90th General Assembly
Status of HB1664
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   225 ILCS 15/3             from Ch. 111, par. 5353                           

        Amends the Clinical Psychologist Licensing Act to exempt  certain      
   practitioners of hypnosis from the licensing requirements of the Act.       
        HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 1.                                                 
          Deletes reference to:                                                
          225 ILCS 15/3                                                        
          Adds reference to:                                                   
          225 ILCS 15/2                   from Ch. 111, par. 5352              
        Provides that clinical psychology does not  include  the  use  of      
   hypnosis  by  unlicensed  persons who do not engage in the independent      
   diagnosis, classification,  and  treatment  of  nervous,  mental,  and      
   emotional disorders or the diagnosis and treatment of human ailments.       
        SENATE AMENDMENT NO. 1.                                                
          Adds reference to:                                                   
          225 ILCS 15/3                   from Ch. 111, par. 5353              
        Provides that  the  practice  of  clinical  psychology  does  not      
   include  the use of hypnosis by a person who does not otherwise engage      
   in the practice of clinical psychology and does not hold  himself  out      
   to  the  public  in  a manner stating or implying that the person is a      
   clinical psychologist.                                                      
   97-03-06  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   97-03-06  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   97-03-11  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               EXECUTIVE             
   97-03-20  H  DO PASS/SHORT DEBATE                     009-005-000   HEXC    
   97-03-20  H  PLACED CALENDAR 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                       
   97-04-10  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-MITCHELL           
   97-04-10  H                     AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL                  
   97-04-10  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   97-04-11  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-MITCHELL           
   97-04-11  H                                BE ADOPTED HRUL/003-002-000      
   97-04-11  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   97-04-14  H  SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE                                    
   97-04-14  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-MITCHELL           
   97-04-14  H                                   ADOPTED                       
   97-04-14  H  HELD ON CAL ORDER 2ND RDG - SHORT DEBATE                       
   97-04-15  H  PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   97-04-15  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 BOLAND                
   97-04-15  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    BRUNSVOLD             
   97-04-15  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    MOFFITT               
   97-04-16  H  THIRD READING/SHORT DEBATE/PASSED        115-001-000           
   97-04-17  S  ARRIVE IN SENATE                                               
   97-04-17  S  PLACED CALENDAR ORDER OF FIRST READING                         
   97-04-17  S  CHIEF SPONSOR                            SIEBEN                
   97-04-17  S  FIRST READING                                                  
   97-04-17  S  REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE       RULES                 
   97-04-23  S       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               LICENSED ACT.         
   97-05-07  S       DO PASS                             009-000-000   SLIC    
   97-05-07  S  PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF 2ND READING  97-05-08              
   97-05-12  S  FILED WITH SECRETARY                                           
   97-05-12  S                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-SIEBEN             
   97-05-12  S                     AMENDMENT REFERRED TO SRUL                  
   97-05-13  S                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-SIEBEN             
   97-05-13  S                           RULES REFERS TO SLIC                  
   97-05-14  S                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-SIEBEN             
   97-05-14  S                                BE ADOPTED SLIC/008-000-000      
   97-05-14  S  SECOND READING                                                 
   97-05-14  S                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-SIEBEN             
   97-05-14  S                                   ADOPTED                       
   97-05-14  S  PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF 3RD READING  97-05-15              
   97-05-15  S  THIRD READING - PASSED                   056-001-000           
   97-05-15  H  ARRIVE IN HOUSE                                                
   97-05-15  H  PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF CONCURRENCE  01                    
   97-05-16  H  MOTION FILED CONCUR                      01/MITCHELL           
   97-05-16  H  REFERRED TO RULES COMMITTEE/RULE 75(A)   01                    
   97-05-16  H  PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF CONCURRENCE  01                    
   97-05-19  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    CHURCHILL             
   97-05-20  H                        MOTION REFERRED TO 01/HEXC               
   97-05-20  H  PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF CONCURRENCE  01                    
   97-05-21  H             BE APPROVED FOR CONSIDERATION 01/015-000-000        
   97-05-21  H  PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF CONCURRENCE  01                    
   97-05-22  H  HSE CONCURS IN SEN AMENDMENTS (NO.)      01/117-000-000        
   97-05-22  H  PASSED BOTH HOUSES                                             
   97-06-20  H  SENT TO THE GOVERNOR                                           
   97-08-17  H  GOVERNOR APPROVED                                              
   97-08-17  H                            EFFECTIVE DATE 98-01-01              
   97-08-17  H  PUBLIC ACT.............................. 90-0473               


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