State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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[ Introduced ]




 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 756

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill  756  by  replacing
 3    everything after the enacting clause with the following:

 4        "Section  1.  Short  title.  This Act may be cited as the
 5    Safe Egg and Laying Hen Protection Act.

 6        Section 5. Definitions.  As used in this Act:
 7        "Department"   means   the   Illinois    Department    of
 8    Agriculture.
 9        "Forced   molting   procedure"   means   the   deliberate
10    withholding  of  food  or water from a laying hen in order to
11    induce a loss and regrowth of feathers  for  the  purpose  of
12    increasing  or  extending  egg production.  The term does not
13    include withholding food or water from a laying hen upon  the
14    advice  of a veterinarian for the purpose of treating disease
15    or otherwise improving the health of the laying hen.
16        "Laying hen" means a female chicken kept for the  purpose
17    of commercial egg production.

18        Section 10. Legislative findings; public policy.
19        (a)  The General Assembly finds that:
20             (1)  The  forced  molting  procedures  used  by some
21        commercial egg producers are inherently  inhumane.   They
                            -2-            LRB9205137EGfgam01
 1        result   in   unnecessary  cruelty  to  laying  hens  and
 2        contribute  to   the   production   of   unsanitary   and
 3        disease-containing eggs.
 4             (2)  Forced  molting procedures are used to increase
 5        and extend egg production.  The most common procedure  is
 6        to remove all food (and in some cases all water) from the
 7        hens  for  10  to  14  days;  this  disrupts their normal
 8        hormone cycles,  causing  them  to  molt  or  lose  their
 9        feathers.   Although this process results in an extension
10        of a hen's ability to lay eggs, it also  produces  stress
11        and   immune   system  compromise,  which  increases  the
12        likelihood   and   severity   of   bacterial    infection
13        (especially  Salmonella enteritidis) and other disease in
14        both the hen and her eggs.   Force-molted  hens  are  far
15        more susceptible to infection than unmolted laying hens.
16             (3)  Contaminated  eggs  are  a  leading  source  of
17        Salmonella  enteritidis  infection  in  people.  In 1997,
18        over 300,000 human illnesses  and  between  115  and  229
19        deaths  occurred  as  a result of Salmonella enteritidis.
20        The use of forced  molting  is  a  major  contributor  to
21        Salmonella  enteritidis  infection  in  both  poultry and
22        eggs.  Countries and facilities where the use  of  forced
23        molting   has  been  reduced  have  experienced  dramatic
24        reductions in Salmonella levels in both laying  hens  and
25        eggs.
26             (4)  Consumers Union has expressed its opposition to
27        forced  molting for public health reasons, and many other
28        countries and organizations throughout the  world  oppose
29        the  use  of  forced  molting  procedures  on both public
30        health and humanitarian grounds.
31        (b)  The General Assembly declares that it is the  public
32    policy of this State to encourage the production of eggs in a
33    manner  that  provides  appropriate  and  humane treatment of
34    laying hens and results in the  production  of  sanitary  and
                            -3-            LRB9205137EGfgam01
 1    disease-free eggs.

 2        Section 15.  Forced molting procedures prohibited.
 3        (a)  Beginning  January  1,  2002,  a  person  engaged in
 4    commercial egg production in this State shall not  subject  a
 5    laying hen to any forced molting procedure.
 6        (b)  Knowing  violation  of  this  Section  is  a Class A
 7    misdemeanor.
 8        (c)  In addition to  criminal  penalties,  a  person  who
 9    violates  this  Section  may  be  subject  to  administrative
10    penalties  imposed  by  the  Department,  which may include a
11    civil penalty of up to $100 for each laying hen subjected  to
12    a forced molting procedure.

13        Section  25.  Additional rules.  The Department may adopt
14    any rules regulating the treatment of  laying  hens  that  it
15    determines  to be necessary for the protection of laying hens
16    from cruel and inhumane treatment by commercial egg producers
17    in this State.  In adopting any such  rules,  the  Department
18    shall    take    into   consideration   the   standards   and
19    recommendations of recognized authorities and  the  economics
20    of the Illinois egg production industry.

21        Section  30.   Powers  of the Department.  The Department
22    has   all   powers   necessary   or   appropriate   for   the
23    administration and enforcement of this Act, including without
24    limitation the power:
25             (1)  to adopt rules (including emergency rules)  for
26        the administration and enforcement of this Act,
27             (2)  to   investigate   any   alleged  or  suspected
28        violation of this Act,
29             (3)  to  enter  and  inspect  any   commercial   egg
30        production facility in this State,
31             (4)  to  impose  civil penalties after giving notice
                            -4-            LRB9205137EGfgam01
 1        and an opportunity for a hearing, and
 2             (5)  pursuant to a  valid  court  order,  to  seize,
 3        remove,  or  destroy  any  equipment used in violation of
 4        this Act.

 5        Section 35.  Complaint; investigation; action.
 6        (a)  Any person may complain to the Department  about  an
 7    apparent  or  threatened  violation  of  this  Act  or a rule
 8    adopted under this Act.  The Department shall investigate the
 9    complaint and shall report the result of its investigation to
10    the complainant.
11        (b)  If it determines that a violation of this Act  or  a
12    rule  adopted  under  this Act is threatened or has occurred,
13    the Department shall take appropriate administrative or other
14    action to correct, restrain, or prevent the violation.
15        (c)  The Department shall notify the appropriate  State's
16    Attorney   whenever   it   determines   or  suspects  that  a
17    significant violation of Section 15 has occurred.

18        Section 40.  Enforcement; injunction; nuisance.
19        (a)  The Department may bring an action  in  the  circuit
20    court  of  any  county  in  which  an  actual  or  threatened
21    violation  of  this  Act  or of a rule adopted under this Act
22    occurs, for the purpose of:
23             (1)  seeking an order restraining any continuing  or
24        threatened  violation  of  this  Act or of a rule adopted
25        under this Act,
26             (2)  seeking  an  order  condemning  as   a   public
27        nuisance   and   directing   the   seizure,  removal,  or
28        destruction of any equipment used in  violation  of  this
29        Act or of a rule adopted under this Act, or
30             (3)  collecting any civil penalties lawfully imposed
31        under this Act.
32        (b)  Any  other person may bring an action in the circuit
                            -5-            LRB9205137EGfgam01
 1    court of any  county  in  which  an  apparent  or  threatened
 2    violation  of  this  Act  or  a  rule  adopted under this Act
 3    occurs, for the purpose of seeking an order restraining  that
 4    violation.   In  an action brought under this subsection, the
 5    court may award reasonable attorney's fees and costs  to  the
 6    prevailing party.

 7        Section  99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect upon
 8    becoming law.".

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