90th General Assembly
Status of HB1642
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   105 ILCS 5/2-3.120 new                                                      

        Amends the School Code.  Requires the State Board of Education to      
   appoint a Paperwork Reduction Task  Force  to  review  the  regulatory      
   paperwork  burden  placed on local school districts and develop a plan      
   for the reduction and streamlining of paperwork  mandates.   Effective      
   97-03-06  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   97-03-06  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   97-03-07  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 CROTTY                
   97-03-11  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               ELEM SCND ED          
   97-03-20  H  MOTION DO PASS-LOST                      010-004-003   HELM    
   97-03-20  H       REMAINS IN COMMITTEE                ELEM SCND ED          
   97-03-21  H  RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A)     RULES         HRUL    
   99-01-12  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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