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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(625 ILCS 5/) Illinois Vehicle Code.

625 ILCS 5/3-704.1

    (625 ILCS 5/3-704.1)
    Sec. 3-704.1. Municipal vehicle tax liability; suspension of registration.
    (a) As used in this Section:
        (1) "Municipality" means a city, village or
incorporated town with a population over 1,000,000.
        (2) "Vehicle tax" means a motor vehicle tax and any
related late fees or charges imposed by a municipality under Section 8-11-4 of the Illinois Municipal Code or under the municipality's home rule powers.
        (3) "Vehicle owner" means the registered owner or
owners of a vehicle who are residents of the municipality.
    (b) A municipality that imposes a vehicle tax may, by ordinance adopted under this Section, establish a system whereby the municipality notifies the Secretary of State of vehicle tax liability and the Secretary of State suspends the registration of vehicles for which the tax has not been paid. An ordinance establishing a system must provide for the following:
        (1) A first notice for failure to pay a vehicle tax
shall be sent by first class mail to the vehicle owner at the owner's address recorded with the Secretary of State whenever the municipality has reasonable cause to believe that the vehicle owner has failed to pay a vehicle tax as required by ordinance. The notice shall include at least the following:
            (A) The name and address of the vehicle owner.
            (B) The registration plate or digital
registration plate number of the vehicle.
            (C) The period for which the vehicle tax is due.
            (D) The amount of vehicle tax that is due.
            (E) A statement that the vehicle owner's
registration for the vehicle will be subject to suspension proceedings unless the vehicle owner pays the vehicle tax or successfully contests the owner's alleged liability within 30 days of the date of the notice.
            (F) An explanation of the vehicle owner's
opportunity to be heard under subsection (c).
        (2) If a vehicle owner fails to pay the vehicle tax
or to contest successfully the owner's alleged liability within the period specified in the first notice, a second notice of impending registration suspension shall be sent by first class mail to the vehicle owner at the owner's address recorded with the Secretary of State. The notice shall contain the same information as the first notice, but shall also state that the failure to pay the amount owing, or to contest successfully the alleged liability within 45 days of the date of the second notice, will result in the municipality's notification of the Secretary of State that the vehicle owner is eligible for initiation of suspension proceedings under this Section.
    (c) An ordinance adopted under this Section must also give the vehicle owner an opportunity to be heard upon the filing of a timely petition with the municipality. A vehicle owner may contest the alleged tax liability either through an adjudication by mail or at an administrative hearing, at the option of the vehicle owner. The grounds upon which the liability may be contested may be limited to the following:
        (1) The alleged vehicle owner does not own the
        (2) The vehicle is not subject to the vehicle tax by
        (3) The vehicle tax for the period in question has
been paid.
    At an administrative hearing, the formal or technical rules of evidence shall not apply. The hearing shall be recorded. The person conducting the hearing shall have the power to administer oaths and to secure by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of relevant documents.
    (d) If a vehicle owner who has been sent a first notice of failure to pay a vehicle tax and a second notice of impending registration suspension fails to pay the vehicle tax or to contest successfully the vehicle owner's liability within the periods specified in the notices, the appropriate official shall cause a certified report to be sent to the Secretary of State under subsection (e).
    (e) A report of a municipality notifying the Secretary of State of a vehicle owner's failure to pay a vehicle tax or related fines or penalties under this Section shall be certified by the appropriate official and shall contain the following:
        (1) The name, last known address, and registration
plate or digital registration plate number of the vehicle of the person who failed to pay the vehicle tax.
        (2) The name of the municipality making the report.
        (3) A statement that the municipality sent notices as
required by subsection (b); the date on which the notices were sent; the address to which the notices were sent; and the date of the hearing, if any.
    (f) Following receipt of the certified report under this Section, the Secretary of State shall notify the vehicle owner that the vehicle's registration will be suspended at the end of a reasonable specified period of time unless the Secretary of State is presented with a notice from the municipality certifying that the person has paid the necessary vehicle tax, or that inclusion of that person's name or registration number on the certified report was in error. The Secretary's notice shall state in substance the information contained in the certified report from the municipality to the Secretary, and shall be effective as specified by subsection (c) of Section 6-211 of this Code. The notice shall also inform the person of the person's right to a hearing under subsection (g).
    (g) An administrative hearing with the Office of the Secretary of State to contest an impending suspension or a suspension made under this Section may be had upon filing a written request with the Secretary of State. The filing fee for this hearing shall be $20 to be paid at the time the request is made.
        (1) The scope of any administrative hearing with the
Secretary of State to contest an impending suspension under this Section shall be limited to the following issues:
            (A) Whether the report of the appropriate
official of the municipality was certified and contained the information required by this Section.
            (B) Whether the municipality making the certified
report to the Secretary of State established procedures by ordinance for persons to challenge the accuracy of the certified report.
            (C) Whether the Secretary of State notified the
vehicle owner that the vehicle's registration would be suspended at the end of the specified time period unless the Secretary of State was presented with a notice from the municipality certifying that the person has purchased the necessary vehicle tax sticker or that inclusion of that person's name or registration number on the certified report was in error.
    A municipality that files a certified report with the Secretary of State under this Section shall reimburse the Secretary for all reasonable costs incurred by the Secretary as a result of the filing of the report, including but not limited to the costs of providing the notice required under subsection (f) and the costs incurred by the Secretary in any hearing conducted with respect to the report under this subsection and any appeal from that hearing.
    (h) After the expiration of the time specified under subsection (g), the Secretary of State shall, unless the suspension is successfully contested, suspend the registration of the vehicle until the Secretary receives notice under subsection (i).
    (i) Any municipality making a certified report to the Secretary of State under this subsection shall notify the Secretary of State, in a form prescribed by the Secretary, whenever a person named in the certified report has subsequently paid a vehicle tax or whenever the municipality determines that the original report was in error. A certified copy of the notification shall also be given upon request and at no additional charge to the person named in the report. Upon receipt of the notification or presentation of a certified copy of the notification by the municipality, the Secretary of State shall terminate the suspension.
    (j) To facilitate enforcement of municipal vehicle tax liability, a municipality may provide by ordinance for a program of vehicle immobilization as provided by Section 11-1430.1 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17; 101-395, eff. 8-16-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-704.2

    (625 ILCS 5/3-704.2)
    Sec. 3-704.2. Failure to satisfy fines or penalties for toll violations or evasions; suspension of vehicle registration.
    (a) Upon receipt of a certified report, as prescribed by subsection (c) of this Section, from the Authority stating that the owner of a registered vehicle has failed to satisfy any fine or penalty resulting from a final order issued by the Authority relating directly or indirectly to 5 or more toll violations, toll evasions, or both, the Secretary of State shall suspend the vehicle registration of the person in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section.
    (b) Following receipt of the certified report of the Authority as specified in the Section, the Secretary of State shall notify the person whose name appears on the certified report that the person's vehicle registration will be suspended at the end of a specified period unless the Secretary of State is presented with a notice from the Authority certifying that the fines or penalties owing the Authority have been satisfied or that inclusion of that person's name on the certified report was in error. The Secretary's notice shall state in substance the information contained in the Authority's certified report to the Secretary, and shall be effective as specified by subsection (c) of Section 6-211 of this Code.
    (c) The report from the Authority notifying the Secretary of unsatisfied fines or penalties pursuant to this Section shall be certified and shall contain the following:
        (1) The name, last known address, and driver's
license number of the person who failed to satisfy the fines or penalties and the registration number of any vehicle known to be registered in this State to that person.
        (2) A statement that the Authority sent a notice of
impending suspension of the person's driver's license, vehicle registration, or both, as prescribed by rules enacted pursuant to subsection (a-5) of Section 10 of the Toll Highway Act, to the person named in the report at the address recorded with the Secretary of State; the date on which the notice was sent; and the address to which the notice was sent.
    (d) The Authority, after making a certified report to the Secretary pursuant to this Section, shall notify the Secretary, on a form prescribed by the Secretary, whenever a person named in the certified report has satisfied the previously reported fines or penalties or whenever the Authority determines that the original report was in error. A certified copy of the notification shall also be given upon request and at no additional charge to the person named therein. Upon receipt of the Authority's notification or presentation of a certified copy of the notification, the Secretary shall terminate the suspension.
    (e) The Authority shall, by rule, establish procedures for persons to challenge the accuracy of the certified report made pursuant to this Section. The rule shall also provide the grounds for a challenge, which may be limited to:
        (1) the person not having been the owner or lessee of
the vehicle or vehicles receiving 5 or more toll violation or toll evasion notices on the date or dates the notices were issued; or
        (2) the person having already satisfied the fines or
penalties for the 5 or more toll violations or toll evasions indicated on the certified report.
    (f) All notices sent by the Authority to persons involved in administrative adjudications, hearings, and final orders issued pursuant to rules implementing subsection (a-5) of Section 10 of the Toll Highway Act shall state, in clear and unambiguous language, the consequences of failing to satisfy the fines or penalties imposed by the Authority.
    (g) A person may request an administrative hearing to contest an impending suspension or a suspension made pursuant to this Section upon filing a written request with the Secretary. The filing fee for this hearing is $20, to be paid at the time of the request. The Authority shall reimburse the Secretary for all reasonable costs incurred by the Secretary as a result of the filing of a certified report pursuant to this Section, including, but not limited to, the costs of providing notice required pursuant to subsection (b) and the costs incurred by the Secretary in any hearing conducted with respect to the report pursuant to this subsection and any appeal from that hearing.
    (h) The Secretary and the Authority may promulgate rules to enable them to carry out their duties under this Section.
    (i) The Authority shall cooperate with the Secretary in the administration of this Section and shall provide the Secretary with any information the Secretary may deem necessary for these purposes, including regular and timely access to toll violation enforcement records.
    The Secretary shall cooperate with the Authority in the administration of this Section and shall provide the Authority with any information the Authority may deem necessary for the purposes of this Section, including regular and timely access to vehicle registration records. Section 2-123 of this Code shall not apply to the provision of this information, but the Secretary shall be reimbursed for the cost of providing this information.
    (j) For purposes of this Section, the term "Authority" means the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority.
(Source: P.A. 101-623, eff. 7-1-20.)

625 ILCS 5/3-704.3

    (625 ILCS 5/3-704.3)
    Sec. 3-704.3. Failure to satisfy fines or penalties for toll bridge violations; suspension of vehicle registration.
    (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, upon the Secretary's receipt of a report, as described in subsection (b), from a private tolling authority stating that the owner of a registered vehicle has failed to satisfy any fees, fines, charges, or penalties resulting from a final invoice or notice by the private tolling authority relating directly or indirectly to 5 or more toll violations, the Secretary shall suspend the vehicle registration of the person in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section.
    (b) The report from the private tolling authority notifying the Secretary of unsatisfied fees, fines, charges, or penalties may be generated by the private tolling authority and received by the Secretary by automated process. The report shall contain the following:
        (1) The name, last known address, and driver's
license number of the person who failed to satisfy the fees, fines, charges, or penalties, and the registration number of any vehicle known to be registered in this State to that person.
        (2) A statement that the private tolling authority
sent a notice of impending suspension of the person's vehicle registration to the person named in the report at the address recorded with the Secretary; the date on which the notice was sent; and the address to which the notice was sent.
    (c) Following the Secretary's receipt of a report described in subsection (b), the Secretary shall notify the person whose name appears on the report that the person's vehicle registration will be suspended at the end of a specified period unless the Secretary is presented with a notice from the private tolling authority stating that the fees, fines, charges, or penalties owed to the private tolling authority have been satisfied or that inclusion of that person's name on the report described in subsection (b) was in error. The Secretary's notice shall state in substance the information contained in the private tolling authority's report to the Secretary described in subsection (b), and shall be effective as specified by subsection (c) of Section 6-211.
    (d) The private tolling authority, after making a report to the Secretary described in subsection (b), shall notify the Secretary, on a form prescribed by the Secretary or by automated process, whenever a person named in the report has satisfied the previously reported fees, fines, charges, or penalties or whenever the private tolling authority determines that the original report was in error. A copy of the notification shall also be given upon request and at no additional charge to the person named therein. Upon receipt of the private tolling authority's notification, the Secretary shall lift the suspension.
    (e) The private tolling authority shall establish procedures for persons to challenge the accuracy of the report described in subsection (b). The procedures shall provide the grounds for a challenge, which may include:
        (1) the person not having been the owner or lessee of
the vehicle or vehicles receiving 5 or more toll violations on the date or dates the violations occurred; or
        (2) the person having already satisfied the fees,
fines, charges, or penalties for the 5 or more toll violations indicated on the report described in subsection (b).
    (f) The Secretary and the Authority may promulgate rules necessary to implement this Section.
    (g) The Secretary, the Authority, and the private tolling authority shall cooperate with one another in the administration and implementation of this Section.
    (h) The Secretary shall provide the Authority and the private tolling authority with any information the Authority or the private tolling authority may deem necessary for the purposes of this Section or for the private tolling authority's invoicing, collection, and administrative functions, including regular and timely access to driver's license, vehicle registration, and license plate information, and the Secretary's driver, title, and vehicle record databases. Section 2-123 does not apply to the provision of such information, but the Secretary shall be entitled to reimbursement for its costs in providing such information.
    (i) The Authority shall provide the Secretary and the private tolling authority with any information the Secretary or the private tolling authority may deem necessary for purposes of this Section or for the private tolling authority's invoicing, collection, and administrative functions, including regular and timely access to toll violation records.
    (j) As used in this Section:
    "Authority" means the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority.
    "Private tolling authority" means the owner, lessee, licensee, or operator of a toll bridge authorized under the Toll Bridge Act.
    "Secretary" means the Illinois Secretary of State.
(Source: P.A. 101-398, eff. 8-16-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-705

    (625 ILCS 5/3-705) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-705)
    Sec. 3-705. Suspending or revoking certificate or special plates of a manufacturer, engine and driveline component manufacturer, transporter, repossessor or dealer.
    The Secretary of State is also authorized to suspend or revoke a certificate or the special plates issued to a manufacturer, engine and driveline component manufacturer, transporter, repossessor or dealer upon determining that any such person is not lawfully entitled thereto or has made or knowingly permitted any illegal use of such plates or has committed fraud in the registration of vehicles or failed to give notices of transfers when and as required by this Chapter.
(Source: P.A. 76-2139.)

625 ILCS 5/3-706

    (625 ILCS 5/3-706) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-706)
    Sec. 3-706. Owner to return evidences of registration upon cancellation, revocation or suspension. Whenever the Secretary of State cancels or revokes the registration of a vehicle or a certificate of title, registration card, registration sticker or stickers or digital registration sticker or stickers, registration plate or plates or digital registration plate or plates, or a nonresident or other permit or the license of any dealer or wrecker, the owner or person in possession of the same shall immediately return the evidences of registration, title or license so cancelled or revoked to the Secretary.
    Whenever the Secretary suspends the registration of a vehicle or the license of any dealer or wrecker, the owner or person in possession of the same, upon request by the Secretary, shall immediately return all evidence of the registration or the license so suspended to the Secretary.
(Source: P.A. 101-395, eff. 8-16-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-707

    (625 ILCS 5/3-707) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-707)
    Sec. 3-707. Operation of uninsured motor vehicle - penalty.
    (a) No person shall operate a motor vehicle in this State unless the motor vehicle is covered by a liability insurance policy in accordance with Section 7-601 of this Code.
    (a-5) A person commits the offense of operation of uninsured motor vehicle causing bodily harm when the person:
        (1) operates a motor vehicle in violation of Section
7-601 of this Code; and
        (2) causes, as a proximate result of the person's
operation of the motor vehicle, bodily harm to another person.
    (a-6) Uninsured operation of a motor vehicle under subsection (a-5) is a Class A misdemeanor. If a person convicted of the offense of operation of a motor vehicle under subsection (a-5) has previously been convicted of 2 or more violations of subsection (a-5) of this Section or of Section 7-601 of this Code, a fine of $2,500, in addition to any sentence of incarceration, must be imposed.
    (b) Any person who fails to comply with a request by a law enforcement officer for display of evidence of insurance, as required under Section 7-602 of this Code, shall be deemed to be operating an uninsured motor vehicle.
    (c) Except as provided in subsections (a-6) and (c-5), any operator of a motor vehicle subject to registration under this Code, or under a similar law of another state, who is convicted of violating this Section is guilty of a petty offense and shall be required to pay a fine in excess of $500, but not more than $1,000, except a person convicted of a third or subsequent violation of this Section shall be guilty of a business offense and shall be required to pay a fine of $1,000. However, no person charged with violating this Section shall be convicted if such person produces in court satisfactory evidence that at the time of the arrest the motor vehicle was covered by a liability insurance policy in accordance with Section 7-601 of this Code. The chief judge of each circuit may designate an officer of the court to review the documentation demonstrating that at the time of arrest the motor vehicle was covered by a liability insurance policy in accordance with Section 7-601 of this Code.
    (c-1) A person convicted of violating this Section shall also have his or her driver's license, permit, or privileges suspended for 3 months. After the expiration of the 3 months, the person's driver's license, permit, or privileges shall not be reinstated until he or she has paid a reinstatement fee of $100. If a person violates this Section while his or her driver's license, permit, or privileges are suspended under this subsection (c-1), his or her driver's license, permit, or privileges shall be suspended for an additional 6 months and until he or she pays the reinstatement fee.
    (c-5) A person who (i) has not previously been convicted of or received a disposition of court supervision for violating this Section and (ii) produces at his or her court appearance satisfactory evidence that the motor vehicle is covered, as of the date of the court appearance, by a liability insurance policy in accordance with Section 7-601 of this Code shall, for a violation of this Section, other than a violation of subsection (a-5), pay a fine of $100 and receive a disposition of court supervision. The person must, on the date that the period of court supervision is scheduled to terminate, produce satisfactory evidence that the vehicle was covered by the required liability insurance policy during the entire period of court supervision.
    An officer of the court designated under subsection (c) may also review liability insurance documentation under this subsection (c-5) to determine if the motor vehicle is, as of the date of the court appearance, covered by a liability insurance policy in accordance with Section 7-601 of this Code. The officer of the court shall also determine, on the date the period of court supervision is scheduled to terminate, whether the vehicle was covered by the required policy during the entire period of court supervision.
    (d) A person convicted a third or subsequent time of violating this Section or a similar provision of a local ordinance must give proof to the Secretary of State of the person's financial responsibility as defined in Section 7-315. The person must maintain the proof in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary for a minimum period of 3 years after the date the proof is first filed. The Secretary must suspend the driver's license of any person determined by the Secretary not to have provided adequate proof of financial responsibility as required by this subsection.
(Source: P.A. 102-509, eff. 1-1-22.)

625 ILCS 5/3-708

    (625 ILCS 5/3-708) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-708)
    Sec. 3-708. Operation of motor vehicle when registration suspended for noninsurance. No person shall operate a vehicle the registration of which is suspended pursuant to Section 7-606 or 7-607 of this Code.
    Any person convicted of violating this Section is guilty of a business offense and shall be required to pay a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $2,000. Any person convicted of a second or subsequent violation of this Section is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor and shall be required to pay a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $2,000.
(Source: P.A. 90-559, eff. 6-1-98.)

625 ILCS 5/3-710

    (625 ILCS 5/3-710) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-710)
    Sec. 3-710. Display of false insurance card. No person shall display evidence of insurance to a law enforcement officer, court, or officer of the court, knowing there is no valid liability insurance in effect on the motor vehicle as required under Section 7-601 of this Code or knowing the evidence of insurance is illegally altered, counterfeit, or otherwise invalid as evidence of insurance required under Section 7-602 of this Code. If the law enforcement officer issues a citation to a motor vehicle operator for displaying invalid evidence of insurance, the officer shall confiscate the evidence for presentation in court.
    Any person convicted of violating this Section is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 89-565, eff. 7-26-96.)

625 ILCS 5/3-711

    (625 ILCS 5/3-711) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-711)
    Sec. 3-711. Whenever a court convicts a person of a violation of Section 3-707, 3-708 or 3-710 of this Code, or enters an order placing on supervision the person charged with the violation, the clerk of the court within 5 days shall forward a report of the conviction or order of supervision to the Secretary of State in a form prescribed by the Secretary. In any case where the person charged with the violation fails to appear in court, the procedures provided in Section 6-308 of this Code shall apply.
    The Secretary shall keep records of such reports. However, reports of orders of supervision shall not be released to any outside source, except the affected driver and law enforcement agencies, and shall be used only to inform the Secretary and the courts that such driver previously has been assigned court supervision.
(Source: P.A. 100-674, eff. 1-1-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-712

    (625 ILCS 5/3-712)
    Sec. 3-712. Improper application for certificate of title or registration; special military plate.
    (a) Except as provided in Chapter 4 of this Code, relating to anti-theft laws and abandoned vehicles, and except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this Section, any person who knowingly provides false information to the Secretary of State on an application for vehicle title or registration is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $500.
    (b) Except as provided in Chapter 4 of this Code, relating to anti-theft laws and abandoned vehicles, any person who, for purposes of obtaining or renewing a special license plate designating military decorations, military service, or status as a military veteran, (i) claims to have been awarded a military decoration, knowing that he or she has not been awarded that decoration, or (ii) claims to have the status of active duty military personnel or military veteran, knowing that he or she does not have the status required for the registration for which he or she has applied, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $1,000.
    Of the amounts collected as fines under this subsection (b), 99% shall be deposited into the Illinois Military Family Relief Fund and 1% shall be deposited into the Circuit Court Clerk Operation and Administrative Fund created by the Clerk of the Circuit Court to be used to offset the costs incurred by the Circuit Court Clerk in performing the additional duties required to collect and disburse funds to entities of State and local government as provided by law.
(Source: P.A. 95-291, eff. 1-1-08.)

625 ILCS 5/Ch. 3 Art. VIII

    (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 3 Art. VIII heading)

625 ILCS 5/3-801

    (625 ILCS 5/3-801) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-801)
    Sec. 3-801. Registration.
    (a) Except as provided herein for new residents, every owner of any vehicle which shall be operated upon the public highways of this State shall, within 24 hours after becoming the owner or at such time as such vehicle becomes subject to registration under the provisions of this Act, file in an office of the Secretary of State, an application for registration properly completed and executed. New residents need not secure registration until 30 days after establishing residency in this State, provided the vehicle is properly registered in another jurisdiction. By the expiration of such 30-day statutory grace period, a new resident shall comply with the provisions of this Act and apply for Illinois vehicle registration. All applications for registration shall be accompanied by all documentation required under the provisions of this Act. The appropriate registration fees and taxes provided for in this Article of this Chapter shall be paid to the Secretary of State with the application for registration of vehicles subject to registration under this Act.
    (b) Any resident of this State, who has been serving as a member or as a civilian employee of the United States Armed Services, or as a civilian employee of the United States Department of Defense, outside of the State of Illinois, need not secure registration until 45 days after returning to this State, provided the vehicle displays temporary military registration.
    (c) When an application is submitted by mail, the applicant may not submit cash or postage stamps for payment of fees or taxes due. The Secretary in his discretion, may decline to accept a personal or company check or electronic payment in payment of fees or taxes. An application submitted to a dealer, or a remittance made to the Secretary of State shall be deemed in compliance with this Section.
(Source: P.A. 99-118, eff. 1-1-16; 99-324, eff. 1-1-16; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16.)

625 ILCS 5/3-802

    (625 ILCS 5/3-802) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-802)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-660)
    Sec. 3-802. Reclassifications and upgrades.
    (a) Definitions. For the purposes of this Section, the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them as follows:
        "Reclassification" means changing the registration of
a vehicle from one plate category to another.
        "Upgrade" means increasing the registered weight of a
vehicle within the same plate category.
    (b) When reclassing the registration of a vehicle from one plate category to another, the owner shall receive credit for the unused portion of the present plate and be charged the current portion fees for the new plate. In addition, the appropriate replacement plate and replacement sticker fees shall be assessed.
    (b-5) Beginning with the 2019 registration year, any individual who has a registration issued under either Section 3-405 or 3-405.1 that qualifies for a special license plate under Section 3-609, 3-609.1, 3-620, 3-621, 3-622, 3-623, 3-624, 3-625, 3-626, 3-628, 3-638, 3-642, 3-645, 3-647, 3-650, 3-651, 3-664, 3-666, 3-667, 3-668, 3-669, 3-676, 3-677, 3-680, 3-681, 3-683, 3-686, 3-688, 3-693, 3-698, 3-699.12, 3-699.15, 3-699.16, 3-699.17, 3-699.19, or 3-699.20 may reclass his or her registration upon acquiring a special license plate listed in this subsection (b-5) without a replacement plate or digital plate fee or registration sticker or digital registration sticker cost.
    (b-10) Beginning with the 2019 registration year, any individual who has a special license plate issued under Section 3-609, 3-609.1, 3-620, 3-621, 3-622, 3-623, 3-624, 3-625, 3-626, 3-628, 3-638, 3-642, 3-645, 3-647, 3-650, 3-651, 3-664, 3-666, 3-667, 3-668, 3-669, 3-676, 3-677, 3-680, 3-681, 3-683, 3-686, 3-688, 3-693, 3-698, 3-699.12, or 3-699.17 may reclass his or her special license plate upon acquiring a new registration under Section 3-405 or 3-405.1 without a replacement plate or digital plate fee or registration sticker or digital registration sticker cost.
    (c) When upgrading the weight of a registration within the same plate category, the owner shall pay the difference in current period fees between the 2 plates. In addition, the appropriate replacement plate and replacement sticker fees shall be assessed. In the event new plates are not required, the corrected registration card fee shall be assessed.
    (d) In the event the owner of the vehicle desires to change the registered weight and change the plate category, the owner shall receive credit for the unused portion of the registration fee of the current plate and pay the current portion of the registration fee for the new plate, and in addition, pay the appropriate replacement plate and replacement sticker fees.
    (e) Reclassing from one plate category to another plate category can be done only once within any registration period.
    (f) No refunds shall be made in any of the circumstances found in subsection (b), subsection (c), or subsection (d); however, when reclassing from a flat weight plate to an apportioned plate, a refund may be issued if the credit amounts to an overpayment.
    (g) In the event the registration of a vehicle registered under the mileage tax option is revoked, the owner shall be required to pay the annual registration fee in the new plate category and shall not receive any credit for the mileage plate fees.
    (h) Certain special interest plates may be displayed on first division vehicles, second division vehicles weighing 8,000 pounds or less, and recreational vehicles. Those plates can be transferred within those vehicle groups.
    (i) Plates displayed on second division vehicles weighing 8,000 pounds or less and passenger vehicle plates may be reclassed from one division to the other.
    (j) Other than in subsection (i), reclassing from one division to the other division is prohibited. In addition, a reclass from a motor vehicle to a trailer or a trailer to a motor vehicle is prohibited.
(Source: P.A. 101-51, eff. 7-12-19; 101-395, eff. 8-16-19; 102-154, eff. 1-1-22; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-660)
    Sec. 3-802. Reclassifications and upgrades.
    (a) Definitions. For the purposes of this Section, the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them as follows:
        "Reclassification" means changing the registration of
a vehicle from one plate category to another.
        "Upgrade" means increasing the registered weight of a
vehicle within the same plate category.
    (b) When reclassing the registration of a vehicle from one plate category to another, the owner shall receive credit for the unused portion of the present plate and be charged the current portion fees for the new plate. In addition, the appropriate replacement plate and replacement sticker fees shall be assessed.
    (b-5) Any individual who has a registration issued under either Section 3-405 or 3-405.1 that qualifies for a special license plate under Section 3-609, 3-609.1, 3-620, 3-621, 3-622, 3-623, 3-624, 3-625, 3-626, 3-628, 3-638, 3-642, 3-645, 3-647, 3-650, 3-651, 3-664, 3-666, 3-667, 3-668, 3-669, 3-676, 3-677, 3-680, 3-681, 3-683, 3-686, 3-688, 3-693, 3-698, 3-699.12, 3-699.15, 3-699.16, 3-699.17, 3-699.19, 3-699.20, or 3-699.22 may reclass his or her registration upon acquiring a special license plate listed in this subsection (b-5) without a replacement plate or digital plate fee or registration sticker or digital registration sticker cost.
    (b-10) Any individual who has a special license plate issued under Section 3-609, 3-609.1, 3-620, 3-621, 3-622, 3-623, 3-624, 3-625, 3-626, 3-628, 3-638, 3-642, 3-645, 3-647, 3-650, 3-651, 3-664, 3-666, 3-667, 3-668, 3-669, 3-676, 3-677, 3-680, 3-681, 3-683, 3-686, 3-688, 3-693, 3-698, 3-699.12, 3-699.17, or 3-699.22 may reclass his or her special license plate upon acquiring a new registration under Section 3-405 or 3-405.1 without a replacement plate or digital plate fee or registration sticker or digital registration sticker cost.
    (c) When upgrading the weight of a registration within the same plate category, the owner shall pay the difference in current period fees between the 2 plates. In addition, the appropriate replacement plate and replacement sticker fees shall be assessed. In the event new plates are not required, the corrected registration card fee shall be assessed.
    (d) In the event the owner of the vehicle desires to change the registered weight and change the plate category, the owner shall receive credit for the unused portion of the registration fee of the current plate and pay the current portion of the registration fee for the new plate, and in addition, pay the appropriate replacement plate and replacement sticker fees.
    (e) Reclassing from one plate category to another plate category can be done only once within any registration period.
    (f) No refunds shall be made in any of the circumstances found in subsection (b), subsection (c), or subsection (d); however, when reclassing from a flat weight plate to an apportioned plate, a refund may be issued if the credit amounts to an overpayment.
    (g) In the event the registration of a vehicle registered under the mileage tax option is revoked, the owner shall be required to pay the annual registration fee in the new plate category and shall not receive any credit for the mileage plate fees.
    (h) Certain special interest plates may be displayed on first division vehicles, second division vehicles weighing 8,000 pounds or less, and recreational vehicles. Those plates can be transferred within those vehicle groups.
    (i) Plates displayed on second division vehicles weighing 8,000 pounds or less and passenger vehicle plates may be reclassed from one division to the other.
    (j) Other than in subsection (i), reclassing from one division to the other division is prohibited. In addition, a reclass from a motor vehicle to a trailer or a trailer to a motor vehicle is prohibited.
(Source: P.A. 102-154, eff. 1-1-22; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 103-660, eff. 1-1-25.)

625 ILCS 5/3-803

    (625 ILCS 5/3-803) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-803)
    Sec. 3-803. Reductions.
    (a) Reduction of fees and taxes prescribed in this Chapter shall be applicable only to vehicles newly-acquired by the owner after the beginning of a registration period or which become subject to registration after the beginning of a registration period as specified in this Act. The Secretary of State may deny a reduction as to any vehicle operated in this State without being properly and timely registered in Illinois under this Chapter, of a vehicle in violation of any provision of this Chapter, or upon detection of such violation by an audit, or upon determining that such vehicle was operated in Illinois before such violation. Bond or other security in the proper amount may be required by the Secretary of State while the matter is under investigation. Reductions shall be granted if a person becomes the owner after the dates specified or if a vehicle becomes subject to registration under this Act, as amended, after the dates specified.
    (b) Vehicles of the First Division. The annual fees and taxes prescribed by Section 3-806 shall be reduced by 50% on and after June 15, except as provided in Sections 3-414 and 3-802 of this Act.
    (c) Vehicles of the Second Division. The annual fees and taxes prescribed by Sections 3-402, 3-402.1, 3-815 and 3-819 and paid on a calendar year for such vehicles shall be reduced on a quarterly basis if the vehicle becomes subject to registration on and after March 31, June 30 or September 30. Where such fees and taxes are payable on a fiscal year basis, they shall be reduced on a quarterly basis on and after September 30, December 31 or March 31.
    (d) Two-year Registrations. The fees and taxes prescribed by Section 3-808 for 2-year registrations shall not be reduced in any event. However, the fees and taxes prescribed for all other 2-year registrations by this Act, shall be reduced as follows:
    By 25% on and after June 15;
    By 50% on and after December 15;
    By 75% on and after the next ensuing June 15.
    (e) The registration fees and taxes imposed upon certain vehicles shall not be reduced by any amount in any event in the following instances:
    Permits under Sections 3-403 and 3-811;
    Governmental or charitable vehicles under Section 3-808;
    Farm Machinery under Section 3-809;
    Soil and conservation equipment under Section 3-809.1;
    Special Plates under Section 3-810;
    Permanently mounted equipment under Section 3-812;
    Registration fee under Section 3-813;
    Semitrailer fees under Section 3-814;
    Farm trucks under Section 3-815;
    Mileage weight tax option under Section 3-818;
    Farm trailers under Section 3-819;
    Duplicate plates under Section 3-820;
    Fees under Section 3-821;
    Search Fees under Section 3-823.
    (f) The reductions provided for shall not apply to any vehicle of the first or second division registered by the same applicant in the prior registration year.
    The changes to this Section made by Public Act 84-210 take effect with the 1986 Calendar Registration Year.
    (g) Reductions shall in no event result in payment of a fee or tax less than $6, and the Secretary of State shall promulgate schedules of fees reflecting applicable reductions. Where any reduced amount is not stated in full dollars, the Secretary of State may adjust the amount due to the nearest full dollar amount.
    (h) The reductions provided for in subsections (a) through (g) of this Section shall not apply to those vehicles of the first or second division registered on a staggered registration basis.
    (i) A vehicle which becomes subject to registration during the last month of the current registration year is exempt from any applicable reduced fourth quarter or second semiannual registration fee, and may register for the subsequent registration year as its initial registration. This subsection does not include those apportioned and prorated fees under Sections 3-402 and 3-402.1 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 100-956, eff. 1-1-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-804

    (625 ILCS 5/3-804) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-804)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-706)
    Sec. 3-804. Antique vehicles.
    (a) The owner of an antique vehicle may register such vehicle for a fee not to exceed $13 for a 2-year antique plate. The application for registration must be accompanied by an affirmation of the owner that such vehicle will be driven on the highway only for the purpose of going to and returning from an antique auto show or an exhibition, or for servicing or demonstration and also affirming that the mechanical condition, physical condition, brakes, lights, glass and appearance of such vehicle is the same or as safe as originally equipped. The Secretary may, in his discretion prescribe that antique vehicle plates be issued for a definite or an indefinite term, such term to correspond to the term of registration plates issued generally, as provided in Section 3-414.1. In no event may the registration fee for antique vehicles exceed $6 per registration year. Any person requesting antique plates under this Section may also apply to have vanity or personalized plates as provided under Section 3-405.1.
    (b) Any person who is the registered owner of an antique vehicle may display a historical license plate from or representing the model year of the vehicle, furnished by such person, in lieu of the current and valid Illinois antique vehicle plates issued thereto, provided that valid and current Illinois antique vehicle plates and registration card issued to such antique vehicle are simultaneously carried within such vehicle and are available for inspection.
(Source: P.A. 91-37, eff. 7-1-99.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-706)
    Sec. 3-804. Antique vehicles.
    (a) The owner of an antique vehicle may register such vehicle for a fee not to exceed $13 for a 2-year antique plate. The application for registration must be accompanied by an affirmation of the owner that such vehicle will be driven on the highway only for the purpose of going to and returning from an antique auto show or an exhibition, or for servicing or demonstration and also affirming that the mechanical condition, physical condition, brakes, lights, glass and appearance of such vehicle is the same or as safe as originally equipped. The Secretary may, in his discretion prescribe that antique vehicle plates be issued for a definite or an indefinite term, such term to correspond to the term of registration plates issued generally, as provided in Section 3-414.1. In no event may the registration fee for antique vehicles exceed $6 per registration year. Any person requesting antique plates under this Section may also apply to have vanity or personalized plates as provided under Section 3-405.1.
    (b) Any person who is the registered owner of an antique vehicle may display a historical Illinois-issued license plate that represents the model year of the vehicle, furnished by such person, in lieu of the current and valid Illinois antique vehicle plates issued thereto, provided that valid and current Illinois antique vehicle plates and registration card issued to such antique vehicle are simultaneously carried within such vehicle and are available for inspection.
(Source: P.A. 103-706, eff. 1-1-25.)

625 ILCS 5/3-804.01

    (625 ILCS 5/3-804.01)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-706)
    Sec. 3-804.01. Expanded-use antique vehicles.
    (a) The owner of a motor vehicle that is more than 25 years of age or a bona fide replica thereof may register the vehicle as an expanded-use antique vehicle. In addition to the appropriate registration and renewal fees, the fee for expanded-use antique vehicle registration and renewal, except as provided under subsection (d), shall be $45 per year. The application for registration must be accompanied by an affirmation of the owner that:
        (1) from January 1 through the last day of February
and from December 1 through December 31, the vehicle will be driven on the highways only for the purpose of going to and returning from an antique auto show or an exhibition, or for servicing or demonstration; and
        (2) the mechanical condition, physical condition,
brakes, lights, glass, and appearance of such vehicle is the same or as safe as originally equipped.
    From March 1 through November 30, a vehicle registered as an expanded-use antique vehicle may be driven on the highways without being subject to the restrictions set forth in subdivision (1). The Secretary may prescribe, in the Secretary's discretion, that expanded-use antique vehicle plates be issued for a definite or an indefinite term, such term to correspond to the term of registration plates issued generally, as provided in Section 3-414.1. Any person requesting expanded-use antique vehicle plates under this Section may also apply to have vanity or personalized plates as provided under Section 3-405.1.
    (b) Any person who is the registered owner of an expanded-use antique vehicle may display a historical license plate from or representing the model year of the vehicle, furnished by such person, in lieu of the current and valid Illinois expanded-use antique vehicle plates issued thereto, provided that the valid and current Illinois expanded-use antique vehicle plates and registration card issued to the expanded-use antique vehicle are simultaneously carried within the vehicle and are available for inspection.
    (c) The Secretary may credit a pro-rated portion of a fee previously paid for an antique vehicle registration under Section 3-804 to an owner who applies to have that vehicle registered as an expanded-use antique vehicle instead of an antique vehicle.
    (d) The Secretary may make a version of the registration plate authorized under this Section in a form appropriate for motorcycles. In addition to the required registration and renewal fees, the fee for motorcycle expanded-use antique vehicle registration and renewal shall be $23 per year.
(Source: P.A. 102-438, eff. 8-20-21.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-706)
    Sec. 3-804.01. Expanded-use antique vehicles.
    (a) The owner of a motor vehicle that is more than 25 years of age or a bona fide replica thereof may register the vehicle as an expanded-use antique vehicle. In addition to the appropriate registration and renewal fees, the fee for expanded-use antique vehicle registration and renewal, except as provided under subsection (d), shall be $45 per year. The application for registration must be accompanied by an affirmation of the owner that:
        (1) from January 1 through the last day of February
and from December 1 through December 31, the vehicle will be driven on the highways only for the purpose of going to and returning from an antique auto show or an exhibition, or for servicing or demonstration; and
        (2) the mechanical condition, physical condition,
brakes, lights, glass, and appearance of such vehicle is the same or as safe as originally equipped.
    From March 1 through November 30, a vehicle registered as an expanded-use antique vehicle may be driven on the highways without being subject to the restrictions set forth in subdivision (1). The Secretary may prescribe, in the Secretary's discretion, that expanded-use antique vehicle plates be issued for a definite or an indefinite term, such term to correspond to the term of registration plates issued generally, as provided in Section 3-414.1. Any person requesting expanded-use antique vehicle plates under this Section may also apply to have vanity or personalized plates as provided under Section 3-405.1.
    (b) Any person who is the registered owner of an expanded-use antique vehicle may display a historical Illinois-issued license plate that represents the model year of the vehicle, furnished by such person, in lieu of the current and valid Illinois expanded-use antique vehicle plates issued thereto, provided that the valid and current Illinois expanded-use antique vehicle plates and registration card issued to the expanded-use antique vehicle are simultaneously carried within the vehicle and are available for inspection.
    (c) The Secretary may credit a pro-rated portion of a fee previously paid for an antique vehicle registration under Section 3-804 to an owner who applies to have that vehicle registered as an expanded-use antique vehicle instead of an antique vehicle.
    (d) The Secretary may make a version of the registration plate authorized under this Section in a form appropriate for motorcycles. In addition to the required registration and renewal fees, the fee for motorcycle expanded-use antique vehicle registration and renewal shall be $23 per year.
(Source: P.A. 102-438, eff. 8-20-21; 103-706, eff. 1-1-25.)

625 ILCS 5/3-804.02

    (625 ILCS 5/3-804.02) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-804.02)
    Sec. 3-804.02. Commuter Vans. The owner of a commuter van may register such van for an annual fee not to exceed $63. The Secretary may prescribe that commuter van plates be issued for an indefinite term, such term to correspond to the term of registration plates issued generally. In no event may the registration fee for commuter vans exceed $63 per registration year.
(Source: P.A. 90-89, eff. 1-1-98; 91-37, eff. 7-1-99.)

625 ILCS 5/3-804.1

    (625 ILCS 5/3-804.1)
    Sec. 3-804.1. Custom vehicles.
    (a) The owner of a custom vehicle may register that vehicle for the standard registration fee for a vehicle of the first division, other than a motorcycle, motor driven cycle, or pedalcycle, and obtain a custom vehicle plate. An applicant for the special plate shall be charged, in addition to the standard registration fee, $15 for original issuance to be deposited into the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund, to be used by the Secretary to help defray administrative costs. For each renewal period, in addition to the standard registration fee, the applicant shall be charged $2, which shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. The application for registration must be accompanied by an affirmation of the owner that the vehicle will be maintained for occasional transportation, exhibitions, club activities, parades, tours, and similar uses and will not be used for general daily transportation. The Secretary may, in his or her discretion, prescribe that custom vehicle plates be issued for a definite or an indefinite term, the term to correspond to the term of registration plates issued generally, as provided in Section 3-414.1. Any person requesting custom vehicle plates under this Section may also apply to have vanity or personalized plates as provided under Section 3-405.1.
    (b) Upon initial registration of a custom vehicle, the owner of the custom vehicle must have the vehicle inspected as required by Section 3-406 of this Code.
    Except where otherwise provided, custom vehicles are considered to be in compliance with all vehicle equipment requirements if they have passed the approved vehicle safety inspection.
(Source: P.A. 96-487, eff. 1-1-10.)

625 ILCS 5/3-804.2

    (625 ILCS 5/3-804.2)
    Sec. 3-804.2. Street rods.
    (a) The owner of a street rod may register the vehicle for the standard registration fee for a vehicle of the first division, other than a motorcycle, motor driven cycle, or pedalcycle, and obtain a street rod plate. An applicant for the special plate shall be charged, in addition to the standard registration fee, $15 for original issuance to be deposited into the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund, to be used by the Secretary to help defray administrative costs. For each renewal period, in addition to the standard registration fee, the applicant shall be charged $2, which shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. The application for registration must be accompanied by an affirmation of the owner that the vehicle will be maintained for occasional transportation, exhibitions, club activities, parades, tours, and similar uses and will not be used for general daily transportation. The Secretary may, in his or her discretion, prescribe that street rod plates be issued for a definite or an indefinite term, the term to correspond to the term of registration plates issued generally, as provided in Section 3-414.1. Any person requesting street rod plates under this Section may also apply to have vanity or personalized plates as provided under Section 3-405.1.
    (b) Upon initial registration of a street rod, the owner of the street rod must have the vehicle inspected as required by Section 3-406 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 96-487, eff. 1-1-10.)

625 ILCS 5/3-804.3

    (625 ILCS 5/3-804.3)
    Sec. 3-804.3. Former military vehicles.
    (a) The owner of a former military vehicle may register the vehicle for a fee not to exceed:
        (1) $100 for a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight
rating of 26,000 pounds or less;
        (2) $150 for a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight
rating of 26,001 to 45,000 pounds;
        (3) $500 for a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight
rating of 45,001 to 65,000 pounds;
        (4) $1,000 for a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight
rating of over 65,000 pounds; or
        (5) $25 for a trailer with a weight of 3,000 pounds
or less; or
        (6) $75 for a trailer with a weight of over 3,000
    (b) The Secretary may prescribe, in the Secretary's discretion, that former military vehicle plates be issued for a definite or an indefinite term, such term to correspond to the term of registration plates issued generally, as provided in Section 3-414.1. Any person requesting former military vehicle plates under this Section may also apply to have vanity or personalized plates as provided under Section 3-405.1.
    (c) A vehicle registered as a former military vehicle is not subject to Section 3-815 and 3-818 of this Code.
    (d) A vehicle may not be registered under this Section unless a title for the vehicle has been issued by the Secretary and the vehicle is eligible for registration without regard to its status as a military vehicle.
(Source: P.A. 97-811, eff. 7-13-12.)

625 ILCS 5/3-805

    (625 ILCS 5/3-805) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-805)
    Sec. 3-805. Electric vehicles.
    (a) The owner of a motor vehicle of the first division or a motor vehicle of the second division weighing 8,000 pounds or less propelled by an electric engine and not utilizing motor fuel may register such vehicle for a registration fee equal to the fee set forth in Section 3-806 for motor vehicles of the first division, other than Autocycles, Motorcycles, Motor Driven Cycles, and Pedalcycles. In addition to the registration fees, the Secretary shall assess an additional $100 per year in lieu of the payment of motor fuel taxes. $1 of the additional fees shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special Services Fund and the remainder of the additional fees shall be deposited into the Road Fund.
    (b) Beginning with the 2023 registration year, upon the request of the vehicle owner, an electric vehicle owner may register an electric vehicle with any qualifying registration issued under this Chapter, and an additional $100 surcharge shall be collected in addition to the applicable registration fee. The $100 additional fee is to identify the vehicle as an electric vehicle. The $100 additional fee is an annual, flat fee that shall be based on an applicant's new or existing registration year for the vehicle's corresponding weight category. A designation as an electric vehicle under this subsection shall not alter a vehicle's registration. Of the additional fees, $1 shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special Services Fund, and the remainder of the additional fees shall be deposited into the Road Fund. The Secretary shall adopt any rules necessary to implement this subsection (b).
(Source: P.A. 101-32, eff. 6-28-19; 102-154, eff. 1-1-22.)

625 ILCS 5/3-805.5

    (625 ILCS 5/3-805.5)
    Sec. 3-805.5. Low-speed vehicles. Every owner of a low-speed vehicle shall make application to the Secretary of State for registration, or renewal of registration, at the annual fee of $18.
(Source: P.A. 96-653, eff. 1-1-10.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-806)
    Sec. 3-806. Registration Fees; Motor Vehicles of the First Division. Every owner of any other motor vehicle of the first division, except as provided in Sections 3-804, 3-804.01, 3-804.3, 3-805, 3-806.3, 3-806.7, and 3-808, and every second division vehicle weighing 8,000 pounds or less, shall pay the Secretary of State an annual registration fee at the following rates:
Beginning with the 2021 registration year

Annual Fee
Motor vehicles of the first division other
than Autocycles, Motorcycles, Motor
Driven Cycles and Pedalcycles$148
Motorcycles, Motor Driven
Cycles and Pedalcycles 38
    A $1 surcharge shall be collected in addition to the above fees for motor vehicles of the first division, autocycles, motorcycles, motor driven cycles, and pedalcycles to be deposited into the State Police Vehicle Fund.
    All of the proceeds of the additional fees imposed by Public Act 96-34 shall be deposited into the Capital Projects Fund.
    A $2 surcharge shall be collected in addition to the above fees for motor vehicles of the first division, autocycles, motorcycles, motor driven cycles, and pedalcycles to be deposited into the Park and Conservation Fund for the Department of Natural Resources to use for conservation efforts. The monies deposited into the Park and Conservation Fund under this Section shall not be subject to administrative charges or chargebacks unless otherwise authorized by this Act.
    Of the fees collected for motor vehicles of the first division other than Autocycles, Motorcycles, Motor Driven Cycles, and Pedalcycles, $1 of the fees shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special Services Fund and $49 of the fees shall be deposited into the Road Fund.
(Source: P.A. 101-32, eff. 6-28-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806.1

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-806.1)
    Sec. 3-806.1. Additional fees for vanity license plates. In addition to the regular registration fee or electric vehicle registration fee, an applicant for a vanity license plate, other than a vanity plate in any military series or a vanity plate issued under Section 3-664, shall be charged $94 for each set of vanity license plates issued to a vehicle of the first division or a vehicle of the second division registered at not more than 8,000 pounds or to a recreational vehicle and $50 for each set of vanity plates issued to an autocycle or motorcycle. In addition to the regular renewal fee or electric vehicle registration renewal fee, an applicant for a vanity plate, other than a vanity plate in any military series or a vanity plate issued under Section 3-664, shall be charged $13 for the renewal of each set of vanity license plates. There shall be no additional fees for a vanity license plate in any military series of plates or a vanity plate issued under Section 3-664.
(Source: P.A. 102-154, eff. 1-1-22.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806.2

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806.2) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-806.2)
    Sec. 3-806.2. Limitations on no-fee plates. No individual shall be issued more than one pair of plates of any category for which no fee is required. The Secretary of State may issue additional pairs of plates of any such category upon receiving the required application and registration fees.
(Source: P.A. 88-517.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806.3

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806.3) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-806.3)
    Sec. 3-806.3. Senior citizens. Commencing with the 2009 registration year, the registration fee paid by any vehicle owner who has been approved for benefits under the Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act or who is the spouse of such a person shall be $10 instead of the fee otherwise provided in this Code for passenger cars displaying standard multi-year registration plates or digital registration plates issued under Section 3-414.1, motor vehicles displaying special registration plates or digital registration plates issued under Section 3-609, 3-616, 3-621, 3-622, 3-623, 3-624, 3-625, 3-626, 3-628, 3-638, 3-642, 3-645, 3-647, 3-650, 3-651, 3-663, or 3-699.17, motor vehicles registered at 8,000 pounds or less under Section 3-815(a), and recreational vehicles registered at 8,000 pounds or less under Section 3-815(b). Widows and widowers of claimants shall also be entitled to this reduced registration fee for the registration year in which the claimant was eligible.
    Commencing with the 2009 registration year, the registration fee paid by any vehicle owner who has claimed and received a grant under the Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act or who is the spouse of such a person shall be $10 instead of the fee otherwise provided in this Code for passenger cars displaying standard multi-year registration plates or digital registration plates issued under Section 3-414.1, motor vehicles displaying special registration plates or digital registration plates issued under Section 3-607, 3-609, 3-616, 3-621, 3-622, 3-623, 3-624, 3-625, 3-626, 3-628, 3-638, 3-642, 3-645, 3-647, 3-650, 3-651, 3-663, 3-664, or 3-699.17, motor vehicles registered at 8,000 pounds or less under Section 3-815(a), and recreational vehicles registered at 8,000 pounds or less under Section 3-815(b). Widows and widowers of claimants shall also be entitled to this reduced registration fee for the registration year in which the claimant was eligible.
    Commencing with the 2017 registration year, the reduced fee under this Section shall apply to any special registration plate or digital registration plate authorized in Article VI of Chapter 3 of this Code for which the applicant would otherwise be eligible.
    Surcharges for vehicle registrations under Section 3-806 of this Code shall not be collected from any vehicle owner who has been approved for benefits under the Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief Act or a person who is the spouse of such a person.
    No more than one reduced registration fee under this Section shall be allowed during any 12-month period based on the primary eligibility of any individual, whether such reduced registration fee is allowed to the individual or to the spouse, widow or widower of such individual. This Section does not apply to the fee paid in addition to the registration fee for motor vehicles displaying vanity, personalized, or special license plates.
(Source: P.A. 101-51, eff. 7-12-19; 101-395, eff. 8-16-19; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21; 102-807, eff. 1-1-23.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806.4

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806.4) (now 625 ILCS 5/3-664)
    Sec. 3-806.4. (Renumbered).
(Source: Renumbered by P.A. 95-34, eff. 1-1-08.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806.5

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806.5)
    Sec. 3-806.5. Additional fees for personalized license plates. For registration periods commencing after December 31, 2003, in addition to the regular registration fee or electric vehicle registration fee, an applicant for a personalized license plate, other than a personalized plate in any military series or a personalized plate issued under Section 3-664, shall be charged $47 for each set of personalized license plates issued to a vehicle of the first division or a vehicle of the second division registered at not more than 8,000 pounds or to a recreational vehicle and $25 for each set of personalized plates issued to an autocycle or motorcycle. In addition to the regular renewal fee or electric vehicle registration renewal fee, an applicant for a personalized plate other than a personalized plate in any military series or a personalized plate issued under Section 3-664, shall be charged $7 for the renewal of each set of personalized license plates. There shall be no additional fees charged for a personalized plate in any military series of plates or a personalized plate issued under Section 3-664. Of the money received by the Secretary of State as additional fees for personalized license plates, 50% shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund and 50% shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
(Source: P.A. 102-154, eff. 1-1-22.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806.6

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806.6)
    Sec. 3-806.6. Victims of domestic violence.
    (a) The Secretary shall issue new and different license plates immediately upon request to the registered owner of a vehicle who appears in person and submits a completed application, if all of the following are provided:
        (1) proof of ownership of the vehicle that is
acceptable to the Secretary;
        (2) a driver's license or identification card
containing a picture of the licensee or cardholder issued to the registered owner by the Secretary under Section 6-110 or 6-107 of this Code or Section 4 of the Illinois Identification Card Act. The Office of the Secretary shall conduct a search of its records to verify the authenticity of any document submitted under this paragraph (2);
        (3) the previously issued license plates from the
        (4) payment of the required fee for the issuance of
duplicate license plates under Section 3-417; and
        (5) one of the following:
            (A) a copy of a police report, court
documentation, or other law enforcement documentation identifying the registered owner of the vehicle as the victim of an incident of abuse, as defined in Section 103 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, or the subject of stalking, as defined in Section 12-7.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012;
            (B) a written acknowledgment, dated within 30
days of submission, on the letterhead of a domestic violence agency, that the registered owner is actively seeking assistance or has sought assistance from that agency within the past year; or
            (C) an order of protection issued under Section
214 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 that names the registered owner as a protected party.
    (b) This Section does not apply to license plates issued under Section 3-664 or to special license plates issued under Article VI of this Chapter.
(Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806.7

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806.7)
    Sec. 3-806.7. Registration fees for active duty military personnel.
    (a) Beginning with the 2011 registration year, the standard registration fee set forth in Section 3-806 of this Code for passenger motor vehicles of the first division and motor vehicles of the second division weighing not more than 8,000 pounds and registered under Section 3-815 of this Code, shall be reduced by 50% for any Illinois vehicle owner who was on active duty as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States and stationed outside of the United States for a period of 90 days or longer during the preceding registration year.
    (b) Illinois residents who are members of the Armed Forces of the United States and who have been stationed outside of the United States for a period of 6 months or longer, and who placed their registered motor vehicle in storage during the time they served abroad, shall be entitled to credit for the unused portion of that registration when they renew the registration of that vehicle upon their return to the United States. For each month or part thereof that the vehicle was in storage and had current registration, the member of the armed forces shall receive one month of registration without charge.
    (c) Beginning with the 2017 registration year, the standard registration fee set forth in Section 3-806 of this Code for passenger motor vehicles of the first division and motor vehicles of the second division weighing not more than 8,000 pounds and registered under Section 3-815 of this Code, shall be waived for the year following the return of any Illinois vehicle owner who is a member of the active-duty or reserve component of the United States Armed Forces who can provide proof of serving in a combat mission. Nothing in this subsection is applicable to the additional fees incurred by specialty, personalized, or vanity license plates.
(Source: P.A. 99-32, eff. 7-10-15.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806.8

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806.8)
    Sec. 3-806.8. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10. Repealed by P.A. 97-914, eff. 1-1-13.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806.9

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806.9)
    Sec. 3-806.9. Expedited vehicle registration. The Secretary of State may provide an expedited process for the issuance of vehicle registration plates. Expedited registration applications must be complete, including necessary forms, fees, and taxes. The Secretary shall charge an additional fee of not more than $10 for this service, and that fee shall cover the cost of shipping the vehicle registration plates via an express mail service. All fees collected by the Secretary for expedited registration services shall be deposited into the Motor Vehicle License Plate Fund.
(Source: P.A. 97-914, eff. 1-1-13.)

625 ILCS 5/3-806.10

    (625 ILCS 5/3-806.10)
    Sec. 3-806.10. Vehicles manufactured in Illinois. Upon payment of the title fee for a first division passenger vehicle other than an autocycle, motor driven cycle, or pedalcycle or for a second division vehicle weighing 8,000 pounds or less, the buyer or owner of the vehicle may apply for a rebate in the amount of $25 on a form prescribed by the Secretary of State if the vehicle is manufactured in this State and the application for title is made no more than one year after the month in which the vehicle was manufactured. Each qualifying vehicle shall be eligible for one rebate of $25 for the lifetime of the qualifying vehicle. The Secretary of State shall adopt administrative rules to administer this Section that include the information necessary for the rebate application.
(Source: P.A. 102-845, eff. 1-1-23.)

625 ILCS 5/3-807

    (625 ILCS 5/3-807) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-807)
    Sec. 3-807. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 91-37, eff. 7-1-99. Repealed by P.A. 100-956, eff. 1-1-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-808

    (625 ILCS 5/3-808) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-808)
    Sec. 3-808. Governmental and charitable vehicles; Registration fees.
    (a) A registration fee of $10 per 2 year registration period shall be paid by the owner in the following cases:
        1. Vehicles operated exclusively as a school bus for
school purposes by any school district or any religious or denominational institution, except that such a school bus may be used by such a religious or denominational institution for the transportation of persons to or from any of its official activities.
        2. Vehicles operated exclusively in a high school
driver training program by any school district or school operated by a religious institution.
        3. Rescue squad vehicles which are owned and operated
by a corporation or association organized and operated not for profit for the purpose of conducting such rescue operations.
        4. Vehicles, used exclusively as school buses for any
school district, which are neither owned nor operated by such district.
        5. Charitable vehicles.
    (b) Annual vehicle registration plates shall be issued, at no charge, to the following:
        1. Medical transport vehicles owned and operated by
the State of Illinois or by any State agency financed by funds appropriated by the General Assembly.
        2. Medical transport vehicles operated by or for any
county, township or municipal corporation.
    (c) Ceremonial plates. Upon payment of a registration fee of $98 per 2-year registration period, the Secretary of State shall issue registration plates to vehicles operated exclusively for ceremonial purposes by any not-for-profit veterans', fraternal, or civic organization. The Secretary of State may prescribe that ceremonial vehicle registration plates be issued for an indefinite term, that term to correspond to the term of registration plates issued generally, as provided in Section 3-414.1.
    All of the proceeds of the additional fees imposed by this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly shall be deposited into the Capital Projects Fund.
    (d) In any event, any vehicle registered under this Section used or operated for purposes other than those herein prescribed shall be subject to revocation, and in that event, the owner may be required to properly register such vehicle under the provisions of this Code.
    (e) As a prerequisite to registration under this Section, the Secretary of State may require the vehicle owners listed in subsection (a) of this Section who are exempt from federal income taxation under subsection (c) of Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now or hereafter amended, to submit to him a determination letter, ruling or other written evidence of tax exempt status issued by the Internal Revenue Service. The Secretary may accept a certified copy of the document issued by the Internal Revenue Service as evidence of the exemption. The Secretary may require documentation of eligibility under this Section to accompany an application for registration.
    (f) Special event plates. The Secretary of State may issue registration plates in recognition or commemoration of special events which promote the interests of Illinois citizens. These plates shall be valid for no more than 60 days prior to the date of expiration. The Secretary shall require the applicant for such plates to pay for the costs of furnishing the plates.
    Beginning July 1, 1991, all special event plates shall be recorded in the Secretary of State's files for immediate identification.
    The Secretary of State, upon issuing a new series of special event plates, shall notify all law enforcement officials of the design and other special features of the special plate series.
    All special event plates shall indicate, in the lower right corner, the date of expiration in characters no less than 1/2 inch high.
(Source: P.A. 96-34, eff. 7-13-09.)

625 ILCS 5/3-808.1

    (625 ILCS 5/3-808.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-808.1)
    Sec. 3-808.1. Permanent vehicle registration plate.
    (a) Permanent vehicle registration plates shall be issued, at no charge, to the following:
        1. Vehicles, other than medical transport vehicles,
owned and operated by the State of Illinois or by any State agency financed by funds appropriated by the General Assembly;
        2. Special disability plates issued to vehicles owned
and operated by the State of Illinois or by any State agency financed by funds appropriated by the General Assembly.
    (b) Permanent vehicle registration plates shall be issued, for a one-time fee of $8.00, to the following:
        1. Vehicles, other than medical transport vehicles,
operated by or for any county, township or municipal corporation.
        2. Vehicles owned by counties, townships or municipal
corporations for persons with disabilities.
        3. Beginning with the 1991 registration year,
county-owned vehicles operated by or for any county sheriff and designated deputy sheriffs. These registration plates shall contain the specific county code and unit number.
        4. All-terrain vehicles owned by counties, townships,
or municipal corporations and used for law enforcement purposes when the Manufacturer's Statement of Origin is accompanied with a letter from the original manufacturer or a manufacturer's franchised dealer stating that this all-terrain vehicle has been converted to a street worthy vehicle that meets the equipment requirements set forth in Chapter 12 of this Code.
        5. Beginning with the 2001 registration year,
municipally owned vehicles operated by or for any police department. These registration plates shall contain the designation "municipal police" and shall be numbered and distributed as prescribed by the Secretary of State.
        6. Beginning with the 2014 registration year,
municipally owned, fire district owned, or Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) owned vehicles operated by or for any fire department, fire protection district, or MABAS. These registration plates shall display the designation "Fire Department" and shall display the specific fire department, fire district, fire unit, or MABAS division number or letter.
        7. Beginning with the 2017 registration year,
vehicles that do not require a school bus driver permit under Section 6-104 to operate and are not registered under Section 3-617 of this Code, and are owned by a public school district from grades K-12 or a public community college.
        8. Beginning with the 2017 registration year,
vehicles of the first division or vehicles of the second division weighing not more than 8,000 pounds that are owned by a medical facility or hospital of a municipality, county, or township.
        9. Beginning with the 2020 registration year, 2-axle
motor vehicles that (i) are designed and used as buses in a public system for transporting more than 10 passengers; (ii) are used as common carriers in the general transportation of passengers and not devoted to any specialized purpose; (iii) operate entirely within the territorial limits of a single municipality or a single municipality and contiguous municipalities; and (iv) are subject to the regulation of the Illinois Commerce Commission. The owner of a vehicle under this paragraph is exempt from paying a flat weight tax or a mileage weight tax under this Code.
    (b-5) Beginning with the 2016 registration year, permanent vehicle registration plates shall be issued for a one-time fee of $8.00 to a county, township, or municipal corporation that owns or operates vehicles used for the purpose of community workplace commuting as defined by the Secretary of State by administrative rule. The design and color of the plates shall be wholly within the discretion of the Secretary. The Secretary of State may adopt rules to implement this subsection (b-5).
    (c) Beginning with the 2012 registration year, county-owned vehicles operated by or for any county sheriff and designated deputy sheriffs that have been issued registration plates under subsection (b) of this Section shall be exempt from any fee for the transfer of registration from one vehicle to another vehicle. Each county sheriff shall report to the Secretary of State any transfer of registration plates from one vehicle to another vehicle operated by or for any county sheriff and designated deputy sheriffs. The Secretary of State shall adopt rules to implement this subsection (c).
    (c-5) Beginning with the 2014 registration year, municipally owned, fire district owned, or Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) owned vehicles operated by or for any fire department, fire protection district, or MABAS that have been issued registration plates under subsection (b) of this Section shall be exempt from any fee for the transfer of registration from one vehicle to another vehicle. Each fire department, fire protection district, of MABAS shall report to the Secretary of State any transfer of registration plates from one vehicle to another vehicle operated by or for any fire department, fire protection district, or MABAS. The Secretary of State shall adopt rules to implement this subsection.
    (d) Beginning with the 2013 registration year, municipally owned vehicles operated by or for any police department that have been issued registration plates under subsection (b) of this Section shall be exempt from any fee for the transfer of registration from one vehicle to another vehicle. Each municipal police department shall report to the Secretary of State any transfer of registration plates from one vehicle to another vehicle operated by or for any municipal police department. The Secretary of State shall adopt rules to implement this subsection (d).
    (e) Beginning with the 2016 registration year, any vehicle owned or operated by a county, township, or municipal corporation that has been issued registration plates under this Section is exempt from any fee for the transfer of registration from one vehicle to another vehicle. Each county, township, or municipal corporation shall report to the Secretary of State any transfer of registration plates from one vehicle to another vehicle operated by or for any county, township, or municipal corporation.
    (f) Beginning with the 2020 registration year, any vehicle owned or operated by a public school district from grades K-12, a public community college, or a medical facility or hospital of a municipality, county, or township that has been issued registration plates under this Section is exempt from any fee for the transfer of registration from one vehicle to another vehicle. Each school district, public community college, or medical facility or hospital shall report to the Secretary any transfer of registration plates from one vehicle to another vehicle operated by the school district, public community college, or medical facility.
    (g) Beginning with the 2025 registration year, vehicles owned or operated by or for a private or public university police department or a private or public college police department, except for motor driven cycles and all-terrain vehicles, may be registered under subsection (b) of this Section. These registration plates shall contain the designation "university police" or "college police" and shall be numbered and distributed as prescribed by the Secretary of State.
(Source: P.A. 103-135, eff. 1-1-24.)

625 ILCS 5/3-809

    (625 ILCS 5/3-809) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-809)
    Sec. 3-809. Farm machinery, exempt vehicles and fertilizer spreaders; registration fee.
    (a) Vehicles of the second division having a corn sheller, a well driller, hay press, clover huller, feed mixer and unloader, or other farm machinery permanently mounted thereon and used solely for transporting the same shall be registered upon the filing of a proper application and the payment of a registration fee of $13 per 2-year registration period. This registration fee of $13 shall be paid in full and shall not be reduced even though such registration is made after the beginning of the registration period.
    (b) Vehicles exempt from registration under the provisions of subsection A of Section 3-402 of this Code, as amended, may, at the option of the owner, be identified as exempt vehicles by displaying registration plates issued by the Secretary of State. The owner thereof may apply for such permanent, non-transferable registration plates upon the filing of a proper application and the payment of a registration fee of $13. The application for and display of such registration plates for identification purposes by vehicles exempt from registration shall not be deemed as a waiver or rescission of its exempt status, nor make such vehicle subject to registration. Nothing in this Section prohibits the towing of another vehicle by the exempt vehicle if the towed vehicle:
        (i) does not exceed the registered weight of 8,000
        (ii) is used exclusively for transportation to and
from the work site;
        (iii) is not used for carrying counter weights or
other material related to the operation of the exempt vehicle while under tow; and
        (iv) displays proper and current registration plates.
    (c) Any single unit self-propelled agricultural fertilizer implement, designed for both on and off road use, equipped with flotation tires and otherwise specially adapted for the application of plant food materials or agricultural chemicals, desiring to be operated upon the highways ladened with load shall be limited to a maximum gross weight of 36,000 pounds, restricted to a highway speed of not more than 30 miles per hour and a legal width of not more than 12 feet. Such vehicles shall be limited to the furthering of agricultural or horticultural pursuits and in furtherance of these pursuits, such vehicles may be operated upon the highway, within a 50-mile radius of their point of loading as indicated on the written or printed statement required by the Illinois Fertilizer Act of 1961, for the purpose of moving plant food materials or agricultural chemicals to the field, or from field to field, for the sole purpose of application.
    Whenever any vehicle is operated in violation of subsection (c) of this Section, the owner or the driver of such vehicle shall be deemed guilty of a petty offense and either may be prosecuted for such violation.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 101-481, eff. 1-1-20.)

625 ILCS 5/3-809.1

    (625 ILCS 5/3-809.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-809.1)
    Sec. 3-809.1. Vehicles of second division used for transporting soil and conservation machinery and equipment-Registration fee. Not for hire vehicles of the second division used, only in the territory within a 75 mile radius of the owner's headquarters, solely for transporting the owner's machinery, equipment, plastic tubing, tile and steel reinforcement materials used exclusively for soil and water conservation work on farms, other work on farms and in drainage districts organized for agricultural purposes, shall be registered upon the filing of a proper application and the payment of a registration fee of $488 per annum. The registration fee of $488 shall be paid in full and shall not be reduced even though such registration is made during the second half of the registration year.
(Source: P.A. 91-37, eff. 7-1-99.)

625 ILCS 5/3-810

    (625 ILCS 5/3-810) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-810)
    Sec. 3-810. Dealers, manufacturers, engine and driveline component manufacturers, transporters, and repossessors; registration plates. Dealers, manufacturers, and transporters registered under this Code may obtain registration plates for use as provided in this Code at the following rates:
        Initial set of dealer's, manufacturer's, or
transporter's "in-transit" plates: $45
        Duplicate Plates: $13
        Manufacturers of engine and driveline components
registered under this Code may obtain registration plates at the following rates:
            Initial set of "test vehicle" plates: $94
            Duplicate plates: $25
    Repossessors and other persons qualified and registered under Section 3-601 of this Code may obtain registration plates at the rate of $45 per set.
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)

625 ILCS 5/3-810.1

    (625 ILCS 5/3-810.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-810.1)
    Sec. 3-810.1. Tow truck; registration plates. Tow truck operators registered under this Code may obtain registration plates for use as provided in this Code at the rate per set provided in subsection (a) of Section 3-815 of this Code for each vehicle so registered.
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)

625 ILCS 5/3-811

    (625 ILCS 5/3-811) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-811)
    Sec. 3-811. Drive-away and other permits - Fees.
    (a) Dealers may obtain drive-away permits for use as provided in this Code, for a fee of $6 per permit for permits purchased on or before June 30, 2003 and $10 for permits purchased on or after July 1, 2003. For drive-away permits purchased on or after July 1, 2003, $4 of the fee collected for the purchase of each permit shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
    (b) Transporters may obtain one-trip permits for vehicles in transit for use as provided in this Code, for a fee of $6 per permit for permits purchased on or before June 30, 2003 and $10 for permits purchased on or after July 1, 2003. For one-trip permits purchased on or after July 1, 2003, $4 of the fee collected from the purchase of each permit shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
    (c) Non-residents may likewise obtain a drive-away permit from the Secretary of State to export a motor vehicle purchased in Illinois, for a fee of $6 per permit for permits purchased on or before June 30, 2003 and $10 for permits purchased on or after July 1, 2003. For drive-away permits purchased on or after July 1, 2003, $4 of the fee collected for the purchase of each permit shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
    (d) One-trip permits may be obtained for an occasional single trip by a vehicle as provided in this Code, upon payment of a fee of $19.
    (e) One month permits may likewise be obtained for the fees and taxes prescribed in this Code and as promulgated by the Secretary of State.
(Source: P.A. 92-680, eff. 7-16-02; 93-32, eff. 7-1-03.)

625 ILCS 5/3-812

    (625 ILCS 5/3-812) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-812)
    Sec. 3-812. Vehicles with permanently mounted equipment - registration fees. Vehicles having permanently mounted equipment thereon used exclusively by the owner for the transporting of such permanently mounted equipment and tools and equipment to be used incidentally in the work to be performed with the permanently mounted equipment and provided such vehicle is not used for hire shall be registered upon the filing of a proper application and the payment of a registration fee based upon a rate of $45 per year (or fraction of a year) for each 10,000 pounds (or portion thereof) of the gross weight of such motor vehicle and equipment, according to the following table of fees:
Gross Weight in Lbs.
Including Vehicle andTotal
EquipmentAnnual Fees
10,000 lbs. and less$45
10,001 lbs. to 20,000 lbs.90
20,001 lbs. to 30,000 lbs.135
30,001 lbs. to 40,000 lbs.180
40,001 lbs. to 50,000 lbs.225
50,001 lbs. to 60,000 lbs.270
60,001 lbs. to 70,000 lbs.315
70,001 lbs. to 73,280 lbs.340
73,281 lbs. to 80,000 lbs.385
(Source: P.A. 91-37, eff. 7-1-99.)

625 ILCS 5/3-813

    (625 ILCS 5/3-813) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-813)
    Sec. 3-813. Vehicles of second division - Registration fee. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, all owners of vehicles of the second division which are designed, equipped or used for carrying freight, goods, wares, merchandise, or for use as living quarters; and all owners of vehicles of the first division which have been remodelled and are being used for such purposes; and all owners of motor vehicles operated as truck tractors to the weights of which are added to the gross weights of semitrailers with their maximum loads when drawn by such truck tractors; and all owners of vehicles of the second division which are used for carrying more than 10 persons, shall pay to the Secretary of State for each registration year, for the use of the public highways of this State, a registration fee of $10 for each such vehicle, which shall be collected as part of the flat weight tax assessed under Section 3-815 of this Code. A self-propelled vehicle operated as a truck tractor and one semitrailer or a combination of a truck tractor and semitrailer drawing a trailer or a semitrailer converted to a trailer through use of an auxiliary axle or any combination of apportioned vehicles shall be considered as one vehicle in computing the flat weight taxes under Section 3-815.
(Source: P.A. 99-127, eff. 1-1-16.)

625 ILCS 5/3-814

    (625 ILCS 5/3-814) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-814)
    Sec. 3-814. Semitrailer registration fees. Effective with the 1984 registration year to the end of the 1998 registration year, an owner of a semitrailer shall pay to the Secretary of State, for the use of the public highways of this State, a flat weight tax of $60, which includes the registration fee, for a 5 year semitrailer plate.
    Effective with the 1999 registration year an owner of a semitrailer shall pay to the Secretary of State, for the use of the public highways of this State, a one time flat tax of $15, which includes the registration fee, for a permanent non-transferrable semitrailer plate.
    Effective with the 2001 registration year, an owner of a semitrailer shall pay to the Secretary of State, for the use of public highways of this State, a one-time flat tax of $19, which includes the registration fee, for a permanent non-transferrable semitrailer plate.
(Source: P.A. 91-37, eff. 7-1-99.)

625 ILCS 5/3-814.1

    (625 ILCS 5/3-814.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-814.1)
    Sec. 3-814.1. Apportionable trailer and semitrailer fees. Beginning April 1, 1994 through March 31, 1998, an owner of an apportionable trailer or apportionable semitrailer registered under Section 3-402.1 shall pay an annual registration fee of $12 to the Secretary of State.
    Beginning April 1, 1998 through March 31, 2000, an owner of an apportionable trailer or apportionable semitrailer registered under Section 3-402.1 shall pay a one time registration fee of $15 to the Secretary of State for a permanent non-transferrable plate.
    Beginning April 1, 2000, an owner of an apportionable trailer or apportionable semitrailer registered under Section 3-402.1 shall pay a one-time registration fee of $19 to the Secretary of State for a permanent non-transferrable plate.
(Source: P.A. 91-37, eff. 7-1-99.)

625 ILCS 5/3-814.2

    (625 ILCS 5/3-814.2)
    Sec. 3-814.2. Optional registration of converter devices.
    (a) The Secretary of State may provide for optional registration of devices that convert a semitrailer to a trailer and are exempt from vehicle registration requirements. The rules adopted for purposes of this Section may provide for the registration of this category of vehicle or type vehicle. Upon request of an owner, the Secretary of State may issue registration for a vehicle that meets the requirements of rules adopted under this Section. A registration fee for this vehicle may be imposed by rule.
    (b) A vehicle that is registered under this Section is subject to the same provisions, conditions, fees, and other requirements under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 89-710, eff. 2-14-97.)

625 ILCS 5/3-814.3

    (625 ILCS 5/3-814.3)
    Sec. 3-814.3. Registration of fleets of semitrailers or apportionable semitrailers. The Secretary of State may provide for the registration of large fleets of semitrailers or apportionable semitrailers by accepting the appropriate fees and issuing the registration plate or digital registration plate prior to the plate being assigned to a specific vehicle. The registration indexes will be updated on a date predetermined by the Secretary of State. In determining this date, the Secretary of State shall take into consideration the number of vehicles in each fleet.
(Source: P.A. 101-395, eff. 8-16-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-814.4

    (625 ILCS 5/3-814.4)
    Sec. 3-814.4. Registration of fleet vehicles. The Secretary may issue fleet vehicle registration plates or digital registration plates to owners of vehicle fleets registered in accordance with Section 3-405.3 of this Code in bulk before plates are assigned to specific vehicles. A registration plate or digital registration plate may not be displayed on a vehicle, however, until the plate has been activated on the Secretary's registration file and the proper fee has been forwarded to the Secretary.
(Source: P.A. 101-395, eff. 8-16-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-815

    (625 ILCS 5/3-815) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-815)
    Sec. 3-815. Flat weight tax; vehicles of the second division.
    (a) Except as provided in Section 3-806.3 and 3-804.3, every owner of a vehicle of the second division registered under Section 3-813, and not registered under the mileage weight tax under Section 3-818, shall pay to the Secretary of State, for each registration year, for the use of the public highways, a flat weight tax at the rates set forth in the following table, the rates including the $10 registration fee:
Gross Weight in Lbs.Total Fees
Including Vehicle each Fiscal
and Maximum LoadClass year
8,000 lbs. and lessB$148
8,001 lbs. to 10,000 lbs. C 218
10,001 lbs. to 12,000 lbs.D238
12,001 lbs. to 16,000 lbs.F342
16,001 lbs. to 26,000 lbs.H590
26,001 lbs. to 28,000 lbs.J730
28,001 lbs. to 32,000 lbs.K942
32,001 lbs. to 36,000 lbs.L1,082
36,001 lbs. to 40,000 lbs.N1,302
40,001 lbs. to 45,000 lbs.P1,490
45,001 lbs. to 50,000 lbs.Q1,638
50,001 lbs. to 54,999 lbs.R1,798
55,000 lbs. to 59,500 lbs.S1,930
59,501 lbs. to 64,000 lbs.T2,070
64,001 lbs. to 73,280 lbs.V2,394
73,281 lbs. to 77,000 lbs.X2,722
77,001 lbs. to 80,000 lbs.Z2,890
    Beginning with the 2010 registration year a $1 surcharge shall be collected for vehicles registered in the 8,000 lbs. and less flat weight plate category above to be deposited into the State Police Vehicle Fund.
    Beginning with the 2014 registration year, a $2 surcharge shall be collected in addition to the above fees for vehicles registered in the 8,000 lb. and less flat weight plate category as described in this subsection (a) to be deposited into the Park and Conservation Fund for the Department of Natural Resources to use for conservation efforts. The monies deposited into the Park and Conservation Fund under this Section shall not be subject to administrative charges or chargebacks unless otherwise authorized by this Act.
    Of the fees collected under this subsection, $1 of the fees shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special Services Fund and $99 of the fees shall be deposited into the Road Fund.
    All of the proceeds of the additional fees imposed by Public Act 96-34 shall be deposited into the Capital Projects Fund.
    (a-1) A Special Hauling Vehicle is a vehicle or combination of vehicles of the second division registered under Section 3-813 transporting asphalt or concrete in the plastic state or a vehicle or combination of vehicles that are subject to the gross weight limitations in subsection (a) of Section 15-111 for which the owner of the vehicle or combination of vehicles has elected to pay, in addition to the registration fee in subsection (a), $125 to the Secretary of State for each registration year. The Secretary shall designate this class of vehicle as a Special Hauling Vehicle.
    (a-5) Beginning January 1, 2015, upon the request of the vehicle owner, a $10 surcharge shall be collected in addition to the above fees for vehicles in the 12,000 lbs. and less flat weight plate categories as described in subsection (a) to be deposited into the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. The $10 surcharge is to identify vehicles in the 12,000 lbs. and less flat weight plate categories as a covered farm vehicle. The $10 surcharge is an annual, flat fee that shall be based on an applicant's new or existing registration year for each vehicle in the 12,000 lbs. and less flat weight plate categories. A designation as a covered farm vehicle under this subsection (a-5) shall not alter a vehicle's registration as a registration in the 12,000 lbs. or less flat weight category. The Secretary shall adopt any rules necessary to implement this subsection (a-5).
    (a-10) Beginning January 1, 2019, upon the request of the vehicle owner, the Secretary of State shall collect a $10 surcharge in addition to the fees for second division vehicles in the 8,000 lbs. and less flat weight plate category described in subsection (a) that are issued a registration plate under Article VI of this Chapter. The $10 surcharge shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. The $10 surcharge is to identify a vehicle in the 8,000 lbs. and less flat weight plate category as a covered farm vehicle. The $10 surcharge is an annual, flat fee that shall be based on an applicant's new or existing registration year for each vehicle in the 8,000 lbs. and less flat weight plate category. A designation as a covered farm vehicle under this subsection (a-10) shall not alter a vehicle's registration in the 8,000 lbs. or less flat weight category. The Secretary shall adopt any rules necessary to implement this subsection (a-10).
    (b) Except as provided in Section 3-806.3, every camping trailer, motor home, mini motor home, travel trailer, truck camper or van camper used primarily for recreational purposes, and not used commercially, nor for hire, nor owned by a commercial business, may be registered for each registration year upon the filing of a proper application and the payment of a registration fee and highway use tax, according to the following table of fees:
Gross Weight in Lbs.Total Fees
Including Vehicle andEach
Maximum LoadCalendar Year
8,000 lbs and less$78
8,001 Lbs. to 10,000 Lbs90
10,001 Lbs. and Over102
Gross Weight in Lbs.Total Fees
Including Vehicle andEach
Maximum LoadCalendar Year
3,000 Lbs. and Less$18
3,001 Lbs. to 8,000 Lbs.30
8,001 Lbs. to 10,000 Lbs.38
10,001 Lbs. and Over50
    Every house trailer must be registered under Section 3-819.
    (c) Farm Truck. Any truck used exclusively for the owner's own agricultural, horticultural or livestock raising operations and not-for-hire only, or any truck used only in the transportation for-hire of seasonal, fresh, perishable fruit or vegetables from farm to the point of first processing, may be registered by the owner under this paragraph in lieu of registration under paragraph (a), upon filing of a proper application and the payment of the $10 registration fee and the highway use tax herein specified as follows:
Gross Weight in Lbs.Total Amount for
Including Truck andeach
Maximum LoadClassFiscal Year
16,000 lbs. or lessVF$250
16,001 to 20,000 lbs.VG326
20,001 to 24,000 lbs.VH390
24,001 to 28,000 lbs.VJ478
28,001 to 32,000 lbs.VK606
32,001 to 36,000 lbs.VL710
36,001 to 45,000 lbs.VP910
45,001 to 54,999 lbs.VR1,126
55,000 to 64,000 lbs.VT1,302
64,001 to 73,280 lbs.VV1,390
73,281 to 77,000 lbs.VX1,450
77,001 to 80,000 lbs.VZ1,590
    Of the fees collected under this subsection, $1 of the fees shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special Services Fund and $99 of the fees shall be deposited into the Road Fund.
    In the event the Secretary of State revokes a farm truck registration as authorized by law, the owner shall pay the flat weight tax due hereunder before operating such truck.
    Any combination of vehicles having 5 axles, with a distance of 42 feet or less between extreme axles, that are subject to the weight limitations in subsection (a) of Section 15-111 for which the owner of the combination of vehicles has elected to pay, in addition to the registration fee in subsection (c), $125 to the Secretary of State for each registration year shall be designated by the Secretary as a Special Hauling Vehicle.
    (d) The number of axles necessary to carry the maximum load provided shall be determined from Chapter 15 of this Code.
    (e) An owner may only apply for and receive 5 farm truck registrations, and only 2 of those 5 vehicles shall exceed 59,500 gross weight in pounds per vehicle.
    (f) Every person convicted of violating this Section by failure to pay the appropriate flat weight tax to the Secretary of State as set forth in the above tables shall be punished as provided for in Section 3-401.
(Source: P.A. 100-734, eff. 1-1-19; 100-956, eff. 1-1-19; 101-32, eff. 6-28-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-815.1

    (625 ILCS 5/3-815.1)
    Sec. 3-815.1. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 101-32, eff. 6-28-19. Repealed internally, eff. 7-1-20.)

625 ILCS 5/3-816

    (625 ILCS 5/3-816) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-816)
    Sec. 3-816. Installment Payments.
    (a) The flat weight tax required to be paid by Section 3-815 for any vehicles on a calendar year basis may be paid if the owner so elects, in equal semi-annual installments due on January 1 and July 1 of each licensing year. Effective with the 1984 registration year the owners of semitrailers registered under Section 3-814 shall have the option of paying the designated fees to the Secretary in the following manner:
    If registered in the first year the owner shall have the option of paying $30 the first year and the remaining $30 by the start of the second year;
    If registered in the second year the owner shall have the option of paying $24 the first year and the remaining $24 by the start of the third year;
    If registered in the third year the owner shall pay $36 for each semitrailer;
    If registered in the fourth year the owner shall pay $24 for each semitrailer; and
    If registered in the fifth year the owner shall pay $12 for each semitrailer.
Every such owner who elects to pay such tax in such installments shall file with the Secretary of State a surety bond or certificate of deposit, as hereinafter provided, in the amount of the sum of the second installment of taxes on his vehicle.
    Such bond shall be in the form approved by the Secretary of State and with a surety company approved by the Department of Insurance to transact business in this State, as surety, and shall be conditioned upon such owner's paying to the State of Illinois all monies becoming due by reason of his operation of the second division motor vehicle in this State, together with all penalties and interest thereon.
    The State Treasurer shall issue a certificate of deposit to any such owner who deposits with the State Treasurer securities of the Federal Government or the State of Illinois endorsed in blank by such owner, or a certificate of deposit issued by any bank or savings and loan association authorized to do business in Illinois, payable to the Secretary of State on or after July 1 of the year of registration. Such certificate of deposit and securities shall be approved by and deposited with the State Treasurer, and shall have a current market value in the total amount which would cover all monies becoming due and payable to the State of Illinois by reason of his operation of a second division motor vehicle in this State, together with all penalties and interest thereon.
    The liability of the surety hereunder shall be absolute and upon notice from the Secretary of State that the second installment has not been paid on July 1 of any licensing year the surety shall immediately pay the second installment to the Secretary of State.
    Upon notice by the Secretary of State that the second installment of such owner's taxes has not been paid on July 1 of any licensing year, the State Treasurer shall sell such securities and deliver the proceeds thereof to the Secretary of State to satisfy all monies becoming due by reason of such owner's operation of a second division motor vehicle in this State, together with all penalties and interest thereon.
    If the owner's liability for the second installment is evidenced by a certificate of deposit payable to the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State shall, upon failure of the owner to pay the second installment by July 1, endorse the certificate of deposit which is in the custody of the State Treasurer, and thereafter the State Treasurer shall present the certificate of deposit for payment to the proper bank or savings and loan association. Upon receipt of payment, the State Treasurer shall forward to the Secretary of State all monies due by reason of such owner's operation of a second division motor vehicle in this State, and return the excess, if any, to the owner on whose behalf the certificate of deposit was previously deposited.
    The State Treasurer shall return securities or proceeds in excess of that needed to satisfy the Secretary of State for all monies becoming due by reason of such owner's operation of a second division motor vehicle in this State, together with all penalties and interest thereon. Upon notice by the Secretary of State that the second installment has been paid, the State Treasurer shall return such certificate of deposit or securities deposited with him under this Section to the owner thereof.
    (b) The flat weight tax required by Section 3-815 to be paid on a fiscal year basis may be paid, if the owner so elects, in equal semi-annual installments due on July 1st and January 1st of each registration year. From July 1, 1983 through November 30, 1983, the flat weight tax required by Section 3-814 for semitrailers previously registered on a fiscal year basis may be paid, if the owner so elects, by paying the Secretary of State $33 at the time of registration and the remaining $25 by January 1, 1985 for each 5 1/2 year semitrailer plate. Every such owner who elects to pay such tax in such installments shall file with the Secretary of State a surety bond or certificate of deposit, as hereinafter provided, in the amount of the sum of the second installment of taxes on his vehicle.
    Such bond shall be in the form approved by the Secretary of State and with a surety company approved by the Department of Insurance to transact business in this State, as surety, and shall be conditioned upon such owner's paying to the State of Illinois all monies becoming due by reason of his operation of the second division motor vehicle in this State, together with all penalties and interest thereon.
    The liability of the surety hereunder shall be absolute and upon notice from the Secretary of State that the second installment has not been paid on January 1st of any registration year the surety shall immediately pay the second installment to the Secretary of State.
    Upon notice by the Secretary of State that the second installment of such owner's taxes has not been paid on January 1st of any registration year, the State Treasurer shall sell such securities and deliver the proceeds thereof to the Secretary of State to satisfy all monies becoming due by reason of such owner's operation of a second division motor vehicle in this State, together with all penalties and interest thereon.
    If the owner's liability for the second installment is evidenced by a certificate of deposit payable to the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State shall, upon failure of the owner to pay the second installment by January 1st, endorse the certificate of deposit which is in the custody of the State Treasurer, and thereafter the State Treasurer shall present the certificate of deposit for payment to the proper bank or savings and loan association. Upon receipt of payment, the State Treasurer shall forward to the Secretary of State all monies due by reason of such owner's operation of a second division motor vehicle in this State, and return the excess, if any, to the owner on whose behalf the certificate of deposit was previously deposited.
    The State Treasurer shall return securities or proceeds in excess of that needed to satisfy the Secretary of State for all monies becoming due by reason of such owner's operation of a second division motor vehicle in this State, together with all penalties and interest thereon. Upon notice by the Secretary of State that the second installment has been paid, the State Treasurer shall return such certificate of deposit or securities deposited with him under this Section to the owner thereof.
    (c) The flat weight tax required under Section 3-815 for vehicles registered in accordance with Section 3-402.1 may be paid, if the owner elects, in equal semi-annual installments due on April 1 and October 1 of each licensing year.
    (d) In the event any surety pays for any second installment under this Section, the surety shall have recourse only against the principal and owner of the vehicles involved and shall have no right or privilege to demand revocation or suspension of the registration plates or registration stickers of the vehicles involved. Such surety may, however, impress a lien as provided in Section 3-828.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

625 ILCS 5/3-818

    (625 ILCS 5/3-818) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-818)
    Sec. 3-818. Mileage weight tax option.
    (a) Any owner of a vehicle of the second division may elect to pay a mileage weight tax for such vehicle in lieu of the flat weight tax set out in Section 3-815. Such election shall be binding to the end of the registration year. Renewal of this election must be filed with the Secretary of State on or before July 1 of each registration period. In such event the owner shall, at the time of making such election, pay the $10 registration fee and the minimum guaranteed mileage weight tax, as hereinafter provided, which payment shall permit the owner to operate that vehicle the maximum mileage in this State hereinafter set forth. Any vehicle being operated on mileage plates cannot be operated outside of this State. In addition thereto, the owner of that vehicle shall pay a mileage weight tax at the following rates for each mile traveled in this State in excess of the maximum mileage provided under the minimum guaranteed basis:


MinimumMileageWeight Tax

GuaranteedPermittedfor Mileage
Gross WeightMileageUnderin excess of
Vehicle andWeightGuaranteedGuaranteed
12,000 lbs. or lessMD$1735,00026 Mills
12,001 to 16,000 lbs.MF2206,00034 Mills
16,001 to 20,000 lbs.MG2806,00046 Mills
20,001 to 24,000 lbs.MH3356,00063 Mills
24,001 to 28,000 lbs.MJ4157,00063 Mills
28,001 to 32,000 lbs.MK4857,00083 Mills
32,001 to 36,000 lbs.ML5857,00099 Mills
36,001 to 40,000 lbs.MN7157,000128 Mills
40,001 to 45,000 lbs.MP7957,000139 Mills
45,001 to 54,999 lbs.MR9537,000156 Mills
55,000 to 59,500 lbs.MS1,0207,000178 Mills
59,501 to 64,000 lbs.MT1,0857,000195 Mills
64,001 to 73,280 lbs.
MV1,2737,000225 Mills
73,281 to 77,000 lbs.
MX1,4287,000258 Mills
77,001 to 80,000 lbs.
MZ1,5157,000275 Mills


MinimumMileageWeight Tax

GuaranteedPermittedfor Mileage
Gross WeightMileageUnderin excess of
Vehicle andWeightGuaranteedGuaranteed
14,000 lbs. or lessME$1755,00031 Mills
14,001 to 20,000 lbs.MF2356,00036 Mills
20,001 to 36,000 lbs.ML6407,000103 Mills
36,001 to 40,000 lbs.MM8507,000150 Mills
    Of the fees collected under this subsection, $1 of the fees shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special Services Fund and $99 of the fees shall be deposited into the Road Fund.
    (a-1) A Special Hauling Vehicle is a vehicle or combination of vehicles of the second division registered under Section 3-813 transporting asphalt or concrete in the plastic state or a vehicle or combination of vehicles that are subject to the gross weight limitations in subsection (a) of Section 15-111 for which the owner of the vehicle or combination of vehicles has elected to pay, in addition to the registration fee in subsection (a), $125 to the Secretary of State for each registration year. The Secretary shall designate this class of vehicle as a Special Hauling Vehicle.
    In preparing rate schedules on registration applications, the Secretary of State shall add to the above rates, the $10 registration fee. The Secretary may decline to accept any renewal filed after July 1st.
    The number of axles necessary to carry the maximum load provided shall be determined from Chapter 15 of this Code.
    Every owner of a second division motor vehicle for which he has elected to pay a mileage weight tax shall keep a daily record upon forms prescribed by the Secretary of State, showing the mileage covered by that vehicle in this State. Such record shall contain the license number of the vehicle and the miles traveled by the vehicle in this State for each day of the calendar month. Such owner shall also maintain records of fuel consumed by each such motor vehicle and fuel purchases therefor. On or before the 10th day of July the owner shall certify to the Secretary of State upon forms prescribed therefor, summaries of his daily records which shall show the miles traveled by the vehicle in this State during the preceding 12 months and such other information as the Secretary of State may require. The daily record and fuel records shall be filed, preserved and available for audit for a period of 3 years. Any owner filing a return hereunder shall certify that such return is a true, correct and complete return. Any person who willfully makes a false return hereunder is guilty of perjury and shall be punished in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided therefor.
    At the time of filing his return, each owner shall pay to the Secretary of State the proper amount of tax at the rate herein imposed.
    Every owner of a vehicle of the second division who elects to pay on a mileage weight tax basis and who operates the vehicle within this State, shall file with the Secretary of State a bond in the amount of $500. The bond shall be in a form approved by the Secretary of State and with a surety company approved by the Illinois Department of Insurance to transact business in this State as surety, and shall be conditioned upon such applicant's paying to the State of Illinois all money becoming due by reason of the operation of the second division vehicle in this State, together with all penalties and interest thereon.
    Upon notice from the Secretary that the registrant has failed to pay the excess mileage fees, the surety shall immediately pay the fees together with any penalties and interest thereon in an amount not to exceed the limits of the bond.
    (b) Beginning January 1, 2016, upon the request of the vehicle owner, a $10 surcharge shall be collected in addition to the above fees for vehicles in the 12,000 lbs. and less mileage weight plate category as described in subsection (a) to be deposited into the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. The $10 surcharge is to identify vehicles in the 12,000 lbs. and less mileage weight plate category as a covered farm vehicle. The $10 surcharge is an annual flat fee that shall be based on an applicant's new or existing registration year for each vehicle in the 12,000 lbs. and less mileage weight plate category. A designation as a covered farm vehicle under this subsection (b) shall not alter a vehicle's registration as a registration in the 12,000 lbs. or less mileage weight category. The Secretary shall adopt any rules necessary to implement this subsection (b).
(Source: P.A. 101-32, eff. 6-28-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-819

    (625 ILCS 5/3-819) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-819)
    Sec. 3-819. Trailer; tax.
    (a) Farm Trailer. Any farm trailer drawn by a motor vehicle of the second division registered under paragraph (a) or (c) of Section 3-815 and used exclusively by the owner for his own agricultural, horticultural or livestock raising operations and not used for hire, or any farm trailer utilized only in the transportation for-hire of seasonal, fresh, perishable fruit or vegetables from farm to the point of first processing, and any trailer used with a farm tractor that is not an implement of husbandry may be registered under this paragraph in lieu of registration under paragraph (b) of this Section upon the filing of a proper application and the payment of the $10 registration fee and the highway use tax herein for use of the public highways of this State, at the following rates which include the $10 registration fee:
Gross Weight in Lbs.ClassTotal Amount
Including Vehicleeach
and Maximum LoadFiscal Year
10,000 lbs. or lessVDD $160
10,001 to 14,000 lbs.VDE206
14,001 to 20,000 lbs.VDG266
20,001 to 28,000 lbs.VDJ478
28,001 to 36,000 lbs.VDL750
    An owner may only apply for and receive 2 farm trailer registrations.
    (b) All other owners of trailers, other than apportionable trailers registered under Section 3-402.1 of this Code, used with a motor vehicle on the public highways, shall pay to the Secretary of State for each registration year a flat weight tax, for the use of the public highways of this State, at the following rates (which includes the registration fee of $10 required by Section 3-813):
Gross Weight in Lbs.Total Fees
Including Vehicle andeach
Maximum LoadClassFiscal Year
2,000 lbs. and less UT $36
3,000 lbs. and lessTA$36
5,000 lbs. and more than 3,000TB154
8,000 lbs. and more than 5,000TC158
10,000 lbs. and more than 8,000TD206
14,000 lbs. and more than 10,000TE270
20,000 lbs. and more than 14,000TG358
32,000 lbs. and more than 20,000TK822
36,000 lbs. and more than 32,000TL1,182
40,000 lbs. and more than 36,000TN1,602
    Of the fees collected under this subsection, other than the fee collected for a Class UT or TA trailer, $1 of the fees shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special Services Fund and $99 of the fees shall be deposited into the Road Fund.
    (c) The number of axles necessary to carry the maximum load provided shall be determined from Chapter 15 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 101-32, eff. 6-28-19; 102-353, eff. 1-1-22.)

625 ILCS 5/3-820

    (625 ILCS 5/3-820) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-820)
    Sec. 3-820. Duplicate Number Plates. Upon filing in the Office of the Secretary of State an affidavit to the effect that an original number plate for a vehicle is lost, stolen or destroyed, a duplicate number plate shall be furnished upon payment of a fee of $6 for each duplicate plate and a fee of $9 for a pair of duplicate plates.
    Upon filing in the Office of the Secretary of State an affidavit to the effect that an original registration sticker or digital registration sticker for a vehicle is lost, stolen or destroyed, a new registration sticker or digital registration sticker shall be furnished upon payment of a fee of $5 for registration stickers or digital registration stickers issued on or before February 28, 2005 and $20 for registration stickers or digital registration stickers issued on or after March 1, 2005.
    The Secretary of State may, in his discretion, assign a new number plate or plates in lieu of a duplicate of the plate or plates so lost, stolen or destroyed, but such assignment of a new plate or plates shall not affect the right of the owner to secure a reassignment of his original registration number in the manner provided in this Act. The fee for one new number plate shall be $6, and for a pair of new number plates, $9.
    For the administration of this Section, the Secretary shall consider the loss of a registration plate or digital registration plate or plates with properly affixed registration stickers or digital registration stickers as requiring the payment of:
        (i) $11 for each duplicate issued on or before
February 28, 2005 and $26 for each duplicate issued on or after March 1, 2005; or
        (ii) $14 for a pair of duplicate plates issued on or
before February 28, 2005 and $29 for a pair of duplicate plates issued on or after March 1, 2005.
(Source: P.A. 101-395, eff. 8-16-19.)

625 ILCS 5/3-821

    (625 ILCS 5/3-821) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-821)
    Sec. 3-821. Miscellaneous registration and title fees.
    (a) Except as provided under subsection (h), the fee to be paid to the Secretary of State for the following certificates, registrations or evidences of proper registration, or for corrected or duplicate documents shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
    Certificate of Title, except for an all-terrain
vehicle, off-highway motorcycle, or motor home, mini
motor home or van camper $165
    Certificate of Title for a motor home, mini motor home, or van camper $250
    Certificate of Title for an all-terrain vehicle
or off-highway motorcycle$30
    Certificate of Title for an all-terrain vehicle
or off-highway motorcycle used for production
agriculture, or accepted by a dealer in trade$13
    Certificate of Title for a low-speed vehicle$30
    Transfer of Registration or any evidence of
proper registration $25
    Duplicate Registration Card for plates or other
evidence of proper registration$3
    Duplicate Registration Sticker or Stickers, each$20
    Duplicate Certificate of Title $50
    Corrected Registration Card or Card for other
evidence of proper registration$3
    Corrected Certificate of Title$50
    Salvage Certificate $20
    Fleet Reciprocity Permit$15
    Prorate Decal$1
    Prorate Backing Plate$3
    Special Corrected Certificate of Title$15
    Expedited Title Service (to be charged in addition to other applicable fees)$30
    Dealer Lien Release Certificate of Title$20
    A special corrected certificate of title shall be issued (i) to remove a co-owner's name due to the death of the co-owner, to transfer title to a spouse if the decedent-spouse was the sole owner on the title, or due to a divorce; (ii) to change a co-owner's name due to a marriage; or (iii) due to a name change under Article XXI of the Code of Civil Procedure.
    There shall be no fee paid for a Junking Certificate.
    There shall be no fee paid for a certificate of title issued to a county when the vehicle is forfeited to the county under Article 36 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
    For purposes of this Section, the fee for a corrected title application that also results in the issuance of a duplicate title shall be the same as the fee for a duplicate title.
    (a-5) The Secretary of State may revoke a certificate of title and registration card and issue a corrected certificate of title and registration card, at no fee to the vehicle owner or lienholder, if there is proof that the vehicle identification number is erroneously shown on the original certificate of title.
    (a-10) The Secretary of State may issue, in connection with the sale of a motor vehicle, a corrected title to a motor vehicle dealer upon application and submittal of a lien release letter from the lienholder listed in the files of the Secretary. In the case of a title issued by another state, the dealer must submit proof from the state that issued the last title. The corrected title, which shall be known as a dealer lien release certificate of title, shall be issued in the name of the vehicle owner without the named lienholder. If the motor vehicle is currently titled in a state other than Illinois, the applicant must submit either (i) a letter from the current lienholder releasing the lien and stating that the lienholder has possession of the title; or (ii) a letter from the current lienholder releasing the lien and a copy of the records of the department of motor vehicles for the state in which the vehicle is titled, showing that the vehicle is titled in the name of the applicant and that no liens are recorded other than the lien for which a release has been submitted. The fee for the dealer lien release certificate of title is $20.
    (b) The Secretary may prescribe the maximum service charge to be imposed upon an applicant for renewal of a registration by any person authorized by law to receive and remit or transmit to the Secretary such renewal application and fees therewith.
    (c) If payment is delivered to the Office of the Secretary of State as payment of any fee or tax under this Code, and such payment is not honored for any reason, the registrant or other person tendering the payment remains liable for the payment of such fee or tax. The Secretary of State may assess a service charge of $25 in addition to the fee or tax due and owing for all dishonored payments.
    If the total amount then due and owing exceeds the sum of $100 and has not been paid in full within 60 days from the date the dishonored payment was first delivered to the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State shall assess a penalty of 25% of such amount remaining unpaid.
    All amounts payable under this Section shall be computed to the nearest dollar. Out of each fee collected for dishonored payments, $5 shall be deposited in the Secretary of State Special Services Fund.
    (d) The minimum fee and tax to be paid by any applicant for apportionment of a fleet of vehicles under this Code shall be $15 if the application was filed on or before the date specified by the Secretary together with fees and taxes due. If an application and the fees or taxes due are filed after the date specified by the Secretary, the Secretary may prescribe the payment of interest at the rate of 1/2 of 1% per month or fraction thereof after such due date and a minimum of $8.
    (e) Trucks, truck tractors, truck tractors with loads, and motor buses, any one of which having a combined total weight in excess of 12,000 lbs. shall file an application for a Fleet Reciprocity Permit issued by the Secretary of State. This permit shall be in the possession of any driver operating a vehicle on Illinois highways. Any foreign licensed vehicle of the second division operating at any time in Illinois without a Fleet Reciprocity Permit or other proper Illinois registration, shall subject the operator to the penalties provided in Section 3-834 of this Code. For the purposes of this Code, "Fleet Reciprocity Permit" means any second division motor vehicle with a foreign license and used only in interstate transportation of goods. The fee for such permit shall be $15 per fleet which shall include all vehicles of the fleet being registered.
    (f) For purposes of this Section, "all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle used for production agriculture" means any all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle used in the raising of or the propagation of livestock, crops for sale for human consumption, crops for livestock consumption, and production seed stock grown for the propagation of feed grains and the husbandry of animals or for the purpose of providing a food product, including the husbandry of blood stock as a main source of providing a food product. "All-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle used in production agriculture" also means any all-terrain vehicle or off-highway motorcycle used in animal husbandry, floriculture, aquaculture, horticulture, and viticulture.
    (g) All of the proceeds of the additional fees imposed by Public Act 96-34 shall be deposited into the Capital Projects Fund.
    (h) The fee for a duplicate registration sticker or stickers shall be the amount required under subsection (a) or the vehicle's annual registration fee amount, whichever is less.
    (i) All of the proceeds of (1) the additional fees imposed by Public Act 101-32, and (2) the $5 additional fee imposed by this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly for a certificate of title for a motor vehicle other than an all-terrain vehicle, off-highway motorcycle, or motor home, mini motor home, or van camper shall be deposited into the Road Fund.
    (j) Beginning July 1, 2023, the $10 additional fee imposed by this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly for a Certificate of Title shall be deposited into the Secretary of State Special Services Fund.
(Source: P.A. 102-353, eff. 1-1-22; 103-8, eff. 7-1-23.)

625 ILCS 5/3-821.1

    (625 ILCS 5/3-821.1)
    Sec. 3-821.1. Fees for record searches. The fee to be paid to the Secretary of State by any towing service requesting a record search shall be in the amount the Secretary of State prescribes by rule.
(Source: P.A. 89-433, eff. 12-15-95.)

625 ILCS 5/3-821.2

    (625 ILCS 5/3-821.2)
    Sec. 3-821.2. Delinquent registration renewal fee.
    (a) For registration renewal periods beginning on or after January 1, 2005, the Secretary of State may impose a delinquent registration renewal fee of $20 for the registration renewal of all passenger vehicles of the first division and motor vehicles of the second division weighing not more than 8,000 pounds if the application for registration renewal is received by the Secretary more than one month after the expiration of the most recent period during which the vehicle was registered. If a delinquent registration renewal fee is imposed, the Secretary shall not renew the registration of such a vehicle until the delinquent registration renewal fee has been paid, in addition to any other registration fees owed for the vehicle. Active duty military personnel stationed outside of Illinois shall not be required to pay the delinquent registration renewal fee. If a delinquent registration renewal fee is imposed, the Secretary shall adopt rules for the implementation of this Section. All fees collected under this Section shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
    (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), the Secretary of State shall not impose a delinquent registration renewal fee for the registration renewal of passenger vehicles of the first division and motor vehicles of the second division weighing not more than 8,000 pounds if a vehicle's registration expires during a period of time in which the Secretary is not sending registration renewal notices to owners of all of those vehicles with registration expiring at the same time as the applicable vehicle. It shall be an affirmative defense to a citation for an expired registration issued by any local, county, municipal, or State law enforcement agency within one month after the expiration of vehicle registration, that the expiration occurred during a period of time in which the Secretary was not sending registration renewal notices to owners of all passenger vehicles of the first division and motor vehicles of the second division weighing not more than 8,000 pounds with registration expiring at the same time as the applicable vehicle. A computer print-out of a page from the Secretary of State's official website setting forth the calendar months in which registration renewal notices were not sent to all owners of passenger vehicles of the first division and motor vehicles of the second division weighing not more than 8,000 pounds shall be admissible as evidence to establish the affirmative defense. The computer print-out shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness of the information contained in it. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly apply only to vehicle registrations that expire on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly.
    The provisions of this subsection (b), other than this sentence, are inoperative on and after June 30, 2017.
(Source: P.A. 99-127, eff. 1-1-16; 99-887, eff. 8-25-16.)

625 ILCS 5/3-822

    (625 ILCS 5/3-822)
    Sec. 3-822. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 76-1586. Repealed by P.A. 94-239, eff. 1-1-06.)