State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Senate Amendment 002 ]




 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 688

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 688, by  replacing
 3    the title with the following:

 4        "AN  ACT  regarding  appropriations.";  and  by replacing
 5    everything after the enacting clause with the following:

 6        "Section 5.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
 7    thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
 8    and purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  from  the
 9    General  Revenue  Fund  to  the  Board of Trustees of Chicago
10    State University to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses
11    of the Board of Trustees and Chicago State University:
12      For Personal Services, including
13       payment to the University for
14       personal services costs incurred
15       during the fiscal year ......................  $34,026,400
16      For State Contributions to Social Security ...       50,000
17      For Contractual Services .....................    1,000,000
18      For Travel ...................................        1,000
19      For Commodities ..............................        1,000
20      For Equipment and Library Books ..............      290,000
21      For Telecommunication Services ...............      460,000
22      For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........        1,000
                            -2-           SRA91SB0688MJcpam01
 1      For Permanent Improvements ...................        1,000
 2        Total                                         $35,830,400

 3        Section 10.  The  following  named  amount,  or  so  much
 4    thereof  as  may  be  necessary, for the objects and purposes
 5    hereinafter  named,  is  appropriated  from   the   Education
 6    Assistance  Fund  to  the  Board of Trustees of Chicago State
 7    University to meet the ordinary and  contingent  expenses  of
 8    the Board of Trustees and Chicago State University:
 9      For Contractual Services .........................$ 310,200

10        Section  15.   The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as
11    may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
12    Fund to Chicago State University for a grant to the Office of
13    Distance Learning for the purpose of technology improvements.

14        Section  20.   The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
15    may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
16    Fund to Chicago State University for a grant to the Office of
17    Distance    Learning    for   costs   associated   with   the
18    Telecommunications Summer Camp.

19        Section 25.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
20    may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
21    Fund to Chicago State University for a grant to the  Athletic
22    Department.

23        Section  30.  In addition to any other amounts previously
24    or elsewhere appropriated, the sum of $150,000,  or  so  much
25    thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General
26    Revenue  Fund  to  the  Board  of  Trustees  of Chicago State
27    University to support a financial assistance center.

28        Section 35.  The sum of $50,000, or so  much  thereof  as
                            -3-           SRA91SB0688MJcpam01
 1    may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
 2    Fund to the Chicago State University for a grant to the Black
 3    Artists Conference.

 4        Section 9999.  Effective date.   This  Act  takes  effect
 5    July 1, 1999.".

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