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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(305 ILCS 5/) Illinois Public Aid Code.

305 ILCS 5/5A-13

    (305 ILCS 5/5A-13)
    Sec. 5A-13. Emergency rulemaking.
    (a) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid) may adopt rules necessary to implement this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly through the use of emergency rulemaking in accordance with Section 5-45 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. For purposes of that Act, the General Assembly finds that the adoption of rules to implement this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly is deemed an emergency and necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
    (b) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services may adopt rules necessary to implement this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly through the use of emergency rulemaking in accordance with Section 5-45 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. For purposes of that Act, the General Assembly finds that the adoption of rules to implement this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly is deemed an emergency and necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
    (c) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services may adopt rules necessary to initially implement the changes to Articles 5, 5A, 12, and 14 of this Code under this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly through the use of emergency rulemaking in accordance with subsection (aa) of Section 5-45 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. For purposes of that Act, the General Assembly finds that the adoption of rules to implement the changes to Articles 5, 5A, 12, and 14 of this Code under this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly is deemed an emergency and necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare. The 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted to initially implement the changes to Articles 5, 5A, 12, and 14 of this Code under this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly. For purposes of this subsection, "initially" means any emergency rules necessary to immediately implement the changes authorized to Articles 5, 5A, 12, and 14 of this Code under this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly; however, emergency rulemaking authority shall not be used to make changes that could otherwise be made following the process established in the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
    (d) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services may on a one-time-only basis adopt rules necessary to initially implement the changes to Articles 5A and 14 of this Code under this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly through the use of emergency rulemaking in accordance with subsection (ee) of Section 5-45 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. For purposes of that Act, the General Assembly finds that the adoption of rules on a one-time-only basis to implement the changes to Articles 5A and 14 of this Code under this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly is deemed an emergency and necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare. The 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted to initially implement the changes to Articles 5A and 14 of this Code under this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly.
    (e) The Department of Healthcare and Family Services may adopt rules necessary to implement the changes made to Articles 5, 5A, 12, and 14 of this Code by this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly through the use of emergency rulemaking in accordance with Section 5-45.1 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. The 24-month limitation on the adoption of emergency rules does not apply to rules adopted under this Section. The General Assembly finds that the adoption of rules to implement the changes made to Articles 5, 5A, 12, and 14 of this Code by this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly is deemed an emergency and necessary for the public interest, safety, and welfare.
(Source: P.A. 100-581, eff. 3-12-18; 100-1181, eff. 3-8-19; 101-650, eff. 7-7-20.)

305 ILCS 5/5A-14

    (305 ILCS 5/5A-14)
    Sec. 5A-14. Repeal of assessments and disbursements.
    (a) Section 5A-2 is repealed on December 31, 2026.
    (b) Section 5A-12 is repealed on July 1, 2005.
    (c) Section 5A-12.1 is repealed on July 1, 2008.
    (d) Section 5A-12.2 and Section 5A-12.4 are repealed on July 1, 2018, subject to Section 5A-16.
    (e) Section 5A-12.3 is repealed on July 1, 2011.
    (f) Section 5A-12.6 is repealed on July 1, 2020.
    (g) Section 5A-12.7 is repealed on December 31, 2026.
(Source: P.A. 101-650, eff. 7-7-20; 102-886, eff. 5-17-22.)

305 ILCS 5/5A-15

    (305 ILCS 5/5A-15)
    Sec. 5A-15. Protection of federal revenue.
    (a) If the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services finds that any federal upper payment limit applicable to the payments under this Article is exceeded then:
        (1) (i) if such finding is made before payments have
been issued, the payments under this Article and the increases in claims-based hospital payment rates specified under Section 14-12 of this Code, as authorized under Public Act 100-581, that exceed the applicable federal upper payment limit shall be reduced uniformly to the extent necessary to comply with the applicable federal upper payment limit; or (ii) if such finding is made after payments have been issued, the payments under this Article that exceed the applicable federal upper payment limit shall be reduced uniformly to the extent necessary to comply with the applicable federal upper payment limit; and
        (2) any assessment rate imposed under this Article
shall be reduced such that the aggregate assessment is reduced by the same percentage reduction applied in paragraph (1); and
        (3) any transfers from the Hospital Provider Fund
under Section 5A-8 shall be reduced by the same percentage reduction applied in paragraph (1).
    (b) Any payment reductions made under the authority granted in this Section are exempt from the requirements and actions under Section 5A-10.
    (c) If any payments made as a result of the requirements of this Article are subject to a disallowance, deferral, or adjustment of federal matching funds then:
        (1) the Department shall recoup the payments related
to those federal matching funds paid by the Department from the parties paid by the Department;
        (2) if the payments that are subject to a
disallowance, deferral, or adjustment of federal matching funds were made to MCOs, the Department shall recoup the payments related to the disallowance, deferral, or adjustment from the MCOs no sooner than the Department is required to remit federal matching funds to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or any other federal agency, and hospitals that received payments from the MCOs that were made with such disallowed, deferred, or adjusted federal matching funds must return those payments to the MCOs at least 10 business days before the MCOs are required to remit such payments to the Department; and
        (3) any assessment paid to the Department by
hospitals under this Article that is attributable to the payments that are subject to a disallowance, deferral, or adjustment of federal matching funds, shall be refunded to the hospitals by the Department.
    If an MCO is unable to recoup funds from a hospital for any reason, then the Department, upon written notice from an MCO, shall work in good faith with the MCO to mitigate losses associated with the lack of recoupment. Losses by an MCO shall not exceed 1% of the total payments distributed by the MCO to hospitals pursuant to the Hospital Assessment Program.
(Source: P.A. 100-580, eff. 3-12-18; 100-581, eff. 3-12-18; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)

305 ILCS 5/5A-16

    (305 ILCS 5/5A-16)
    Sec. 5A-16. State fiscal year 2019 implementation protection.
    (a) To preserve access to hospital services and to ensure continuity of payments and stability of access to hospital services, it is the intent of the General Assembly that there not be a gap in payments to hospitals while the changes authorized under Public Act 100-581 are being reviewed by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and implemented by the Department. Therefore, pending the review and approval of the changes to the assessment and hospital reimbursement methodologies authorized under Public Act 100-581 by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the final implementation of such program by the Department, the Department shall take all actions necessary to continue the reimbursement methodologies and payments to hospitals that are changed under Public Act 100-581, as they are in effect on June 30, 2018, until the first day of the second month after the new and revised methodologies and payments authorized under Public Act 100-581 are effective and implemented by the Department. Such actions by the Department shall include, but not be limited to, requesting prior to June 15, 2018 the extension of any federal approval of the currently approved payment methodologies contained in Illinois' Medicaid State Plan while the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reviews the proposed changes authorized under Public Act 100-581.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, if the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services should approve the continuation of the reimbursement methodologies and payments to hospitals under Sections 5A-12.5 and 14-12, as they are in effect on June 30, 2018, until the new and revised methodologies and payments authorized under Sections 5A-12.6 and 14-12 of this Code are federally approved, then the reimbursement methodologies and payments to hospitals under Sections 5A-12.2, 5A-12.4, 5A-12.5, and 14-12, and the assessments imposed under Section 5A-2, as they are in effect on June 30, 2018, shall continue until the effective date of the new and revised methodologies and payments, which shall be the first day of the second month following the date of approval by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, if by July 11, 2018 the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has neither approved the changes authorized under Public Act 100-581 nor has formally approved an extension of the reimbursement methodologies and payments to hospitals under Sections 5A-12.5 and 14-12 as they are in effect on June 30, 2018, then the following shall apply:
        (1) All reimbursement methodologies and payments for
hospital services authorized under Sections 5A-12.2, 5A-12.4, and 5A-12.5 in effect on June 30, 2018 shall continue subject to the availability of federal matching funds for such expenditures and subject to the provisions of subsection (c) of Section 5A-15.
        (2) All supplemental payments to hospitals
authorized in Illinois' Medicaid State Plan in effect on June 30, 2018, which are scheduled to terminate under Illinois' Medicaid State Plan on June 30, 2018, shall continue subject to the availability of federal matching funds for such expenditures.
        (3) All assessments imposed under Section 5A-2, as
they are in effect on June 30, 2018, shall continue.
        (4) Notwithstanding any other provision in this
subsection (c), the Department shall make monthly advance payments to any safety-net hospital or critical access hospital requesting such advance payments in an amount, as requested by the hospital, provided that the total monthly payments to the hospital under this subsection shall not exceed 1/12th of the payments the hospital would have received under Sections 5A-12.2, 5A-12.4, and 5A-12.5 and subsections (d) and (f) of Section 14-12.
        Notwithstanding any other provision in this
subsection (c), the Department may make monthly advance payments to a hospital requesting such advance payments in an amount, as requested by the hospital, provided that the total monthly payments to the hospital under this subsection shall not exceed 1/12th of the payments the hospital would have received under Sections 5A-12.2, 5A-12.4, and 5A-12.5 and subsections (d) and (f) of Section 14-12.
        Advance payments under this paragraph (4) shall be
made regardless of federal approval for federal financial participation under Title XIX or XXI of the federal Social Security Act.
        As used in this paragraph (4), "safety-net hospital"
means a hospital as defined in Section 5-5e.1 for Rate Year 2017 or an Illinois hospital that meets the criteria in paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (a) of Section 5-5e.1 for Rate Year 2017.
        As used in this paragraph (4), "critical access
hospital" means a hospital that has such status as of June 30, 2018.
        (5) The changes authorized under this subsection (c)
shall continue, on the same time schedule as otherwise authorized under this Article, until the effective date of the new and revised methodologies and payments under Public Act 100-581, which shall be the first day of the second month following the date of approval by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
(Source: P.A. 100-581, eff. 3-12-18; 100-646, eff. 7-27-18.)

305 ILCS 5/5A-17

    (305 ILCS 5/5A-17)
    Sec. 5A-17. Recovery of payments; liens.
    (a) As a condition of receiving payments pursuant to subsections (d) and (k) of Section 5A-12.7 for State Fiscal Year 2021, a for-profit general acute care hospital that ceases to provide hospital services before July 1, 2021 and within 12 months of a change in the hospital's ownership status from not-for-profit to investor owned, shall be obligated to pay to the Department an amount equal to the payments received pursuant to subsections (d) and (k) of Section 5A-12.7 since the change in ownership status to the cessation of hospital services. The obligated amount shall be due immediately and must be paid to the Department within 10 days of ceasing to provide services or pursuant to a payment plan approved by the Department unless the hospital requests a hearing under paragraph (d) of this Section. The obligation under this Section shall not apply to a hospital that ceases to provide services under circumstances that include: implementation of a transformation project approved by the Department under subsection (d-5) of Section 14-12; emergencies as declared by federal, State, or local government; actions approved or required by federal, State, or local government; actions taken in compliance with the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act; or other circumstances beyond the control of the hospital provider or for the benefit of the community previously served by the hospital, as determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department.
    (a-5) For State Fiscal Year 2022, a general acute care hospital that ceases to provide hospital services before July 1, 2022 and within 12 months of a change in the hospital's ownership status that was approved by the Health Facilities Services Review Board between March 1, 2021 and March 31, 2021, shall be obligated to pay to the Department an amount equal to the payments received in State Fiscal Year 2022 pursuant to subsections (d) and (k) of Section 5A-12.7 since the change in ownership status to the cessation of hospital services. The obligated amount shall be due immediately and must be paid to the Department within 30 days of ceasing to provide services or pursuant to a payment plan approved by the Department unless the hospital requests a proceeding under paragraph (b) of this Section. The obligation under this Section shall not apply to a hospital that ceases to provide services under circumstances that include: implementation of a transformation project approved by the Department under subsection (d-5) of Section 14-12; emergencies as declared by federal, State, or local government; actions approved or required by federal, State, or local government; actions taken in compliance with the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act; or other circumstances beyond the control of the hospital provider or for the benefit of the community previously served by the hospital, as determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department.
    (b) The Illinois Department shall administer and enforce this Section and collect the obligations imposed under this Section using procedures employed in its administration of this Code generally. The Illinois Department, its Director, and every hospital provider subject to this Section shall have the following powers, duties, and rights:
        (1) The Illinois Department may initiate either
administrative or judicial proceedings, or both, to enforce the provisions of this Section. Administrative enforcement proceedings initiated hereunder shall be governed by the Illinois Department's administrative rules. Judicial enforcement proceedings initiated in accordance with this Section shall be governed by the rules of procedure applicable in the courts of this State.
        (2) No proceedings for collection, refund, credit, or
other adjustment of an amount payable under this Section shall be issued more than 3 years after the due date of the obligation, except in the case of an extended period agreed to in writing by the Illinois Department and the hospital provider before the expiration of this limitation period.
        (3) Any unpaid obligation under this Section shall
become a lien upon the assets of the hospital. If any hospital provider sells or transfers the major part of any one or more of (i) the real property and improvements, (ii) the machinery and equipment, or (iii) the furniture or fixtures of any hospital that is subject to the provisions of this Section, the seller or transferor shall pay the Illinois Department the amount of any obligation due from it under this Section up to the date of the sale or transfer. If the seller or transferor fails to pay any amount due under this Section, the purchaser or transferee of such asset shall be liable for the amount of the obligation up to the amount of the reasonable value of the property acquired by the purchaser or transferee. The purchaser or transferee shall continue to be liable until the purchaser or transferee pays the full amount of the obligation up to the amount of the reasonable value of the property acquired by the purchaser or transferee or until the purchaser or transferee receives from the Illinois Department a certificate showing that such assessment, penalty, and interest have been paid or a certificate from the Illinois Department showing that no amount is due from the seller or transferor under this Section.
    (c) In addition to any other remedy provided for, the Illinois Department may collect an unpaid obligation by withholding, as payment of the amount due, reimbursements or other amounts otherwise payable by the Illinois Department to the hospital provider.
(Source: P.A. 101-650, eff. 7-7-20; 102-16, eff. 6-17-21.)

305 ILCS 5/Art. V-B

    (305 ILCS 5/Art. V-B heading)

305 ILCS 5/5B-1

    (305 ILCS 5/5B-1) (from Ch. 23, par. 5B-1)
    Sec. 5B-1. Definitions. As used in this Article, unless the context requires otherwise:
    "Fund" means the Long-Term Care Provider Fund.
    "Long-term care facility" means (i) a nursing facility, whether public or private and whether organized for profit or not-for-profit, that is subject to licensure by the Illinois Department of Public Health under the Nursing Home Care Act, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, including a county nursing home directed and maintained under Section 5-1005 of the Counties Code, and (ii) a part of a hospital in which skilled or intermediate long-term care services within the meaning of Title XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act are provided; except that the term "long-term care facility" does not include a facility operated by a State agency or operated solely as an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded within the meaning of Title XIX of the Social Security Act.
    "Long-term care provider" means (i) a person licensed by the Department of Public Health to operate and maintain a skilled nursing or intermediate long-term care facility or (ii) a hospital provider that provides skilled or intermediate long-term care services within the meaning of Title XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act. For purposes of this paragraph, "person" means any political subdivision of the State, municipal corporation, individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, limited liability company, association, joint stock association, or trust, or a receiver, executor, trustee, guardian, or other representative appointed by order of any court. "Hospital provider" means a person licensed by the Department of Public Health to conduct, operate, or maintain a hospital.
    "Occupied bed days" shall be computed separately for each long-term care facility operated or maintained by a long-term care provider, and means the sum for all beds of the number of days during the month on which each bed was occupied by a resident, other than a resident for whom Medicare Part A is the primary payer. For a resident whose care is covered by the Medicare Medicaid Alignment initiative demonstration, Medicare Part A is considered the primary payer.
(Source: P.A. 98-651, eff. 6-16-14; 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)

305 ILCS 5/5B-2

    (305 ILCS 5/5B-2) (from Ch. 23, par. 5B-2)
    Sec. 5B-2. Assessment; no local authorization to tax.
    (a) For the privilege of engaging in the occupation of long-term care provider, beginning July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2022, or upon federal approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the long-term care provider assessment described in subsection (a-1), whichever is later, an assessment is imposed upon each long-term care provider in an amount equal to $6.07 times the number of occupied bed days due and payable each month. Notwithstanding any provision of any other Act to the contrary, this assessment shall be construed as a tax, but shall not be billed or passed on to any resident of a nursing home operated by the nursing home provider.
    (a-1) For the privilege of engaging in the occupation of long-term care provider for each occupied non-Medicare bed day, beginning July 1, 2022, an assessment is imposed upon each long-term care provider in an amount varying with the number of paid Medicaid resident days per annum in the facility with the following schedule of occupied bed tax amounts. This assessment is due and payable each month. The tax shall follow the schedule below and be rebased by the Department on an annual basis. The Department shall publish each facility's rebased tax rate according to the schedule in this Section 30 days prior to the beginning of the 6-month period beginning July 1, 2022 and thereafter 30 days prior to the beginning of each calendar year which shall incorporate the number of paid Medicaid days used to determine each facility's rebased tax rate.
        (1) 0-5,000 paid Medicaid resident days per annum,
        (2) 5,001-15,000 paid Medicaid resident days per
annum, $19.20.
        (3) 15,001-35,000 paid Medicaid resident days per
annum, $22.40.
        (4) 35,001-55,000 paid Medicaid resident days per
annum, $19.20.
        (5) 55,001-65,000 paid Medicaid resident days per
annum, $13.86.
        (6) 65,001+ paid Medicaid resident days per annum,
        (7) Any non-profit nursing facilities without
Medicaid-certified beds or any nursing facility owned and operated by a county government, $7 per occupied bed day. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly to this paragraph (7) shall be implemented only upon federal approval.
    Notwithstanding any provision of any other Act to the contrary, this assessment shall be construed as a tax but shall not be billed or passed on to any resident of a nursing home operated by the nursing home provider.
    For each new calendar year and for the 6-month period beginning July 1, 2022, a facility's paid Medicaid resident days per annum shall be determined using the Department's Medicaid Management Information System to include Medicaid resident days for the year ending 9 months earlier.
    (b) Nothing in this amendatory Act of 1992 shall be construed to authorize any home rule unit or other unit of local government to license for revenue or impose a tax or assessment upon long-term care providers or the occupation of long-term care provider, or a tax or assessment measured by the income or earnings or occupied bed days of a long-term care provider.
    (c) The assessment imposed by this Section shall not be due and payable, however, until after the Department notifies the long-term care providers, in writing, that the payment methodologies to long-term care providers required under Section 5-5.2 of this Code have been approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and that the waivers under 42 CFR 433.68 for the assessment imposed by this Section, if necessary, have been granted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
(Source: P.A. 102-1035, eff. 5-31-22; 102-1118, eff. 1-18-23.)

305 ILCS 5/5B-3

    (305 ILCS 5/5B-3) (from Ch. 23, par. 5B-3)
    Sec. 5B-3. Exemptions. A long-term care provider which is a county with a population of more than 3 million that makes intergovernmental transfer payments as provided in Section 15-3 of this Code shall be exempt from the assessment imposed by Section 5B-2 unless the exemption is adjudged to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, in which case the county shall pay the assessment imposed by Section 5B-2 for all assessment periods beginning on or after July 1, 1992, and the assessment so paid shall be creditable against the intergovernmental transfer payments.
(Source: P.A. 87-861.)

305 ILCS 5/5B-4

    (305 ILCS 5/5B-4) (from Ch. 23, par. 5B-4)
    Sec. 5B-4. Payment of assessment; penalty.
    (a) The assessment imposed by Section 5B-2 shall be due and payable monthly, on the last State business day of the month for occupied bed days reported for the preceding third month prior to the month in which the tax is payable and due. A facility that has delayed payment due to the State's failure to reimburse for services rendered may request an extension on the due date for payment pursuant to subsection (b) and shall pay the assessment within 30 days of reimbursement by the Department. The Illinois Department may provide that county nursing homes directed and maintained pursuant to Section 5-1005 of the Counties Code may meet their assessment obligation by certifying to the Illinois Department that county expenditures have been obligated for the operation of the county nursing home in an amount at least equal to the amount of the assessment.
    (a-5) The Illinois Department shall provide for an electronic submission process for each long-term care facility to report at a minimum the number of occupied bed days of the long-term care facility for the reporting period and other reasonable information the Illinois Department requires for the administration of its responsibilities under this Code. Beginning July 1, 2013, a separate electronic submission shall be completed for each long-term care facility in this State operated by a long-term care provider. The Illinois Department shall provide a self-reporting notice of the assessment form that the long-term care facility completes for the required period and submits with its assessment payment to the Illinois Department. To the extent practicable, the Department shall coordinate the assessment reporting requirements with other reporting required of long-term care facilities.
    (b) The Illinois Department is authorized to establish delayed payment schedules for long-term care providers that are unable to make assessment payments when due under this Section due to financial difficulties, as determined by the Illinois Department. The Illinois Department may not deny a request for delay of payment of the assessment imposed under this Article if the long-term care provider has not been paid by the State or the Medicaid managed care organization for services provided during the month on which the assessment is levied.
    (c) If a long-term care provider fails to pay the full amount of an assessment payment when due (including any extensions granted under subsection (b)), there shall, unless waived by the Illinois Department for reasonable cause, be added to the assessment imposed by Section 5B-2 a penalty assessment equal to the lesser of (i) 5% of the amount of the assessment payment not paid on or before the due date plus 5% of the portion thereof remaining unpaid on the last day of each month thereafter or (ii) 100% of the assessment payment amount not paid on or before the due date. For purposes of this subsection, payments will be credited first to unpaid assessment payment amounts (rather than to penalty or interest), beginning with the most delinquent assessment payments. Payment cycles of longer than 60 days shall be one factor the Director takes into account in granting a waiver under this Section.
    (c-5) If a long-term care facility fails to file its assessment bill with payment, there shall, unless waived by the Illinois Department for reasonable cause, be added to the assessment due a penalty assessment equal to 25% of the assessment due. After July 1, 2013, no penalty shall be assessed under this Section if the Illinois Department does not provide a process for the electronic submission of the information required by subsection (a-5).
    (d) Nothing in this amendatory Act of 1993 shall be construed to prevent the Illinois Department from collecting all amounts due under this Article pursuant to an assessment imposed before the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1993.
    (e) Nothing in this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly shall be construed to prevent the Illinois Department from collecting all amounts due under this Code pursuant to an assessment, tax, fee, or penalty imposed before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly.
    (f) No installment of the assessment imposed by Section 5B-2 shall be due and payable until after the Department notifies the long-term care providers, in writing, that the payment methodologies to long-term care providers required under Section 5-5.2 of this Code have been approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the waivers under 42 CFR 433.68 for the assessment imposed by this Section, if necessary, have been granted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Upon notification to the Department of approval of the payment methodologies required under Section 5-5.2 of this Code and the waivers granted under 42 CFR 433.68, all installments otherwise due under Section 5B-4 prior to the date of notification shall be due and payable to the Department upon written direction from the Department within 90 days after issuance by the Comptroller of the payments required under Section 5-5.2 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 101-649, eff. 7-7-20; 102-1035, eff. 5-31-22.)