91st General Assembly
Status of SB0674
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   35 ILCS 5/211 new                                                           

        Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act.  Grants a credit against  the      
   tax  imposed  by the Act in the amount of $300 if (i) the taxpayer has      
   participated during the taxable year in the child and adult care  food      
   program administered by the Illinois State Board of Education and (ii)      
   the  program  complies with the meal pattern regulations of the United      
   States Department of Agriculture.  Provides that the  tax  credit  may      
   not  reduce  the taxpayer's liability to less than zero.  Prohibits an      
   excess credit from being  carried  forward  or  backward  to  the  tax      
   liability  of  another  taxable  year.   Sunsets the credit in taxable      
   years ending on or before December 31, 2003.  Effective immediately.        
   99-02-24  S  FIRST READING                                                  
   99-02-24  S  REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE       RULES                 
   99-02-24  S       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               REVENUE               
   99-03-04  S       TO SUBCOMMITTEE                                           
   99-03-04  S                   COMMITTEE               REVENUE               
   99-03-20  S  RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 3-9(A)    RULES                 
   01-01-09  S  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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