State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 929
 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 929  by  replacing
 3    the title with the following:
 4        "AN ACT concerning land donations."; and
 5    by  replacing  everything  after the enacting clause with the
 6    following:
 7        "Section 5.  The  Counties  Code  is  amended  by  adding
 8    Section 5-1041.2 as follows:
 9        (55 ILCS 5/5-1041.2 new)
10        Sec. 5-1041.2.  Land donations.
11        (a)  For  purposes of this Section, "land donation" means
12    a donation of land for a school site or park site, or a  cash
13    contribution  instead of a land donation, or a combination of
14    both, required by a county under  the  authority  granted  by
15    this Division 5-1.
16        (b)  Any   land  donation  required  as  a  condition  of
17    residential subdivision, resubdivision, or development  shall
18    be  based  upon  an  ordinance  that specifies the population
19    expected to be  generated  by  residential  development,  the
20    number of acres of school site or park site required to serve
21    the  population generated by residential development, and the
                            -2-            LRB9003465DNmbam01
 1    value  of  an  acre  of  land   improved   with   subdivision
 2    improvements, as calculated herein, for cash contributions in
 3    lieu  of  the conveyance of land.  Such ordinances shall meet
 4    the following requirements:
 5             (1)  The population  expected  to  be  generated  by
 6        residential  development shall set forth by age group the
 7        number of persons expected to  reside  in  single  family
 8        detached homes containing 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedrooms; single
 9        family  attached  homes  containing 2, 3, and 4 bedrooms;
10        and apartments containing 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms.  The  age
11        groups  to  be  specified shall be pre-school, elementary
12        school, junior  high  school,  senior  high  school,  and
13        adults.   Residential  units  in  developments  that  are
14        lawfully limited and principally occupied by persons aged
15        55  and  older  shall  be  set  forth separately, so that
16        school contributions are not required and such  units  do
17        not  lower  the  average number of children for all other
18        units.  The population predictions shall be based upon  a
19        current,  statistically  accurate  study  of all existing
20        residential units of all ages in the  county  or  in  the
21        metropolitan region in which the county is located.  Such
22        study shall be updated at least every 5 years.
23             (2)  The  number  of  acres to be required shall not
24        exceed (i) 5 acres plus 1 acre for each 100  students  of
25        projected  enrollment  for  elementary  schools;  (ii) 20
26        acres plus 1 acre for  each  100  students  of  projected
27        enrollment for junior high schools; (iii) 30 acres plus 1
28        acre  for  each  100 students of projected enrollment for
29        senior  high  schools;  and  (iv)  5.5  acres  per  1,000
30        population for park sites.
31             (3)  Cash in lieu of land conveyance may be required
32        when the site to  be  conveyed  based  on  the  projected
33        population  from  the  proposed  development would be too
34        small  for  practical  use,  located  in  an   area   not
                            -3-            LRB9003465DNmbam01
 1        convenient  to  the  school  or park districts, or when a
 2        combination of land and  cash  is  appropriate.   In  all
 3        cases,  the  intent  of a cash contribution is to require
 4        the developer to pay in cash the costs he  or  she  would
 5        have  incurred  to  convey a site improved to subdivision
 6        standards.  The ordinance shall specify the value  of  an
 7        acre  of  land  with subdivision improvements.  The value
 8        shall be determined by adding the following:
 9                  (A)  The average cost of an acre of  unimproved
10             land, not yet annexed to or zoned by a municipality,
11             but planned for residential purposes on the county's
12             master  plan,  as  determined  from  actual sales of
13             parcels in excess of 25 acres in the  county  within
14             the prior 5 years;
15                  (B)  The  current  estimated  cost per acre for
16             subdivision frontage improvements for a square  16.5
17             acre site with one street frontage, for 1/2 the cost
18             of  a  collector  street with water, sanitary sewer,
19             storm sewer, street lights, curb, and gutter;
20                  (C)  The average cost per acre of mass  grading
21             for  residential subdivisions in the county, and not
22             annexed to any municipality, for the prior 5 years;
23                  (D)  The average cost  per  acre  for  off-site
24             extensions of sanitary sewer and water (less amounts
25             subject  to  recapture) for residential subdivisions
26             in the county, and not annexed to any  municipality,
27             for the prior 5 years.
28             The  sum of these 4 factors shall be the maximum per
29        acre value imposed on a developer in lieu of an  acre  of
30        land conveyance.
31             (4)  A home rule unit may not impose a land donation
32        in a manner inconsistent with this Section.  This Section
33        is  a  limitation  under  subsection  (i) of Section 6 of
34        Article  VII  of  the  Illinois   Constitution   on   the
                            -4-            LRB9003465DNmbam01
 1        concurrent  exercise  by  home  rule  units of powers and
 2        functions exercised by the State.
 3        Section 10.  The Illinois Municipal Code  is  amended  by
 4    adding Section 11-12-5.2 as follows:
 5        (65 ILCS 5/11-12-5.2 new)
 6        Sec. 11-12-5.2.  Land donations.
 7        (a)  For  purposes of this Section, "land donation" means
 8    a donation of land for a school site or park site, or a  cash
 9    contribution  instead of a land donation, or a combination of
10    both, required by a municipality under the authority  granted
11    by this Division 12.
12        (b)  Any   land  donation  required  as  a  condition  of
13    residential  subdivision,  resubdivision,   development,   or
14    annexation  shall  be  based upon an ordinance that specifies
15    the  population  expected  to  be  generated  by  residential
16    development, the number of acres of school site or park  site
17    required  to  serve  the  population generated by residential
18    development, and the value of an acre of land  improved  with
19    subdivision  improvements,  as  calculated  herein,  for cash
20    contributions in  lieu  of  the  conveyance  of  land.   Such
21    ordinances shall meet the following requirements:
22             (1)  The  population  expected  to  be  generated by
23        residential development shall set forth by age group  the
24        number  of  persons  expected  to reside in single family
25        detached homes containing 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedrooms; single
26        family attached homes containing 2, 3,  and  4  bedrooms;
27        and  apartments containing 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms.  The age
28        groups to be specified shall  be  pre-school,  elementary
29        school,  junior  high  school,  senior  high  school, and
30        adults.   Residential  units  in  developments  that  are
31        lawfully limited and principally occupied by persons aged
32        55 and older shall  be  set  forth  separately,  so  that
                            -5-            LRB9003465DNmbam01
 1        school  contributions  are not required and such units do
 2        not lower the average number of children  for  all  other
 3        units.   The population predictions shall be based upon a
 4        current, statistically accurate  study  of  all  existing
 5        residential  units  of all ages in the municipality or in
 6        the metropolitan region  in  which  the  municipality  is
 7        located.   Such  study  shall be updated at least every 5
 8        years.
 9             (2)  The number of acres to be  required  shall  not
10        exceed  (i)  5 acres plus 1 acre for each 100 students of
11        projected enrollment  for  elementary  schools;  (ii)  20
12        acres  plus  1  acre  for  each 100 students of projected
13        enrollment for junior high schools; (iii) 30 acres plus 1
14        acre for each 100 students of  projected  enrollment  for
15        senior  high  schools;  and  (iv)  5.5  acres  per  1,000
16        population for park sites.
17             (3)  Cash in lieu of land conveyance may be required
18        when  the  site  to  be  conveyed, based on the projected
19        population from the proposed development,  would  be  too
20        small   for   practical  use,  located  in  an  area  not
21        convenient to the school or park  districts,  or  when  a
22        combination  of  land  and  cash  is appropriate.  In all
23        cases, the intent of a cash contribution  is  to  require
24        the  developer  to  pay in cash the costs he or she would
25        have incurred to convey a site  improved  to  subdivision
26        standards.   The  ordinance shall specify the value of an
27        acre of land with subdivision  improvements.   The  value
28        shall be determined by adding the following:
29                  (A)  The  average cost of an acre of unimproved
30             land, not yet annexed to or zoned by a municipality,
31             but  planned  for  residential   purposes   on   the
32             municipality's   master  plan,  as  determined  from
33             actual sales of parcels in excess of 25 acres in the
34             municipal planning area within the prior 5 years;
                            -6-            LRB9003465DNmbam01
 1                  (B)  The current estimated cost  per  acre  for
 2             subdivision  frontage improvements for a square 16.5
 3             acre site with one street frontage, for 1/2 the cost
 4             of a collector street with  water,  sanitary  sewer,
 5             storm sewer, street lights, curb, and gutter;
 6                  (C)  The  average cost per acre of mass grading
 7             for residential subdivisions in the municipality for
 8             the prior 5 years;
 9                  (D)  The average cost  per  acre  for  off-site
10             extensions of sanitary sewer and water (less amounts
11             subject  to  recapture) for residential subdivisions
12             in the municipality for the prior 5 years.
13             The sum of these 4 factors shall be the maximum  per
14        acre  value  imposed on a developer in lieu of an acre of
15        land conveyance.
16             (4)  A home rule unit may not impose a land donation
17        in a manner inconsistent with this Section.  This Section
18        is a limitation under subsection  (i)  of  Section  6  of
19        Article   VII   of   the  Illinois  Constitution  on  the
20        concurrent exercise by home  rule  units  of  powers  and
21        functions exercised by the State.".

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