State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1559

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 1559 by  replacing
 3    the title with the following:

 4        "AN  ACT  to  amend  the  School  Code  by adding Section
 5    2-3.131."; and

 6    by replacing everything after the enacting  clause  with  the
 7    following:

 8        "Section 5.  The School Code is amended by adding Section
 9    2-3.131 as follows:

10        (105 ILCS 5/2-3.131 new)
11        Sec. 2-3.131.  K-5 class size reduction grant program.  A
12    class  size  reduction  grant program is hereby created.  The
13    program shall be implemented and administered  by  the  State
14    Board   of   Education,   which   shall   award  grants  from
15    appropriations made for purposes of this  Section  to  school
16    districts  that meet the criteria established by this Section
17    for the award of those grants.
18        Grants shall be awarded  pursuant  to  application.   The
19    form  and  manner  of  applications  and the criteria for the
20    award of grants shall be prescribed by  the  State  Board  of
21    Education.   However,  the  grant  criteria  as so prescribed
                            -2-            LRB9112804NTksam01
 1    shall provide that:  (i) only those districts  that  maintain
 2    grades  kindergarten  through  5  shall be grant eligible and
 3    only with respect to such of those grades as have an  average
 4    class  size for the grade of at least 23 pupils per classroom
 5    at the time the district applies for the  grant;  (ii)  if  a
 6    district  qualifies  for  a  grant  under item (i), the grant
 7    shall be conditioned upon the agreement of  the  district  to
 8    reduce  the  size  of each classroom maintained for pupils in
 9    the grade with respect to which that  grant  is  made  by  at
10    least  5 pupils per classroom; and (iii) no grant funds shall
11    be awarded to enable a district to reduce class size to  less
12    than 18 pupils per classroom.
13        Grants  awarded  to eligible districts under this Section
14    shall be used and applied by  the  districts  to  defray  the
15    costs  and  expenses  of operating and maintaining classes in
16    grades kindergarten through 5 that  meet  the  size  criteria
17    established by this Section.
18        The  State  Board  of  Education  shall  adopt any rules,
19    consistent with the requirements of this  Section,  that  are
20    necessary  to  implement  and  administer  the K-5 class size
21    reduction grant program.

22        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect  July
23    1, 2000.".

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