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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(215 ILCS 5/) Illinois Insurance Code.

215 ILCS 5/370t

    (215 ILCS 5/370t)
    Sec. 370t. Drug formulary; notice. All administrators must comply with Section 155.37 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 92-440, eff. 8-17-01.)

215 ILCS 5/Art. XXII

    (215 ILCS 5/Art. XXII heading)

215 ILCS 5/378

    (215 ILCS 5/378) (from Ch. 73, par. 990)
    Sec. 378. Scope of article.
    This article shall apply to all companies authorized in this State to transact the kind or kinds of business enumerated in Class 2 of section 4.
    Every such company shall, at all times, maintain reserves in an amount estimated in the aggregate to provide for the payment of all losses and claims incurred, whether reported or unreported, which are unpaid and for which such company may be liable, and to provide for the expenses of adjustment or settlement of such losses and claims. Such reserves shall be computed in accordance with regulations made from time to time by the Director after notice and hearing, upon reasonable consideration of the ascertained experience and the character of such kinds of business for the purpose of adequately protecting the insured and securing the solvency of such company.
    Whenever the loss and loss expense experience of such company shows the reserves, calculated in accordance with such regulations, to be inadequate, the Director may require such company to maintain additional reserves.
    Each company that writes liability or compensation policies shall include in the annual statement required by law, a schedule of its experience thereunder in such form as the Director may prescribe.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 1812.)

215 ILCS 5/379.1

    (215 ILCS 5/379.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 991.1)
    Sec. 379.1. Unearned premium reserve.
    Every insurance company authorized to transact in this State any of the kind or kinds of business enumerated in Class 2 of Section 4 except accident and health insurance shall maintain an unearned premium reserve on all policies and bonds in force which shall be calculated in the manner described in Section 393.1 of this Code.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 1745.)

215 ILCS 5/388

    (215 ILCS 5/388) (from Ch. 73, par. 1000)
    Sec. 388. Standard provision for liability policies - Provisions forbidden. No policy of insurance against liability or indemnity for loss or damage to any person other than the insured, or to the property of any person other than the insured, for which any insured is liable, shall be issued or delivered in this State after July 1, 1937, by any company subject to this Article unless it contains in substance a provision that the insolvency or bankruptcy of the insured shall not release the company from the payment of damages for injuries sustained or death resulting therefrom, or loss occasioned during the term of such policy, and stating that in case a certified copy of a judgment against the insured is returned unsatisfied in any action brought by the injured person or his or her personal representative in case death results from the accident because of such insolvency or bankruptcy, then an action may be maintained by the injured person or his or her personal representative against such company under the terms of the policy and subject to all of the conditions thereof for the amount of the judgment in such action not exceeding the amount of the policy.
    No policy of insurance against liability or indemnity for loss or damage arising as a result of the operation of Section 6-21 of "An Act relating to alcoholic liquors", approved January 31, 1934, as amended, shall contain a provision or provisions which exempt the company from liability if the damage sustained was the result of the sale or giving away of alcoholic liquor to a minor.
(Source: P.A. 84-546.)

215 ILCS 5/388-1

    (215 ILCS 5/388-1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1000-1)
    Sec. 388-1. No company selling insurance defined in clause (b) of class 2 of Section 4 may require a policyholder to take a physical examination as a condition for renewal of such policy if the policyholder has been insured by the company for 5 years or longer, unless the company pays the cost of such physical examination, and the physical examination is given by a physician chosen by the policyholder.
(Source: P.A. 78-703.)

215 ILCS 5/388a

    (215 ILCS 5/388a) (from Ch. 73, par. 1000a)
    Sec. 388a. Group vehicle insurance defined.
    (a) Group vehicle insurance is declared to be that form of vehicle insurance covering not less than 10 employees, members, or employees of members, written under a master policy issued to any governmental corporation, unit, agency or department thereof, or to any corporation, co-partnership, individual employer, or to any association upon application of an executive officer or trustee of such association having a constitution or by-laws and formed in good faith for purposes other than that of obtaining insurance, where officers, members, employees, employees of members or classes or department thereof, may be insured for their individual benefit. In addition a group vehicle policy may be written to insure any group which may be insured under a group life insurance policy. The term "employees" shall include the officers, managers and employees of subsidiary or affiliated corporations, and the individual proprietors, partners and employees of affiliated individuals and firms, when the business of such subsidiary or affiliated corporations, firms or individuals, is controlled by a common employer through stock ownership, contract or otherwise.
    (b) A group vehicle insurance policy may provide physical damage coverage, liability coverage, or a combination of physical damage and liability coverage. A group physical damage policy and a certificate incidental to that policy, issued in accordance with this Section, does not meet the mandatory insurance requirements under the Illinois Vehicle Code and must contain a warning to the consumer that the policy does not comply with those requirements.
(Source: P.A. 88-313.)

215 ILCS 5/388b

    (215 ILCS 5/388b) (from Ch. 73, par. 1000b)
    Sec. 388b. Group vehicle insurance authorized.
    Any insurance company authorized to write vehicle insurance in this State, as authorized by clause (b) of Class 2 and clause (e) of Class 3 of Section 4, shall have power to issue group vehicle policies. Group vehicle insurance policies shall be subject to the filing requirements of Section 143 and shall include the provisions required by Sections 388c through 388f of this Code. A group vehicle insurance policy that provides liability coverage shall comply with the requirements of Section 7-317 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
(Source: P.A. 88-313.)

215 ILCS 5/388c

    (215 ILCS 5/388c) (from Ch. 73, par. 1000c)
    Sec. 388c. "Entire contract" specified.
    Each group vehicle insurance policy shall provide that the policy, the application of the employer, or executive officer or trustee of any association, and the individual applications, if any, of the employees, members or employees of members insured shall constitute the entire contract between the parties, and that all statements made by the employer, or the executive officer or trustee, or by the individual employees, members or employees of members shall, in the absence of fraud, be deemed representations and not warranties, and that no such statement shall be used in defense to a claim under the policy, unless it is contained in a written application.
(Source: P.A. 77-1576.)

215 ILCS 5/388d

    (215 ILCS 5/388d) (from Ch. 73, par. 1000d)
    Sec. 388d. Certificates required.
    Each group vehicle insurance policy shall provide that the insurer will issue to the employer, or to the executive officer or trustee of the association, for delivery to the employee, member or employee of a member, who is insured under such policy, an individual certificate setting forth a statement as to the insurance protection to which he is entitled and to whom payable and, at the request of any participating member or employee that has liability insurance coverage, will issue a certificate of his vehicle insurance to the Secretary of State as proof of the insured's financial responsibility in compliance with the Illinois Vehicle Code.
(Source: P.A. 88-313.)

215 ILCS 5/388e

    (215 ILCS 5/388e) (from Ch. 73, par. 1000e)
    Sec. 388e. New members of group.
    Each group vehicle insurance policy shall provide that to the group or class thereof originally insured shall be added from time to time all new employees of the employer, members of the association or employees of members eligible to and applying for insurance in such group or class but participation in the group plan shall not be required as a condition of employment, nor shall any member not participating in the plan be coerced or discriminated against.
(Source: P.A. 77-1576.)

215 ILCS 5/388f

    (215 ILCS 5/388f) (from Ch. 73, par. 1000f)
    Sec. 388f. Conversion rights.
    Each group vehicle insurance policy shall provide that any member of the group shall have the right to convert his group policy to an individual standard policy of insurance in the same company as offered by the insurer to the non-group insureds upon termination of his connection with the group extending to him the same limits of coverage.
(Source: P.A. 77-1576.)

215 ILCS 5/388g

    (215 ILCS 5/388g) (from Ch. 73, par. 1000g)
    Sec. 388g. Cancellation restricted.
    An insurer may not cancel the insurance of an individual member of a group covered by a group vehicle insurance policy except for the non-payment of premium by such member or unless the insurance for the entire group is cancelled. In such cases notice of cancellation as provided in like non-group policies shall be given to each member and, when appropriate, to the Secretary of State.
(Source: P.A. 77-1576.)

215 ILCS 5/388h

    (215 ILCS 5/388h)
    Sec. 388h. Opioid antagonists; Liquor Control Act of 1934. An insurer that is licensed and authorized to do business in this State shall consider an applicant's or insured's compliance with Section 6-39 of the Liquor Control Act of 1934 when providing commercial liability insurance to a music venue as defined in subsection (a) of Section 6-39 of the Liquor Control Act of 1934.
(Source: P.A. 103-20, eff. 6-1-24.)

215 ILCS 5/389

    (215 ILCS 5/389) (from Ch. 73, par. 1001)
    Sec. 389. Definition.
    Fidelity and surety business specified in paragraph (g) of Class 2 of section 4 shall be known as surety business, and the obligations connected therewith as suretyship obligations notwithstanding any other designation or classification contained in this Code to the contrary.
(Source: Laws 1937, p. 696.)

215 ILCS 5/390

    (215 ILCS 5/390) (from Ch. 73, par. 1002)
    Sec. 390. Corporate bonds satisfy legal requirement. Whenever a bond, undertaking, recognizance, guaranty or other obligation is required, permitted, authorized or allowed; or whenever the performance of any act, duty or obligation, or forbearance, is required, permitted, authorized or allowed to be secured or guaranteed, such bond, undertaking, recognizance or other obligation, or such security or guaranty, may be executed by a company authorized in this State to do the kinds of business described in clause (g) of Class 2 of section 4; and such companies are authorized and empowered to execute all such instruments; and in case two or more of such companies execute any such instrument each of such companies is hereby authorized and empowered to limit its liability therein to an amount less than the aggregate penalty of such instrument and also to limit its liability to a pro rata part of any and all losses under such instrument; and the execution by any such company of such bond, undertaking, recognizance, guaranty or other obligation by an officer, attorney-in-fact or other authorized representative shall be sufficient and be accepted as and be a full compliance with every law or other requirement now in force or that may hereafter be enacted or made that such bond, undertaking, recognizance, guaranty or like obligation be required or permitted or be executed by a surety or sureties, or that such surety or sureties be residents, householders or owners or life tenants of real estate, or possess any other qualifications.
(Source: P.A. 84-551.)

215 ILCS 5/391

    (215 ILCS 5/391) (from Ch. 73, par. 1003)
    Sec. 391. Trustee may have corporate surety. A party of whom a bond or other undertaking is required or permitted or by law allowed may agree with his sureties for the deposit or safekeeping of any or all moneys, assets and other property for which he, she or it is or may be held responsible, with a bank, savings bank, safe deposit, savings and loan association or trust company authorized by law to do business as such, and in such manner as to prevent the withdrawal or alienation thereof without the written consent of such sureties or an order of the court having jurisdiction of such fiduciary made on such notice to such sureties as such court may direct. It shall be lawful for such sureties to enter into contracts for their indemnity or security with any person, partnership, association or corporation, provided that such contracts are not prohibited by law or against public policy.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)

215 ILCS 5/392

    (215 ILCS 5/392) (from Ch. 73, par. 1004)
    Sec. 392. Estoppel.
    Any company which shall execute any bond, recognizance, obligation, stipulation or undertaking as surety shall be estopped, in any proceeding to enforce the liability which it shall have assumed to incur, to deny its power to execute the same or assume such liability.
(Source: Laws 1937, p. 696.)

215 ILCS 5/392.1

    (215 ILCS 5/392.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1004.1)
    Sec. 392.1. Casualty and surety companies exempted from filing appeal bonds upon proof of liability - Taxable costs. Whenever an appeal is taken from any judgment in any case wherein it appears to the court that all of the particular liability of the appellant thereunder is insured against in and by a liability insurance policy or surety bond issued by any insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Illinois, and the court is satisfied of the applicable coverage of such policy or bond, it shall not be required of the appellant to provide any appeal bond or bond to stay enforcement pending such appeal, but such insurance company may be required by the court, and is hereby given authority, to execute its written recognizance of the adverse party or parties for the payment of the taxable costs of such appeal. Such company shall deposit with the court a copy of the insurance policy or bond and shall admit its liability thereunder, and agree to pay such judgment against its insured, if any, as shall be affirmed by the appellate court; and in such case the court having jurisdiction thereof, on its own motion, may enter judgment against the insurance company to such extent without further proceedings.
(Source: P.A. 84-546.)

215 ILCS 5/Art. XXIII

    (215 ILCS 5/Art. XXIII heading)

215 ILCS 5/393

    (215 ILCS 5/393) (from Ch. 73, par. 1005)
    Sec. 393. Scope of article. This article shall apply to all companies authorized to transact the kind or kinds of business enumerated in Class 3 of Section 4.
(Source: Laws 1937, p. 696.)

215 ILCS 5/393.1

    (215 ILCS 5/393.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1005.1)
    Sec. 393.1. Unearned premium reserve. (1) Every insurance company authorized in this State to transact any of the kinds of business described in Class 3 of Section 4 shall maintain an unearned premium reserve on all policies in force which reserve shall be charged as a liability. The portions of the gross premiums in force, after deducting bona fide reinsurance in authorized companies, which shall be held as a premium reserve, shall never be less in the aggregate than the company's actual liability to all its insureds for the return of gross unearned premiums. In the calculation of the company's actual liability to all its insureds, the reserve shall be computed pursuant to the method commonly referred to as the monthly pro rata method; provided, however, that the Director may require that such reserve shall be equal to the unearned portions of the gross premiums in force, after deducting reinsurance in authorized companies, in which case the reserve shall be computed on each respective risk from the date of the issuance of the policy.
    (2) Before any reinsurance may qualify as a deduction from a company's unearned premium reserve, the accepting company shall assume full liability for the amount of coverage which the ceding company guaranteed for the portions of premiums which it ceded to the accepting company.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 1745.)

215 ILCS 5/393a

    (215 ILCS 5/393a) (from Ch. 73, par. 1005a)
    Sec. 393a. Group professional liability insurance defined.) Group professional liability insurance is declared to be that form of liability insurance covering not less than 10 employees of any public school district, nonprofit organization or other organization operating an elementary or secondary school, including, but not limited to, nursery and kindergarten programs, or of any public, nonprofit or other institution of higher education for all sums for which such employees may become liable for rendering, failing to render, or as a consequence of rendering or failing to render professional services in such employment. However, such coverage shall not include intentional acts or omissions in violation of any law or court order. Such coverage shall be written under a master policy issued to any governmental corporation, unit, agency or department thereof, or to any corporation, copartnership, individual employer, or to any association upon application of an executive officer or trustee of such association having a constitution or by-laws and formed in good faith for purposes other than that of obtaining insurance, where officers, members, employees of members or classes or departments thereof, may be insured for their individual benefit.
(Source: P.A. 79-685.)

215 ILCS 5/393b

    (215 ILCS 5/393b) (from Ch. 73, par. 1005b)
    Sec. 393b. Group professional liability insurance authorized.) Any insurance company authorized to write group professional liability insurance in this State shall have power to issue group professional liability policies. No policy of group professional liability insurance may be issued or delivered in this State unless a copy of the form thereof shall have been filed with the Director of Insurance and approved by it and it contains in substance the provisions required by Sections 393c through 393f of this Article.
(Source: P.A. 79-685.)

215 ILCS 5/393c

    (215 ILCS 5/393c) (from Ch. 73, par. 1005c)
    Sec. 393c. "Entire contract" specified.) Each group professional liability insurance policy shall provide that the policy, the application of the employer, or executive officer or trustee of any association, and the individual applications, if any, of the employees, members or employees of members insured shall constitute the entire contract between the parties, and that all statements made by the employer, or the executive officer or trustee, or by the individual employees, members or employees of members shall, in the absence of fraud, be deemed representations and not warranties, and that no such statement shall be used in defense to a claim under the policy, unless it is contained in a written application.
(Source: P.A. 79-685.)

215 ILCS 5/393d

    (215 ILCS 5/393d) (from Ch. 73, par. 1005d)
    Sec. 393d. Certificates required.) Each group professional liability insurance policy shall provide that the insurer will issue to the employer, or to the executive officer or trustee of the association, for delivery to the employee, member or employee of a member, who is insured under such policy, an individual certificate setting forth a statement as to the insurance protection to which he is entitled and to whom payable.
(Source: P.A. 79-685.)

215 ILCS 5/393e

    (215 ILCS 5/393e) (from Ch. 73, par. 1005e)
    Sec. 393e. New members of group.) Each group professional liability insurance policy shall provide that to the group or class thereof originally insured shall be added from time to time all new employees of the employer, members of the association or employees of members eligible to and applying for insurance in such group or class but participation in the group plan shall not be required as a condition of employment, nor shall any member not participating in the plan be coerced or discriminated against.
(Source: P.A. 79-685.)

215 ILCS 5/393f

    (215 ILCS 5/393f) (from Ch. 73, par. 1005f)
    Sec. 393f. Conversion rights.) Each group professional liability insurance policy shall provide that any member of the group shall have the right to convert his group policy to an individual standard policy of insurance in the same company as offered by the insurer to the non-group insureds upon termination of his connection with the group extending to him the same limits of coverage.
(Source: P.A. 79-685.)

215 ILCS 5/393g

    (215 ILCS 5/393g) (from Ch. 73, par. 1005g)
    Sec. 393g. Cancellation restricted.) An insurer may not cancel the insurance of an individual member of a group covered by a group professional liability insurance policy except for the non-payment of premium by such member or unless the insurance for the entire group is cancelled. In such cases notice of cancellation as provided in like non-group policies shall be given to each member.
(Source: P.A. 79-685.)

215 ILCS 5/395

    (215 ILCS 5/395) (from Ch. 73, par. 1007)
    Sec. 395. Reserves for marine and inland marine. In the case of policies of marine or inland navigation or transportation insurance the unearned premium reserve, to be charged as a liability, shall be fifty per centum of the amount of the premiums upon risks covering not more than one passage not terminated and shall be upon a pro rata basis for all other policies.
(Source: Laws 1937, p. 696.)

215 ILCS 5/396

    (215 ILCS 5/396) (from Ch. 73, par. 1008)
    Sec. 396. Loss and loss expense reserves.
    (1) Every company authorized to transact in this State any of the kinds of business described in Class 3 of Section 4 shall, at all times, maintain reserves in an amount estimated in the aggregate to provide for the payment of all losses and claims incurred, whether reported or unreported, which are unpaid and for which such company may be liable, and to provide for the expenses of adjustment or settlement of such losses and claims. For the purpose of such reserves, the company shall keep a complete and itemized record showing all losses and claims on which it has received notice, including all notices received by it of the occurrence of any event which may result in a loss. Such record shall be opened in chronological receipt order, with each notice of loss or claim identified by appropriate number or coding.
    (2) Whenever the loss and loss expense experience of such company shows the reserves, calculated in accordance with the foregoing provisions, to be inadequate, the Director may require such company to maintain additional reserves.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 1819.)

215 ILCS 5/397

    (215 ILCS 5/397) (from Ch. 73, par. 1009)
    Sec. 397. Standard fire policy.) The Director of Insurance shall promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to effect uniformity in all basic policies of fire and lightning insurance issued in this State, to the end that there be concurrency of contract where two or more companies insure the same risk.
(Source: P.A. 80-1441.)

215 ILCS 5/397.05

    (215 ILCS 5/397.05) (from Ch. 73, par. 1009.05)
    Sec. 397.05. Standard fire policy; appraisal. When an insured requests an appraisal under a policy of fire and extended coverage insurance, as defined in subsection (b) of Section 143.13, and the insured's full amount of appraised loss is upheld by agreement of the appraisers or the umpire, then the insured's appraisal fee and umpire's appraisal fee shall be paid by the insurer.
(Source: P.A. 87-681.)

215 ILCS 5/397.1

    (215 ILCS 5/397.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1009.1)
    Sec. 397.1. Certificate regarding payment of taxes and expenses on property sustaining loss.
    (a) It shall be unlawful for any company transacting insurance business in this State to pay a claim of an insured property owner for loss by fire or explosion to a structure located in this State where the amount recoverable for loss to the structure under a policy exceeds $25,000, until the insurance company receives the certificate required by this Section. A notice, to the State's Attorney of the county where the structure is located, of the insurers intent to pay a claim shall include the name of the property owner, the address of the property, its legal description, the permanent real estate index number that identifies the property for purposes of taxation, and the amount of the claim to be paid.
    (b) For purposes of this Section, the following definitions are applicable:
        (1) "Insured property owner" is a person named as an
insured who is the owner, title-holder or mortgagee of a structure, the holder of an interest secured by the structure, the beneficiary of a land trust owning or holding title to a structure, the lessee of a structure with a contractual obligation for property taxes, or the assignee of any such person.
        (2) "Amount recoverable" is the dollar amount payable
under all insurance policies for loss to the structure.
        (3) "Proceeds" is the dollar amount payable for loss
to the structure under an insurance policy.
        (4) "Delinquent property taxes" are those property
taxes on the property which are delinquent pursuant to Section 21-15, 21-20, or 21-25 of the Property Tax Code, including those delinquent taxes on property forfeited under Section 21-225 of the Property Tax Code, as of the date of loss.
        In determining delinquent property taxes under this
Section, the amount of property taxes for which a certificate of error has been issued pursuant to Section 14-10 or 14-20 of the Property Tax Code shall not be considered delinquent.
        (5) "Incurred demolition expense" is: a. the cost of
demolishing or removing a structure from property by or at the expense of a unit of local government if the demolition or removal occurs on a date preceding the later of (i) the acceptance by the insurance company of a Proof of Loss for an agreed amount of proceeds, or (ii) the date of receipt by the unit of local government of a request for execution of the certificate required by this Section; or b. the amount estimated by the unit of local government when it receives a request to execute the certificate required by this Section; or c. the amount ordered to be withheld by a court within 28 days after a unit of local government receives a request for execution of the certificate required by this Section. The unit of local government must be a party to such proceeding.
        Incurred demolition expense shall be determined under
subparagraph a. whenever possible. In determining the incurred demolition expense under subparagraph b., the unit of local government shall make its estimate and execute the certificate within 30 days after receiving a request for execution. If the unit of local government shall fail within 30 days to execute the certificate, as required by subparagraph a., the company can proceed to make payment of the claim as if the certificate had been received showing no unpaid demolition costs. The request for execution may be served personally, and may be proven by a written receipt signed by the local official as of the date the request was made or by service on the local official by certified mail, return receipt requested. A court order under subparagraph c. shall supersede an estimate under subparagraph b.
        (6) "Property" is the lot on which the structure is
        (7) "Structure" is a building.
        (8) "Claim" is the demand by an insured for payment
under an insurance policy or policies.
        (9) "Proof of Loss" is the document on which an
insured formally presents his claim to an insurance company.
        (10) "Certificate" is the executed form prescribed by
the Director of Insurance.
        (11) "Executed" means signed by the appropriate
official or unit of government.
    (c) For any claim to which this Section is applicable, an insured property owner must submit one of the following to the insurance company:
        (1) a certificate that with respect to the property
there are:
            a. no delinquent property taxes, and
            b. no unpaid incurred demolition expenses;
        (2) a certificate setting forth with respect to the
            a. the amount of unpaid delinquent property taxes,
            b. the amount of unpaid incurred demolition
expense, and
            c. a direction by an insured property owner to
the insurance company to pay the unpaid delinquent property taxes and unpaid incurred demolition expenses.
    (d) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this
subsection (d), if a certificate is submitted pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of this Section, the insurance company shall pay the unpaid delinquent property taxes and unpaid incurred demolition expense from the proceeds payable by issuing a draft or check payable to the appropriate tax collector or unit of local government.
        Any proceeds remaining shall be paid to the insured
property owner.
        (2) In the event incurred demolition expense is
determined by estimation under paragraph (5) of subsection (b) of this Section in cities of over 2,000,000, the insurance company shall hold the amount estimated until an amended certificate executed by the appropriate local government official is submitted stating (i) that no demolition expense will be incurred or (ii) the actual unpaid incurred demolition expense. The insurance company shall then issue a draft or check payable to the unit of local government for the actual unpaid incurred demolition expense. Any proceeds remaining shall be paid to the insured property owner.
        In determining the amount of proceeds remaining under
this paragraph, the insured property owner shall receive interest on the amount withheld from the date the certificate is executed as provided in Section 2 of the Interest Act.
    (e) If, under this Section, the proceeds payable are less than the amount of the unpaid delinquent property taxes and unpaid incurred demolition expense, unpaid property taxes shall be paid first.
    (f) If incurred demolition expense withheld pursuant to subparagraphs b. or c. of paragraph 5 of subsection (b) of this Section exceeds the ultimate cost of demolition, the excess shall first be applied to unpaid delinquent property taxes. Any amount of proceeds remaining shall be paid to the insured property owner.
    (g) Nothing in this Section shall be construed as:
        (1) making an insurance company liable for any amount
in excess of the proceeds payable under its insurance policy unless the insurance company shall have made payment to the named insured without satisfying the requirements of this Section;
        (2) making a unit of local government or tax
collector an insured under an insurance policy; or
        (3) creating an obligation for an insurance company
to pay unpaid delinquent property taxes or unpaid incurred demolition expense other than as provided in subsection (d) of this Section.
    (h) An insurance company making a payment of proceeds under this Section for unpaid delinquent taxes or unpaid incurred demolition expense shall be entitled to the full benefit of such payment, including subrogation rights and other rights of assignment.
    (i) Unpaid property taxes and unpaid incurred demolition expense for a claim for loss to a structure occurring after the issuance of a tax deed pursuant to Section 22-40 of the Property Tax Code shall not include any unpaid property tax or unpaid demolition expense arising before the issuance of the tax deed.
    (j) The county collector shall be designated as the local official who shall execute the certificate required by this Section regarding delinquent property taxes. The village clerk or city clerk in incorporated areas and the official in charge of the county building department in unincorporated areas shall be designated as the local official who shall execute the certificate required by this Section regarding demolition expenses.
    (k) A fee not to exceed $5 may be charged by a unit of local government for execution of the certificate required by this Section.
    (l) This Section shall retroactively apply to any policy issued or renewed on or after January 1, 1978 for which a claim subject to this Section remains unpaid as of the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1978.
(Source: P.A. 87-507; 88-667, eff. 9-16-94; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)

215 ILCS 5/399

    (215 ILCS 5/399) (from Ch. 73, par. 1011)
    Sec. 399. Combination policies. Two or more companies authorized to transact business in this State may issue a combination or group form of policy, using a distinctive title therefor, which title shall appear at the head of such policy followed by the titles of the companies obligated thereupon, and which policy shall be executed by the officers of each such companies; provided, that before such companies shall issue such combination or group policy, the title of such proposed policy and the terms of the additional provisions thereof, hereby authorized, shall have been filed with the Director, which terms, in addition to the provisions of the standard policy and not inconsistent therewith, shall provide substantially under a separate title therein, as follows:
    (a) that each company executing such policy shall be liable for the full amount of any loss or damage, according to the terms of the policy, or a specific percentage thereof;
    (b) that service of process, or of any notice or proof of loss required by the said policy, upon any of the companies executing the same shall be deemed to be service upon all; and provided further that the unearned premium liability on each policy so issued shall be maintained by each of such companies on the basis of the liability of each to the insured thereunder.
(Source: Laws 1937, p. 696.)

215 ILCS 5/400

    (215 ILCS 5/400) (from Ch. 73, par. 1012)
    Sec. 400. Supplemental or comprehensive contracts. Forms for supplemental contracts or comprehensive contracts whereby the property described may be insured against one or more risks specified in Class 2 or Class 3 of Section 4, in addition to the risk of direct loss or damage by fire, and forms of fire policies on farm property may be approved by the Director and their use in connection with or in lieu of a standard fire insurance policy may be authorized by the Director.
(Source: Laws 1937, p. 696.)

215 ILCS 5/400.1

    (215 ILCS 5/400.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1012.1)
    Sec. 400.1. Group or master policy-certificate inland marine insurance authorized.
    (1) Any insurance company authorized to write inland marine insurance in this State may issue group or master policy-certificate inland marine policies which may include coverages incidental or supplemental to the inland marine policy, if the insurer is authorized to write the class of coverage which is incidental or supplemental. No policy, certificate of insurance, memorandum of insurance, application for insurance, endorsement or rider, may be issued for delivery in this State unless a copy of the form thereof shall have been filed with the Director of Insurance and approved, or unless exempted from filing by such rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the Director.
    (2) The Director shall within 90 days after the filing of such forms disapprove any such form if the benefits provided therein are not reasonable in relation to the premium charged, or if it contains provisions that are unjust, unfair, inequitable, misleading, deceptive, or encourage misrepresentation of the coverage, or are contrary to any provision of this Code, or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder. The Director may, upon written notice within such waiting period to the company which made the filing, extend such waiting period for an additional 30 days. A filing shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this Section unless disapproved by the Director within the waiting period or the extension thereof.
    (3) If the Director notifies the insurer that the form is disapproved, the insurer shall not issue or use such form. In such notice the Director shall specify the reason for his disapproval. The company may request a hearing on such disapproval within 30 days after receipt of such disapproval. The Director shall grant a hearing subsequent to the receipt of such request.
    (4) The Director may, at any time after a hearing held not less than 20 days after written notice to the insurer, withdraw his approval of any such form on any ground set forth in subsection (2) above. The written notice of such hearing shall state the reason for the proposed withdrawal.
    (5) It is not lawful for the insurer to issue such forms or use them after the effective date of such withdrawal.
    (6) The Director may at any time require the filing of the schedules of premium rates used or to be used in connection with the specific policy filings required.
    (7) The Director shall promulgate such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary to provide for the filing and review of premium rates schedules, and for the disapproval of those he may deem to be inadequate, excessive or unfairly discriminatory.
    (8) Any order or final determination of the Director under the provisions of this Section shall be subject to judicial review.
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)

215 ILCS 5/Art. XXIV

    (215 ILCS 5/Art. XXIV heading)

215 ILCS 5/401

    (215 ILCS 5/401) (from Ch. 73, par. 1013)
    Sec. 401. General powers of the director. The Director is charged with the rights, powers and duties appertaining to the enforcement and execution of all the insurance laws of this State. He shall have the power
        (a) to make reasonable rules and regulations as may
be necessary for making effective such laws;
        (b) to conduct such investigations as may be
necessary to determine whether any person has violated any provision of such insurance laws;
        (c) to conduct such examinations, investigations and
hearings in addition to those specifically provided for, as may be necessary and proper for the efficient administration of the insurance laws of this State; and
        (d) to institute such actions or other lawful
proceedings as he may deem necessary for the enforcement of the Illinois Insurance Code or of any Order or action made or taken by him under this Code. The Attorney General, upon request of the Director, may proceed in the courts of this State to enforce an Order or decision in any court proceeding or in any administrative proceeding before the Director.
    Whenever the Director is authorized or required by law to consider some aspect of criminal history record information for the purpose of carrying out his statutory powers and responsibilities, then, upon request and payment of fees in conformance with the requirements of Section 2605-400 of the Illinois State Police Law, the Illinois State Police is authorized to furnish, pursuant to positive identification, such information contained in State files as is necessary to meet the requirements of such authorization or statutes.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)

215 ILCS 5/401.1

    (215 ILCS 5/401.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1013.1)
    Sec. 401.1. (1) This Section applies to all companies and persons subject to examination by the Director, or purporting to do insurance business in this State, or in the process of organization with intent to do such business therein, or for whom a Certificate of Authority is required for the transaction of business, or whose Certificate of Authority is revoked or suspended.
    (2) Whenever it appears to the Director that any person or company subject to this Code is conducting its business and affairs in such a manner as to threaten to render it insolvent, or that it is in a hazardous condition, or is conducting its business and affairs in a manner which is hazardous to its policyholders, creditors or the public, or that it has committed or engaged in, or is committing or engaging in, any unlawful act, or any act, practice or transaction which under any provision of this Code would constitute ground rendering the person subject to conservation, liquidation or rehabilitation proceedings and that irreparable loss and injury to the property and business of a person or company has occurred or may occur unless the Director acts immediately, the Director may, without notice, and before hearing, issue and cause to be served upon such person or company an order requiring such person or company to forthwith cease and desist from engaging further in the acts, practices or transactions which are causing such conduct, condition or ground to exist.
    (3) At the same time an order is served pursuant to paragraph (2) of this Section, the Director must issue and also serve upon the person or company a notice of hearing to be held at a time and place fixed therein which may not be less than 20 or more than 30 days after the service thereof. The notice must contain a statement of the conduct, condition or ground which the Director deems violative of the provisions of this Section.
    (4) If, after hearing as provided by paragraph (3) of this Section, any of the statements as to conduct, conditions or grounds in the notice are found to be true, the Director may make such order or orders as may be reasonably necessary to correct, eliminate or remedy such conduct, conditions or grounds.
    (5) Any person or company subject to an order pursuant to this Article is entitled to judicial review of the order in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Review Law.
    (6) If any person or company violates or fails to comply with any order of the Director or any part thereof which as to such person has become final and is still in effect, the Director may, after a hearing and notice at which it is determined that a violation of such order has been committed, further order that:
    (a) Such person shall forfeit and pay to the State of Illinois a sum not to exceed $100 per day for each and every day that such violation or failure to comply shall continue, but in no event to exceed a maximum amount of $5,000. Such liability shall be enforced in an action brought in any court of competent jurisdiction by the Director in the name of the people of the State of Illinois; and
    (b) Proceedings be commenced to revoke or suspend any license or Certificate of Authority held by such person under this Code, in accordance with the procedures provided therefor.
    (7) The powers vested in the Director by this Section are additional to any and all other powers and remedies vested in the Director by law, and nothing herein shall be construed as requiring that the Director shall employ the powers conferred herein instead of or as a condition precedent to the exercise of any other power or remedy vested in the Director.
    (8) Any order or notice of the Director hereunder may be served on any person, in the same manner and with the same effect as provided for in civil actions in a Circuit Court of this State.
(Source: P.A. 82-783.)

215 ILCS 5/401.3

    (215 ILCS 5/401.3)
    Sec. 401.3. Advisory council; powers and duties. There is created within the Department an advisory council to review and make recommendations to the Department regarding rules to be adopted with respect to continuing education courses for which the approval of the Department is required under the provisions of this Code. In addition, the advisory council shall make recommendations to the Department regarding rules with respect to course materials, curriculum, and credentials of instructors.
    The advisory council shall be comprised of 7 members appointed by the Director. One member shall be an educational instructor who has regularly provided educational offerings for more than 5 out of the last 10 years to individuals licensed under this Code. Three members shall be recommended by the leadership of 3 statewide trade organizations whose memberships are primarily composed of individuals licensed under this Code, none of which may come from the same organization. Three members shall represent a domestic company.
    The members' terms shall be 3 years or until their successors are appointed, and the expiration of their terms shall be staggered. No individual may serve more than 3 consecutive terms.
    The Director shall appoint an employee of the Department to serve as the chairperson of the advisory council, ex officio, without a vote.
    Four voting advisory council members shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is necessary for all advisory council decisions and recommendations.
(Source: P.A. 100-876, eff. 8-14-18.)

215 ILCS 5/401.5

    (215 ILCS 5/401.5)
    Sec. 401.5. Investigation of insurance law violations.
    (a) If the Director of Insurance has cause to believe that a person has engaged in, or is engaging in, an act, activity, or practice that constitutes a business offense, misdemeanor, or felony violation of the Illinois Insurance Code or related insurance laws, he or she shall designate appropriate investigators or agents to investigate the violations. For purposes of carrying out investigations under this Section, the Department of Insurance is deemed a criminal justice agency under all federal and State laws and regulations, and as such shall have access to any information that concerns or relates to a violation of the Illinois Insurance Code or related insurance laws and that is available to criminal justice agencies.
    (b) The Director of Insurance may transmit or receive written or oral information relating to possible violations of the insurance laws of this State received by or from any other criminal justice agencies, whether federal, State, or local, if, in the opinion of the Director, the transmittal is appropriate and may further the effective prevention of criminal activities.
    (c) The Department of Insurance's papers, documents, reports, or evidence relevant to the subject of an investigation under this Section is not subject to public inspection for so long as the Department deems reasonably necessary to complete the investigation, to protect the person investigated from unwarranted injury, or to be in the public interest. Further, the papers, documents, reports, or evidence relevant to the subject of an investigation under this Section is not subject to subpoena until opened for public inspection by the Department, unless the Department consents, or until, after notice to the Department and a hearing, the court determines the Department would not be unnecessarily hindered by the subpoena. No officer, agent, or employee of the Department is subject to subpoena in civil actions by a court of this State to testify concerning a matter of which they have knowledge under a pending insurance fraud investigation by the Department.
    (d) No insurer, or employees or agents of an insurer, are subject to civil liability for libel or otherwise by virtue of furnishing information required by the insurance laws of this State or required by the Department of Insurance as a result of its investigation. No cause of action exists and no liability may be imposed, either civil or criminal, against the State, the Director, any officer, agent, or employee of the Department of Insurance, or individuals employed or retained by the Director, for an act or omission by them in the performance of a power or duty authorized by this Section, unless the act or omission was performed in bad faith and with intent to injure a particular person.
    (e) The powers vested in the Director by this Section are additional to other powers and remedies vested in the Director by law, and nothing in this Section shall be construed as requiring that the Director shall employ the powers conferred in this Section instead of or as a condition precedent to the exercise of any other power or remedy vested in the Director. The Director may establish systems and procedures for carrying out investigations under this Section as are necessary to avoid the impairment or compromise of his or her authority under this Section or any other law relating to the regulation of insurance.
(Source: P.A. 89-234, eff. 1-1-96.)

215 ILCS 5/402

    (215 ILCS 5/402) (from Ch. 73, par. 1014)
    Sec. 402. Examinations, investigations and hearings. (1) All examinations, investigations and hearings provided for by this Code may be conducted either by the Director personally, or by one or more of the actuaries, technical advisors, deputies, supervisors or examiners employed or retained by the Department and designated by the Director for such purpose. When necessary to supplement its examination procedures, the Department may retain independent actuaries deemed competent by the Director, independent certified public accountants, or qualified examiners of insurance companies deemed competent by the Director, or any combination of the foregoing, the cost of which shall be borne by the company or person being examined. The Director may compensate independent actuaries, certified public accountants and qualified examiners retained for supplementing examination procedures in amounts not to exceed the reasonable and customary charges for such services. The Director may also accept as a part of the Department's examination of any company or person (a) a report by an independent actuary deemed competent by the Director or (b) a report of an audit made by an independent certified public accountant. Neither those persons so designated nor any members of their immediate families shall be officers of, connected with, or financially interested in any company other than as policyholders, nor shall they be financially interested in any other corporation or person affected by the examination, investigation or hearing.
    (2) All hearings provided for in this Code shall, unless otherwise specially provided, be held at such time and place as shall be designated in a notice which shall be given by the Director in writing to the person or company whose interests are affected, at least 10 days before the date designated therein. The notice shall state the subject of inquiry and the specific charges, if any. The hearings shall be held in the City of Springfield, the City of Chicago, or in the county where the principal business address of the person or company affected is located.
(Source: P.A. 87-757.)

215 ILCS 5/403

    (215 ILCS 5/403) (from Ch. 73, par. 1015)
    Sec. 403. Power to subpoena and examine witnesses.
    (1) In the conduct of any examination, investigation or hearing provided for by this Code, the Director or other officer designated by him or her to conduct the same, shall have power to compel the attendance of any person by subpoena, to administer oaths and to examine any person under oath concerning the business, conduct or affairs of any company or person subject to the provisions of this Code, and in connection therewith to require the production of any books, records or papers relevant to the inquiry.
    (2) If a person subpoenaed to attend such inquiry fails to obey the command of the subpoena without reasonable excuse, or if a person in attendance upon such inquiry shall, without reasonable cause, refuse to be sworn or to be examined or to answer a question or to produce a book or paper when ordered to do so by any officer conducting such inquiry, or if any person fails to perform any act required hereunder to be performed, he or she shall be required to pay a penalty of not more than $2,000 to be recovered in the name of the People of the State of Illinois by the State's Attorney of the county in which the violation occurs, and the penalty so recovered shall be paid into the county treasury.
    (3) When any person neglects or refuses without reasonable cause to obey a subpoena issued by the Director, or refuses without reasonable cause to testify, to be sworn or to produce any book or paper described in the subpoena, the Director may file a petition against such person in the circuit court of the county in which the testimony is desired to be or has been taken or has been attempted to be taken, briefly setting forth the fact of such refusal or neglect and attaching a copy of the subpoena and the return of service thereon and applying for an order requiring such person to attend, testify or produce the books or papers before the Director or his or her actuary, supervisor, deputy or examiner, at such time or place as may be specified in such order. Any circuit court of this State, upon the filing of such petition, either before or after notice to such person, may, in the judicial discretion of such court, order the attendance of such person, the production of books and papers and the giving of testimony before the Director or any of his or her actuaries, supervisors, deputies or examiners. If such person shall fail or refuse to obey the order of the court and it shall appear to the court that the failure or refusal of such person to obey its order is wilful, and without lawful excuse, the court shall punish such person by fine or imprisonment in the county jail, or both, as the nature of the case may require, as is now, or as may hereafter be lawful for the court to do in cases of contempt of court.
    (4) The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as the fees of witnesses before the circuit courts of this State. When a witness is subpoenaed by or testifies at the instance of the Director or other officer designated by him or her, such fees shall be paid in the same manner as other expenses of the Department. When a witness is subpoenaed or testifies at the instance of any other party to any such proceeding, the cost of the subpoena or subpoenas duces tecum and the fee of the witness shall be borne by the party at whose instance a witness is summoned. In such case, the Department in its discretion, may require a deposit to cover the cost of such service and witness fees.
(Source: P.A. 93-32, eff. 7-1-03.)

215 ILCS 5/403A

    (215 ILCS 5/403A) (from Ch. 73, par. 1015A)
    Sec. 403A. Violations; Notice of Apparent Liability; Limitation of Forfeiture Liability.
    (1) Any company or person, agent or broker, officer or director and any other person subject to this Code and as may be defined in Section 2 of this Code, who willfully or repeatedly fails to observe or who otherwise violates any of the provisions of this Code or any rule or regulation promulgated by the Director under authority of this Code or any final order of the Director entered under the authority of this Code shall by civil penalty forfeit to the State of Illinois a sum not to exceed $2,000. Each day during which a violation occurs constitutes a separate offense. The civil penalty provided for in this Section shall apply only to those Sections of this Code or administrative regulations thereunder that do not otherwise provide for a monetary civil penalty.
    (2) No forfeiture liability under paragraph (1) of this Section may attach unless a written notice of apparent liability has been issued by the Director and received by the respondent, or the Director sends written notice of apparent liability by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the respondent. Any respondent so notified must be granted an opportunity to request a hearing within 10 days from receipt of notice, or to show in writing, why he should not be held liable. A notice issued under this Section must set forth the date, facts and nature of the act or omission with which the respondent is charged and must specifically identify the particular provision of the Code, rule, regulation or order of which a violation is charged.
    (3) No forfeiture liability under paragraph (1) of this Section may attach for any violation occurring more than 2 years prior to the date of issuance of the notice of apparent liability and in no event may the total civil penalty forfeiture imposed for the acts or omissions set forth in any one notice of apparent liability exceed $500,000.
    (4) The civil penalty forfeitures provided for in this Section are payable to the General Revenue Fund of the State of Illinois, and may be recovered in a civil suit in the name of the State of Illinois brought in the Circuit Court in Sangamon County, or in the Circuit Court of the county where the respondent is domiciled or has its principal operating office.
    (5) In any case where the Director issues a notice of apparent liability looking toward the imposition of a civil penalty forfeiture under this Section, that fact may not be used in any other proceeding before the Director to the prejudice of the respondent to whom the notice was issued, unless (a) the civil penalty forfeiture has been paid, or (b) a court has ordered payment of the civil penalty forfeiture and that order has become final.
(Source: P.A. 93-32, eff. 7-1-03.)

215 ILCS 5/404

    (215 ILCS 5/404) (from Ch. 73, par. 1016)
    Sec. 404. Office of Director; a public office; destruction or disposal of records, papers, documents, and memoranda.
    (1)(a) The office of the Director shall be a public office and the records, books, and papers thereof on file therein, except those records or documents containing or disclosing any analysis, opinion, calculation, ratio, recommendation, advice, viewpoint, or estimation by any Department staff regarding the financial or market condition of an insurer not otherwise made part of the public record by the Director, shall be accessible to the inspection of the public, except as the Director, for good reason, may decide otherwise, or except as may be otherwise provided in this Code or as otherwise provided in Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act.
    (b) Except where another provision of this Code expressly prohibits a disclosure of confidential information to the specific officials or organizations described in this subsection, the Director may disclose or share any confidential records or information in his custody and control with any insurance regulatory officials of any state or country, with the law enforcement officials of this State, any other state, or the federal government, or with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, upon the written agreement of the official or organization receiving the information to hold the information or records confidential and in a manner consistent with this Code.
    (c) The Director shall maintain as confidential any records or information received from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners or insurance regulatory officials of other states which is confidential in that other jurisdiction.
    (2) Upon the filing of the examination to which they relate, the Director is authorized to destroy or otherwise dispose of all working papers relative to any company which has been examined at any time prior to that last examination by the Department, so that in such circumstances only current working papers of that last examination may be retained by the Department.
    (3) Five years after the conclusion of the transactions to which they relate, the Director is authorized to destroy or otherwise dispose of all books, records, papers, memoranda and correspondence directly related to consumer complaints or inquiries.
    (4) Two years after the conclusion of the transactions to which they relate, the Director is authorized to destroy or otherwise dispose of all books, records, papers, memoranda, and correspondence directly related to all void, obsolete, or superseded rate filings and schedules required to be filed by statute; and all individual company rating experience data and all records, papers, documents and memoranda in the possession of the Director relating thereto.
    (5) Five years after the conclusion of the transactions to which they relate, the Director is authorized to destroy or otherwise dispose of all examination reports of companies made by the insurance supervisory officials of states other than Illinois; applications, requisitions, and requests for licenses; all records of hearings; and all similar records, papers, documents, and memoranda in the possession of the Director.
    (6) Ten years after the conclusion of the transactions to which they relate, the Director is authorized to destroy or otherwise dispose of all official correspondence of foreign and alien companies, all foreign companies' and alien companies' annual statements, valuation reports, tax reports, and all similar records, papers, documents and memoranda in the possession of the Director.
    (7) Whenever any records, papers, documents or memoranda are destroyed or otherwise disposed of pursuant to the provisions of this section, the Director shall execute and file in a separate, permanent office file a certificate listing and setting forth by summary description the records, papers, documents or memoranda so destroyed or otherwise disposed of, and the Director may, in his discretion, preserve copies of any such records, papers, documents or memoranda by means of microfilming or photographing the same.
    (8) This Section shall apply to records, papers, documents, and memoranda presently in the possession of the Director as well as to records, papers, documents, and memoranda hereafter coming into his possession.
(Source: P.A. 97-1004, eff. 8-17-12.)

215 ILCS 5/404.1

    (215 ILCS 5/404.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1016.1)
    Sec. 404.1. Safekeeping of deposits. The Director may maintain with a corporation qualified to administer trusts in this State under the Corporate Fiduciary Act for the securities deposited with the Director, a limited agency, custodial, or depository account, or other type of account for the safekeeping of those securities, and for collecting the income from those securities and providing supportive accounting services relating to such safekeeping and collection. Such a corporation, in safekeeping such securities, shall have all the powers, rights, duties and responsibilities that it has for holding securities in its fiduciary accounts under the Securities in Fiduciary Accounts Act. The Director shall arrange with any depository institution that has been authorized to accept and execute trusts to provide for collateralization of any cash accounts resulting from the failure of any depositing company to give instruction regarding the investment of any such cash amounts as provided for by Section 6 of the Public Funds Investment Act.
(Source: P.A. 93-477, eff. 1-1-04.)

215 ILCS 5/405

    (215 ILCS 5/405) (from Ch. 73, par. 1017)
    Sec. 405. Certificates and certified copies as evidence.
    All certificates issued by the Director in accordance with the provisions of the insurance laws and all copies of documents filed in his office in accordance with the provisions of this Code when certified by him, shall be taken and received in all courts, public offices, and official bodies as prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated. A certificate by the Director under the seal of the Department, as to the existence or non-existence of the facts relating to companies which would not appear from a certified copy of any of the foregoing documents or certificates shall be taken and received in all courts, public offices, and official bodies as prima facie evidence of the existence or non-existence of the facts therein stated.
(Source: Laws 1937, p. 696.)

215 ILCS 5/406

    (215 ILCS 5/406) (from Ch. 73, par. 1018)
    Sec. 406. Annual report.
    The Director shall report annually, or oftener at the request of the Governor, to the Governor his official transactions, and shall include in such report abstracts of the annual statements of the several companies and an exhibit of the financial condition and business transactions of the said companies as disclosed by official examinations of the same or by their annual statements. He shall also include therein a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Department for the preceding year and such other information and recommendations relative to insurance and the insurance laws of the State as he shall deem proper.
(Source: Laws 1937, p. 696.)

215 ILCS 5/407

    (215 ILCS 5/407) (from Ch. 73, par. 1019)
    Sec. 407. Court review of orders and decisions. Except as to those orders or decisions of the Director to make good an impairment of capital or surplus or a deficiency in the amount of admitted assets, the provisions of the Administrative Review Law, and all amendments and modifications thereof, and the rules adopted pursuant thereto, shall apply to and govern all proceedings for the judicial review of final administrative decisions of the Department. The term "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
    The Department shall not be required to certify any record to the court or file any answer in court or otherwise appear in any court in a judicial review proceeding, unless there is filed in the court with the complaint a receipt from the Department acknowledging payment of the costs of furnishing and certifying the record, which costs shall be computed at the rate of $1 per page of such record. Failure on the part of the plaintiff to file such receipt in Court shall be grounds for dismissal of the action.
(Source: P.A. 84-989.)

215 ILCS 5/407.1

    (215 ILCS 5/407.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1019.1)
    Sec. 407.1. The provisions of "The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act", as now or hereafter amended, are hereby expressly adopted and incorporated herein as though a part of this Act, and shall apply to all administrative rules and procedures of the Department of Insurance under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 80-960.)

215 ILCS 5/407.2

    (215 ILCS 5/407.2) (from Ch. 73, par. 1019.2)
    Sec. 407.2. (1) When any person or company has a license or certificate of authority under this Code and knowingly fails or refuses to comply with a lawful Order of the Director, entered after notice and hearing, within the period of time specified in the Order, the Director may, in addition to any other penalty or authority provided, refuse to renew or revoke the license or certificate of authority of such person or company, or may suspend the license or certificate of authority of such person or company until compliance with such order has been obtained.
    (2) When any person or company has a license or certificate of authority under this Code and knowingly fails or refuses to comply with any provision of this Code, the Director may, after notice and hearing, in addition to any other penalty provided, refuse to renew or revoke the license or certificate of authority of such person or company, or may suspend the license or certificate of authority of such person or company, until compliance with such provision of the Code has been obtained.
    (3) No suspension or revocation under this Section may become effective until 5 days from the date that the Notice of suspension or revocation has been personally delivered or delivered by registered or certified mail to the company or person. A suspension or revocation under this Section is stayed upon the filing, by the company or person, of a petition for judicial review under the Administrative Review Law.
(Source: P.A. 82-783.)

215 ILCS 5/Art. XXV

    (215 ILCS 5/Art. XXV heading)

215 ILCS 5/408

    (215 ILCS 5/408) (from Ch. 73, par. 1020)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-75)
    Sec. 408. Fees and charges.
    (1) The Director shall charge, collect and give proper acquittances for the payment of the following fees and charges:
        (a) For filing all documents submitted for the
incorporation or organization or certification of a domestic company, except for a fraternal benefit society, $2,000.
        (b) For filing all documents submitted for the
incorporation or organization of a fraternal benefit society, $500.
        (c) For filing amendments to articles of
incorporation and amendments to declaration of organization, except for a fraternal benefit society, a mutual benefit association, a burial society or a farm mutual, $200.
        (d) For filing amendments to articles of
incorporation of a fraternal benefit society, a mutual benefit association or a burial society, $100.
        (e) For filing amendments to articles of
incorporation of a farm mutual, $50.
        (f) For filing bylaws or amendments thereto, $50.
        (g) For filing agreement of merger or consolidation:
            (i) for a domestic company, except for a
fraternal benefit society, a mutual benefit association, a burial society, or a farm mutual, $2,000.
            (ii) for a foreign or alien company, except for a
fraternal benefit society, $600.
            (iii) for a fraternal benefit society, a mutual
benefit association, a burial society, or a farm mutual, $200.
        (h) For filing agreements of reinsurance by a
domestic company, $200.
        (i) For filing all documents submitted by a foreign
or alien company to be admitted to transact business or accredited as a reinsurer in this State, except for a fraternal benefit society, $5,000.
        (j) For filing all documents submitted by a foreign
or alien fraternal benefit society to be admitted to transact business in this State, $500.
        (k) For filing declaration of withdrawal of a foreign
or alien company, $50.
        (l) For filing annual statement by a domestic
company, except a fraternal benefit society, a mutual benefit association, a burial society, or a farm mutual, $200.
        (m) For filing annual statement by a domestic
fraternal benefit society, $100.
        (n) For filing annual statement by a farm mutual, a
mutual benefit association, or a burial society, $50.
        (o) For issuing a certificate of authority or renewal
thereof except to a foreign fraternal benefit society, $400.
        (p) For issuing a certificate of authority or renewal
thereof to a foreign fraternal benefit society, $200.
        (q) For issuing an amended certificate of authority,
        (r) For each certified copy of certificate of
authority, $20.
        (s) For each certificate of deposit, or valuation, or
compliance or surety certificate, $20.
        (t) For copies of papers or records per page, $1.
        (u) For each certification to copies of papers or
records, $10.
        (v) For multiple copies of documents or certificates
listed in subparagraphs (r), (s), and (u) of paragraph (1) of this Section, $10 for the first copy of a certificate of any type and $5 for each additional copy of the same certificate requested at the same time, unless, pursuant to paragraph (2) of this Section, the Director finds these additional fees excessive.
        (w) For issuing a permit to sell shares or increase
paid-up capital:
            (i) in connection with a public stock offering,
            (ii) in any other case, $100.
        (x) For issuing any other certificate required or
permissible under the law, $50.
        (y) For filing a plan of exchange of the stock of a
domestic stock insurance company, a plan of demutualization of a domestic mutual company, or a plan of reorganization under Article XII, $2,000.
        (z) For filing a statement of acquisition of a
domestic company as defined in Section 131.4 of this Code, $2,000.
        (aa) For filing an agreement to purchase the business
of an organization authorized under the Dental Service Plan Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act or of a health maintenance organization or a limited health service organization, $2,000.
        (bb) For filing a statement of acquisition of a
foreign or alien insurance company as defined in Section 131.12a of this Code, $1,000.
        (cc) For filing a registration statement as required
in Sections 131.13 and 131.14, the notification as required by Sections 131.16, 131.20a, or 141.4, or an agreement or transaction required by Sections 124.2(2), 141, 141a, or 141.1, $200.
        (dd) For filing an application for licensing of:
            (i) a religious or charitable risk pooling trust
or a workers' compensation pool, $1,000;
            (ii) a workers' compensation service company,
            (iii) a self-insured automobile fleet, $200; or
            (iv) a renewal of or amendment of any license
issued pursuant to (i), (ii), or (iii) above, $100.
        (ee) For filing articles of incorporation for a
syndicate to engage in the business of insurance through the Illinois Insurance Exchange, $2,000.
        (ff) For filing amended articles of incorporation for
a syndicate engaged in the business of insurance through the Illinois Insurance Exchange, $100.
        (gg) For filing articles of incorporation for a
limited syndicate to join with other subscribers or limited syndicates to do business through the Illinois Insurance Exchange, $1,000.
        (hh) For filing amended articles of incorporation for
a limited syndicate to do business through the Illinois Insurance Exchange, $100.
        (ii) For a permit to solicit subscriptions to a
syndicate or limited syndicate, $100.
        (jj) For the filing of each form as required in
Section 143 of this Code, $50 per form. Informational and advertising filings shall be $25 per filing. The fee for advisory and rating organizations shall be $200 per form.
            (i) For the purposes of the form filing fee,
filings made on insert page basis will be considered one form at the time of its original submission. Changes made to a form subsequent to its approval shall be considered a new filing.
            (ii) Only one fee shall be charged for a form,
regardless of the number of other forms or policies with which it will be used.
            (iii) Fees charged for a policy filed as it will
be issued regardless of the number of forms comprising that policy shall not exceed $1,500. For advisory or rating organizations, fees charged for a policy filed as it will be issued regardless of the number of forms comprising that policy shall not exceed $2,500.
            (iv) The Director may by rule exempt forms from
such fees.
        (kk) For filing an application for licensing of a
reinsurance intermediary, $500.
        (ll) For filing an application for renewal of a
license of a reinsurance intermediary, $200.
        (mm) For filing a plan of division of a domestic
stock company under Article IIB, $10,000.
        (nn) For filing all documents submitted by a
foreign or alien company to be a certified reinsurer in this State, except for a fraternal benefit society, $1,000.
        (oo) For filing a renewal by a foreign or alien
company to be a certified reinsurer in this State, except for a fraternal benefit society, $400.
        (pp) For filing all documents submitted by a
reinsurer domiciled in a reciprocal jurisdiction, $1,000.
        (qq) For filing a renewal by a reinsurer domiciled
in a reciprocal jurisdiction, $400.
        (rr) For registering a captive management company
or renewal thereof, $50.
    (2) When printed copies or numerous copies of the same paper or records are furnished or certified, the Director may reduce such fees for copies if he finds them excessive. He may, when he considers it in the public interest, furnish without charge to state insurance departments and persons other than companies, copies or certified copies of reports of examinations and of other papers and records.
    (3) The expenses incurred in any performance examination authorized by law shall be paid by the company or person being examined. The charge shall be reasonably related to the cost of the examination including but not limited to compensation of examiners, electronic data processing costs, supervision and preparation of an examination report and lodging and travel expenses. All lodging and travel expenses shall be in accord with the applicable travel regulations as published by the Department of Central Management Services and approved by the Governor's Travel Control Board, except that out-of-state lodging and travel expenses related to examinations authorized under Section 132 shall be in accordance with travel rates prescribed under paragraph 301-7.2 of the Federal Travel Regulations, 41 C.F.R. 301-7.2, for reimbursement of subsistence expenses incurred during official travel. All lodging and travel expenses may be reimbursed directly upon authorization of the Director. With the exception of the direct reimbursements authorized by the Director, all performance examination charges collected by the Department shall be paid to the Insurance Producer Administration Fund, however, the electronic data processing costs incurred by the Department in the performance of any examination shall be billed directly to the company being examined for payment to the Technology Management Revolving Fund.
    (4) At the time of any service of process on the Director as attorney for such service, the Director shall charge and collect the sum of $40, which may be recovered as taxable costs by the party to the suit or action causing such service to be made if he prevails in such suit or action.
    (5) (a) The costs incurred by the Department of Insurance in conducting any hearing authorized by law shall be assessed against the parties to the hearing in such proportion as the Director of Insurance may determine upon consideration of all relevant circumstances including: (1) the nature of the hearing; (2) whether the hearing was instigated by, or for the benefit of a particular party or parties; (3) whether there is a successful party on the merits of the proceeding; and (4) the relative levels of participation by the parties.
    (b) For purposes of this subsection (5) costs incurred shall mean the hearing officer fees, court reporter fees, and travel expenses of Department of Insurance officers and employees; provided however, that costs incurred shall not include hearing officer fees or court reporter fees unless the Department has retained the services of independent contractors or outside experts to perform such functions.
    (c) The Director shall make the assessment of costs incurred as part of the final order or decision arising out of the proceeding; provided, however, that such order or decision shall include findings and conclusions in support of the assessment of costs. This subsection (5) shall not be construed as permitting the payment of travel expenses unless calculated in accordance with the applicable travel regulations of the Department of Central Management Services, as approved by the Governor's Travel Control Board. The Director as part of such order or decision shall require all assessments for hearing officer fees and court reporter fees, if any, to be paid directly to the hearing officer or court reporter by the party(s) assessed for such costs. The assessments for travel expenses of Department officers and employees shall be reimbursable to the Director of Insurance for deposit to the fund out of which those expenses had been paid.
    (d) The provisions of this subsection (5) shall apply in the case of any hearing conducted by the Director of Insurance not otherwise specifically provided for by law.
    (6) The Director shall charge and collect an annual financial regulation fee from every domestic company for examination and analysis of its financial condition and to fund the internal costs and expenses of the Interstate Insurance Receivership Commission as may be allocated to the State of Illinois and companies doing an insurance business in this State pursuant to Article X of the Interstate Insurance Receivership Compact. The fee shall be the greater fixed amount based upon the combination of nationwide direct premium income and nationwide reinsurance assumed premium income or upon admitted assets calculated under this subsection as follows:
        (a) Combination of nationwide direct premium income
and nationwide reinsurance assumed premium.
            (i) $150, if the premium is less than $500,000
and there is no reinsurance assumed premium;
            (ii) $750, if the premium is $500,000 or more,
but less than $5,000,000 and there is no reinsurance assumed premium; or if the premium is less than $5,000,000 and the reinsurance assumed premium is less than $10,000,000;
            (iii) $3,750, if the premium is less than
$5,000,000 and the reinsurance assumed premium is $10,000,000 or more;
            (iv) $7,500, if the premium is $5,000,000 or
more, but less than $10,000,000;
            (v) $18,000, if the premium is $10,000,000 or
more, but less than $25,000,000;
            (vi) $22,500, if the premium is $25,000,000 or
more, but less than $50,000,000;
            (vii) $30,000, if the premium is $50,000,000 or
more, but less than $100,000,000;
            (viii) $37,500, if the premium is $100,000,000 or
        (b) Admitted assets.
            (i) $150, if admitted assets are less than
            (ii) $750, if admitted assets are $1,000,000 or
more, but less than $5,000,000;
            (iii) $3,750, if admitted assets are $5,000,000
or more, but less than $25,000,000;
            (iv) $7,500, if admitted assets are $25,000,000
or more, but less than $50,000,000;
            (v) $18,000, if admitted assets are $50,000,000
or more, but less than $100,000,000;
            (vi) $22,500, if admitted assets are $100,000,000
or more, but less than $500,000,000;
            (vii) $30,000, if admitted assets are
$500,000,000 or more, but less than $1,000,000,000;
            (viii) $37,500, if admitted assets are
$1,000,000,000 or more.
        (c) The sum of financial regulation fees charged to
the domestic companies of the same affiliated group shall not exceed $250,000 in the aggregate in any single year and shall be billed by the Director to the member company designated by the group.
    (7) The Director shall charge and collect an annual financial regulation fee from every foreign or alien company, except fraternal benefit societies, for the examination and analysis of its financial condition and to fund the internal costs and expenses of the Interstate Insurance Receivership Commission as may be allocated to the State of Illinois and companies doing an insurance business in this State pursuant to Article X of the Interstate Insurance Receivership Compact. The fee shall be a fixed amount based upon Illinois direct premium income and nationwide reinsurance assumed premium income in accordance with the following schedule:
        (a) $150, if the premium is less than $500,000 and
there is no reinsurance assumed premium;
        (b) $750, if the premium is $500,000 or more, but
less than $5,000,000 and there is no reinsurance assumed premium; or if the premium is less than $5,000,000 and the reinsurance assumed premium is less than $10,000,000;
        (c) $3,750, if the premium is less than $5,000,000
and the reinsurance assumed premium is $10,000,000 or more;
        (d) $7,500, if the premium is $5,000,000 or more, but
less than $10,000,000;
        (e) $18,000, if the premium is $10,000,000 or more,
but less than $25,000,000;
        (f) $22,500, if the premium is $25,000,000 or more,
but less than $50,000,000;
        (g) $30,000, if the premium is $50,000,000 or more,
but less than $100,000,000;
        (h) $37,500, if the premium is $100,000,000 or more.
    The sum of financial regulation fees under this subsection (7) charged to the foreign or alien companies within the same affiliated group shall not exceed $250,000 in the aggregate in any single year and shall be billed by the Director to the member company designated by the group.
    (8) Beginning January 1, 1992, the financial regulation fees imposed under subsections (6) and (7) of this Section shall be paid by each company or domestic affiliated group annually. After January 1, 1994, the fee shall be billed by Department invoice based upon the company's premium income or admitted assets as shown in its annual statement for the preceding calendar year. The invoice is due upon receipt and must be paid no later than June 30 of each calendar year. All financial regulation fees collected by the Department shall be paid to the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund. The Department may not collect financial examiner per diem charges from companies subject to subsections (6) and (7) of this Section undergoing financial examination after June 30, 1992.
    (9) In addition to the financial regulation fee required by this Section, a company undergoing any financial examination authorized by law shall pay the following costs and expenses incurred by the Department: electronic data processing costs, the expenses authorized under Section 131.21 and subsection (d) of Section 132.4 of this Code, and lodging and travel expenses.
    Electronic data processing costs incurred by the Department in the performance of any examination shall be billed directly to the company undergoing examination for payment to the Technology Management Revolving Fund. Except for direct reimbursements authorized by the Director or direct payments made under Section 131.21 or subsection (d) of Section 132.4 of this Code, all financial regulation fees and all financial examination charges collected by the Department shall be paid to the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund.
    All lodging and travel expenses shall be in accordance with applicable travel regulations published by the Department of Central Management Services and approved by the Governor's Travel Control Board, except that out-of-state lodging and travel expenses related to examinations authorized under Sections 132.1 through 132.7 shall be in accordance with travel rates prescribed under paragraph 301-7.2 of the Federal Travel Regulations, 41 C.F.R. 301-7.2, for reimbursement of subsistence expenses incurred during official travel. All lodging and travel expenses may be reimbursed directly upon the authorization of the Director.
    In the case of an organization or person not subject to the financial regulation fee, the expenses incurred in any financial examination authorized by law shall be paid by the organization or person being examined. The charge shall be reasonably related to the cost of the examination including, but not limited to, compensation of examiners and other costs described in this subsection.
    (10) Any company, person, or entity failing to make any payment of $150 or more as required under this Section shall be subject to the penalty and interest provisions provided for in subsections (4) and (7) of Section 412.
    (11) Unless otherwise specified, all of the fees collected under this Section shall be paid into the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund.
    (12) For purposes of this Section:
        (a) "Domestic company" means a company as defined in
Section 2 of this Code which is incorporated or organized under the laws of this State, and in addition includes a not-for-profit corporation authorized under the Dental Service Plan Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act, a health maintenance organization, and a limited health service organization.
        (b) "Foreign company" means a company as defined in
Section 2 of this Code which is incorporated or organized under the laws of any state of the United States other than this State and in addition includes a health maintenance organization and a limited health service organization which is incorporated or organized under the laws of any state of the United States other than this State.
        (c) "Alien company" means a company as defined in
Section 2 of this Code which is incorporated or organized under the laws of any country other than the United States.
        (d) "Fraternal benefit society" means a corporation,
society, order, lodge or voluntary association as defined in Section 282.1 of this Code.
        (e) "Mutual benefit association" means a company,
association or corporation authorized by the Director to do business in this State under the provisions of Article XVIII of this Code.
        (f) "Burial society" means a person, firm,
corporation, society or association of individuals authorized by the Director to do business in this State under the provisions of Article XIX of this Code.
        (g) "Farm mutual" means a district, county and
township mutual insurance company authorized by the Director to do business in this State under the provisions of the Farm Mutual Insurance Company Act of 1986.
(Source: P.A. 102-775, eff. 5-13-22.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-75)
    Sec. 408. Fees and charges.
    (1) The Director shall charge, collect and give proper acquittances for the payment of the following fees and charges:
        (a) For filing all documents submitted for the
incorporation or organization or certification of a domestic company, except for a fraternal benefit society, $2,000.
        (b) For filing all documents submitted for the
incorporation or organization of a fraternal benefit society, $500.
        (c) For filing amendments to articles of
incorporation and amendments to declaration of organization, except for a fraternal benefit society, a mutual benefit association, a burial society or a farm mutual, $200.
        (d) For filing amendments to articles of
incorporation of a fraternal benefit society, a mutual benefit association or a burial society, $100.
        (e) For filing amendments to articles of
incorporation of a farm mutual, $50.
        (f) For filing bylaws or amendments thereto, $50.
        (g) For filing agreement of merger or consolidation:
            (i) for a domestic company, except for a
fraternal benefit society, a mutual benefit association, a burial society, or a farm mutual, $2,000.
            (ii) for a foreign or alien company, except for a
fraternal benefit society, $600.
            (iii) for a fraternal benefit society, a mutual
benefit association, a burial society, or a farm mutual, $200.
        (h) For filing agreements of reinsurance by a
domestic company, $200.
        (i) For filing all documents submitted by a foreign
or alien company to be admitted to transact business or accredited as a reinsurer in this State, except for a fraternal benefit society, $5,000.
        (j) For filing all documents submitted by a foreign
or alien fraternal benefit society to be admitted to transact business in this State, $500.
        (k) For filing declaration of withdrawal of a foreign
or alien company, $50.
        (l) For filing annual statement by a domestic
company, except a fraternal benefit society, a mutual benefit association, a burial society, or a farm mutual, $200.
        (m) For filing annual statement by a domestic
fraternal benefit society, $100.
        (n) For filing annual statement by a farm mutual, a
mutual benefit association, or a burial society, $50.
        (o) For issuing a certificate of authority or renewal
thereof except to a foreign fraternal benefit society, $400.
        (p) For issuing a certificate of authority or renewal
thereof to a foreign fraternal benefit society, $200.
        (q) For issuing an amended certificate of authority,
        (r) For each certified copy of certificate of
authority, $20.
        (s) For each certificate of deposit, or valuation, or
compliance or surety certificate, $20.
        (t) For copies of papers or records per page, $1.
        (u) For each certification to copies of papers or
records, $10.
        (v) For multiple copies of documents or certificates
listed in subparagraphs (r), (s), and (u) of paragraph (1) of this Section, $10 for the first copy of a certificate of any type and $5 for each additional copy of the same certificate requested at the same time, unless, pursuant to paragraph (2) of this Section, the Director finds these additional fees excessive.
        (w) For issuing a permit to sell shares or increase
paid-up capital:
            (i) in connection with a public stock offering,
            (ii) in any other case, $100.
        (x) For issuing any other certificate required or
permissible under the law, $50.
        (y) For filing a plan of exchange of the stock of a
domestic stock insurance company, a plan of demutualization of a domestic mutual company, or a plan of reorganization under Article XII, $2,000.
        (z) For filing a statement of acquisition of a
domestic company as defined in Section 131.4 of this Code, $2,000.
        (aa) For filing an agreement to purchase the business
of an organization authorized under the Dental Service Plan Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act or of a health maintenance organization or a limited health service organization, $2,000.
        (bb) For filing a statement of acquisition of a
foreign or alien insurance company as defined in Section 131.12a of this Code, $1,000.
        (cc) For filing a registration statement as required
in Sections 131.13 and 131.14, the notification as required by Sections 131.16, 131.20a, or 141.4, or an agreement or transaction required by Sections 124.2(2), 141, 141a, or 141.1, $200.
        (dd) For filing an application for licensing of:
            (i) a religious or charitable risk pooling trust
or a workers' compensation pool, $1,000;
            (ii) a workers' compensation service company,
            (iii) a self-insured automobile fleet, $200; or
            (iv) a renewal of or amendment of any license
issued pursuant to (i), (ii), or (iii) above, $100.
        (ee) For filing articles of incorporation for a
syndicate to engage in the business of insurance through the Illinois Insurance Exchange, $2,000.
        (ff) For filing amended articles of incorporation for
a syndicate engaged in the business of insurance through the Illinois Insurance Exchange, $100.
        (gg) For filing articles of incorporation for a
limited syndicate to join with other subscribers or limited syndicates to do business through the Illinois Insurance Exchange, $1,000.
        (hh) For filing amended articles of incorporation for
a limited syndicate to do business through the Illinois Insurance Exchange, $100.
        (ii) For a permit to solicit subscriptions to a
syndicate or limited syndicate, $100.
        (jj) For the filing of each form as required in
Section 143 of this Code, $50 per form. Informational and advertising filings shall be $25 per filing. The fee for advisory and rating organizations shall be $200 per form.
            (i) For the purposes of the form filing fee,
filings made on insert page basis will be considered one form at the time of its original submission. Changes made to a form subsequent to its approval shall be considered a new filing.
            (ii) Only one fee shall be charged for a form,
regardless of the number of other forms or policies with which it will be used.
            (iii) Fees charged for a policy filed as it will
be issued regardless of the number of forms comprising that policy shall not exceed $1,500. For advisory or rating organizations, fees charged for a policy filed as it will be issued regardless of the number of forms comprising that policy shall not exceed $2,500.
            (iv) The Director may by rule exempt forms from
such fees.
        (kk) For filing an application for licensing of a
reinsurance intermediary, $500.
        (ll) For filing an application for renewal of a
license of a reinsurance intermediary, $200.
        (mm) For filing a plan of division of a domestic
stock company under Article IIB, $10,000.
        (nn) For filing all documents submitted by a
foreign or alien company to be a certified reinsurer in this State, except for a fraternal benefit society, $1,000.
        (oo) For filing a renewal by a foreign or alien
company to be a certified reinsurer in this State, except for a fraternal benefit society, $400.
        (pp) For filing all documents submitted by a
reinsurer domiciled in a reciprocal jurisdiction, $1,000.
        (qq) For filing a renewal by a reinsurer domiciled
in a reciprocal jurisdiction, $400.
        (rr) For registering a captive management company
or renewal thereof, $50.
        (ss) For filing an insurance business transfer plan
under Article XLVII, $25,000.
    (2) When printed copies or numerous copies of the same paper or records are furnished or certified, the Director may reduce such fees for copies if he finds them excessive. He may, when he considers it in the public interest, furnish without charge to state insurance departments and persons other than companies, copies or certified copies of reports of examinations and of other papers and records.
    (3) The expenses incurred in any performance examination authorized by law shall be paid by the company or person being examined. The charge shall be reasonably related to the cost of the examination including but not limited to compensation of examiners, electronic data processing costs, supervision and preparation of an examination report and lodging and travel expenses. All lodging and travel expenses shall be in accord with the applicable travel regulations as published by the Department of Central Management Services and approved by the Governor's Travel Control Board, except that out-of-state lodging and travel expenses related to examinations authorized under Section 132 shall be in accordance with travel rates prescribed under paragraph 301-7.2 of the Federal Travel Regulations, 41 C.F.R. 301-7.2, for reimbursement of subsistence expenses incurred during official travel. All lodging and travel expenses may be reimbursed directly upon authorization of the Director. With the exception of the direct reimbursements authorized by the Director, all performance examination charges collected by the Department shall be paid to the Insurance Producer Administration Fund, however, the electronic data processing costs incurred by the Department in the performance of any examination shall be billed directly to the company being examined for payment to the Technology Management Revolving Fund.
    (4) At the time of any service of process on the Director as attorney for such service, the Director shall charge and collect the sum of $40, which may be recovered as taxable costs by the party to the suit or action causing such service to be made if he prevails in such suit or action.
    (5) (a) The costs incurred by the Department of Insurance in conducting any hearing authorized by law shall be assessed against the parties to the hearing in such proportion as the Director of Insurance may determine upon consideration of all relevant circumstances including: (1) the nature of the hearing; (2) whether the hearing was instigated by, or for the benefit of a particular party or parties; (3) whether there is a successful party on the merits of the proceeding; and (4) the relative levels of participation by the parties.
    (b) For purposes of this subsection (5) costs incurred shall mean the hearing officer fees, court reporter fees, and travel expenses of Department of Insurance officers and employees; provided however, that costs incurred shall not include hearing officer fees or court reporter fees unless the Department has retained the services of independent contractors or outside experts to perform such functions.
    (c) The Director shall make the assessment of costs incurred as part of the final order or decision arising out of the proceeding; provided, however, that such order or decision shall include findings and conclusions in support of the assessment of costs. This subsection (5) shall not be construed as permitting the payment of travel expenses unless calculated in accordance with the applicable travel regulations of the Department of Central Management Services, as approved by the Governor's Travel Control Board. The Director as part of such order or decision shall require all assessments for hearing officer fees and court reporter fees, if any, to be paid directly to the hearing officer or court reporter by the party(s) assessed for such costs. The assessments for travel expenses of Department officers and employees shall be reimbursable to the Director of Insurance for deposit to the fund out of which those expenses had been paid.
    (d) The provisions of this subsection (5) shall apply in the case of any hearing conducted by the Director of Insurance not otherwise specifically provided for by law.
    (6) The Director shall charge and collect an annual financial regulation fee from every domestic company for examination and analysis of its financial condition and to fund the internal costs and expenses of the Interstate Insurance Receivership Commission as may be allocated to the State of Illinois and companies doing an insurance business in this State pursuant to Article X of the Interstate Insurance Receivership Compact. The fee shall be the greater fixed amount based upon the combination of nationwide direct premium income and nationwide reinsurance assumed premium income or upon admitted assets calculated under this subsection as follows:
        (a) Combination of nationwide direct premium income
and nationwide reinsurance assumed premium.
            (i) $150, if the premium is less than $500,000
and there is no reinsurance assumed premium;
            (ii) $750, if the premium is $500,000 or more,
but less than $5,000,000 and there is no reinsurance assumed premium; or if the premium is less than $5,000,000 and the reinsurance assumed premium is less than $10,000,000;
            (iii) $3,750, if the premium is less than
$5,000,000 and the reinsurance assumed premium is $10,000,000 or more;
            (iv) $7,500, if the premium is $5,000,000 or
more, but less than $10,000,000;
            (v) $18,000, if the premium is $10,000,000 or
more, but less than $25,000,000;
            (vi) $22,500, if the premium is $25,000,000 or
more, but less than $50,000,000;
            (vii) $30,000, if the premium is $50,000,000 or
more, but less than $100,000,000;
            (viii) $37,500, if the premium is $100,000,000 or
        (b) Admitted assets.
            (i) $150, if admitted assets are less than
            (ii) $750, if admitted assets are $1,000,000 or
more, but less than $5,000,000;
            (iii) $3,750, if admitted assets are $5,000,000
or more, but less than $25,000,000;
            (iv) $7,500, if admitted assets are $25,000,000
or more, but less than $50,000,000;
            (v) $18,000, if admitted assets are $50,000,000
or more, but less than $100,000,000;
            (vi) $22,500, if admitted assets are $100,000,000
or more, but less than $500,000,000;
            (vii) $30,000, if admitted assets are
$500,000,000 or more, but less than $1,000,000,000;
            (viii) $37,500, if admitted assets are
$1,000,000,000 or more.
        (c) The sum of financial regulation fees charged to
the domestic companies of the same affiliated group shall not exceed $250,000 in the aggregate in any single year and shall be billed by the Director to the member company designated by the group.
    (7) The Director shall charge and collect an annual financial regulation fee from every foreign or alien company, except fraternal benefit societies, for the examination and analysis of its financial condition and to fund the internal costs and expenses of the Interstate Insurance Receivership Commission as may be allocated to the State of Illinois and companies doing an insurance business in this State pursuant to Article X of the Interstate Insurance Receivership Compact. The fee shall be a fixed amount based upon Illinois direct premium income and nationwide reinsurance assumed premium income in accordance with the following schedule:
        (a) $150, if the premium is less than $500,000 and
there is no reinsurance assumed premium;
        (b) $750, if the premium is $500,000 or more, but
less than $5,000,000 and there is no reinsurance assumed premium; or if the premium is less than $5,000,000 and the reinsurance assumed premium is less than $10,000,000;
        (c) $3,750, if the premium is less than $5,000,000
and the reinsurance assumed premium is $10,000,000 or more;
        (d) $7,500, if the premium is $5,000,000 or more, but
less than $10,000,000;
        (e) $18,000, if the premium is $10,000,000 or more,
but less than $25,000,000;
        (f) $22,500, if the premium is $25,000,000 or more,
but less than $50,000,000;
        (g) $30,000, if the premium is $50,000,000 or more,
but less than $100,000,000;
        (h) $37,500, if the premium is $100,000,000 or more.
    The sum of financial regulation fees under this subsection (7) charged to the foreign or alien companies within the same affiliated group shall not exceed $250,000 in the aggregate in any single year and shall be billed by the Director to the member company designated by the group.
    (8) Beginning January 1, 1992, the financial regulation fees imposed under subsections (6) and (7) of this Section shall be paid by each company or domestic affiliated group annually. After January 1, 1994, the fee shall be billed by Department invoice based upon the company's premium income or admitted assets as shown in its annual statement for the preceding calendar year. The invoice is due upon receipt and must be paid no later than June 30 of each calendar year. All financial regulation fees collected by the Department shall be paid to the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund. The Department may not collect financial examiner per diem charges from companies subject to subsections (6) and (7) of this Section undergoing financial examination after June 30, 1992.
    (9) In addition to the financial regulation fee required by this Section, a company undergoing any financial examination authorized by law shall pay the following costs and expenses incurred by the Department: electronic data processing costs, the expenses authorized under Section 131.21 and subsection (d) of Section 132.4 of this Code, and lodging and travel expenses.
    Electronic data processing costs incurred by the Department in the performance of any examination shall be billed directly to the company undergoing examination for payment to the Technology Management Revolving Fund. Except for direct reimbursements authorized by the Director or direct payments made under Section 131.21 or subsection (d) of Section 132.4 of this Code, all financial regulation fees and all financial examination charges collected by the Department shall be paid to the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund.
    All lodging and travel expenses shall be in accordance with applicable travel regulations published by the Department of Central Management Services and approved by the Governor's Travel Control Board, except that out-of-state lodging and travel expenses related to examinations authorized under Sections 132.1 through 132.7 shall be in accordance with travel rates prescribed under paragraph 301-7.2 of the Federal Travel Regulations, 41 C.F.R. 301-7.2, for reimbursement of subsistence expenses incurred during official travel. All lodging and travel expenses may be reimbursed directly upon the authorization of the Director.
    In the case of an organization or person not subject to the financial regulation fee, the expenses incurred in any financial examination authorized by law shall be paid by the organization or person being examined. The charge shall be reasonably related to the cost of the examination including, but not limited to, compensation of examiners and other costs described in this subsection.
    (10) Any company, person, or entity failing to make any payment of $150 or more as required under this Section shall be subject to the penalty and interest provisions provided for in subsections (4) and (7) of Section 412.
    (11) Unless otherwise specified, all of the fees collected under this Section shall be paid into the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund.
    (12) For purposes of this Section:
        (a) "Domestic company" means a company as defined in
Section 2 of this Code which is incorporated or organized under the laws of this State, and in addition includes a not-for-profit corporation authorized under the Dental Service Plan Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act, a health maintenance organization, and a limited health service organization.
        (b) "Foreign company" means a company as defined in
Section 2 of this Code which is incorporated or organized under the laws of any state of the United States other than this State and in addition includes a health maintenance organization and a limited health service organization which is incorporated or organized under the laws of any state of the United States other than this State.
        (c) "Alien company" means a company as defined in
Section 2 of this Code which is incorporated or organized under the laws of any country other than the United States.
        (d) "Fraternal benefit society" means a corporation,
society, order, lodge or voluntary association as defined in Section 282.1 of this Code.
        (e) "Mutual benefit association" means a company,
association or corporation authorized by the Director to do business in this State under the provisions of Article XVIII of this Code.
        (f) "Burial society" means a person, firm,
corporation, society or association of individuals authorized by the Director to do business in this State under the provisions of Article XIX of this Code.
        (g) "Farm mutual" means a district, county and
township mutual insurance company authorized by the Director to do business in this State under the provisions of the Farm Mutual Insurance Company Act of 1986.
(Source: P.A. 102-775, eff. 5-13-22; 103-75, eff. 1-1-25.)

215 ILCS 5/408.1

    (215 ILCS 5/408.1) (from Ch. 73, par. 1020.1)
    Sec. 408.1. Fee for valuation of life insurance policies. Upon the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1998, all actions to collect life insurance policy valuation fees or to transfer such fees to the General Revenue Fund from any protest account established under the State Officers and Employees Money Disposition Act shall cease and any such protested life insurance policy valuation fee payments shall be returned to the taxpayer who initiated the protest.
(Source: P.A. 90-583, eff. 5-29-98.)

215 ILCS 5/408.2

    (215 ILCS 5/408.2) (from Ch. 73, par. 1020.2)
    Sec. 408.2. Statistical services. Any public record, or any data obtained by the Department of Insurance, which is subject to public inspection or copying and which is maintained on a computer processible medium, may be furnished in a computer processed or computer processible medium upon the written request of any applicant and the payment of a reasonable fee established by the Director sufficient to cover the total cost of the Department for processing, maintaining and generating such computer processible records or data, except to the extent of any salaries or compensation of Department officers or employees.
    The Director of Insurance is specifically authorized to contract with members of the public at large, enter waiver agreements, or otherwise enter written agreements for the purpose of assuring public access to the Department's computer processible records or data, or for the purpose of restricting, controlling or limiting such access where necessary to protect the confidentiality of individuals, companies or other entities identified by such documents.
    All fees collected by the Director under this Section 408.2 shall be deposited in the Technology Management Revolving Fund and credited to the account of the Department of Insurance. Any surplus funds remaining in such account at the close of any fiscal year shall be delivered to the State Treasurer for deposit in the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund.
(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17.)

215 ILCS 5/408.3

    (215 ILCS 5/408.3) (from Ch. 73, par. 1020.3)
    Sec. 408.3. Insurance Financial Regulation Fund; uses. The monies deposited into the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund shall be used only for (i) payment of the expenses of the Department, including related administrative expenses, incurred in analyzing, investigating and examining the financial condition or control of insurance companies and other entities licensed or seeking to be licensed by the Department, including the collection, analysis and distribution of information on insurance premiums, other income, costs and expenses, and (ii) to pay internal costs and expenses of the Interstate Insurance Receivership Commission allocated to this State and authorized and admitted companies doing an insurance business in this State under Article X of the Interstate Receivership Compact. All distributions and payments from the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund shall be subject to appropriation as otherwise provided by law for payment of such expenses.
    Sums appropriated under clause (ii) of the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to satisfy, pro tanto, the obligations of insurers doing business in this State under Article X of the Interstate Insurance Receivership Compact.
    Nothing in this Code shall prohibit the General Assembly from appropriating funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Department for the purpose of administering this Code.
    No fees collected pursuant to Section 408 of this Code shall be used for the regulation of pension funds or activities by the Department in the performance of its duties under Article 22 of the Illinois Pension Code.
    If at the end of a fiscal year the balance in the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund which remains unexpended or unobligated exceeds the amount of funds that the Director may certify is needed for the purposes enumerated in this Section, then the General Assembly may appropriate that excess amount for purposes other than those enumerated in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 98-609, eff. 1-1-14.)

215 ILCS 5/408.4

    (215 ILCS 5/408.4)
    Sec. 408.4. Receipt and use grants.
    (a) The Department is authorized to accept, receive, and use, for and in behalf of the State, any grant of money given to further the purposes of the insurance laws of this State by the federal government as may be offered unconditionally or under conditions, agreements, covenants, or terms that, in the judgment of the Department, are proper and consistent with the provisions of subsection (b). All moneys so received shall be deposited into the Insurance Producer Administration Fund.
    (b) The moneys deposited into the Insurance Producer Administration Fund under this Section shall be accounted for separately and shall be expended, pursuant to appropriation, only in accordance with the conditions, agreements, covenants, or terms, if any, under which they were accepted and must be used to disseminate and provide insurance related information or assistance to senior citizens.
(Source: P.A. 88-313.)

215 ILCS 5/409

    (215 ILCS 5/409) (from Ch. 73, par. 1021)
    Sec. 409. Annual privilege tax payable by companies.
    (1) As of January 1, 1999 for all health maintenance organization premiums written; as of July 1, 1998 for all premiums written as accident and health business, voluntary health service plan business, dental service plan business, or limited health service organization business; and as of January 1, 1998 for all other types of insurance premiums written, every company doing any form of insurance business in this State, including, but not limited to, every risk retention group, and excluding all fraternal benefit societies, all farm mutual companies, all religious charitable risk pooling trusts, and excluding all statutory residual market and special purpose entities in which companies are statutorily required to participate, whether incorporated or otherwise, shall pay, for the privilege of doing business in this State, to the Director for the State treasury a State tax equal to 0.5% of the net taxable premium written, together with any amounts due under Section 444 of this Code, except that the tax to be paid on any premium derived from any accident and health insurance or on any insurance business written by any company operating as a health maintenance organization, voluntary health service plan, dental service plan, or limited health service organization shall be equal to 0.4% of such net taxable premium written, together with any amounts due under Section 444. Upon the failure of any company to pay any such tax due, the Director may, by order, revoke or suspend the company's certificate of authority after giving 20 days written notice to the company, or commence proceedings for the suspension of business in this State under the procedures set forth by Section 401.1 of this Code. The gross taxable premium written shall be the gross amount of premiums received on direct business during the calendar year on contracts covering risks in this State, except premiums on annuities, premiums on which State premium taxes are prohibited by federal law, premiums paid by the State for health care coverage for Medicaid eligible insureds as described in Section 5-2 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, premiums paid for health care services included as an element of tuition charges at any university or college owned and operated by the State of Illinois, premiums on group insurance contracts under the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971, and except premiums for deferred compensation plans for employees of the State, units of local government, or school districts. The net taxable premium shall be the gross taxable premium written reduced only by the following:
        (a) the amount of premiums returned thereon which
shall be limited to premiums returned during the same preceding calendar year and shall not include the return of cash surrender values or death benefits on life policies including annuities;
        (b) dividends on such direct business that have been
paid in cash, applied in reduction of premiums or left to accumulate to the credit of policyholders or annuitants. In the case of life insurance, no deduction shall be made for the payment of deferred dividends paid in cash to policyholders on maturing policies; dividends left to accumulate to the credit of policyholders or annuitants shall be included as gross taxable premium written when such dividend accumulations are applied to purchase paid-up insurance or to shorten the endowment or premium paying period.
    (2) The annual privilege tax payment due from a company under subsection (4) of this Section may be reduced by: (a) the excess amount, if any, by which the aggregate income taxes paid by the company, on a cash basis, for the preceding calendar year under Sections 601 and 803 of the Illinois Income Tax Act exceed 1.5% of the company's net taxable premium written for that prior calendar year, as determined under subsection (1) of this Section; and (b) the amount of any fire department taxes paid by the company during the preceding calendar year under Section 11-10-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code. Any deductible amount or offset allowed under items (a) and (b) of this subsection for any calendar year will not be allowed as a deduction or offset against the company's privilege tax liability for any other taxing period or calendar year.
    (3) If a company survives or was formed by a merger, consolidation, reorganization, or reincorporation, the premiums received and amounts returned or paid by all companies party to the merger, consolidation, reorganization, or reincorporation shall, for purposes of determining the amount of the tax imposed by this Section, be regarded as received, returned, or paid by the surviving or new company.
    (4)(a) All companies subject to the provisions of this Section shall make an annual return for the preceding calendar year on or before March 15 setting forth such information on such forms as the Director may reasonably require. Payments of quarterly installments of the taxpayer's total estimated tax for the current calendar year shall be due on or before April 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15 of such year, except that all companies transacting insurance in this State whose annual tax for the immediately preceding calendar year was less than $5,000 shall make only an annual return. Failure of a company to make the annual payment, or to make the quarterly payments, if required, of at least 25% of either (i) the total tax paid during the previous calendar year or (ii) 80% of the actual tax for the current calendar year shall subject it to the penalty provisions set forth in Section 412 of this Code.
    (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, no annual return shall be required or made on March 15, 1998, under this subsection. For the calendar year 1998:
        (i) each health maintenance organization shall have
no estimated tax installments;
        (ii) all companies subject to the tax as of July 1,
1998 as set forth in subsection (1) shall have estimated tax installments due on September 15 and December 15 of 1998 which installments shall each amount to no less than one-half of 80% of the actual tax on its net taxable premium written during the period July 1, 1998, through December 31, 1998; and
        (iii) all other companies shall have estimated tax
installments due on June 15, September 15, and December 15 of 1998 which installments shall each amount to no less than one-third of 80% of the actual tax on its net taxable premium written during the calendar year 1998.
    In the year 1999 and thereafter all companies shall make annual and quarterly installments of their estimated tax as provided by paragraph (a) of this subsection.
    (5) In addition to the authority specifically granted under Article XXV of this Code, the Director shall have such authority to adopt rules and establish forms as may be reasonably necessary for purposes of determining the allocation of Illinois corporate income taxes paid under subsections (a) through (d) of Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act amongst members of a business group that files an Illinois corporate income tax return on a unitary basis, for purposes of regulating the amendment of tax returns, for purposes of defining terms, and for purposes of enforcing the provisions of Article XXV of this Code. The Director shall also have authority to defer, waive, or abate the tax imposed by this Section if in his opinion the company's solvency and ability to meet its insured obligations would be immediately threatened by payment of the tax due.
    (6) This Section is subject to the provisions of Section 10 of the New Markets Development Program Act.
(Source: P.A. 97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 98-1169, eff. 1-9-15.)

215 ILCS 5/410

    (215 ILCS 5/410) (from Ch. 73, par. 1022)
    Sec. 410. Reports and statements for purpose of auditing retaliatory and privilege tax returns. (1) For the purpose of enabling the Director to audit the retaliatory and privilege tax calculation of a company liable for such tax under the provisions of Sections 409, 444 and 444.1, every such company, in addition to all other statements and reports required by law, shall file a report in writing with the Director not later than March 1 of each year, in the form prescribed by the Director, signed and sworn to by its president, vice president, secretary, treasurer or manager.
    (2) In every such return the reporting of premiums for tax purposes shall be on a written basis or on a paid for basis, consistent with the basis required by the annual statement of the insurer filed with the Director pursuant to Section 136.
    (3) The Director may require at any time verified supplemental statements with reference to any matter pertinent to the proper calculation of the tax.
(Source: P.A. 82-767.)

215 ILCS 5/412

    (215 ILCS 5/412) (from Ch. 73, par. 1024)
    Sec. 412. Refunds; penalties; collection.
    (1)(a) Whenever it appears to the satisfaction of the Director that because of some mistake of fact, error in calculation, or erroneous interpretation of a statute of this or any other state, any authorized company, surplus line producer, or industrial insured has paid to him, pursuant to any provision of law, taxes, fees, or other charges in excess of the amount legally chargeable against it, during the 6-year period immediately preceding the discovery of such overpayment, he shall have power to refund to such company, surplus line producer, or industrial insured the amount of the excess or excesses by applying the amount or amounts thereof toward the payment of taxes, fees, or other charges already due, or which may thereafter become due from that company until such excess or excesses have been fully refunded, or upon a written request from the authorized company, surplus line producer, or industrial insured, the Director shall provide a cash refund within 120 days after receipt of the written request if all necessary information has been filed with the Department in order for it to perform an audit of the tax report for the transaction or period or annual return for the year in which the overpayment occurred or within 120 days after the date the Department receives all the necessary information to perform such audit. The Director shall not provide a cash refund if there are insufficient funds in the Insurance Premium Tax Refund Fund to provide a cash refund, if the amount of the overpayment is less than $100, or if the amount of the overpayment can be fully offset against the taxpayer's estimated liability for the year following the year of the cash refund request. Any cash refund shall be paid from the Insurance Premium Tax Refund Fund, a special fund hereby created in the State treasury.
    (b) As determined by the Director pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection, the Department shall deposit an amount of cash refunds approved by the Director for payment as a result of overpayment of tax liability collected under Sections 121-2.08, 409, 444, 444.1, and 445 of this Code into the Insurance Premium Tax Refund Fund.
    (c) Beginning July 1, 1999, moneys in the Insurance Premium Tax Refund Fund shall be expended exclusively for the purpose of paying cash refunds resulting from overpayment of tax liability under Sections 121-2.08, 409, 444, 444.1, and 445 of this Code as determined by the Director pursuant to subsection 1(a) of this Section. Cash refunds made in accordance with this Section may be made from the Insurance Premium Tax Refund Fund only to the extent that amounts have been deposited and retained in the Insurance Premium Tax Refund Fund.
    (d) This Section shall constitute an irrevocable and continuing appropriation from the Insurance Premium Tax Refund Fund for the purpose of paying cash refunds pursuant to the provisions of this Section.
    (2)(a) When any insurance company fails to file any tax return required under Sections 408.1, 409, 444, and 444.1 of this Code or Section 12 of the Fire Investigation Act on the date prescribed, including any extensions, there shall be added as a penalty $400 or 10% of the amount of such tax, whichever is greater, for each month or part of a month of failure to file, the entire penalty not to exceed $2,000 or 50% of the tax due, whichever is greater. In this paragraph, "tax due" means the full amount due for the applicable tax period under Section 408.1, 409, 444, or 444.1 of this Code or Section 12 of the Fire Investigation Act.
    (b) When any industrial insured or surplus line producer fails to file any tax return or report required under Sections 121-2.08 and 445 of this Code or Section 12 of the Fire Investigation Act on the date prescribed, including any extensions, there shall be added:
        (i) as a late fee, if the return or report is
received at least one day but not more than 15 days after the prescribed due date, $50 or 5% of the tax due, whichever is greater, the entire fee not to exceed $1,000;
        (ii) as a late fee, if the return or report is
received at least 16 days but not more than 30 days after the prescribed due date, $100 or 5% of the tax due, whichever is greater, the entire fee not to exceed $2,000; or
        (iii) as a penalty, if the return or report is
received more than 30 days after the prescribed due date, $100 or 5% of the tax due, whichever is greater, for each month or part of a month of failure to file, the entire penalty not to exceed $500 or 30% of the tax due, whichever is greater.
    In this paragraph, "tax due" means the full amount due for the applicable tax period under Section 121-2.08 or 445 of this Code or Section 12 of the Fire Investigation Act. A tax return or report shall be deemed received as of the date mailed as evidenced by a postmark, proof of mailing on a recognized United States Postal Service form or a form acceptable to the United States Postal Service or other commercial mail delivery service, or other evidence acceptable to the Director.
    (3)(a) When any insurance company fails to pay the full amount due under the provisions of this Section, Sections 408.1, 409, 444, or 444.1 of this Code, or Section 12 of the Fire Investigation Act, there shall be added to the amount due as a penalty an amount equal to 10% of the deficiency.
    (a-5) When any industrial insured or surplus line producer fails to pay the full amount due under the provisions of this Section, Sections 121-2.08 or 445 of this Code, or Section 12 of the Fire Investigation Act on the date prescribed, there shall be added:
        (i) as a late fee, if the payment is received at
least one day but not more than 7 days after the prescribed due date, 10% of the tax due, the entire fee not to exceed $1,000;
        (ii) as a late fee, if the payment is received at
least 8 days but not more than 14 days after the prescribed due date, 10% of the tax due, the entire fee not to exceed $1,500;
        (iii) as a late fee, if the payment is received at
least 15 days but not more than 21 days after the prescribed due date, 10% of the tax due, the entire fee not to exceed $2,000; or
        (iv) as a penalty, if the return or report is
received more than 21 days after the prescribed due date, 10% of the tax due.
    In this paragraph, "tax due" means the full amount due for the applicable tax period under this Section, Section 121-2.08 or 445 of this Code, or Section 12 of the Fire Investigation Act. A tax payment shall be deemed received as of the date mailed as evidenced by a postmark, proof of mailing on a recognized United States Postal Service form or a form acceptable to the United States Postal Service or other commercial mail delivery service, or other evidence acceptable to the Director.
    (b) If such failure to pay is determined by the Director to be willful, after a hearing under Sections 402 and 403, there shall be added to the tax as a penalty an amount equal to the greater of 50% of the deficiency or 10% of the amount due and unpaid for each month or part of a month that the deficiency remains unpaid commencing with the date that the amount becomes due. Such amount shall be in lieu of any determined under paragraph (a) or (a-5).
    (4) Any insurance company, industrial insured, or surplus line producer that fails to pay the full amount due under this Section or Sections 121-2.08, 408.1, 409, 444, 444.1, or 445 of this Code, or Section 12 of the Fire Investigation Act is liable, in addition to the tax and any late fees and penalties, for interest on such deficiency at the rate of 12% per annum, or at such higher adjusted rates as are or may be established under subsection (b) of Section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code, from the date that payment of any such tax was due, determined without regard to any extensions, to the date of payment of such amount.
    (5) The Director, through the Attorney General, may institute an action in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, in any court of competent jurisdiction, for the recovery of the amount of such taxes, fees, and penalties due, and prosecute the same to final judgment, and take such steps as are necessary to collect the same.
    (6) In the event that the certificate of authority of a foreign or alien company is revoked for any cause or the company withdraws from this State prior to the renewal date of the certificate of authority as provided in Section 114, the company may recover the amount of any such tax paid in advance. Except as provided in this subsection, no revocation or withdrawal excuses payment of or constitutes grounds for the recovery of any taxes or penalties imposed by this Code.
    (7) When an insurance company or domestic affiliated group fails to pay the full amount of any fee of $200 or more due under Section 408 of this Code, there shall be added to the amount due as a penalty the greater of $100 or an amount equal to 10% of the deficiency for each month or part of a month that the deficiency remains unpaid.
    (8) The Department shall have a lien for the taxes, fees, charges, fines, penalties, interest, other charges, or any portion thereof, imposed or assessed pursuant to this Code, upon all the real and personal property of any company or person to whom the assessment or final order has been issued or whenever a tax return is filed without payment of the tax or penalty shown therein to be due, including all such property of the company or person acquired after receipt of the assessment, issuance of the order, or filing of the return. The company or person is liable for the filing fee incurred by the Department for filing the lien and the filing fee incurred by the Department to file the release of that lien. The filing fees shall be paid to the Department in addition to payment of the tax, fee, charge, fine, penalty, interest, other charges, or any portion thereof, included in the amount of the lien. However, where the lien arises because of the issuance of a final order of the Director or tax assessment by the Department, the lien shall not attach and the notice referred to in this Section shall not be filed until all administrative proceedings or proceedings in court for review of the final order or assessment have terminated or the time for the taking thereof has expired without such proceedings being instituted.
    Upon the granting of Department review after a lien has attached, the lien shall remain in full force except to the extent to which the final assessment may be reduced by a revised final assessment following the rehearing or review. The lien created by the issuance of a final assessment shall terminate, unless a notice of lien is filed, within 3 years after the date all proceedings in court for the review of the final assessment have terminated or the time for the taking thereof has expired without such proceedings being instituted, or (in the case of a revised final assessment issued pursuant to a rehearing or review by the Department) within 3 years after the date all proceedings in court for the review of such revised final assessment have terminated or the time for the taking thereof has expired without such proceedings being instituted. Where the lien results from the filing of a tax return without payment of the tax or penalty shown therein to be due, the lien shall terminate, unless a notice of lien is filed, within 3 years after the date when the return is filed with the Department.
    The time limitation period on the Department's right to file a notice of lien shall not run during any period of time in which the order of any court has the effect of enjoining or restraining the Department from filing such notice of lien. If the Department finds that a company or person is about to depart from the State, to conceal himself or his property, or to do any other act tending to prejudice or to render wholly or partly ineffectual proceedings to collect the amount due and owing to the Department unless such proceedings are brought without delay, or if the Department finds that the collection of the amount due from any company or person will be jeopardized by delay, the Department shall give the company or person notice of such findings and shall make demand for immediate return and payment of the amount, whereupon the amount shall become immediately due and payable. If the company or person, within 5 days after the notice (or within such extension of time as the Department may grant), does not comply with the notice or show to the Department that the findings in the notice are erroneous, the Department may file a notice of jeopardy assessment lien in the office of the recorder of the county in which any property of the company or person may be located and shall notify the company or person of the filing. The jeopardy assessment lien shall have the same scope and effect as the statutory lien provided for in this Section. If the company or person believes that the company or person does not owe some or all of the tax for which the jeopardy assessment lien against the company or person has been filed, or that no jeopardy to the revenue in fact exists, the company or person may protest within 20 days after being notified by the Department of the filing of the jeopardy assessment lien and request a hearing, whereupon the Department shall hold a hearing in conformity with the provisions of this Code and, pursuant thereto, shall notify the company or person of its findings as to whether or not the jeopardy assessment lien will be released. If not, and if the company or person is aggrieved by this decision, the company or person may file an action for judicial review of the final determination of the Department in accordance with the Administrative Review Law. If, pursuant to such hearing (or after an independent determination of the facts by the Department without a hearing), the Department determines that some or all of the amount due covered by the jeopardy assessment lien is not owed by the company or person, or that no jeopardy to the revenue exists, or if on judicial review the final judgment of the court is that the company or person does not owe some or all of the amount due covered by the jeopardy assessment lien against them, or that no jeopardy to the revenue exists, the Department shall release its jeopardy assessment lien to the extent of such finding of nonliability for the amount, or to the extent of such finding of no jeopardy to the revenue. The Department shall also release its jeopardy assessment lien against the company or person whenever the amount due and owing covered by the lien, plus any interest which may be due, are paid and the company or person has paid the Department in cash or by guaranteed remittance an amount representing the filing fee for the lien and the filing fee for the release of that lien. The Department shall file that release of lien with the recorder of the county where that lien was filed.
    Nothing in this Section shall be construed to give the Department a preference over the rights of any bona fide purchaser, holder of a security interest, mechanics lienholder, mortgagee, or judgment lien creditor arising prior to the filing of a regular notice of lien or a notice of jeopardy assessment lien in the office of the recorder in the county in which the property subject to the lien is located. For purposes of this Section, "bona fide" shall not include any mortgage of real or personal property or any other credit transaction that results in the mortgagee or the holder of the security acting as trustee for unsecured creditors of the company or person mentioned in the notice of lien who executed such chattel or real property mortgage or the document evidencing such credit transaction. The lien shall be inferior to the lien of general taxes, special assessments, and special taxes levied by any political subdivision of this State. In case title to land to be affected by the notice of lien or notice of jeopardy assessment lien is registered under the provisions of the Registered Titles (Torrens) Act, such notice shall be filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles of the county within which the property subject to the lien is situated and shall be entered upon the register of titles as a memorial or charge upon each folium of the register of titles affected by such notice, and the Department shall not have a preference over the rights of any bona fide purchaser, mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienholder arising prior to the registration of such notice. The regular lien or jeopardy assessment lien shall not be effective against any purchaser with respect to any item in a retailer's stock in trade purchased from the retailer in the usual course of the retailer's business.
(Source: P.A. 102-775, eff. 5-13-22; 103-426, eff. 8-4-23; 103-718, eff. 7-19-24.)

215 ILCS 5/413

    (215 ILCS 5/413) (from Ch. 73, par. 1025)
    Sec. 413. Privilege Tax Payable on Admission of Foreign or Alien Company.
    (1) Every foreign or alien company applying for a certificate of authority to transact business in this State shall pay to the Director a tax for the privilege of transacting business in this State in accordance with Section 409.
    (2) If during all or any part of the 3 year period next preceding the date of application for a certificate of authority the company had a certificate of authority to transact business in this State, or if it survives or was formed by a merger, consolidation, reorganization or reincorporation, and one or more of the parties thereto was a foreign or alien company authorized to transact business in this State during all or any part of such 3 year period, then the tax shall be determined in accordance with Section 409 on the basis of the last entire calendar year during which the company or any one of the foreign or alien companies parties to the merger, consolidation, reorganization or reincorporation was authorized to transact business in this State, or if none was authorized during any entire calendar year, then on the basis of the last partial calendar year during which any of such companies were authorized to transact business in this State.
(Source: P.A. 77-2087.)

215 ILCS 5/414a

    (215 ILCS 5/414a) (from Ch. 73, par. 1026a)
    Sec. 414a. Notwithstanding the provisions of this or any other Act, the tax authorized by Section 414 of this Act shall not be imposed after January 1, 1979; provided that this Section shall not prohibit the collection after January 1, 1979 of any taxes levied under Section 414 prior to January 1, 1979, on property subject to assessment and taxation under Section 414 of this Act prior to January 1, 1979. For the purpose of replacing the revenue lost by taxing districts, as defined in Section 1-150 of the Property Tax Code, as a result of the abolition of ad valorem taxes on personal property after January 1, 1979, there shall be imposed the taxes described in Section 201(c) and (d) of the Illinois Income Tax Act, Section 2a.1 of the Messages Tax Act, Section 2a.1 of the Gas Revenue Tax Act, Section 2a.1 of the Public Utilities Revenue Act, and Section 1 of the Water Company Invested Capital Tax Act. Such replacement taxes owed within one year of the effective date of the taxes established by this amendatory Act of 1979 shall replace the personal property tax levies of 1979. The replacement taxes owed in each succeeding year shall replace the personal property tax that could have been levied in each succeeding year.
(Source: P.A. 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)