State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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[ Engrossed ][ House Amendment 001 ]



 1        AN ACT concerning managed care plans.

 2        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section  5.  The  Managed  Care Reform and Patient Rights
 5    Act is amended by adding Section 47 as follows:

 6        (215 ILCS 134/47 new)
 7        Section 47.  Health care entity liability.
 8        (a)  In this Section:
 9        "Appropriate and medically necessary" means the  standard
10    for  health  care  services  as  determined by physicians and
11    health care  providers  in  accordance  with  the  prevailing
12    practices   and  standards  of  the  medical  profession  and
13    community.
14        "Enrollee" means an  individual  who  is  enrolled  in  a
15    health care plan, including covered dependents.
16        "Health  care  plan"  means  any  plan whereby any person
17    undertakes to provide, arrange for, pay for, or reimburse any
18    part of the cost of any health care services.
19        "Health care  provider"  means  a  person  or  entity  as
20    defined in Section 2-1003 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
21        "Health  care  treatment  decision" means a determination
22    made when medical  services  are  actually  provided  by  the
23    health  care  plan and a decision that affects the quality of
24    the diagnosis, care, or  treatment  provided  to  the  plan's
25    insureds or enrollees.
26        "Health  insurance carrier" means an authorized insurance
27    company that issues policies of accident and health insurance
28    under the Illinois Insurance Code.
29        "Health maintenance organization" means  an  organization
30    licensed under the Health Maintenance Organization Act.
31        "Managed  care  entity"  means  any entity that delivers,

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 1    administers, or assumes risk for health  care  services  with
 2    systems  or  techniques  to control or influence the quality,
 3    accessibility, utilization, or  costs  and  prices  of  those
 4    services  to  a  defined  enrollee  population,  but does not
 5    include an employer purchasing coverage or acting  on  behalf
 6    of its employees or the employees of one or more subsidiaries
 7    or affiliated corporations of the employer.
 8        "Physician" means: (1) an individual licensed to practice
 9    medicine  in  this  State;  (2)  a  professional association,
10    professional  service   corporation,   partnership,   medical
11    corporation,   or  limited  liability  company,  entitled  to
12    lawfully engage in the practice of medicine; or  (3)  another
13    person wholly owned by physicians.
14        "Ordinary  care" means, in the case of a health insurance
15    carrier, health maintenance  organization,  or  managed  care
16    entity,  that degree of care that a health insurance carrier,
17    health maintenance organization, or managed  care  entity  of
18    ordinary  prudence  would  use  under  the  same  or  similar
19    circumstances.   In  the case of a person who is an employee,
20    agent,  ostensible  agent,  or  representative  of  a  health
21    insurance  carrier,  health  maintenance   organization,   or
22    managed  care  entity,  "ordinary  care" means that degree of
23    care  that  a  person  of  ordinary  prudence  in  the   same
24    profession,  specialty,  or  area  of practice as such person
25    would use in the same or similar circumstances.
26        (b)  A  health  insurance  carrier,  health   maintenance
27    organization,  or other managed care entity for a health care
28    plan has the duty  to  exercise  ordinary  care  when  making
29    health care treatment decisions and is liable for damages for
30    harm  to  an  insured  or  enrollee proximately caused by its
31    failure to exercise such ordinary care.
32        (c)  A  health  insurance  carrier,  health   maintenance
33    organization,  or other managed care entity for a health care
34    plan is also liable for damages for harm  to  an  insured  or
                            -3-                LRB9203665JSpc
 1    enrollee  proximately  caused  by  the  health care treatment
 2    decisions made by its:
 3             (1)  employees;
 4             (2)  agents;
 5             (3)  ostensible agents; or
 6             (4)  representatives who are acting  on  its  behalf
 7        and  over  whom it has the right to exercise influence or
 8        control or has actually exercised  influence  or  control
 9        that results in the failure to exercise ordinary care.
10        (d)  The  standards  in subsections (b) and (c) create no
11    obligation on the  part  of  the  health  insurance  carrier,
12    health maintenance organization, or other managed care entity
13    to  provide  to  an insured or enrollee treatment that is not
14    covered by the health care plan of the entity.
15        (e)  A  health  insurance  carrier,  health   maintenance
16    organization,  or  managed  care  entity  may  not  remove  a
17    physician  or health care provider from its plan or refuse to
18    renew the physician or health care provider with its plan for
19    advocating on behalf  of  an  enrollee  for  appropriate  and
20    medically necessary health care for the enrollee.
21        (f)  A   health  insurance  carrier,  health  maintenance
22    organization, or other managed care entity may not enter into
23    a contract with a physician, hospital, or other  health  care
24    provider   or   pharmaceutical   company  which  includes  an
25    indemnification or hold  harmless  clause  for  the  acts  or
26    conduct  of  the health insurance carrier, health maintenance
27    organization,  or  other  managed  care  entity.   Any   such
28    indemnification  or  hold  harmless  clause  in  an  existing
29    contract is hereby declared void.
30        (g)  Nothing  in  any  law  of  this  State prohibiting a
31    health insurance carrier, health maintenance organization, or
32    other managed care entity from practicing medicine  or  being
33    licensed to practice medicine may be asserted as a defense by
34    the    health    insurance    carrier,   health   maintenance
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 1    organization, or other  managed  care  entity  in  an  action
 2    brought against it pursuant to this Section or any other law.
 3        (h)  In  an  action  against  a health insurance carrier,
 4    health maintenance organization, or managed  care  entity,  a
 5    finding  that a physician or other health care provider is an
 6    employee, agent, ostensible agent, or representative  of  the
 7    health insurance carrier, health maintenance organization, or
 8    managed  care  entity shall not be based solely on proof that
 9    the person's name appears in a listing of approved physicians
10    or health  care  providers  made  available  to  insureds  or
11    enrollees under a health care plan.
12        (i)  This Section does not apply to workers' compensation
13    insurance coverage subject to the Workers' Compensation Act.
14        (j)  This  Section does not apply to actions seeking only
15    a review of  an  adverse  utilization  review  determination.
16    This  Section applies only to causes of action that accrue on
17    or after the effective date of this  amendatory  Act  of  the
18    92nd General Assembly. An insured or enrollee seeking damages
19    under this Section has the right and duty to submit the claim
20    to  arbitration  in  accordance  with the Uniform Arbitration
21    Act.  No agreement between the parties to submit the claim to
22    arbitration is necessary.  A health insurance carrier, health
23    maintenance organization, or managed care entity  shall  have
24    no  liability  under  this  Section unless the claim is first
25    submitted to  arbitration  in  accordance  with  the  Uniform
26    Arbitration Act.  The award in matters arbitrated pursuant to
27    this  Section shall be made within 30 days after notification
28    of the arbitration is provided to all parties.
29        (k)  The  determination  of  whether   a   procedure   or
30    treatment is medically necessary must be made by a physician.
31        (l)  If  the  physician  determines  that  a procedure or
32    treatment is medically necessary, the health care  plan  must
33    pay for the procedure or treatment.
34        (m)  This  Section  does  not apply to licensed insurance
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 1    agents.

 2        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect  upon
 3    becoming law.

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