90th General Assembly
Status of HB2079
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   New Act                                                                     

        Creates the  Workforce  Commission  Act.   Creates  the  Illinois      
   Workforce Commission, composed of 3 members appointed by the  Governor      
   and representing labor, employers, and the public.  Provides that  the      
   commission  is  to  operate an integrated workforce development system      
   in the State, in particular through the consolidation of job training,      
   employment,  and  employment-related  educational  programs,  and   to      
   administer the unemployment insurance program in the State.  Abolishes      
   the commission on July 1, 2003.                                             
          STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE                                           
          HB2079 fails to create a State mandate.                              
          FISCAL NOTE (DCCA)                                                   
          HB 2079, imposes no additional requirements and does not have        
          a fiscal impact on units of local government.                        
   97-03-10  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   97-03-10  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   97-03-11  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               LABOR COMERCE         
   97-03-21  H  DO PASS/STANDARD DEBATE                  011-010-000   HLBC    
   97-03-21  H  PLACED CAL 2ND READING-STANDARD DEBATE                         
   97-04-07  H                     FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED PARKE                 
   97-04-07  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED     PARKE                 
   97-04-07  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   97-04-11  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE FILED                               
   97-04-11  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   97-04-14  H                         FISCAL NOTE FILED                       
   97-04-14  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   97-04-16  H  SECOND READING-STANDARD DEBATE                                 
   97-04-16  H  PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-STNDRD DEBATE                       
   97-04-18  H  RECLLD TO SECOND READING-STANDARD DEBATE                       
   97-04-18  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-YOUNGE             
   97-04-18  H                     AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL                  
   97-04-18  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-YOUNGE             
   97-04-18  H                                BE ADOPTED HRUL                  
   97-04-18  H  HELD CAL ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   97-04-25  H  RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A)     RULES         HRUL    
   99-01-12  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


 Full Text  Bill Summary