State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 740
 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill  740,  on  page  1,
 3    lines  1, 2, and 6, by replacing "Section 10-19" each time it
 4    appears with "Sections 1B-16 and 22-23"; and
 5    by replacing lines 7 through 31 on page 1 and lines 1 through
 6    25 on page 2 with the following:
 7        "(105 ILCS 5/1B-16) (from Ch. 122, par. 1B-16)
 8        Sec. 1B-16.  Cash accounts and bank accounts.   (a)   The
 9    Panel  shall  require  the board or any officer of the board,
10    including the board's treasurer or any person acting  as  the
11    board's  official  or  ex officio treasurer, to establish and
12    maintain separate cash accounts and separate bank accounts in
13    accordance with such standards and procedures  as  the  Panel
14    may prescribe.
15        (b)  The  Panel  shall have the power to assume exclusive
16    administration of the cash accounts and bank accounts of  the
17    board,  to  establish and maintain whatever new cash accounts
18    and bank accounts it may deem appropriate,  and  to  withdraw
19    funds  from  such accounts for the lawful expenditures of the
20    board.  In exercising this authority, the Panel may have  its
21    own  employees  perform  functions  that  the Panel deems are
22    necessary to exercise effective financial  control  over  the
                            -2-           SRS90HB0740KSsaam02
 1    board  and  that  are  otherwise  performed  by  the  board's
 2    employees,  including  but  not limited to, payroll, accounts
 3    payable, revenue receipt, and  related  accounting  and  data
 4    processing  functions.   The General Assembly hereby declares
 5    the amendment to this subsection made by this amendatory  act
 6    of 1997 to be a declaration and clarification of existing law
 7    rather than a change in existing law.
 8    (Source: P.A. 86-954.)
 9        (105 ILCS 5/22-23) (from Ch. 122, par. 22-23)
10        Sec. 22-23. Sprinkler systems.
11        (a)  The  provisions  of this Section apply to the school
12    board, board of education, board of school  directors,  board
13    of  school  inspectors or other governing body of each school
14    district in this State, including special  charter  districts
15    and districts organized under Article 34.
16        (b)  As   used   in   this   Section,  the  term  "school
17    construction" means (1) the  construction  of  a  new  school
18    building,  or  addition  to  an existing building, within any
19    period of 30 months, having 7,200 or  more  square  feet  the
20    construction of an addition to a school building, and (2) any
21    alteration,  as  defined  in 71 Illinois Administrative Code,
22    Section 400.210, within any period of 30 months,  that  costs
23    more  than  50%  of  the  reproduction  cost  of the existing
24    building remodeling,  renovation  or  reconstruction  project
25    affecting  one  or  more  areas  of  a  school building which
26    cumulatively are equal to 50% or more of the  square  footage
27    of the school building.
28        (c)  New  areas  or  uses of buildings not required to be
29    sprinklered under this Section shall be  protected  with  the
30    installation of an automatic fire detection system.
31        (d)(c)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act,
32    no  school  construction  shall  be  commenced  in any school
33    district on or after the effective date  of  this  amendatory
                            -3-           SRS90HB0740KSsaam02
 1    Act of 1991 unless sprinkler systems are required by, and are
 2    installed    in    accordance   with   approved   plans   and
 3    specifications in the school building,  addition  or  project
 4    areas  which  constitute  school  construction  as defined in
 5    subsection (b).  Plans and specifications shall  comply  with
 6    rules  and  regulations  established  by  the  State Board of
 7    Education, and such rules and regulations shall be consistent
 8    so far as practicable with  nationally  recognized  standards
 9    such  as  those  established  by the National Fire Protection
10    Association.
11        (d)  Prior  to  the  award  of  any  contract   for,   or
12    commencement  of any school construction, the school board or
13    other governing body of  the  school  district  shall  submit
14    plans   and  specifications  for  installation  of  sprinkler
15    systems as  required  by  this  Section  to  the  appropriate
16    regional  superintendent  of  schools,  who shall forward the
17    plans and specifications to the State Board of Education  for
18    review and approval.
19    (Source: P.A. 87-652.)".

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