether the deceased member or annuitant was in service on or after the effective date of that Act.
    The change to this Section made by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly applies without regard to whether the deceased member or annuitant was in service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act.
(Source: P.A. 95-870, eff. 8-21-08.)

40 ILCS 5/16-141

    (40 ILCS 5/16-141) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-141)
    Sec. 16-141. Survivors' benefits - death in service.
    (a) Upon the death of a member in service occurring on or after July 1, 1990, a beneficiary designated by the member shall be entitled to receive, in a single sum, for each completed year of service up to a maximum of 6 years, an amount equal to 1/6 of the member's highest annual salary rate within the last 4 years of service. If death occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the beneficiary shall be entitled to receive, in a single sum, an amount equal to 1/6 of the most recent annual salary rate. If no beneficiary is designated by the member or if no designated beneficiary survives the member, the single sum benefit under this paragraph shall be paid to the eligible dependent beneficiary or to the trust established for such eligible dependent beneficiary, as determined under paragraph (3) of Section 16-140, or, if there is no dependent beneficiary, to the decedent's estate upon receipt of proper proof of death.
    (b) If the deceased member had at least 1.5 years of creditable service, had rendered at least 60 days of creditable service within the 18 months immediately preceding death and had not designated a non-dependent beneficiary who survives, a dependent beneficiary may elect to receive, instead of the benefit under subsection (a) of this Section, a single sum payment of $1,000, divided by the number of such beneficiaries, together with a survivor's benefit as specified under the following paragraphs:
        (1) A surviving spouse, if no eligible children
exist, shall receive a survivor's benefit of 30% of average salary, beginning at age 50 or upon the date of the member's death, whichever is later, except that if the member's death occurred before July 1, 1973 and the surviving spouse is less than age 55 on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, the survivor's benefit shall begin on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997 or upon the surviving spouse's attainment of age 50, whichever occurs later.
        (2) A surviving spouse, regardless of age, who is
providing for the support of the deceased member's eligible child, shall receive a survivor's benefit of 30% of average salary, plus the sum of (A) 20% of average salary on account of each dependent child, and (B) 10% of average salary divided by the number of children entitled to this benefit.
        (3) Each eligible child, if there is no eligible
surviving spouse, shall receive upon the death of the member a survivor's benefit equal to the sum of: (A) 20% of average salary, and (B) 10% of average salary divided by the number of children entitled to this benefit.
        (4) A dependent parent shall receive upon attainment
of age 55 or the date of the member's death, whichever is later, a survivor's benefit of 30% of average salary, unless dependency is terminated by remarriage or otherwise.
    (c) No election under this Section may be made by a dependent beneficiary if a non-dependent beneficiary designated by the member survives such member.
    (d) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section, if the member is in receipt of a benefit at the time of his or her death, a dependent beneficiary shall receive a survivor benefit beginning the first of the month following the death of the member.
    (e) In cases where the changes to this Section or Section 16-142 made by Public Act 87-1265 increase the amount of a single-sum death benefit that has already been paid by the System, the System shall pay to the beneficiary the amount of the increase provided by this amendatory Act.
(Source: P.A. 90-32, eff. 6-27-97.)

40 ILCS 5/16-142

    (40 ILCS 5/16-142) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-142)
    Sec. 16-142. Survivors' benefits - death out of service. The following benefit shall be payable to the survivors of an annuitant or to the survivors of a member whose death occurs after termination of service for any cause if on the date of termination of service, the member had at least 20 years of creditable service and if the annuitant or member had made contributions for the purposes of this Section for at least one year of creditable service after July 24, 1959:
    (1) Where the member's death occurs on or after July 1, 1990, a beneficiary designated by the member shall be entitled to receive, in a single sum, an amount equal to the member's highest annual rate of salary within the last 4 years of service, reduced by 1/6 of that annual salary for each year or fraction thereof that has elapsed between the date of retirement or termination of service and the date of death, but subject to a minimum payment equal to 1/6 of that annual salary, the actual contributions made by the member for survivor benefits, not including interest thereon, or $3,000, whichever is the greatest. If no beneficiary is designated by the member or if no designated beneficiary survives the member, the lump sum benefit under this paragraph shall be paid to the eligible dependent beneficiary or to the trust established for such eligible dependent beneficiary, as determined under Section 16-140 (3), or, if there is no dependent beneficiary, to the decedent's estate upon receipt of proper proof of death.
    (2) In lieu of the benefit under paragraph (1) of this Section, a dependent beneficiary may receive the benefits provided under subsection (b) of Section 16-141. This paragraph (2) is inapplicable where a non-dependent beneficiary designated by a member survives the member.
    (3) Notwithstanding the creditable service limitations contained elsewhere in this Section and under paragraph (3) of Section 16-143, a surviving dependent beneficiary of an annuitant whose death occurs after December 31, 1981, may receive only the benefits provided in subsection (b) of Section 16-141, subject to a maximum benefit of $200 per month.
(Source: P.A. 87-1265.)

40 ILCS 5/16-142.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-142.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-142.1)
    Sec. 16-142.1. Survivors' benefits - minimum amounts. (a) The minimum survivor's benefit for any one beneficiary shall be the lesser of (1) $30 per month, or (2) 80% of the retirement annuity for which the member would have been eligible at age 60.
    (b) When the death of a member or annuitant occurs after June 30, 1975, the following minimum survivor's benefit shall be payable:
    (1) The minimum total survivor's benefit payable on account of the death of a member shall be 50% of the retirement annuity earned by the member under paragraph (B) of Section 16-133 as of the date of death of the member and which would have been payable upon the later of attainment of age 60 or date of death when death occurs prior to retirement.
    (2) The minimum total survivor's benefit payable on account of the death of an annuitant shall be 50% of the retirement annuity or disability retirement annuity paid to the annuitant at the time of death.
    (c) The minimum survivor's benefit for the surviving spouse of a member who died on or before December 31, 1983 after 10 or more years of creditable service shall be $200 per month.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-142.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-142.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-142.2)
    Sec. 16-142.2. Survivors' benefits - maximum amounts. (a) When the death of a member or annuitant occurs after August 21, 1981, the following maximum limitations shall apply in the determination of the survivor's benefits payable under Section 16-141 and Section 16-142:
    (1) The maximum combined survivor's benefits for a surviving spouse and eligible children or for more than one eligible child where no benefits are payable to a surviving spouse shall be the lesser of: (A) $600 per month, or (B) 80% of average salary.
    (2) The maximum survivor's benefit for a surviving spouse of a deceased annuitant or of a deceased member who terminated service for a cause other than retirement with at least 20 years of creditable service shall be the lesser of: (A) 80% of the retirement annuity earned by the member and payable upon the later of attainment of age 60 or the date of retirement, or (B) $400 per month. The maximum survivor's benefit for a surviving spouse of a member who dies in service shall be $400 per month.
    (3) The maximum survivor's benefit payable for one eligible child shall be $400 per month.
    (4) The maximum combined survivor's benefit for a parent or parents shall be the lesser of (A) $400 per month, or (B) 50% of average salary.
    (b) If the minimum survivor's benefit provided under Section 16-142.1 exceeds the maximum survivor's benefit specified under this Section, such minimum survivor's benefit shall be payable.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-142.3

    (40 ILCS 5/16-142.3) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-142.3)
    Sec. 16-142.3. Required distributions.
    (a) A person who would be eligible to receive a monthly survivor benefit under this Article but for the fact that the person has not yet attained age 50, and who has not elected to receive a lump sum distribution under subsection (a) of Section 16-141, shall be eligible for a monthly distribution under this subsection (a), provided that the payment of such distribution is required by federal law.
    The distribution shall become payable on (i) July 1, 1987, (ii) December 1 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the member or annuitant died, or (iii) December 1 of the calendar year in which the deceased member or annuitant would have attained age 72, whichever occurs latest, and shall remain payable until the first of the following to occur: (1) the person becomes eligible to receive a monthly survivor benefit under this Article; (2) the day following the date on which the member ceases to be eligible to receive a monthly survivor benefit upon attainment of age 50, due to remarriage or death; or (3) the day on which such distribution ceases to be required by federal law.
    The amount of the distribution shall be fixed at the time the distribution first becomes payable, and shall be calculated in the same manner as the monthly survivor benefit under Sections 16-141, 16-142, 16-142.1 and 16-142.2, but excluding any automatic annual increases, supplemental increases, or one-time increases that may be provided by law for monthly survivor benefits.
    (b) For the purpose of this Section, a distribution shall be deemed to be required by federal law if: (1) directly mandated by federal statute, rule, or administrative or court decision; or (2) indirectly mandated through imposition of substantial tax or other penalties for noncompliance.
    (c) Notwithstanding Section 1-103.1 of this Code, a member need not be in service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989 for the member's surviving spouse to be eligible for a distribution under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-210, eff. 7-30-21.)

40 ILCS 5/16-143

    (40 ILCS 5/16-143) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-143)
    Sec. 16-143. Survivors' benefits - other conditions and limitations. The benefits provided under Sections 16-141 and 16-142, shall be subject to the following further conditions and limitations:
    (1) The period during which a member was in receipt of a disability or occupational disability benefit shall be considered as creditable service at the annual salary rate on which the member last made contributions.
    (2) All service prior to July 24, 1959, for which creditable service is granted towards a retirement annuity shall be considered as creditable service.
    (3) No benefits shall be payable unless a member, or a disabled member, returning to service, has made contributions to the system for at least one month after July 24, 1959, except that an annuitant must have contributed to the system for at least 1 year of creditable service after July 24, 1959.
    (4) Creditable service under the State Employees' Retirement System of Illinois, the State Universities Retirement System and the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago shall be considered in determining whether the member has met the creditable service requirement.
    (5) If an eligible beneficiary qualifies for a survivors' benefit because of pension credits established by the participant or annuitant in another system covered by Article 20, and the combined survivors' benefits exceed the highest survivors' benefit payable by either system based upon the combined pension credits, the survivors' benefit payable by this system shall be reduced to that amount which when added to the survivors' benefit payable by the other system would equal this highest survivors' benefit. If the other system has a similar provision for adjustment of the survivors' benefit, the respective proportional survivors' benefits shall be reduced proportionately according to the ratio which the amount of each proportional survivors' benefit bears to the aggregate of all proportional survivors' benefits. If a survivors' benefit is payable by another system covered by Article 20, and the survivor elects to waive the monthly survivors' benefit and accept a lump sum payment or death benefit in lieu of the monthly survivors' benefit, this system shall, for the purpose of adjusting the monthly survivors' benefit under this paragraph, assume that the survivor had been entitled to a monthly survivors' benefit which, in accordance with actuarial tables of this system, is the actuarial equivalent of the amount of the lump sum payment or death benefit.
    (6) Remarriage of a surviving spouse prior to attainment of age 55 that occurs before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly shall terminate his or her survivors' benefits.
    The change made to this item (6) by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly applies without regard to whether the deceased member or annuitant was in service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly.
    (7) The benefits payable to an eligible child shall terminate when the eligible child marries, dies, or attains age 18 (age 22 if a full-time student); except that benefits payable to a dependent disabled eligible child shall terminate only when the eligible child dies or ceases to be disabled.
(Source: P.A. 90-448, eff. 8-16-97; 91-887, eff. 7-6-00.)

40 ILCS 5/16-143.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-143.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-143.1)
    Sec. 16-143.1. Increase in survivor benefits.
    (a) Beginning January 1, 1990, each survivor's benefit and each reversionary annuity payable under Section 16-136 shall be increased by 3% of the currently payable amount thereof (1) on each January 1 occurring on or after the commencement of the annuity if the deceased teacher died while receiving a retirement or disability retirement annuity, or (2) in other cases, on each January 1 occurring on or after the first anniversary of the granting of the benefit, without regard to whether the deceased teacher was in service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1991, but such increases shall not accrue for any period prior to January 1, 1990.
    (b) On January 1, 1981, any beneficiary who was receiving a survivor's monthly benefit on or before January 1, 1971, shall have the benefit then being paid increased by 1% for each full year elapsed from the date the survivor's benefit began. On January 1, 1982, any beneficiary who began receiving a survivor's monthly benefit after January 1, 1971, but before January 1, 1981 shall have the benefit then being paid increased by 1% for each year elapsed from the date the survivor's benefit began.
    On January 1, 1987, any beneficiary whose monthly survivor's benefit began on or before January 1, 1977, shall have the monthly survivor's benefit increased by $1 for each full year which has elapsed since the date the survivor's benefit began.
(Source: P.A. 86-273; 86-1488.)

40 ILCS 5/16-143.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-143.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-143.2)
    Sec. 16-143.2. Refund of contributions for survivor benefits at retirement.
    (a) If at the time of applying for a retirement annuity under Section 16-132, or while in receipt of such a retirement annuity, a member does not have a dependent beneficiary as defined in paragraph (3) of Section 16-140, such member may be granted, upon written request, a refund of actual contributions for survivor benefits, without interest. Members will be eligible for a refund of contributions for survivor benefits as provided in the previous sentence notwithstanding the fact that they began receiving retirement benefits prior to this amendatory Act of 1985. Acceptance of the refund will forfeit all rights to survivor benefits under Sections 16-140 through 16-143.
    (b) Except as provided under subsection (c), an annuitant who reestablishes membership following acceptance of refund of contributions for survivor benefits under subsection (a) of this Section may reinstate eligibility for benefits provided under Sections 16-140 through 16-143 only through: (1) repayment of such refund together with regular interest thereon from the date of the refund to the date of repayment, and (2) completion of one year of creditable service following acceptance of such refund. If membership is reestablished and the above conditions (1) and (2) are not met, an additional refund, representing contributions made following the previous refund will be provided upon the member's death or retirement, whichever is applicable.
    (c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), an annuitant who has received a refund under subsection (a) may, during a period of one year beginning 5 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, make an election to reestablish rights to survivor benefits under Sections 16-140 through 16-143 by paying to the System:
        (1) the total amount of the refund received for
actual contributions; and
        (2) interest on the amount of the refund at the
actuarially assumed rate of return for the period starting on the date of receipt of the refund and ending when the annuitant has made an election under this subsection (c).
    The System may allow an individual to repay this refund through: a tax-deferred lump sum payment in full; substantially equal monthly installments over a period of at least one but not more than 24 months by reducing the annuitant's monthly benefit over the established number of months by the amount of the otherwise applicable contribution; or a combination thereof. To the extent permitted under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for federal and State tax purposes, the monthly amount by which the annuitant's benefit is reduced shall not be treated as a contribution by the annuitant, but rather as a reduction of the annuitant's monthly benefit.
    If a member makes an election under this subsection (c) and the contributions required in items (1) and (2) of this subsection (c) are not paid in full, an additional one-time lump sum refund representing contributions made following the previous refund shall be provided to the named beneficiary or beneficiaries on file with the System or, if none, to the member's estate, when the member dies.
(Source: P.A. 99-682, eff. 7-29-16.)

40 ILCS 5/16-149

    (40 ILCS 5/16-149) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-149)
    Sec. 16-149. Disability benefit.
    (a) A disability benefit is payable to a member who was in active service on or after June 30, 1977 and has at least 3 years of creditable service. Part-time and substitute teachers who are in active service on or after July 1, 1990 must have worked as a teacher for at least 340 hours in either the school year in which the disability occurs or in the preceding school year.
    The benefit is payable upon application of a member who is not receiving a benefit under either Section 16-133, Section 16-149.1 or Section 16-149.2. The benefit shall be granted only if the member is found by medical examination to be incapacitated to perform the duties of his or her position as a teacher and only if the commencement of the incapacity occurred while the member was employed as a teacher or within 90 days of such employment.
    A member shall be considered disabled only when the System has received (1) a written certificate by at least 2 licensed and practicing physicians designated by the System, certifying that the member is disabled and unable to properly perform the duties of his or her position at the time of disability, except in the case of disability due to pregnancy where a written certificate from only one licensed and practicing physician is required; (2) a written statement from the employer certifying that the member is not eligible to receive a salary; and (3) a certification from the member that he or she is not and has not been engaged in gainful employment during the period of disability.
    The benefit shall begin to accrue on the 31st day of absence from service on account of disability, except that when an application is made more than 90 days subsequent to the later of the commencement of disability or the date eligibility for salary ceases, it shall begin to accrue from the date of application, and shall be payable during the time the member does not receive a retirement annuity. The benefit is not payable to a member who is receiving or has a right to receive any salary as a teacher, or is employed in any capacity as a teacher by the employers included under this System or in an equivalent capacity in any other public or private school, college or university, except as provided in Section 16-149.6.
    Service credits under the State Employees' Retirement System of Illinois, the State Universities Retirement System and the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund shall be considered in determining the member's eligibility for a disability benefit and the total period during which the disability benefit is payable.
    (b) The disability benefit shall be 40% of the greater of the member's most recent annual contract salary rate at the time the disability benefit becomes payable or the member's annual contract rate on the date the disability commenced. Prior to July 1, 1990, if the most recent period of service of any member was rendered on a less than full-time but not less than half-time basis, the amount of the disability benefit payable to such member shall be computed on the basis of the salary received by such member for the member's last year of service on a full-time basis if such salary was greater than the member's most recent salary. For part-time and substitute members after June 30, 1990, the disability benefit shall be 40% of the greater of the member's most recent annualized salary rate at the time the disability benefit becomes payable or the annualized salary rate or contract salary rate at the time the disability commenced.
    In addition to the above benefit, the member shall receive creditable service and credit for contributions that the member would have made in active employment during any period of disability for which benefits are paid by the System on the basis of the annual salary rate used in computing the benefit, except as provided in Section 16-149.6.
    (c) Effective January 1, 1988, the disability benefit shall continue until the time one of the following events first occurs: (1) disability ceases; (2) the member requests termination of the benefit; (3) the aggregate period for which disability payments made during the member's entire period of service equals 1/4 of the total period of creditable service, not including the time he or she has received the disability payments; or (4) the member is engaged or found to be able to engage in gainful employment, other than limited employment under Section 16-149.6. If the disability benefit is discontinued under item (4) but the member is subsequently found to be unable to be gainfully employed due to the disability which was the cause for his or her most recent incapacity to perform the duties of a teacher, the disability benefit will be resumed, upon notification of the System, as soon as the member is not eligible to receive salary.
    A disabled member who receives disability benefits for the maximum period specified above or who requests that the disability benefits be terminated may be retired on a disability retirement annuity.
    (d) The board shall prescribe rules governing the filing, investigation, control, and supervision of disability claims. The rules shall include specific standards to be used when requesting additional medical examinations, hospital records or other data necessary for determining the employment capacity and condition of the member. Costs incurred by a claimant in connection with completing a claim for disability benefits shall be paid by the claimant.
(Source: P.A. 94-539, eff. 8-10-05.)

40 ILCS 5/16-149.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-149.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-149.1)
    Sec. 16-149.1. Occupational disability benefit.
    (a) A member who becomes totally and immediately incapacitated for duty as the proximate result of bodily injuries sustained or a hazard undergone while in the performance and within the scope of his or her duties, if such injuries or hazard were not the consequence of the member's willful negligence, shall receive an occupational disability benefit upon making proper application. If application is made more than 90 days subsequent to the later of the commencement of disability or the date eligibility for salary ceases, benefits shall begin to accrue from the date of application, but service credit and credit for contributions will be earned from the date of disability. The benefit is not payable to, and credit for service and contributions may not be earned under this Section by, a member who is receiving a benefit under Section 16-133, 16-149, or 16-149.2, or who is receiving salary as a teacher, or is employed in any capacity as a teacher by the employers included under this System or in an equivalent capacity in any other public or private school, college or university, except as provided in Section 16-149.6.
    Proper proof of disability shall consist of: (1) a written certificate by at least 2 licensed and practicing physicians designated by the System, certifying that member is disabled and unable to perform assigned duties; (2) a written statement from the employer certifying that the member is disabled and not receiving a salary, and related information as to the cause and commencement of disability; and (3) a written statement from the member certifying that the member is not and has not been engaged in gainful employment.
    Occupational disability benefits under this Section shall be payable only if (1) on the basis of a claim filed by the applicant with the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission, it is determined by the Commission that the disability was incurred while in the performance and within the scope of assigned duties, under the terms of the Illinois Workers' Compensation or Occupational Diseases Act, whichever applies, and the claim is adjudicated as compensable by the Commission under either of the aforesaid Acts; or (2) on the basis of a claim filed by the applicant with an insurance carrier with which the employer of the applicant has a workers' compensation insurance policy, it is determined under the terms of the aforesaid policy that the disability was incurred while in the performance and within the scope of the member's assigned duties and the claim is approved as compensable.
    (b) The occupational disability benefit shall be the greater of 60% of the member's contract salary rate at the time the disability benefit becomes payable or the member's annual contract rate on the date the disability commenced, and shall be payable monthly in equal installments. For part-time and substitute teachers after June 30, 1990, the benefit shall be the greater of the member's most recent annualized salary rate at the time the disability benefit becomes payable or the annualized salary rate or annual contract rate at the time the disability commenced.
    Any amounts provided for a member or a member's dependents under the Illinois Workers' Compensation Act, the Illinois Occupational Diseases Act or a workers' compensation insurance policy provided by the employer shall be applied as an offset to any occupational benefit provided under this Section in such manner as may be prescribed by the board.
    In addition to the above benefit, the member shall receive creditable service and credit for contributions that the member would have made in active employment during the period of disability, except as provided in Section 16-149.6. Creditable service and credit for contributions shall be calculated on the basis of the annual salary rate used in computing the benefit; however, such credit shall not be used in the determination of the period for which disability benefits are payable. A member who remains disabled after the termination of benefits due to age or the expiration of the maximum period for which benefits are payable shall be entitled to the retirement annuity provided under Section 16-133, notwithstanding that the member may not have the required minimum period of creditable service prescribed for such annuity.
    (c) Effective January 1, 1988, the occupational disability benefit shall continue until the time one of the following first occurs: (1) disability ceases; (2) the member requests termination of the benefit; or (3) the member is engaged or found to be able to engage in gainful employment, other than limited employment under Section 16-149.6. If the disability benefit is discontinued under item (3) but the member is subsequently found to be unable to be gainfully employed due to the disability which was the cause for his or her most recent incapacity to perform the duties of a teacher, the disability benefit will be resumed, upon notification of the System, as soon as the member is not eligible to receive salary.
    (d) The board shall prescribe rules governing the filing, investigation, control, and supervision of disability claims. Costs incurred by a claimant in connection with completing a claim for disability benefits shall be paid by the claimant.
(Source: P.A. 93-721, eff. 1-1-05; 94-539, eff. 8-10-05.)

40 ILCS 5/16-149.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-149.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-149.2)
    Sec. 16-149.2. Disability retirement annuity.
    (a) A member whose disability benefit has been terminated under the provisions of Section 16-149 may be retired on a disability retirement annuity payable effective the day following such termination provided the member remains disabled under the standard of disability provided in Section 16-149.
    The disability retirement annuity shall be payable upon receipt of written certificates from at least 2 licensed physicians designated by the System verifying the continuation of the disability condition. A disability retirement annuity shall not be paid during any period for which the member receives benefits under Section 16-133, Section 16-149, or Section 16-149.1 or has a right to receive a salary as a teacher, or is employed in any capacity as a teacher by the employers included under this System or in an equivalent capacity in any other public or private school, college or university, except as provided in Section 16-149.6.
    (b) The disability retirement annuity shall be equal to the larger of: (1) 35% of the most recent annual contract salary rate or for part-time and substitute members after June 30, 1990, the most recent annualized salary rate; or (2) if disability commences prior to the member's attainment of age 55, the amount computed in accordance with Section 16-133, provided the amount computed under paragraph (B) of Section 16-133 shall be reduced by 1/2 of 1% for each month that the member is less than age 55; or (3) if disability commences after the member's attainment of age 55, and the member is not receiving a retirement annuity under Section 16-133, the amount computed in accordance with Section 16-133.
    Prior to July 1, 1990, if the most recent period of service of any member eligible to receive a disability retirement annuity was rendered on a less than full-time but not less than half-time basis, the amount of the disability retirement annuity payable shall be computed on the basis of the salary received by such member for the member's last year of service on a full-time basis if such salary was greater than the member's most recent salary.
    (c) If an annuitant receiving a disability retirement annuity under this Section is engaged in or able to engage in gainful employment (including limited employment under Section 16-149.6) paying more than the difference between the disability retirement annuity and the salary rate upon which the disability benefit is based, with no salary to be considered less than the minimum prescribed in Section 24-8 of the School Code, the disability retirement annuity shall be reduced to an amount which together with the amount earned by the annuitant, equals the salary rate upon which the disability benefit is based. However, for the purposes of this subsection (c) only, the salary rate upon which the benefit is based shall be deemed to increase by 15% on the tenth anniversary of the commencement of the annuity.
    Once each year during the first 5 years following retirement on a disability retirement annuity, and once in every 3-year period thereafter, the System may require an annuitant to undergo a medical examination, by a physician or physicians designated by the System. If the annuitant refuses to submit to such medical examination, the annuity shall be discontinued until such time as the annuitant consents to the examination, and if refusal continues for one year, all the rights to the annuity shall be revoked.
    (d) If an annuitant in receipt of a disability retirement annuity returns to active service as a teacher (other than limited employment under Section 16-149.6) or is no longer disabled, such annuity shall cease and the annuitant shall again become a member of the Retirement System and, if in active service as a teacher, shall make regular contributions. All service for which the annuitant had credit on the date of disability shall be properly reestablished.
    An annuitant in receipt of a disability retirement annuity who returns to active service as a teacher and who again becomes disabled shall not be entitled to a recomputation of the disability retirement annuity based on amendments enacted while the annuitant was in receipt of the annuity unless at least one year of creditable service is rendered after the latest re-entry into service.
    (e) An annuitant in receipt of a disability retirement annuity may, upon reaching retirement age as specified in Section 16-132, apply for a retirement annuity which is to be calculated as specified in Section 16-133. The disability retirement annuity shall be discontinued upon commencement of the retirement annuity.
    (f) The board shall prescribe rules governing the filing, investigation, control, and supervision of disability retirement claims. The rules shall include specific standards to be used when requesting additional medical examinations, hospital records or other data necessary for determining the employment capacity and condition of the annuitant. Costs incurred by a claimant in connection with completing a claim for disability benefits shall be paid by the claimant.
    The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of 1991 shall apply not only to persons who on or after its effective date are in service as a teacher under the System, but also to persons whose status as a teacher terminated prior to that date, whether or not the person is an annuitant on that date.
(Source: P.A. 93-469, eff. 8-8-03; 94-539, eff. 8-10-05.)

40 ILCS 5/16-149.3

    (40 ILCS 5/16-149.3) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-149.3)
    Sec. 16-149.3. Increase in disability retirement annuity. An annuitant who retired on account of disability prior to July 22, 1947 may have the amount of his annual disability retirement annuity increased to $400 upon contributing an amount equal to the lesser of: (1) one month's current annuity, or (2) the difference between the current annual annuity and $400.
    The increase in disability retirement annuity provided under this Section shall be effective as of the first month following receipt of the required contribution from the annuitant.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-149.4

    (40 ILCS 5/16-149.4) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-149.4)
    Sec. 16-149.4. Supplementary disability retirement annuity.
    (a) An annuitant receiving a disability retirement annuity on June 30, 1961 of less than $50 for each year of creditable service forming the basis of the disability retirement annuity shall have his or her disability retirement annuity increased to $50 per year for each year of such creditable service, with a minimum annuity of $1,000 per year.
    (b) In order to be entitled to the increase in disability retirement annuity provided under this Section, an annuitant is required to make an additional contribution of $5 for each year of creditable service, together with interest at the rate of 3% per annum from August 25, 1961.
    (c) The supplementary retirement annuity provided under this Section shall begin to accrue on the first of the month following receipt of the required contributions from the annuitant.
(Source: P.A. 91-887, eff. 7-6-00.)

40 ILCS 5/16-149.5

    (40 ILCS 5/16-149.5) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-149.5)
    Sec. 16-149.5. Automatic increase in disability benefit. Each disability benefit payable under Section 16-149, 16-149.1 or 16-149.2 shall be increased by 7% of the original fixed amount of such benefit on January 1, 1991 or January 1 following the fourth anniversary of the granting of the benefit, whichever occurs later. On each January 1 following the 7% increase, the disability benefit shall be increased by 3% of the current amount of the benefit, including prior increases under this Article. However, in the case of a disability retirement annuity granted under Section 16-149.2, the annual increases provided by this Section shall cease as soon as the recipient of the annuity qualifies for the automatic annual increases provided under Section 16-133.1.
(Source: P.A. 86-1488.)

40 ILCS 5/16-149.6

    (40 ILCS 5/16-149.6)
    Sec. 16-149.6. Limited employment during disability.
    (a) A teacher who (i) has been receiving a disability, occupational disability, or disability retirement benefit under Section 16-149, 16-149.1, or 16-149.2 for at least one year and (ii) remains unable to resume regular full-time teaching due to disability, but is able to engage in limited or part-time employment as a teacher, may engage in such limited or part-time employment as a teacher for an employer under either this Article or an employer under Article 15 of this Code without loss of the disability, occupational disability, or disability retirement benefit, provided that the teacher's earnings for that limited or part-time employment, when added to the amount of the benefit, do not exceed 100% of the salary rate upon which the benefit is based.
    (b) A disabled teacher who engages in limited or part-time teaching under this Section and earns service and contribution credits for that teaching shall not receive duplicate service or contribution credits under Section 16-149 or 16-149.1.
(Source: P.A. 94-539, eff. 8-10-05; 95-816, eff. 8-13-08.)

40 ILCS 5/16-150

    (40 ILCS 5/16-150) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-150)
    Sec. 16-150. Re-entry.
    (a) This Section does not apply to an annuitant who returns to teaching under the program established in Section 16-150.1, for the duration of his or her participation in that program.
    (b) If an annuitant under this System is again employed as a teacher for an aggregate period exceeding that permitted by Section 16-118, his or her retirement annuity shall be terminated and the annuitant shall thereupon be regarded as an active member.
    Such annuitant is not entitled to a recomputation of his or her retirement annuity unless at least one full year of creditable service is rendered after the latest re-entry into service and the annuitant must have rendered at least 3 years of creditable service after last re-entry into service to qualify for a recomputation of the retirement annuity based on amendments enacted while in receipt of a retirement annuity, except when retirement was due to disability.
    However, regardless of age, an annuitant in receipt of a retirement annuity may be given temporary employment by a school board not exceeding that permitted under Section 16-118 and continue to receive the retirement annuity.
    (c) Unless retirement was necessitated by disability, a retirement shall be considered cancelled and the retirement allowance must be repaid in full if the annuitant is employed as a teacher within the school year during which service was terminated.
    (d) An annuitant's retirement which does not include a period of at least one full and complete school year shall be considered cancelled and the retirement annuity must be repaid in full unless such retirement was necessitated by disability.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)

40 ILCS 5/16-150.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-150.1)
    Sec. 16-150.1. Return to teaching in subject shortage area.
    (a) As used in this Section, "eligible employment" means employment beginning on or after July 1, 2003 and ending no later than June 30, 2027, in a subject shortage area at a qualified school, in a position requiring certification under the law governing the certification of teachers.
    As used in this Section, "qualified school" means a public elementary or secondary school that meets all of the following requirements:
        (1) At the time of hiring a retired teacher under
this Section, the school is experiencing a shortage of teachers in the subject shortage area for which the teacher is hired.
        (2) The school district to which the school belongs
has complied with the requirements of subsection (e), and the regional superintendent has certified that compliance to the System.
        (3) If the school district to which the school
belongs provides group health benefits for its teachers generally, substantially similar health benefits are made available for teachers participating in the program under this Section, without any limitations based on pre-existing conditions.
    (b) An annuitant receiving a retirement annuity under this Article (other than a disability retirement annuity) may engage in eligible employment at a qualified school without impairing his or her retirement status or retirement annuity, subject to the following conditions:
        (1) the eligible employment does not begin within the
school year during which service was terminated;
        (2) the annuitant has not received any early
retirement incentive under Section 16-133.3, 16-133.4, or 16-133.5;
        (3) if the annuitant retired before age 60 and with
less than 34 years of service, the eligible employment does not begin within the year following the effective date of the retirement annuity;
        (4) if the annuitant retired at age 60 or above or
with 34 or more years of service, the eligible employment does not begin within the 90 days following the effective date of the retirement annuity; and
        (5) before the eligible employment begins, the
employer notifies the System in writing of the annuitant's desire to participate in the program established under this Section.
    (c) An annuitant engaged in eligible employment in accordance with subsection (b) shall be deemed a participant in the program established under this Section for so long as he or she remains employed in eligible employment.
    (d) A participant in the program established under this Section continues to be a retirement annuitant, rather than an active teacher, for all of the purposes of this Code, but shall be deemed an active teacher for other purposes, such as inclusion in a collective bargaining unit, eligibility for group health benefits, and compliance with the laws governing the employment, regulation, certification, treatment, and conduct of teachers.
    With respect to an annuitant's eligible employment under this Section, neither employee nor employer contributions shall be made to the System and no additional service credit shall be earned. Eligible employment does not affect the annuitant's final average salary or the amount of the retirement annuity.
    (e) Before hiring a teacher under this Section, the school district to which the school belongs must do the following:
        (1) If the school district to which the school
belongs has honorably dismissed, within the calendar year preceding the beginning of the school term for which it seeks to employ a retired teacher under the program established in this Section, any teachers who are legally qualified to hold positions in the subject shortage area and have not yet begun to receive their retirement annuities under this Article, the vacant positions must first be tendered to those teachers.
        (2) For a period of at least 90 days during the 6
months preceding the beginning of either the fall or spring term for which it seeks to employ a retired teacher under the program established in this Section, the school district must, on an ongoing basis, (i) advertise its vacancies in the subject shortage area in employment bulletins published by college and university placement offices located near the school; (ii) search for teachers legally qualified to fill those vacancies through the Illinois Education Job Bank; and (iii) post all vacancies on the school district's website and list the vacancy in an online job portal or database.
    A school district replacing a teacher who is unable to continue employment with the school district because of documented illness, injury, or disability that occurred after being hired by a school district under this Section shall be exempt from the provisions of paragraph (2) for 90 school days. However, the school district must on an ongoing basis comply with items (i), (ii), and (iii) of paragraph (2).
    The school district must submit documentation of its compliance with this subsection to the regional superintendent. Upon receiving satisfactory documentation from the school district, the regional superintendent shall certify the district's compliance with this subsection to the System.
    (f) This Section applies without regard to whether the annuitant was in service on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 102-440, eff. 8-20-21; 103-588, eff. 6-5-24.)

40 ILCS 5/16-151

    (40 ILCS 5/16-151) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-151)
    Sec. 16-151. Refund. Upon termination of employment as a teacher for any cause other than death or retirement, a member shall be paid the following amount upon demand made at least 4 months after ceasing to teach:
        (1) from the Benefit Trust Reserve, the actual total
contributions paid by or on behalf of the member for membership service which have not been previously refunded and which are then credited to the member's individual account in the Benefit Trust Reserve, without interest thereon, and
        (2) from the Benefit Trust Reserve, the actual
contributions not previously refunded, paid by or on behalf of the member for prior service and towards the cost of the automatic annual increase in retirement annuity as provided under Section 16-152, without interest thereon.
    Any such amounts may be paid to the member either in one sum or, at the election of the board, in 4 quarterly payments.
    Contributions credited to a member for periods of disability as provided in Sections 16-149 and 16-149.1 are not refundable.
    Upon acceptance of a refund, all accrued rights and credits in the System are forfeited and may be reinstated only if the refund is repaid together with interest from the date of the refund to the date of repayment at the following rates compounded annually: for periods prior to July 1, 1965, regular interest; for periods from July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1977, 4% per year; for periods on and after July 1, 1977, regular interest. Repayment shall be permitted upon return to membership; however, service credit previously forfeited by a refund and subsequently reinstated may not be used as a basis for the payment of benefits, other than a refund of contributions, prior to the completion of one year of creditable service following the refund, except when repayment is permitted under the provisions of the "Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act" contained in Article 20.
(Source: P.A. 93-469, eff. 8-8-03.)

40 ILCS 5/16-152

    (40 ILCS 5/16-152) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-152)
    (Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-152. Contributions by members.
    (a) Except as provided in subsection (a-5), each member shall make contributions for membership service to this System as follows:
        (1) Effective July 1, 1998, contributions of 7.50% of
salary towards the cost of the retirement annuity. Such contributions shall be deemed "normal contributions".
        (2) Effective July 1, 1969 and, in the case of Tier 1
members, ending on June 30, 2014, contributions of 1/2 of 1% of salary toward the cost of the automatic annual increase in retirement annuity provided under Section 16-133.1.
        (3) Effective July 24, 1959, contributions of 1% of
salary towards the cost of survivor benefits. Such contributions shall not be credited to the individual account of the member and shall not be subject to refund except as provided under Section 16-143.2.
        (4) Effective July 1, 2005, contributions of 0.40% of
salary toward the cost of the early retirement without discount option provided under Section 16-133.2. This contribution shall cease upon termination of the early retirement without discount option as provided in Section 16-133.2.
    (a-5) Beginning July 1, 2014, in lieu of the contribution otherwise required under paragraph (1) of subsection (a), each Tier 1 member shall contribute 7% of salary towards the cost of the retirement annuity. Contributions made pursuant to this subsection (a-5) shall be deemed "normal contributions".
    (b) The minimum required contribution for any year of full-time teaching service shall be $192.
    (c) Contributions shall not be required of any annuitant receiving a retirement annuity who is given employment as permitted under Section 16-118 or 16-150.1.
    (d) A person who (i) was a member before July 1, 1998, (ii) retires with more than 34 years of creditable service, and (iii) does not elect to qualify for the augmented rate under Section 16-129.1 shall be entitled, at the time of retirement, to receive a partial refund of contributions made under this Section for service occurring after the later of June 30, 1998 or attainment of 34 years of creditable service, in an amount equal to 1.00% of the salary upon which those contributions were based.
    (e) A member's contributions toward the cost of early retirement without discount made under item (a)(4) of this Section shall not be refunded if the member has elected early retirement without discount under Section 16-133.2 and has begun to receive a retirement annuity under this Article calculated in accordance with that election. Otherwise, a member's contributions toward the cost of early retirement without discount made under item (a)(4) of this Section shall be refunded according to whichever one of the following circumstances occurs first:
        (1) The contributions shall be refunded to the
member, without interest, within 120 days after the member's retirement annuity commences, if the member does not elect early retirement without discount under Section 16-133.2.
        (2) The contributions shall be included, without
interest, in any refund claimed by the member under Section 16-151.
        (3) The contributions shall be refunded to the
member's designated beneficiary (or if there is no beneficiary, to the member's estate), without interest, if the member dies without having begun to receive a retirement annuity under this Article.
        (4) The contributions shall be refunded to the
member, without interest, if the early retirement without discount option provided under subsection (d) of Section 16-133.2 is terminated. In that event, the System shall provide to the member, within 120 days after the option is terminated, an application for a refund of those contributions.
(Source: P.A. 98-42, eff. 6-28-13; 98-92, eff. 7-16-13; 98-599, eff. 6-1-14.)
    (Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-152. Contributions by members.
    (a) Each member shall make contributions for membership service to this System as follows:
        (1) Effective July 1, 1998, contributions of 7.50% of
salary towards the cost of the retirement annuity. Such contributions shall be deemed "normal contributions".
        (2) Effective July 1, 1969, contributions of 1/2 of
1% of salary toward the cost of the automatic annual increase in retirement annuity provided under Section 16-133.1.
        (3) Effective July 24, 1959, contributions of 1% of
salary towards the cost of survivor benefits. Such contributions shall not be credited to the individual account of the member and shall not be subject to refund except as provided under Section 16-143.2.
        (4) Effective July 1, 2005, contributions of 0.40% of
salary toward the cost of the early retirement without discount option provided under Section 16-133.2. This contribution shall cease upon termination of the early retirement without discount option as provided in Section 16-133.2.
    (b) The minimum required contribution for any year of full-time teaching service shall be $192.
    (c) Contributions shall not be required of any annuitant receiving a retirement annuity who is given employment as permitted under Section 16-118 or 16-150.1.
    (d) A person who (i) was a member before July 1, 1998, (ii) retires with more than 34 years of creditable service, and (iii) does not elect to qualify for the augmented rate under Section 16-129.1 shall be entitled, at the time of retirement, to receive a partial refund of contributions made under this Section for service occurring after the later of June 30, 1998 or attainment of 34 years of creditable service, in an amount equal to 1.00% of the salary upon which those contributions were based.
    (e) A member's contributions toward the cost of early retirement without discount made under item (a)(4) of this Section shall not be refunded if the member has elected early retirement without discount under Section 16-133.2 and has begun to receive a retirement annuity under this Article calculated in accordance with that election. Otherwise, a member's contributions toward the cost of early retirement without discount made under item (a)(4) of this Section shall be refunded according to whichever one of the following circumstances occurs first:
        (1) The contributions shall be refunded to the
member, without interest, within 120 days after the member's retirement annuity commences, if the member does not elect early retirement without discount under Section 16-133.2.
        (2) The contributions shall be included, without
interest, in any refund claimed by the member under Section 16-151.
        (3) The contributions shall be refunded to the
member's designated beneficiary (or if there is no beneficiary, to the member's estate), without interest, if the member dies without having begun to receive a retirement annuity under this Article.
        (4) The contributions shall be refunded to the
member, without interest, if the early retirement without discount option provided under subsection (d) of Section 16-133.2 is terminated. In that event, the System shall provide to the member, within 120 days after the option is terminated, an application for a refund of those contributions.
(Source: P.A. 98-42, eff. 6-28-13; 98-92, eff. 7-16-13; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16.)

40 ILCS 5/16-152.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-152.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-152.1)
    Sec. 16-152.1. Pickup of contributions.
    (a) Each employer may pick up the member contributions required under Section 16-152 for all salary earned after December 31, 1981. If an employer decides not to pick up the member contributions, the amount that would have been picked up shall continue to be deducted from salary. If contributions are picked up, they shall be treated as employer contributions in determining tax treatment under the United States Internal Revenue Code. The employer shall pay these member contributions from the same source of funds which is used in paying salary to the member. The employer may pick up these contributions by a reduction in the cash salary of the member or by an offset against a future salary increase or by a combination of a reduction in salary and offset against a future salary increase. If member contributions are picked up, they shall be treated for all purposes of this Article 16 in the same manner as member contributions made prior to the date the pick up began.
    (b) The State Board of Education shall pick up the contributions of regional superintendents required under Section 16-152 for all salary earned for the 1982 calendar year and thereafter.
    (c) Effective July 1, 1983, each employer shall pick up the member contributions required under Section 16-152 for all salary earned after such date. Contributions so picked up shall be treated as employer contributions in determining tax treatment under the United States Internal Revenue Code. The employer shall pay these member contributions from the same source of funds which is used in paying salary to the member. The employer may pick up these contributions by a reduction in the cash salary of the member or by an offset against a future salary increase or by a combination of a reduction in salary and offset against a future salary increase. Member contributions so picked up shall be treated for all purposes of this Article 16 in the same manner as member contributions made prior to the date the pick up began.
    (d) Subject to the requirements of federal law and the rules of the board, beginning July 1, 1998 a member who is employed on a full-time basis may elect to have the employer pick up optional contributions that the member has elected to pay to the System, and the contributions so picked up shall be treated as employer contributions for the purposes of determining federal tax treatment. The election to have optional contributions picked up is irrevocable. At the time of making the election, the member shall execute a binding, irrevocable payroll deduction authorization. Upon receiving notice of the election, the employer shall pick up the contributions by a reduction in the cash salary of the member and shall pay the contributions from the same source of funds that is used to pay earnings to the member.
(Source: P.A. 90-448, eff. 8-16-97.)

40 ILCS 5/16-152.5

    (40 ILCS 5/16-152.5)
    (This Section was added by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-152.5. Use of contributions for health care subsidies. The System shall not use any contribution received by the System under this Article to provide a subsidy for the cost of participation in a retiree health care program.
(Source: P.A. 98-599, eff. 6-1-14.)

40 ILCS 5/16-153.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-153.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-153.1)
    Sec. 16-153.1. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 89-25, eff. 6-21-95. Repealed internally, eff. 7-1-96.)

40 ILCS 5/16-153.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-153.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-153.2)
    Sec. 16-153.2. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 89-25, eff. 6-21-95. Repealed internally, eff. 7-1-98.)

40 ILCS 5/16-153.3

    (40 ILCS 5/16-153.3) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-153.3)
    Sec. 16-153.3. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 89-25, eff. 6-21-95. Repealed internally, eff. 7-1-96.)

40 ILCS 5/16-153.4

    (40 ILCS 5/16-153.4) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-153.4)
    Sec. 16-153.4. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 89-25, eff. 6-21-95. Repealed internally, eff. 7-1-96.)

40 ILCS 5/16-153.5

    (40 ILCS 5/16-153.5)
    Sec. 16-153.5. Election of medicare coverage.
    (a) The System shall conduct a divided medicare coverage referendum, open to teachers continuously employed by the same employer since March 31, 1986. The referendum shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of federal law and Article 21 of this Code.
    (b) As used in this Section and in compliance with federal law, "referendum" means the process whereby teachers are granted the opportunity to make an irrevocable individual election to participate in the medicare program on a prospective basis.
    (c) Employers shall pay the necessary employer contributions and make the necessary deductions from salary for teachers who elect to participate in the federal medicare program under this Section, as required by the System, Article 21 of this Code, and federal law.
(Source: P.A. 93-119, eff. 7-10-03.)

40 ILCS 5/16-154

    (40 ILCS 5/16-154) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-154)
    Sec. 16-154. Deductions from salary.
    (a) Required contributions. The governing body of each school district and of each employing unit coming under this System, and the State Comptroller or other State officer certifying payroll vouchers, including payments of salary or wages to teachers, shall pick up or retain on every pay day the contributions required under Section 16-152 of each member. Each governing body or officer shall furnish a statement to each member showing the amount picked up or retained from his or her salary.
    (b) Optional contributions. For the purposes of this Section and Section 16-152.1, "optional contributions" means contributions that a member elects to make in order to establish optional service credit or to reinstate creditable service that was terminated upon payment of a refund.
    The governing body of each school district and of each employing unit coming under this System and the State Comptroller or other State officer certifying payroll vouchers shall take the steps necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to permit the pickup of optional contributions on a tax-deferred basis. Beginning July 1, 1998, a school district or other employing unit shall not withhold optional contributions from the salary of any member on an after-tax basis.
(Source: P.A. 90-448, eff. 8-16-97.)

40 ILCS 5/16-155

    (40 ILCS 5/16-155) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-155)
    Sec. 16-155. Report to system and payment of deductions.
    (a) The employer shall submit to the System all required reports and contributions for salary paid during any month by the 10th of the following month. Additionally, all required contributions for salary earned during a school term are due by July 10 following the close of such school term.
    The governing body of each State institution coming under this retirement system, the State Comptroller or other State officer certifying payroll vouchers including payments of salary or wages to teachers, and any other employer of teachers, shall, monthly, forward to the secretary of the retirement system the member contributions required under this Article.
    Each employer specified above shall, prior to August 15 of each year, forward to the System a detailed statement, verified in all cases of school districts by the secretary or clerk of the district, of the amounts so contributed since the period covered by the last previous annual statement, together with required contributions not yet forwarded, such payments being payable to the System.
    The board may prescribe rules governing the form, content, investigation, control, and supervision of such statements and may establish additional interim employer reporting requirements as the Board deems necessary. If no teacher in a school district comes under the provisions of this Article, the governing body of the district shall so state under the oath of its secretary to this system, and shall at the same time forward a copy of the statement to the regional superintendent of schools.
    The board may also require reporting requirements that are different than those prescribed in this Section and may require different reporting requirements for different benefits or purposes established under this Article, including, but not limited to, any optional benefit plan an employee chooses to participate in.
    (b) If an employer that is not a State agency fails to forward such required contributions within the time permitted in subsection (a) above, the System shall notify the employer of an amount due, equal to $50 per day for each day that elapses from the due date until the day such report and contributions are received by the System.
    (c) If the system, on August 15, is not in receipt of the detailed statements required under this Section of any school district or other employing unit, such school district or other employing unit shall pay to the system an amount equal to $250 for each day that elapses from August 15, until the day such statement is filed with the system.
(Source: P.A. 103-552, eff. 8-11-23.)

40 ILCS 5/16-157

    (40 ILCS 5/16-157) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-157)
    Sec. 16-157. Consent to deductions - discharge of claims. Every member is deemed to have consented to the contributions required under this Article. Payment of salary or compensation less the required contribution shall be a complete discharge and acquittance of all salary and compensation claims and demands for the member's services rendered during the period covered by such payment.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-158

    (40 ILCS 5/16-158) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-158)
    Sec. 16-158. Contributions by State and other employing units.
    (a) The State shall make contributions to the System by means of appropriations from the Common School Fund and other State funds of amounts which, together with other employer contributions, employee contributions, investment income, and other income, will be sufficient to meet the cost of maintaining and administering the System on a 90% funded basis in accordance with actuarial recommendations.
    The Board shall determine the amount of State contributions required for each fiscal year on the basis of the actuarial tables and other assumptions adopted by the Board and the recommendations of the actuary, using the formula in subsection (b-3).
    (a-1) Annually, on or before November 15 until November 15, 2011, the Board shall certify to the Governor the amount of the required State contribution for the coming fiscal year. The certification under this subsection (a-1) shall include a copy of the actuarial recommendations upon which it is based and shall specifically identify the System's projected State normal cost for that fiscal year.
    On or before May 1, 2004, the Board shall recalculate and recertify to the Governor the amount of the required State contribution to the System for State fiscal year 2005, taking into account the amounts appropriated to and received by the System under subsection (d) of Section 7.2 of the General Obligation Bond Act.
    On or before July 1, 2005, the Board shall recalculate and recertify to the Governor the amount of the required State contribution to the System for State fiscal year 2006, taking into account the changes in required State contributions made by Public Act 94-4.
    On or before April 1, 2011, the Board shall recalculate and recertify to the Governor the amount of the required State contribution to the System for State fiscal year 2011, applying the changes made by Public Act 96-889 to the System's assets and liabilities as of June 30, 2009 as though Public Act 96-889 was approved on that date.
    (a-5) On or before November 1 of each year, beginning November 1, 2012, the Board shall submit to the State Actuary, the Governor, and the General Assembly a proposed certification of the amount of the required State contribution to the System for the next fiscal year, along with all of the actuarial assumptions, calculations, and data upon which that proposed certification is based. On or before January 1 of each year, beginning January 1, 2013, the State Actuary shall issue a preliminary report concerning the proposed certification and identifying, if necessary, recommended changes in actuarial assumptions that the Board must consider before finalizing its certification of the required State contributions. On or before January 15, 2013 and each January 15 thereafter, the Board shall certify to the Governor and the General Assembly the amount of the required State contribution for the next fiscal year. The Board's certification must note any deviations from the State Actuary's recommended changes, the reason or reasons for not following the State Actuary's recommended changes, and the fiscal impact of not following the State Actuary's recommended changes on the required State contribution.
    (a-10) By November 1, 2017, the Board shall recalculate and recertify to the State Actuary, the Governor, and the General Assembly the amount of the State contribution to the System for State fiscal year 2018, taking into account the changes in required State contributions made by Public Act 100-23. The State Actuary shall review the assumptions and valuations underlying the Board's revised certification and issue a preliminary report concerning the proposed recertification and identifying, if necessary, recommended changes in actuarial assumptions that the Board must consider before finalizing its certification of the required State contributions. The Board's final certification must note any deviations from the State Actuary's recommended changes, the reason or reasons for not following the State Actuary's recommended changes, and the fiscal impact of not following the State Actuary's recommended changes on the required State contribution.
    (a-15) On or after June 15, 2019, but no later than June 30, 2019, the Board shall recalculate and recertify to the Governor and the General Assembly the amount of the State contribution to the System for State fiscal year 2019, taking into account the changes in required State contributions made by Public Act 100-587. The recalculation shall be made using assumptions adopted by the Board for the original fiscal year 2019 certification. The monthly voucher for the 12th month of fiscal year 2019 shall be paid by the Comptroller after the recertification required pursuant to this subsection is submitted to the Governor, Comptroller, and General Assembly. The recertification submitted to the General Assembly shall be filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate in electronic form only, in the manner that the Clerk and the Secretary shall direct.
    (b) Through State fiscal year 1995, the State contributions shall be paid to the System in accordance with Section 18-7 of the School Code.
    (b-1) Unless otherwise directed by the Comptroller under subsection (b-1.1), the Board shall submit vouchers for payment of State contributions to the System for the applicable month on the 15th day of each month, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable. The amount vouchered for a monthly payment shall total one-twelfth of the required annual State contribution certified under subsection (a-1).
    (b-1.1) Beginning in State fiscal year 2025, if the Comptroller requests that the Board submit, during a State fiscal year, vouchers for multiple monthly payments for the advance payment of State contributions due to the System for that State fiscal year, then the Board shall submit those additional vouchers as directed by the Comptroller, notwithstanding subsection (b-1). Unless an act of appropriations provides otherwise, nothing in this Section authorizes the Board to submit, in a State fiscal year, vouchers for the payment of State contributions to the System in an amount that exceeds the rate of payroll that is certified by the System under this Section for that State fiscal year.
    (b-1.2) The vouchers described in subsections (b-1) and (b-1.1) shall be paid by the State Comptroller and Treasurer by warrants drawn on the funds appropriated to the System for that fiscal year.
    If in any month the amount remaining unexpended from all other appropriations to the System for the applicable fiscal year (including the appropriations to the System under Section 8.12 of the State Finance Act and Section 1 of the State Pension Funds Continuing Appropriation Act) is less than the amount lawfully vouchered under this subsection, the difference shall be paid from the Common School Fund under the continuing appropriation authority provided in Section 1.1 of the State Pension Funds Continuing Appropriation Act.
    (b-2) Allocations from the Common School Fund apportioned to school districts not coming under this System shall not be diminished or affected by the provisions of this Article.
    (b-3) For State fiscal years 2012 through 2045, the minimum contribution to the System to be made by the State for each fiscal year shall be an amount determined by the System to be sufficient to bring the total assets of the System up to 90% of the total actuarial liabilities of the System by the end of State fiscal year 2045. In making these determinations, the required State contribution shall be calculated each year as a level percentage of payroll over the years remaining to and including fiscal year 2045 and shall be determined under the projected unit credit actuarial cost method.
    For each of State fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020, the State shall make an additional contribution to the System equal to 2% of the total payroll of each employee who is deemed to have elected the benefits under Section 1-161 or who has made the election under subsection (c) of Section 1-161.
    A change in an actuarial or investment assumption that increases or decreases the required State contribution and first applies in State fiscal year 2018 or thereafter shall be implemented in equal annual amounts over a 5-year period beginning in the State fiscal year in which the actuarial change first applies to the required State contribution.
    A change in an actuarial or investment assumption that increases or decreases the required State contribution and first applied to the State contribution in fiscal year 2014, 2015, 2016, or 2017 shall be implemented:
        (i) as already applied in State fiscal years before
2018; and
        (ii) in the portion of the 5-year period beginning in
the State fiscal year in which the actuarial change first applied that occurs in State fiscal year 2018 or thereafter, by calculating the change in equal annual amounts over that 5-year period and then implementing it at the resulting annual rate in each of the remaining fiscal years in that 5-year period.
    For State fiscal years 1996 through 2005, the State contribution to the System, as a percentage of the applicable employee payroll, shall be increased in equal annual increments so that by State fiscal year 2011, the State is contributing at the rate required under this Section; except that in the following specified State fiscal years, the State contribution to the System shall not be less than the following indicated percentages of the applicable employee payroll, even if the indicated percentage will produce a State contribution in excess of the amount otherwise required under this subsection and subsection (a), and notwithstanding any contrary certification made under subsection (a-1) before May 27, 1998 (the effective date of Public Act 90-582): 10.02% in FY 1999; 10.77% in FY 2000; 11.47% in FY 2001; 12.16% in FY 2002; 12.86% in FY 2003; and 13.56% in FY 2004.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the total required State contribution for State fiscal year 2006 is $534,627,700.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the total required State contribution for State fiscal year 2007 is $738,014,500.
    For each of State fiscal years 2008 through 2009, the State contribution to the System, as a percentage of the applicable employee payroll, shall be increased in equal annual increments from the required State contribution for State fiscal year 2007, so that by State fiscal year 2011, the State is contributing at the rate otherwise required under this Section.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the total required State contribution for State fiscal year 2010 is $2,089,268,000 and shall be made from the proceeds of bonds sold in fiscal year 2010 pursuant to Section 7.2 of the General Obligation Bond Act, less (i) the pro rata share of bond sale expenses determined by the System's share of total bond proceeds, (ii) any amounts received from the Common School Fund in fiscal year 2010, and (iii) any reduction in bond proceeds due to the issuance of discounted bonds, if applicable.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the total required State contribution for State fiscal year 2011 is the amount recertified by the System on or before April 1, 2011 pursuant to subsection (a-1) of this Section and shall be made from the proceeds of bonds sold in fiscal year 2011 pursuant to Section 7.2 of the General Obligation Bond Act, less (i) the pro rata share of bond sale expenses determined by the System's share of total bond proceeds, (ii) any amounts received from the Common School Fund in fiscal year 2011, and (iii) any reduction in bond proceeds due to the issuance of discounted bonds, if applicable. This amount shall include, in addition to the amount certified by the System, an amount necessary to meet employer contributions required by the State as an employer under paragraph (e) of this Section, which may also be used by the System for contributions required by paragraph (a) of Section 16-127.
    Beginning in State fiscal year 2046, the minimum State contribution for each fiscal year shall be the amount needed to maintain the total assets of the System at 90% of the total actuarial liabilities of the System.
    Amounts received by the System pursuant to Section 25 of the Budget Stabilization Act or Section 8.12 of the State Finance Act in any fiscal year do not reduce and do not constitute payment of any portion of the minimum State contribution required under this Article in that fiscal year. Such amounts shall not reduce, and shall not be included in the calculation of, the required State contributions under this Article in any future year until the System has reached a funding ratio of at least 90%. A reference in this Article to the "required State contribution" or any substantially similar term does not include or apply to any amounts payable to the System under Section 25 of the Budget Stabilization Act.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, the required State contribution for State fiscal year 2005 and for fiscal year 2008 and each fiscal year thereafter, as calculated under this Section and certified under subsection (a-1), shall not exceed an amount equal to (i) the amount of the required State contribution that would have been calculated under this Section for that fiscal year if the System had not received any payments under subsection (d) of Section 7.2 of the General Obligation Bond Act, minus (ii) the portion of the State's total debt service payments for that fiscal year on the bonds issued in fiscal year 2003 for the purposes of that Section 7.2, as determined and certified by the Comptroller, that is the same as the System's portion of the total moneys distributed under subsection (d) of Section 7.2 of the General Obligation Bond Act. In determining this maximum for State fiscal years 2008 through 2010, however, the amount referred to in item (i) shall be increased, as a percentage of the applicable employee payroll, in equal increments calculated from the sum of the required State contribution for State fiscal year 2007 plus the applicable portion of the State's total debt service payments for fiscal year 2007 on the bonds issued in fiscal year 2003 for the purposes of Section 7.2 of the General Obligation Bond Act, so that, by State fiscal year 2011, the State is contributing at the rate otherwise required under this Section.
    (b-4) Beginning in fiscal year 2018, each employer under this Article shall pay to the System a required contribution determined as a percentage of projected payroll and sufficient to produce an annual amount equal to:
        (i) for each of fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020,
the defined benefit normal cost of the defined benefit plan, less the employee contribution, for each employee of that employer who has elected or who is deemed to have elected the benefits under Section 1-161 or who has made the election under subsection (b) of Section 1-161; for fiscal year 2021 and each fiscal year thereafter, the defined benefit normal cost of the defined benefit plan, less the employee contribution, plus 2%, for each employee of that employer who has elected or who is deemed to have elected the benefits under Section 1-161 or who has made the election under subsection (b) of Section 1-161; plus
        (ii) the amount required for that fiscal year to
amortize any unfunded actuarial accrued liability associated with the present value of liabilities attributable to the employer's account under Section 16-158.3, determined as a level percentage of payroll over a 30-year rolling amortization period.
    In determining contributions required under item (i) of this subsection, the System shall determine an aggregate rate for all employers, expressed as a percentage of projected payroll.
    In determining the contributions required under item (ii) of this subsection, the amount shall be computed by the System on the basis of the actuarial assumptions and tables used in the most recent actuarial valuation of the System that is available at the time of the computation.
    The contributions required under this subsection (b-4) shall be paid by an employer concurrently with that employer's payroll payment period. The State, as the actual employer of an employee, shall make the required contributions under this subsection.
    (c) Payment of the required State contributions and of all pensions, retirement annuities, death benefits, refunds, and other benefits granted under or assumed by this System, and all expenses in connection with the administration and operation thereof, are obligations of the State.
    If members are paid from special trust or federal funds which are administered by the employing unit, whether school district or other unit, the employing unit shall pay to the System from such funds the full accruing retirement costs based upon that service, which, beginning July 1, 2017, shall be at a rate, expressed as a percentage of salary, equal to the total employer's normal cost, expressed as a percentage of payroll, as determined by the System. Employer contributions, based on salary paid to members from federal funds, may be forwarded by the distributing agency of the State of Illinois to the System prior to allocation, in an amount determined in accordance with guidelines established by such agency and the System. Any contribution for fiscal year 2015 collected as a result of the change made by Public Act 98-674 shall be considered a State contribution under subsection (b-3) of this Section.
    (d) Effective July 1, 1986, any employer of a teacher as defined in paragraph (8) of Section 16-106 shall pay the employer's normal cost of benefits based upon the teacher's service, in addition to employee contributions, as determined by the System. Such employer contributions shall be forwarded monthly in accordance with guidelines established by the System.
    However, with respect to benefits granted under Section 16-133.4 or 16-133.5 to a teacher as defined in paragraph (8) of Section 16-106, the employer's contribution shall be 12% (rather than 20%) of the member's highest annual salary rate for each year of creditable service granted, and the employer shall also pay the required employee contribution on behalf of the teacher. For the purposes of Sections 16-133.4 and 16-133.5, a teacher as defined in paragraph (8) of Section 16-106 who is serving in that capacity while on leave of absence from another employer under this Article shall not be considered an employee of the employer from which the teacher is on leave.
    (e) Beginning July 1, 1998, every employer of a teacher shall pay to the System an employer contribution computed as follows:
        (1) Beginning July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999, the
employer contribution shall be equal to 0.3% of each teacher's salary.
        (2) Beginning July 1, 1999 and thereafter, the
employer contribution shall be equal to 0.58% of each teacher's salary.
The school district or other employing unit may pay these employer contributions out of any source of funding available for that purpose and shall forward the contributions to the System on the schedule established for the payment of member contributions.
    These employer contributions are intended to offset a portion of the cost to the System of the increases in retirement benefits resulting from Public Act 90-582.
    Each employer of teachers is entitled to a credit against the contributions required under this subsection (e) with respect to salaries paid to teachers for the period January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003, equal to the amount paid by that employer under subsection (a-5) of Section 6.6 of the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971 with respect to salaries paid to teachers for that period.
    The additional 1% employee contribution required under Section 16-152 by Public Act 90-582 is the responsibility of the teacher and not the teacher's employer, unless the employer agrees, through collective bargaining or otherwise, to make the contribution on behalf of the teacher.
    If an employer is required by a contract in effect on May 1, 1998 between the employer and an employee organization to pay, on behalf of all its full-time employees covered by this Article, all mandatory employee contributions required under this Article, then the employer shall be excused from paying the employer contribution required under this subsection (e) for the balance of the term of that contract. The employer and the employee organization shall jointly certify to the System the existence of the contractual requirement, in such form as the System may prescribe. This exclusion shall cease upon the termination, extension, or renewal of the contract at any time after May 1, 1998.
    (f) If the amount of a teacher's salary for any school year used to determine final average salary exceeds the member's annual full-time salary rate with the same employer for the previous school year by more than 6%, the teacher's employer shall pay to the System, in addition to all other payments required under this Section and in accordance with guidelines established by the System, the present value of the increase in benefits resulting from the portion of the increase in salary that is in excess of 6%. This present value shall be computed by the System on the basis of the actuarial assumptions and tables used in the most recent actuarial valuation of the System that is available at the time of the computation. If a teacher's salary for the 2005-2006 school year is used to determine final average salary under this subsection (f), then the changes made to this subsection (f) by Public Act 94-1057 shall apply in calculating whether the increase in his or her salary is in excess of 6%. For the purposes of this Section, change in employment under Section 10-21.12 of the School Code on or after June 1, 2005 shall constitute a change in employer. The System may require the employer to provide any pertinent information or documentation. The changes made to this subsection (f) by Public Act 94-1111 apply without regard to whether the teacher was in service on or after its effective date.
    Whenever it determines that a payment is or may be required under this subsection, the System shall calculate the amount of the payment and bill the employer for that amount. The bill shall specify the calculations used to determine the amount due. If the employer disputes the amount of the bill, it may, within 30 days after receipt of the bill, apply to the System in writing for a recalculation. The application must specify in detail the grounds of the dispute and, if the employer asserts that the calculation is subject to subsection (g), (g-5), (g-10), (g-15), (g-20), or (h) of this Section, must include an affidavit setting forth and attesting to all facts within the employer's knowledge that are pertinent to the applicability of that subsection. Upon receiving a timely application for recalculation, the System shall review the application and, if appropriate, recalculate the amount due.
    The employer contributions required under this subsection (f) may be paid in the form of a lump sum within 90 days after receipt of the bill. If the employer contributions are not paid within 90 days after receipt of the bill, then interest will be charged at a rate equal to the System's annual actuarially assumed rate of return on investment compounded annually from the 91st day after receipt of the bill. Payments must be concluded within 3 years after the employer's receipt of the bill.
    (f-1) (Blank).
    (g) This subsection (g) applies only to payments made or salary increases given on or after June 1, 2005 but before July 1, 2011. The changes made by Public Act 94-1057 shall not require the System to refund any payments received before July 31, 2006 (the effective date of Public Act 94-1057).
    When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f), the System shall exclude salary increases paid to teachers under contracts or collective bargaining agreements entered into, amended, or renewed before June 1, 2005.
    When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f), the System shall exclude salary increases paid to a teacher at a time when the teacher is 10 or more years from retirement eligibility under Section 16-132 or 16-133.2.
    When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f), the System shall exclude salary increases resulting from overload work, including summer school, when the school district has certified to the System, and the System has approved the certification, that (i) the overload work is for the sole purpose of classroom instruction in excess of the standard number of classes for a full-time teacher in a school district during a school year and (ii) the salary increases are equal to or less than the rate of pay for classroom instruction computed on the teacher's current salary and work schedule.
    When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f), the System shall exclude a salary increase resulting from a promotion (i) for which the employee is required to hold a certificate or supervisory endorsement issued by the State Teacher Certification Board that is a different certification or supervisory endorsement than is required for the teacher's previous position and (ii) to a position that has existed and been filled by a member for no less than one complete academic year and the salary increase from the promotion is an increase that results in an amount no greater than the lesser of the average salary paid for other similar positions in the district requiring the same certification or the amount stipulated in the collective bargaining agreement for a similar position requiring the same certification.
    When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f), the System shall exclude any payment to the teacher from the State of Illinois or the State Board of Education over which the employer does not have discretion, notwithstanding that the payment is included in the computation of final average salary.
    (g-5) When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f), the System shall exclude salary increases resulting from overload or stipend work performed in a school year subsequent to a school year in which the employer was unable to offer or allow to be conducted overload or stipend work due to an emergency declaration limiting such activities.
    (g-10) When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f), the System shall exclude salary increases resulting from increased instructional time that exceeded the instructional time required during the 2019-2020 school year.
    (g-15) When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f), the System shall exclude salary increases resulting from teaching summer school on or after May 1, 2021 and before September 15, 2022.
    (g-20) When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f), the System shall exclude salary increases necessary to bring a school board in compliance with Public Act 101-443 or this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
    (h) When assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f), the System shall exclude any salary increase described in subsection (g) of this Section given on or after July 1, 2011 but before July 1, 2014 under a contract or collective bargaining agreement entered into, amended, or renewed on or after June 1, 2005 but before July 1, 2011. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, any payments made or salary increases given after June 30, 2014 shall be used in assessing payment for any amount due under subsection (f) of this Section.
    (i) The System shall prepare a report and file copies of the report with the Governor and the General Assembly by January 1, 2007 that contains all of the following information:
        (1) The number of recalculations required by the
changes made to this Section by Public Act 94-1057 for each employer.
        (2) The dollar amount by which each employer's
contribution to the System was changed due to recalculations required by Public Act 94-1057.
        (3) The total amount the System received from each
employer as a result of the changes made to this Section by Public Act 94-4.
        (4) The increase in the required State contribution
resulting from the changes made to this Section by Public Act 94-1057.
    (i-5) For school years beginning on or after July 1, 2017, if the amount of a participant's salary for any school year exceeds the amount of the salary set for the Governor, the participant's employer shall pay to the System, in addition to all other payments required under this Section and in accordance with guidelines established by the System, an amount determined by the System to be equal to the employer normal cost, as established by the System and expressed as a total percentage of payroll, multiplied by the amount of salary in excess of the amount of the salary set for the Governor. This amount shall be computed by the System on the basis of the actuarial assumptions and tables used in the most recent actuarial valuation of the System that is available at the time of the computation. The System may require the employer to provide any pertinent information or documentation.
    Whenever it determines that a payment is or may be required under this subsection, the System shall calculate the amount of the payment and bill the employer for that amount. The bill shall specify the calculations used to determine the amount due. If the employer disputes the amount of the bill, it may, within 30 days after receipt of the bill, apply to the System in writing for a recalculation. The application must specify in detail the grounds of the dispute. Upon receiving a timely application for recalculation, the System shall review the application and, if appropriate, recalculate the amount due.
    The employer contributions required under this subsection may be paid in the form of a lump sum within 90 days after receipt of the bill. If the employer contributions are not paid within 90 days after receipt of the bill, then interest will be charged at a rate equal to the System's annual actuarially assumed rate of return on investment compounded annually from the 91st day after receipt of the bill. Payments must be concluded within 3 years after the employer's receipt of the bill.
    (j) For purposes of determining the required State contribution to the System, the value of the System's assets shall be equal to the actuarial value of the System's assets, which shall be calculated as follows:
    As of June 30, 2008, the actuarial value of the System's assets shall be equal to the market value of the assets as of that date. In determining the actuarial value of the System's assets for fiscal years after June 30, 2008, any actuarial gains or losses from investment return incurred in a fiscal year shall be recognized in equal annual amounts over the 5-year period following that fiscal year.
    (k) For purposes of determining the required State contribution to the system for a particular year, the actuarial value of assets shall be assumed to earn a rate of return equal to the system's actuarially assumed rate of return.
(Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21; 102-525, eff. 8-20-21; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 103-515, eff. 8-11-23; 103-588, eff. 6-5-24.)

40 ILCS 5/16-158.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-158.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-158.1)
    Sec. 16-158.1. Actions to enforce payments by school districts and other employing units. Any school district or other employing unit failing to transmit to the System contributions required of it under this Article or contributions required of teachers, for more than 90 days after such contributions are due is subject to the following: after giving notice to the district or other unit, the System may certify to the State Comptroller or the Regional Superintendent of Schools the amounts of such delinquent payments and the State Comptroller or the Regional Superintendent of Schools shall deduct the amounts so certified or any part thereof from any State funds to be remitted to the school district or other employing unit involved and shall pay the amount so deducted to the System. If State funds from which such deductions may be made are not available, the System may proceed against the school district or other employing unit to recover the amounts of such delinquent payments in the appropriate circuit court.
    The System may provide for an audit of the records of a school district or other employing unit as may be required to establish the amounts of required contributions. The school district or other employing unit shall make its records available to the System for the purpose of such audit. The cost of such audit shall be added to the amount of the delinquent payments and shall be recovered by the System from the school district or other employing unit at the same time and in the same manner as the delinquent payments are recovered.
(Source: P.A. 90-448, eff. 8-16-97.)

40 ILCS 5/16-158.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-158.2)
    (This Section was added by P.A. 98-599, which has been held unconstitutional)
    Sec. 16-158.2. Obligations of State; funding guarantee.
    (a) Beginning July 1, 2014, the State shall be obligated to contribute to the System in each State fiscal year an amount not less than the sum of (i) the State's normal cost for the year and (ii) the portion of the unfunded accrued liability assigned to that year by law. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the State fails to pay an amount required under this subsection, it shall be the obligation of the Board to seek payment of the required amount in compliance with the provisions of this Section and, if the amount remains unpaid, to bring a mandamus action in the Supreme Court of Illinois to compel the State to make the required payment.
    If the System submits a voucher for contributions required under Section 16-158 and the State fails to pay that voucher within 90 days of its receipt, the Board shall submit a written request to the Comptroller seeking payment. A copy of the request shall be filed with the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of State shall provide a copy to the Governor and General Assembly. No earlier than the 16th day after the System files the request with the Comptroller and Secretary of State, if the amount remains unpaid the Board shall commence a mandamus action in the Supreme Court of Illinois to compel the Comptroller to satisfy the voucher.
    This subsection (a) constitutes an express waiver of the State's sovereign immunity solely to the extent that it permits the Board to commence a mandamus action in the Supreme Court of Illinois to compel the Comptroller to pay a voucher for the contributions required under Section 16-158.
    (b) Beginning in State fiscal year 2016, the State shall be obligated to make the transfers set forth in subsections (c-5) and (c-10) of Section 20 of the Budget Stabilization Act and to pay to the System its proportionate share of the transferred amounts in accordance with Section 25 of the Budget Stabilization Act. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the State fails to transfer an amount required under this subsection or to pay to the System its proportionate share of the transferred amount in accordance with Section 25 of the Budget Stabilization Act, it shall be the obligation of the Board to seek transfer or payment of the required amount in compliance with the provisions of this Section and, if the required amount remains untransferred or the required payment remains unpaid, to bring a mandamus action in the Supreme Court of Illinois to compel the State to make the required transfer or payment or both, as the case may be.
    If the State fails to make a transfer required under subsection (c-5) or (c-10) of Section 20 of the Budget Stabilization Act or a payment to the System required under Section 25 of that Act, the Board shall submit a written request to the Comptroller seeking payment. A copy of the request shall be filed with the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of State shall provide a copy to the Governor and General Assembly. No earlier than the 16th day after the System files the request with the Comptroller and Secretary of State, if the required amount remains untransferred or the required payment remains unpaid, the Board shall commence a mandamus action in the Supreme Court of Illinois to compel the Comptroller to make the required transfer or payment or both, as the case may be.
    This subsection (b) constitutes an express waiver of the State's sovereign immunity solely to the extent that it permits the Board to commence a mandamus action in the Supreme Court of Illinois to compel the Comptroller to make a transfer required under subsection (c-5) or (c-10) of Section 20 of the Budget Stabilization Act and to pay to the System its proportionate share of the transferred amount in accordance with Section 25 of the Budget Stabilization Act.
    The obligations created by this subsection (b) expire when all of the requirements of subsections (c-5) and (c-10) of Section 20 of the Budget Stabilization Act and Section 25 of the Budget Stabilization Act have been met.
    (c) Any payments and transfers required to be made by the State pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) are expressly subordinate to the payment of the principal, interest, and premium, if any, on any bonded debt obligation of the State or any other State-created entity, either currently outstanding or to be issued, for which the source of repayment or security thereon is derived directly or indirectly from tax revenues collected by the State or any other State-created entity. Payments on such bonded obligations include any statutory fund transfers or other prefunding mechanisms or formulas set forth, now or hereafter, in State law or bond indentures, into debt service funds or accounts of the State related to such bond obligations, consistent with the payment schedules associated with such obligations.
(Source: P.A. 98-599, eff. 6-1-14.)

40 ILCS 5/16-158.3

    (40 ILCS 5/16-158.3)
    Sec. 16-158.3. Individual employer accounts.
    (a) The System shall create and maintain an individual account for each employer for the purposes of determining employer contributions under subsection (b-4) of Section 16-158. Each employer's account shall be notionally charged with the liabilities attributable to that employer and credited with the assets attributable to that employer.
    (b) Beginning with fiscal year 2018, the System shall assign notional liabilities to each employer's account, equal to the amount of the employer contributions required to be made by the employer pursuant to items (i) and (ii) of subsection (b-4) of Section 16-158, plus any unfunded actuarial accrued liability associated with the defined benefits attributable to the employer's employees who first became members on or after the implementation date and the employer's employees who made the election under subsection (c-5) of Section 1-161.
    (c) Beginning with fiscal year 2018, the System shall assign notional assets to each employer's account equal to the amounts of employer contributions made pursuant to items (i) and (ii) of subsection (b-4) of Section 16-158.
(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17.)

40 ILCS 5/16-163

    (40 ILCS 5/16-163) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-163)
    Sec. 16-163. Board created. A board of 15 members constitutes the board of trustees authorized to carry out the provisions of this Article and is responsible for the general administration of the System. The board shall be known as the Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois. The board shall be composed of the Superintendent of Education, ex officio; 7 persons, not members of the System, to be appointed by the Governor, who shall hold no elected State office; 5 persons who, at the time of their election, are teachers as defined in Section 16-106, elected by the contributing members; and 2 annuitant members elected by the annuitants of the System, as provided in Section 16-165. The president of the board shall be appointed by the Governor from among the trustees.
(Source: P.A. 101-610, eff. 1-1-20.)

40 ILCS 5/16-164

    (40 ILCS 5/16-164) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-164)
    Sec. 16-164. Board; appointed members; vacancies. Terms of office for the appointed members shall begin on July 15 of an even-numbered year, except that the terms of office for members appointed pursuant to this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly shall begin upon being confirmed by the Senate. The Governor shall appoint 3 members as trustees with the advice and consent of the Senate in each even-numbered year who shall hold office for a term of 4 years, except that, of the members appointed pursuant to this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly, 3 members shall be appointed for a term ending July 14, 2012 and 3 members shall be appointed for a term ending July 14, 2014. The Governor shall appoint the additional member authorized under this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly with the advice and consent of the Senate for a term beginning on July 15, 2020 and ending July 14, 2022, and successors shall hold office for a term of 4 years. Each such appointee shall reside in and be a taxpayer in the territory covered by this system, shall be interested in public school welfare, and experienced and competent in financial and business management. A vacancy in the term of an appointed trustee shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment of the Governor.
    Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the contrary, the term of office of each member of the Board appointed by the Governor who is sitting on the Board on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly is terminated on that effective date. A trustee sitting on the Board on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly may not hold over in office for more than 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly. Nothing in this Section shall prevent the Governor from making a temporary appointment or nominating a trustee holding office on the day before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 101-610, eff. 1-1-20.)

40 ILCS 5/16-165

    (40 ILCS 5/16-165) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-165)
    Sec. 16-165. Board; elected members; vacancies.
    (a) In each odd-numbered year, if there are 2 teachers whose terms of office will expire in that year, there shall be elected 2 teachers who shall hold office for a term of 4 years beginning July 15 next following their election or, if there are 3 teachers whose terms of office will expire in that year, there shall be elected 3 teachers who shall hold office for a term of 4 years beginning July 15 next following their election, in the manner provided under this Section. An elected teacher member of the board who ceases to be a teacher as defined in Section 16-106 may continue to serve on the board for the remainder of the term to which he or she was elected.
    (b) One elected annuitant trustee shall first be elected in 1987, and in every fourth year thereafter, for a term of 4 years beginning July 15 next following his or her election.
    (c) The elected annuitant position created by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly shall be filled as soon as possible in the manner provided for vacancies, for an initial term ending July 15, 2001. One elected annuitant trustee shall be elected in 2001, and in every fourth year thereafter, for a term of 4 years beginning July 15 next following his or her election.
    The elected teacher position created by this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly shall be for an initial 3-year term and shall be filled in the manner provided for vacancies; except that if the teacher candidate who receives the highest number of votes and the incumbent members not up for election belong to the same statewide teacher organization, then the teacher candidate who receives the highest number of votes and is not a member of that statewide teacher organization shall be declared elected.
    (d) Elections shall be held on May 1, unless May 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, in which event the election shall be conducted on the following Monday. Candidates shall be nominated by petitions in writing, signed by not less than 500 teachers or annuitants, as the case may be, with their addresses shown opposite their names. The petitions shall be filed with the board's Secretary not less than 90 nor more than 120 days prior to May 1. The Secretary shall determine their validity not less than 75 days before the election.
    (d-5) Beginning July 15, 2020, not more than 4 of the 5 teachers elected to the Board of Trustees may be active members of the same statewide teacher organization. For the purposes of this Section, "statewide teacher organization" means a teacher organization (1) in which membership is not restricted to persons living or teaching within a limited geographical area of this State and (2) that has among its membership at least 10,000 persons who participate in this System.
    Candidates for the teacher positions on the Board shall indicate, in their nomination petitions and campaign materials, which (if any) statewide teacher organizations they have belonged to during the 5 years preceding the election.
    (e) If, for either teacher or annuitant members, the number of qualified nominees exceeds the number of available positions, the system shall prepare an appropriate ballot with the names of the candidates in alphabetical order and shall mail one copy thereof, at least 10 days prior to the election day, to each teacher or annuitant of this system as of the latest date practicable, at the latest known address, together with a return envelope addressed to the board and also a smaller envelope marked "For Ballot Only", and a slip for signature. Each voter, upon marking his ballot with a cross mark in the square before the name of the person voted for, shall place the ballot in the envelope marked "For Ballot Only", seal the envelope, write on the slip provided therefor his signature and address, enclose both the slip and sealed envelope containing the marked ballot in the return envelope addressed to the board, and mail it. Whether a person is eligible to vote for the teacher nominees or the annuitant nominees shall be determined from system payroll records as of March 1.
    Upon receipt of the return envelopes, the system shall open them and set aside unopened the envelopes marked "For Ballot Only". On election day ballots shall be publicly opened and counted by the trustees or canvassers appointed therefor. Each vote cast for a candidate represents one vote only. No ballot arriving after 10 o'clock a.m. on election day shall be counted.
    (e-3) The 2 teacher candidates or 3 teacher candidates, whichever is applicable for that election, and the annuitant candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected; except that beginning with the election in 2021, if the teacher candidate who receives the highest number of votes and the incumbent members not up for election belong to the same statewide teacher organization, then the second teacher candidate to be declared elected shall be the candidate who is not a member of the same statewide teacher organization and receives the highest number of votes, unless there is no such candidate or at least one candidate declared elected in the same election is not a member of that statewide teacher organization. The board shall declare the results of the election, keep a record thereof, and notify the candidates of the results thereof within 30 days after the election.
    (e-5) If, for either class of members, there are only as many qualified nominees as there are positions available, the balloting as described in this Section shall not be conducted for those nominees, and the board shall declare them duly elected.
    (f) A vacancy occurring in the elective membership of the board shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person qualified for the vacant position, selected by the remaining elected members of the board, if there are no more than 6 months remaining on the term. For a term with more than 6 months remaining, the Director of the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois shall institute an election in accordance with this Act to fill the unexpired term.
(Source: P.A. 101-610, eff. 1-1-20.)

40 ILCS 5/16-166

    (40 ILCS 5/16-166) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-166)
    Sec. 16-166. Board - oath of office. Each trustee, prior to assuming office, shall take and subscribe to an oath that he or she will diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the board, and that he or she will not knowingly violate or willingly permit to be violated any of the provisions of law applicable to the retirement system. The oath shall be certified by the officer before whom it is taken, and immediately filed in the office of the Secretary of State.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-167

    (40 ILCS 5/16-167) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-167)
    Sec. 16-167. Board - compensation and expenses. The trustees shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-168

    (40 ILCS 5/16-168) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-168)
    Sec. 16-168. Board - meeting - rules - voting. The board shall meet regularly at least 4 times a year at such time as it may by by-laws provide, or at the call of the president or of a majority of the members. The board may adopt rules for the government of its meetings and for the administration of the system. Each trustee is entitled to 1 vote. The votes of a majority of the members are necessary for a decision by the trustees at any meeting of the board.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-169

    (40 ILCS 5/16-169) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-169)
    Sec. 16-169. Board - secretary and other employees. The board, by a majority vote of all its members, shall appoint a secretary who shall not be a member of the board and who shall serve as the chief executive officer responsible for the detailed administration of the system.
    The secretary and chief executive officer of the system, known as the Executive Director, holding that position on April 1, 2009 is terminated on July 1, 2009, by operation of law, and shall thereafter no longer hold those positions or any other employment position with the system. The board is directed to take whatever action is necessary to effectuate this termination.
(Source: P.A. 96-6, eff. 4-3-09.)

40 ILCS 5/16-169.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-169.1)
    Sec. 16-169.1. Testimony and the production of records. The secretary of the Board shall have the power to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and records, including law enforcement records maintained by law enforcement agencies, in conjunction with the determination of employer payments required under subsection (f) of Section 16-158, a disability claim, an administrative review proceeding, an attempt to obtain information to assist in the collection of sums due to the System, or a felony forfeiture investigation. The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as the fees of witnesses before the circuit courts of this State and shall be paid by the party seeking the subpoena. The Board may apply to any circuit court in the State for an order requiring compliance with a subpoena issued under this Section. Subpoenas issued under this Section shall be subject to applicable provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(Source: P.A. 99-450, eff. 8-24-15.)

40 ILCS 5/16-170

    (40 ILCS 5/16-170) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-170)
    Sec. 16-170. Board powers and duties. The board shall have the powers and duties stated in Sections 16-171 through 16-181.2, in addition to the other powers and duties granted it in this Article.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-171

    (40 ILCS 5/16-171) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-171)
    Sec. 16-171. To sue and be sued. To sue and be sued in the name of the board. The board shall not be a corporation. The board may sue to protect any rights of the retirement system. All actions brought by or against the board shall be prosecuted or defended, as the case may be, by the Attorney General. If the board pursues a mandamus action under Section 16-158.2 of this Code as amended by Senate Bill No. 1 of the 98th General Assembly in the form passed by the General Assembly, then the board may select the counsel of their choice.
(Source: P.A. 98-598, eff. 12-5-13.)

40 ILCS 5/16-172

    (40 ILCS 5/16-172) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-172)
    Sec. 16-172. To pay obligations and collect funds due. To pay promptly expenses and other obligations that accrue under this Article and to see that all revenue, including contributions, due the system is collected without unreasonable delay.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-173

    (40 ILCS 5/16-173) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-173)
    Sec. 16-173. To maintain records and accounts. To maintain a separate account for each individual member and annuitant; to maintain adequate accounting records which shall reflect the financial condition of the system, and such additional data as shall be necessary for required calculations, actuarial valuations, and operation of the system; to have the records of the system photographed, microfilmed or otherwise reproduced, which photographs, microfilms or reproductions shall be deemed original records for all purposes.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-174

    (40 ILCS 5/16-174) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-174)
    Sec. 16-174. To maintain record of proceedings, etc. To maintain a permanent record of all board proceedings, which shall be open to public inspection.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-175

    (40 ILCS 5/16-175) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-175)
    Sec. 16-175. To make annual report. To make an annual financial report for each fiscal year ended June 30.
    A copy of the report shall be transmitted to the State Board of Education. The report of the retirement system shall contain a summary of the fiscal transactions for the preceding fiscal year, the amount of the accumulated cash and securities, and a balance sheet indicating the system's financial condition by means of an actuarial valuation.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-176

    (40 ILCS 5/16-176) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-176)
    Sec. 16-176. To adopt actuarial assumptions. At least once every 3 years, the actuary, as technical advisor, shall make an actuarial investigation into the mortality, service and compensation experience of the members, annuitants, and beneficiaries of the retirement system. Based upon the result of that investigation, the board shall adopt such actuarial assumptions as it deems appropriate.
    The actuarial investigation required under this Section shall include the System's experience under the early retirement without discount option established in Section 16-133.2, including consideration of the sufficiency of the member and employer contributions under Section 16-133.2 and the active member contribution under Section 16-152 to adequately fund the early retirement without discount option. The Board shall promptly communicate the results of the actuarial investigation to the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability. Based on the actuarial investigation, the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability shall, no later than February 1 of the next year, recommend to the General Assembly any proportional adjustment in the amounts of the member and employer contributions under Section 16-133.2 that it deems necessary.
    The early retirement without discount option under subsection (c) of Section 16-133.2 is extended as provided in subsection (d) of that Section. The early retirement without discount option under subsection (d) of Section 16-133.2 terminates on July 1, 2016.
(Source: P.A. 98-42, eff. 6-28-13; 99-232, eff. 8-3-15.)

40 ILCS 5/16-178

    (40 ILCS 5/16-178) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-178)
    Sec. 16-178. To receive gifts and legacies. To receive any gifts or legacies for the benefit of the retirement system.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-179

    (40 ILCS 5/16-179) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-179)
    Sec. 16-179. To be trustee of reserves and to invest funds. To be the trustee of the reserves created under this Article, and to invest and reinvest such reserves, subject to the requirements and restrictions set forth in Sections 1-109, 1-109.1, 1-109.2, 1-110, 1-111, 1-114 and 1-115.
    No bank or savings and loan association shall receive investment funds as permitted by this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements established pursuant to Section 6 of "An Act relating to certain investments of public funds by public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as now or hereafter amended. The limitations set forth in such Section 6 shall be applicable only at the time of investment and shall not require the liquidation of any investment at any time.
    The board shall have the authority to enter into such agreements and to execute such documents as it determines to be necessary to complete any investment transaction.
    All investments shall be clearly held and accounted for to indicate ownership by the system. The board may direct the registration of securities or the holding in interests in real property in the name of the system or in the name of a nominee created for the express purpose of registration of securities or holding interests in real property by a national or state bank or trust company authorized to conduct a trust business in the State of Illinois. The board may hold title to interests in real property in the name of the system or in the name of a title holding corporation created for the express purpose of holding title to interests in real property.
    Investments shall be carried at cost or at a value determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
(Source: P.A. 90-19, eff. 6-20-97; 90-448, eff. 8-16-97.)

40 ILCS 5/16-179.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-179.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-179.1)
    Sec. 16-179.1. To transfer investment functions and securities. The board may, by resolution duly adopted by a majority vote of its membership, transfer to the Illinois State Board of Investment created by Article 22A, for management and administration, all investments owned by the system of every kind and character. Upon completion of such transfer, the authority of the board to make investments shall terminate. Thereafter, all investments of the assets of the system shall be made by the Illinois State Board of Investment in accordance with the provisions of Article 22A.
    Such transfer shall be made not later than the first day of the fourth month next following the date of such resolution. Before such transfer an audit of such investments shall be completed by a certified public accountant selected by the Illinois State Board of Investment and approved by the Auditor General of the State of Illinois. The expense of such audit shall be defrayed by the board.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-179.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-179.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-179.2)
    Sec. 16-179.2. To Create and Maintain a Salary Reduction Plan. (1) To develop a Salary Reduction Plan for members as permitted under the relevant Sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
    (2) To contract with school districts and other employers for the creation and maintenance of a uniform Salary Reduction Plan for system members.
    (3) To adopt all rules necessary and reasonable for the implementation of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 84-1028.)

40 ILCS 5/16-181

    (40 ILCS 5/16-181) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-181)
    Sec. 16-181. To make deposits. To keep sufficient cash on deposit in one or more banks, savings and loan associations or trust companies, organized under the laws of the State of Illinois or of the United States, for the purpose of making disbursements for annuities and other expenses; provided that the sum on deposit in any one bank, savings and loan association or trust company shall not exceed 25% of the paid up capital and surplus of the depository.
    No bank or savings and loan association shall receive investment funds as permitted by this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements, other than the maximum deposit requirement, established pursuant to Section 6 of "An Act relating to certain investments of public funds by public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-181.1

    (40 ILCS 5/16-181.1) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-181.1)
    Sec. 16-181.1. To provide office space. To rent, lease, or acquire such space as may be necessary for the proper administration of the system.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-181.2

    (40 ILCS 5/16-181.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-181.2)
    Sec. 16-181.2. To furnish statements. To furnish annually a statement of account to each teacher.
(Source: P.A. 83-1440.)

40 ILCS 5/16-181.3

    (40 ILCS 5/16-181.3)
    Sec. 16-181.3. To prescribe the manner of payment. To prescribe by rule the manner of repaying refunds and purchasing the various optional service credits permitted under this Article. The rules may prescribe the conditions under which installment payments or partial payments may be accepted and may specify the method of computing any interest due.
(Source: P.A. 90-448, eff. 8-16-97.)

40 ILCS 5/16-181.4

    (40 ILCS 5/16-181.4)
    Sec. 16-181.4. To request information. To request such information from any member, annuitant, beneficiary, or employer as is necessary for the proper administration of the System.
(Source: P.A. 99-450, eff. 8-24-15.)

40 ILCS 5/16-182

    (40 ILCS 5/16-182) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 16-182)
    Sec. 16-182. Members' Contribution Reserve. On July 1, 2003, the Members' Contribution Reserve is abolished and the remaining balance shall be transferred from that Reserve to the Benefit Trust Reserve.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)