State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ Enrolled ]
[ House Amendment 001 ]


 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1030
 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 1030 by  replacing
 3    everything after the enacting clause with the following:
 4        "Section  5.   The  Child  Care Act of 1969 is amended by
 5    changing Section 4 as follows:
 6        (225 ILCS 10/4) (from Ch. 23, par. 2214)
 7        Sec. 4. License requirement; application; notice.
 8        (a)  Any person, group of persons or corporation  who  or
 9    which  receives children or arranges for care or placement of
10    one or more children unrelated to the operator must apply for
11    a license to operate one of the types of  facilities  defined
12    in  Sections  2.05 through 2.19 of this Act. Any relative who
13    receives a child or children for placement by the  Department
14    on  a  full-time  basis  may apply for a license to operate a
15    foster family home as defined in Section 2.17 of this Act.
16        (b)  Application for a license to operate  a  child  care
17    facility  must be made to the Department in the manner and on
18    forms prescribed by it.  An application to operate  a  foster
19    family  home shall include, at a minimum: a completed written
20    form; written authorization by the applicant  and  all  adult
21    members  of  the  applicant's household to conduct a criminal
22    background investigation; medical evidence in the form  of  a
                            -2-            LRB9003474DPccam01
 1    medical  report,  on forms prescribed by the Department, that
 2    the applicant and all members of the household are free  from
 3    communicable  diseases or physical and mental conditions that
 4    affect their  ability  to  provide  care  for  the  child  or
 5    children;  the  names and addresses of at least 3 persons not
 6    related to the applicant who can attest  to  the  applicant's
 7    moral  character; and fingerprints submitted by the applicant
 8    and all adult members of the applicant's household.
 9        (c)  The Department shall notify the public when a  child
10    care institution, maternity center, or group home licensed by
11    the Department undergoes a change in (i) the range of care or
12    services  offered  at  the  facility, (ii) the age or type of
13    children served, or (iii) the area within the  facility  used
14    by  children.  The  Department shall notify the public of the
15    change in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or
16    municipality in which  the  applicant's  facility  is  or  is
17    proposed to be located. in a newspaper of general circulation
18    in  the  county  or  municipality  in  which  the applicant's
19    facility is or is proposed to be located.
20        (d)  If,   upon   examination   of   the   facility   and
21    investigation of persons responsible for  care  of  children,
22    the Department is satisfied that the facility and responsible
23    persons  reasonably meet standards prescribed for the type of
24    facility for which application is  made,  it  shall  issue  a
25    license  in proper form, designating on that license the type
26    of child care  facility  and,  except  for  a  child  welfare
27    agency, the number of children to be served at any one time.
28    (Source: P.A. 89-21, eff. 7-1-95.)
29        Section  99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect upon
30    becoming law.".

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