O'MALLEY-BUTLER-PARKER-WALSH,T-RADOGNO. Appropriates $2,300,000 to the Department on Aging to implement the senior benefits advocacy program. Effective July 1, 1998. 98-02-18 S FIRST READING 98-02-18 S REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE RULES 98-02-19 S ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR BUTLER 98-02-19 S ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR PARKER 98-02-19 S ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR WALSH,T 98-02-19 S ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR RADOGNO 98-03-03 S ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE APPROP 99-01-12 S SESSION SINE DIE END OF INQUIRY Full Text Bill Summary