90th General Assembly
Status of HJRCA0010
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   ILCON Art. VI, Sec. 7                                                       
   ILCON Art. VI, Sec. 8                                                       
   ILCON Art. VI, Sec. 12                                                      
   ILCON Art. VI, Sec. 12.1 new                                                
   ILCON Art. VI, Sec. 12.2 new                                                
   ILCON Art. VI, Sec. 12.3 new                                                
   ILCON Art. VI, Sec. 12.4 new                                                
   ILCON Art. VI, Sec. 12.5 new                                                

        Proposes  to  amend  the  Judiciary  Article  of   the   Illinois      
   Constitution.   Provides  for the appointment of Supreme and Appellate      
   Court Judges, and Circuit Judges in the First  Judicial  District  and      
   circuits  adopting merit selection by referendum, by the Governor from      
   nominees submitted by Judicial Nominating Commissions.  Permits  other      
   Judicial Circuits to adopt by referendum a plan for merit selection of      
   Circuit  Judges.  Provides  that  Judicial Review Commissions shall be      
   established to decide whether  appointed  Judges  shall  be  retained.      
   Provides  for  Associate Judges to be phased out in the First Judicial      
   District and  in  circuits  adopting  merit  selection.   Makes  other      
   changes. Effective upon approval by the electors.                           
   97-03-03  H  READ IN FULL A FIRST TIME                                      
   97-03-03  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   97-03-05  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               JUD-CIVIL LAW         
   97-07-02  H  RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(B)     RULES         HRUL    
   99-01-12  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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