State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 2970

 2        AMENDMENT NO. ____.  Amend House Bill 2970,  on  page  7,
 3    line 26, by replacing "air pollution," with "air pollution,";
 4    and

 5    on  page  7,  line  27,  by  replacing "noise pollution" with
 6    "noise pollution"; and

 7    on  page  9,  line  32,  by  replacing  "coal  mineral"  with
 8    "mineral"; and

 9    on page 10,  by  replacing  lines  14  through  17  with  the
10    following:
11    "capable  of  supporting  vegetation  shall  be  covered to a
12    minimum depth of 4  feet  with  soil  or  other  material  in
13    accordance   with   sound   soil  conservation  practices  as
14    prescribed by the Director.  Such material must be capable".

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