DART-LANG-BROSNAHAN-SCOTT-GASH, MCKEON, ACEVEDO, SCHOENBERG, SHARP, KENNER, BRADLEY, RONEN, CURRIE, HAMOS AND ERWIN. 720 ILCS 5/24-3 from Ch. 38, par. 24-3 Amends the Criminal Code of 1961. Makes various changes to the unlawful sale of firearms statute. Includes in various violations of the statute, transferring or possessing with intent to transfer a firearm to a person prohibited by law to possess a firearm. Makes a transferor of a firearm criminally liable if he or she has reasonable cause to believe that the person is prohibited by law from possessing a firearm. Prohibits the transfer of more than one firearm to any one person within a 30 day period. FISCAL NOTE (Criminal Justice Information Authority) HB228 will not have a fiscal impact on the Authority. CORRECTIONAL NOTE (Dept. of Corrections) Corrections population and fiscal impacts are minimial. FISCAL NOTE (Illinois State Police) HB228 would have no measurable fiscal impact on the State Police. JUDICIAL NOTE, H-AM 1 (Administrative Office of Ill. Courts) It has been determined that the bill would neither decrease or increase the need for the number of judges in the State. HOME RULE NOTE, H-AM 1 (Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs) Does not pre-empt home rule authority. STATE MANDATES NOTE, H-AM 1 (Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs) Does not create a State mandate. FISCAL NOTE, H-AM 1 (Illinois State Police) Fiscal impact on the State Police would be $713,500. FISCAL NOTE, H-AM 1 (Dept. of Corrections) There will be minimal fiscal and corrections population impact. CORRECTIONAL NOTE, H-AM 1 (Dept. of Corrections) Same as previous fiscal note. HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 1. Adds reference to: 720 ILCS 5/24-3.1A new Changes references in the statute on unlawful sale of firearms from "sell" or "give" to "transfer". Prohibits multiple sales of handguns within a 30-day period. Creates the offense of unlawful purchase of handguns. Provides exemptions. Penalty is a Class A misdemeanor for a first offense and a Class 4 felony for a second or subsequent offense. 99-01-14 H FILED WITH CLERK 99-01-26 H FIRST READING 99-01-26 H REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE RULES 99-01-27 H ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR LANG 99-01-27 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR BROSNAHAN 99-01-27 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR SCOTT 99-02-02 H ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE JUD-CIVIL LAW 99-02-03 H FISCAL NOTE FILED 99-02-03 H CORRECTIONAL NOTE FILED 99-02-03 H COMMITTEE JUD-CIVIL LAW 99-02-03 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR GASH 99-02-04 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR MCKEON 99-02-05 H FISCAL NOTE FILED 99-02-05 H COMMITTEE JUD-CIVIL LAW 99-02-05 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR ACEVEDO 99-02-10 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR FEIGENHOLTZ 99-02-11 H DO PASS/SHORT DEBATE 007-004-000 HJUA 99-02-11 H PLACED CALENDAR 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 99-02-11 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR SCHOENBERG 99-02-11 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR SHARP 99-02-16 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR KENNER 99-03-03 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR BRADLEY 99-03-12 H AMENDMENT NO. 01-DART 99-03-12 H AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL 99-03-12 H RULES REFERS TO HJUA 99-03-12 H CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE 99-03-16 H AMENDMENT NO. 01-DART 99-03-16 H RECOMMENDS BE ADOPTED HJUA/006-003-000 99-03-16 H FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED AS AMENDED STEPHENS 99-03-16 H STATE MNDT FISCAL NOTE RQSTD AS AMENDED STEPHENS 99-03-16 H CORRECTIONAL NOTE REQUESTED AS AMENDED STEPHENS 99-03-16 H HOME RULE NOTE REQUESTED AS AMENDED STEPHENS 99-03-16 H JUDICIAL NOTE REQUESTED AS AMENDED STEPHENS 99-03-16 H SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE 99-03-16 H HELD ON CAL ORDER 2ND RDG - SHORT DEBATE 99-03-18 H JUDICIAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED BY HOUSE AMEND #1 99-03-18 H HOME RULE NOTE FILED AS AMENDED BY HOUSE AMEND #1 99-03-18 H STATE MNDT FISCAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED BY HOUSE AMEND #1 99-03-18 H FISCAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED BY HOUSE AMEND #1 99-03-18 H HELD ON CAL ORDER 2ND RDG - SHORT DEBATE 99-03-19 H FISCAL NOTE FILED BY HOUSE AMEND #1 99-03-19 H CORRECTIONAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED BY HOUSE AMEND #1 99-03-19 H HELD ON CAL ORDER 2ND RDG - SHORT DEBATE 99-03-22 H AMENDMENT NO. 02-DART 99-03-22 H AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL 99-03-22 H AMENDMENT NO. 01-DART 99-03-22 H ADOPTED 99-03-22 H PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-SHORT DEBATE 99-03-22 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR RONEN 99-03-22 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR CURRIE 99-03-22 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR HAMOS 99-03-22 H ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR ERWIN 99-03-22 H THIRD READING/SHORT DEBATE/LOST 050-064-002 END OF INQUIRY Full Text Bill Summary