State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 912

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill  912  by  replacing
 3    the title with the following:

 4        "AN  ACT to amend the Voluntary Payroll Deductions Act of
 5    1983 by changing Section 3."; and

 6    by replacing everything after the enacting  clause  with  the
 7    following:

 8        "Section 5.  The Voluntary Payroll Deductions Act of 1983
 9    is amended by changing Section 3 as follows:

10        (5 ILCS 340/3) (from Ch. 15, par. 503)
11        Sec.  3.  Definitions.  As  used  in  this Act unless the
12    context otherwise requires:
13        (a)  "Employee" means any regular officer or employee who
14    receives salary or wages for personal  services  rendered  to
15    the  State of Illinois, or an individual hired as an employee
16    by a contract with that individual.
17        (b)  "Qualified  organization"  means   an   organization
18    representing   one   or   more   benefiting  agencies,  which
19    organization  is  designated  by  the  State  Comptroller  as
20    qualified to receive payroll deductions under this Act.    An
21    organization   desiring  to  be  designated  as  a  qualified
                            -2-              LRB9101550MWksam
 1    organization shall:
 2             (1)  Submit written designations on  forms  approved
 3        by  the  State Comptroller by 4,000 or more employees, in
 4        which such employees indicate that  the  organization  is
 5        one   for   which   the  employee  intends  to  authorize
 6        withholding. The forms shall  require  the  name,  social
 7        security  number,  and  employing  State  agency for each
 8        employee.  Upon notification by the Comptroller that such
 9        forms have been approved, the organization shall,  within
10        30  days,  notify in writing the Governor or his designee
11        of  its  intention  to  obtain  the  required  number  of
12        designations.  Such organization  shall  have  12  months
13        from that date, to obtain the necessary designations. The
14        signed forms and signatures on the forms shall be subject
15        to verification by the State Comptroller;
16             (2)  Certify  that  all  benefiting agencies are tax
17        exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of  the  Internal  Revenue
18        Code;
19             (3)  Certify  that  all  benefiting  agencies are in
20        compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act;
21             (4)  Certify that all  benefiting  agencies  are  in
22        compliance   with   the  Charitable  Trust  Act  and  the
23        Solicitation for Charity Act;
24             (5)  Certify that all benefiting  agencies  actively
25        conduct  health  or welfare programs and provide services
26        to individuals directed at one or more of  the  following
27        common human needs within a community: service, research,
28        and education in the health fields; family and child care
29        services;  protective  services  for children and adults;
30        services for children and adults in foster care; services
31        related to the management and maintenance  of  the  home;
32        day  care  services  for adults; transportation services;
33        information, referral and counseling  services;  services
34        to  eliminate illiteracy; the preparation and delivery of
                            -3-              LRB9101550MWksam
 1        meals; adoption  services;  emergency  shelter  care  and
 2        relief   services;   disaster   relief  services;  safety
 3        services;   neighborhood   and   community   organization
 4        services;  recreation  services;  social  adjustment  and
 5        rehabilitation services; health support  services;  or  a
 6        combination of such services designed to meet the special
 7        needs of specific groups, such as children and youth, the
 8        ill  and infirm, and the physically handicapped; and that
 9        all such benefiting agencies provide the above  described
10        services   to  individuals  and  their  families  in  the
11        community and surrounding area in which the  organization
12        conducts its fund drive, or that such benefiting agencies
13        provide  relief to victims of natural disasters and other
14        emergencies on a where and as needed basis;
15             (6)  Certify that the organization has disclosed the
16        percentage of the organization's total collected receipts
17        from employees that are  distributed  to  the  benefiting
18        agencies  and  the percentage of the organization's total
19        collected receipts from employees that are  expended  for
20        fund-raising and overhead costs.  These percentages shall
21        be  the same percentage figures annually disclosed by the
22        organization to the  Attorney  General.   The  disclosure
23        shall  be made to all solicited employees and shall be in
24        the form of a factual statement on all petitions  and  in
25        the campaign's employee brochure;
26             (7)  Certify  that all benefiting agencies receiving
27        funds which the employee has requested or designated  for
28        distribution  to  a  particular community and surrounding
29        area  use  a  majority  of  such  funds  distributed  for
30        services in the actual  provision  of  services  in  that
31        community and surrounding area;
32             (8)  Certify   that   neither   it  nor  its  member
33        organizations   will   solicit   State   employees    for
34        contributions at their workplace, except pursuant to this
                            -4-              LRB9101550MWksam
 1        Act and the rules promulgated thereunder.  Each qualified
 2        organization,  and  each  participating  United  Fund, is
 3        encouraged to cooperate with  all  others  and  with  all
 4        State  agencies  and  educational  institutions  so as to
 5        simplify  procedures,  to  resolve  differences  and   to
 6        minimize costs;
 7             (9)  Certify  that  it  will  pay  its  share of the
 8        campaign costs and will comply with the Code of  Campaign
 9        Conduct  as  approved  by the Governor or other agency as
10        designated by the Governor;
11             (10)  Certify that it maintains a year-round office,
12        the telephone number,  and  person  responsible  for  the
13        operations   of   the   organization  in  Illinois.  That
14        information shall be provided to the State Comptroller at
15        the time the organization is seeking participation  under
16        this Act; and
17             (11)  Provide  (i)  an  annual audit, in conformance
18        with generally accepted accounting procedures and current
19        to  within  12  months  of  the   organization's   fiscal
20        year-end, (ii) Internal Revenue Service Form 990 covering
21        the  same  period  as  the  submitted audit, and (iii) an
22        annual report of the organization's  activities,  current
23        to within 12 months of the organization's fiscal year. If
24        a   qualifying  organization  represents  more  than  one
25        benefiting  agency,  it  shall  also  certify  that   the
26        documentation  required  by this paragraph is on file for
27        those agencies. The Comptroller is authorized to  request
28        documentation  of  the qualifying organization for any or
29        all of the benefiting agencies upon written request.  The
30        qualifying  organization  shall  have 10 business days to
31        respond after it receives the request.
32        Each qualified organization shall  submit  to  the  State
33    Comptroller  between  January  1  and March 1 of each year, a
34    statement that the organization is in compliance with all  of
                            -5-              LRB9101550MWksam
 1    the  requirements  set  forth in paragraphs (2) through (11).
 2    The State Comptroller shall  exclude  any  organization  that
 3    fails  to  submit  the  statement  from the next solicitation
 4    period.
 5        In order to be designated as  a  qualified  organization,
 6    the organization shall have existed at least 2 years prior to
 7    submitting   the   written   designation  forms  required  in
 8    paragraph (1) and shall certify to the State Comptroller that
 9    such organization has been providing  services  described  in
10    paragraph  (5)  in  Illinois.  If  the  organization  seeking
11    designation  represents  more  than one benefiting agency, it
12    need not have existed for 2 years but shall  certify  to  the
13    State  Comptroller  that  each of its benefiting agencies has
14    existed for at least 2 years prior to submitting the  written
15    designation forms required in paragraph (1) and that each has
16    been   providing  services  described  in  paragraph  (5)  in
17    Illinois.
18        Organizations which have met the requirements of this Act
19    shall  be  permitted  to  participate  in   the   State   and
20    Universities  Combined  Appeal  as of January 1st of the year
21    immediately following their approval by the Comptroller.
22        Where the certifications  described  in  paragraphs  (2),
23    (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), and (11) 2, 3, 4, 5,
24    6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  and 11 above are made by an organization
25    representing more than one benefiting agency  they  shall  be
26    based  upon  the  knowledge  and  belief  of  such  qualified
27    organization.  Any  qualified  organization shall immediately
28    notify the State Comptroller  in  writing  if  the  qualified
29    organization  receives information or otherwise believes that
30    a benefiting agency is  no  longer  in  compliance  with  the
31    certification  of  the  qualified  organization.  A qualified
32    organization representing more  than  one  benefiting  agency
33    shall  thereafter  withhold  and refrain from distributing to
34    such benefiting agency those funds received pursuant to  this
                            -6-              LRB9101550MWksam
 1    Act  until  the benefiting agency is again in compliance with
 2    the qualified organization's  certification.   The  qualified
 3    organization  shall  immediately notify the State Comptroller
 4    of  the  benefiting  agency's  resumed  compliance  with  the
 5    certification,  based  upon  the   qualified   organization's
 6    knowledge  and  belief,  and shall pay over to the benefiting
 7    agency those funds previously withheld.
 8        The Comptroller shall, by February 1st of each  year,  so
 9    notify  any  qualified organization that failed to receive at
10    least 500 payroll deduction pledges during  each  immediately
11    preceding solicitation period as set forth in Section 6.  The
12    notification  shall  give  such  qualified organization until
13    March 1st to provide the Comptroller with documentation  that
14    the  500 deduction requirement has been met.  On the basis of
15    all the documentation, the Comptroller shall, by  March  15th
16    of each year, submit to the Governor or his designee, or such
17    other  agency as may be determined by the Governor, a list of
18    all organizations which have met the  500  payroll  deduction
19    requirement.   Only  those  organizations which have met such
20    requirements, as well  as  the  other  requirements  of  this
21    Section,  shall  be  permitted to solicit State employees for
22    voluntary contributions and the Comptroller shall discontinue
23    withholding for any such organization  which  fails  to  meet
24    these requirements.
25        (c)  "United  Fund" means the organization conducting the
26    single, annual,  consolidated  effort  to  secure  funds  for
27    distribution  to  agencies  engaged  in charitable and public
28    health, welfare and  services  purposes,  which  is  commonly
29    known as the United Fund, or the organization which serves in
30    place of the United Fund organization in communities where an
31    organization known as the United Fund is not organized.
32        (d)  "State  and  Universities Employees Combined Appeal"
33    (SECA), otherwise known as "SECA", means  the  State-directed
34    joint  effort of all of the qualified organizations, together
                            -7-              LRB9101550MWksam
 1    with the United Funds,  for  the  solicitation  of  voluntary
 2    contributions from State and University employees.
 3        In  order  for  a United Fund to participate in the State
 4    and Universities Employees Combined Appeal, it  shall  comply
 5    with the provisions of Section 3, paragraph (9) of subsection
 6    (b).
 7    (Source: P.A. 90-487, eff. 8-17-97; revised 10-31-98.)

 8        Section  99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect upon
 9    becoming law.".

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