WATSON-PETKA. (STEPHENS-HOLBROOK-BOLAND) 105 ILCS 5/2-3.130 new Amends the School Code. Requires the State Board of Education to provide, or arrange to have provided, educators liability coverage in specified amounts for each certificated employee of any school district or other public elementary or secondary educational entity in Illinois. Effective immediately. FISCAL NOTE, ENGROSSED (State Bd. of Ed.) Existing liability coverage is $160 million a year. Additional coverages are estimated at $2.6 to $3.9 million per year. Additional staff would require $175,000. STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE, ENGROSSED (State Bd. of Ed.) No change from previous note. HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 1. (House recedes January 27, 1998) Deletes reference to: 105 ILCS 5/2-3.130 new Adds reference to: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.12b Changes the title, deletes everything after the enacting clause, and amends provisions of the School Code relating to determining the residency and legal custody of a pupil for tuition payment purposes. Effective immediately. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 1. Recommends that the House recede from H-am 1. Recommends that the bill be amended as follows: Adds reference to: 105 ILCS 5/19-1 from Ch. 122, par. 19-1 Changes the title and replaces everything after the enacting clause. Adds language changing a provision of the School Code under which school districts that meet prescribed statutory criteria are authorized to issue bonds before January 1, 1999. Changes the applicable statutory criteria that a district must meet to issue the bonds. Eliminates a population requirement currently applicable to the county in which the school district is located. Provides that the bonds must be issued to purchase a site and equip a new high school in a unit school district whose existing high school was originally constructed at least 35 years before the sale of the bonds. Changes the maximum equalized assessed valuation and average daily attendance criteria applicable to a district that desires to issue the bonds, requires the district's board of education to by resolution determine that a new high school is needed because of projected enrollment increases, and increases the percentage of those voting in an election who must approve a proposition for issuance of the bonds. Effective immediately. 97-02-06 S FIRST READING 97-02-06 S REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE RULES 97-02-19 S ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE EDUCATION 97-02-27 S POSTPONED 97-03-05 S POSTPONED 97-03-12 S DO PASS 009-000-001 SESE 97-03-12 S PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF 2ND READING 97-03-13 97-03-13 S SECOND READING 97-03-13 S PLACED ON CALENDAR ORDER OF 3RD READING 97-03-14 97-03-17 S THIRD READING - PASSED 050-004-000 97-03-18 H ARRIVE IN HOUSE 97-03-18 H PLACED CALENDAR ORDER OF FIRST READING 97-04-01 H HOUSE SPONSOR STEPHENS 97-04-08 H FIRST READING 97-04-08 H REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE RULES 97-04-09 H ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE ELEM SCND ED 97-05-01 H DO PASS/STANDARD DEBATE 012-007-001 HELM 97-05-01 H PLACED CAL 2ND READING-STANDARD DEBATE 97-05-06 H SECOND READING-STANDARD DEBATE 97-05-06 H PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-STNDRD DEBATE 97-05-09 H FISCAL NOTE FILED AS ENGROSSED 97-05-09 H STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE FILED AS ENGROSSED 97-05-09 H CALENDAR ORDER 3RD READING-STNDRD DEBATE 97-05-15 H RECLLD TO SECOND READING-STANDARD DEBATE 97-05-15 H AMENDMENT NO. 01-STEPHENS 97-05-15 H AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL 97-05-15 H AMENDMENT NO. 01-STEPHENS 97-05-15 H RULES REFERS TO HELM 97-05-15 H HELD CAL ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT 97-05-16 H AMENDMENT NO. 01-STEPHENS 97-05-16 H BE ADOPTED HELM/019-000-000 97-05-16 H HELD CAL ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT 97-05-16 H AMENDMENT NO. 01-STEPHENS 97-05-16 H ADOPTED 97-05-16 H PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-STNDRD DEBATE 97-05-16 H THIRD READING/STANDARD DEBATE/PASS 103-012-000 97-05-16 H ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR HOLBROOK 97-05-16 H ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR BOLAND 97-05-19 S SECRETARYS DESK - CONCURRENCE 01 97-05-20 S FILED WITH SECRETARY 97-05-20 S MOTION NON-CONCUR - HOUSE AMENDMENT NO 01-WATSON 97-05-20 S SEN NON-CONCURS IN HSE AMENDMENTS (NO.) 01 97-05-21 H ARRIVE IN HOUSE 97-05-21 H PLACED CALENDAR ORDER NON-CONCURRENCE 01 97-05-22 H MOTION REFUSE RECEDE - HSE AMEND NO 01/STEPHENS 97-05-22 H HSE REFUSES TO RECEDE FROM AMENDMENT NO 01 97-05-22 H HSE REQUESTS CONFERENCE COMMITTEE 1ST 97-05-22 H HSE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE APPOINTED 1ST/HOLBROOK, 97-05-22 H PHELPS, HANNIG, 97-05-22 H STEPHENS AND 97-05-22 H CHURCHILL 97-05-23 S SEN ACCEDE REQUEST CONFERENCE COMMITTEE 1ST 97-05-23 S SEN CONFERENCE COMMITTEE APPOINTED 1ST/WATSON, 97-05-23 S CRONIN, O'MALLEY, 97-05-23 S BERMAN, COLLINS 98-01-15 S FILED WITH SECRETARY 98-01-15 S CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 1ST/WATSON 98-01-15 S CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT REFERRED TO SRUL 98-01-15 S CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 1ST WATSON 98-01-15 S BE APPROVED FOR CONSIDERATION SRUL 98-01-15 S SEN CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT SUBMITED 1ST/WATSON 98-01-15 S SENATE ADOPTED CONFERENCE REPORT 1ST/053-000-000 98-01-27 H HSE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT SUBMITED 1ST/STEPHENS 98-01-27 H CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT REFERRED TO 1ST/HRUL 98-01-27 H RULES REFERS TO HELM 98-01-27 H BE APPROVED FOR CONSIDERATION HELM 98-01-27 H MOTION PREVAILED TO SUSPEND RULE NO 75(B) 98-01-27 H HOUSE ADOPTED CONFERENCE REPORT 1ST/115-000-000 98-01-27 S BOTH HOUSES ADOPTED CONFERENCE REPORT 1ST 98-01-27 S PASSED BOTH HOUSES 98-01-28 S SENT TO THE GOVERNOR 98-01-28 S GOVERNOR APPROVED 98-01-28 S EFFECTIVE DATE 98-01-28 98-01-28 S PUBLIC ACT.............................. 90-0570 END OF INQUIRY Full Text Bill Summary