Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.


70 ILCS 1205/Art. 1

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 1 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/1-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/1-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 1-1)
    Sec. 1-1. This Act may be cited as the Park District Code.
(Source: P.A. 86-1475.)

70 ILCS 1205/1-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/1-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 1-2)
    Sec. 1-2. (a) It is the intent of this codification that from and after its effective date, all existing park districts heretofore organized, together with all districts hereafter organized under this code, shall have identical powers, duties and purposes except for those instances where specific powers, duties or forms of organization are expressly conferred upon or prescribed for Submerged Land Park Districts, Pleasure Driveway and Park Districts or Township Park Districts, as in this code provided by specific designation.
    (b) Construction. The provisions of this code, so far as they are the same or substantially the same as those of any prior statute, shall be construed as a continuation of such prior provisions and not as a new enactment.
    (c) If in any other statute reference is made to an act of the General Assembly or a section of such an act which is continued in this code, such reference shall be held to refer to the act or section thereof so continued in this code.
    (d) Nothing set forth herein shall be construed to disturb, alter, amend, limit, or broaden the powers of the Chicago Park District or any other park district heretofore formed under special charter.
    (e) Where reference in this code is made to a specific article or section but no act is specified, the reference is to an article or section of this code and to all amendments thereto which may be hereafter enacted.
    (f) Where reference in this code is made for any purpose to another act, either specifically or generally, the reference shall be to that act and all amendments thereto now in force or which may be hereafter enacted.
    (g) The provisions of this code shall be cumulative in effect and if any provision is inconsistent with another provision of this code or with any other act not expressly repealed by Section One of Article Twelve hereof, it shall be considered as an alternative or additional power and not as a limitation upon any other power granted to or possessed by any park district.
    (h) If any provision of this code is held invalid, the invalidity of that provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this code.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/1-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/1-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 1-3)
    Sec. 1-3. (a) The term "park district" or "district" where used herein shall refer to any district having a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants organized under the provisions of this code, or any district organized under "An Act to provide for the creation of pleasure driveway and park districts" approved June 19, 1893, as amended, or "An Act to provide for the organization of park districts and the transfer of submerged lands to those bordering on navigable bodies of water", approved June 24, 1895, as amended, or "An Act to establish and maintain parks and parkways in towns and townships", approved May 29, 1911, as amended, or any one of them as indicated by the context of the section wherein said phrase appears.
    (b) The term "Pleasure Driveway and Park District" means any park district organized under "An Act to provide for the creation of pleasure driveway and park districts", approved June 19, 1893, as amended, or any park district heretofore organized under the provisions of this code as a Pleasure Driveway and Park District.
    (c) The term "Submerged Land Park District" means any park district organized under "An Act to provide for the organization of park districts and the transfer of submerged lands to those bordering on navigable bodies of water", approved June 24, 1895, as amended, or any park district heretofore organized under the provisions of this code as a Submerged Land Park District.
    (d) The term "Township Park District" means any park district organized under "An Act to establish and maintain parks and parkways in towns and townships", approved May 29, 1911, as amended, or any park district heretofore organized under the provisions of this code as a Township Park District.
    (e) The term "General Park District" means any park district hereafter formed under this code or any Submerged Land Park District as that term is defined in Section 1-3 (c) hereof.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/1-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/1-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 1-5)
    Sec. 1-5. Referenda. Whenever a proposition or public question is required to be submitted, pursuant to this Act, for approval or rejection by the electorate at an election, the time and manner of conducting such referendum shall be in accordance with the general election law of the State.
(Source: P.A. 81-1489.)

70 ILCS 1205/1-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/1-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 1-6)
    Sec. 1-6. Election Definitions. As used in this Act in connection with elections of park district officials and referenda:
    (a) "Voter" or "legal voter" or "elector" means a person qualified to vote under the general election law.
    (b) "Certify" and "certification", when used in connection with elections of officers or referenda, refers to the certification, in accordance with the general election law, of offices, candidates or propositions to county clerks and boards of election commissioners for inclusion on the ballot at an election.
    (c) "Submit" and "submission", when used in connection with a referendum on a proposition or question, refers to the submission to the voters, in accordance with the general election law, of the proposition or question by county clerks and boards of election commissioners.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 2

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 2 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/2-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-1)
    Sec. 2-1. Any territory having less than 500,000 population and so lying as to form one connected area (no portion of which shall be already included in an incorporated park district except in the cases provided for in Section 2-2.1) may be incorporated as a park district, hereinafter referred to as a "General Park District".
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 915.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-2)
    Sec. 2-2. In organizing any park district under this Code not less than 100 legal voters resident within the limits of such proposed park district may petition the circuit judge of the county in which such territory, or the greater or greatest portion thereof, in area, lies, to cause the question to be submitted to the legal voters of such proposed park district whether they will organize as a park district. Such petition shall clearly define the territory intended to be embraced in such district and the name of such proposed district. The petition must include an affidavit attesting that notice of intent to petition for formation of a park district has been published as required by the general election law. In cases coming within the terms of Section 2-2.1 the petition shall also set forth facts showing that the proposed park district meets the requirements of that Section and shall be signed by the number of legal voters required by that Section.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-2.1

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-2.1) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-2.1)
    Sec. 2-2.1. (a) When 2 or more park districts are situated entirely within the corporate limits of the same municipality, a park district coterminous with such municipality may be organized in the manner hereinafter provided, and, when so organized, shall supersede the park districts previously existing within the limits of the municipality. The petition to organize such a park district shall comply with the requirements of Section 2-2, but must be signed by not less than 100 legal voters residing in each of the existing park districts and, if the municipality includes territory not included within any existing park district, by at least 100 legal voters residing in such territory or by at least 10% of the legal voters residing in such territory, whichever is less. The petition shall also state whether the proposed district shall have 5 elected commissioners or 7 appointed commissioners. If the proposed district shall have 7 appointed commissioners, the chief executive officer of the municipality, with the advice and consent of the corporate authorities, shall appoint the commissioners. The initial appointed commissioners shall serve terms determined by lot as follows: 2 for terms of 2 years, 2 for terms of 4 years, and 3 for terms of 6 years. Thereafter, appointed commissioners shall serve for terms of 6 years. A vacancy in the office of appointed commissioner shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment. "Municipality" as used in this Section means a city, village or incorporated town.
    (b) (Blank).
    (c) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 99-16, eff. 1-1-16.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-2.2

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-2.2) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-2.2)
    Sec. 2-2.2. Organization; municipal territory. Where territory to be organized includes any part of a municipality not currently a part of any park district, then the territory to be organized must include all of the municipality.
(Source: P.A. 87-847.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-3)
    Sec. 2-3. An organization or reorganization petition under Section 2-2 or 2-2.1 shall be filed in the offices of the clerk of the circuit court in which such proposed district or district to be reorganized, or the greater or greatest portion in area thereof, is situated together with a request that the circuit judge set a date and time for a public hearing thereon. The organization petition shall contain a plat survey of the legal boundaries of the proposed district. The circuit judge shall fix a date and time, not less than 30 days nor more than 180 days after the date of filing of such petition and hearing request, for a public hearing on the subject of the petition. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be given by the clerk of the circuit court at least 20 days prior to the date fixed for such hearing by at least one publication thereof in one or more daily or weekly newspapers having a general circulation within the proposed park district.
    If no request for a hearing accompanied the petition or if a hearing on the petition has not been held within the time required by this Section, such petition shall be void and shall be dismissed by the circuit judge.
(Source: P.A. 84-633.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-4)
    Sec. 2-4. If the circuit judge finds, upon such hearing, that the petition meets the requirements of this Act and the general election law, and that the boundaries as defined are reasonable boundaries for the formation of a park district or districts, he shall order the question submitted to referendum and, if applicable, the election of 5 commissioners in such proposed district or districts at the next regular election at which the question may be submitted in accordance with the general election law. Thereupon the clerk of the circuit court shall certify said proposition and, if applicable, offices to the proper election authority which shall conduct such election at the time and in the manner provided by the general election law. Nomination petitions for this initial election, if applicable, shall be filed within the time provided by the general election law. In the case of a proposition to reorganize a district into 2 new districts under subsection (b) of Section 2-2.1, nomination petitions shall be filed separately for each of the proposed districts.
(Source: P.A. 86-307.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-5)
    Sec. 2-5. The ballots to be used at such election shall be substantially the following form:
    ( )For Park District
    ( )Against Park District
For Park Commissioners (Vote for five)
(Here insert names of nominees, if any, with square at left opposite each, and five additional blank lines for voters to write in names if desired.)
    ( ).......................................................
    ( ).......................................................
    ( ).......................................................
    ( ).......................................................
    ( ).......................................................
and shall include the names of all nominees for commissioners together with five blank lines for voters to write in names if desired; provided however in election jurisdictions where voting devices are utilized, voters may write in names in the manner provided in the general election law governing such voting systems. If the proposed district shall have appointed commissioners, the provisions for voting for commissioners shall be omitted from the ballot.
(Source: P.A. 86-307.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-6)
    Sec. 2-6. The circuit court shall canvass such returns and shall enter a judgment of record determining and declaring the results of the election, which judgment shall be filed in the court and if such district shall lie in more than one county, a certified copy thereof shall be delivered to the clerk of the circuit court of each such other county who shall file the certified copy of record in the circuit court of such county.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-7

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-7) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-7)
    Sec. 2-7. Except as otherwise provided in Section 2-7.1, in case a majority of the votes cast upon the question so submitted shall be in favor of the establishment of such district, said district shall then be deemed organized subject to the election of the initial commissioners: Provided, that where a referendum has been held to organize any territory as a park district under this Act at which a majority of the votes cast in the territory proposed to be organized was against the organization of such park district, then in any subsequent referendum to organize a park district, held within 2 years of the date of the previous referendum, which includes any of the territory included in such previous referendum, if a city, village or incorporated town is included in the territory proposed as a district, no such district shall be deemed to be organized unless a majority of the votes cast within the limits of each such city, village or incorporated town and also a majority of the votes cast outside the limits of each such city, village or incorporated town, shall be in favor of the establishment of such district. The clerk shall certify the proposition to the proper election officials who shall submit the proposition at an election in accordance with the general election law.
(Source: P.A. 81-1489.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-7.1

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-7.1) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-7.1)
    Sec. 2-7.1. (a) In case of a proposal to organize a park district as provided in subsection (a) of Section 2-2.1, the district shall be deemed organized if the proposal to organize the district receives the favorable vote of a majority of all votes cast on the question, and also receives the favorable vote of a majority of the votes cast within each of the existing park districts and in the territory, if any, not included in any existing park district. Thereupon the old park districts shall cease to exist, and the newly organized district shall succeed to all of their property and all their rights and obligations, including any bonded indebtedness.
    (b) In case of a proposal to reorganize a park district into 2 new park districts as provided in subsection (b) of Section 2-2.1, the district shall be deemed reorganized if the proposal to reorganize the park district receives the favorable vote of a majority of all votes cast within the park district to be so reorganized. Thereupon the old park district shall cease to exist, and the newly organized park districts shall succeed to all of its property and all of its rights and obligations, including any bonded indebtedness, as provided in Section 2-2.1.
(Source: P.A. 83-1346.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-8

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-8) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-8)
    Sec. 2-8. All courts in this State shall take judicial notice of all park districts.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-9

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-9) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-9)
    Sec. 2-9. Candidates for park commissioner elected at the election to determine whether or not a General Park District shall be formed shall be nominated in the same manner and form as prescribed in the general election law, except that the petition for nomination shall be filed with the clerk of the circuit court and shall have the signatures of no less than 25 qualified voters. Candidates for the initial board of commissioners shall file nomination petitions within the time prescribed by the general election law.
    In the event that such park district is organized, then the five persons who shall have received the highest number of votes for commissioners each at such election shall be declared the commissioners of said district.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-10

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-10) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-10)
    Sec. 2-10. Except as otherwise provided herein, within 30 days after declaration of the result of the election to organize a district, the five persons elected as commissioners shall meet and decide by lot, the term for which each shall hold office. Two shall serve for six years; two shall serve for four years; and one shall serve for two years, respectively and until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-10a

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-10a) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-10a)
    Sec. 2-10a. Any district may provide by referendum, or by resolution of the board, that the board shall be comprised of 7 commissioners. Any such referendum shall be initiated and held in the same manner as is provided by the general election law.
    If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of the 7-member board, or if the board adopts a resolution stating that it is acting pursuant to this Section in order to create a 7-member board, then whichever of the following transition schedules are appropriate shall be applied: At the election of commissioners next following by at least 197 days after the date on which the proposition to create a 7-member board was approved at referendum or by resolution, the number of commissioners to be elected shall be 2 more than the number that would otherwise have been elected. If this results in the election, pursuant to Section 2-12 of this Act, of 4 commissioners at that election, one of the 4, to be determined by lot within 30 days after the election, shall serve for a term of 4 years or 2 years as the case may be, instead of 6 years, so that his term will expire in the same year in which the term of only one of the incumbent commissioners expires. Thereafter, all commissioners shall be elected for 6-year terms as provided in Section 2-12. If the creation of a 7-member board results in the election of either 3 or 4 commissioners, pursuant to Section 2-12a of this Act, at that election, 2 of them, to be determined by lot within 30 days after the election, shall serve for terms of 2 years instead of 4 years. Thereafter, all commissioners shall be elected for 4-year terms as provided in Section 2-12a of this Act.
    In any district where a 7-member board has been created pursuant to this Section whether by referendum or by resolution, the number of commissioners may later be reduced to 5, but only by a referendum initiated and held in the same manner as prescribed in this Section for creating a 7-member board. No proposition to reduce the number of commissioners shall affect the terms of any commissioners holding office at the time of the referendum or to be elected within 197 days after the referendum. If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of reducing a 7-member board to a 5-member board, then, at the election of commissioners next following by at least 197 days after the date on which the proposition was approved at referendum, the number of commissioners to be elected shall be 2 less than the number that would otherwise have been elected and whichever of the following transition schedules are appropriate shall be applied: (i) if this results in the election of no commissioners for a 6-year term pursuant to Section 2-12 of this Act, then at the next election in which 3 commissioners are scheduled to be elected to 6-year terms as provided in Section 2-12, one of the 3, to be determined by lot within 30 days after the election, shall serve for a term of 4 years or 2 years, as the case may be, instead of 6 years, so that his or her term will expire in the same year in which the term of no incumbent commissioner is scheduled to expire; thereafter, all commissioners shall be elected for 6-year terms as provided in Section 2-12; or (ii) if the reduction to a 5-member board results in the election of one commissioner to a 4-year term, pursuant to Section 2-12a of this Act, then at the next election in which 4 commissioners are scheduled to be elected to 4-year terms as provided in Section 2-12a, one of the 4, to be determined by lot within 30 days after the election, shall serve for a term of 2 years, instead of 4 years, so that his or her term will expire in the same year in which the term of only one incumbent commissioner is scheduled to expire; thereafter, all commissioners shall be elected for 4-year terms as provided in Section 2-12a.
(Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 8-4-23.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-11

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-11) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-11)
    Sec. 2-11. No person shall be eligible to serve as park commissioner unless that person is a qualified elector of the park district and has resided therein at least one year prior to election or appointment.
    A person is not eligible to serve as park commissioner if that person is in arrears in the payment of a tax or other indebtedness due to the park district or has been convicted in any court located in the United States of any infamous crime, bribery, perjury, or other felony.
    Nominations of candidates for the office of park commissioners in any General Park District at all succeeding elections shall be made by petition signed in the aggregate for each candidate by qualified voters of such district, equal in number to not less than 2% of the number who voted at the last preceding election for commissioners in such district, but in no case by less than 25 of such voters. The petition shall be filed with the secretary of the district.
    In all General Park Districts the secretary of the district shall, in the manner and at the time prescribed by the general election law certify to the proper election authorities the name or names of the candidate or candidates so nominated. The ballot shall have no political party name, platform or principle thereon designated, nor shall any party circle be printed upon the ballot. Where voting machines or electronic voting systems are used, the provisions of this Section may be modified as required or authorized by the general election law.
(Source: P.A. 96-458, eff. 8-14-09.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-12

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-12) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-12)
    Sec. 2-12. Except as may be otherwise determined pursuant to Section 2-12a the commissioners shall be elected for 6 year terms in all districts now or hereafter organized with the exceptions provided in Sections 2-10 and 2-10a as to those first elected.
    In all General Park Districts commissioners shall be elected biennially to take the place of those whose terms expire. Such elections shall take place at the election provided by the general election law.
    Commissioners shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-12a

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-12a) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-12a)
    Sec. 2-12a. Any district may provide, either by resolution of the board or by referendum, that the term of commissioners shall be 4 years rather than 6 years. Any such referendum shall be initiated and held in the same manner as is provided by the general election law for public questions authorized by Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
    If a majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of a 4-year term for commissioners, or if the Board adopts a resolution stating that it is acting pursuant to this Section to change the term of office from 6 years to 4 years, commissioners thereafter elected, commencing with the first regular park district election at least 197 days after the date on which the proposition for 4-year terms was approved at referendum or by resolution, shall be elected for a term of 4 years. In order to provide for the transition from 6-year terms to 4-year terms:
        (1) If 2 commissioners on a 5-member board are to be
elected at the first such election and if the term of only one commissioner is scheduled to expire in the year of the next election at which commissioners are elected, of the 2 commissioners elected, one shall serve a 2-year term and one a 4-year term, to be determined by lot between the 2 persons elected within 30 days after the election.
        (2) On a 7-member board under Section 2-10a, if the
terms of only 2 commissioners are scheduled to expire in the year of the second election at which commissioners are elected after the first regular park district election at least 197 days after the date on which the proposition for 4-year terms was approved at referendum or by resolution, then:
            (A) if 3 commissioners are elected at the first
regular election, 2 of the commissioners elected shall serve a 2-year term and one shall serve a 4-year term to be determined by lot between persons elected within 30 days after the first election; or
            (B) if 2 commissioners are elected at the first
regular election, those 2 commissioners elected shall serve a 2-year term.
    In any district where the board has created 4-year terms pursuant to this Section, whether by referendum or by resolution, the length of terms may later be increased to 6 years, but only by a referendum initiated and held in the same manner as prescribed in this Section for creating 4-year terms. No proposition to increase the terms of commissioners shall affect any commissioner holding office at the time of the referendum or to be elected within 197 days after the referendum.
(Source: P.A. 103-467, eff. 8-4-23.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-14

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-14) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-14)
    Sec. 2-14. When the boundaries of any General Park District are coterminous with the boundaries of a village having 50,000 or more inhabitants, and the commissioners are being elected for the same term of office as village trustees, within 30 days after the declaration of the result of the first election held to elect commissioners, the five persons elected as commissioners shall meet and decide by lot the term for which each shall hold office. Two shall serve for six years, two shall serve for four years, and one shall serve for two years, respectively, from the date of their election as commissioners, or until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified.
    When the boundaries of any General Park District are coterminous with the boundaries of a village having 50,000 or more inhabitants, and the commissioners are being elected for the same term of office as village trustees, the provisions of Section 2-12 concerning the term of office of commissioners in General Park Districts shall apply to elections subsequent to the first election held to elect commissioners.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-15

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-15) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-15)
    Sec. 2-15. In each Pleasure Driveway and Park District there shall be elected a president and six trustees who shall be legal voters of and reside within said district, who shall hold their respective offices for a term of four years, from the date of said election and until their successors are elected and qualified.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-17

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-17) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-17)
    Sec. 2-17. In existing Pleasure Driveway and Park Districts nominations of candidates for the office of president and trustee shall be made only by petition in the manner as provided for independent candidates in the general election law. The petition shall be signed by qualified voters in the district equal in number to not less than 2% of the number who voted at the last preceding election for trustees in the district, but in no case by fewer than 25 voters. The secretary of such board shall certify the names of the candidates to the appropriate election authorities, who shall conduct such election at the time and in the manner provided by the general election law.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-17.5

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-17.5)
    Sec. 2-17.5. Fox Valley Park District.
    (a) The Fox Valley Pleasure Driveway and Park District is reorganized by operation of law as the Fox Valley Park District under this Code on July 16, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-772).
    (b) Each Fox Valley Park District commissioner shall be a legal voter and reside within the park district and, as to the subdistrict commissioners, each shall reside within the subdistrict from which he or she is elected. The proper election authority shall conduct the elections for commissioners at the time and in the manner provided by the general election law.
    (c) Beginning with the consolidated election in 2017, 7 commissioners shall be elected for 4-year terms, consisting of 6 commissioners from 3 2-member subdistricts and 1 commissioner elected at large. The terms of office of the initial commissioners elected under Public Act 98-772 will run as follows, to be determined by lot: 4 members shall serve a 4-year term and may be re-elected for subsequent 4-year terms, and 3 members shall serve a 2-year term and may be re-elected for subsequent 4-year terms thereafter.
    The initial three subdistricts of the Fox Valley Park District shall be as follows:
        (1) Those portions of Kane County and Kendall County
west of the Fox River.
        (2) Those portions of Kane County and Kendall County
east of the Fox River and south and west of a line following Indian Trail Road from the center line of the Fox River easterly to the intersection with Farnsworth Avenue, then southerly along Farnsworth Avenue to the intersection with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, then easterly to the county line.
        (3) Those portions of the district in DuPage County
and Will County and that portion of Kane County generally north and east of a line following Indian Trail Road from the center line of the Fox River easterly to the intersection with Farnsworth Avenue, then southerly along Farnsworth Avenue to the intersection with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, then easterly to the county line.
    In the year following the next decennial census and each decennial census thereafter, the board of commissioners shall reapportion the subdistricts to reflect the results of the census. A nominating petition for a candidate for commissioner of a subdistrict or for a candidate for the at-large commissioner shall contain signatures of registered voters residing anywhere within the Fox Valley Park District, but at least 50 such registered voters or 2% of the total number of ballots cast Park District-wide in the last preceding election for commissioners in the Fox Valley Park District, whichever is less.
    The term of office for the commissioners elected under this Section shall commence on the first Monday of the month following the month of election. The terms of all appointed trustees serving on July 16, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-772) shall end when their successors have been elected and qualified.
    (d) The Fox Valley Park District board of commissioners shall elect officers of the board at the first meeting of the board following the next consolidated election for park district commissioners.
    (e) As of July 16, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-772), each Fox Valley Pleasure Driveway and Park District trustee in office shall, as a member of the board of the Fox Valley Park District, perform the duties and exercise the powers conferred upon park board commissioners under this Code, until his or her successor is elected and has qualified.
    (f) Any tax authorized by referendum or other means under this Code and levied by the Fox Valley Pleasure Driveway and Park District before July 16, 2014 (the effective date of Public Act 98-772) shall not be affected or abrogated because of the name change, and the Fox Valley Park District may continue to levy and collect that tax.
(Source: P.A. 101-672, eff. 1-1-22.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-18

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-18) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-18)
    Sec. 2-18. (a) Except for the Fox Valley Park District on and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, in any Pleasure Driveway and Park District in which the legal voters have heretofore determined that the governing board shall be appointed, such method shall continue in effect and the board shall consist of 7 trustees. In such case and if the district is wholly contained within a single county the trustees shall be appointed by the presiding officer of the county board with the advice and consent of the county board. If the district is located in more than one county, the number of trustees who are residents of a county shall be in proportion, as nearly as practicable, to the number of residents of the district who reside in that county in relation to the total population of the district, except that the board of trustees may determine that one trustee is to be appointed from each county within the district, such appointment to be made by the appropriate appointing authority as hereinafter provided. Each trustee shall be appointed by the county board of his or her county of residence, or in the case of a home rule county, by the chief executive officer of the county with the advice and consent of the county board.
    (b) Upon the expiration of the term of a trustee who is in office at the time of the publication of each decennial Federal census of population, the successor shall be a resident of whichever county is entitled to such representation as determined under subsection (a), and he shall be appointed by the county board of that county, or in the case of a home rule county as defined by Article VII, Section 6 of the Illinois Constitution, the chief executive officer of that county, with the advice and consent of the county board. Thereafter, each trustee shall be succeeded by a resident of the same county who shall be appointed by the same appointing authority. The appropriate appointing authority shall appoint trustees biennially for such district on the first Monday in July, to fill the vacancies on the board of trustees caused by the expiration of the term of office of trustees and the trustees shall be legal voters and reside within the park district; provided, that no more than 4 trustees at any one time shall belong to the same political party. Each of the trustees shall receive a certificate of appointment and qualify within 10 days from the receipt of notice of appointment.
    Trustees shall be appointed for a period of 4 years and shall hold their office until their successors are appointed and qualified.
    Whenever a vacancy is created other than by the expiration of a trustee's term of office, it shall be filled by the appropriate appointing authority as provided in subsection (a).
    All trustees appointed for any park district, as herein provided, shall have and exercise all the powers conferred upon trustees elected under the provisions of this Code.
    In a Pleasure Driveway and Park District the trustees of which are appointed as herein provided, whenever a provision in this Code or any other applicable law authorizes a public question of any kind to be submitted to the electors of the district at an election, a petition by electors of the district asking that such question be submitted shall be signed by a number of registered voters of such district equal to not less than 10% of the number of registered voters in the district as of the last preceding regular election.
(Source: P.A. 98-772, eff. 7-16-14.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-19

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-19) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-19)
    Sec. 2-19. The board of Township Park Districts shall consist of three commissioners, each of whom must be a legal voter of and reside within the district. Each shall hold office for a term of six years from the date of his election and until his successor is elected and qualified.
    An election shall be held at the time provided by the general election law, to elect the commissioner whose term then expires. Nominations shall be made in the manner as provided for General Park Districts under Sections 2-11, 2-12 and 2-13 of this Code. The election shall be conducted as provided by the general election law.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-20

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-20) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-20)
    Sec. 2-20. Whenever the legal voters of any Township Park District or Pleasure Driveway and Park District, equal in number to ten per cent of the number of electors voting at the last preceding election held in the district, petition the board thereof to submit the question whether the park district shall reorganize as a General Park District under this Code, the secretary of the board shall certify this question to the appropriate election authorities who shall conduct a referendum on said question in accordance with the general election law. Such petition shall be filed with the secretary of said board in accordance with provisions of general election law.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-21

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-21) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-21)
    Sec. 2-21. The proposition to be submitted at such election shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall the.... Park District            YES
reorganize as a General Park District ------------------------
under the Park District Code?              NO
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-22

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-22) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-22)
    Sec. 2-22. If a majority of the legal voters of such district voting on such proposition vote in favor thereof, the park district shall become a General Park District under this Code. Thereupon, the Park District officers then in office or elected at such election shall exercise the powers conferred upon like officers under this Code until their successors are elected and have qualified.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-23

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-23) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-23)
    Sec. 2-23. The first election for commissioners where a Pleasure Driveway and Park District has become a General Park District shall be held at the next regular election for park district commissioners at which time two commissioners shall be elected for a term of six years to succeed the former president and two trustees whose terms have expired. In the succeeding biennial election three commissioners shall be elected to succeed the remaining former trustees, whose terms shall have then expired. These three newly elected commissioners shall decide by lot the term for which each shall hold office. The two drawing the longest term shall serve for six years; and the other shall serve for two years, and until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. Thereafter commissioners shall be elected biennially for a term of six years to succeed the commissioners whose terms expire. Provided, in former Pleasure Driveway and Park Districts, where the trustees are appointed in the manner provided in Section 2-18 hereof, the first election for commissioners shall be held at the next regular election for park district commissioners after the expiration of the terms of the three or four former trustees (as the case may be) whose terms first expire. Said election shall be held at the time provided by the general election law at which two commissioners shall be elected for a term of six years to succeed said former trustees whose terms have expired. Two years thereafter an election shall be held at the time provided by the general election law, at which three commissioners shall be elected to succeed the remaining former trustees whose terms shall have expired. These three newly elected commissioners shall decide by lot the term for which each shall hold office, in the same manner as above provided for Pleasure Driveway and Park Districts in which the former trustees were elected by the voters.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-24

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-24) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-24)
    Sec. 2-24. The first election for commissioners where a Township Park District has been incorporated as a General Park District shall be held at the next regular election of such commissioners as provided in the general election law at which time three commissioners shall be elected to succeed the commissioner whose term has expired.
    These newly elected three commissioners shall decide by lot the term for which each shall hold office; the two drawing the longest term shall serve for six years, and the other shall serve for four years, and until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. In the succeeding biennial election one commissioner shall be elected for a term of six years to succeed the commissioner whose term has expired. Thereafter commissioners shall be elected biennially for a term of six years to succeed the commissioners whose terms expire.
(Source: P.A. 81-1490.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-25

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-25) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-25)
    Sec. 2-25. Vacancies. Whenever any member of the governing board of any park district (i) dies, (ii) resigns, (iii) becomes under legal disability, (iv) ceases to be a legal voter in the district, (v) is convicted in any court located in the United States of any infamous crime, bribery, perjury, or other felony, (vi) refuses or neglects to take his or her oath of office, (vii) neglects to perform the duties of his or her office or attend meetings of the board for the length of time as the board fixes by ordinance, or (viii) for any other reason specified by law, that office may be declared vacant. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by a majority of the remaining members of the board. Any person so appointed shall hold his or her office until the next regular election for this office, at which a member shall be elected to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term, subject to the following conditions:
        (1) If the vacancy occurs with less than 28 months
remaining in the term, the person appointed to fill the vacancy shall hold his or her office until the expiration of the term for which he or she has been appointed, and no election to fill the vacancy shall be held.
        (2) If the vacancy occurs with more than 28 months
left in the term, but less than 123 days before the next regularly scheduled election for this office, the person appointed to fill the vacancy shall hold his or her office until the second regularly scheduled election for the office following the appointment, at which a member shall be elected to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
(Source: P.A. 101-257, eff. 8-9-19; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-26

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-26) (from Ch. 105, par. 2-26)
    Sec. 2-26. The election of a park commissioner may be contested in the Circuit Court. Such contests shall be initiated and conducted pursuant to the provisions of Article 23 of The Election Code, as amended, applicable to contests of election of officers elected from districts.
(Source: P.A. 80-638.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-27

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-27)
    Sec. 2-27. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 98-928, eff. 8-15-14. Repealed internally, eff. 6-1-17.)

70 ILCS 1205/2-28

    (70 ILCS 1205/2-28)
    Sec. 2-28. Plainfield Park District board. On and after April 4, 2017, the Plainfield Park District shall have a board of 7 commissioners to be elected as provided under Section 2-10a of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 98-928, eff. 8-15-14.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 3

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 3 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/3-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-1)
    Sec. 3-1. Annexation by petition. Any territory adjoining a park district, or separated therefrom only by a river, stream or other body of water, street, alley, roadway, highway, toll road, or railroad, may become a part of the district if a majority of the legal voters residing in and a majority of the property owners of record within the territory proposed to be annexed to the district petition the board of the district to be annexed. The board may, in its discretion, by ordinance, annex the territory to the district, and the territory shall then become and be a part of the district the same as though originally included in the district. No tract of land, however, exceeding 20 acres in area shall be included in an annexation petition without the written consent of the owner of record unless the tract is (1) subdivided into lots or blocks or (2) bounded on at least 3 sides by lands subdivided into lots or blocks. A certified copy of the annexing ordinance shall be filed in the offices of the county clerk and Recorder of each county in which the annexation takes place. The new boundary shall extend to the far side of any adjacent highway and shall include all of every highway within the area annexed. These highways shall be considered to be annexed even though not included in the legal description set forth in the annexation ordinance.
(Source: P.A. 89-458, eff. 5-24-96; 89-536, eff. 7-19-96.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-2)
    Sec. 3-2. Territory adjoining any Park District, or separated therefrom only by a river, stream, drainage canal or ditch or other body of water, street, alley, roadway, highway, toll road, or railroad, may be annexed to and become a part of such district in the manner following: The board of any park district may initiate the proceedings by enacting an ordinance expressing its desire to annex such territory or any 100 or more legal voters residing within the territory proposed to be annexed, may petition to initiate such annexation proceedings. Such ordinance or petition shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County wherein such Park District or greater or greatest portion thereof lies, which ordinance or petition shall set forth the name of the Park District to which annexation is proposed, define the limits of the territory proposed to be annexed, and request the Judge of the Circuit Court to order the question initiated by the petition or ordinance to be submitted to the legal voters of such Park District and of the territory proposed to be annexed; provided, however, if the legal voters residing within the territory proposed to be annexed are fewer than 200 in number, a majority of such legal voters, may petition in like manner as above; provided, further, that if there are no legal voters residing within the territory proposed to be annexed a majority of the adult owners of record of lands within the territory proposed to be annexed, and who represent a major portion in area of land within such territory, may petition in the manner above provided; provided further, that no tract of land exceeding 20 acres in area shall be included in such petition or ordinance without the written consent of the owners of record unless the same (1) is subdivided into lots or blocks, (2) is bounded on 3 sides by lands subdivided into lots or blocks, or (3) is used for commercial or industrial purposes. The petitioners or corporate authorities, as the case may be, shall give notice of the annexation petition or ordinance, as the case may be, not more than 45 or less than 30 days prior to the passage of such ordinance or the filing of the petition with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. This notice shall state that a petition or ordinance for annexation, as the case may be, will be filed and give the substance of the petition or ordinance, including a description of the territory to be annexed, the date of filing and the name of the annexing park district. This notice shall be given by publishing a notice once in a newspaper published in the annexing park district, or, if no newspaper is published in the annexing park district, then in a newspaper with a general circulation within the annexing park district. A copy of this notice shall be filed with the clerk of the annexing park district. Upon the filing of such petition the court shall determine its validity and if it is in conformity with law shall order said proposition submitted to referendum as provided in Section 3-3 hereof.
(Source: P.A. 85-1440.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-3)
    Sec. 3-3. Whenever the annexation of other districts or additional territory to any park district requires a referendum under the provisions of this Article, the referendum shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law in the territory or district proposed to be annexed and in the park district to which annexation is proposed, (provided, that if there are no legal voters residing within the territory proposed to be annexed no election need be held in such territory; but the election shall be ordered to be held only in the park district to which annexation is proposed) the court shall certify the proposition to the proper election officials who shall submit the proposition at an election in accordance with the general election law. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
        Shall (name of park district) annex (description of
the territory or name of the district) for park purposes?
    The circuit judge shall cause a statement of the result of the election to be entered of record in the circuit court, a certified copy of which statement shall be filed by the board of the district in the records of the district, and recorded in the offices of the county clerk and recorder of each county in which the district lies.
    If a majority of the votes cast upon that question at such election in the territory proposed to be annexed shall be for annexation, or if no votes whatever are cast for or against the question at such election in the territory proposed to be annexed, or if no election is held in such territory because there are no legal voters residing therein, and, also, if a majority of the votes cast upon the question in the annexing district shall be for annexation, then the adjoining territory shall thenceforth be a part of such district.
    Upon annexation, whether by petition or referendum, all the taxable property in the territory or in the district annexed shall be subject to all of the tax rates of the annexing district.
(Source: P.A. 87-1052.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-3a

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-3a) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-3a)
    Sec. 3-3a. Annexation; municipal territory. Where territory to be annexed includes any part of a municipality not currently a part of any park district, that territory must include the municipality in its entirety. The board of any park district may initiate the proceedings by enacting an ordinance expressing its desire to annex the territory, or any 100 or more legal voters residing within the municipality proposed to be annexed may petition to initiate annexation proceedings. The ordinance or petition shall be filed with the clerk of the circuit court where the park district or a greater or greatest portion lies. The ordinance or petition shall set forth the name of the park district to which annexation is proposed and define the limits of the territory proposed to be annexed. Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall determine its validity and, if it is in conformity with law, shall order the proposition submitted to referendum as provided in Section 3-3. The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of 1991 clarify the language and make no substantive changes.
(Source: P.A. 87-847.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-4)
    Sec. 3-4. Any park districts, may be annexed to and become a part of any other adjoining park district in the manner following:
    Upon the filing of a petition in the office of the circuit clerk of the county in which the annexing district or the greater or greatest portion thereof is located, signed by voters in number equal to at least 5% of the legal voters voting at the last general election in the district proposed to be annexed and by voters in number equal to at least 5% of the legal voters voting at the last general election in the district to which such annexation is proposed to be made, the circuit court for such county shall order the question of such annexation to be submitted to the legal voters of both park districts, in the manner prescribed in Section 3-3 hereof. The debts and obligations of the annexed district shall be transferred as provided in Section 3-5 hereof.
(Source: P.A. 81-1489.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-5)
    Sec. 3-5. In case of annexation of an entire park district by another park district under Section 3-4 hereof, any indebtedness, contract or liability of the park district so annexed shall be assumed and paid by the district so annexing and said district so annexing shall be vested with the title and ownership of all the property of the district annexed. Upon such annexation the commissioners and officers of the annexed district shall immediately close up the business of said district and transfer to the annexing district all books, records, property, and revenues collectible, of the district so annexed, whereupon their terms of office shall expire.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-6)
    Sec. 3-6. Any territory, within any park district, which (1) is upon the border of the park district, and (2) if disconnected from the park district would not separate any part of the park district from any other part, may be disconnected from the park district, in the discretion of its corporate authorities as follows:
    A written petition, signed by the majority of the owners of record of land and the owners of record of more than one-half of the area of land in the territory described in the petition, shall be filed with the secretary of the governing board of the park district, requesting that the specified territory be disconnected from the park district. The petition shall be filed at least 30 days before it is considered by the corporate authorities. The petition shall be accompanied with the certificate of the proper county clerk, or county clerks as the case may be, showing that all park district assessments due up to the time of presenting the petition are fully paid. The corporate authorities may, in their discretion, disconnect the territory from the park district by an ordinance passed by a majority of the members of the governing board.
(Source: Laws 1957, p. 2271.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-6a

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-6a) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-6a)
    Sec. 3-6a. Within one year of the organization of any park district under the provisions of Article 2 of this Act, any territory which has been included therein may be disconnected from such park district if the territory sought to be disconnected is (1) upon the border, but within the boundary of the park district, (2) contains 20 or more acres, (3) if disconnected will not result in the isolation of any part of the park district from the remainder of the park district, (4) if disconnected will not be a territory wholly bounded by one or more park districts or wholly bounded by one or more park districts and a river or lake, and (5) is adjoining another park district, the board of which has on file a petition for annexation of the territory pursuant to the provisions of Article 3-1 of this Act and has enacted an ordinance stating that the park district will annex said territory within 30 days of the entry of an order of disconnection by the Circuit Court, in the following manner:
    A written petition filed in the Circuit Court of the county in which the territory proposed to be disconnected is located or if such territory is located in more than one county then in the Circuit Court of the county in which the greater part of such territory may be located, which petition shall be signed by a majority of the electors, if any, residing within the territory, and also signed by a majority of the owners of record of land in such territory, and also representing a majority of the area of land in such territory, shall be filed with the clerk of the Circuit Court within one year of the organization of any park district under the provisions of Article 2 of this Act. The petition shall set forth the description of the territory to be detached from such park district, shall allege the pertinent facts in support of the disconnection of such territory, shall include a certified copy of an ordinance of the adjoining park district with which has been filed a petition for the annexation of the territory, stating that the park district will annex the territory within 30 days after the entry of an order of disconnection by the Circuit Court and shall pray the Circuit Court to detach the territory from the park district.
    Upon the filing of the petition, the Circuit Court judge shall set the same for public hearing which date of public hearing shall be within 30 days of the date of the filing of the petition, and the clerk of the Circuit Court shall give at least 20 days notice of such hearing by publishing notice thereof once in a newspaper having a general circulation within such park district. The notice shall refer to the petition filed with the Circuit Court, shall describe the territory proposed to be disconnected, shall indicate the prayer of the petition and the date, time and place at which the public hearing will be held and shall further indicate that the park district and any and all persons residing in or owning property in the territory involved or in the park district from which such territory is sought to be disconnected shall have an opportunity to be heard on the prayer of the petition. Notice of the filing of the petition, the substance of which shall be as hereinabove prescribed for the published notice, shall also be mailed to the commissioners of the park district from which the territory is sought to be disconnected.
    The public hearing may be continued from time to time by the Circuit Court. After such public hearing and having heard any and all persons desiring to be heard, including the park district and any and all persons residing in or owning property in the territory involved or in the park district from which such territory is sought to be disconnected, if the Circuit Court finds that the allegations of the petition are true, the court shall grant the prayer of the petition and shall enter a judgment disconnecting the territory from the park district, which judgment shall be filed of record in the Circuit Court and the clerk of the Circuit Court shall cause to be delivered a certified copy of such judgment to the commissioners of the park district from which such territory has been detached. If the Circuit Court finds that the allegations contained in the petition are not true then the court shall enter a judgment dismissing the same.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-6b

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-6b) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-6b)
    Sec. 3-6b. The owner or owners of record of any area of land consisting of one or more tracts located in a county or counties having a population of less than 1,000,000 lying within the corporate limits of any park district which (1) is not contiguous in whole or in part to any other park district; (2) contains 20 or more acres; (3) is not subdivided into municipal lots and blocks; (4) is located on the border of the park district, (5) which, if disconnected will not result in the isolation of any part of the park district from the remainder of the park district, and (6) which, if disconnected will not result in reducing the assessed valuation, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all of the taxable property within the park district to be ascertained by the last assessment for state and county taxes prior to the filing of the petition, to less than $20,000,000, may have the area disconnected as follows:
    The owner or owners of record of any such area shall file a petition in the circuit court of the county in which the land is situated, alleging facts in support of the disconnection. If such area of land is located in 2 or more counties, such petition shall be filed in the circuit court of the county in which the largest portion of such area of land is located. The park district from which disconnection is sought shall be made a defendant and it or any taxpayer residing in the park district may appear and defend against the petition. If the court finds that the allegations of the petition are true, and that the area of land is entitled to disconnection, it shall order the designated land disconnected from the designated park district. Such petition shall be filed within one year after the park district is organized.
    This Section shall apply only to park districts which are organized after the effective date of this amendatory Act.
(Source: P.A. 81-1509.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-6c

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-6c) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-6c)
    Sec. 3-6c. Any territory which: (1) is within the corporate limits of a municipality which, as an incident of its municipal government and under the Illinois Municipal Code, is operating and maintaining a system of parks consisting of 2 or more park areas within its corporate limits, and (2) is also within the limits of a park district, 90% or more of the area of which lies outside the boundaries of such municipality, and (3) was not annexed to the municipality subsequent to the organization of the park district, and (4) comprises all the area of the park district within the municipality; may be disconnected from the park district.
    Such disconnection shall be initiated by a written petition signed by a majority of the owners of record of all land within the territory and the owners of record of not less than 2/3 of the land contained within the territory. The petition shall be filed with the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which the municipality and park district are situated. The circuit court shall thereupon fix a date and time not less than 30 days nor more than 180 days after the date of filing of such petition for a public hearing on the subject of the petition. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given by the clerk of the circuit court at least 20 days prior to the date fixed for the hearing by at least one publication thereof in one or more daily or weekly newspapers having a general circulation within the park district.
    If the circuit court finds upon such hearing that the petition meets the requirements of this Section; that the territory to be disconnected fulfills the conditions of this Section; it may enter an order of disconnection ordering that the territory described in the petition be disconnected from the park district. No disconnection of territory under this Section shall be permitted if the park district has ownership of a park located in the territory to be disconnected. All questions of indebtedness and the tax obligations between the district and the territory affected shall be adjusted in the manner provided for in Section 3-7 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 78-457.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-6d

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-6d) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-6d)
    Sec. 3-6d. (a) This Section applies only in a park district located in whole or in part within a county with a population of more than 250,000 but less than 1,000,000.
    (b) A contiguous area of land containing one or more tracts may be disconnected from the district if (1) the area contains 20 acres or more in the aggregate, (2) the area is located on the border of the district, (3) disconnection will not cause any part of the district to be isolated from the rest of the district, and (4) the district has levied taxes in a total amount of less than $10,000 for each of the 5 previous years.
    (c) The owner or owners of record of the area must file a petition in the circuit court of the county in which the land is situated alleging facts in support of the disconnection. If the area is located in 2 or more counties, the petition must be filed in the circuit court of the county in which the largest portion of the area is located. The district from which disconnection is sought shall be made a defendant, and it or any taxpayer residing in the district may appear and defend against the petition. If the court finds that the allegations of the petition are true and that the area is entitled to disconnection, it shall order the area disconnected from the district.
(Source: P.A. 86-132.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-7

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-7) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-7)
    Sec. 3-7. The disconnection of any territory from a park district shall not exempt it from taxation for the purpose of paying any indebtedness contracted by the corporate authorities of the park district prior to the filing of the petition for disconnection. On the contrary, the territory shall be assessed and taxed to pay such indebtedness until this indebtedness is completely paid, the same as though the territory had not been disconnected. Except for this purpose, no county clerk shall include disconnected territory within the limits of the park district from which the territory has been disconnected.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 252.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-8

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-8) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-8)
    Sec. 3-8. Annexation of surrounded territory. Upon a written petition, signed by a majority of the owners of record of land in any contiguous territory not incorporated within a park district, wholly bounded by 2 or more park districts, the specified territory may be annexed by any one of the specified park districts by the passage of an ordinance providing therefor. The ordinance shall describe the territory annexed, which shall not exceed one-third of the area of the annexing park district before the annexation. The park district to which the territory is to be annexed shall send a copy of the proposed annexing ordinance, by certified mail, at least 30 days before the annexing ordinance takes effect, to the last known addresses, if any, ascertained upon diligent search, of the owners of record of land in that territory. A certified copy of the annexing ordinance and an accurate map of the annexed territory shall be filed in the offices of the county clerk and recorder of each county in which annexation takes place.
(Source: P.A. 87-368; 87-895.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-9

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-9) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-9)
    Sec. 3-9. Whenever any territory, containing 80 acres or less, not incorporated within a park district is wholly bounded by one or more park districts, or is wholly bounded by one or more park districts and a river, lake, railroad or arterial street, such territory may be annexed by any park district by which it is bounded in whole or in part, by the passage of an ordinance to that effect after notice is given as provided in this Section The corporate authorities shall cause notice, stating that annexation of the territory described in the notice is contemplated under this Section, to be published once, in a newspaper published in the annexing park district, or, if no newspaper is published in the annexing park district, then in a newspaper with a general circulation within the annexing park district not more than 45 nor less than 30 days before the passage of the annexation ordinance. The ordinance shall describe the territory annexed and a certified copy thereof together with an accurate map of the annexed territory shall be filed in the offices of the County Clerk and Recorder of each county in which said annexation takes place.
    As used in this Section, "arterial street" means any U.S. or State numbered route, controlled access highway, or other major radial or circumferential street or highway designated by local authorities within their respective jurisdictions as part of a major arterial system of streets or highways.
(Source: P.A. 90-89, eff. 1-1-98.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-10

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-10) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-10)
    Sec. 3-10. Whenever a Park District operating within territory predominately in a city or village or 2 or more cities or villages would become coterminous or nearly coterminous with such city or village or 2 or more cities or villages upon the annexation of additional territory within such municipalities but not incorporated within a park district, such Park District may annex such additional territory by the passage of an ordinance to that effect. However, no territory may be annexed under this Section more than one year after it has first been included in such municipality unless such territory so annexed is 120 acres or less.
    The ordinance shall describe the territory annexed and a certified copy thereof together with an accurate map of the annexed territory shall be filed in the offices of the county clerk and recorder of each county in which the annexation takes place.
(Source: P.A. 87-368.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-10.1

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-10.1) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-10.1)
    Sec. 3-10.1. Territory which is not contiguous to a park district but is separated therefrom only by a forest preserve district may be annexed to the park district in the manner provided in Section 3-1, 3-2, 3-4 or 3-10, but the territory of the forest preserve district shall not be annexed to the park district nor shall the territory of the forest preserve district be subject to rights-of-way for access or services between the parts of the park district separated by the forest preserve district without the consent of the governing body of the forest preserve district.
(Source: P.A. 85-157.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-11

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-11) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-11)
    Sec. 3-11. Any 2 or more contiguous park districts may be consolidated and become a single park district in the manner following: The park commissioners of each of the park districts desiring to consolidate shall adopt an ordinance by a vote of not less than 2/3 of the commissioners of each district, which ordinance shall duly set forth the intent of the park districts to consolidate with the contiguous park district or districts as therein set forth, shall designate the park district which shall be the survivor of the consolidation, and shall designate the names of the commissioners thereof, which commissioners shall, at the time of the consolidation be duly elected and acting commissioners of the districts concerned in the consolidation. A certified copy of said ordinances shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the county, or counties, within which any part of the consolidated park district shall be located.
    Upon the adoption of the ordinances by the park districts concerned the park district designated in the ordinances as the survivor of the consolidation shall assume the functions previously performed by the park districts and the surviving park district shall have the power and authority to levy and collect such taxes at such rates as shall have been previously authorized, levied and collected by the designated survivor district.
    All parks and other property owned by the districts adopting such ordinances shall thereupon be vested in the newly consolidated park district and the newly consolidated park district shall succeed to all of the outstanding rights and obligations of the districts concerned.
(Source: P.A. 78-435.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-13

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-13) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-13)
    Sec. 3-13. If 2 park districts have a common boundary and more than 1/2 the population of each such park district consists of any one municipality, then any property owner whose property is located within the incorporated limits of a municipality, and in a park district more than 1/2 the population of which consists of a different municipality, may disconnect from the park district not representative of his municipality and annex to the park district that is representative of his municipality by filing a notice of such intention with the county clerk as provided in this Section. A property owner may not file such notice to disconnect and annex unless (a) his property is contiguous with the boundary of the park district to which annexation is sought, and (b) he personally resides upon the parcel which he proposes to have disconnected, and the parcel which he proposes to disconnect is not more than one acre in size and is used exclusively for residential purposes.
    Any number of property owners may join in filing a single notice of their intent to disconnect and annex all of their respective properties under this Section if the property of every owner involved complies with the requirements set forth in (a) above and borders on the property of another owner who joins in the filing of such notice, and if the property of at least one of the owners so filing is contiguous to the boundary of the park district to which annexation is sought.
    Copies of the notice of intention filed by the property owner shall be forwarded by the county clerk to each park district involved in the disconnection and annexation not more than 5 days following the date of filing. The notice shall be subject to review by all interested parties for 90 days from the date of filing. If any interested party objects to such disconnection and annexation and the boards of the respective park districts cannot agree, then the matter shall be determined by the circuit court of the county in which the district from which disconnection is sought is situated upon the petition of either district or of any taxpayer in either municipality. The court shall hear and determine the matter and shall enter judgment as the right and equity of the matter may demand. If judgment is entered by the court a certified copy of such judgment shall be made by the clerk of the court and filed with the secretary of each of the park districts and with the county clerks of the counties involved and by such county clerks certified to the Department of Revenue. If the notice of intention is found in compliance with this Section and no petition is filed as herein provided the disconnection and annexation shall become effective January 1 following the expiration of the 90 day period, and shall be so recorded with the county clerk and recorder.
    The disconnection of any property from a park district under this Section shall not exempt such property from taxation for the purpose of paying any bonded indebtedness incurred by such park district prior to the effective date of the disconnection. Where any property is annexed to a park district under this Section, such property shall be subject to taxation for indebtedness incurred by such park district prior to the effective date of the annexation.
(Source: P.A. 83-358.)

70 ILCS 1205/3-14

    (70 ILCS 1205/3-14) (from Ch. 105, par. 3-14)
    Sec. 3-14. Neither the People of the State of Illinois nor any person, firm or corporation, public or private, nor any association of persons shall commence an action contesting either directly or indirectly the annexation of any territory to a park district unless initiated within one year after the date such annexation becomes final or within one year of October 1, 1975, whichever date occurs later. This amendatory Act of 1975 shall apply to annexations made prior to the effective date of the Act as well as those made on or after the effective date. Where a limitation of a shorter period is prescribed by statute such shorter limitation applies.
(Source: P.A. 86-820.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 4

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 4 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/4-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-1)
    Sec. 4-1. Each member of the governing board of any park district before entering upon the duties of his office shall take and subscribe an oath to well and faithfully discharge his duties, which oath shall be filed with the secretary of said board. The members of such governing board shall constitute the corporate authority for such district and a majority of such members shall constitute a quorum for said board at any meeting thereof. The members of such governing boards shall act as such without compensation, and each member of the board shall be a legal voter of and reside within such district.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-1a

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-1a) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-1a)
    Sec. 4-1a. The provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of "An Act to prevent fraudulent and corrupt practices in the making or accepting of official appointments and contracts by public officers", approved April 9, 1872, as amended, apply to this Act and are incorporated by reference.
(Source: P.A. 81-1031.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-2)
    Sec. 4-2. Governing boards of all park districts shall keep a regular book of records of all ordinances or other proceedings of said board which records shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable and proper times.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-3)
    Sec. 4-3. All ordinances, orders and resolutions of the governing board of any park district and the date of the publication thereof may be proved by the certificate of its secretary under the seal of the district; when printed in book or pamphlet form purporting to be published by the governing board such book or pamphlet shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of such ordinances, orders, and resolutions as of the dates mentioned in such publication in all courts or places without further proof.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-4)
    Sec. 4-4. Adoption of budget and passage of annual appropriation ordinance required. The governing body of each Park District shall, within or before the first quarter of each fiscal year, adopt a combined annual budget and appropriation ordinance, by which ordinance the board may appropriate such sum or sums of money as may be deemed necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of such Park District, and in such annual budget and appropriation ordinance shall specify the objects and purposes for which such appropriations are made, and the amount appropriated for each object or purpose.
    The budget included in such ordinance shall contain a statement of the cash on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year, an estimate of the cash expected to be received during such fiscal year from all sources, an estimate of the expenditures contemplated for such fiscal year, and a statement of the estimated cash expected to be on hand at the end of such year. The estimate of taxes to be received may be based upon the amount of actual cash receipts that may reasonably be expected by the Park District during such fiscal year, estimated from the experience of the Park District in prior years and with due regard for other circumstances that may substantially affect such receipts. However, nothing in this Act shall be construed as requiring any Park District to change or preventing any Park District from changing from a cash basis of financing to a surplus or deficit basis of financing; or as requiring any Park District to change or preventing any Park District from changing its system of accounting.
    The governing body of each Park District shall fix a fiscal year therefor.
    Such budget and appropriation ordinance shall be prepared in tentative form by some person or persons designated by the governing body, and in such tentative form shall be made conveniently available to public inspection for at least 30 days prior to final action thereon. At least one public hearing shall be held as to such budget and appropriation ordinance prior to final action thereon, notice of which shall be given by publication in a newspaper published in such Park District, at least one week prior to the time of such hearing. If there is no newspaper published in such Park District, notice of such public hearing shall be given by posting notices thereof in 5 of the most public places in such Park District. It shall be the duty of the secretary of such Park District to make such tentative budget and appropriation ordinance available to public inspection, and to arrange for such public hearing or hearings. Except as hereinafter provided, no further appropriations shall be made at any other time within such fiscal year, provided that the board of such Park District may from time to time make transfers between the various items in any fund in such appropriation ordinance not exceeding in the aggregate 10% of the total amount appropriated in such fund by such ordinance, and may amend such budget and appropriation ordinance from time to time by the same procedure as is herein provided for the original adoption of a budget and appropriation ordinance; provided that nothing in this Section shall be construed to permit transfers between funds required by law to be kept separate. However, during any fiscal year, the governing body of any Park District may adopt a supplemental appropriation ordinance subsequent to the adoption of the annual appropriation ordinance for that fiscal year in an amount not to exceed the aggregate of any additional revenue available to the Park District or estimated to be received by the Park District. The provisions of this Section regarding publication, notice, and public hearing shall not apply to the supplemental ordinance or to the budget document forming the basis of the ordinance.
    After the first 6 months of any fiscal year have elapsed the board may by two-thirds vote transfer from any appropriation item its anticipated unexpended funds to any other item of appropriation, theretofore made, and the item to which said transfer is made may be increased to the extent of the amount so transferred.
    The provisions of "The Illinois Municipal Budget Law", approved July 12, 1937, as now or hereinafter amended, are not applicable to Park Districts organized under this Act.
    The failure of the governing body of any park district to adopt an annual budget and appropriation ordinance, or to comply in any respect with the provisions of this Section, shall not affect the validity of any tax levy of any such park district, otherwise in conformity with the law. The budget and appropriation ordinance for any fiscal year is not intended or required to be in support of or in relation to any tax levy made during that fiscal year.
(Source: P.A. 98-278, eff. 8-9-13.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-4a

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-4a) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-4a)
    Sec. 4-4a. The governing board of any park district shall comply with the provisions of "An Act concerning the use of Illinois mined coal in certain plants and institutions", filed July 13, 1937, as heretofore or hereafter amended.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 1746.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-4b

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-4b) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-4b)
    Sec. 4-4b. Purchases made pursuant to this Act shall be made in compliance with the "Local Government Prompt Payment Act", approved by the Eighty-fourth General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 84-731.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-4c

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-4c)
    Sec. 4-4c. Additional or supplemental budget. To take advantage of the increased limiting rate for levy year 2009 approved by a majority of voters voting on the proposition at the general primary election held on February 2, 2010, the Board of Park Commissioners of the Park District of Forest Park may adopt an additional or supplemental budget under the sole authority of this Section by a vote of a majority of the full membership of the board, any other provision of this Article to the contrary notwithstanding, in and by which the additional or supplemental budget the board shall appropriate the additional sums of money as it may find necessary to defray expenses and liabilities of the district to be incurred for corporate purposes of the district during that fiscal year, but not in excess of the additional funds estimated to be available by the voted increased limiting rate for levy year 2009. The additional or supplemental budget shall be regarded as an amendment of the annual budget for the fiscal year in which it is adopted. The board may immediately levy the additional tax for corporate purposes to equal the amount of the additional sums of money appropriated in the additional or supplemental budget.
(Source: P.A. 96-892, eff. 5-13-10.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-6)
    Sec. 4-6. No member of the board of any park district, nor any person, whether in the employ of said board or otherwise, shall have power to create any debt, obligation, claim or liability, for or on account of said park district, or the monies or property of the same, except with the express authority of said board conferred at a meeting thereof and duly recorded in a record of its proceedings.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-7

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-7) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-7)
    Sec. 4-7. Employees; police force. The board of any park district may employ engineers, attorneys, clerks and other employees, including a police force, as may be required, and may define and prescribe their respective duties and compensation. After receiving a certificate attesting to the successful completion of a training course administered by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board, the members of the board and all police officers appointed by the board shall be conservators of the peace within and upon the parks, boulevards, driveways, and property controlled by that park district, and shall have power to make arrests subject to the provisions of the Park District Police Act. The exercise of such authority shall not permit the possession or use of firearms by members of the board.
(Source: P.A. 89-458, eff. 5-24-96; 90-540, eff. 12-1-97.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-8

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-8) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-8)
    Sec. 4-8. Except where the president of the district is elected by direct vote of the electors, the board of each park district shall elect from their number a president and all districts shall elect a vice-president, who shall hold their respective offices for one year, or until their successors shall be elected. The Board shall prescribe their powers and duties not inconsistent with the provisions of this code.
    The Board shall also appoint a secretary and a treasurer, prescribe their duties, and term of office and require such bonds as the board deems necessary. The secretary and treasurer need not be members of the board, in which case the Board may fix their compensation; and both offices may be held by the same person. The secretary shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations.
    The Board may appoint an assistant secretary and an assistant treasurer. If the secretary or treasurer are unable to perform the duties of their respective offices, then the assistant secretary or assistant treasurer shall perform the duties of that office, respectively, as prescribed by the Board. The assistant secretary and assistant treasurer need not be members of the Board.
(Source: P.A. 97-758, eff. 7-6-12.)

70 ILCS 1205/4-9

    (70 ILCS 1205/4-9) (from Ch. 105, par. 4-9)
    Sec. 4-9. The president of any park district shall preside at all meetings of the board, and shall call special meetings thereof of his own motion or on request of two or more of the members, and in case of a special meeting shall cause a notice to be given to all members as provided by the rule of said board. He shall have the right to vote upon all questions coming before the board and shall be a member thereof.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 5

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 5 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/5-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-1)
    Sec. 5-1. Each Park District has the power to levy and collect taxes on all the taxable property in the district for all corporate purposes. The commissioners may accumulate funds for the purposes of building repairs and improvements and may annually levy taxes for such purposes in excess of current requirements for its other purposes but subject to the tax rate limitation as herein provided.
    All general taxes proposed by the board to be levied upon the taxable property within the district shall be levied by ordinance. A certified copy of such levy ordinance shall be filed with the county clerk of the county in which the same is to be collected not later than the last Tuesday in December in each year. The county clerk shall extend such tax; provided, the aggregate amount of taxes levied for any one year, exclusive of the amount levied for the payment of the principal and interest on bonded indebtedness of the district and taxes authorized by special referenda, shall not exceed, except as otherwise provided in this Section, the rate of .10%, or the rate limitation in effect on July 1, 1967, whichever is greater, of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, a park district board of a park district lying wholly within one county is authorized to increase property taxes under this Section for corporate purposes for any one year so long as the increase is offset by a like property tax levy reduction in one or more of the park district's funds. At the time that such park district files its levy with the county clerk, it shall also certify to the county clerk that the park district has complied with and is authorized to act under this Section 5-1 of the Park District Code. In no instance shall the increase either exceed or result in a reduction to the extension limitation to which any park district is subject under Section 18-195 of the Property Tax Code.
    Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the contrary, if a park district is subject to Section 18-195 of the Property Tax Code and does not levy the tax authorized by Section 5-3, then it may increase the property tax levy under this Section for corporate purposes to a total rate not to exceed the total of rates authorized by this Section and Section 5-3 as long as the increase is offset by a like property tax levy reduction in one or more of the park district's funds. In no instance shall the increase for corporate purposes cause the park district to exceed the limiting rate that the park district is subject to under Section 18-195 of the Property Tax Code.
    Any funds on hand at the end of the fiscal year that are not pledged for or allocated to a particular purpose may, by action of the board of commissioners, be transferred to a capital improvement fund and accumulated therein, but the total amount accumulated in the fund may not exceed 1.5% of the aggregate assessed valuation of all taxable property in the park district.
    The foregoing limitations upon tax rates may be decreased under the referendum provisions of the General Revenue Law of the State of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 97-974, eff. 8-17-12.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-2)
    Sec. 5-2. Any park district may levy and collect annually, a tax of not to exceed .12% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in such district for the purpose of planning, establishing and maintaining recreational programs, such programs to include playgrounds, community and recreational centers, which tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as the general taxes for such district. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected in such district and shall not be included within any limitation of rate contained in this Code or any other law, but shall be excluded therefrom and be in addition thereto and in excess thereof.
    The proceeds of the tax authorized by this Section shall be paid to the treasurer of such district and kept in a fund to be known as the recreational program fund. Such fund shall be used for the planning, establishing and maintaining recreational programs carried on by such district.
    No such tax in excess of .075% shall be levied in any such district, until the question of levying such tax has first been submitted to the voters of such district at an election held in such district and has been approved by a majority of such voters voting thereon. The board shall certify such proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit such proposition to the voters of the district regardless of whether or not a petition, signed by electors of the district, requesting the submission thereof has been filed with the board. Notice of such referendum shall be given and such referendum shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall the.... Park District
be authorized and empowered to
levy and collect a tax of....           YES
per cent for the purpose of
recreational programs (and,
optionally, insert specific      -----------------------------
purposes or programs as
determined by the park district
board) as provided in Section            NO
5-2 of "The Park District Code"?
    If a majority of the voters of such district voting thereon shall vote for the levy and collection of the tax, such district is authorized and empowered to levy and collect such tax annually thereafter. Any tax previously authorized by referendum for recreation and community centers under "An Act to amend Section 8 of An Act to provide for the creation of Pleasure Driveway and Park Districts, approved June 19, 1893, as amended and to add Sections 8a, 8b, 8c, and 8d thereto", approved February 27, 1935, as amended, shall continue to be levied and shall be treated as having been authorized under this Section.
    Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the contrary, if a park district is subject to Section 18-195 of the Property Tax Code and does not levy the tax authorized by Section 5-3a, then it may increase the property tax levy under this Section for the purpose of planning, establishing, and maintaining recreational programs carried on by the district to a total rate not to exceed the total of rates authorized by this Section and Section 5-3a as long as the increase is offset by a like property tax levy reduction in one or more of the park district's funds. In no instance shall the increase for the purpose of planning, establishing, and maintaining recreation programs cause the park district to exceed the limiting rate that the park district is subject to under Section 18-195 of the Property Tax Code.
    The foregoing limitations upon tax rates may be decreased under the referendum provisions of the General Revenue Law of the State of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 97-974, eff. 8-17-12.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-2a

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-2a) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-2a)
    Sec. 5-2a. Whenever a Park District contains within the boundaries of the district, the greater portion of the area of a city, village or incorporated town, the population of which city, village or incorporated town constitutes a majority of the population of the Park District, and which city, village or incorporated town levies and collects a tax for recreation purposes under the provisions of Division 95 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, the functions of the Playground and Recreation Commission may be merged with, and assumed by, the Park District in the following manner:
    The Park Commissioners shall adopt an ordinance, by a vote of not less than 2/3 of the commissioners, which ordinance shall set forth the intent of the Park District to assume the planning, establishing and maintaining of the municipal recreation program within the boundaries of the Park District, and to levy and collect a tax at a rate not to exceed that levied by the city, village, or incorporated town, which rate shall not exceed .09% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in the district for such purposes. Then the Secretary of the Park District shall mail a certified copy of the ordinance to the city, village or incorporated town. In the event the governing board of the city, village or incorporated town sees fit, they may adopt an ordinance, by a vote of not less than 2/3 of the members, which ordinance shall set forth that the city, village or incorporated town relinquishes all control and management of the planning, establishing and maintaining of the municipal recreation program within its boundaries to the Park District and relinquishes its tax levy for recreation purposes.
    Upon the adoption of the ordinance by the city, village or incorporated town, and 6 months from the date of adoption of the ordinance, the Park District shall assume the functions previously performed by the city, village or incorporated town through its playground and recreation commission, or other board or commission designated by the city, village or incorporated town; whereupon the Park District shall have the power and authority to levy and collect a tax of not to exceed that rate previously levied by the city, village or incorporated town for recreational purposes, the rate of tax not to exceed .09% of the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in the district for the purpose of planning, establishing and maintaining recreation programs, such programs to include playgrounds, community and recreation centers. The tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as the general taxes for the district. The tax to be levied under this Section shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected in such district and shall not be included within any limitation of rate contained in this Code or any other law, but shall be excluded therefrom and be in addition thereto and in excess thereof. A Pleasure Driveway and Park District that before 1964 assumed the functions of a municipal Playground and Recreation Commission and has continuously performed those functions may levy and collect the tax authorized by this Section at a rate not to exceed 0.09% and shall not be limited to the rate previously levied by the city, village, or incorporated town for recreational purposes.
    The city, village or incorporated town shall thereupon, 6 months from the date of adoption of the ordinance, turn over to the Park District any and all funds and tax monies in its possession on the date upon which funds were received by it from the "Playground and Recreation Tax" and shall from time to time thereafter turn over to the Park District all such funds and tax monies as shall be received from levies adopted prior to the effective date of the merger. At such time as these funds shall be received by it, the funds are to be paid to the treasurer of the Park District and kept in a fund to be known as the "Recreational Program Fund" pursuant to the provisions of Section 5-2.
(Source: P.A. 86-1037.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-2b

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-2b) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-2b)
    Sec. 5-2b. Whenever the greater portion of the area of a city, village or incorporated town lies wholly within the boundaries of a single Park District, the population of which city, village or incorporated town, constitutes a majority of the population of the Park District, and which city, village or incorporated town levies and collects a tax for recreation purposes under the provisions of Division 95 of Article 11 of the "Illinois Municipal Code", as now or hereafter amended, the functions of the Playground and Recreation Commission may be merged with and relinquished to the Park District in the following manner: The governing board of the city, village or incorporated town shall adopt an ordinance by a vote of not less than 2/3 of the members, which ordinance shall set forth the intent and desire of the city, village or incorporated town to relinquish and turn over to the Park District the function of planning, establishing and maintaining of the municipal recreation program within the boundaries of the city, village or incorporated town and to relinquish all powers which it may have to levy and collect a tax known as "The Playground and Recreation Tax"; that thereupon the clerk of such city, village or incorporated town shall mail a certified copy of the ordinance to the Park District. In the event the Park Commissioners of the Park District see fit, they may adopt an ordinance, by a vote of not less than 2/3 of the members, which ordinance shall provide that the Park District assumes the planning, establishing and maintaining of the municipal recreation program within the boundaries of the city and the Park District together with its intent to levy and collect a tax at a rate not to exceed that levied by the city, village or incorporated town and which tax shall not exceed .09% of the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in such District for the purpose of planning, establishing and maintaining recreational programs, such programs to include playgrounds, community and recreation centers.
    Upon the adoption of such ordinance by the Park District and 6 months from the date of adoption of such ordinance, the Park District shall assume the functions previously performed by the city, village or incorporated town through its playground and recreation commission, or other board or commission designated by the city, village or incorporated town, whereupon the Park District shall have the power and authority to levy and collect a tax of not to exceed that rate previously levied by the city, village or incorporated town for recreation purposes, such rate of tax not to exceed .09% of the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in such district for the purpose of planning, establishing and maintaining recreation programs, such programs to include playgrounds, community and recreation centers and which tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as the general taxes for the District. The tax to be levied under this Section shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected in such district and shall not be included within any limitation of rate contained in this Code or any other law, but shall be excluded therefrom and be in addition thereto and in excess thereof. Whenever the tax levied under this Section shall be levied in addition to the tax levied under Section 5-2 of "The Park District Code", such tax levied under this Section shall be levied and extended only upon that property located within the boundaries of the city, village or incorporated town, which lies within the boundaries of the park district.
    The city, village or incorporated town shall thereupon, 6 months from the date of adoption of the ordinance, turn over to the Park District all funds and tax monies in its possession on that date, which funds were received by it from the "Playground and Recreation Tax", and shall from time to time thereafter turn over to the Park District all such funds and tax monies received from levies adopted prior to the effective date of the merger, and at such time as the same shall be received by it, the funds to be paid to the treasurer of the Park District and kept in a fund to be known as the "Recreational Program Fund" pursuant to the provisions of Section 5-2.
(Source: P.A. 81-1509.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-2c

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-2c)
    Sec. 5-2c. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 88-537. Repealed by internal repealer, eff. 1-1-96.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-2d

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-2d)
    Sec. 5-2d. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 89-536, eff. 7-19-96. Repealed internally, eff. 1-1-98.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-3)
    Sec. 5-3. Any park district may levy and collect annually an additional tax of not to exceed .25% of the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of all taxable property in such district for all corporate purposes, which tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as the general taxes for such district. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected by such district and shall not be included within any limitation of rate contained in this code or any other law, but shall be excluded therefrom and be in addition thereto and in excess thereof.
    No such tax shall be levied in any such district until the question of levying such tax has first been submitted to the voters of such district at an election held in such district, and has been approved by a majority of such voters voting thereon. Notice of the referendum shall be given and such election shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall.... Park District
be authorized to levy and               YES
collect an additional tax of
not to exceed .25% for all
corporate purposes (and,
optionally, insert specific         --------------------------
purposes or programs as
determined by the park
district board) as provided              NO
in Section 5-3 of "The Park
District Code"?
    If a majority of the voters of such district voting thereon shall vote for the levy and collection of the tax, such district shall be authorized and empowered to levy and collect such tax.
(Source: P.A. 93-434, eff. 8-5-03.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-3a

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-3a) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-3a)
    Sec. 5-3a. Any park district may levy and collect annually an additional tax of not to exceed 0.25% of the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of all taxable property in such district for the purpose of planning, establishing and maintaining recreational programs carried on by such district, which tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as the general taxes for such district. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected by such district and shall not be included within any limitation of rate contained in this Code or any other law, but shall be excluded therefrom in addition thereto and in excess thereof.
    No such tax shall be levied in any such district, nor the rate of such tax be increased, until the question of levying or increasing such tax has first been submitted to the voters of such district at an election held in such district, and has been approved by a majority of such voters voting thereon. Notice of referendum shall be given and such referendum shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:

    Shall....... Park District be
authorized to levy and collect
an additional tax of (insert               YES
percentage)% for the purpose
of recreational programs (and,     ---------------------------
optionally insert specific
purposes or programs as determined          NO
by the park district board) as
provided in "The Park District

(Source: P.A. 93-434, eff. 8-5-03.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-4)
    Sec. 5-4. When a park district lies in 2 or more counties, the board shall ascertain the total amount of all taxable property situated within the district in each county as the property is equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue for the current year and shall certify the amount of taxable property in each county within the district to the county clerk of the county wherein the greater portion of the district, in area, lies. That county clerk shall ascertain the rate per cent which, upon the total valuation of all property subject to taxation within the district, will produce a net amount not less than the total amount directed to be levied. As soon as such rate per cent is ascertained, that clerk shall certify the rate per cent to the county clerks of each other county wherein a portion of the district is situated. The county clerks of the respective counties shall then extend the tax in a separate column upon the books of the collector of state and county taxes for his county against all taxable property in his county situated within the limits of the park district.
(Source: P.A. 81-1509.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-5)
    Sec. 5-5. Any tax authorized by referendum by any park district prior to the enactment of this amendment shall not be affected or abrogated hereby, and the district may continue to levy and collect the same as heretofore.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-6)
    Sec. 5-6. Any park district may levy and collect annually, a tax of not to exceed .005% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in the district for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and lighting streets and roadways within the parks and playgrounds maintained by the district. The tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner as the general taxes for the district. This tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected in the district and shall not be included within any limitation of rate contained in this code or any other law, but shall be excluded therefrom, in addition thereto, and in excess thereof.
    The proceeds of the tax authorized by this Section shall be paid to the treasurer of the district and kept in a fund to be known as the paving and lighting fund. The fund shall be used for the planning, construction and maintaining of streets, roadways and other paved areas and the lighting thereof within the parks maintained within the district.
    Prior to levy and collection of such tax, the park districts shall adopt a resolution that it shall levy and collect such tax, and, within 15 days after adopting the resolution, it shall be published once in a newspaper published and having a general circulation in the park district, or, if there is no such newspaper, then in some newspaper having a general circulation in the county wherein such district or the greater or greatest portion in area of said district lies, or, if there be no such newspaper, copies of the ordinance shall be posted in at least three public places in the district. The publication or posting of the resolution shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the resolution be submitted to the electors of the district; (2) the time in which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum.
    The Secretary of the governing board of the park district shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    If within this 30 day period a petition is filed, signed by electors of the district numbering 10% or more of the registered voters of the district, asking that the question of levying and collecting such tax be submitted to the electors of the district, the board shall certify the question to the proper election officials, who shall submit that question at an election in which all the electors of the district may vote. If no such valid petition is filed with the secretary of the district within 30 days after the publication or posting of the resolution, then the park district shall be authorized to levy and collect such tax. Notice of such referendum shall be given and such referendum shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall the.... Park District be authorized and
empowered to levy and collect a tax of....           YES
per cent for the purpose of paving and lighting   ------------
programs as provided in Section 5-6 of "The          NO
Park District Code"?
If a majority of the voters of such district voting thereon vote for the levy and collection of the tax provided for, such district shall be authorized and empowered to levy and collect such tax annually thereafter. The foregoing limitations upon tax rates may be increased or decreased according to the referendum provisions of the General Revenue Law of the State of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 87-767.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-7

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-7) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-7)
    Sec. 5-7. Tax for operation and maintenance of conservatory - Referendum. Any park district may levy and collect annually, a tax of not to exceed .05% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of all taxable property in the district for the purpose of establishing, acquiring, completing, enlarging, ornamenting, building, rebuilding, improving, operating, maintaining and caring for a conservatory on park district property, and for the purpose of ecological and horticultural programming, which tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as the general taxes for such district. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected in such district and shall not be included within any limitation of rate contained in this code or any other law, but shall be excluded therefrom and be in addition thereto in excess thereof.
    The proceeds of the tax authorized by this Section shall be paid to the treasurer of the district and kept in a fund to be known as The Conservatory Fund. Such fund shall be used for establishing, acquiring, completing, enlarging, ornamenting, building, rebuilding, improving, operating, maintaining and caring for such conservatory, and for the purpose of ecological and horticultural programming, within the district.
    No such tax shall be levied in any such district until the question of levying such tax has first been submitted to the voters of the district at an election held in the district and has been approved by a majority of the voters voting on the question. The board shall certify such question to the proper election officials, who shall submit such proposition to the voters of the district regardless of whether a petition, signed by electors of the district, requesting the submission thereof has been filed with the board. Notice of such referendum shall be given and such referendum shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall the.... Park District be authorized
and empowered to levy and collect a tax of        YES
.... per cent for the purpose of operating and ---------------
maintaining a conservatory as provided in          NO
Section 5-7 of "The Park District Code"?
    If a majority of the voters of such district voting on the proposition vote for the levy and collection of the tax, the district may levy and collect such tax annually thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 81-1489; 81-1509.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-8

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-8) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-8)
    Sec. 5-8. Any park district that is a party to a joint agreement to provide recreational programs for persons with disabilities under Section 8-10b of this Code may levy and collect annually a tax of not to exceed .04% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of all taxable property in the district for the purpose of funding the district's share of the expenses of providing these programs under that joint agreement, which tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as the general taxes for the district. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected in the district and shall not be included within any limitation of rate contained in this Code or any other law, but shall be excluded therefrom, in addition thereto and in excess thereof. However, no tax may be levied pursuant to this Section in any area in which a tax is levied under Section 11-95-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-9

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-9) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-9)
    Sec. 5-9. Any park district may levy and collect annually, a tax of not to exceed .025 per cent of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of all taxable property in the district for the purpose of organizing and maintaining a police system, for implementing and maintaining public safety and security measures, or both within the parks and playgrounds maintained by the district. The tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner as the general taxes for the district. This tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected in the district and shall not be included within any limitation of rate contained in this Code or any other law, but shall be excluded therefrom and be in addition thereto and in excess thereof.
    The proceeds of the tax authorized by this Section shall be paid to the treasurer of the district and kept in a fund to be known as the police and public safety and security fund. This fund shall be used for the organization and maintaining of a police system including the hiring of a regular policeman or police force for the purpose of policing the parks and playgrounds maintained within the district or for public safety and security measures.
    Prior to levy and collection of such tax, the park districts shall adopt a resolution that it shall levy and collect such tax, and, within 15 days after adopting the resolution, it shall be published once in a newspaper published and having a general circulation in the park district, or, if there is no such newspaper, then in some newspaper having a general circulation in the county wherein such district or the greater or greatest portion in area of said district lies, or, if there be no such newspaper, copies of the ordinance shall be posted in at least three public places in the district. The publication or posting of the resolution shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the resolution be submitted to the electors of the district; (2) the time in which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum.
    The Secretary of the governing board of the park district shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    If within this 30 day period a petition is filed, signed by electors of the district numbering 10% or more of the registered voters of the district, asking that the question of levying and collecting such tax be submitted to the electors of the district, the board shall certify the question to the proper election officials, who shall submit that question at an election in which all the electors of the district may vote. If no such valid petition is filed with the secretary of the district within 30 days after the publication or posting of the resolution, then the park district shall be authorized to levy and collect such tax. Notice of such referendum shall be given and such referendum shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall the.... Park District be authorized
and empowered to levy and collect a tax of        YES
.... per cent for the purpose of police       ----------------
programs, public safety and security measures,    NO
or both as provided in Section 5-9 of
the Park District Code?
    If a majority of the voters of such district voting thereon vote for the levy and collection of the tax provided for, such district shall be authorized and empowered to levy and collect such tax annually thereafter for a police system, public safety and security measures, or both. If the park district has police officers, the police officers must complete the training program established under the Illinois Police Training Act. The foregoing limitations upon tax rates may be increased or decreased according to the referendum provisions of the General Revenue Law of the State of Illinois.
    If a majority of voters of a park district have approved a proposition under this Section for "police programs" prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly, the levy approved may also be used for public safety and security measures.
    As used in this Section, "public safety and security measures" includes, but is not limited to, security personnel, special-events staff, safety audits, safety drills, active-shooter training or similar training, and security improvements or safety-related upgrades to buildings, grounds, or other facilities, such as security lighting, video cameras, metal detectors, and emergency call boxes.
(Source: P.A. 103-235, eff. 6-30-23.)

70 ILCS 1205/5-10

    (70 ILCS 1205/5-10) (from Ch. 105, par. 5-10)
    Sec. 5-10. Whenever, as a result of any lawful order of any agency, other than a park district board, having authority to enforce any law or regulation designed for the protection, health or safety of employees or visitors, or any law or regulation for the protection and safety of the environment, pursuant to the "Environmental Protection Act", any local park district, is required to alter or repair any physical facilities, or whenever after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1985 any such district determines that it is necessary for health and safety, environmental protection, accessibility or energy conservation purposes that any physical facilities be altered or repaired, such district may, by proper resolution which specifically identifies the project and which is adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meetings Act and upon the approval of a proposition by a majority of the electors voting thereon specifying the rate, levy a tax for the purpose of paying such alterations or repairs, or survey by a licensed architect or engineer, upon the equalized assessed value of all the taxable property of the district at the specified rate not to exceed .10% per year for a period sufficient to finance such alterations or repairs, upon the following conditions:
    (a) When in the judgment of the local park district board of commissioners there are not sufficient funds available in the operations, building and maintenance fund of the district to pay for such alterations or repairs so ordered or determined as necessary.
    (b) When a certified estimate of a licensed architect or engineer stating the estimated amount of not less than $25,000 that is necessary to make the alterations or repairs so ordered or determined as necessary has been secured by the local park district.
    The filing of a certified copy of the resolution or ordinance levying the tax shall be the authority of the county clerk or clerks to extend such tax; provided, that in no event shall the extension of such tax for the current and preceding years, if any, under this Section be greater than the amount so approved, and in the event such current extension and preceding extensions exceed such approval and interest, it shall be reduced proportionately.
    The county clerk of each of the counties in which any park district levying a tax under the authority of this Section is located, in reducing raised levies, shall not consider any such tax as a part of the general levy for park district purposes and shall not include the same in the limitation of any other tax rate which may be extended. Such tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as all other taxes of park districts.
    The proposition to impose a tax under this Section may be initiated by resolution of the local park district board and shall be certified by the secretary of the local park district board to the proper election authorities for submission in accordance with the general election law.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 6

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 6 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/6-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/6-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 6-1)
    Sec. 6-1. Neither this code nor anything contained herein shall be deemed to preclude any park district from exercising the powers available to park districts for issuance of refunding bonds as set forth in an act entitled "An Act authorizing any park district to issue refunding bonds and to provide for the levy of taxes for the payment thereof", approved August 15, 1941. The power to issue such bonds and the method of procedure therefor described in said Act is hereby specifically reserved to and granted all park districts.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/6-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/6-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 6-2)
    Sec. 6-2. For the payment of land condemned or purchased for parks or boulevards, for the building, maintaining, improving and protecting of the same and for the payment of the expenses incident thereto, or for the acquisition of real estate and lands to be used as a site for an armory, or for the refunding of its bonds which are payable solely from the revenues derived from the operation of any of its facilities, any park district is authorized to issue the bonds or notes of such park district and pledge its property and credit therefor to an amount including existing principal indebtedness of such district so that the aggregate principal indebtedness of such district does not exceed 2.875% of the value of the taxable property therein, to be ascertained by the last assessment for state and county taxes previous to the issue from time to time of such bonds or notes, unless a petition, signed by voters in number equal to not less than 2% of the voters of the district, who voted at the last general election in the district, asking that the authorized aggregate principal indebtedness of the district be increased to not more than 5.75% of the value of the taxable property therein, is presented to the board and such increase is approved by the voters of the district at a referendum held on the question, in which case such aggregate principal indebtedness may not exceed 5.75% of the value of the taxable property in the district. Notice of the referendum shall be given and the referendum conducted in the manner provided by the general election law. Bonds for airport purposes issued by a park district under Section 9-2b, up to $15,000,000 in bonds issued by the Carol Stream Park District approved by referendum at the February 2, 2010 general primary election, and up to $13,000,000 in bonds issued by the Midlothian Park District approved by referendum at the March 20, 2018 general primary election are not subject to the percentage limitations imposed by, and shall not be considered as part of the existing principal indebtedness of that district for the purposes of, this Section or any other applicable statutory debt limitation.
(Source: P.A. 100-1125, eff. 11-28-18.)

70 ILCS 1205/6-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/6-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 6-3)
    Sec. 6-3. The question as to the increase of the authorized aggregate principal indebtedness of a park district under Section 6-2 hereof shall be submitted to the voters of the district at the next regular election in accordance with the general election law. The proposition as to the increase of the authorized aggregate principal indebtedness shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall the authorized aggregate
principal indebtedness of the....              YES
Park District (naming it) be increased   ---------------------
to not more than.... per centum of the         NO
value of the taxable property therein?
    If a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition are in the affirmative, the increase of the authorized aggregate principal indebtedness shall be deemed approved.
(Source: P.A. 86-494.)

70 ILCS 1205/6-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/6-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 6-4)
    Sec. 6-4. The issue of bonds or notes by any park district shall be authorized by ordinance, and a copy of that ordinance properly certified by the secretary shall be filed in the office of the clerk in each of the counties wherein such district lies. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, bonds and notes the aggregate outstanding unpaid principal balance of which exceeds 0.575% of the total assessed valuation of all taxable property in the district may not be issued by any park district, until the proposition to issue the same has been certified by the secretary to the proper election officials who shall submit the proposition at an election in accordance with the general election law. Notice of the referendum shall be given and the referendum shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    Submission of any proposition of issuing bonds or notes shall be authorized by resolution to be adopted by the board which shall designate the election at which the proposition is to be submitted and designate the amount of bonds and purpose for which the bonds are to be issued.
    Any proposition to issue bonds shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall bonds or notes of the
..... Park District (name it) to     YES
the amount of..... Dollars
($.....) be issued for the        ----------------------------
purpose of.....?  (Here insert
any one or more of the               NO
purposes authorized in
Section 6-2 hereof)
This Section shall not be construed to require a referendum for bonds issued under Section 9-2b nor for bonds to refund any maturing bond issues as provided in the Park District Refunding Bond Act, or to refund any judgment indebtedness including any unpaid public benefits and amounts assessed against any park district, whether due or not due under Division 2 of Article 9 of the Illinois Municipal Code, but bonds may be issued for such purposes without referendum.
    Bonds heretofore or hereafter issued and outstanding that are approved by referendum, refunding bonds issued under the Park District Refunding Bond Act (70 ILCS 1270/) that refund or continue to refund bonds approved by referendum, bonds issued under this Section that have been paid in full or for which provisions for payment have been made by an irrevocable deposit of funds in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on those bonds to their respective maturity date, non-referendum bonds issued under any other provision of this Act, promissory notes or similar debt instruments issued under Section 6-7, and bonded indebtedness assumed from another park district do not limit in any way the right of a park district to issue non-referendum bonds in accordance with this Section.
    This Section shall not be construed to permit issuance of bonds for the purpose of refunding revenue bonds as provided in Section 6-2 until the proposition to issue the same has been submitted as herein provided at an election in accordance with the general election law.
(Source: P.A. 98-906, eff. 8-15-14.)

70 ILCS 1205/6-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/6-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 6-5)
    Sec. 6-5. Such bonds or notes of a park district shall be issued when authorized under Sections 6-2, 6-3 or 6-4, hereof in the name of the district, signed by the president and secretary, and countersigned by the treasurer, with the seal of said district affixed. They shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, payable semiannually and the principal shall be payable at such time and place as may be determined by the board, not exceeding 25 years from their date. The board of such district may sell such bonds in any manner it deems for the best interests of the district, at not less than par, and the proceeds thereof shall be used exclusively for the purpose in this code authorized.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 96-321, eff. 8-11-09.)

70 ILCS 1205/6-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/6-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 6-6)
    Sec. 6-6. All park districts, at or before the time of issuance of bonds or notes, shall provide for the levy of taxes, in addition to all other taxes, sufficient to pay the principal of and interest upon said bonds or notes as the same becomes due, and shall file a certified copy of the ordinance or ordinances providing for the levy of said taxes with the county clerk of the county in which the district is located. Where said district lies in more than one county, said tax shall be certified, apportioned and levied as provided in Section 5-4 hereof.
(Source: P.A. 79-434.)

70 ILCS 1205/6-7

    (70 ILCS 1205/6-7)
    Sec. 6-7. Borrowing from financial institutions. The board may borrow money for any corporate purpose from any bank or other financial institution provided such money shall be repaid within 2 years from the time the money is borrowed. The president and secretary shall execute a promissory note or similar debt instrument to evidence the indebtedness incurred by the borrowing. The obligation to make the payments due under the promissory note or other debt instrument shall be a lawful direct general obligation of the park district payable from the general funds of that district and such other sources of payment as are otherwise lawfully available. The promissory note or other debt instrument shall be authorized by an ordinance passed by the board and shall be valid whether or not an appropriation with respect to that ordinance is included in any annual or supplemental appropriation adopted by the board. The indebtedness incurred under this Section, when aggregated with the existing indebtedness of the park district, may not exceed any debt limitation otherwise provided for by law. "Financial institution" means any bank subject to the Illinois Banking Act, any savings and loan association subject to the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985, any savings bank subject to the Savings Bank Act, any credit union subject to the Illinois Credit Union Act, and any federally chartered commercial bank, savings and loan association, savings bank, or credit union organized and operated in this State pursuant to the laws of the United States.
(Source: P.A. 98-906, eff. 8-15-14.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 7

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 7 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/7-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/7-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 7-1)
    Sec. 7-1. All park districts shall retain and be vested with all power and authority contained in an act entitled "An Act to enable park commissioners or corporate authorities to take, regulate, control and improve public streets leading to public parks; to pay for the improvement thereof, and in that behalf to make and collect a special assessment or special tax on contiguous property," approved April 9, 1879, and "An Act to enable park commissioners to condemn land in certain cases for the purpose of making streets selected and taken for boulevards of uniform width and to provide for the payment of the same", approved June 14, 1887.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/7-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/7-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 7-2)
    Sec. 7-2. Power is hereby conferred upon any park district to acquire, lay out, extend, maintain, and improve pleasure driveways and boulevards and to acquire and improve any and all real estate, lands, riparian estates or rights, and all other property acquired or needed for any such park, boulevard, or driveway or for extending, adorning, or maintaining the same if such land is located within such park district, under the provisions of Article 9 of the Illinois Municipal Code, as heretofore and hereafter amended. The Board shall, by resolution, designate the Local Improvement Act under which it elects to proceed. The same provision shall apply to the collections of the assessments by installments and for the issuing of bonds and vouchers therefor as are provided in case of special assessments of cities and villages in said Article 9 of the Illinois Municipal Code, except as limited by Sections 7-3 to 7-5 hereof.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 1398.)

70 ILCS 1205/7-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/7-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 7-3)
    Sec. 7-3. In the making of any local improvements by a park district and except as in this section otherwise provided, the powers and duties provided to be exercised and performed by the respective officers of cities and villages under Article 9 of the Illinois Municipal Code, as heretofore and hereafter amended shall be exercised and performed by the corresponding officers of such park districts, insofar as action by any such officers is required under the form of local improvement proceeding the board elects to adopt for the improvement. The board of such district shall act as the Board of Local Improvements. The superintendent of such park district or such other official or person as the board may designate shall act as Superintendent of Special Assessments. The engineer employed by the board to prepare the plans and specifications for the improvements shall be the "engineer," or if no such person be employed, then any qualified engineer designated by the board may so act. The attorney for said park district shall (unless a special attorney be employed by the board for such purpose) be the attorney for said Board of Local Improvements.
    The members of said board of local improvements shall act as such without compensation, and the secretary shall be ex-officio secretary of said board of local improvements and the treasurer shall perform the duties of collector of said special assessment and shall be custodian of such funds which shall be expended only for the improvement for which said assessment is levied.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 1398.)

70 ILCS 1205/7-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/7-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 7-4)
    Sec. 7-4. The word "improvement" as used in this article shall include the condemnation of property for park or boulevard purposes, or both.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/7-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/7-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 7-5)
    Sec. 7-5. Any park district may, in the manner hereafter provided, levy an annual tax not exceeding .025% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all the taxable property in such district, to be known as a public benefit tax, and the fund arising therefrom shall be known as a public benefit fund and shall be used solely for the purpose of paying any such amounts that may be assessed for such public benefit under Section 7-2. No such tax shall be levied in any park district until the question of levying such tax is first certified by the board to the proper election officials who shall submit the proposition at an election in accordance with the general election law. The proposition shall be submitted to the voters of the district in substantially the following form:
    Shall a public benefit tax not exceeding
.025% be levied each year on the taxable         YES
property of.... Park District (naming it) as  ----------------
provided in Section 7-5 of "The Park District    NO
    Notice of the referendum shall be given and the referendum shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    If a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition are in favor, the governing board may levy and collect such tax annually thereafter, so long as there remains outstanding any assessment against the district for public benefits under any special assessment proceeding. Should any assessment be later assessed against the district in a subsequent local improvement proceeding for public benefits, then the tax may again be levied so long as the assessment remains unpaid without the necessity of any additional referendum. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected in such district and shall not be included in any limitation of rate contained in this code or any other law, but shall be excluded therefrom, in addition thereto, and in excess thereof. The tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as the general taxes for such district. The foregoing limitations upon tax rates may be increased or decreased according to the referendum provisions of the General Revenue Law of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 81-1489; 81-1509.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 8

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 8 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/8-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-1)
    Sec. 8-1. General corporate powers. Every park district shall, from the time of its organization, be a body corporate and politic by the name set forth in the petition for its organization, the specific name set forth in this Code, or the name it may adopt under Section 8-9 and shall have and exercise the following powers:
        (a) To adopt a corporate seal and alter the same at
pleasure; to sue and be sued; and to contract in furtherance of any of its corporate purposes.
        (b)(1) To acquire by gift, legacy, grant or purchase,
or by condemnation in the manner provided for the exercise of the power of eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act, any and all real estate, or rights therein necessary for building, laying out, extending, adorning and maintaining any such parks, boulevards and driveways, or for effecting any of the powers or purposes granted under this Code as its board may deem proper, whether such lands be located within or without such district; but no park district, except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, shall have any power of condemnation in the manner provided for the exercise of the power of eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act or otherwise as to any real estate, lands, riparian rights or estate, or other property situated outside of such district, but shall only have power to acquire the same by gift, legacy, grant or purchase, and such district shall have the same control of and power over lands so acquired without the district as over parks, boulevards and driveways within such district.
        (2) In addition to the powers granted in paragraph
(1) of subsection (b), a park district located in more than one county, the majority of its territory located in a county over 450,000 in population and none of its territory located in a county over 1,000,000 in population, shall have condemnation power in the manner provided for the exercise of the power of eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act or as otherwise granted by law as to any and all real estate situated up to one mile outside of such district which is not within the boundaries of another park district.
        (c) To acquire by gift, legacy or purchase any
personal property necessary for its corporate purposes provided that all contracts for supplies, materials or work involving an expenditure in excess of $30,000, or a lower amount if required by board policy, shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder after due advertisement. No district shall be required to accept a bid that does not meet the district's established specifications, terms of delivery, quality, and serviceability requirements. Contracts which, by their nature, are not adapted to award by competitive bidding, such as contracts for the services of individuals possessing a high degree of professional skill where the ability or fitness of the individual plays an important part, contracts for the printing of finance committee reports and departmental reports, contracts for the printing or engraving of bonds, tax warrants and other evidences of indebtedness, contracts for utility services such as water, light, heat, telephone or telegraph, contracts for fuel (such as diesel, gasoline, oil, aviation, or propane), lubricants, or other petroleum products, contracts for the use, purchase, delivery, movement, or installation of data processing equipment, software, or services and telecommunications and interconnect equipment, software, or services, contracts for duplicating machines and supplies, contracts for goods or services procured from another governmental agency, purchases of equipment previously owned by some entity other than the district itself, and contracts for the purchase of magazines, books, periodicals, pamphlets and reports are not subject to competitive bidding. Contracts for emergency expenditures are also exempt from competitive bidding when the emergency expenditure is approved by 3/4 of the members of the board.
        All competitive bids for contracts involving an
expenditure in excess of $30,000, or a lower amount if required by board policy, must be sealed by the bidder and must be opened by a member or employee of the park board at a public bid opening at which the contents of the bids must be announced. Each bidder must receive at least 3 days notice of the time and place of the bid opening.
        For purposes of this subsection, "due advertisement"
includes, but is not limited to, at least one public notice at least 10 days before the bid date in a newspaper published in the district or, if no newspaper is published in the district, in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the district.
        (d) To pass all necessary ordinances, rules and
regulations for the proper management and conduct of the business of the board and district and to establish by ordinance all needful rules and regulations for the government and protection of parks, boulevards and driveways and other property under its jurisdiction, and to effect the objects for which such districts are formed.
        (e) To prescribe such fines and penalties for the
violation of ordinances as it shall deem proper not exceeding $1,000 for any one offense, which fines and penalties may be recovered by an action in the name of such district in the circuit court for the county in which such violation occurred. The park district may also seek in the action, in addition to or instead of fines and penalties, an order that the offender be required to make restitution for damage resulting from violations, and the court shall grant such relief where appropriate. The procedure in such actions shall be the same as that provided by law for like actions for the violation of ordinances in cities organized under the general laws of this State, and offenders may be imprisoned for non-payment of fines and costs in the same manner as in such cities. All fines when collected shall be paid into the treasury of such district.
        (f) To manage and control all officers and property
of such districts and to provide for joint ownership with one or more cities, villages or incorporated towns of real and personal property used for park purposes by one or more park districts. In case of joint ownership, the terms of the agreement shall be fair, just and equitable to all parties and shall be set forth in a written agreement entered into by the corporate authorities of each participating district, city, village or incorporated town.
        (g) To secure grants and loans, or either, from the
United States Government, or any agency or agencies thereof, for financing the acquisition or purchase of any and all real estate, or rights therein, or for effecting any of the powers or purposes granted under this Code as its Board may deem proper.
        (h) To establish fees for the use of facilities and
recreational programs of the districts and to derive revenue from non-resident fees from their operations. Fees charged non-residents of such district need not be the same as fees charged to residents of the district. Charging fees or deriving revenue from the facilities and recreational programs shall not affect the right to assert or utilize any defense or immunity, common law or statutory, available to the districts or their employees.
        (i) To make contracts for a term exceeding one year,
but not to exceed 3 years, notwithstanding any provision of this Code to the contrary, relating to: (1) the employment of a park director, superintendent, administrator, engineer, health officer, land planner, finance director, attorney, police chief, or other officer who requires technical training or knowledge; (2) the employment of outside professional consultants such as engineers, doctors, land planners, auditors, attorneys, or other professional consultants who require technical training or knowledge; (3) the provision of data processing equipment and services; and (4) the purchase of energy from a utility or an alternative retail electric supplier. With respect to any contract made under this subsection (i), the corporate authorities shall include in the annual appropriation ordinance for each fiscal year an appropriation of a sum of money sufficient to pay the amount which, by the terms of the contract, is to become due and payable during that fiscal year.
        (j) To enter into licensing or management agreements
with not-for-profit corporations organized under the laws of this State to operate park district facilities if the corporation covenants to use the facilities to provide public park or recreational programs for youth.
(Source: P.A. 101-304, eff. 8-9-19; 102-999, eff. 5-27-22.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-1.1

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-1.1)
    Sec. 8-1.1. Property owned by a park district shall not be subject to annexation by a municipality without the express consent of the board of park commissioners of the district.
(Source: P.A. 94-396, eff. 8-1-05.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-1.2

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-1.2)
    Sec. 8-1.2. Eminent domain. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any power granted under this Code to acquire property by condemnation or eminent domain is subject to, and shall be exercised in accordance with, the Eminent Domain Act.
(Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-2)
    Sec. 8-2. An Act entitled "An Act to provide for making improvements and repairs by any park commissioners upon boulevards, parkways and highways", approved April 22, 1907, as amended, and, also, "An Act to enable park commissioners or park authorities to take, regulate, control, improve, repair and maintain public streets and to provide a method of securing funds for the improvement, repair, maintenance, regulation and control of same", approved June 22, 1917, and also, "An Act to enable park commissioners or park authorities to take, regulate, control and improve public streets and to pay for the improvement thereof", approved June 21, 1895, shall not be deemed repealed as to districts under this code, but all the rights, powers and privileges by said acts conferred shall remain and be vested in and be available to all park districts.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-3)
    Sec. 8-3. All park districts shall retain and be vested with all power and authority contained in an act entitled "An Act concerning Aquariums and Museums in Public Parks", approved June 17, 1898, as amended.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-4)
    Sec. 8-4. All park districts shall retain and be vested with all power and authority contained in an act entitled "An Act authorizing park commissioners to acquire or provide sites for armories for the National Guard and to acquire or establish and to maintain landing fields for aircraft", approved July 11, 1927.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-5)
    Sec. 8-5. All park districts shall retain and be vested with all the powers granted by an act entitled "An Act in relation to the construction by park districts of elevated pleasure highways and boulevards and the provision of means for the payment of the cost thereof", approved June 24, 1929.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-6)
    Sec. 8-6. Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to repeal "An Act to authorize the confinement in houses of correction of persons convicted of the violation of ordinances of public park commissioners", approved May 25, 1907, but said act shall be available to, and the powers, rights and duties therein set forth shall apply to all park districts.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-6a

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-6a)
    Sec. 8-6a. Park district land outside of boundaries; subject to ordinances. Park district land located outside the district's boundaries and not contiguous for the purpose of annexation shall be subject to all personal conduct and criminal provisions of the ordinances of the district, and any police force having jurisdiction within the property may make arrests and issue citations for violation of those district ordinances as if the land were within the boundaries of the park district. The violation shall be prosecuted and adjudicated as if the violation occurred within park district boundaries.
(Source: P.A. 89-458, eff. 5-24-96; 89-536, eff. 7-19-96.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-7

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-7) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-7)
    Sec. 8-7. Any park district shall have power within its jurisdiction to designate by ordinance the whole or any part of two or more streets, roads, or, boulevards under the jurisdiction of any city, town or village within the boundaries of said district, as a public driveway, to be used for pleasure driving only; and also to lay out, establish, alter, extend, pave or otherwise improve and maintain the same and designate the same as pleasure driveways, to be used for pleasure driving only. Such park districts may, by ordinance, regulate, restrain and control the speed of travel upon the same, and in all things may regulate, restrain and control the use of said pleasure driveways and parks by the public or individuals, and may exclude therefrom funeral processions or anything other than pleasure vehicles; provided, that any and all roads, streets, boulevards or parks lying wholly or in part within the corporate limits of any city, town or village situated within any park district shall first, from and after the organization of such district, by ordinance of such city, town or village be turned over and placed under the control of such park district and accepted, by ordinance, by such district.
    Any parks or boulevards within the limits of any park district and also within any municipality or any parks owned by or under the control of any municipality which are in or within four miles of the corporate limits of such municipality may, with the consent of such municipality, on the organization of said district, be turned over to and placed under the control thereof. In any such park district any and all lands fronting on a lake, now belonging to or under the control of any city, town or village in said park district, with the riparian rights attached thereto, shall be and are hereby appropriated for such park or parks, or boulevards, as are authorized to be made and established by this code, with the consent of the corporate authorities of such municipality.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-8

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-8) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-8)
    Sec. 8-8. Any park district, when so requested by its treasurer, shall designate one or more banks or savings and loan associations in which the funds of the district may be deposited. When a bank or savings and loan association has been designated as a depository it shall continue as such until 10 days have elapsed after a new depository is designated and has qualified by furnishing the statements of resources and liabilities required by this section. When a new depository is designated, the district shall notify the sureties of its treasurer of that fact, in writing, at least 5 days before the transfer of funds. Such treasurer shall be discharged from responsibility for all such funds and moneys deposited in a bank or savings and loan association, so designated, while such funds and moneys are so deposited.
    No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds as permitted by this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements established pursuant to Section 6 of "An Act relating to certain investments of public funds by public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as now or hereafter amended.
    Notwithstanding any provision of this Act or of any other law, each official custodian of park district funds, including, without limitation, each park district treasurer and each person properly designated as the official custodian for park district or joint recreational program funds, including, without limitation, each person properly designated as official custodian of funds for joint recreational programs established pursuant to the provisions of Sections 8-10b and 8-18 of this Act and each person properly designated as custodian for funds held by an intergovernmental risk management association or self-insurance pool composed solely of participating park districts, forest preserve districts or joint recreational programs, is permitted to (i) combine moneys from more than one fund of a single park district, joint recreational program, risk management association or self-insurance pool for the purpose of investing such moneys, (ii) enter into agreements of any definite or indefinite term regarding the deposit, redeposit, investment, reinvestment or withdrawal of park district, risk management association, self-insurance pool or joint recreational program funds and (iii) join with any custodians or treasurers of park district, Chicago Park District, joint recreational program, risk management association, self-insurance pool or forest preserve district funds for the purpose of investing any park district, risk management association, self-insurance pool or joint recreational program funds in his custody. When funds are combined for investment purposes as authorized herein, the moneys combined for such purposes shall be accounted for separately in all respects, and the earnings from such investment shall be separately and individually computed and recorded, and credited to the fund, district, joint recreational program, risk management association, self-insurance pool or other entity, as the case may be, for which the investment was acquired. The grant of authority contained in this Section is cumulative and supplemental and in addition to all other power or authority granted by any other law and shall not be construed as a limitation of any power or authority otherwise granted.
(Source: P.A. 85-460.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-8a

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-8a)
    Sec. 8-8a. Transfer of interest income. Any park district, when requested by its treasurer, may transfer the interest earned on any of the moneys of the district into the fund of the district that is most in need of the interest. This Section does not apply to any interest earned that has been earmarked or restricted for a designated purpose. This Section does not apply to any interest earned on any funds for the purposes of municipal retirement under the Illinois Pension Code and tort immunity under the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act. Interest earned on these funds may be used only for the purposes authorized for the respective funds from which the interest earnings were derived.
(Source: P.A. 91-300, eff. 7-29-99.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-9

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-9) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-9)
    Sec. 8-9. Name change.
    (a) Whenever two-thirds of the governing board of a park district shall approve an ordinance or resolution to change the name of such park district, a copy of such ordinance or resolution shall be duly certified by the president and secretary of such board and filed in the office of the county clerk of the counties wherein such park district is located. Upon the filing of the aforesaid ordinance or resolution for change of name in the office of said county clerk such change of name of such park district shall be complete.
    (b) Whenever a Public Act changes the name of a park district, the secretary of the board of the park district shall, within 30 days after the date upon which the Public Act becomes law, obtain copies of the Public Act that are duly certified by the Secretary of State and file a certified copy of the Public Act in the office of the county clerk of each county in which the park district is located. The change of name of a park district by a Public Act shall be complete upon the Public Act becoming law.
(Source: P.A. 98-772, eff. 7-16-14.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-10

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-10) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-10)
    Sec. 8-10. All park districts shall have power to plan, establish and maintain recreational programs, provide musical concerts, to construct, equip and maintain airports, landing fields for aircraft, armories, field houses, gymnasiums, assembly rooms, comfort stations, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, wading pools, bathing beaches, bath houses, locker rooms, boating basins, boat houses, lagoons, skating rinks, piers, conservatories for the propagation of flowers, shrubs, and other plants, animal and bird houses and enclosures, athletic fields with seating stands, golf, tennis, and other courses, courts, and grounds, and the power to make and enforce reasonable rules, regulations, and charges therefor. The express enumeration of each of the foregoing recreational facilities and equipment which park districts are herein given the power to provide shall not be construed as a limitation upon said park districts, nor prohibit any park district from providing any other facilities or equipment which may be appropriate for park purposes in any park of said district, nor shall the same in any way be held to limit the power and authority conferred upon park districts under other sections of this code.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-10a

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-10a) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-10.1)
    Sec. 8-10a. Every Park District is authorized to establish, maintain and manage recreational programs for persons with disabilities, including both persons with mental disabilities and persons with physical disabilities, to provide transportation for persons with disabilities to and from such programs, to provide for such examination of participants in such programs as may be deemed necessary, to charge fees for participating in such programs, the fee charged for non-residents of such district need not be the same as the fees charged the residents of the district, and to charge fees for transportation furnished to participants.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-10b

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-10b) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-10.2)
    Sec. 8-10b. Joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities. Any 2 or more park districts, or in counties with a population of 300,000 or less, a single park district and another unit of local government, are authorized to take any action jointly relating to recreational programs for persons with disabilities that could be taken individually and to enter into agreements with other park districts and recreation boards and the corporate authorities of cities, villages and incorporated towns specified in Sections 11-95-2 and 11-95-3 of the "Illinois Municipal Code", approved May 29, 1961, as amended, or any combination thereof, for the purpose of providing for the establishment, maintenance and management of joint recreational programs for persons with disabilities of all the participating districts and municipal areas, including provisions for transportation of participants, procedures for approval of budgets, authorization of expenditures and sharing of expenses, location of recreational areas in the area of any of the participating districts and municipalities, acquisition of real estate by gift, legacy, grant, or purchase, employment of a director and other professional workers for such program who may be employed by one participating district, municipality or board which shall be reimbursed on a mutually agreed basis by the other districts, municipalities and boards that are parties to the joint agreement, authorization for one municipality, board or district to supply professional workers for a joint program conducted in another municipality or district and to provide other requirements for operation of such joint program as may be desirable.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-11

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-11) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-11)
    Sec. 8-11. In addition to the other powers and authority now possessed by it, every park district shall have the power to grant licenses, easements, and right of ways to municipalities, corporations or persons for the construction, operation and maintenance of facilities upon, under or across any property of such district for water, sewer, telephone, electric, gas or other public service, subject to such terms and conditions as may be determined by the district.
    To all municipalities lying within the limits of any park district is hereby expressly reserved the right to lay and repair water and sewer pipe under the surface of any boulevard or park therein in the same manner and to the same extent it could have been done before the organization of such park district; provided, said property shall be restored to original condition by said municipality on completion thereof.
(Source: P.A. 83-526.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-12

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-12) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-12)
    Sec. 8-12. In addition to other powers and authority now possessed by it, every park district shall have the power:
    (1) To lease from any public building commission created pursuant to the provisions of the Public Building Commission Act, approved July 5, 1955, and as amended from time to time, any real or personal property for the purpose of securing office or other space for its administrative corporate functions for a period of time not exceeding twenty years;
    (2) To pay for the use of this leased property in accordance with the terms of the lease; and
    (3) To enter into such lease without making a previous appropriation for the expense thereby incurred.
(Source: Laws 1957, p. 1166.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-13

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-13) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-13)
    Sec. 8-13. In addition to the other powers and authority now possessed by it, every park district may enter into a lease for a period of not to exceed 8 years for such equipment and machinery as may be required for corporate purposes when authorized by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the governing board of the park district.
(Source: P.A. 101-249, eff. 8-9-19.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-13a

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-13a)
    Sec. 8-13a. Agreements related to solar energy. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, a park district may enter into a lease, contract, or other agreement related to the acquisition of solar energy, including the installation, maintenance, and service of solar panels, equipment, or similar technology related to solar energy, for a period not to exceed 2.5 times the term of years provided for in Section 8-13 when authorized by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the governing board of the park district.
(Source: P.A. 103-146, eff. 6-30-23.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-14

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-14) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-14)
    Sec. 8-14. All Park Districts have the power to dedicate areas as nature preserves as provided in the "Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act", as now or hereafter amended, and to cooperate with the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission in matters relating to the purposes of that Act.
(Source: P.A. 82-445.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-15

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-15) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-15)
    Sec. 8-15. In addition to the other powers and authority now possessed by it, every park district shall have the power and authority to purchase or improve or repair any real estate, equipment, machinery and other personal property for public purposes under contracts providing for payment in installments. Any such contract heretofore or hereafter entered into may be refinanced at any time by means of a refunding loan agreement. Each such contract or refunding loan agreement may provide for installment payments of principal and interest to be made at stated intervals during a certain period not to exceed 20 years. Interest paid on the principal balance outstanding may be at any rate or rates permitted on park district bonds and may be adjusted on such date or dates as are specified in the contract or refunding loan agreement, provided that the rate of interest resulting from the adjustment on such date or dates shall not exceed the greater of (i) the maximum rate of interest permitted on park district bonds on the date such contract or refunding loan agreement was made by such park district; or (ii) the maximum rate of interest permitted on park district bonds on the interest adjustment date specified in the contract or refunding loan agreement. No contract or refunding loan agreement for the same real estate or personal property may exceed an aggregate of 20 years.
    Every park district may, in such contract or refunding loan agreement, irrevocably contract to issue general obligation bonds or notes from time to time as permitted by law and to apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of principal and interest on the contract or refunding loan agreement. Notwithstanding any change in law subsequent to the making of such irrevocable contract to issue bonds or notes, every park district making such irrevocable contract shall be authorized to issue such bonds or notes as though the laws relating to park district bonds and notes in effect at the time of the making of such irrevocable contract were in full force and effect until all of the installments on the contract or refunding loan agreement have been paid in full. The State of Illinois pledges and agrees that it will not limit or alter the rights and powers vested in park districts in this paragraph of this Section so as to impair the terms of any such irrevocable contract until each contract and refunding loan agreement is paid in full.
    The provisions of this Section shall not, however, be construed in any manner whatsoever to permit the issuance of bonds or notes without referendum except as provided in Article 6 of "The Park District Code" at the time such irrevocable contract is made.
    In connection with any contract or refunding loan agreement authorized by this Section, every park district may issue certificates evidencing the indebtedness incurred pursuant to such contract or refunding loan agreement in such number, denomination and form as the park district shall determine. The indebtedness incurred under this Section when aggregated with existing principal indebtedness may not exceed the debt limits provided in Section 6-2 of "The Park District Code"; provided, however, that the interest to be paid on obligations incurred pursuant to this Section shall not be included in any computation of indebtedness.
(Source: P.A. 86-494.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-16

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-16) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-16)
    Sec. 8-16. In addition to the other powers and authority now possessed by it, every park district shall have the power and authority to lease real estate for a period not to exceed 99 years and to improve the same in such manner as may be required for corporate purposes by the construction of capital improvements thereon when so authorized by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the governing board of the park district.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3558.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-17

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-17) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-17)
    Sec. 8-17. The corporate authorities of each park district or municipality may provide for joining the park district or municipality in membership in the Illinois Association of Park Districts, a non-profit, non-political association of Illinois park districts, city park commissions, and playground and recreation commissions and may provide for the payment of annual membership dues and fees. The member park districts, city park commissions, and playground and recreation commissions acting by, through and in the name of such instrumentality may provide and disseminate information and research services, employ personnel, and do any and all other acts for the purpose of improving local and park district government.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3554.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-18

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-18) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-18)
    Sec. 8-18. Every park district shall have the power and authority to develop, operate, finance and participate in joint recreational programs with one or more park districts, cities, city recreation commissions, forest preserve districts, conservation districts, school districts, or other municipal or quasi-municipal governments, and to enter into joint agreements pertaining thereto, including the joint use of facilities and equipment and the securing of liability insurance in connection with such use.
(Source: P.A. 99-271, eff. 8-5-15.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-19

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-19) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-19)
    Sec. 8-19. Any park district may sell or deliver alcoholic liquors in accordance with the provisions of "An Act relating to alcoholic liquors", approved January 31, 1934, as such Act may be now or hereafter amended. Such park district shall provide dram shop liability in maximum insurance coverage limits in accordance with "An Act relating to alcoholic liquors", approved January 31, 1934, as such Act may be now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 82-1057.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-20

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-20) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-20)
    Sec. 8-20. Each park district shall indemnify and protect members of the park board and employees of such district against civil rights damage claims and suits, constitutional rights damage claims and suits, death and bodily injury damage claims and suits, and property damage claims and suits, including defense thereof, when damages are sought for negligent or wrongful acts alleged to have been committed within the scope of employment, or under the direction, of the board. Such indemnification and protection shall extend to persons who are members of the park board or employees of the district at the time of the incident from which a claim arises.
(Source: P.A. 83-807.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-21

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-21) (from Ch. 105, par. 8-21)
    Sec. 8-21. Each park district may insure against any loss or liability of the park district, members of the park board, and employees thereof, by reason of civil rights damage claims and suits, constitutional rights damage claims and suits, death and bodily injury damage claims and suits, and property damage claims and suits, including defense thereof, when damages are sought for negligent or wrongful acts allegedly committed within the scope of employment, or under the direction, of the park board. Such insurance shall be carried with a company licensed to write such coverage in this State.
    Each park district may provide for or participate in the provision of insurance protection and benefits for its employees and their dependents, including but not limited to retirement annuities, and medical, surgical and hospitalization benefits, in such types and amounts as shall be determined by the board, for the purposes of aiding in securing and retaining the services of competent employees. Where employee participation in such provision is involved, the board, with the consent of the employee, may withhold deductions from the employee's salary necessary to defray the employee's share of such insurance costs. Such insurance or benefits may be contracted for only with an insurance company authorized to do business in this State. Such insurance may include provision for employees and their dependents who rely on treatment by prayer or spiritual means alone for healing, in accordance with the tenets and practice of a recognized religious denomination.
    For the purposes of this Section, "dependent" means an employee's spouse and any unmarried child (1) under the age of 19 years, including (a) an adopted child and (b) a stepchild or recognized child who lives with the employee in a regular parent-child relationship or (2) under the age of 23 who is enrolled as a full-time student in any accredited school, college or university.
(Source: P.A. 90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-22

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-22)
    Sec. 8-22. Whenever a park district owns any personal property that in the opinion of three-fifths of the members of the board then holding office is no longer necessary, useful to, or for the best interests of the park district, three-fifths of the park board then holding office, at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose, by ordinance, may authorize the conveyance or sale of that personal property in any manner that they may designate, with or without advertising the sale.
(Source: P.A. 88-426.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-23

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-23)
    Sec. 8-23. Criminal background investigations.
    (a) An applicant for employment with a park district is required as a condition of employment to authorize an investigation to determine if the applicant has been convicted of any of the enumerated criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) or (d) of this Section, or adjudicated a delinquent minor for any of the enumerated criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) or (d) of this Section, or has been convicted, within 7 years of the application for employment with the park district, of any other felony under the laws of this State or of any offense committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws of the United States that, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as a felony under the laws of this State. Authorization for the investigation shall be furnished by the applicant to the park district. Upon receipt of this authorization, the park district shall submit the applicant's name, sex, race, date of birth, and social security number to the Illinois State Police on forms prescribed by the Illinois State Police. The Illinois State Police shall conduct a search of the Illinois criminal history records database to ascertain if the applicant being considered for employment has been convicted of any of the enumerated criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) or (d) of this Section, or adjudicated a delinquent minor for committing or attempting to commit any of the enumerated criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) or (d) of this Section, or has been convicted of committing or attempting to commit, within 7 years of the application for employment with the park district, any other felony under the laws of this State. The Illinois State Police shall charge the park district a fee for conducting the investigation, which fee shall be deposited in the State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the cost of the inquiry. The applicant shall not be charged a fee by the park district for the investigation.
    (b) If the search of the Illinois criminal history record database indicates that the applicant has been convicted of any of the enumerated criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) or (d), or adjudicated a delinquent minor for committing or attempting to commit any of the enumerated criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) or (d), or has been convicted of committing or attempting to commit, within 7 years of the application for employment with the park district, any other felony under the laws of this State, the Illinois State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall furnish, pursuant to a fingerprint based background check, records of convictions or adjudications as a delinquent minor, until expunged, to the president of the park district. Any information concerning the record of convictions or adjudications as a delinquent minor obtained by the president shall be confidential and may only be transmitted to those persons who are necessary to the decision on whether to hire the applicant for employment. A copy of the record of convictions or adjudications as a delinquent minor obtained from the Illinois State Police shall be provided to the applicant for employment. Any person who releases any confidential information concerning any criminal convictions or adjudications as a delinquent minor of an applicant for employment shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor, unless the release of such information is authorized by this Section.
    (c) No park district shall knowingly employ a person who has been convicted, or adjudicated a delinquent minor, for committing attempted first degree murder or for committing or attempting to commit first degree murder, a Class X felony, or any one or more of the following criminal offenses: (i) those defined in Sections 11-1.20, 11-1.30, 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 11-6, 11-9, 11-14.3, 11-14.4, 11-15, 11-15.1, 11-16, 11-17, 11-18, 11-19, 11-19.1, 11-19.2, 11-20, 11-20.1, 11-20.1B, 11-20.3, 11-21, 11-30 (if convicted of a Class 4 felony), 12-7.3, 12-7.4, 12-7.5, 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15, and 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012; (ii) (blank); (iii) (blank); (iv) (blank); and (v) any offense committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws of the United States, which, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as one or more of the foregoing offenses. Further, no park district shall knowingly employ a person who has been found to be the perpetrator of sexual or physical abuse of any minor under 18 years of age pursuant to proceedings under Article II of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987. No park district shall knowingly employ a person for whom a criminal background investigation has not been initiated.
    (d) No park district shall knowingly employ a person who has been convicted of the following drug offenses, other than an offense set forth in subsection (c), until 7 years following the end of the sentence imposed for any of the following offenses: (i) those defined in the Cannabis Control Act, except those defined in Sections 4(a), 4(b), 4(c), 5(a), and 5(b) of that Act; (ii) those defined in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act; (iii) those defined in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act; and (iv) any offense committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws of the United States, which, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as one or more of the foregoing offenses. For purposes of this paragraph, "sentence" includes any period of supervision or probation that was imposed either alone or in combination with a period of incarceration.
    (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (c) and (d), a park district may, in its discretion, employ a person who has been granted a certificate of good conduct under Section 5-5.5-25 of the Unified Code of Corrections by the circuit court.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-23a

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-23a)
    Sec. 8-23a. Application for volunteers; disclosure of child sex offenses; penalty for failure to disclose.
    (a) For purposes of this Section:
    "Child sex offender" has the meaning provided in paragraph (1) of subsection (d) of Section 11-9.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
    "Volunteer" means any individual who without compensation or benefits reports to, and is under the direct supervision of, a park district's administrative staff and provides personal services to a park district recreational program that is offered to children.
    (b) Every park district shall require volunteers to complete an application prior to beginning any work as a volunteer. The application shall include, but shall not be limited to, a question for the applicant to answer concerning whether they have been convicted of or found to be a child sex offender. If a volunteer is under 18 years of age, the volunteer's parent or legal guardian may complete the application on behalf of the volunteer. No park district shall knowingly engage a volunteer who has been convicted of or found to be a child sex offender and shall terminate the services of the volunteer upon discovery of such an offender.
    (c) If a current volunteer with a park district is convicted of or found to be a child sex offender, the volunteer shall immediately disclose the conviction or finding to the park district.
(Source: P.A. 100-472, eff. 9-8-17.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-24

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-24)
    Sec. 8-24. Concussion and head injury educational materials.
    (a) In addition to the other powers and authority now possessed by it, any park district is authorized and encouraged to make available to residents and users of park district facilities, including youth athletic programs, electronically or in written form, educational materials that describe the nature and risk of concussion and head injuries, including the advisability of removal of youth athletes that exhibit signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion, such as a loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion, or balance problems, from a practice or game. These educational materials may include materials produced or distributed by the Illinois High School Association, those produced by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or other comparable materials. The intent of these materials is to assist in educating coaches, youth athletes, and parents and guardians of youth athletes about the nature and risks of head injuries.
    (b) Each park district is subject to and shall comply with the requirements of the Youth Sports Concussion Safety Act if the park district is directly responsible for organizing and providing a sponsored youth sports activity as a youth sports league by registering the players and selecting the coaches, as those terms are defined in the Youth Sports Concussion Safety Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-245, eff. 8-3-15.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-30

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-30)
    Sec. 8-30. Advisory referenda. By a vote of the majority of the members of the park district board, the board may authorize an advisory question of public policy to be placed on the ballot at the next regularly scheduled election in the district. The board shall certify the question to the proper election authority, which must submit the question at an election in accordance with the Election Code.
(Source: P.A. 93-574, eff. 8-21-03.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-50

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-50)
    Sec. 8-50. Definitions. For the purposes of Sections 8-50 through 8-57, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context requires a different meaning:
    "Delivery system" means the design and construction approach used to develop and construct a project.
    "Design-bid-build" means the traditional delivery system used on public projects that incorporates the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act and the principles of competitive selection.
    "Design-build" means a delivery system that provides responsibility within a single contract for the furnishing of architecture, engineering, land surveying, and related services as required, and the labor, materials, equipment, and other construction services for the project.
    "Design-build contract" means a contract for a public project under this Act between any park district and a design-build entity to furnish architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, and related services as required, and to furnish the labor, materials, equipment, and other construction services for the project. The design-build contract may be conditioned upon subsequent refinements in scope and price and may allow the park district to make modifications in the project scope without invalidating the design-build contract.
    "Design-build entity" means any individual, sole proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation, professional corporation, or other entity that proposes to design and construct any public project under this Act. A design-build entity and associated design-build professionals shall conduct themselves in accordance with the laws of this State and the related provisions of the Illinois Administrative Code, as referenced by the licensed design professionals Acts of this State.
    "Design professional" means any individual, sole proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation, professional corporation, or other entity that offers services under the Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989, the Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989, the Structural Engineering Practice Act of 1989, or the Illinois Professional Land Surveyor Act of 1989.
    "Evaluation criteria" means the requirements for the separate phases of the selection process for design-build proposals as defined in this Act and may include the specialized experience, technical qualifications and competence, capacity to perform, past performance, experience with similar projects, assignment of personnel to the project, and other appropriate factors. Price may not be used as a factor in the evaluation of Phase I proposals.
    "Landscape architect design professional" means any person, sole proprietorship, or entity including, but not limited to, a partnership, professional service corporation, or corporation that offers services under the Landscape Architecture Registration Act.
    "Proposal" means the offer to enter into a design-build contract as submitted by a design-build entity in accordance with this Act.
    "Request for proposal" means the document used by the park district to solicit proposals for a design-build contract.
    "Scope and performance criteria" means the requirements for the public project, including, but not limited to: the intended usage, capacity, size, scope, quality, and performance standards; life-cycle costs; and other programmatic criteria that are expressed in performance oriented and quantifiable specifications and drawings that can be reasonably inferred and are suited to allow a design-build entity to develop a proposal.
(Source: P.A. 102-284, eff. 8-6-21.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-51

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-51)
    Sec. 8-51. Authorization for design-build; advertisement.
    (a) A park district shall have the power to enter into design-build contracts. In addition to the requirements set forth in its ordinances, the park district shall advertise a design-build solicitation at least once in a daily newspaper of general circulation within the county in which the park district is located. The date that Phase I submissions by design-build entities are due must be at least 14 calendar days after the date the newspaper advertisement for design-build proposals is first published. The advertisement shall identify the design-build project, the due date, the place and time for Phase I submissions, and the place where proposers may obtain a complete copy of the request for design-build proposals, including the criteria for evaluation and the scope and performance criteria. The park district is not precluded from using other media or from placing advertisements in addition to the one required under this subsection.
    (b) A park district may reject any and all bids and proposals received and may readvertise for bids or issue a new request for design-build proposals.
(Source: P.A. 97-349, eff. 8-12-11.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-52

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-52)
    Sec. 8-52. Solicitation of design-build proposals.
    (a) When a park district elects to use the design-build delivery method, it must issue a notice of intent to receive proposals for the project at least 14 days before issuing the request for proposal. The park district shall publish notice of the request for the design-build proposal in a newspaper of general circulation within the county in which the park district is located. The park district shall, if possible, post plans and specifications in a related construction industry service publication. A brief description of the proposed procurement must be included in the notice. The park district must provide a copy of the request for proposal to any party requesting a copy.
    (b) The request for proposal shall be prepared for each project and must contain, without limitation, the following information:
        (1) A preliminary schedule for the completion of the
        (2) The proposed budget for the project, the source
of funds, and the funds available at the time the request for proposal is submitted.
        (3) Prequalification criteria for design-build
entities wishing to submit proposals. The park district shall include, at a minimum, its normal prequalification, licensing, registration, and other requirements, but nothing contained in this Section precludes the use of additional prequalification criteria by the park district.
        (4) Material requirements of the contract, including,
but not limited to, the proposed terms and conditions, required performance and payment bonds, insurance, and the entity's plan to comply with the utilization goals established by the corporate authorities of the park district for minority and women business enterprises and to comply with Section 2-105 of the Illinois Human Rights Act.
        (5) The performance criteria.
        (6) The evaluation criteria for each phase of the
        (7) The number of entities to be considered for
the technical and cost evaluation phase.
    (c) The park district may include any other relevant information that it chooses to supply. The design-build entity shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy of this documentation in the development of its proposal.
    (d) The date that proposals are due must be at least 21 calendar days after the date of the issuance of the request for proposal. In the event the construction portion of the cost of the project is estimated to exceed $12,000,000, then the proposal due date must be at least 28 calendar days after the date of the issuance of the request for proposal. The park district shall include in the request for proposal a minimum of 30 days to develop the Phase II submissions after the selection of entities from the Phase I evaluation is completed.
(Source: P.A. 97-349, eff. 8-12-11.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-53

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-53)
    Sec. 8-53. Development of design-build scope and performance criteria.
    (a) The park district shall develop, with the assistance of a licensed design professional or a landscape architect design professional, as appropriate, a request for proposal, which shall include scope and performance criteria. The scope and performance criteria must be in sufficient detail and contain adequate information to reasonably apprise the qualified design-build entities of the park district's overall programmatic needs and goals, including criteria and preliminary design plans, general budget parameters, schedule, and delivery requirements.
    (b) Each request for proposal shall also include a description of the level of design to be provided in the proposals. This description must include the scope and type of renderings, drawings, and specifications that, at a minimum, will be required by the park district to be produced by the design-build entities.
    (c) The scope and performance criteria shall be prepared by a design professional or a landscape architect design professional, as appropriate, who is an employee of the park district, or the park district may contract with an independent design professional selected under the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act to provide these services.
    (d) The design professional or landscape architect design professional that prepares the scope and performance criteria is prohibited from participating in any design-build entity proposal for the project.
(Source: P.A. 97-349, eff. 8-12-11.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-54

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-54)
    Sec. 8-54. Procedures for design-build selection.
    (a) The park district must use a two-phase procedure for the selection of the successful design-build entity. Phase I of the procedure shall evaluate and shortlist the design-build entities based on qualifications, and Phase II will evaluate the technical and cost proposals.
    (b) The park district shall include in the request for proposal the evaluating factors to be used in Phase I. These factors are in addition to any prequalification requirements of design-build entities that the park district has set forth. Each request for proposal shall establish the relative importance assigned to each evaluation factor and subfactor, including any weighting of criteria to be employed by the park district. The park district must maintain a record of the evaluation scoring to be disclosed in the event of a protest regarding the solicitation. The park district shall include the following criteria in every Phase I evaluation of design-build entities:
        (1) experience of personnel;
        (2) successful experience with similar project types;
        (3) financial capability;
        (4) timeliness of past performance;
        (5) experience with similarly sized projects;
        (6) successful reference checks of the firm;
        (7) commitment to assign personnel for the duration
of the project;
        (8) qualifications of the entity's consultants; and
        (9) ability or past performance in meeting or
exhausting good faith efforts to meet the utilization goals for minority and women business enterprises established by the corporate authorities of the park district and in complying with Section 2-105 of the Illinois Human Rights Act.
    The park district may include any additional relevant criteria in Phase I that it deems necessary for a proper qualification review.
    The park district may not consider any design-build entity for evaluation or award if the entity has any pecuniary interest in the project or has other relationships or circumstances, including, but not limited to, long-term leasehold, mutual performance, or development contracts with the park district, that may give the design-build entity a financial or tangible advantage over other design-build entities in the preparation, evaluation, or performance of the design-build contract or that create the appearance of impropriety. No design-build proposal shall be considered that does not include an entity's plan to comply with the requirements concerning minority and women business enterprises and economically disadvantaged firms established by the corporate authorities of the park district and with Section 2-105 of the Illinois Human Rights Act.
    Upon completion of the qualifications evaluation, the park district shall create a shortlist of the most highly qualified design-build entities. The park district, in its discretion, is not required to shortlist the maximum number of entities as identified for Phase II evaluation, except that no less than 2 design-build entities nor more than 6 may be selected to submit Phase II proposals. The park district shall notify the entities selected for the shortlist in writing. This notification shall commence the period for the preparation of Phase II technical and cost evaluations. The park district must allow sufficient time for the shortlist entities to prepare their Phase II submittals considering the scope and detail requested by the park district.
    (c) The park district shall include in the request for proposal the evaluating factors to be used in the technical and cost submission components of Phase II. Each request for proposal shall establish, for both the technical and cost submission components of Phase II, the relative importance assigned to each evaluation factor and subfactor, including any weighting of criteria to be employed by the park district. The park district must maintain a record of the evaluation scoring to be disclosed in the event of a protest regarding the solicitation.
    The park district shall include the following criteria in every Phase II technical evaluation of design-build entities:
        (1) compliance with objectives of the project;
        (2) compliance of proposed services to the request
for proposal requirements;
        (3) quality of products or materials proposed;
        (4) quality of design parameters;
        (5) design concepts;
        (6) innovation in meeting the scope and performance
criteria; and
        (7) constructability of the proposed project.
    The park district may include any additional relevant technical evaluation factors it deems necessary for proper selection.
    The park district shall include the following criteria in every Phase II cost evaluation: the total project cost and the time of completion. The park district may include any additional relevant technical evaluation factors it deems necessary for proper selection. The total project cost criteria weighing factor shall not exceed 30%.
    The park district shall directly employ or retain a licensed design professional or landscape architect design professional, as appropriate, to evaluate the technical and cost submissions to determine if the technical submissions are in accordance with generally accepted industry standards.
    Upon completion of the technical submissions and cost submissions evaluation, the park district may award the design-build contract to the highest overall ranked entity.
(Source: P.A. 97-349, eff. 8-12-11.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-55

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-55)
    Sec. 8-55. Small design-build projects. In any case where the total overall cost of the project is estimated to be less than $12,000,000, the park district may combine the two-phase procedure for design-build selection described in Section 8-50 into one combined step, provided that all the requirements of evaluation are performed in accordance with Section 8-50.
(Source: P.A. 97-349, eff. 8-12-11.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-56

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-56)
    Sec. 8-56. Submission of design-build proposals. Design-build proposals must be properly identified and sealed. Proposals may not be reviewed until after the deadline for submission has passed as set forth in the request for proposals. All design-build entities submitting proposals shall be disclosed after the deadline for submission, and all design-build entities who are selected for Phase II evaluation shall also be disclosed at the time of that determination.
    Phase II design-build proposals shall include a bid bond in the form and security as designated in the request for proposals. Proposals shall also contain a separate sealed envelope with the cost information within the overall proposal submission. Proposals shall include a list of all design professionals, landscape architect design professionals, and other entities to which any work may be subcontracted during the performance of the contract.
    Proposals must meet all material requirements of the request for proposal or they may be rejected as non-responsive. The park district shall have the right to reject any and all proposals.
    The drawings and specifications of any unsuccessful design-build proposal shall remain the property of the design-build entity.
    The park district shall review the proposals for compliance with the performance criteria and evaluation factors set forth in this Act.
    Proposals may be withdrawn before the due date and time for submissions for any cause. After evaluation begins by the park district, clear and convincing evidence of error is required for withdrawal.
(Source: P.A. 97-349, eff. 8-12-11.)

70 ILCS 1205/8-57

    (70 ILCS 1205/8-57)
    Sec. 8-57. Design-build award. The park district may award a design-build contract to the highest overall ranked entity. Notice of award shall be made in writing. Unsuccessful entities shall also be notified in writing. The park district may not request a best and final offer after the receipt of proposals. The park district may negotiate with the selected design-build entity after award but prior to contract execution for the purpose of securing better terms than originally proposed, provided that the salient features of the request for proposal are not diminished.
(Source: P.A. 97-349, eff. 8-12-11.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 9

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 9 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/9-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-1)
    Sec. 9-1. Any park district has the power, subject to the limitations of Sections 9-1 to 9-1f hereof, inclusive, to acquire, construct and operate an outdoor or indoor swimming pool, or an artificial ice skating rink, and other necessary facilities pertinent thereto, and extend or improve such swimming pool or ice skating rink and facilities, borrow money, and as evidence thereof to issue its bonds, payable solely from the revenue derived from the operation thereof. These bonds may be issued in such amounts as may be necessary to provide sufficient funds to pay all the costs of the construction of the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, including engineering, legal, and other expenses, together with interest on the bonds to a date six months subsequent to the estimated date of completion. The bonds are negotiable instruments and shall be executed by the president and secretary of the district and countersigned by the treasurer.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 2446.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-1a

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-1a) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-1a)
    Sec. 9-1a. Whenever any park district determines to acquire or construct a swimming pool, or an artificial ice skating rink, or extend or improve a swimming pool or ice skating rink and facilities, and to issue bonds under Section 9-1 hereof to pay the cost thereof, its board shall adopt an ordinance describing in a general way the contemplated project and refer to plans and specifications therefor. These plans and specifications shall be filed in the office of the secretary of the district and shall be open for inspection by the public.
    This ordinance shall set out the estimated cost of the project, determine the period of usefulness thereof, fix the amount of revenue bonds to be issued, the maturities thereof, the interest rate, which shall not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, payable annually or semi-annually, and all the details in connection with the bonds. The bonds shall mature within the period of usefulness of the project as determined by the board. The ordinance may also contain such covenants and restrictions upon the issuance of additional revenue bonds thereafter as may be deemed necessary or advisable for the assurance of the payment of the bonds thereby authorized. The ordinance shall also pledge the revenue derived from the operation of the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, for the purpose of paying maintenance and operation costs, providing an adequate depreciation fund, and paying the principal and interest of the bonds issued hereunder.
    After this ordinance has been adopted it shall within 10 days after its passage be published once in a newspaper published and having a general circulation in the park district, or, if there is no such newspaper, then in some newspaper having a general circulation in the county wherein such district or the greater or greatest portion in area of said district lies, or, if there be no such newspaper, copies of the ordinance shall be posted in at least 3 public places in the district. The publication or posting of the ordinance shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the resolution be submitted to the electors of the district; (2) the time in which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum.
    The Secretary of the governing board of the park district shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    If no valid petition for a referendum is filed with the secretary of the district within 30 days after the publication or posting of the ordinance, the ordinance shall be in effect. But if within this 30 day period a petition is so filed, signed by a number of electors of the district equal to 10% or more of the registered voters of the district, asking that the question of constructing and operating such a swimming pool, or an artificial ice skating rink, and the issuance of such bonds be submitted to the electors of the district, the board shall certify such question to the proper election officials, who shall submit that question at an election in which all of the electors of the district may vote.
    The proposition shall be in the following form, or either of them:
    Shall the .... Park District issue        YES
 Revenue Bonds for constructing a        ---------------------
 swimming pool?                               NO
    Shall the .... Park District issue        YES
 Revenue Bonds for constructing an       ---------------------
 artificial ice skating rink?                 NO
    Notice of the referendum shall be given and the referendum conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    If a majority of the electors voting upon that question voted in favor of constructing and operating the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, and the issuance of the bonds, the ordinance shall be in effect, otherwise, the ordinance shall not go into effect.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4; 87-767.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-1b

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-1b) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-1b)
    Sec. 9-1b. Bonds issued under Section 9-1 hereof shall be payable solely from the revenue derived from the operation of the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, and shall not in any event constitute an indebtedness of the park district within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. It shall be plainly stated on the face of each bond that the bond has been issued under Sections 9-1 to 9-1f hereof, inclusive, and that it does not constitute an indebtedness of the park district within any constitutional or statutory limitation.
    The bonds shall be sold in such manner and upon such terms as the board shall determine. The minimum price at which they may be sold shall be such that the interest cost to the park district of the proceeds of the bonds shall not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, computed to maturity, according to the standard table of bond values.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-1c

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-1c) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-1c)
    Sec. 9-1c. Whenever revenue bonds are issued under Section 9-1 hereof, all revenue derived from the operation of the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, shall be deposited in a separate fund designated as the "Swimming Pool Fund", or the "Artificial Ice Skating Rink Fund", of the park district. These funds, or either of them as designated, shall be used only in paying the cost of operation and maintenance of the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, in providing an adequate depreciation fund, and in paying the principal of and interest upon the revenue bonds of the district issued under Section 9-1 hereof.
    A depreciation fund is a fund for such replacements as may be necessary from time to time for the continued effective and efficient operation of the system. Such a fund shall not be allowed to accumulate beyond a reasonable amount necessary for the purpose and shall not be used for extensions to the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2784.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-1d

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-1d) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-1d)
    Sec. 9-1d. Each park district which issues bonds and constructs a swimming pool, or an artificial ice skating rink, under Section 9-1 hereof shall charge for the use thereof at a rate which at all times is sufficient to pay maintenance and operation cost, depreciation, and the principal and interest on the bonds. Such district may make, enact, and enforce all needful rules and regulations for the construction, acquisition, improvement, extension, management, maintenance, care and protection of its swimming pool, or its artificial ice skating rink, and for the use thereof. Charges or rates for the use of the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, shall be such as the board may from time to time determine.
    While any bond issued under Section 9-1 hereof is outstanding, such district is required to maintain and operate its swimming pool, or its artificial ice skating rink, as long as it can do so, out of the revenue derived from the operation thereof. It shall not sell, loan, mortgage, or in any other manner dispose of the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, until all of the bonds so issued have been paid in full, both principal and interest, or until provision has been made for the payment of all of the bonds and interest thereon in full. Nothing in this paragraph shall, however, prohibit any park district from leasing any such swimming pool or artificial ice skating rink to any municipality, school district, or other unit of local government, or from entering into any other agreement with any municipality, school district, or other unit of local government by which lease or other agreement such swimming pool or artificial ice skating rink may be operated and/or used in whole or in part by or for such municipality, school district or other unit of local government, where such lease or other agreement is not prohibited by the terms of such revenue bonds or the ordinance of the park district authorizing them and where the revenues of the park district derived from such lease or other agreement are deposited in the fund required by Section 9-1c hereof in connection with such revenue bonds.
    Such a park district shall install and maintain a proper system of accounts, showing the amount of revenue received from the operation of its swimming pool, or its artificial ice skating rink. At least once each year, the district shall have the accounts properly audited. A report of this audit shall be open for public inspection at all times.
(Source: P.A. 79-356.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-1e

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-1e) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-1e)
    Sec. 9-1e. The holder of any bond or of a coupon of any bond issued under Section 9-1 hereof in any civil action, mandamus, injunction or other proceeding, may enforce and compel performance of all duties required by Sections 9-1 to 9-1d hereof, inclusive. This shall include the duties of establishing and collecting sufficient rates or charges for the use of the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, for the purposes specified in Section 9-1d hereof, and the application of the revenue thereof as provided by Section 9-1c hereof.
(Source: P.A. 83-345.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-1f

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-1f) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-1f)
    Sec. 9-1f. Revenue bonds to construct swimming pools, or artificial ice skating rinks, issued by park districts payable solely from revenue derived from the operation thereof, under any prior act shall be treated as having been issued under Sections 9-1 to 9-1e hereof, inclusive.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2784.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-2)
    Sec. 9-2. Every park district is authorized to acquire by purchase or condemnation under power of eminent domain, or lease, real estate, in whole or in part, either within or without the corporate limits of said park district for the purpose of establishing or expanding for said district an airport and landing field for aircraft, and to provide hangars, shops, and other necessary equipment and appurtenances therefor usually incident to the operation of an airport, and to maintain and operate the same.
(Source: P.A. 81-768.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-2a

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-2a) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-2a)
    Sec. 9-2a. Whenever any park district determines to acquire real estate for the purposes of Section 9-2, it may borrow money, and as evidence thereof issue its bonds payable solely from revenue other than the taxes specified in Section 9-2b. These bonds may be issued, as provided in this Section, in such amounts as may be necessary to provide sufficient amounts to pay all the costs of construction or expansion of the airport and landing field, including the engineering, legal, and other expenses, together with interest on the bonds to a date 6 months subsequent to the estimated date of completion and initial funding of required bond reserve funds. The bonds are negotiable instruments and shall be executed by the president and secretary of the district and countersigned by the treasurer of the district.
    Whenever any park district determines to establish or expand for said district an airport and landing field for aircraft as provided in Section 9-2 of this Code, and to issue revenue bonds under this Section 9-2a to pay the cost thereof, its board shall adopt an ordinance describing in a general way the contemplated project and refer to plans and specifications therefor. These plans and specifications shall be filed in the office of the secretary of the district and shall be open for inspection by the public.
    This ordinance shall set out the estimated cost of the project, determine the period of usefulness thereof, fix the amount of revenue bonds to be issued, the maturities thereof, the interest rate, which shall not exceed the greater of (i) the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, or (ii) 8% per annum payable annually or semi-annually, and all the details in connection with the bonds. The bonds shall mature within the period of usefulness of the project as determined by the board. The ordinance may also contain such covenants and restrictions upon the issuance of additional revenue bonds thereafter as may be deemed necessary or advisable for the assurance of the payment of the bonds thereby authorized. The ordinance shall also pledge the revenue derived from the operation of the airport and landing field, for the purpose of paying maintenance and operation costs, providing an adequate depreciation fund, and paying the principal and interest of the bonds issued hereunder.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-2b

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-2b) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-2b)
    Sec. 9-2b. Upon the petition signed by voters equal in number to not less than 2% of the votes received by the park commissioners who received the greatest number of votes at the last election of any park district or upon the order of the board of any park district, the question of the levy of an additional annual tax to provide revenue for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, maintaining and operating airports and landing fields for aircraft shall be submitted to the voters of the park district at a regular election in the district.
    The proposition for the levy of an additional annual tax in the park district shall be substantially in the following form:
    For an additional annual tax levy for the .... Park District (naming it) to the amount of .... per cent of the value of all taxable property in the district for purposes of acquiring, constructing, maintaining, and operating airports, and landing fields for aircraft.
    Against an additional annual tax levy for the .... Park District (naming it) to the amount of .... per cent of the value of all taxable property in the district for the purposes of acquiring, constructing, maintaining, and operating airports, and landing fields for aircraft.
    Notice of the referendum shall be given and the referendum conducted in the manner provided by the general election law. If a majority of the votes cast upon such proposition are in favor of the additional tax levy as stated in the proposition, the tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner as other taxes are levied and collected. The tax shall not exceed the rate of .075% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in such district.
    The tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied and collected in the district and shall not be included in any limitation of rate contained in this code or any other law but shall be excluded therefrom and be in addition thereto and in excess thereof. The board of a park district whose power to levy taxes for the purposes of acquiring, constructing, maintaining and operating airports and landing fields for aircraft on July 1, 1967, is set at a rate less than .05% may, without referendum, increase that rate by not more than .03% applicable after July 1, 1967, but the maximum rate may not be raised above .05%. However after July 28, 1969, the board of any park district having the power to levy a tax under this Section may, without referendum, increase the rate of that tax to .075% when it considers that increase necessary for the purpose of financing such maintenance, improvement or replacement of its airport facilities and landing fields as are required to conform to the standards of the Department of Transportation or of any appropriate federal agency relating to a State or federal airports plan or airways system.
(Source: P.A. 81-1550.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-2c

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-2c) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-2c)
    Sec. 9-2c. Whenever the proposition is submitted to the voters of any park district to levy a tax for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, maintaining, and operating airports and landing fields for aircraft as provided in Section 9-2b, and a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition is in favor of the levy of such tax, the board of any such park district may provide that bonds of such park district be issued for the purpose of acquiring and constructing airports and landing fields for aircraft, or for the purpose of improving and extending such facilities when constructed. The bonds shall be authorized by ordinance of the board, shall mature serially in not to exceed 20 years from their date, and bear such rate of interest as the board may determine, not, however, to exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, payable semi-annually, and shall be sold by the board as it may determine but for not less than the par value thereof and accrued interest. The bonds shall be signed by the president (or such official as the board may designate) and secretary and countersigned by the treasurer with the corporate seal of the district affixed. The bonds shall be authorized by the board of the district by ordinance which shall fix all the details of the bonds and provide for a levy of a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as they mature. A certified copy of the ordinance shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the county wherein the park district is situated, and the county clerk shall extend a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as they mature without limitation as to rate or amount, and the county clerk shall reduce the tax rate levied by the district pursuant to Section 9-2b by the amount of the rate extended for payment of principal and interest of the bonds. The clerk shall extend the tax as provided in Section 6-6. If the rate necessary to be extended for the payment of principal and interest of the bonds exceeds the rate authorized to be levied by the district, pursuant to Section 9-2b, then the rate of tax for the payment of bonds and interest only shall be extended. Where the district is situated in more than one county the tax shall be certified, apportioned and levied as provided in Section 5-4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, after July 28, 1969, any park district may issue bonds under this Section for the purpose of maintaining, improving or replacing its existing airport facilities or landing fields to the extent required to conform to the standards of the Department of Transportation or of any appropriate federal agency relating to a State or federal airports plan or airways system. If such bonds are issued the tax levied for the payment of principal and interest of the bonds as they mature shall be in addition to that levied by the district under Section 9-2b and the county clerk shall extend both taxes accordingly. The aggregate principal amount of bonds issued under this Section that may be outstanding at any time may not exceed 1/2 of 1% of the aggregate valuation of all taxable property within the district, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue. No bond ordinance may take effect nor may bonds be issued thereunder if the amount of bonds taken with the outstanding principal indebtedness under this Section exceeds the 1/2 of 1% limit unless the question of whether such additional bonds shall be issued is submitted to the legal voters of the district, in the manner provided by Section 6-4, and a majority of those voting on the proposition vote in favor thereof. In no event may the principal aggregate amount of any bonds issued under such ordinance exceed, together with the principal amount of bonds previously issued under this Section and then outstanding, 1 1/4% of the aggregate valuation of all taxable property within the district, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue.
    Bonds issued under this Section are not a part of the existing indebtedness of a park district for purposes of Article 6 of this Code.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after June 6, 1989 (the effective date of Public Act 86-4), it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-2d

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-2d) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-2d)
    Sec. 9-2d. A park district in counties with a population of less than 200,000 inhabitants may sell or lease park district property to a hospital provided that prior to such transaction:
    (1) a public hearing on the issue is held after one notice is given in a newspaper of general circulation in the park district at least 7 days before the meeting; and
    (2) the value of the property sought to be sold or leased is determined by 2 independent appraisals.
(Source: P.A. 81-768.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-3)
    Sec. 9-3. Nothing contained in this code shall be deemed to repeal "An Act to enable park commissioners, park boards, or boards of park commissioners to grant, convey or release lands and rights to cities and villages for airport uses and purposes", approved July 11, 1935, but said act shall be available to and the rights and powers thereunder shall remain vested in all park districts under this code.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/9-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/9-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 9-4)
    Sec. 9-4. Nothing contained in this code shall be deemed to repeal "An Act to allow the Commissioners of any Park District which has adopted or may hereafter adopt 'An Act authorizing Park Districts to acquire, establish, construct, maintain and operate airdromes, airports, and landing fields for aircraft, and authorizing the exercise of the power of eminent domain and permitting the levy of a tax therefor', approved June 24, 1929, to adopt zoning ordinances for the safe operation of such airport, airdrome, or landing field", approved July 25, 1939, but said act shall be available to and all the powers, rights and duties therein shall remain and be vested in all park districts under this code.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 9.1

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 9.1 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/9.1-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.1-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.1-1)
    Sec. 9.1-1. Any park district has the power, subject to the limitations of Sections 9.1-1 through 9.1-6 of this Article to acquire, construct and operate golf courses and toilet, locker and other necessary facilities pertinent thereto, and extend or improve such courses and facilities, borrow money, and as evidence thereof to issue its bonds, payable solely from the revenue derived from the operation of such golf courses and facilities. These bonds may be issued in such amounts as may be necessary to provide sufficient funds to pay all the costs of the acquisition or construction, or extension or improvement of golf courses and facilities, including engineering, legal, and other expenses, together with interest on the bonds to a date 6 months subsequent to the estimated date of the completion. The bonds are negotiable instruments and shall be executed by the president and secretary of the district and countersigned by the treasurer.
(Source: P.A. 80-1495.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.1-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.1-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.1-2)
    Sec. 9.1-2. Whenever any park district determines to acquire or construct, or extend or improve a golf course and facilities and to issue bonds under Section 9.1-1 of this Article to pay the cost thereof, its board shall adopt an ordinance describing in a general way the contemplated project and refer to plans and specifications therefor. These plans and specifications shall be filed in the office of the secretary of the district and shall be open for inspection by the public.
    This ordinance shall set out the estimated cost of the project, determine the period of usefulness thereof, fix the amount of revenue bonds to be issued, the maturities thereof, the interest rate, which shall not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at time of the making of the contract, payable annually or semi-annually, and all the details in connection with the bonds. The bonds shall mature within the period of usefulness of the project as determined by the board. The ordinance may also contain such covenants and restrictions upon the issuance of additional revenue bonds thereafter as may be deemed necessary or advisable for the assurance of the payment of the bonds thereby authorized. The ordinance shall also pledge the revenue derived from the operation of the golf course for the purpose of paying maintenance and operation costs, providing an adequate depreciation fund, and paying the principal and interest of the bonds issued hereunder. The ordinance may also pledge the revenue derived from the operation of an existing golf course, or courses, and appurtenant facilities, for such purpose.
    After this ordinance has been adopted it shall within 10 days after its passage be published once in a newspaper published and having a general circulation in the park district, or, if there is no such newspaper, then in some newspaper having a general circulation in the county wherein such district or the greater or greatest portion in area of such district lies. The publication or posting of the ordinance shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the ordinance be submitted to the electors of the district; (2) the time in which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum. The Secretary of the governing board of the park district shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    If no valid petition requesting a referendum is filed with the secretary of the district within 30 days after the publication or posting of the ordinance, the ordinance shall be in effect. But if within this 30 day period a petition is so filed, signed by electors of the district equal to 10% or more of the registered voters in the district, asking that the question of acquiring and operating or constructing and operating such a golf course, or extending or improving such a golf course, and the issuance of such bonds be submitted to the electors of the district, the board shall certify such question to the proper election officials, who shall submit that question at an election held in the district.
    The proposition shall be in the following form:
    Shall the..... Park
District issue  Revenue Bonds          YES
for acquiring (or constructing, or  --------------------------
extending, or improving)               NO
a golf course?
Notice of such referendum shall be given and such referendum conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    If a majority of the electors voting upon that question voted in favor of acquiring and operating, or constructing and operating the golf course, or extending or improving such golf course, and the issuance of the bonds, the ordinance shall be in effect, otherwise the ordinance shall not go into effect.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4; 87-767.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.1-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.1-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.1-3)
    Sec. 9.1-3. Bonds issued under Section 9.1-1 of this Article shall be payable solely from the revenue derived from the operation of the golf course, or courses, and shall not in any event constitute an indebtedness of the park district within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. It shall plainly state on the face of each bond that the bond has been issued under Sections 9.1-1 through 9.1-6 of this Article, and that it does not constitute an indebtedness of the park district within any constitutional or statutory limitation.
    The bonds shall be sold in such manner, to such persons and upon such terms as the board shall determine. If they are issued to bear interest at the maximum rate applicable at the time of issuance, they shall be sold for not less than par and accrued interest. If they are issued to bear interest at a rate less than the maximum rate applicable at the time of issuance, the minimum price at which they may be sold shall be such that the interest cost to the park district of the proceeds of the bonds shall not exceed the maximum rate applicable at the time of issuance, computed to maturity, according to the standard table of bond values.
(Source: P.A. 76-244.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.1-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.1-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.1-4)
    Sec. 9.1-4. Whenever revenue bonds are issued under Section 9.1-1 of this Article, all revenue derived from the operation of the golf course, or courses, shall be deposited in a separate fund designated as the "Golf Course Fund" of the park district. This fund shall be used only in paying the cost of operation and maintenance of the golf course, or courses, in providing an adequate depreciation fund, and in paying the principal of and interest upon the revenue bonds of the district issued under Section 9.1-1 of this Article.
    A depreciation fund is a fund for such replacements as may be necessary from time to time for the continued effective and efficient operation of the golf course, or courses. Such a fund shall not be allowed to accumulate beyond a reasonable amount necessary for the purpose and shall not be used for extensions to the golf course, or courses.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 239.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.1-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.1-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.1-5)
    Sec. 9.1-5. Each park district which issues bonds and acquires or constructs, or extends or improves a golf course and facilities shall charge for the use thereof at a rate which at all times is sufficient to pay maintenance and operation costs, depreciation, and the principal and interest on the bonds. Such district may make, enact, and enforce all needful rules and regulations for the construction, acquisition, improvement, extension, management, maintenance, care and protection of its golf course and for the use thereof. Charges or rates for the use of the golf course or courses shall be such as the board may from time to time determine.
    While any bond issued under Section 9.1-1 of this Article is outstanding such district is required to maintain and operate its golf course or courses, as long as it can do so, out of the revenue derived from the operation thereof. It shall not sell, lease, loan, mortgage, or in any other manner dispose of the golf course or courses until all of the bonds so issued have been paid in full, both principal and interest, or until provision has been made for the payment of all of the bonds and interest thereon in full. Nothing in this Section prohibits any park district from leasing any such golf course and facilities to any school district, municipality, or other unit of local government, or from entering into any other agreement with any school district, municipality, or other unit of local government by which lease or other agreement such golf course and facilities may be operated or used in whole or in part by or for such school district, municipality, or other unit of local government, where such lease or other agreement is not prohibited by the terms of such revenue bonds or the ordinance of the park district authorizing them and where the revenues of the park district derived from such lease or other agreement are deposited in the fund required by Section 9.1-4 of this Act in connection with such revenue bonds.
    Such a park district shall install and maintain a proper system of accounts, showing the amount of revenue received from the operation of its golf course. At least once each year, the district shall have the accounts properly audited. A report of this audit shall be open for public inspection at all times.
(Source: P.A. 79-1423.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.1-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.1-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.1-6)
    Sec. 9.1-6. The holder of any bond or of a coupon of any bond issued under Section 9.1-1 of this Article in any civil action, mandamus, injunction or other proceeding, may enforce and compel performance of all duties required by Sections 9.1-1 through 9.1-5 of this Article. This shall include the duties of establishing and collecting sufficient rates or charges for the use of the golf course or courses for the purposes specified in Section 9.1-5 of this Article, and the application of the revenue thereof as provided by Section 9.1-4 of this Article.
(Source: P.A. 83-345.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 9.2

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 9.2 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/9.2-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.2-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.2-1)
    Sec. 9.2-1. Any park district has the power, subject to the limitations of Sections 9.2-1 through 9.2-6 of this Article to acquire, construct and operate indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoos and other necessary facilities pertinent thereto, and extend or improve such courts or zoos and facilities, borrow money and as evidence thereof to issue its bonds, payable solely from the revenue derived from the operation of such indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoos and facilities. These bonds may be issued in such amounts as may be necessary to provide sufficient funds to pay all the costs of the acquisition or construction, or extension or improvement of indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoos and facilities, including engineering, legal and other expenses, together with interest on the bonds to a date 6 months subsequent to the estimated date of the completion. The bonds are negotiable instruments and shall be executed by the president and secretary of the district and countersigned by the treasurer.
(Source: P.A. 77-2173.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.2-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.2-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.2-2)
    Sec. 9.2-2. Whenever any park district determines to acquire or construct or extend or improve indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoos and facilities and to issue bonds under Section 9.2-1 of this Article to pay the cost thereof, its board shall adopt an ordinance describing in a general way the contemplated project and refer to plans and specifications therefor. These plans and specifications shall be filed in the office of the secretary of the district and shall be open for inspection by the public.
    This ordinance shall set out the estimated cost of the project, determine the period of usefulness thereof, fix the amount of revenue bonds to be issued, the maturities thereof, the interest rate, which shall not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, payable annually or semi-annually, and all the details in connection with the bonds. The bonds shall mature within the period of usefulness of the project as determined by the board. The ordinance may also contain such covenants and restrictions upon the issuance of additional revenue bonds thereafter as may be deemed necessary or advisable for the assurance of the payment of the bonds thereby authorized. The ordinance shall also pledge the revenue derived from the operation of the indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoos and facilities for the purpose of paying maintenance and operation costs, providing an adequate depreciation fund, and paying the principal and interest of the bonds issued hereunder. The ordinance may also pledge the revenue derived from the operation of existing indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoo and appurtenant facilities, for such purpose.
    After this ordinance has been adopted it shall within 10 days after its passage be published once in a newspaper published and having a general circulation in the park district, or if there is no such newspaper then in some newspaper having a general circulation in the county wherein such district or the greater or greatest portion in area of such district lies. The publication or posting of the ordinance shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the ordinance be submitted to the electors of the district; (2) the time in which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum. The Secretary of the governing board of the park district shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    If no valid petition is filed with the secretary of the district within 30 days after the publication or posting of the ordinance, the ordinance shall be in effect. But if within this 30 day period a petition is so filed, signed by electors of the district equal to 10% or more of the registered voters of the district, asking that the question of acquiring and operating or constructing and operating such indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoo facilities, or extending or improving such indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoo facilities, and the issuance of such bonds be submitted to the electors of the district, the board shall certify such question to the proper election officials, who shall submit that question at a regular election held in the district.
    The proposition shall be in the following form:
    Shall the.... Park District issue
Revenue Bonds for acquiring (or constructing,     YES
or extending or improving) indoor or outdoor  ----------------
tennis courts (handball, racquetball, or          NO
squash courts, or zoo) and facilities.
Notice of such referendum shall be given and such referendum conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    If a majority of the electors voting upon that question voted in favor of acquiring and operating, or constructing and operating the indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoo facilities or extending or improving such indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoo facilities, and the issuance of the bonds, the ordinance shall be in effect, otherwise the ordinance shall not go into effect.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4; 87-767.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.2-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.2-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.2-3)
    Sec. 9.2-3. Bonds issued under Section 9.2-1 of this Article shall be payable solely from the revenue derived from the operation of the indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoo and facilities, and shall not in any event constitute an indebtedness of the park district within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. It shall plainly state on the face of each bond that the bond has been issued under Sections 9.2-1 through 9.2-6 of this Article, and that it does not constitute an indebtedness of the park district within any constitutional or statutory limitation.
    The bonds shall be sold in such manner, to such persons and upon such terms as the board shall determine. If they are issued to bear interest at the rate of the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, they shall be sold for not less than par and accrued interest. If they are issued to bear interest at a rate of less than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, the minimum price at which they may be sold shall be such that the interest cost to the park district of the proceeds of the bonds shall not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, computed to maturity, according to the standard table of bond values.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.2-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.2-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.2-4)
    Sec. 9.2-4. Whenever revenue bonds are issued under Section 9.2-1 of this Article, all revenue derived from the operation of the tennis, handball, racquetball, or squash courts or zoos shall be deposited in a separate fund designated as the "Tennis Court Fund", "Handball Court Fund", "Racquetball Court Fund", "Squash Court Fund", or "Zoo Fund" of the park district. This fund shall be used only in paying the cost of operation and maintenance of the tennis, handball, racquetball, or squash courts or zoo, in providing an adequate depreciation fund, and in paying the principal of and interest upon the revenue bonds of the district issued under Section 9.2-1 of this Article.
    A depreciation fund is a fund for such replacements as may be necessary from time to time for the continued effective and efficient operation of the tennis, handball, racquetball, or squash courts or zoo. Such fund shall not be allowed to accumulate beyond a reasonable amount necessary for the purpose and shall not be used for extensions to the tennis, handball, racquetball, or squash courts or zoo.
(Source: P.A. 77-2173.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.2-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.2-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.2-5)
    Sec. 9.2-5. Each park district which issues bonds and acquires or constructs or extends or improves indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoos and facilities shall charge for the use thereof at a rate which at all times is sufficient to pay maintenance and operation costs, depreciation, and the principal and interest on the bonds. Such district may make, enact and enforce all needful rules and regulations for the construction, acquisition, improvement, extension, management, maintenance, care and protection of its courts or zoo and for the use thereof. Charges or rates for the use of the courts or zoo facilities shall be such as the board may from time to time determine.
    While any bond issued under Section 9.2-1 of this Article is outstanding such district is required to maintain and operate its tennis, handball, racquetball, or squash courts or zoo facilities as long as it can do so, out of the revenue derived from the operation thereof. It shall not sell, lease, loan, mortgage or in any other manner dispose of the courts or zoo facilities until all of the bonds so issued have been paid in full, both principal and interest, or until provision has been made for the payment of all the bonds and interest thereon in full. Nothing in this Section prohibits any park district from leasing any such indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoos and facilities to any school district, municipality, or other unit of local government or from entering into any other agreement with any school district, municipality, or other unit of local government by which lease or other agreement such indoor or outdoor tennis courts, handball, racquetball, or squash courts, or zoos and facilities may be operated or used in whole or in part by or for such school district, municipality, or other unit of local government, where such lease or other agreement is not prohibited by the terms of such revenue bonds or the ordinance of the park district authorizing them and where the revenues of the park district derived from such lease or other agreement are deposited in the fund required by Section 9.2-4 of this Act in connection with such revenue bonds.
    Such a park district shall install and maintain a proper system of accounts, showing the amount of revenue received from the operation of its tennis, handball, racquetball, or squash courts or zoo. At least once each year, the district shall have the accounts properly audited. A report of this audit shall be open for public inspection at all times.
(Source: P.A. 79-1423.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.2-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.2-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.2-6)
    Sec. 9.2-6. The holder of any bond or of a coupon of any bond issued under Section 9.2-1 of this Article in any civil action, mandamus, injunction or other proceeding, may enforce and compel performance of all duties required by Sections 9.2-1 through 9.2-5 of this Article. This shall include the duties of establishing and collecting sufficient rates or charges for the use of the courts or zoo for the purposes specified in Section 9.1-5 of this Article, and the application of the revenue thereof as provided by Section 9.1-4 of this Article.
(Source: P.A. 83-345.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 9.3

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 9.3 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/9.3-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.3-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.3-1)
    Sec. 9.3-1. Any park district has the power subject to the limitations of Sections 9.3-1 through 9.3-6 to acquire, construct and operate such revenue producing recreation facilities and to extend or improve such facilities, borrow money and as evidence thereof to issue its bonds, payable solely from the revenue derived from the operation of such recreation facility or facilities. These bonds may be issued in such amounts as may be necessary to provide sufficient funds to pay all costs of acquisition or construction, or extension or improvement of indoor or outdoor recreation facilities, including engineering, legal and other expenses, together with interest on the bonds to a date six months subsequent to the estimated date of completion. The bonds are negotiable instruments and shall be executed by the President and Secretary of the district and countersigned by the Treasurer.
(Source: P.A. 78-1256.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.3-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.3-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.3-2)
    Sec. 9.3-2. Whenever any park district determines to acquire, construct, extend or improve indoor or outdoor recreation facilities and to issue bonds under Section 9.3-1 of this Article to pay the costs thereof, its board shall adopt an ordinance describing in a general way the contemplated project and refer to plans and specifications therefor. These plans and specifications shall be filed in the office of the secretary of the district and shall be opened for inspection by the public.
    This ordinance shall set out the estimated cost of the project, determine the period of usefulness thereof, the interest rate, which shall not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, payable annually or semi-annually, and all details in connection with the bonds. The bonds shall mature within the period of usefulness of the project as determined by the board. The ordinance may also contain such covenants and restrictions upon the issuance of additional revenue bonds thereafter as may be deemed necessary or advisable for the assurance of the payment of the bonds thereby authorized. The ordinance shall also pledge the revenue derived from the operation of the indoor or outdoor recreational facility for the purpose of paying maintenance and operation costs, providing an adequate depreciation fund, and paying the principal and interest on the bonds issued hereunder. The ordinance may also pledge the revenue derived from the operation of an existing indoor or outdoor facility of the same character, for such purpose.
    After this ordinance has been adopted it shall, within 10 days after its passage, be published once in a newspaper published and having a general circulation in the park district, or if there is no such newspaper then in some newspaper having a general circulation in the county wherein such district, or the greater or greatest portion in area, of such district lies. The publication or posting of the ordinance shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the ordinance be submitted to the electors of the district; (2) the time in which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum.
    The Secretary of the governing board of the park district shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    If no valid petition is filed with the secretary of the district within 30 days after the publication or posting of the ordinance, the ordinance shall be in effect. But if within this 30day period a petition is so filed, signed by electors of the district equal to 10% or more of the registered voters of the district asking that the question of acquiring and operating or constructing and operating such an indoor and outdoor recreational facility and the issuance of such bonds be submitted to the electors of the district, the board shall certify such question to the proper election officials, who shall submit the question at an election held in the district. The board shall furnish copies of such a petition form to all persons making a request therefor.
    The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall the.... Park District issue
revenue bonds for acquiring (or constructing,     YES
extending or improving) an indoor or outdoor  ----------------
recreational facility to include.... (specify     NO
specific facility or facilities)
Notice of such referendum shall be given and such referendum conducted in the manner provided by the general election law.
    If a majority of the electors voting upon that question voted in favor of acquiring and operating, or constructing and operating the indoor or outdoor recreational facility or facilities or extending or improving such indoor or outdoor recreational facility or facilities and the issuance of the bonds, the ordinance shall be in effect, otherwise the ordinance shall not go into effect.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4; 87-767.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.3-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.3-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.3-3)
    Sec. 9.3-3. Bonds issued under Section 9.3-1 of this Article shall be payable solely from the revenue derived from the operation of the indoor or outdoor recreational facility and shall not in any event constitute an indebtedness of the park district within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. It shall plainly state on the face of each bond that the bond has been issued under Sections 9.3-1 through 9.3-6 of this Article, and that it does not constitute an indebtedness of the park district within any constitutional or statutory limitation.
    The bonds shall be sold in such manner, to such persons and upon such terms as the board shall determine. If they are issued to bear interest at the rate of the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, they shall be sold for not less than par and accrued interest. If they are issued to bear interest at the rate of less than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, the minimum price at which they may be sold shall be such that the interest cost to the park district of the proceeds of the bonds shall not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, computed to maturity, according to the standard table of bond values.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.3-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.3-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.3-4)
    Sec. 9.3-4. Whenever revenue bonds are issued under Section 9.3-1 of this Article, all revenue derived from the operation of the recreational facility shall be deposited in a separate fund specifically designated by reference to the type of facility of the park district. This fund shall be used only in paying the cost of operation and maintenance of the specific facility, in providing an annual depreciation fund, and in paying the principal of and interest upon the revenue bonds of the district issued under Section 9.3-1 of this Article.
    A depreciation fund is a fund for such replacements as may be necessary from time to time for the continued effective and efficient operation of the facility. Such fund shall not be allowed to accumulate beyond a reasonable amount necessary for the purpose and shall not be used for extensions to the facility.
(Source: P.A. 78-1256.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.3-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.3-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.3-5)
    Sec. 9.3-5. Each park district which issues bonds and acquires or constructs, extends or improves indoor or outdoor recreational facilities under the provisions of this Article shall charge for the use thereof at a rate which at all times is sufficient to pay maintenance and operation costs, depreciation, and the principal and interest on the bonds. Such district may make, enact and enforce all needful rules and regulations for the construction, acquisition, improvements, extension, management, maintenance, care and protection of the facility and for the use thereof. Charges or rates for the use of the facility shall be such as the board may from time to time determine.
    While any bond issued under Section 9.3-1 is outstanding such district is required to maintain and operate the facility as long as it can do so, out of the revenue derived from the operation thereof. It shall not sell, lease, loan, mortgage or in any other manner dispose of the facility or facilities until all of the bonds so issued have been paid in full, both principal and interest, or until provision has been made for the payment of all of the bonds and interest thereon in full.
    Such park district shall install and maintain a proper system of accounts, showing the amount of revenue received from the operation of the facility. At least once each year, the district shall have the accounts properly audited. A report of this audit shall be open for public inspection at all times.
(Source: P.A. 78-1256.)

70 ILCS 1205/9.3-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/9.3-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 9.3-6)
    Sec. 9.3-6. The holder of any bond or of a coupon of any bond issued under Section 9.3-1 of this Article in any civil action, by mandamus, injunction or other proceeding, may enforce and compel performance of all duties required by Sections 9.3-1 through 9.3-5 of this Article. This shall include the duties of establishing and collecting sufficient rates or charges for the use of the facility for the purposes specified in Section 9.3-5 of this Article and the application of the revenue thereof as provided by Section 9.3-4 of this Article.
(Source: P.A. 83-345.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 10

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 10 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/10-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/10-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 10-1)
    Sec. 10-1. Every park district shall retain and be vested with all power and authority contained in "An Act to authorize the commissioners of park districts to convey property to and lease property from the Federal Government", approved November 21, 1933, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 77-554.)

70 ILCS 1205/10-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/10-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 10-3)
    Sec. 10-3. Every park district shall retain and be vested with all power and authority contained in an act entitled "An Act to enable the board of park commissioners of certain park districts to convey certain lands for park and other purposes," approved June 25, 1917.
    Nothing contained in this code shall be deemed to limit the rights and powers conferred upon park districts to make and receive conveyances of real estate under "An Act concerning the powers of certain municipal corporations with respect to real estate," approved July 2, 1925, and the power and procedure therein prescribed is hereby specifically reserved to all park districts.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/10-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/10-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 10-4)
    Sec. 10-4. Any park district shall have the power to acquire by gift, grant or purchase, real estate and lands for use as a site for an armory and to convey, sell, donate, lease or rent real estate or lands so acquired and any real estate or lands now owned by such park district to the State of Illinois or to any proper agency thereof for use as a site for an armory, but the park district shall have no power to divert any gift, grant or legacy from the specific purpose designated by the donor.
    Such district shall have power to acquire by lease or permit the right to occupy and use real estate, land and riparian estates for park and playground purposes and to improve, maintain and equip the same as a park or playground, and to place permanent buildings and structures thereon.
    Such district may by ordinance lease, for any period not exceeding 99 years, any tract or parcel of land of the park district to any organization incorporated under the laws of this State as a corporation not for pecuniary profit, as a site for a memorial to the military and naval forces of this State and of the United States, provided that such organization shall be responsible for the maintenance of the memorial.
(Source: P.A. 98-312, eff. 8-12-13.)

70 ILCS 1205/10-7

    (70 ILCS 1205/10-7) (from Ch. 105, par. 10-7)
    Sec. 10-7. Sale, lease, or exchange of realty.
    (a) Any park district owning and holding any real estate is authorized (1) to sell or lease that property to the State of Illinois, with the State's consent, or another unit of Illinois State or local government for public use, (2) to give the property to the State of Illinois if the property is contiguous to a State park, or (3) to lease that property upon the terms and at the price that the board determines for a period not to exceed 99 years to any corporation organized under the laws of this State, for public use. The grantee or lessee must covenant to hold and maintain the property for public park or recreational purposes unless the park district obtains other real property of substantially the same size or larger and of substantially the same or greater suitability for park purposes without additional cost to the district. In the case of property given or sold under this subsection after January 1, 2002 (the effective date of Public Act 92-401) for which this covenant is required, the conveyance must provide that ownership of the property automatically reverts to the grantor if the grantee knowingly violates the required covenant by allowing all or any part of the property to be used for purposes other than park or recreational purposes. Real estate given, sold, or leased to the State of Illinois under this subsection (1) must be 50 acres or more in size, (2) may not be located within the territorial limits of a municipality, and (3) may not be the site of a known environmental liability or hazard.
    (b) Any park district owning or holding any real estate is authorized to convey such property to a nongovernmental entity in exchange for other real property of substantially equal or greater value as determined by 2 appraisals of the property and of substantially the same or greater suitability for park purposes without additional cost to such district.
    Prior to such exchange with a nongovernmental entity, the park board shall hold a public meeting in order to consider the proposed conveyance. Notice of such meeting shall be published not less than 3 times (the first and last publication being not less than 10 days apart) in a newspaper of general circulation within the park district. If there is no such newspaper, then such notice shall be posted in not less than 3 public places in said park district and such notice shall not become effective until 10 days after said publication or posting.
    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, this subsection (c) shall apply only to park districts that serve territory within a municipality having more than 40,000 inhabitants and within a county having more than 260,000 inhabitants and bordering the Mississippi River. Any park district owning or holding real estate is authorized to sell that property to any not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of this State upon the condition that the corporation uses the property for public park or recreational programs for youth. The park district shall have the right of re-entry for breach of condition subsequent. If the corporation stops using the property for these purposes, the property shall revert back to ownership of the park district. Any temporary suspension of use caused by the construction of improvements on the property for public park or recreational programs for youth is not a breach of condition subsequent.
    Prior to the sale of the property to a not-for-profit corporation, the park board shall hold a public meeting to consider the proposed sale. Notice of the meeting shall be published not less than 3 times (the first and last publication being not less than 10 days apart) in a newspaper of general circulation within the park district. If there is no such newspaper, then the notice shall be posted in not less than 3 public places in the park district. The notice shall be published or posted at least 10 days before the meeting. A resolution to approve the sale of the property to a not-for-profit corporation requires adoption by a majority of the park board.
    (d) Real estate, not subject to such covenant or which has not been conveyed and replaced as provided in this Section, may be conveyed in the manner provided by Sections 10-7a to 10-7d hereof, inclusive.
    (d-5) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary and in addition to the means provided by Sections 10-7a, 10-7b, 10-7c, and 10-7d, real estate, not subject to a covenant required under subsection (a) or not conveyed and replaced as provided under subsection (a), may be conveyed to another unit of local government or school district if the park district board approves the sale to the unit of local government or school district by a four-fifths vote and: (i) the park district is situated wholly within the corporate limits of that unit of local government or school district; or (ii) the real estate is conveyed for a price not less than the appraised value of the real estate as determined by the average of 3 written MAI certified appraisals or by the average of 3 written certified appraisals of State certified or licensed real estate appraisers.
    (e) In addition to any other power provided in this Section, any park district owning or holding real estate that the board deems is not required for park or recreational purposes may lease such real estate to any individual or entity and may collect rents therefrom. Such lease shall not exceed 4 and one-half times the term of years provided for in Section 8-15 governing installment purchase contracts.
    (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if (i) the real estate that a park district with a population of 3,000 or less transfers by lease, license, development agreement, or other means to any private entity is greater than 70% of the district's total property and (ii) the current use of the real estate will be substantially altered by that private entity, the real estate may be conveyed only in the manner provided for in Sections 10-7a, 10-7b, and 10-7c.
(Source: P.A. 101-243, eff. 8-9-19; 101-322, eff. 8-9-19; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)

70 ILCS 1205/10-7a

    (70 ILCS 1205/10-7a) (from Ch. 105, par. 10-7a)
    Sec. 10-7a. When any park district owns and holds such real estate, and desires to sell the same under provisions of Section 10-7 hereof or to transfer real estate subject to subsection (f) of Section 10-7, the board shall, by four-fifths vote, adopt a resolution describing such property and in and by said resolution find and declare that said property is no longer needed or useful for park purposes and that it intends to sell or transfer the same. After said resolution has been adopted the same shall be published not less than 3 times (the first and last publication being not less than 10 days apart) in a newspaper published and of general circulation within the park district, if there be such a paper. If there be no such newspaper, then publication shall be in some newspaper of general circulation in such district, if any, or if none, then such resolution shall be posted in not less than 3 public places in said park district and said resolution shall not become effective until 10 days after said publication or posting.
(Source: P.A. 91-918, eff. 7-7-00.)

70 ILCS 1205/10-7b

    (70 ILCS 1205/10-7b) (from Ch. 105, par. 10-7b)
    Sec. 10-7b. Such property, subject to the provisions of Section 10-7a, shall not be sold or transferred unless the sale or transfer thereof is approved by a majority of the voters of said park district voting on the question at a regular election.
(Source: P.A. 91-918, eff. 7-7-00.)

70 ILCS 1205/10-7c

    (70 ILCS 1205/10-7c) (from Ch. 105, par. 10-7c)
    Sec. 10-7c. Upon the completion of the publication required by Section 10-7a the board shall either abandon said sale or transfer or certify the question to the proper election officials, who shall submit the question of selling or transferring said property to the voters of said park district at a regular election in accordance to the general election law. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
    Shall the.... park district
(sell or transfer) the                   YES
following real estate....          ---------------------------
(here describe land proposed             NO
to be sold or transferred)?
Notice of such referendum shall be given and said referendum shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law, but such notice shall describe the property to be sold.
    If a majority of the electors voting on the question vote in the affirmative, the park district may thereafter sell or transfer the real estate.
(Source: P.A. 91-918, eff. 7-7-00.)

70 ILCS 1205/10-7d

    (70 ILCS 1205/10-7d) (from Ch. 105, par. 10-7d)
    Sec. 10-7d. If a majority of the voters in any park district voting on the question at a referendum held for that purpose votes in favor of selling such property under Sections 10-7 to 10-7d hereof, inclusive, the governing board shall, proceed to sell such property at public auction after first giving two weeks' notice of the time and place and terms of said sale by notice published two successive weeks, once each week, the first publication to be not less than fifteen days prior to the date fixed for said sale, in a newspaper published and of general circulation in said district, if there be such a newspaper. If there be no such newspaper, then such publication may be had in a newspaper of general circulation in the district, if any, or if none, then by posting in not less than ten public places in such district. Said board shall sell said property to the highest responsible bidder at said auction and notice of sale shall be in substantially the following form:
Notice is hereby given that on (insert date), the .... Park District will sell at public sale at .... at the hour of .... o'clock ...M. the following described property:
(Here describe property)
The terms of the sale shall be as follows:
    (Here insert terms upon which property shall be sold). By order of the Board of .... Park District.
.... (President of .... Park District)
    Prior to directing notice for sale the board shall adopt a resolution fixing the time for the sale, specifying the terms of the sale which shall not be less than one-third of the purchase price in cash and the balance in 2 equal payments due not more than 6 months and 12 months from date of sale.
    In the event no bids are received at such sale, said property may, without another referendum on such question, again be advertised for sale at any time within 12 months from date of the first sale, in the manner hereinabove provided. The Board may reserve the right to reject any or all bids and advertise for resale. In the event said property is not sold within 12 months from date of the first public sale, said property shall not be sold until a new resolution is adopted with new opportunity for referendum on such question by the voters.
    Any deed, subject to the provisions of Sections 10-7a to this Section 10-7d, inclusive, shall be executed by the president and secretary of the district and shall be deposited in escrow with the treasurer of said district, and shall not be released to the purchaser of said property or recorded until the purchase price therefor has been deposited in full with said treasurer. Any proceeds derived from the sale of such property shall become a part of the general corporate funds of said district.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 11

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 11 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/11-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/11-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 11-1)
    Sec. 11-1. Nothing in this code shall be deemed to repeal "An Act to enable park commissioners having control of a park or parks bordering upon public waters in this state, to enlarge and connect the same from time to time by extensions over lands and the bed of such waters and defining the use which may be made of such extensions, and granting lands for the purpose of such enlargements", approved May 14, 1903, as amended, or
    "An Act to enable park commissioners having control of any boulevard or driveway bordering upon any public waters in this state to extend the same", approved June 4, 1889, or
    "An Act to enable cities, towns, and villages having control of lands bordering upon public waters and riparian rights appurtenant thereto to grant, convey, or release the same for park purposes to park commissioners, park boards, or boards of park commissioners and to make agreements with park commissioners, park boards or boards of park commissioners for the reclamation of submerged lands under such public waters for park purposes", approved June 29, 1915, but said acts shall be available to and the powers, rights and duties therein confirmed shall apply to all park districts under this code which have heretofore acquired or shall hereafter acquire control over any lands bordering upon any public waters in this state and the riparian rights appurtenant thereto.
(Source: P.A. 83-333.)

70 ILCS 1205/11-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/11-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 11-2)
    Sec. 11-2. When any park district borders upon any navigable body of water, the title to the bed or submerged land of which is vested in the State of Illinois, said district may take possession of, enclose, fill in, reclaim and protect any portion of such submerged land bordering thereon, over which there shall be shoal and shallow water not fit for navigation and shall have the power to establish, construct and maintain parks and boulevards over and upon the same, and all right, title and interest of the State of Illinois in and to the bed or submerged land of such body of water so taken possession of, enclosed, filled in and reclaimed is hereby granted and ceded to such park district and the title thereto shall vest in such park district to be held for the use and benefit of the public as a part of said park district for park and boulevard purposes exclusively, and said district shall have power for the purpose of reclaiming such submerged land and protecting the same thereafter, to construct all necessary break-waters, or protection for the building and maintenance of such parks and boulevards, and the enclosing or reclamation of such submerged lands.
    Any such submerged lands so enclosed and reclaimed as aforesaid shall forever be held and maintained for park and boulevard purposes and no portion thereof shall ever be granted or ceded away by any district for any purpose, and in case the same should ever cease to be used for park or boulevard purposes, then the title to the same shall revest in the State of Illinois, together with all the improvements thereon and the appurtenances thereof.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/11-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/11-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 11-3)
    Sec. 11-3. Whenever the land so taken possession of, enclosed, filled in, and reclaimed under Section 11-2 shall lie along property not belonging to such district, and by the taking possession of, enclosing and filling in such submerged land, such property shall be shut off from its access to such body of water and shall be injuriously affected thereby, such district shall pay all damages arising to such property therefrom, and in case the same cannot be agreed upon, they shall be ascertained in the manner hereinbefore provided for the acquiring of property for such district by condemnation proceedings.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/11-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/11-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 11-4)
    Sec. 11-4. Subject to the provisions of Section 1 of "An Act to define the powers of members of police forces established and maintained by park districts", approved April 29, 1931, as now or hereafter amended, whenever any park district is located along any such navigable body of water as set forth in Section 11-2, the right is hereby given to the corporate authorities thereof to take charge of, control and police such body of water and the land thereunder for a distance of three hundred feet along any park, boulevard or pleasure drive constructed by it and bordering thereon.
(Source: P.A. 80-414.)

70 ILCS 1205/11-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/11-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 11-5)
    Sec. 11-5. Nothing in Section 11-2 to 11-4 inclusive shall be construed as granting to any such district the right to interfere with the navigation of any navigable body of water or to shut off the access to any public dock or landing thereon, or to shut off the access of public highways or streets to such body of water at reasonable intervals in each municipality bordering thereon in said district.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 113.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 11.1

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 11.1 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/11.1-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.1-1)
    Sec. 11.1-1. The term "harbor", as used in this article includes harbors, marinas, slips, docks, piers, breakwaters, and all buildings, structures, facilities, connections, equipment, parking areas and all other improvements for use in connection therewith.
    The term "public waters" has the same meaning as the term defined in Section 18 of "An Act in relation to the regulation of rivers, lakes and streams of the State of Illinois", approved June 10, 1911, as heretofore or hereafter amended.
    The term "artificially made or reclaimed land", as used in this article, includes all land which formerly was submerged under the public waters of the State, the title to which is in the State and which has been artificially made or reclaimed in whole or in part.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 642.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.1-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.1-2)
    Sec. 11.1-2. Any park district bordering upon any public waters has the power to acquire, construct, replace, enlarge, improve, maintain and operate a harbor for recreational use and benefit of the public anywhere within the jurisdiction of the park district, or in, over, and upon public waters bordering thereon, subject to the approval of the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Illinois and approval of the proper officials of the United States Government.
(Source: P.A. 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.1-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.1-3)
    Sec. 11.1-3. A park district, to carry out the purposes of this Article, has all the rights and powers over its harbor as it does over its other property, and its rights and powers include but are not limited to the following:
    (a) To furnish complete harbor facilities and services, including but not limited to: launching, mooring, docking, storing, and repairing facilities and services; parking facilities for motor vehicles and boat trailers; and roads for access to the harbor.
    (b) To acquire by gift, legacy, grant, purchase, lease, or by condemnation in the manner provided for the exercise of the right of eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act any property necessary or appropriate for the purposes of this Article, including riparian rights, within or without the park district.
    (c) To use, occupy and reclaim submerged land under the public waters of the State and artificially made or reclaimed land anywhere within the jurisdiction of the park district, or in, over, and upon bordering public waters.
    (d) To acquire property by agreeing on a boundary line in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sections 11-123-8 and 11-123-9 of the Illinois Municipal Code, as amended.
    (e) To locate and establish dock, shore and harbor lines.
    (f) To license, regulate, and control the use and operation of the harbor, including the operation of all water-borne vessels in the harbor and within 1000 feet of the outer limits of the harbor, or otherwise within the jurisdiction of the park district, except that such park district shall not forbid the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters, as provided by Federal Law.
    (g) To charge and collect fees for all facilities and services, and compensation for materials furnished.
    (h) To appoint harbor masters and other personnel, defining their duties and authority.
    (i) To enter into contracts and leases of every kind, dealing in any manner with the objects and purposes of this Article, upon such terms and conditions as the park district determines.
(Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.1-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.1-4)
    Sec. 11.1-4. The park district shall submit its plan for any construction to be undertaken under this Article for approval to: (a) the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Illinois, and to (b) the proper officials of the United States Government.
(Source: P.A. 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.1-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.1-5)
    Sec. 11.1-5. All right, title and interest of the State of Illinois in and to submerged lands, naturally and artificially made or reclaimed lands, both within the boundaries of the harbor and adjoining its outer or water side, are vested in the park district for harbor and other public purposes, and the same shall be a part of the public park under the jurisdiction of the park district. The harbor, and all real and personal property connected therewith, owned and operated by a park district under the provisions of this Article, are exempt from taxation.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 642.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.1-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.1-6)
    Sec. 11.1-6. The park district has power to borrow money by issuing its bonds in anticipation of its revenue from such harbor or from any buildings, structures or facilities to accomplish any of the purposes of this Article and to refund such bonds. Such bonds shall be authorized by ordinance and may be issued in one or more series, and bear dates of maturity at such time or times not to exceed 40 years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rates not exceeding the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, payable semi-annually, be in such denominations, be in such form either coupon or registered, be executed in such manner, be payable in such medium of payment at such place, be subject to such terms of redemption with or without premium, and may be registrable as to principal or as to both principal and interest as the ordinance may provide.
    The bonds are negotiable instruments.
    The bonds shall be sold at a price so that the interest cost of the proceeds thereof shall not exceed the maximum applicable interest rate per annum, payable semi-annually, computed to maturity according to standard tables of bond values, and shall be sold in such manner and at such time as the Park Commissioners shall determine.
    Pending the preparation or execution of definitive bonds, interim receipts or certificates or temporary bonds may be delivered to the purchasers or pledgees of these bonds. These bonds bearing the signature of officers in office on the date of the signing thereof shall be valid and binding obligations notwithstanding that before delivery thereof and payment therefor any or all of the persons whose signatures appear thereon cease to be such officers.
    No holder of any bond issued under this law shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of taxing power of the park district to pay the bond or interest thereon. Each bond issued under this Article is payable solely from the revenue derived from the operation of the harbor and facilities. The bond shall not in any event constitute a debt of the park district within any statutory or constitutional limitations, and this shall be plainly stated on the face of each bond.
    With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.1-7

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-7) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.1-7)
    Sec. 11.1-7. The Park Commissioners of any park district availing under this Article shall adopt an ordinance describing in a general way the harbor and facilities thereof, or relating thereto, to be acquired, constructed, enlarged, improved, operated and maintained as a harbor for the use and benefit of the public, and refer to the general plans and specifications therefor prepared for that purpose. These plans and specifications shall be open to the inspection of the public. Any such ordinance shall set out the estimated cost of the harbor or facilities thereof, or relating thereto, and shall fix the maximum amount of revenue bonds proposed to be issued therefor. This amount shall not exceed the estimated cost of the harbor and facilities, including engineering, legal and other expenses, together with interest cost to a date 12 months subsequent to the estimated date of completion. Such ordinance may contain such covenants which shall be part of the contract between the park district and the holders of such bonds and the Trustee, if any, for the bondholders having such rights and duties as may be provided therein for the enforcement and protection of such covenants as may be deemed necessary and advisable as to:
        (a) The issuance of additional bonds that may
thereafter be issued payable from the revenues derived from the operation of such harbor or buildings, structures and facilities, and for the payment of the principal and interest on such bonds;
        (b) The regulations as to the use of any such harbor
and facilities to assure the efficient use and occupancy thereof;
        (c) Kind and amount of insurance to be carried,
including use and occupancy insurance, cost of which shall be payable only from the revenues derived from the harbor and facilities;
        (d) Operation, maintenance, management, accounting
and auditing, employment of harbor engineers and consultants, and keeping of records, reports and audits of any such harbor and facilities;
        (e) The obligation of the park district to maintain
the harbor and facilities in good condition and to operate same in an economical and efficient manner;
        (f) Providing for setting aside any sinking funds,
reserve funds, depreciation funds and such other special funds as may be found needful and the regulation and disposition thereof;
        (g) Providing for the setting aside of a sinking fund
into which shall be payable from the revenues of such harbor and facilities from month to month as such revenues are collected such sums as will be sufficient to pay the accruing interest and retire the bonds at maturity;
        (h) Agreeing to fix and collect fees and rents and
other charges for the use of such harbor or facilities, sufficient together with other available money to produce revenue adequate to pay the bonds at maturity and accruing interest and reserves therefor, and sufficient to pay cost of maintenance, operation and depreciation thereof in such order of priority as shall be provided by the ordinance authorizing the bonds;
        (i) Fixing procedure by which the terms of any
contract with the holders of the bonds may be amended, the amount of bonds the holders of which must consent thereto, and the manner in which consent may be given;
        (j) Providing the procedure for refunding such bonds;
        (k) Providing whether and to what extent and upon
what terms and conditions, if any, the holder of bonds or coupons issued under such ordinance, or the Trustee, if any, may by action, mandamus, injunction or other proceeding, enforce or compel the performance of all duties required by this Act, including the fixing, maintaining and collecting of fees, rates or other charges for the use of the harbor or other facilities, or for any service rendered by the park district in the operation thereof as will be sufficient, together with other available money, to pay the principal of and interest upon these revenue bonds as they become due and reserves therefor and sufficient to pay the cost of maintenance and operation and depreciation of the harbor and facilities in the order of priority as provided in the ordinance authorizing the bonds and application of the income and revenue thereof;
        (l) Such other covenants as may be deemed necessary
or desirable to assure a successful and profitable operation of the harbor and facilities, and prompt payment of the principal of and interest upon the bonds so authorized.
    The Park Commissioners may enter into a trust agreement to secure payment of the bonds issued hereunder.
    After the ordinance has been adopted, it shall within 10 days after its passage be published once in a newspaper published and having a general circulation in the park district, or, if there is no such newspaper, then in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county wherein such district, or the greater or greatest portion in area of the district, lies. The publication or posting of the ordinance shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the ordinance be submitted to the electors of the district; (2) the time in which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum. The Secretary of the governing board of the park district shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    If no valid petition requesting a referendum is filed with the secretary of the district within 30 days after the publication of the ordinance, the ordinance shall be in effect.
    However, if within 30 days after the publication of the ordinance a petition is filed with the secretary of the district signed by electors of the district equal to 10% or more of the number of registered voters in the district, asking that the question of acquiring and operating or constructing and operating such harbor project and the issuance of the bonds for the harbor project be submitted to the electors of the district, the board shall certify such question to the proper election officials, who shall submit that question at an election held in the district.
    The proposition shall be in the following form:
    Shall the.... Park District       YES
issue Revenue Bonds for acquiring ----------------------------
(or constructing) a harbor?           NO
Notice of such referendum shall be given and such referendum conducted in the manner as provided by the general election law.
    If a majority of the electors voting upon that question voted in favor of acquiring and operating or constructing and operating the harbor and the issuance of the bonds, the ordinance shall be in effect, otherwise the ordinance shall not go into effect.
(Source: P.A. 87-767.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.1-8

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-8) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.1-8)
    Sec. 11.1-8. Whenever revenue bonds are issued and outstanding under this law, the entire revenue received from the operation of the harbor or facilities shall be deposited in a separate fund which shall be used only in paying the principal and interest of these revenue bonds and reserves therefor and the cost of maintenance, operation and depreciation of the harbor and facilities in such order of priority as shall be provided by the respective ordinances authorizing revenue bonds, provided, however, no priority accorded by such an ordinance may be impaired by a subsequent ordinance authorizing revenue bonds unless specifically so permitted by a covenant of the kind authorized to be included in an ordinance by Section 11.1-7. Such revenue in excess of requirements for payment of principal of and interest upon these bonds and reserves and for payment of cost of maintenance, operation and depreciation of the harbor and facilities may be used for rehabilitation of the harbor and facilities, necessary reconstructions and expansion, construction of new facilities or for retirement of any outstanding bonds issued for harbor purposes. After all such bonds have been paid, such revenues may be transferred to the general corporate fund of the park district and be used for the maintenance, operation, repair and development of the harbor or facilities or for any corporate purpose.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 642.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.1-9

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-9) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.1-9)
    Sec. 11.1-9. The park district has the power to secure grants and loans, or either, from the United States Government, or any agency thereof, for financing the planning, establishment and construction, enlargement and improvement of any harbor or any part thereof, authorized by this law. For such purposes it may issue and sell or pledge to the United States Government, or any agency thereof, all or any part of the revenue bonds authorized under this law, and execute contracts and documents and do all things that may be required by the United States Government, or any agency thereof, provided that such contracts and documents do not conflict with the provisions of any ordinance authorizing and securing the payment of outstanding bonds of the park district theretofore issued that are payable from the revenues derived from the operation of the harbor or facilities.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 642.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.1-10

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.1-10) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.1-10)
    Sec. 11.1-10. The State and all counties, cities, villages, incorporated towns and other municipal corporations, political subdivisions and public bodies, and public officers of any thereof, all banks, bankers, trust companies, savings banks and institutions, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations, investment companies and other persons carrying on a banking business, all insurance companies, insurance associations and other persons carrying on an insurance business, and all executors, administrators, guardians, trustees and other fiduciaries may legally invest any sinking funds, moneys or other funds belonging to them or within their control in any bonds, including refunding bonds, issued pursuant to this law, it being the purpose of this section to authorize the investment in such bonds of all sinking, insurance, retirement, compensation, pension and trust funds, whether owned or controlled by private or public persons or officers; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section may be construed as relieving any person, firm, or corporation from any duty of exercising reasonable care in selecting securities for purchase or investment.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 642.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 11.2

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 11.2 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/11.2-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.2-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.2-1)
    Sec. 11.2-1. In each park district a fund to be known as a "Working Cash Fund" may be created, set apart, maintained and administered in the manner prescribed in this Article, for the purpose of enabling the district to have in its treasury at all times sufficient money to meet demands thereon for ordinary and necessary expenditures for corporate purposes.
(Source: P.A. 98-756, eff. 7-16-14.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.2-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.2-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.2-2)
    Sec. 11.2-2. For the purpose of providing monies for a working cash fund, the governing board of any park district may levy an annual tax, known as the "working cash fund tax", for any 4 years only on all the taxable property of their district at a rate not to exceed .025% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, to provide monies for the working cash fund. Prior to the levy and collection of such a tax, a park district shall adopt a resolution authorizing the levy and collection of the tax, and, within ten days after the adoption of such a resolution, it shall be published once in a newspaper published and having a general circulation in the park district, or, if there is no such newspaper, then in some newspaper having a general circulation in the county wherein such district or the greater or greatest portion in area of said district lies. The publication or posting of the resolution shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the resolution be submitted to the electors of the district; (2) the time in which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum. The Secretary of the governing board of the park district shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    If no valid petition is filed with the Secretary of the Board, as hereinafter provided in this Section, within 30 days after the publication of the resolution, the resolution shall be in effect. But, if within that 30 day period a petition is filed with the Secretary of the Board, signed by electors in the district numbering 10% or more of the number of registered voters in the district, asking that the question of levying and collecting such tax be submitted to the electors of the district, the board shall certify the proposition to the proper election officials for submission at the next election in accordance with the general election law. If a majority of electors voting upon the question voted in favor of the levy and collection of the tax provided for, such district shall be authorized and empowered to levy and collect such tax annually for any 4 years only, but if a majority of the electors voting upon the question are not in favor thereof, the resolution shall not take effect.
    The collection of a tax levied under this Section shall not be anticipated by the issuance of any warrants drawn against the tax. The tax shall be levied and collected, except as otherwise provided in this Section, in like manner as the general taxes of the district, shall be in addition to the maximum of all other taxes now or hereafter to be levied for park purposes, and may be levied by separate resolution by the last Tuesday in September in each year.
    No tax levied as provided under this Section shall be invalid by reason of the fact that any step required for such a levy under this Section was taken before October 1, 1976 if such required step was taken on or after August 12, 1976.
(Source: P.A. 87-767.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.2-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.2-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.2-3)
    Sec. 11.2-3. This Section shall not apply in any park district which does not operate a working cash fund.
    All monies received from any tax levied pursuant to this Article shall be set apart in the working cash fund and shall be used only for the purposes and in the manner hereinafter provided. Such fund, and the monies therein, shall not be regarded as current assets available for appropriation nor appropriated by the governing board in the annual appropriation ordinance. The governing board may appropriate monies to the working cash fund up to the maximum amount allowable in the fund, and the working cash fund may receive such appropriations and any other contributions. In order to provide monies with which to meet ordinary and necessary disbursements for salaries and other corporate purposes, such fund and the monies therein may be transferred in whole or in part to the general corporate fund of the park district and so disbursed therefrom in anticipation of the collection of taxes lawfully levied for general corporate purposes or in anticipation of such taxes, as by law now or hereafter enacted or amended, imposed by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois to replace revenue lost by units of local government and school districts as a result of the abolition of ad valorem personal property taxes, pursuant to Article IX, Section 5(c) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois. Monies so transferred shall be deemed to be transferred in anticipation of the collection of that part of the taxes so levied or to be received which is in excess of the amount thereof required to pay any warrants and the interest thereon theretofore and thereafter issued in anticipation of the collection thereof and such taxes levied for general corporate purposes when collected shall be applied first, to the payment of any such warrants and the interest thereon, to the amount estimated to be required to satisfy debt service and pension or retirement obligations, as set forth in Section 12 of "An Act in relation to State revenue sharing with local government entities", approved July 31, 1969, as amended, and then to the reimbursement of such working cash fund as hereinafter provided.
    Upon receipt by the park district of any taxes in anticipation of the collection whereof moneys of the working cash fund have been so transferred for disbursement, the fund shall immediately be reimbursed therefrom until the full amount so transferred has been retransferred to the fund. Unless the taxes so received and applied to the reimbursement of the working cash fund prior to the first day of the eighth month following the month in which due and unpaid real property taxes begin to bear interest are sufficient to effect a complete reimbursement of such fund for any moneys transferred therefrom in anticipation of the collection of such taxes, the working cash fund shall be reimbursed for the amount of the deficiency therein from any other revenues accruing to the general fund, and the governing board shall make provisions for the immediate reimbursement of the amount of any such deficiency in its next annual tax levy.
(Source: P.A. 85-459.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.2-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.2-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.2-4)
    Sec. 11.2-4. This Section shall not apply in any park district which does not operate a working cash fund. Monies shall be transferred from the working cash fund to the general funds of the district only upon the authority of the governing board which shall from time to time by separate resolution direct the treasurer to make transfers of such sums as may be required for the purposes herein authorized.
    Every such resolution shall set forth (a) the taxes in anticipation of which such transfer is to be made and from which the working cash fund is to be reimbursed; (b) the entire amount of taxes extended or which the governing board estimates will be extended or received, for any year, in anticipation of the collection of all or part of which such transfer is to be made; (c) the aggregate amount of warrants or notes theretofore issued in anticipation of the collection of such taxes together with the amount of interest accrued or which the governing board estimates will accrue thereon, (d) the aggregate amount of receipts from taxes imposed to replace revenue lost by units of local government and school districts as a result of the abolition of ad valorem personal property taxes, pursuant to Article IX, Section 5(c) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, which the corporate authorities estimate will be set aside for the payment of the proportionate amount of debt service and pension or retirement obligations, as required by Section 12 of "An Act in relation to State Revenue Sharing with local government entities", approved July 31, 1969, as amended, and (e) the aggregate amount of monies theretofore transferred from the working cash fund to the general corporate fund of the district in anticipation of the collection of such taxes. The amount which any such resolution shall direct the treasurer to transfer, in anticipation of the collection of taxes levied or to be received for any year, together with the aggregate amount of such anticipation tax warrants or notes theretofore drawn against such taxes and the amount of interest accrued and estimated to accrue thereon and the aggregate amount of receipts from taxes imposed to replace revenue lost by units of local government and school districts as a result of the abolition of ad valorem personal property taxes, pursuant to Article IX, Section 5(c) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, which the corporate authorities estimate will be set aside for the payment of the proportionate amount of debt service and pension or retirement obligations, as required by Section 12 of "An Act in relation to State Revenue Sharing with local government entities", approved July 31, 1969, as amended, and the aggregate amount of such transfers to be made in anticipation of the collection of such taxes shall not exceed 75% of the actual or estimated amount of such taxes extended or to be extended or to be received as set forth in such resolution. At any time moneys are available in the working cash fund they shall be transferred to the general funds of the district and disbursed for the payment of salaries and other corporate expenses so as to avoid, whenever possible, the issuance of anticipation tax warrants or notes.
    Temporarily idle monies in the working cash fund may be invested as directed by the governing board of the park district, and the interest earnings on such investments may, at the option of the board, be either transferred permanently to the general corporate fund or be allowed to remain in the working cash fund. If such interest earnings remain in the working cash fund, they will serve to increase the balance of the working cash fund available for loans, but in no event may the balance of that fund be allowed to exceed the statutory maximum for the fund established in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 81-1506.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.2-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.2-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.2-5)
    Sec. 11.2-5. Any member of the governing board of any park district to which this Article is applicable, or any other person holding any office, trust, or employment under such park district who wilfully violates any of the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a business offense and fined not exceeding $10,000, and shall forfeit his or her right to his or her office, trust or employment and shall be removed therefrom. Any such member or other person shall be liable for any sum that may be unlawfully diverted from the working cash fund or otherwise used, to be recovered by such park district or by any taxpayer in the name and for the benefit of such park district in an appropriate civil action; provided that the taxpayer shall file a bond for all costs and be liable for all costs taxed against the park district in such action, and judgment shall be rendered accordingly. Nothing herein shall bar any other judicial remedies.
(Source: P.A. 83-345.)

70 ILCS 1205/11.2-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/11.2-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 11.2-6)
    Sec. 11.2-6. If any park district which has created a working cash fund under this Act abates or abolishes that fund, that park district may not again create such a working cash fund until at least 10 years have elapsed after the date that fund was abated or abolished. No such working cash fund shall be abated or abolished unless the governing board of the park district has by adoption of a resolution provided and directed the transfer of any balance in such fund to the general corporate fund of the district at the close of the then current year. Any outstanding loans shall be paid to the general funds of the district at the close of the then current year. Thereafter, all outstanding taxes of such park district levied pursuant to this Article shall be collected and paid into the general funds of the district. Any obligation incurred by such park district pursuant to this Article shall be discharged as therein provided.
(Source: P.A. 79-1379.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 12

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 12 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/12-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/12-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 12-1)
    Sec. 12-1. The following Acts are hereby repealed:
    "An Act to provide for disconnecting territory from park districts organized under and by virtue of 'An Act to provide for the organization of park districts and the transfer of submerged lands to those bordering on navigable bodies of water, approved June 24, 1895'", approved June 28, 1915;
    "An Act to provide for the creation of pleasure driveway and park districts", approved June 19, 1893, as amended;
    "An Act to enable the corporate authorities of public park districts to issue bonds for the purpose of aiding the connection of park or parks under their control with other park or parks and to provide for the payment of such bonds", approved June 28, 1919;
    "An Act to provide for the organization of park districts and the transfer of submerged lands to those bordering on navigable bodies of water", approved June 24, 1895, as amended;
    "An Act to authorize park districts organized under 'An Act to provide for the organization of park districts and the transfer of submerged lands to those bordering on navigable bodies of water', approved June 24, 1895, in force July 1, 1895, as amended, to sell real estate owned and held by said districts no longer needed or useful for park districts", approved June 18, 1937;
    "An Act concerning the validation of the annexation of lands to park districts in certain cases", approved July 8, 1937;
    "An Act to validate the proceedings heretofore had in connection with the authorization of certain bonds of park districts to permit the sale and delivery of such bonds and to validate any such bonds heretofore delivered", filed July 21, 1939;
    "An Act to validate certain bonds issued by park districts organized under 'An Act to provide for the organization of park districts and the transfer of submerged land to those bordering on navigable bodies of water', approved June 24, 1895, as amended", filed June 21, 1940;
    "An Act to establish and maintain parks and parkways in towns and townships" approved May 29, 1911, as amended;
    "An Act authorizing park districts to acquire, establish, construct, maintain and operate airdromes, airports and landing fields for aircraft and authorizing the exercise of the power of eminent domain, permitting the levy of a tax, and issuance of the bonds therefor", approved June 10, 1929, as amended;
    "An Act to validate proceedings heretofore had in connection with the acquisition, establishment, construction, maintenance, and operation of airdromes, airports, and landing fields by park districts and the levying of additional taxes therefore", approved June 12, 1940;
    "An Act authorizing certain park districts to construct and operate a natatorium or swimming pool; to charge for the use of the same and to provide for the cost thereof by issuing bonds payable solely from revenue derived from the operation thereof", approved August 15, 1941.
    "An Act to validate the organization of certain park districts and the proceedings conducted and elections held in relation thereto," approved April 22, 1941.
(Source: Laws 1947, p. 1292.)

70 ILCS 1205/12-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/12-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 12-2)
    Sec. 12-2. The provisions for repeal in this article shall not in any way
    1- Affect any offense committed; any act done; a penalty, punishment or forfeiture incurred; or a claim, right, power, or remedy accrued under any law in force prior to the effective date of this Act;
    2- Invalidate any act or proceeding that has been validated by any former law;
    3- Affect the adoption by any park district or other governmental unit of any act in force prior to the effective date of this Act;
    4- Increase the penalty or punishment for any offense committed prior to the effective date hereof;
    5- Affect any suits pending or rights existing at the time this act takes effect;
    6- Affect any grant or conveyance made or cause of action now existing;
    7- Affect the validity of any bonds or other obligations issued or sold and constituting valid obligations of the issuing authority at the time this act takes effect;
    8- Affect the validity of any tax levied under any law in effect prior to the effective date of this act.
(Source: Laws 1947, p. 1292.)

70 ILCS 1205/Art. 13

    (70 ILCS 1205/Art. 13 heading)

70 ILCS 1205/13-1

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-1) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-1)
    Sec. 13-1. A park district may be dissolved in the following manner:
    Whenever legal voters in the district, equal to two-thirds of the vote cast at the last preceding park district election for the commissioner who received the greatest number of votes, but not less than 20% of the legal voters of the district, petition the board of the park district for submission of the question whether the park district will dissolve its incorporation, the board shall (1) certify that question to the proper election officials for submission to the legal voters of the district, (2) designate the election at which the question is to be submitted, and (3) give notice of the referendum as required by the general election law.
(Source: P.A. 87-592.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-2

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-2) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-2)
    Sec. 13-2. The proposition shall read substantially as follows:
    Shall the park                  YES
district known as....         --------------------------------
be dissolved?                       NO
    The election shall be conducted in the manner provided by the general election law and the board of the district, shall have the results entered upon the records of the district.
(Source: P.A. 81-1489.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-3

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-3) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-3)
    Sec. 13-3. If two-thirds of the votes cast on the proposition are in favor of the proposal to dissolve the district, the district is dissolved. If the proposal that the district be dissolved fails to receive the affirmative vote of two-thirds of those voting upon the proposal, the board of the district shall proceed with the affairs of the district as though the election had never been held. After a defeat, the proposition shall not be submitted to a vote for a period of 2 years.
(Source: P.A. 81-1489.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-4

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-4) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-4)
    Sec. 13-4. If the vote is in favor of a voluntary dissolution of the park district, there shall be no further elections for or appointment of members of the board of the district. The officers acting at the time of the vote shall close up the affairs of the district and make the necessary conveyances of the property of the district. They may levy and collect taxes for the purpose of paying the debts and obligations of the district, but they shall not create any new obligation against the district.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 915.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-5

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-5) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-5)
    Sec. 13-5. All money remaining after the business affairs of the park district have been closed up and all the debts and obligations of the district have been paid, shall be paid to the school treasurer for the township in which the park district, or the greater part thereof, was situated. This money shall become a part of the school fund of the school district in which the park district was situated. If the park district was situated in more than one school district, the trustees of schools for the specified township shall direct the treasurer for that township to distribute and credit the fund to the specified districts, in the same proportion as the amounts of the assessed valuation of property in these districts, according to the last assessment in these districts, bear to each other.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 915.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-6

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-6) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-6)
    Sec. 13-6. If the vote is in favor of dissolution, the acting board of the dissolved park district shall, within 10 days after the referendum, file a notice of the result of the referendum with the county clerk of the county in which the dissolved park district was situated, or, if the district was situated in more than one county, with the county clerk of each county in which any part of the district was situated.
(Source: P.A. 81-1489.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-7

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-7) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-7)
    Sec. 13-7. After the acting officers of the dissolved park district (1) have paid all of the debts and obligations of the district, (2) have closed up all of the business of the district, and (3) the surplus money, if any, has been paid to the school treasurer for the proper township, then the acting officers of the district shall file with the county clerk or clerks designated in Section 13-6, a statement under oath showing all of the closing up transactions. When this statement is filed, the duty to close up the district business is terminated, and all the officers of the district, whether the terms for which they were elected have expired or not, shall thereupon cease to have any power or authority.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 915.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-8

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-8) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-8)
    Sec. 13-8. In addition to the method of dissolution provided in other sections of this Article, any park district situated wholly within the corporate limits of a city, village or incorporated town (hereinafter called a "municipality") may be dissolved and discontinued with the consent of a majority of the legal voters of both the park district and the municipality concerned. The vote of the people of the park district and of the municipality may be had upon like petition, proceedings, and referendum as is provided in Section 13-1 of this Code.
    If a majority of the legal voters of the municipality concerned vote to concur in the dissolution of the park district, then all members of the board of the district, whether their terms have expired or not, shall cease to have any power or authority, and all parks and all other property owned or controlled by the park district shall vest in and be controlled by the municipality. For the purpose of closing up the business of the park district, the corporate authorities of the municipality shall constitute the acting board for such district and shall act without compensation. They shall proceed to close up the business affairs of such park district and shall have all the powers of the former board of such district, before dissolution, that are necessary therefor, and shall have power to levy taxes for the purpose of paying outstanding debts, obligations or liabilities, and the necessary expenses of closing up the business of the park district.
    If, subsequent to the dissolution of a park district under this Section a new park district coterminous with the municipality is organized as the result of a petition filed within one year after such dissolution, all the parks and other property that vested in the municipality as a result of such dissolution shall thereupon vest in the newly organized park district, and the newly organized park district shall succeed to all the outstanding rights and obligations of the dissolved district, and the power and authority of the corporate authorities of the municipality with respect to the affairs of the dissolved district shall terminate.
(Source: P.A. 88-426.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-9a

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-9a) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-9a)
    Sec. 13-9a. A park district, the board of commissioners of which has failed to perform the duties and functions imposed upon it subsequent to its organization may be dissolved in the following manner:
    1% of the legal voters in the district shall file a petition with the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which the park district, or the predominant portion thereof, shall be located requesting the dissolution of the park district. Such petition shall clearly define the territory embraced in such district and shall set forth the name of the district together with such facts as shall establish that subsequent to the date of organization of the park district, and within the period of five (5) years immediately prior to the filing of the petition the board of park commissioners has (1) failed to hold regular meetings of the board, (2) failed to acquire and maintain land and facilities for park purposes within the district, (3) failed to organize and supervise a planned program of recreation, (4) failed to pass an annual appropriation ordinance and to levy taxes for the purposes of the district, and (5) failed to perform the duties and functions imposed upon it by law.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 2535.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-9b

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-9b) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-9b)
    Sec. 13-9b. Upon the filing of a petition for dissolution under Section 13-9a the circuit judge shall set a date and time for a public hearing thereon. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be given by the clerk of the circuit court at least twenty (20) days prior to the date fixed for such hearing by at least one publication thereof in one or more daily or weekly newspapers having a general circulation within the park district.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 2535.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-9c

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-9c) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-9c)
    Sec. 13-9c. If the circuit judge finds upon such hearing that the petition meets the requirements of this section, and that the allegations therein contained are true, the park district shall be dissolved.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 2535.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-9d

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-9d) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-9d)
    Sec. 13-9d. If the park district shall be dissolved by the circuit court under the provisions of this section, the affairs of the district shall be disposed of in the manner as provided in Sections 13-4, 13-5 and 13-7 of "The Park District Code".
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 2535.)

70 ILCS 1205/13-9e

    (70 ILCS 1205/13-9e) (from Ch. 105, par. 13-9e)
    Sec. 13-9e. If, subsequent to the dissolution of a park district under this section, a new park district, the greater portion of which was contained within the area of the dissolved park district, is organized as the result of a petition filed within one (1) year after such dissolution, all of the parks and other property that vested in the school district as a result of such dissolution shall thereupon vest in the newly organized park district, and the newly organized park district shall succeed to all of the outstanding rights and obligations of the dissolved district, and the power and authority of the trustees of the schools or the school district with respect to the affairs of the dissolved district shall terminate.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 2535.)