91st General Assembly
Status of HB0233
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   New Act                                                                     
   5 ILCS 80/4.20 new                                                          

        Creates the Electrician Licensing Act. Provides for regulation of      
   electricians  and  electrical  contractors.  Establishes   fines   for      
   violations  of  the Act. Provides for concurrent exercise by home rule      
   units. Amends the Regulatory Sunset Act to repeal this Act January  1,      
   2010. Effective January 1, 2000.                                            
          FISCAL NOTE (Dept. of Labor)                                         
          Initial start-up costs would total approximately $198,500.           
          Additional expenses for administration and enforcement cannot        
          be predicted.                                                        
          HOME RULE NOTE (Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs)             
          HB 233 pre-empts home rule authority.                                
          STATE MANDATES NOTE (Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs)        
          Creates a personnel mandate for which reimbursement is               
          required; no cost estimate is available.                             
          HOUSING AFFORDABILITY NOTE (Housing Development Authority)           
          No fiscal effect on a single-family residence.                       
          FISCAL NOTE, H-AM 2, 3 (Dept. of Labor)                              
          Same as previous Dept. of Labor fiscal note.                         
          CORRECTIONAL NOTE, H-AM 2, 3 (Dept. of Corrections)                  
          There will be no fiscal or population impact on this Dept.           
        HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 2.                                                 
          Adds reference to:                                                   
          30 ILCS 105/5.490 new                                                
        Provides for fee by rule.  Provides  that  fees  may  not  exceed      
   specified amounts. Changes dates in the Section regarding electricians      
   practicing  before  this  Act  from  January  1, 2000 to July 1, 2000.      
   Provides that governmental  inspectors  meeting  certain  requirements      
   shall  be  granted  a one year journeyman electrician license. Exempts      
   any  manufacturing  corporation  that  engages   in   the   activities      
   incidental  to  operation  or maintenance of its existing business and      
   facilities from the application of the Act. Provides that the Act does      
   apply  to  a  manufacturing  corporation  that  is  involved  in   new      
   construction  that  results  in  the  expansion  of  its  business and      
   existing facilities. Provides that the Act shall not be  construed  to      
   prevent  the  employees  of  an  owner  or  operator  of  a  farm from      
   conducting certain activities  in  regard  to  wiring,  apparatus,  or      
   equipment  for  electric  light,  heat,  or power on the farm. Exempts      
   certain persons from the application of the Act. Provides an exemption      
   for employees of an electric utility or  electric  utility  affiliate,      
   communications   or   railway   utility,   electric,   telephone,   or      
   telecommunication  cooperative,  or  telephone company under specified      
   conditions from the  application  of  the  Act  and  from  inspection.      
   Provides  for the deposit of fees and fines into the Electrical Safety      
   Standards Fund. Amends the State Finance Act to create the  Electrical      
   Safety  Standards Fund. Provides for an extension of time during which      
   a representative may continue to carry on the business of  a  decedent      
   after  the  death  of  a  master  electrician  who  is  an  electrical      
   contractor. Changes the effective date to July 1, 2000.                     
        HOUSE AMENDMENT NO. 3.                                                 
        Provides  that  the  Department  shall  establish  standards  and      
   qualifications  for  electrical  inspectors  by  rule.   Removes   the      
   requirement  that  Department  inspectors  hold  licenses as master or      
   journeyman electricians.                                                    
          HOUSING AFFORDABILITY NOTE, H-AM 2, 3                                
          (Housing Development Authority)                                      
          Same as previous housing affordability note.                         
   99-01-19  H  FILED WITH CLERK                                               
   99-01-26  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   99-01-26  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   99-01-27  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 LANG                  
   99-01-27  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               REG & REG             
   99-02-08  H                         FISCAL NOTE FILED                       
   99-02-08  H                   COMMITTEE               REG & REG             
   99-02-19  H  HOME RULE NOTE FILED                                           
   99-02-19  H                   COMMITTEE               REG & REG             
   99-02-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    MCCARTHY              
   99-02-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    MCGUIRE               
   99-03-03  H  DO PASS/STANDARD DEBATE                  009-006-000   HREG    
   99-03-03  H  PLACED CAL 2ND READING-STANDARD DEBATE                         
   99-03-04  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED     BLACK                 
   99-03-04  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   99-03-04  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    O'BRIEN               
   99-03-05  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    JOHNSON,TIM           
   99-03-09  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   99-03-12  H  SECOND READING-STANDARD DEBATE                                 
   99-03-12  H  HELD CAL ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   99-03-16  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE FILED                               
   99-03-16  H  HELD CAL ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   99-03-18  H  HOUSING AFORDABILITY IMPCT NOTE FILED                          
   99-03-18  H  HELD CAL ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   99-03-23  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 01-STEPHENS           
   99-03-23  H                     AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL                  
   99-03-23  H  HELD CAL ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   99-03-24  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 02-DART               
   99-03-24  H                     AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL                  
   99-03-24  H                           RULES REFERS TO HLBC                  
   99-03-24  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 03-DART               
   99-03-24  H                     AMENDMENT REFERRED TO HRUL                  
   99-03-24  H                           RULES REFERS TO HLBC                  
   99-03-24  H  FISCAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED             BY HA #2 & 3          
   99-03-24  H  HELD CAL ORDER 2ND READING-STANDARD DBT                        
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 ACEVEDO               
   99-03-25  H  CORRECTIONAL NOTE FILED AS AMENDED       BY AH #2 & 3          
   99-03-25  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 02-DART               
   99-03-25  H  RECOMMENDS BE ADOPTED                    HLBC/011-000-000      
   99-03-25  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 03-DART               
   99-03-25  H  RECOMMENDS BE ADOPTED                    HLBC/011-000-000      
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 SAVIANO               
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 BROSNAHAN             
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    LANG                  
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    SCULLY                
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    GIGLIO                
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    SLONE                 
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    SCOTT                 
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    MCAULIFFE             
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    GRANBERG              
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    CROTTY                
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 LANG                  
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 BROSNAHAN             
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    LANG                  
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    LYONS,JOSEPH          
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    FRITCHEY              
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    BRADLEY               
   99-03-25  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 02-DART               
   99-03-25  H                                   ADOPTED                       
   99-03-25  H                             AMENDMENT NO. 03-DART               
   99-03-25  H                                   ADOPTED                       
   99-03-25  H  PLCD CAL ORDER 3RD READING-STNDRD DEBATE                       
   99-03-25  H  TABLED PURSUANT TO RULE 40(a)            HOUSE AMEND #1        
   99-03-25  H                                  VERIFIED                       
   99-03-25  H  THIRD READING/STANDARD DEBATE/PASS       063-043-006           
   99-03-25  H  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    MCKEON                
   99-03-26  S  ARRIVE IN SENATE                                               
   99-03-26  S  PLACED CALENDAR ORDER OF FIRST READING   99-04-14              
   99-03-26  S  CHIEF SPONSOR                            CRONIN                
   99-03-30  S  HOUS AFFORD IMPCT NOTE FLD AS AMENDED    02, 03                
   99-04-14  S  FIRST READING                                                  
   99-04-14  S  REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE       RULES                 
   99-04-15  S  ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR              OBAMA                 
   99-04-20  S  ADDED AS A CHIEF CO-SPONSOR              LINK                  
   99-04-21  S  ADDED AS A CO-SPONSOR                    MOLARO                
   01-01-09  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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