State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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[ Introduced ]




 1                    AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 1099

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill 1099  by  replacing
 3    everything after the enacting clause with the following:

 4        "Section 5.  The School Code is amended by adding Section
 5    21-21a as follows:

 6        (105 ILCS 5/21-21a new)
 7        Sec. 21-21a.  Waiver of student teaching requirement.  If
 8    a teacher (i) has been teaching in the public schools of this
 9    State  for  at  least  one  year,  (ii)  received a rating of
10    "satisfactory" or better  performance  on  his  or  her  last
11    teacher  evaluation,  (iii) has never been a student teacher,
12    and (iv) is receiving teacher training at a teacher  training
13    institution,  then the teacher training institution may waive
14    any student teaching requirement.  If  the  teacher  training
15    institution  does  not  waive  such  a  requirement, then the
16    institution must allow the teacher to student  teach  at  the
17    school where the teacher currently teaches.

18        Section  99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect upon
19    becoming law.".

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