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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(65 ILCS 5/) Illinois Municipal Code.

65 ILCS 5/8-12-21

    (65 ILCS 5/8-12-21) (from Ch. 24, par. 8-12-21)
    Sec. 8-12-21. The Authority in its sole discretion may intercept any payments that the city from time to time is entitled to receive from any funds then or thereafter held by the State Treasurer to the credit of the city or otherwise in the custody of the State Treasurer to the credit of the city, whether in or outside of the State Treasury, upon the occurrence of any of the following:
        (1) The financially distressed city's initial
Financial Plan and revised Budget required to be submitted to the Authority with respect to the remaining portion of what is the city's current fiscal year at the time this Division first becomes applicable to the city as provided in Section 8-12-4 are not approved by the Authority within 60 days of their submission, and the Authority has theretofore given written warning notice to the corporate authorities of the city, on the 45th day after such initial Financial Plan and revised Budget were submitted, that the same have not yet been approved by the Authority; or
        (2) Any Financial Plan or Budget for any subsequent
fiscal year is not approved by the Authority by the commencement of the fiscal year to which such Financial Plan or Budget relates, and the Authority has theretofore given written warning notice to the corporate authorities of the city, on the 15th day prior to the commencement of that fiscal year, that the Financial Plan or Budget for such fiscal year has not yet been approved by the Authority; or
        (3) The financially distressed city materially
violates the provisions of this Division, and the Authority -- at least 15 days prior to initiating any action to intercept any payments pursuant to this Section -- has given the corporate authorities of the city written notice of the material violation and of the Authority's intention to intercept payments pursuant to this Section upon the expiration of that 15 day notice period unless the city satisfies the Authority within that 15 day period that the material violation cited by the Authority has been corrected; provided that the Authority shall not be required to give any notice to the city or its corporate authorities prior to initiating action to intercept payments pursuant to this Section if such payments are to be intercepted because of the city's failure to pay when due all amounts then due and owing and required to be paid by the city on Obligations issued by the Illinois Finance Authority in connection with the provision of financial aid to the city pursuant to this Division and applicable provisions of the Illinois Finance Authority Act.
    The intercept shall be made pursuant to written notice given by the Authority to the State Comptroller and State Treasurer, setting forth the amount of the intercept, which may be an aggregate amount not exceeding the sum of the full amount of any outstanding State loans provided for the benefit of the city pursuant to this Division or any other law of this State, plus the full amount of all outstanding Obligations issued by the Illinois Finance Authority on the financially distressed city's behalf in accordance with applicable provisions of the Illinois Finance Authority Act. The State Comptroller and State Treasurer shall pay to the Authority, from such funds as from time to time are legally available therefor, the aggregate amount of the intercept, unless the Authority sooner notifies the State Comptroller and State Treasurer in writing that no further payments that the city is entitled to receive shall be intercepted under the provisions of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 93-205, eff. 1-1-04.)

65 ILCS 5/8-12-22

    (65 ILCS 5/8-12-22) (from Ch. 24, par. 8-12-22)
    Sec. 8-12-22. (a) After the Authority has certified to the Governor that the financially distressed city has completed 10 successive years of balanced budgets:
        (1) The powers and responsibilities granted or
imposed upon the Authority and the financially distressed city under Section 8-12-13 and Sections 8-12-15 through 8-12-21 shall not be exercised, except as otherwise provided under subsection (b) of this Section.
        (2) The provisions of Section 8-12-14 shall continue
in full force and effect. The financially distressed city shall file with the Authority and with the Illinois Finance Authority, not later than 15 days prior to the commencement of the first fiscal year with respect to which the powers and responsibilities granted or imposed under Section 8-12-13 and Sections 8-12-15 through 8-12-21 are not to be exercised, and not later than 15 days prior to the commencement of each fiscal year thereafter, a balanced Budget as adopted by the financially distressed city for such fiscal year. In addition, for each fiscal year with respect to which the powers and responsibilities granted or imposed under Section 8-12-13 and Sections 8-12-15 through 8-12-21 are not to be exercised, the financially distressed city shall file with the Authority and with the Illinois Finance Authority a certified copy of the same audit report and supplemental report which are required to be made and filed for such fiscal year by the city under the Illinois Municipal Auditing Law, the filing with the Authority and the Illinois Finance Authority to be made within the time provided for the filing of such audit report and supplemental report with the State Comptroller under Section 8-8-4.
    (b) The Authority and the Illinois Finance Authority shall review each Budget, audit report and supplemental report filed with them as provided in paragraph (2) of subsection (a). In the event the financially distressed city fails to file any Budget or certified copy of an audit report or supplemental report as provided in paragraph (2) of subsection (a), or in the event the Illinois Finance Authority, after consultation with the Authority, determines that the Budget adopted by the financially distressed city and filed as provided in paragraph (2) of subsection (a) is not balanced as required under Section 8-12-14, the Illinois Finance Authority shall certify such failure to file, or failure to adopt a Budget which is balanced as required, to the Governor; and concurrent with that certification, the Authority established under Section 8-12-5 and the financially distressed city shall resume the exercise and performance of their respective powers and responsibilities pursuant to each Section of this Division.
    (c) When the Illinois Finance Authority determines that all of its Obligations have been fully paid and discharged or otherwise provided for, it shall certify that fact to the Governor; and the Authority established under Section 8-12-5 shall be abolished 30 days after the date of that certification. Upon abolition of the Authority as provided in this subsection, this Division shall have no further force or effect upon the financially distressed city.
(Source: P.A. 93-205, eff. 1-1-04.)

65 ILCS 5/8-12-23

    (65 ILCS 5/8-12-23) (from Ch. 24, par. 8-12-23)
    Sec. 8-12-23. A financially distressed city to which this Division applies shall remain subject to all other applicable provisions of this Act, except as limited by this Division; provided, however, that in case of a conflict between the provisions of this Division and any other provision of this Act, the provisions of this Division shall control.
(Source: P.A. 86-1211.)

65 ILCS 5/8-12-24

    (65 ILCS 5/8-12-24) (from Ch. 24, par. 8-12-24)
    Sec. 8-12-24. A home rule unit which is a financially distressed city to which this Division is applicable as provided in Section 8-12-4 may not employ financial or fiscal accounting or budgetary procedures or systems, nor place into effect any Financial Plan or Budget, nor enter into any contract or make any expenditure, nor otherwise conduct its financial and fiscal affairs or take other action in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this Division, until such time as the powers and responsibilities of the Authority are terminated as provided in Section 8-12-22. This Section is a limitation under subsection (i) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the concurrent exercise by home rule units which are financially distressed cities to which this Division is applicable as provided in Section 8-12-4 of powers and functions exercised by the State.
(Source: P.A. 86-1211.)

65 ILCS 5/Art. 8 Div. 13

    (65 ILCS 5/Art. 8 Div. 13 heading)
(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17.)

65 ILCS 5/8-13-5

    (65 ILCS 5/8-13-5)
    Sec. 8-13-5. Definitions. As used in this Article:
    "Assignment agreement" means an agreement between a transferring unit and an issuing entity for the conveyance of all or part of any revenues or taxes received by the transferring unit from a State entity.
    "Conveyance" means an assignment, sale, transfer, or other conveyance.
    "Deposit account" means a designated escrow account established by an issuing entity at a trust company or bank having trust powers for the deposit of transferred receipts under an assignment agreement.
    "Issuing entity" means (i) a corporation, trust or other entity that has been established for the limited purpose of issuing obligations for the benefit of a transferring unit, or (ii) a bank or trust company in its capacity as trustee for obligations issued by such bank or trust company for the benefit of a transferring unit.
    "State entity" means the State Comptroller, the State Treasurer, or the Illinois Department of Revenue.
    "Transferred receipts" means all or part of any revenues or taxes received from a State entity that have been conveyed by a transferring unit under an assignment agreement.
    "Transferring unit" means a home rule municipality located in the State.
(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17.)