State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ Senate Amendment 001 ]
[ Senate Amendment 002 ]




 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 585

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 585  by  replacing
 3    lines 4 through 13 with the following:

 4        "Section 5.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
 5    as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
 6    purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General
 7    Revenue Fund to the Board of Trustees  of  Southern  Illinois
 8    University  to  meet  the ordinary and contingent expenses of
 9    Southern Illinois University for the fiscal year ending  June
10    30, 2000:
11      For Personal Services, including
12       payment to the University for
13       personal services costs incurred
14       during the fiscal year....................... $160,529,400
15      For State Contributions to
16       Social Security..............................    1,721,400
17      For Contractual Services......................   18,071,300
18      For Travel....................................       41,000
19      For Commodities...............................    1,084,600
20      For Equipment.................................    8,107,400
21      For Telecommunications
22       Services.....................................    1,104,200
23      For Operation of Automotive
                            -2-            LRB9102962NTsbam05
 1       Equipment....................................      250,700
 2      For Awards and Grants.........................      920,700
 3      For Southern Illinois Collegiate
 4       Common Market ...............................       98,900
 5        Total                                        $191,929,600

 6        Section 10.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
 7    as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
 8    purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated   from   the
 9    Education  Assistance  Fund  to  the  Board  of  Trustees  of
10    Southern   Illinois  University  to  meet  the  ordinary  and
11    contingent expenses of Southern Illinois University  for  the
12    fiscal year ending June 30, 2000:
13      For Personal Services, including
14       payment to the University for
15       personal services costs incurred
16       during the fiscal year.......................  $20,810,000
17      For State Contributions to
18       Social Security..............................      123,700
19      For Contractual Services......................    4,129,200
20      For Travel....................................            0
21      For Commodities...............................      295,700
22      For Equipment.................................    2,126,800
23      For Telecommunications
24       Services.....................................      428,500
25      For Operation of Automotive
26       Equipment....................................            0
27      For Awards and Grants.........................       86,100
28        Total                                         $28,000,000

29        Section  15.   The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as
30    may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
31    business  on  June 30, 1999, from an appropriation heretofore
32    made for that purpose in Article 22, Section  45,  of  Public
                            -3-            LRB9102962NTsbam05
 1    Act 90-585, is reappropriated to Southern Illinois University
 2    from  the  Capital Development Fund for the renovation of the
 3    Psychomotor Skills  Labs  for  Nursing  at  the  Edwardsville
 4    campus.

 5        Section  20.   The sum of $350,000, or so much thereof as
 6    may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
 7    business  on  June 30, 1999, from an appropriation heretofore
 8    made for that purpose in Article 22, Section  55,  of  Public
 9    Act 90-585, is reappropriated to Southern Illinois University
10    from  the  Capital Development Fund for the renovation of the
11    Planning Science Lab at the Edwardsville campus.".

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